>tfw I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow that I'm not going to do because I prefer playing classic wow and browsing Yea Forums instead
Tfw I have a 500 word essay due tomorrow that I'm not going to do because I prefer playing classic wow and browsing Yea...
any games with hot muscle girls?
>500 words
thats literally like 2-3 paragraphs. Are you in fucking middle school?
>have to create a health psa
>what is the health risk?
>what dangers are associated with this health risk?
Not being alive
>how can i reduce this health risk through my behavior?
Avoiding death
if you have a good imagination i know a few atari 2600 games
college freshmen
mortal kombat?
>10 sentence blog due in 5 minutes
I'm not going to make it.
Also that's like two pages double spaced
yeah bro name em
>mortal kombat?
i haven't played it since the snes days, how good is the newest game?
Which is like 2-3 paragraphs. What is it supposed to be about?
That's easy user. If you had to rush 1000-2000 that'd be one thing, but you can knock it out easily.
I've never done my essay ever. Took me a long time to find a school that didn't forced me to finish the year with one.
I don't see the point of it.
>500 words
Holy shit. That's nothing. You can crank that out in ten minutes if you know the subject.
>mfw I'm a senior engineering student and have a machine design test tomorrow that I've studied for the past two days and still won't be prepared for and have to work at an internship in the morning so I can't crunch before the test
>Mfw I have to spend the next 48 hours salvaging a design project to design and build a robot to inspect a pitch dark underground power transmission vault
>Mfw the only video games I've played this week were Dead By Daylight and Spiderman
>20 word speling test tommorrow
i don't have alot to worry about but still I can not use my smartphone to cheat since the battery had to be replaced.
>10 word essay due in 5 years
>go to class
>have to "sign" an "attendance" sheet
literally no one taught me this
>20,000 word essay on institutional racism due on friday
im screwed
>Affirmative Action was introduced in...
that'd be the easiest fucking essay to bullshit through
>500 words
That’s fucking nothing you middle-schooler
I could do an essay that small the morning it’s due.
reading this gave me anxiety, why did you do this to yourself?
>800 page novel covering the SJW Boogieman on Incel populated videogame imageboard communities due in 45 minutes
how fast can you download Yea Forums archive dump?
It is over.
500 words? Come on, don’t be a faggot, you can hammer that out in an hour. Close wow and Yea Forums and just write the damn paper. By avoiding your responsibilities is the same as choosing not to do them at all. When you finish you can log back in and then you’ll feel accomplished and enjoy yourself more.
$80k a year starting out with paid vacation and high demand internationally
>$80k a year
was 60k for me.
>essay has a 500 word limit
>can't manage to shorten my essay to fit
>get one point deducted for every extra word
all these fucking back to school threads on every board jesus christ
glad i flunked out last semester or i'd be joining in on this shitposting
get fucked zoomers
my life is ahead of me now free from school
Aren’t you just designing the worm like camera they use for surgeries? They typically stick it down the throat or up the nose
There are 25 words in your post, that's like 1/64th of the way there. What's the topic?
>flunked out
>life ahead of me
O i am laffin
no no you see let me tell you about the elaborate cope fantasy about my amazing future I've constructed in my head while wageslaving over the past 4 months
>1,000 word senior thesis due Monday
>haven't even started
>can't stop telling myself just one more Pindleskin run
>wing everything and hand in half my assignments early
>still pass with decent grades
I’m not even sure how at this point.
>never got to experience college because I went to work at my dads company
did I miss out?
Average has gone up quite a bit in the past few years, I heard the other day average is $75k now
Meant to say late
No college fucking sucks
Either you work your ass off and get good grades or you slack off fuck bitches and get fucked up and lose thousands of dollars
College in your dads day was worth something and could improve your life, now people unironically end up worse then they could have been before joining.
>college freshman
Helloo zoomie
>500 words
That's nothing