Holy shit, I love KFC
I want her to sit on my face
juicy thighs, plump breasts, and a greasy box to put my bone into.
so are you playing as a girl or a man?
I want her to shit in my mouth.
Advertising is a bannable offense.
I want her to snap my neck with her thighs
Imagine unironically eating KFC in this day in age.
you now notice the awful shading.
So is ur face
>le epic quirky corporate viral marketing
Suck our cock you unpaid intern. KFC is shit and so are you.
>those thighs
what the fuck KFC
Since the only language Yea Forums speaks is twitter here's a blue checkmark to lay down some truths.
i want her to step on me
>day in age
>$0.03 has been deposited to you KFC rewards card
shill thread
I want to lick her thighs
>not Popeyes
Yikes. Surprised Arby's hasn't memed this hard yet.
yeah shit's almost as bad as that pespiman game. can't believe retard boomers have nostalgia over that shit.
Legs are my favorite piece as well.
>tfw no Popeye's dating sim where you romance a sassy black woman
>company makes a dating sim for advertising purposes
>uhh ohh um.. advertiser mindgames and uhmm.. consumers are losing again and uhh.. we must fight the capitalist machine because uhh shock factor and erhm... look at my twitterpost
>surprised that a company that literally sells thighs likes them big and plump
this shit is really obnoxious just like Wendy's
prove me wrong
>company makes ad
>games "journalists" spread it for free
And they wonder why people don't respect them
Well, it helps that Pepsiman wasn't released in a time where this shitty viral marketing scheme would work and...oh yeah, it was an actual game.
seriously what the fuck
If I can't date this slut then I'm never eating at KFC again
It's even more obnoxious, the wendys fanart thing wasn't officially licensed and sold.
>"Dude, why the fuck do you hate dating sims so much?"
>archrival character
it's a meme that the best girls in these things never have routes. You know she won't.
>ugh i wish kotaku would showcase my 5-bucks-a-month-on-patreon indie game so I'd also make money
>americans still pushing for their obesity fetish
fuck's sake I want to see you niggers after your diabetes type 2 diagnosis and your third knee surgery
I wanna fuck her tho
Just fap to the big tiddy slut with thick thighs and don't eat the chicken.
fat fucks
>must defend KFC from random asshole on internet
You a nigger or what?
>KFC dating sim
>the only game where you can have a leg in one hand, and a breast in the other
Why are you defending corporations so hard? Why would you want advertising to be well, advertised, instead of actual video games? Oh wait. I forgot. This is Yea Forums.
really makes you think
>random asshole shitting on a random flustered asshole on the internet
>fuck... he got me good... maybe I should just uninstall unity...
Niggers hate KFC the most.
>company makes "game"
>"gamers" both straight, tranny, and homo alike buy them in droves
And they wonder why Chad and Stacys avoid them
Mate, I don't program with that shit. I've got standards.
I know what you're saying but in the age of portable cameras and social media; advertising is as easy as sharing a photo.
KFC's twitter could've just shared the title screen of the game without actually developing it and things would've gone more or less the same. Going the extra mile and releasing it is another thing already.
Can the west(mostly indies) make an RPG or VN without 10 layers of "META" and "Genre deconstruction" ? It's okay to enjoy things.
It's going to be a click-through text VN with a "which door do you choose" choice every 5 minutes.
This isn't vidya.
>oh no he pointed out I'm white knighting a fast food company on the internet
>best just accuse him of being a game developer
Just a reminder that KFC is fucking huge in japan, almost fine dining even.
If you live in japan and want some KFC on christmas, I hope you made a catering order months in advance.
That is how something like this can exist.
Though I'm still amazed the KFC corp would actually greenlight it officially and put it on steam.
>It's okay to enjoy things.
there's your answer why
Does the game have an option to date with Aeshleigh
serious question
>Come on guys.. just play my default Unity asset game, PLEASE, it's just 10 dollars! You know, if every one of you unique posters gave me 10 dollars that would already be 290 dollars! I could buy another asset pack!
>"which door do you choose"
If there's any choice but back door I'm not interested in this game.
Hot take incoming:
Maybe, JUST MAYBE, a game can be made by a corporation for the sake of advertising, AND be an enjoyable game on its own right. Ever thought of that? There's nothing stopping both of those ideas from being simultaneously true.
See:Why do you whiteknight so hard? Why do you have to keep deflecting to indie developers? Why are you so mad people don't like your advertising campaign?
So, how long will Yea Forums continue to seethe over this game until they finally give in anyway?
Sorry, you can't pork Aegigisilieiseileisleigh, or whatever jumble of letters niggers think make Ashley, up the ass there.
Two days after release and there won't be a fucking peep.
kind of gross that this VN's theme is eating ANIMAL CORPSES
This would be fine point if you weren't talking about a corporate VN, a genre in which most passion projects do little more than give you dialogue options here or there, and a genre that when taken as a whole barely counts as vidya.
>give into a low quality """"game""""
I didn't give into the Wendy's circlejerk and I won't give into this
the only good fast-food is shake shack and even then I'd rather have an actual burger rather than some New York shit I have to wait in line for an hour for
yes there will you tremendous jizzsponge
this fucking faggot board does nothing but start fights over stupid bullshit that neither side really cares about
All the good games were developed already, we're in postmodernism in videogames now
Advertising company called Psyop. And frankly this thread is proof about how good they are at their jobs.
Anybody mad about this is a literal commie, there is nothing wrong with entertaining advertising at all.
This thread was literally made by a KFC employee.
Wow, you saw right through them, didn't you user? I wish I was as smart as you. Where did you get your bachelor's degree in business?
nice try commie
anyone have the name of the girl yet?
God dammit i want to eat a KFC now
>you're going to fall for this
>no I'm not
I'm not claiming to be smart.
You are absolutely right. Remember Pepsiman
so do you play as a male or female?
>Facebook filename
yes, clearly.
Ah yes, people interested in discussing whether or not this VN has merit should definitely consider your opinion. The person who thinks all VNs are shit.
How very helpful.
oh no advertisers are advertising with goofy bullshit designed to catch your eye and stand out from the rest this is a new phenomenon and hasn't happened daily since corporate-driven advertisement was first devised
fUcKiNg NoRmAlFaGs
Why not just have fun? Hell, if you're already eating KFC, and love VNs, then you lose nothing by playing this game. If you DON'T like KFC, but you do like VNs, then you can play this game, and NOT buy KFC afterwards. You ARE mentally strong enough to avoid being manipulated by advertising, aren't you? You CAN enjoy a product without enjoying what that product stands for, can't you?
Don't, KFC is shit. Just get chicken somewhere else, dog.
Why aren’t you reading the kfc comic Yea Forums?
>B-But is advertisement! D-Dont fall on it!
You all look like tinfoil hats.
Remember Pepsiman
But what about MY game! MY game needs to be advertised for free as well! IT'S NOT FAIR REEEEEEEE
it was an ad bruh
You can literally tell which posts are KFC interns trying to enact their talking points and drive the narrative.
what, you mean the guy claiming that anyone who thinks it's dumb is actually an indie developer isn't a regular Yea Forums user?
Oh no...
>Don't help.
>Go and see if Aesheshelay is diddling her clit with the stirring stick. (She isn't.)
finally a good VN
What narrative and talking points does KFC have beyond selling chicken to black people?
>Don't mind me, just passing through.
name them then, seasoned shill-hunters are usually only good at finding posts they disagree with that MUST be covert operatives
Whatever niggers; I'm gonna get a Taco Bell Triple Crunchwrap Box for dinner, and you can't do shit to stop me.
but most importantly,
>Remember Pepsiman
Yes, one does not simply forget Pepsiman
I bet you wrote this post thinking it would make the game sound less appealing.
How in the hell does your degree program go so poorly you intern in fast food marketing?
>there's even a JoJo reference
would you say... with 11 spices
I got a little into it and if it seems appealing, then it's just proof this is a lazy concept that they'll somehow manage to fuck up by making it too long and sanitized.
Imagine the thighjobs
there are literally shill companies
McDonald's was caught using one recently.
The one on the right actually owns Kentucky Fried Human
Joke or 'ironic' dating sims are beyond played out. Why the fuck would I play this one instead of one of the hundreds of others that already exist?
Wait a fucken minute?
>he doesn't know
None of the Colonels actually own KFC, the chicken colonel obviously sold his human plantation fast food restaurant to evil chickens
Because this one's developed specifically as a KFC ad, and disturbingly it seems higher-quality than a lot of dating-sim type games so far. It's a big corporation making an ironic dating-sim so it's notable. Do you have water on the brain?
Aw. I even had an internal narrative where the Colonel himself came into brief the interns on posting on Yea Forums while they were packed into a little conference room with their smartphones out. But yeah, it's a consulting firm, I feel that.
they already made porn of her
Their potato wedges are pretty good but even nigs won't willingly eat there
Argentinians can shill better than you.
I'm meant to care because it's an advertisement for shit-tier chicken? How fat are you, anyhow?
I was going to joke about the Burger King stealth game back in the day but you guys enjoy your tinfoil hats.
do the Valhalla devs really shill here?
Assblasted indie devs aside, don't normies associate these type of games with porn?
I can make better spicy chicken than Popeyes, let alone breading that isn't like a Nature Valley bar. Those fucks don't even presalt and marinate in milk and hot sauce, which is why the chicken ranges from "Costco" to "Sahara"
>uhh why should i care
>uhh i don't care lmao?
Go do something you enjoy.
ok fatass
They did. But it was they themselves hustling for their product, not a bunch of Chinks or Flips packed in closer than the chickens used to make tasty KFC orig oh god help inal reci they've gotten to me too
blatant viral advertising, but really wish I could have sat in on the marketing meeting where this was greenlit desu
yeah? So? Wendy's made a bunch of money off of /aco/ folks buying burgers. They're trying to hit the same market here.
Aegislash (Shield Forme)
Sex sells, mate.
we need more
I agree
Looks like a carbon copy of food wars Anime how the hell they get away with it just slap parody and KFC on it?
>Assblasted indie devs aside
I don't know, offering free space for advertisement is pretty retarded objectively.
But, to answer your question. Yes. These games are absolutely associated with porn. The only way that you could get any association not with porn is if it's an otome (which it is), and has some sort of side mechanic (which it may? do you get to dunk chicken in a fryer?).
user, are you okay? Is your hair changing color, by any chance? Have you suddenly entered some terrible Colonel Sanders themed version of the Escape Clause where you'll be forced to shill for chicken?
normies dont play vns but some casuals like casual weebs who only watch anime will play this shit.
also some sjws seem triggered,
>still no Wendys ero game yet
im sad lads
It's called food, retard.
Did you even ask that chicken its name before you brought it back to your pen?
But they're owned by the same corporation user, so by buying Taco Bell it's like you're essentially buying KFC.
His name was Kevin and he was an asshole. He killed his brother and raped a bunch of other chickens.
Make a competing Onions VN, you'll rack up free showcasing because you'll be the vegan alternative.
Their grilled chicken is surprisingly better than their fried chicken.
was he tight?
did you know that the transformers cartoon was an advertisement for a series of toys. in fact most children's cartoons were advertisements for merchandising.
i guess what i'm saying is you are a pretentious loser and i hope you die
I prefer Jack's medium-rare boiled chicken
Didnt know there were so many fucking pinkos here. How does viral marketing affect you at all? Let retards buy shit you are not their mom.
Louisiana > Kentucky
i don't respect them because they are stupid people that write blog posts for a living
It's on my doorstep, faggot, taking a shit on the welcome mat. Why do you think we don't want that viral shit here?
Find me when Bojangles makes a game, then I'll be interested.
For your sake I hope you know I can tell you're not a new poster in the thread.
it's annoying?
Shut up faggot
its free tho. also colonel has been already a meme like those stupid mugen videos. how new are you.
>he doesn't know that it's morning hours in shitpostland
that looks nasty
Fuck, has anyone actually seen the KFC OP on the store page?
I kinda want to die right now.
>also colonel has been already a meme like those stupid mugen videos
it's pretty cringey when multi-million obesity-corps take goofy injokes among nerds and try to exploit their 'culture' for advertising revenue.
"Ha ha ha! Aren't we weeb, fellow channelards? Isn't it crazy to date Kernel-senpai?"
Im talking about the retards like the one who posted the tweet, not about retards who actually believe the OP is a KFC intern and not just a shitposter
>not about retards who actually believe the OP is a KFC intern and not just a shitposter
actually obsessed
actually based
But if OP isn't a KFC intern that means my marketer geiger-counter is off, I can't actually detect marketers, I'm wasting my time, and my entire perception of reality is thrown into question.
admit shit like this is funny
all right
It's hot chicken, Nashville's gift to the spicy chicken world, chicken pleb
OP probably is because this is the same image that was used at the beginning of the advertising campaign for Yea Forums.
So, can you fuck her or not?
I'd probably chalk it up to shitposting laziness too since threads in general over the past year or two tend to recycle the same two or three OP images, depending on subject.
wendy's dating sim but you can't date wendy because she's too devoted to her job of creating and killing diabetics
Who knows? And who cares? Since it's a VN it would be 4 hours of clicking and, since it's Corporate, you'll just get a black screen.
Just wait a few months for the porn to pop up on Twitter, Pixiv, HF, etc., and make its way down to the boorus.
The ones about particular games or subjects that, surprise surprise, there might be a marketing consultancy firm behind.
>whiteknighting for shitlards without self-control
yep, this place is going down the gutter
>tfw ate 18 Pizza Hut Garlic Parmesan Wings and a Jimmy Johns Italian night club today.
kfcfags will never know this feel
I sincerely doubt Smash shitposting, Final Fantasy XIV, Mordhau and DMC5 threads have direct marketing-firms behind them.
and tweeting
The feel of IBS? KFC lends itself more to painless greasy shits than that nuke you've just dropped on yourself.
>yep, it's time for me to go back to ResetEra. Fuck this anti-communist establishment. Viva la revolucion!
Mordhau's developed by, like, ten Europoors, user. Shut your flapping nigger lips.
Hey shill, I know you think you're clever and funny, but just do yourself a favor and kill yourself before your bosses do it for you.
This isn't baiting. This is (You) farming, and it's honest and respectable work. Good luck with your crop.
The KFC thread last night was comfy gold. We’ll never get another one.
The only two possibilities behind this post are that you're shitposting epic-style or you're genuinely offended I said you'd get painful diarrhea from fast-food and both are equally stupid.
I'm just amazed at how far you're willing to go to believe that Yea Forums isn't infested with advertisement.
Does the idea frighten you? The board that you probably grew up with, where you could talk about the games you actually played, with people who actually played them, turned into a den of shilling?
That's why you need to go to a combination pizza hut and taco bell
this would be worth making if not for having to dodge those c&ds
>wendy agrees to go out with you on a date, but stands you up because she gets into a fight with arby's on twitter and forgets about you
Yea Forums's more obsessed with advertisement than infested with it.
>Nintendo pays people to make grotesque Steve threads
You live in an interesting world
You need to work on the posting style.
Lurk more, shillfag.
the company that made this game is named PSYOP and this is what it says at the top of their site. i too love living in a cyberpunk dystopia
KFC made it.
It's readily apparent to anyone who bothers to pay attention and isn't a retard who's only been here since 2011.
anyone made her in koikatsu yet?
So is she supposed to represent some specific other chain?
Like...Popeye's or something?
i too love all of the leftoids that hyperventilate about advertising
This thread made me feel a lot better about myself though, I mean just look at these nuclear assblasted replies - all because of a visual novel published by KFC
Thanks Yea Forums
Yea Forums shrieked at the top of its lungs about "viral" or "viral marketing" at that time-period, and they were about as accurate back then as they are now.
kys cucKFC shill
can I feed her my seed after I fuck fuck and suck her?
all movies and music videos of the last decade have done that, you are late to the party
>I need to see it to believe it
>educated inference and implication aren't enough for me
Done with you.
every board on this website is infested with advertising
>educated inference and implication
I wouldn't call the average Yea Forumsirgin educated in much of anything.
*every board on this website is infested with jews
the difference is that more and more now theyre getting their advertising right and targeting it properly, i.e. they can actually make people here unironically excited about it, whereas 5 years ago no one gave a shit about the avengers game or whatever the fuck
Talking about literally anything is a form of word-of-mouth advertisement.
jews are too exensive
Porn when?
I think Arby's made a mario maker level
Nobody gives a shit about the latest Avengers game now either, looked like hot garbage.
>Download and beat the game
>Don't buy KFC afterwards
I hope you have an autoclicker installed, otherwise you'll miss a step.
>call out a company's "hello fellow kids" routine is hyperventilating
I don't know why people go to bat for these corporations. They will never give you anything in return. If consumers dismissing a shitty ad campaign upsets you, write a positive review on steam to influence the 'market.'
You'll have to legally change your name, at least once, likely twice.
Woa man that's so profound I never thought of it that way truly the next big philosopher right here
I really dont see the problem. For me its a good thing in fact because Im not a compulsive buyer and Id rather not recognize ads.
>oh my cyberpunk dystopia is an advertisement that people would want to interact with
you're a joke kid
you've also got the "X isn't your friend" meme down
do they make you in factories
they're really not
What do you get for "calling them out"?
Can anyone spoonfeed me her r34s? Does she have any yet?
(You)s and a Yea Forums-friendly variant of being #woke
im the guy who posted the psyop thing and im far from a lefty. i actually like the idea of these advertisement games doing it right. but you cant deny the fact that it is some cyberpunk dystopia shit, just like all these twitter accounts for these brands and how they act on twitter. stop thinking about things in such a black and white manner that you just reject anything that sounds slightly to the left of center
The smug sense of satisfaction knowing I am smarter than the other retards in this thread, like this drone
Who are psyop?
Can someone explain what's so wrong about them?
>you have to admit brands arguing on social media is dystopia
leftoids aren't even human
being contrarian doesn't make you unique here lmao
>Who are psyop?
>Can someone explain what's so wrong about them?
>you cant deny the fact that it is some cyberpunk dystopia shit, just like all these twitter accounts for these brands and how they act on twitter.
I see nothing wrong with that, is just marketing
guess i should dye my hair blue and cry about marketing so i can be an individual
burgerpunk sounds comfy as fuck, I just wish companies stopped getting into politics
>theres absolutely nothing off about "We are iconic, visual storytellers that blur the lines between advertising and entertainment. Our mission is to Persuade, Change and Influence." from an advertisement company named PSYOP
ok dude, i guess some people just have really low iq. id even say its intentional on their part as a joke
Imagine being someone making a VN right now and being forced to realize that a chicken meme ad will be infinitely more memorable and profitable than yours will ever be.
>oh no, they are gonna make me buy stuff, maybe
truly the death of the human spirit
don’t how many times you call me retarded, i would still not see what is wrong with that
no there isn't anything wrong with that at all
>but user they call themselves psyop
oh no they've probably read sun tzu
>EXPLOITIVE VIRAL MARKETING please give us money
Did I get that right?
It's dumb, and maybe annoying, but you don't have to buy it to look at porn of drumstick girl.
I'd much rather do that than update my adblocker so I can read some clique kid's shitty reviews.
Not any of the anons you've been talking to but who fucking cares? KFC wants to make a dating sim with a thicc girl and people are losing their minds, for what? At least it isn't filled with trans bitches or some shit.
All it's doing is saying hey, wanna buy our chicken? They could do the same thing in a newspaper with a picture of a guy smiling and eating a bucket of chicken but they decided to have some fun with it. That's how businesses work. Shit, if I ever get my shit together and get my own brand off the ground i'll have to do similar stuff to get peoples attention. You gonna bitch at me too?
10 psyop credits have been deposited in your kfc accounts. thanks for your work anons
what does calling them a shill again accomplish
Row, row, fight da powah you filthy fucking commie.
>At least it isn't filled with trans bitches or some shit
thanks holy mother computer, you are so much better than the jews
looks great
maybe I should start shilling here
thanks for the free credits bro
i'm going to spend them on a viral ad campaign that makes underachievers think they are clever for recognizing that they are watching an ad
>put effort into marketing
Chex quest is based and so is KFC
thats actually pretty clever
the wedges and mac n cheese are kino
Is KFC still garbage or did they improve their chicken?
>American names
youre welcome my children, now go post some more smash threads, there are only 2 up currently and this is unacceptable
>wait a few months for the porn
nigger I bet it already exists
>would rather invest in a shitty cerebral-jizz game than improve the taste of their shitty chicken
They don't get it do they? People want good food instead of meme garbage. That's why popeyes became viral last month because their chicken was actually good for once. KFC keeps coping with stupid memes like the cheeto sandwich that bombed a few months ago and even started falling for the vegan meme with the beyond chicken, which people unironically enjoyed because fake meat is apparently better then their garbage real chicken. KFC needs to get their shit together
did you that nintendo wants you to buy video games and hardware to play them on?
>ywn be paid to shill fast food chicken on internet social media with cute thicc waifus
I don't want to live to a ripe old age, poor yet devoid of heart failure and cholesterol meat.
Still garbage until I get my free bucket coupons in the mail. In the meantime, get you some Zaxby's, or even Royal Farms for a nigga-lickin-good time.
>PETA gets wind of this
>they make a competing vegan VN just like they used to with Cooking Mama and Pokemon
It would be pretty funny
>people want good food
not according to their spending habits
>popeye's is good
oh it's retarded
>blatant shill thread
>even linked the steam page
>260 posts
>ctrl+f chex
>0 results
You fucks disgust me.
I could dig through Twitter and Pixiv but it looks like all there is so far is her giving some thru-shirt paizuri. Maybe draw threads might have something.
Also, I could but I don't give enough of a shit.
Say the commie fags who disseminate their propaganda through viral means. They are just mad capitalism is winning again.
I've never had kfc in my life, but this is making me want to try
It's pretty trash honestly. Get Zaxbys if you want some decent chicken.
It used to be good. Now any place that serves chicken is just as good or better.
Did the board room approvers anticipate the porn? Either way, I can already hear the gaming journalist outlets revving up their hitpieces now, waiting for the rule 34 to break:
Outraged at a fast food coporation's shameless exploitation of women via the onslaught of fanmade lolicon porn art. Their sense of righteous anger matched only by their feeling of being sleighted direct deposit ad revenue for not being paid to shill instead.
This is Cyberpunk 2020.
i'm pretty sure this was a waste of money on kfc's part but i don't care because i'm not emotionally invested in yum!'s efficiency
since they are killing people with their garbage i hope they waste a lot of money on visual novels
have you thought about just having an avocado instead?
>that booty
>those thighs
>KFC is getting people to eat their chicken because of waifus
The future is wild
Too expensive.
>Did the board room approvers anticipate the porn?
Probably. They probably got the line as something like
>...and there will be organic effects from this marketing campaign that arise spontaneously from various actors elsewhere, further spreading awareness of the title and, therefore, the brand.
>KFC Dating Sim
>KFC hosting a R6S Tournament a day before their Dating Sim release
KFC seems to be going all out on their shilling. Imagine promoting the dating sim game during the tournament.
What if
>Aeshleigh gets a shit ton of porn
>Kfc starts retweeting their favorites
Idol culture soon, Ameribros.
Turns out it was only a matter of time.
Absolutely based and I will eat at KFC.
what were you going to order at kfc, a salt packet?
what does she smell like?
Literally this. Sneak King is advertisement kino even though their food is garbage.
>they are killing people
lmao what a little fag you are
hardened grease and fried chicken skin
fry oil
How is a dating sim a big loss capital wise? Dont they next to nothing to make?
your food is aids and you're spreading it around ethiopia. i think we know who the gaylord is.
(you) for pretending to care, on Yea Forums of all places
>waifus will one day be the main form of advertisement
>eventually images won't be enough
>companies will make physical version of these waifus
This is just the first step towards a utopia.
>Posts Venezuelan game
I'd agree with this statement if this was anything other than an Ironic VN, possibly the most cancerous genre possible
uhh, guys?
me: your food is killing people
you: you don't really believe that
i would put you in a death camp
no one cares fag, this isnt facebook
Buy Kfc
Nigga, they're all the same.
you are suspiciously sensitive about your terrible products, kfc-kun
>PETA vn is Doki Doki Minimum Wage Club pt. 2
When did you retards finally have a problem with shilling? You've been doing this shit all year.
These are not organic comments. Fucking kill yourself you corporate American pigs.
Is monster even aware of the boomer sip meme?
Only 2 weeks until she possibly gets a load more porn.
>implying they aren't the ones who started it in the first place
Which company would be most likely to have a yuri route in their vn or even just be yuri?
I got you bro.
If I go on vacation remember me.
imagine a thread like this getting 300+ replies
and people say this board shouldn't just be deleted
>all the options are scene/hipster girls and/or teenagers
Would be pretty based desu
Yeah imagine Yea Forums talking about a videogame.
have sneed city slicker
You will be remembered for your service
Godspeed, user.
At least they're honest. Although that's probably part of the tactic too. Maybe they're banking on a battered wife syndrome effect.
Maybe the gook's idol mascot obsession wasn't so absurd after all.
Tfw no more rad 2d platformer advertisements.
>Anons sacrificing themselves instead of just going to r34 sites
dilate tranny
Your vagina is not organic.
>implying weebs are any better than bronies
>fucking kfc dating sim
>developer is psyop
So we've just stopped caring now, right?
all the other fast food chains are gonna release their own surprisingly lewd VNs to compete
They got rid of boothbabes at E3. Which is highly disappointing right now because Los Angeles has so many Cosplay Whores that they're desperate for any jon including kids' parties. Even normie whores are doing Cosplay like its normal now.
>waifu wars with corporate sponsors
I'm excited
>tfw you can fuck Grimace as Ronald McDonald
IM Huff
GONNA huff puff
Holy shit, I love astroturfing
very interesting
Insane timeline, I approve.
>no cute and funny character to represent Kids Meals
Why even bother?
>You'll finally be able to get his mcnuggies
The future is amazing
I'm not gonna buy your fucking chicken
i fuckin love taco bell bros
I'm gonna buy some KFC, and then cum into while thinking of Aeshleigh. Take that KFC
no worries, they offer a variety of heart-stopping menu items
It's pretty decent depending on how competent the niggers working there are. I don't think I've ever seen a white person behind the counter there.
The tater wedges are the best I've ever had.
But be aware that the Colonel himself tried some after he sold the company and they changed the recipe, and he thought it was godawful and sued for defamation and won.
Now there's only one restaurant in Kentucky that uses the original recipe.
KFC has more then chicken though. There's gravy on your taters. There's biscuits to butter. You can even stick your straw in the soda. You're okay with all that, aren't you?
This is why Chick-Fil-A will always be the best chicken chain. They don't have to resort to degeneracy by exploiting ćumbrains to buy their food. All they need is good chicken at a good price, it speaks for itself.
I agree Thighs > Breasts > Wings
>Chick-fil-A makes a VN
>cant play it on sundays
You didn't REALLY post it to KFC, right?
>tfw no chick fil a dating sim where you date a southern christian girl
So KFC is shit, but where else do you get fried chikkinz in Australia after 9 PM?
I did. I ain't a little bitch.
you could always learn how to cook
>closes on sundays
>still manages to rise and become the third most played VN and the fast growing franchise in the country
Chick-Fil-A is just okay.
this is epic
What I want, Colonel, is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with this planet as my restaurant, just as my brothers Dick and Mac did long ago. Then one day we'll find a new planet. And on its soil, we'll create a shining fast food chain.
But user, I can do that IRL. I just have to impress her with my double-wide trailer-house.
I found it, he actually did it the actual madman
just buy a piece of rock salt
I want a Doki Doki Literature Club styled game with all the mascots
Friendly reminder
I'm 12 and what is this
If we're going to get bombarded by advertisement at all times regardless, I would rather have it be entertaining.
>no papa John's game where you go around killing black people (or niggers as we like to call them)
The most sensual, finger licking experience you'll ever have with chicken, son. Now tell your parents to order up an order of thighs.
With gravy.
How can that drumstick stocking work? It's more likely to be an oval bump than that.
>28g protein = 56% DV
>A KFC dating sim is advertisment for KFC
Imagine you're a KFC twitter manager and you see this
What do you do?
If you're going to get all the mascots in one game may as well make it a fighting game.
Jerk off
stai zitto paolo sei un coglione LOLOLOLOLO
Face palm but take it in stride because marketing gave a heads up already.
>well hey, thats a successful campagin
glad to see burgerpunk seep into vidya
lmao at 4channers falling for marketing cuck strats just because kfc made a 2d girl. calling sites like reddit and its product-loving nerds as working with the jewish conspiracy but falling over themselves to consume a brand after it make they dick hard.
Wake me up when she gets fat art.
>no thighjob pic of her yet
There is no justice in this world.
I don't have a deep frier
chicken is a good source of protein.
No such thing as bad press.
i expect to wake up tomorrow with 100s of lewds of KFC chan Yea Forums
Maddie Laddie
Except they don't spread it for free, they spread it for clicks, mentions, self promotion or just the desire to be on the current agenda, just like they always do. Holy fuck you're stupid.
Why would I want a girl try to get a guy off with chicken thighs?
We just have to be patient, but I'm sure it'll become a reality one day.
i hope kfc has to deal with a storm of shit after the hyperreactionary NEET armies see a perceived slight against their lovely brand-chan.
just kidding, porn is like a tranquilizer to Yea Forums. expect kfcs shares to rise after they tricked shutins easier than dogs
It's been out for a few days now, retard
>2 months pass
yawn, kfc-chan is a slut anyway. now McChan, the koch sisters and monsantino? those are real waifus
>even nigs won't willingly eat there
what the fuck are you talking about?
that's their main demographic
time to upgrade to grilled chicken
What would I need a third knee for? I only have 2 legs.
>He doesn't jerk off exclusively with chicken grease
I mean yeah but that takes effort
>he doesn't add extra protein to his chicken
never gonna make it
God, I hope this starts a trend that should've started with Wendy's.
Give me more corporate waifus.
this is fucking scary. is this all it takes to change 4chans mind? are their brains turbofucked by nerd consumption culture already?
>dude ironic le so anime VN lmao XD
if Yea Forums had any value as a site of anarchistic and near-violent counterculture against idiotic cynical modernity before, it died today. they bought the lie, and the whole shed of funkopops it has.
you can marinate a few breasts, grill them, and have dinner and ingredients for a couple more meals. how do you feel about cobb salad for lunch?
I'm really hoping it's just shills because if it's not, the jizzbrain meme is real
every board is about some kind of consumption. the real problem is that you are like this but think you are different
this is exactly what they wanted though. they wouldn't have made the girl so sexualized if they didn't want free porn ads made for them.
if it makes the SJWs seethe, that's all it takes to be good in my book.
This is the future Yea Forums chose
yeah i don't know why anyone thinks kfc is bothered that you are going to make fap material. if anything it just increases virality
shit i don't care about on a website i don't use.
yes yes. no ethical consumption under capitalism etc etc.
i am glad im actually aware though, and can avoid consumerist ideological traps like these with ease.
(well, advertising HAS worked on me. having lived in a western culture all my life, i would be a total liar to say advertising has never worked on me. maybe i take pride in never having been tricked consciously by something so laser-precise and cynical as this? or, even better, never making the mistake of buying into hype while being aware that its just a part of the endless hype culture intrinsic to nerdism?)
>i am a delusional nuisance
yes i know
Not an argument.
Most folks here are just looking forward to the fan-produced porn in a meme of the week scenario, user. Maybe an added laugh at the dumb journalist who thinks they're entitled to a direct slice of the viral marketing pie. Like they're above chasing clickbait and minimum wage fastfood jobs.
But in actuality, I'm baster'ing my whole boneless body in KFC certified chicken grease as we speak. Globules of fat and buttercream roiling beneath the heat lamp, then rolling, sticking, clacking to the keyboard with each rhythmic pound. Mhmm... it's finger lickin' good.â„¢
i only care about KFC's meme game because it made my dick hard. if these brands can also make my dick hard, then i have no problem.
sjws are brothers in arms when it comes to fighting the cynicism of culture war-style advertising. if you have ever shat on people for buying into corporate ad campaigns like gillettes bullshit or transgender marches or whatever before you posted this, you are the biggest idiot who ever lived.
Did they delete it? I doubt they’d dare reply or like it. I’m guessing he was blocked.
Those thighs aren’t fat?
you are a stupid person that doesn't realize he is stupid
namecalling and projection. youre trying to create an easier opponent to argue against.
try harder.
Largely indifferent
Dude I fucking love *company* haha! They are so ironic just like me! Advertisements are entertainment!
Retweet that shit, coom to it and empty my load into a Zinger burger
If she don't got the gut I ain't gonna nut
You sound pretty "reactionary' yourself, what with the way you're seething over a cartoon and whatnot.
I’m positive she has a muffin top from all that chicken if her leggings are clearly cutting off her circulation.
we aren't having an argument, peter coffin
>If she don't got the gut I ain't gonna nut
I KNOW VRO!!! its like, finally, the endless hype wars have come to an end. theres finally someone who understands...
i also understand now. the family size mega fun bucket is only 9.99, with extra gravy and honey barbecue dip. 10% off if you screencap your Yea Forums post saying "heck, didnt think yum! brands was so cool before"
true. im sitting on you, chafing your scalp with my knuckles, while you call me a fartface.
i have never seen a red letter media poster before. what an original poster.
>ethiopians die from no food
>now they die from food
Just can't catch a break.
the difference is i have a good target.
no you are a boring man that is telling me that i live in a society
This is such a fucking weird reality
Literally who
you really misunderstand your significance in all of this.
you are an angry dork mad about a disposable visual novel. you rank around the autists that complain about sekai covering some child's tits in the scheme of things
and you dont get even that simple message. or, you are a woke nihilist who has "realized" nothing is worth defending. or you dont like me putting in effort into a post on the internet. or, you think i am an idiot for "caring" too much. or, you are still strawmanning me as someone who gets hyper about social issues and has bought into the narrative in that way.
im simply posting what i think, and standing behind it.
It's to appeal to teenage ironic weebs. The same kind of people who spend money on gachashit and have 0 self awareness or knowledge that being a weeaboo used to be something to be ashamed of.
you are a sperg
lol, im not a social killer for hire or anything. interesting that you view me as a self-important cause fighter rallying a revolution with a flag because i post dissenting opinions.
"Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen".
>Candystand.com which was entirely advertisements for candy but with fun games
>Postopia.com which was the same thing but for fucking cereal
>Nick.com and CartoonNetwork.com with games advertising their shows
>could spend your free time at school playing games that are effectively just advertisements but it didn't matter because they were quality and fun
Zoomers wouldn't understand
watch out cryass has logged on
Please turn off your computer if you unironically believe capitalism is bad.
>using a capitalist computer
Install GNU and libreboot.
this is the basic monologue that lots of people on Yea Forums create as an alternative to engaging with ideas, or creating dialogue.
>im not gonna listen to this guy. hes not worth engaging with anyway because hes dumb, cares too much(?) or is a cryass(???)
its very close to cowardice. burying your head in the sand.
This, fast food is greasy and disgusting.
Eat some properly prepared meal, and fruits instead of sweets.
you will never post anything worth reading
using the hardware is still unethical
capitalism is the worst economic system... except for all the other ones. it has stuck around for so long because its the closest to the natural hierarchy system that human beings work with.
good luck hosting gnu without using any code supplied by corporations bro
i swear this is the last strawman post i will answer to
Overweight amerimutt.
KFC also make this, I literally don't understand why you guys are acting confused. Their viral shit at least actually has effort behind it.
based lowercase i poster
i don't want you to respond, user. you are a gnat.
Speaking of Vidya related burgerpunk, Console Wars would make a good addition on the non fiction section there.
But what about having a leg in one hand and a BEREB in the other?
>fatfuck incels ok with multinational corporations marketing to them as long as it's burgers and anime girls
You can't make this shit up. Somebody destroy this earth already.
I'm more depressed because genuinely good VNs made with sincerity get no coverage but some western VN focused on ironic "Haha, VNs and the Japanese sure are wacky" bullshit will get 1000 articles saying WTF and how it has to be downloaded and played to be believed.
So the fact that KFC is now rubbing 11 herbs and spices into the wound just kind of makes me sad.
they are casual weebs trying to gatekeep japanese culture
this chode for example that has read 3 visual novels
Why are you so mad about people being given what they want without hurting you or costing you? Why do you even care in the first place?
They are pretty good in slavlands since they use local chicken, I believe America is the problem.
>who are psyop
It's not who, but a word. Anyone who uses it is guaranteed to be a far right lunatic, so can be safely ignored.
"what you want" is a KFC advertisement you can engage with on an intimate and sexual level?
my issue is how this really simple ad campaign that promises comfort to lonely neets is drilling so deep into Yea Forums.
a huge brand is leading by the nose a website that was once in the news because of how controversial it was, and one that spawned a lot of counterculture and anti-establishment movements.
none of that ever happened
sure. lay down and let the tank treads roll over your body. it doesnt hurt so much once you sink into the ground.
It's just pandering to ironic weebs you mad cunt.
sounds good
That porn is not coming out fast enough. People can make degenerate porn of a brand new pokemon within an hour of announcement yet we've only had 2 pictures of this character in the past 48 hours. The internet disgusts me.
It's not gatekeeping, retard.
Katawa Shoujo is a good VN
VA-11 Hall-A is a good VN
Doki Doki is derivative shit made out of irony and shock horror.
Dream Daddy is cancer incarnate and can't make up its fucking mind as to whether it's ironic or wants you to feel something.
It isn't about only Japanese VNs, it's about VNs made without some tinge of mockery towards the genre not getting any attention while the shit like this and Pizza Game make normies see the genre as a joke.
This COULD be a good ironic VN, but it's still an ironic VN and it depresses me that it's the one in the spotlight over something like Chaos;Child or Muv Luv.
If anything, isn't /wanting/ more people to read the VNs that actually define the genre the opposite of gatekeeping? Stuff like Higarashi or Umineko, hell even Fate/Stay Night. There's so much out there that people won't look into because they see something like Doki Doki and think it's some codifier for what the genre's like.
if you pay there'll be more of it
and its working really, REALLY well. Yea Forums has no backbone.
every nigga know that popeyes is better baka cuh
you want to keep the wrong people out of visual novel production, to protect muh nippon culture, but you don't actually know anything about the medium in the first place. most visual novels are complete shit and you haven't listed a single visual novel that isn't entry level. fuck off casual weeb, you are why this ad exists
There's literally nothing wrong with gatekeeping. If you can't even meet the minimum requirements to do/enjoy something, then it isn't for you.
Honestly the VR employee training thing they put up on the Oculus store sold me on KFC more than this. But that's because I'm doing an abridged version of the cooking process and it makes the chicken seem more appetizing.
I will say I stopped there today for some cheap chicken and it was better than usual, the chicken wasn't coated in a film of grease and the biscuit was actually soft and didn't clump up in my throat like usual.
It's still not incredible but I feel like I got really lucky today.
yeah, yeah, Yea Forums rise up, the flames rise, joker memes, etc.
I can't afford fast food (monetarily or health-wise) but I like her design. Not going to bother with the game itself, I'm not really into meme-theme VNs.
The last time I tried KFC they burnt 2 pieces of it and refused to accept a return or replace them.
let's go harass some scientologists
DDLC is honestly better than katawa shoujo for what it is, meaning a bite sized VN with interesting gimmicks. Both are severely overrated however.
The fuck are you talking about?
I'm not talking about keeping people out of visual novel production, I'm talking about the fucking state of things where the worst of the bunch gets all the attention. On top of that, yeah no shit what I said was entry level, it's entry level for a reason though and all the same will never be as noticed as this KFC advertisement.
Don't you think it's sad? Don't you think it's fucking sad that THIS is what people see and think when they think about VNs because it's all the media ever pays attention to?
Don't you feel depressed by how people need to be ironic about everything, we can't enjoy anything anymore we have to PRETEND we like it as a joke even if we sincerely did?
How the fuck do you call me the asshole in any of this?
I mean at least KS's gimmick is something that works more than once, if you get spoiled on Doki Doki you pretty much have the whole thing ruined because outside of the gimmick it's pretty hollow.
When I say gimmick I mostly mean in it's presentation. Even if you know DDLC is meta the ways it fucks with you are pretty creative in varied. Meta VNs are a dime a dozen but most are meta through the text alone and not through the visuals or game files, etc. The ones besides DDLC that actually do that are mostly untranslated.
>better than anything
Danny-boy pls
>with interesting gimmicks
Stolen shit you mean. That literature cancer crap is as uncreative as it gets.
>Don't you think it's fucking sad that THIS is what people see and think when they think about VNs because it's all the media ever pays attention to?
No because unless it affects the people who write good material I don't care. I don't need validation for reading VNs. It's like reading a book, who cares if it's pulp or a literary masterpiece as long as you're enjoying it and not acting like a wanker. "Well actually I only read Ulysses and Ever 17, after those two works everything else is pedestrian."
It's not about validation, it's just about wanting people to experience things you've enjoyed.
When the genre is percieved as a joke, it's hard to show off why that isn't true, it's hard to recommend things because now you have to sift through people who found it enjoyable but can't admit it because it's an ironic VN and people who just wanted to be ironic and read it as a joke.
Signal boosting can do a lot, and not everyone is aware of even the entry-level stuff because it gets buried under the waves of shovelware VNs and stuff like this is what gets fished up and put into a light. Hell, even in VN communities I find reasons to be depressed because stuff like Chaos;Head Noah will never be localized or get a PC port because Steins;Gate got the better footing due to its anime not being a dumpster fire. I get sad because I want people to read the other VNs in that series but they wouldn't even know they exist. Hell Persona 1 and 2 suffered a similar fate as well.
I just want to see people experience things I have, I wanna see their reactions, I want to see them broaden their horizons.
How is that gatekeeping?
>it's just about wanting people to experience things you've enjoyed.
I get what you mean. I've got mates who won't touch half the shit I enjoy because of their preconceived notions.
nothing you whine about on twitter is the "worst" of the medium you sheltered fuck
"oh man this is trying to be humorous. i am so mad at all this irony no one is sincere, like kokonoe kokoro"
>it's not about validation i just want people to read papa mou yamatee and realize how beautiful this medium is!
So you're just a piece of shit then. You never really cared about people enjoying anything. Guess I took the bait because I'm sleep deprived. I'm not allowed to want people to try things because I'm upset that the things being focused on build up preconcieved notions that turn them away from it. Guess I should've known better than to expect anything less than "lmao you care about things what a fucking loser"
you are poseur trying to defend something you don't understand
watch kfc make a campaign that gives you a discount if you finish the game lmao
video compression does that shit
You call me a poser yet you've never once said anything to prove that, I never said I was better than anyone or was on some deeper level, all I've said is how shitty it is that outlets ONLY give attention to things like this. I already gave you enough time and enough (You)s so enjoy this last one to the fullest.
If anyone on this thread, on this board, is a poser, it's you for gatekeeping people as "NOT TRU VN READERS" for not reading the same stuff you do, stuff you most likely haven't actually read considering you've done nothing but shit on me for caring about things.
Good night.
Bring the 3 for 2 back you faggots
>why aren't outlets advertising quality anime like sword art online, shingeki no kyojin, and watamote! you haven't proven i'm a poseur. you've wasted enough of my time!
this desu, just releasing some doctored screenshots would = people laughinf and memeing about it