Anyone still like this game? Any following to it still? Upgraded from ps3 a few weeks ago and I’m loving this.
Bloodborne general
Kos or Kosm?
Im still here on pc seething
What are you talking about?
Yeah, Bloodborne still gets a good amount of threads 4 years later. That should tell you something
It's a good game user.
Enjoy it! don't look up spoilers.
Generals are on /vg/, user.
These screenshots make me salty. The actual game isn't this cool. Cleric Beast doesn't move like that, and is usually fought in daylight.
I like it so far. Definitely gonna spend my next few weeks beating it.
Make sure you try the dlc expansion, it's fantastic.
That's CB in the middle of a swing. All the characters are in the middle of a swing. It's not doctored or anything; that's just not the neutral positions of the models.
And you can fight him during the night.
Game is still active. I've been thinking of replaying it. It's probably my favorite game in the series. I almost have difficulty thinking of any legitimate flaws outside of performance / load times.
it is the real dark souls 3, and the only good exclusive on ps4 until medievil
you need more insight
Ok, now THIS is a bullshot. Enemies don't spawn on background decorations like carriages.
The blood vials are a little flawed but if you're good enough it doesnt matter. I know when I first played I had to farm a bit
more like yiksem
You can wait until night to fight him since hes optional
I just buy vials with whatever extra blood echoes I have.
shit, this is making me want to replay it and return to the dungeons
I wonder how limited it is if I don't have PS+. It's been a while since I played it
I was hoping everyone would jump on board after two of us but to no avail. I do know I prefer Kos though
Yeah me too now but the first time it was awful. Most first time players have that problem I figure
You can still do dungeons. Just not other player's dungeons. Obviously, no summoning or PvP.
Is Bloodborne PVP good? I've never heard a peep about its quality.
imagine calling it kosm
It definitely isnt easy but no game from from software isnt. Im enjoying it though
It's fun if you just play it spontaneously, but shit if you actively seek it out / play it seriously. Same as DS3. Every hit takes half a second to register, and it just feels odd. It's no better or worse than the rest of the series' PvP, except for DS2.
You'll be grinding those trolls before the Gascoigne elevator many times on your first playthrough. That's the beauty of the game though. After one run, you'll never need to do it again, and find each boss a healthy challenge.
Right, I remember now. That's good enough for me, thanks bro
it's fun sometimes, but what I really find good is the co-op in the chalice dungeons. Shit is maximum comfy
I could use some co-op for defiled Ammy. No PS+ though...
>level 250
>can only find co-op in chalice dungeons
What a bunch of faggots
this is still my favorite fromsoft game of all time
Why are you leveling past the widely-established community meta level of 150? I can get it if you're doing it for fun, but ignoring what the community has decided is the PvP level range and then complaining about getting no PvP is kinda dumb.
I'm doing another run now. It's shocking how many phantoms I see. It seems really active still. I don't summon though so I can't really speak to how lively the PvP is.
I never stopped liking the game. I was planning to do a SKL run after finishing some games.
>can afford a 1500$ vga just to Play minefraft with mods
Cant buy a 260$ bloodborne machine to play a goty
I thought the meta was 120
It's been over a year since I played, but I always thought it was 150 for Bloodborne, DS3, and DS2, and 120 for DS1.
I never summoned for boss fights but defiled Amygdala is not that bad bro.
Let's see, you need to learn what attacks are good to bait, I think the one where it slams the floor is a good one, then proceed to beat its head.
For the lasers, just run like a motherfucker and keep baiting.
Finally for the retarded jump, try to run on the opposite direction (I've read you can dodge it by just stepping backwards)
im the best at this game
>not just getting ps+ for free
just make a new user using 10minutemail and pick the free 2 week trial, you don't even have to use the account since every user on the ps4 gets the ps+ benefits
it asks for a payment method to get the trial though, just use an old gift card or a throwaway paypal and then remove the payment method right after so it won't autorenew ps+ and try to charge you
shit takes 5 minutes at the most
I can't verify it but I heard that if you just stop moving altogether and stand very still the minute he jumps into the air, you'll just be below his ribcage and he'll whiff the attack completely
Another user can verify that, though
The jump is what kills me every time. I can dodge it 50% of the time, but the other half she just lands on me with no way for me to predict it.
150 is way too high for how little you have to invest in stats for BB, it's the reddit shitter meta
You can fight him whenever you want, he's optional.
I checked the Bloodborne reddit and they agreed with what I said ; if you just stop moving altogether the minute he jumps into the air, you should be right below his chest, and the move won't hit at all
You can see YouTube videos of it
yeah, I also read that. I can't verify it either but it should work.
Defiled Amygdala is a fair fight, really. Now, the fucking undead golems are on a whole different level of bullshit
I had that work twice in a row, and on the third Ammy's feet landed right on top of me for a one-shot. Maybe I waited too long before I stopped, but the effort for each attempt is getting to me. I already beat her once, but it was through extreme tail-strat cheesing a few years ago.