you're a jewish spy arn't you?
You're a jewish spy arn't you?
i can show you my foreskin
What gave it away?
Oy vey, you found me out!
wrong pic, sorry
who else is ready for the upcoming nazi kino?
Something cool nobody ever mentions, one of the actors in that scene is Ronald Reagan.
That sounds like something a jewish spy pretending to be the fuhrer would say!
That's ridiculous! I'm a Mormon spy!
*sips* ahh... fuck nazis.
he said he lives in arizona! that guy wasn't even trying to hide
can show me a pic of what reagan would have looked like around this time?
There’s just a small problem with that. Ronald Reagan is from Illinois, not Arizona. He was also born in 1911, but this guy looks a lot younger than 50.
relax mate I'm just having a bit of fun at your expense.
It's not an exact likeness but his name is written somewhere in the room
A different user posted that. Not mad at you.
>kill hitler
>game over
fuck sw*den and fuck wh*toids
good on ya mate
must be nice to be hitler, get all the aryan babes
How did this game fuck up so badly? The New Order and The Old Blood were great, so how did everything go wrong?
so how does young blood end
do they kill hitler
is hitler even in it
is it even a good game
No, Mister Hitler, I'm from Arizona.
I'm an atheist
Hitler is already dead.
you can't prove that. I'll take you to court for slander. My cousin's a lawyer, you know.
how does it tie in with the other games
hitler killed more white people than the bubonic plague and destroyed european hegemony
Imagine being so fucking retarded that you run around claiming to be an expert in american history but your Reagan strawman neither looks nor sounds like him, is from the wrong fucking state, and the wrong fucking age.
Jimmy Carter is fucking spot on, but the pansy little shits censored his fucking name
Hitler was so dumb and senile hahaha he was such a bumbling idiot that couldn't get anything done XD XD
Is Taika Waititi playing Hitler an example of whiteface?
Also Hitler can't contend with Typhus and his starving army being unable to feed starving concentration camp residents. Also, they were outscored by Russia and China by a huge margin even IF we accept the 6 buzillion as fact.
But this is a Hitler that actually survived into the 60s.
Peak Aushwitzmode
shut the fuck up and play videogames
We never said republicans are nazis, not buy out fucking game, goy!
>His father is Māori of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and his mother is of Russian Jewish and Irish heritage.
he's partially white, so no it's not
I'm currently bouncing between Astral Chain, CTR, League of Legends with friends Dead by Daylight, just started Blasphemous today, and probably gonna start Borderlands 3 when it launches. What more do you want from me boss?
REEEE Jews are not white! We are nothing like you filthy goyim and don’t you dare suggest otherwise ever again or I’ll attack your credit score
It doesn't at all seem more likely though, but it's still funny.
hopw did you knews
Is anybody else disappointed by how they're portraying Hitler in the new Wolf series? In fact, I'm not really sure why they featured him at that point in the game, like he's some sort of gag or side character.
I think the point of all the Hitler iconography in the original games was to psyche the player up that he's the baddest Nazi and you're going to fight him.
I think it would be cool if they had omitted this reveal in TNC and instead made him the unseen major villain in a third game to round out a trilogy, at the end finding out that it was kind of a Wizard of Oz thing where he's old and frail and basically a head in a jar/mecha-Hitler cyborg in the 1980s.
Swedes dont give a shit about what would actually be good. They only care about spreading their moronic progressive propaganda and occasionally screeching about how the orange man is so bad, he isn’t worthy of changing their stinky diapers.
they only showed him in one scene as a demented and senile old man with extreme paranoia, his portrayal seemed plausible, shame about the rest of the game though
Nein mein fuhrer. I’m here to help continue your work.
That would be legitimately cool, and Machinegames doesn’t want to do that anymore.
Wasn’t he on cocaine and other drugs too? Because if he was, then realistically, he wouldn’t be in the best condition by the 60s, even with super Jew tech magic.
>Wolf3D only happened in Hitler’s head
Same. I just love murdering German soldiers that were forced into military service only to have their nation bullied into absolute submission by post war propaganda.
wow he really lost the mutt lottery there, better off just tanning your skin full on and embracing the samoan lifestyle at that point
>nazi kino
Do you not understand what satire is?
The senile Hitler scene was the highpoint of TNC for me since most of the game was shit. I just found it kind of funny and silly in general, but do feel like they wasted him. I got no idea how they're supposed to wrap the series up now with all three of their major antagonists dead.