ITT: Subtle Yea Forums-related apparel
ITT: Subtle Yea Forums-related apparel
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Thank fuck there's no way to experience smell over the internet.
You're telling me this man child went through highschool and no one threw one of his faggot keychains down a storm drain or drew on one of his gay chinese cartoon shirts? Fuck zoomers. This is why muslims are going to rape the west.
Fuck the TTC and fuck Toronto
>get bullied or get raped
Shut up loser /pol/
plz no more
he's not super ugly i guess, but why the luigi keychain thing
That's a literal autist with no self awareness. And you retards wonder why you can't get laid
Woah there, turn down the brightness on that projection user.
imagine just minding our own business on a train and some autist is taking pictures of you
>This is why muslims are going to rape the west.
You had a good post until you started spewing rightist fear-mongering nonsense.
What's a good bag that doesn't make you look childish/hipster?
Never has this image been more suited.
>bullied or raped
This is litterally the only two options.
My rare C&C Generals shirt (was never sold; won it in an EA forum contest).
Unfortunately, it has some rips and tears, but I'm still keeping it so maybe I can cut off the embroidery and sew it on another shirt.
look at that Nose
I gotchu bro
>Shoes on the seat
This is why /pol/ is a bottomless pit of stupid that ruined a country.
I legit think he looks pretty attractive, and thus pulls it off.
If you're fat or ugly society punishes you, they want you to make an effort to be invisible.
They hate your weeb gear because it makes it hard to ignore your ugly ass, but if you're good looking no one cares because looking at you isn't uncomfortable.
reported to TTC
nice filesizes bro
i wont be saving them if thats what youre hoping
let me chastise a stranger on public transportation because he is happy of to show off his hobbies. instead of striking up a conversation with someone you clearly share similar interests with (you're posting on Yea Forums) you decide to take candid pics of him because you're afraid of social contact, so you resort to posting those pictures of him online. you're actually a pathetic human being
>saved the country
Not vidya reddit fag
>not hiding his power level
He deserves to be chastised.
No need to be upset, he didn't even interrupt you playing with your pokaymanz cards, let alone your little nap
500 bucks says the dude is a friend of OP and they're just staging this shit for giggles.
Why do game shirts seem to make you people upset, they're fucking clothes.
>I like the dementia addled moron who can't tie his shoes with out complaining on twitter because he says mean things about brown people
Go back to be brain washed by Russian pys-ops
vidya gamz
I'm so glad I wasn't one of those kids. The ones who wore videogame shit.
lmao get fucked you autistic faggot. You go out in public and look like a sore thumb then people will see you as an oddity.
This is just sad.
oh man how far vans has fallen
now every prep in the world has an off the wall hat lmao
40 bucks for a hat
They're doing pretty damn well, user.
this guy is such a fucking chad, I bet he fucked your GF and you're upset. Lol passive agressive bitch ass faggot.
This image is about a decade old. I am sure the guy in this picture has moved on from this, but you sure haven't.
Your candidate is literally shilling for cigarettes today
Cope harder
Not him but I've only ever gotten compliments on my vidya shirts desu
Only one I'd wear, but i'm not a fan of that succubus.
This is also over a decade old.
>instead of striking up a conversation with someone you clearly share similar interests with (you're posting on Yea Forums)
Liking videogames =/= liking nintendo
And you still can't stop making fun of strangers on the internet.
This picture alone tells the entire story.
i used one of these when i was in 2nd or 3rd grade
It really depends on the designs, but since Yea Forums is full of people who never go outside, they always assume everyone gets every reference.
Absolute 100% Chad right here.
White boomers are the majority in this country and vote republican regardless, the media had everyone brainwashed that because trump was so stupid he had no chance of winning so no millennial dems got out and vote. A few retarded incels on /pol/ didn't do anything.
You're on Yea Forums of all places, cry more bitch.
lmaoing at you life cuck.
holy shit you found him that's Yea Forums
>Dat feel when the only person who has ever recognized the shitty Jojo shirt my troll friend got me is my fucking weed dealer.
>Go out yesterday
>Pikachu shirt
>Black hat with Detective Pikachu logo on it
>Detective Pikachu wallet
>I’m 30
>Have no problem being a walking billboard in comfortable clothes
I’m gonna die of a heart attack before 35. I don’t need to care anymore.
wtf did I just watch
I hope you die sooner than that.
WOW! HOT a What Baabhabhiat
>dressing up as a mentally retarded man child for vallidation
Women are weird.
Haha I wonder what her farts smell like? Like, her poop couldn't possibly taste like a long log of heaven sliding into your mouth right? Haha that's too funny haha.
It's clearly just supposed to be funny.
I'm thinking of getting a custom shirt made with this logo.
Is it subtle enough?
>saw a dude in wally world the other day in a monhun hoodie
>looked like the typical ginger neckbeard that lives in his dads basement
Nothing funny about making fun of the autistic.
I realized a few years ago that there's not really any reason to wear shirts like these. I doubt that anyone cares if you like a certain video game. I certainly don't.
You wish she had a dick you fucking disgusting degenerate.
Hits too close to home?
too subtle, autists will just talk to you about Steam.
An autistic left his mothers basement and was placed in a public setting to practice idle animations for the new Crash Bandicoot game. Hilarity ensued.
Fuck you are so new.
I’ll invite you to the funeral, user. Spam [F] for me. I can go out knowing I gave you something to be irrationally angry at.
Make it Law's chinese restaurant.
>n-no women should be able to make fun of the mentally disabled!
imagine defending someone that doesn't even care about you white knight.
If i am completely honest, i am a 28 year old dad and i would wear this shamelessly
im starting to think this guy is your friend and he posed for you to post epic pics online.
I’m sure you’re superchad yourself, user.
Nice steam logo.
Plenty of fun.
it's obviously his friend taking pictures for a laugh, quit being dumb
I think anyone should be able to make fun of anything.
>those fingernails
>wear a cirno cosplay on halloween when i was still in school
>3 people i didnt even know recognized it was cirno
Well then that's fine, thought you were defending her.
Are you a femboy?
>>wear a cirno cosplay on halloween when i was still in school
okay maybe that's a bit much
Those are nifty mental gymnastics. Anybody is allowed to make fun of autistics. And we're doing it now by making fun of you.
Why is your belt loose? Are you fapping to it?
>Mashall China logo
I'd have to redraw it, since there's no clean version from the front, but that's brilliant, actually.
Damn. You're right.
>imagine defending someone that doesn't even care about you
Like who you're defending?
found him
I was gonna say hi but you were leaving the store
Man I wish I had that build, but I have the look of an irl shitposter
but cirno is never too much
You clearly are autistic.
I had this when I was 14 in 2008
It's the only video game clothes I ever had,
I wanted to get this but realized everyone would think it just says rape.
>wearing shirt with pic related on it
>cashier at publix starts talking about it
>asks my favorite character
>told him Mars
>he asks is that the green one
Fucking hell.
>You clearly are autistic.
takes one to know one.
Nice hot topic shirt.
not gonna lie this is what i picture most of v dressing like
Hey you do you man, ive been much happier since i’ve stopped caring what people thought of me. Can wear whatever you want and never have a care in the world
>admitting to wearing sailor fucking moon tee
I still see rape everytime I see it.
Is this you?
Nigga everyone likes Sailor Moon.
I dress like a 30 year old boomer
Because I am one
>likes Sailor Moon
Nope and bye.
That a trap. A trap pornstar...
>believing the left's version of Iraqi WMDs
>believing the mossad psy-op
Best Buy is so soulless
Try to find the Zapdos in that image.
>traps are trannies
Uh huh...
not him but back in early 00s nobody at my middle school would stfu about it
>fedora with graphic
>that patchy facial hair
>those fingernails
oh no no no no no
That's him.
That's Yea Forums.
Sauce please?
fuck, I meant aren't
>trap pornstars know Chris-Chan
what a world
don't be rude
I bought this t-shirt 2 or 3 years ago but never had it on. I think it's not that bad actually. Will people take pics of me if I do wear it Yea Forums?
No, but I do own that shirt. I’m uglier than him. That’s why I stopped caring, fixing natural ugly is too expensive.
I still like you, my nigga.
Uh Sailor Moon is 90s shit. Or was big then. FFS even Mexico had Sailor Moon before then.
why is that dude wearing a skirt
Natalie Mars (?)
>Sailor Moon is 90s shit
do you think people just 100% stop talking about things after they air?
There is only 2 fit people in that picture. Christ.
Don't be fat, wear a fedora, or have a neckbeard and you'll be fine.
Sailor Moon never went out of trend.
Sailor Moon is girl DragonBall. It's always "big".
Toonami didn't start in the USA until 2000. It didn't get big until 01.
I wear this sometimes.
But it is obvious those dumb teens and (you) saw it then and not in the 90s.
Absolutely based
Of someone takes a picture of a stranger to get attention online, they’re either a woman or that guy who took a picture of a kid playing xbox to make a shitposting thread and got caught.
Yeah, I was born in 2000 so it's not possible for me to have watched it beforehand.
You mean tranny and homos
Or girl, you fucking schizo.
>stop eating as much, not even eating different foods, just eating less
>start walking to places instead of using a car
>stop paying for videogames
>it literally costs more money to continue being ugly than to unfuck yourself
I'm not going to do any of this.
That is hilarious. Most Americans started watching anime because of Toonami...about 20 years too late. How the fuck did Mexico beat them to it?
based retard
This is the nincel on Yea Forums that tells people not to care about what others think because it's "part of being an adult". what an embarrassment.
>How the fuck did Mexico beat them to it?
Because Mexicans fucking love anime, specifically shounen shit.
Because chinese cartoons are trash.
Perfect for a trash country.
You can’t fix a face without surgery.
that's a Roman nose
>stop paying for videogames
sounds pretty gay desu
Fuck you, I did some research and she's a real girl. Fuck you cucks
I'm the user that posted the shirt post.
I saw it in the 90s before Power Rangers came on. I didn't get into anime watching seriously until around 2005 though.
Now I've got a piece of Sailor Mars bead art signed by 7 cast members.
tldr Fuck off.
Why are nintendo fans like this?
Not sure, but I was one of those Americans. Gundam Wing was my favorite back in the day.
Post links faggot.
>being this mad over not watching cartoons first
>perfect for a trash country
>USA is literally a weeb country now
It all ads up.
Judging from this thread Nintendo is absolutely dominating the video game apparel market
Based. Everybody else sucks though.
you can remove the 300% extra fucking face fat so you end up looking like that sleek n tears guy automatically, fag
all of it by simply not eating as much
This one?
Hey man I can't change the fact.
the herd of people with no taste
Assuming that's Natalie Mars, it's definitely not a real girl.
What's with that gay handjob glove?
I don’t have face fat. I’m just ugly.
>knowing trannies by name
Uhh, bros? Anyone else seeing this?
Probably. Does this make you mad?
Probably for gay handjobs.
You haven't been on here very long have you? This place shills trannies constantly.
If you go in public wearing stuff like that, the majority of people will think less of you. They will look at you as childish and immature. I wont say you cant do it, but you cant make society at large think of you as anything but a manchild
People you’ll never see again.
Its why we need another holocaust. These degenerates are getting out of control. Time to round em up.
Seeing what user? Just some dude holding up some gay pledge. Is it something to do with his shirt?
You don't have to learn their names user.
>If you go in public wearing stuff like that, the majority of people will think nothing of you and will forget you exist within less time than it took for me to type this
Oh no random people that I could give less of a shit about are going to think badly of me! the horror. How old are you, retard?
he looks like my ex. God I miss him.
>If you go in public wearing stuff like that, the majority of people will think less of you
Not really. You have a pretty large window, anywhere from teens to late 20s where you can pull this off, even into your 30s of you are attractive.
Favorite kind of shoes?
>be reminded almost daily of these "hot" trannies
>y-you clearly like them
>Wearing your hobbies on your literal sleeve
>wanting people to give a fuck about what you like
>wanting people to give a fuck
>caring what people think
>being this insecure
>A dude was wearing this during a Feminist talk on my Uni
Yeah I'm thinking based.
Did that guy bring a PS4 game back in time to 2000 or something?
Then what's the point of wearing it?
yeah some pledge written up by some retarded wageslave lol
That is sad user. I don't remember names unless I interact with people. In fact I already forgot the person you named.
That’s a fucking stupid mentality. Every time you go outside there will be people who see you and think less of you for an infinite amount of reasons. You might unironically have some anxiety disorder if that’s a huge problem for you.
Is there a term for this kind of thing where someone tries to label their inability to do something as a virtue
>Feminist talk
Sounds like you have brain problems. Should probably get that checked out.
That's pretty bad, but what is worse is some autistic retard taking pictures of people. So that they may ridicule them later with a bunch of other autistic retards.
Cutie, I would ride busses with him any day
but did you fuck him?
I love how these threads bait out all the autists who clearly dress like this all the time and are offended people find it funny.
Yeah, I'm seeing his pledge. I agree with some parts of it but other parts are just flat wrong/delusional.
Fucking white people have no style. The fuck is that handglove with Luigi on it? Shits wack.
Being normal. You keep on remembering trains' names user :)
I don't see anything wierd?
What the actual fuck is going on with the fishnet glove shit? If any of you faggots dress like this, it's the reason you're still a virgin.
Because I like how it looks and think it's comfortable.
It's not normal to be unable to memorize details
Where am I?
>Power glove
Absolute alpha male right there
I dunno, I've got a pair of nikes right now.
>pointing out that most people see everyone else as not worth remembering means I care what others think
user, wat?
tee shirts are comfortable?
Nah we just talked and he casually named every single doujin that appeared on his shirt, even the ones in the back, very impressive.
But it is normal to mammorise trannies names?
>tee shirts are comfortable?
You don't need a design on a t-shirt. You're paying extra for something that nobody cares about.
Honestly, this is something straight out of the early 2000's emo shit. What the fuck does it even have to do with gaming or fedora tip shit?
because even negative attention is attention
also bait IRL. theyre SCREAMING inside for you to look at them "wrong"
I guarantee this guy gets laid
The shitty seats of Toronto's subway
Except me, because I like the design and how it looks on the shirt.
It's normal to memorize any detail that repeatedly comes to your attention. What those details specifically are doesn't matter. If someone walks past your house every day with a golden retriever, you're going to remember that it's a golden retriever. If some fags on Yea Forums talk about trannies over and over, you're going to remember recurring details.
>You don't need a design on a t-shirt.
You have anxiety
What about it? It's just some bait image that's been posted here a bunch before
Totally fuckable. That bitch could carry a whole litter.
>paying extra
Wow, a whole $10-15 for a graphic tee, I'm bankrupt now. Guess I'll just have to stick to plain white fruit of the loom from walmarts bargain bin.
Just admit you fap to traps you're anonymous anyway
15lbs underweight.
Oh wait...
where the fuck do you live
If you have such a great memory why just not read every single post mentioning trannies? Also i already forgot the last 3 posts. God, I am based.
it's such a meme console, I fucking hate it. It's like a Wii U hatchling
Toronto is full of Pajeets and disgusting retards like glove guy.
>repeatedly comes to your attention
Thats a funny way of phrasing the fact that you searched it up everytime you wanted to fap.
>Haha dude even though he's minding his own business I'm gonna snap a pic cause it's so weird that he's gaming on something that's not a phone haha BRUH I'm dying *hits vape* *goes to vocational school*
Kek, do burgerland employers actually have shit like this for their employees? All that fucking bullshit about trying your best and having a positive attitude? If you're performing the job to the required standard why do half the shit on that pledge?
Explain. I just said that nobody cares what you wear. That's the opposite of how a person with anxiety thinks.
Money is money. If you dropped 15 dollars, would you pick it up? And it adds up, regardless.
>wearing the powerglove as part of an outfit
Imagine projecting this hard, hits a little too close to the mark?
You're an American, aren't you?
It is ok if you are a twink though.
I'm not even the same poster as . I'm just explaining how memory works. I don't know any trannies.
>inb4 "uh-huh", "sure", or any other spin on "I don't believe you"
Then the exchange of information becomes pointless.
With that logic I should never spend money on any luxuries ever.
very cool, user
I am muzzie and i get raped constantly by whiteys in school, so i don't know what the fuck are you talking about.
>I just said that nobody cares what you wear
You don't care what you wear?
>Then the exchange of information becomes pointless.
Not him but welcome to fucking 4channel.
>the yikes guy
shut up don't insult the king
This is as "subtle" as I get in public, and the Smash shirt is probably where I draw my line at ironic vidya shirts that are clever like you
The SFV shirt turns me into the most interesting person at Knotts when I'm waiting in line, but some 30-something fujo at the pool thought I liked Modest Mouse when I wore the Earthbound top, which is probably what I should expect for a $1 Goodwill save
Oh shit, I had that same shirt when I was 14.
> That was 16 years ago
What am I doing here?
I'm the one that posted that as part of the long chain leading back to the sailor moon shirt.
pic related is me
A perfect human wouldn't. But no one is perfect.
No because I don't stare down at my chest while I walk
Why are you even still alive user
Why do they always look like they look?
He looks cute. Maybe I can suck him off next time I'm in the city.
Im not projecting retard that's literally the mentality faggots like you have. Who the fuck cares.
I understand snapping pics of guys who are on their knees playing a demo 3ds that's pretty funny but that guy is doing nothing but playing a 2ds lmao. If you seriously look at that picture and think omg what a cringy faggot you're retarded. You are just snapping a pic of a dude who is literally just passing the time how he wants to.
Not sure if man or woman.
Ok, so now that we have settled the discussion that you don't care what you wear, then why the fuck do you care so much what you wear?
Because graphic tees cost more than plain ones.
>Dat jawline
>unsure if man or woman
snoys don't take pictures of the chads because that hurts their narritive
Find one.
>thinking calling someone a homophobe on Yea Forums is going to upset them
hello newfag
Literal poorfag
TTC? toronto?
Yeah legs are too skinny to be a woman. Xir has skinny legs like me. Huh.
user have some class.
Unironically bought the dark blue t shirt and the striped cat one. No one bought them here in Russia.
Because it's a luxury you get because you like.
Oh god I fucking love this nonsense
Poor people are poor because they're unwise with their money. No one who brags about spending money has a lot of it, outside of literal millionaires.
I would wear every shirt from NMH
>Believing that someone called someone else a homophobe on Yea Forums unironically
Hello retard.
It's a pretty shitty luxury if I'm only going to see it for a few seconds as I put it on in the morning.
i'd say he's getting home after a long day of work, but clearly he's just a faggot
>you make 140k
>spend the same as poorfags
>buy graphic tees?
>90 buck difference in about 5 or 7 shirts
>still have money
>lol only millionaires have money!
Calm down boy, it's just a picture of some nerd
How about 6
I love undertale! This is a really cool Papyrus shirt!
Nice undertale shirt
So what you're saying is it's not something for you because you don't care for it. That's perfectly fine, you taking it so seemingly personally however is not.
I think you may actually be illiterate. Either that or you're baiting me. I didn't say that only millionaires have money.
I'm not really interested in your attempts to ensnare me in a "gotcha!". I'm just explaining why I chose to stop wearing graphic tees and am better off for it.
>snoys don't take pictures of chads
They let one slip
I'm actually jelly
Would rather fuck that than this.
>Basedboy beard
>That retarded fishnet glove or whatever the fuck that is
>The luigi keychain hanging from said weird ass glove
>Those worn shitty shorts that completely mismatch the shirt's color
>Fucking Pokemon cards
>Sleeping on the train taking up like 5 seats other people could use
Holy mother of fucking cringe how does a man get up in the morning and think this is an acceptable way to go out?
Why would someone take this photo? It's just some guy relaxing on public transportation. He doesn't look particularly weird, he isn't doing anything overly strange... He's just existing
Absolute cope
>is retarded
>calls other illiterate
>likes coke over pepsi
I have a t-shirt with this on it.
>>likes coke over pepsi
What? I'm done talking to you.
>none of them are wearing Yea Forums related clothing
Are you paying attention to the conversation, user?
I'm a retard, I meant this
>ensnare me in a "gotcha!"
what? I'm having a conversation you antisocial retard.
>I'm just explaining why I chose to stop wearing graphic tees and am better off for it.
and that's not something for everyone, some people just like wearing them, you don't.
I don't want to fuck a man or a really fat chick
Yuck, make it go away
I thought that necklace was a Sonichu medalion there for a minute.
Also that fishnet glove is so out of place on an otherwise OK outfit
>clown cameltoe
now I have seen everything
>He doesn't look particularly weird, he isn't doing anything overly strange
If you're referring to the OP then you might be fucking bonkers
>I am a apple
>That black dad lined up with his son to get what I presume is Smash on the release day.
I miss my dad
How many penises can fit inside a clown pussy?
I wanted to get one of them when I first saw the promotion but all of the designs are ass. Disappointed desu.
>tfw no clown gf that does that napkin trick with used condomes
Take the Moxiepill, cakeboy.
When did we ever even talk?
I think the designs are pretty great, but only the top row. Other stuff is too cringy.
>whats this
>look it up
holy shit, this soda literally invented the word moxie.
>not rc cola
Yeah, the top middle two were the only ones I considered. Bottom left isnt too bad either.
Look at the millionaire GQ model over here who fucks attractive, skinny women with vaginas.
>>look it up
He didn't want to walk in front of the projector, autism explains what happens next.
lol I made nothing this year!
Dude stop fucking men or really fat chicks.
Sorry, fag, not a new englander which seems to be the only place this shit was sold prior to coca cola getting their hands on it.
>live in the hometown of this shit
>theres a parade that goes around every year celebrating moxie that always wakes me up
Still havent gone to the pub that replaced the old moxie store, too.
>stephen king went to my old high school too
My town has the weirdest claims to fame, I swear to god.
This is what happens when autistic people do strong psychedelics and go to a convention
>new englander
Not him user, go drink rc cola which is superior.
is that way
>in middle school
>study hall
>don't want to walk in front of projector, I'd get too much attention
>decide to do a tiny sprint/leap in front of it so nobody sees
>everyone makes fun of me
>still sticks to my mind to this day
Bro, I'm being facetious. I fucked a fat bitch once. It was gross. And I've fucked 0 men.
>Nothing funny about making fun of the autistic.
where the fuck have you been for the past ten years
I've never watched a webm so many times in a row, crying with laughter. What amazes me most is how everyone else just avoids watching him. The guy standing in the back looks to the camera and waves, while watching the screen they're all facing. Is this camera being projected on that screen?
shut up autism is funny
>t. clinically diagnoised with the tism
So important to get into physical fitness as a kid.
it actually makes sense
>is this camera being projected on that screen?
Pretty sure that was at one of the games done quick events. they were probably inbetween autists speedruning
>Is this camera being projected on that screen?
Yes, it's zoomed in but it was in the bottom corner of the stream during a break.
>meanwhile, on Earth 3
That shirt is just hideous, even on giga chad Chris.
>damn, guy has it nice
>its a fucking kid and his sister(?)
what the hell
I'm a muzzie and ive raped over 50 western gamers. Nothing makes me want to immigrate and rape more than gamer boys.
Nintendo brings family together.
Good taste
Are you a girl because that's kinda hot
Absolutely nothing wrong with that
This shirt is aesthetic though, the bad part is the standard issue "blonde with brown roots" roastie hair, ripped Jean's, and ugly shoes
the bad part is she's fat.
Yeah this is my only real complaint. It's a public transportation vehicle have some courtesy.
I actually saw a girl walking around the shops with her dad with this on. It was the hoodie version though.
not everyone lives in a new england rustbelt shithole user. some of us live places that dont suck.
I saw a guy wearing it at a mall food court once. pretty strange how it caught on.
Oh this guy is in a Devil May Cry group on Facebook.
Lmao fuking poorfag
That guy looks like a bro.
Who wears a HIM shirt in 2019? He looks like he walked right out of 2006.
learn to reverse search you retarded niggers,just some twitter thot going by fetusbabe
This but unironically
It's not really a matter of money when it comes to choosing between a 10 minute train ride or a 50 minute drive.
>back hair
yeah, just mind your business in moraleble fashion. Put your feet down
Got some MH shirts of my own
Here is some
>Push finger in your sister ass.
What the fuck. I have an older brother and I don't remember anything even remotely similar
I was about to say that we should lay off this dude as he just looked like a regular guy enjoying one of his hobbies.
Then I saw the glove.
Die in fire, freak.
The shirt is ironic-trendy among e-girls
t. unironic millennial zoomer
huh, learned a new word today
>all those ride share bikes neatly put away in the station
last time I was in a city with one of those programs the bikes were just scattered around, laying on the sidewalk or grass, leaned up against light poles.
That's how it is in my city. We've got these lime green bikes and the meth heads figured out how to unlock them without an app by the second day and they're at the bottom of the harbour now
This is a rent-a-bike service with mobile phone registration. If you don't return bike to it's place they will just take money from your card for every hour
You couldn't just leave it could you?
You couldn't just let some fags on the internet have a laugh and forget about it.
Instead, I'm laughing at you.
You really need to go back.
Maybe Resetera is a better website for you and your gay sensibilities.
The way the one near me works is the app uses you phones Bluetooth to connect to a gps tracker in the bike and charges you by how far you ride it, so people just leave them where the fuck ever when they finish riding
Well, this is Russia, so expect 2 cameras on a station, 1 on building and some yelling babuska in the dark. Also the whole bike is around 30$. People steal it periodically, and then get caught selling it on russian craglist
oh god.
Imagine not caring so much that you type an entire essay on not caring.
Suicide is the only way out for you.
I read this, but in a deep Brooklyn, Mario show voice
GG ruined this board
Similar to my city, just replace babuskas with old Hong Konger women yelling at you. This harbour here has a good solid 10 or so of the bikes in them that get pulled out every other day or so
Rent will not end until you "lock" your bike in magnetic lock at the station. There is some troubles when it fail to lock, but it's like once or twice per season
That's a select few who do that.
I think it was 2016 with the /pol/ overflow and the neogaf refugees that ruined this bored.
>le election tourists
The ruining started way before that
Fun fact about Moscow bike-a-tent. There is special division who monitor russian craglist and buy back\caught sellers of stolen bikes.
>completely misconstruing my point because the only way you can win in your book is if you sound retarded
Hey whatever suits you. If you seriously can't understand what I'm saying you have to be an ESL retard.
Yet, we're both still here.....
Nigger, come on.
You've gotta come harder than that.
maybe, but you can't deny the acceleration of the trend.
>tfw my 400lb 30 year old brother wears nothing but gamer/anime t-shirts and his gut hangs out the bottom of them most of the time
when i was younger I dressed like him but now I'm trying as hard as possible to not look like that. Wearing graphic tees outside just feels embarrassing.
You are literally that kid and I guarantee no one likes you. I'll tell you why I think you're underaged and probably from a shithole like Chile
>type literally a couple of sentences
>said who cares what a guy does to pass the time
You're a fucking moron.
Can't argue with that. Mobileposting fucked this site in the ass, it seems.
nerd man bad
kill yourself
at least he looks genuine
Why does he look like Joe from Cow Chop ?
___ _ ____ ____ __
>All of these words and no substance.
Have you thought about suicide?
>entertainment media slave
I hope he gets smacked.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
>Sony products in a locked cage because all Sony fans are Nogs.
the only piece of vidya clothing i own
sleep tight onions boy
>y-your words didn't hurt me sniffle k-kill yourself
Yeah I'll take that as a victory.
Good goy
>HIM t-shirt
What. Is HIM still a thing?
you guys are a bunch of pussies
Sure, if that makes you feel better.
Why do these pictures make me sad?
Is it because that most of his friends maybe have moved on?
That he still lives at home and his parents love him, and those are the only ones that love him?
That he might have some undiagnosed mental illness and thus can't get the help he needs to become semi functional?
Maybe I am thinking too much about this.
Imagine being this mad.
>The Unnatural
lurk moar
ha fuck victoria and fuck van island
housing and rental pricing is just cancer on vancouver island now.
t. ex-nanaimo fag
I hate people like that because I see some of myself in them. All my worst qualities, given shape and exaggerated to an extreme.
I need to hate them. It's why I lift.
No way.
You can't be serious.
You got me until this pic, this has to be staged
Ya okay bud go race a bath tub and fuck around VIU. I'll be enjoying my fentanyl and Lee's Chicken
I had the poison pond shirt but didn't like how it fit on me, the big POTATO on the back kinda killed it too
Lees chicken is also in nanaimo too,
but I hate nanaimhole anyway.
The bathtub races are pretty trashy.
The Lee's in Duncan is better. It's the original and you can watch drunk chugs having a tilly in the parking lot
Rage ?
I don't think that would cure his autism
Guy's just getting comfy revising his deck on the way to a big tourney, nothing wrong with thwt
subtlety's for fags
rofl never thought about that until now
good stuff
Holy fuck his legs are so hot!!
Literal bully
Get help
mind = blown
Why don’t you fags wear actual subtle gaming clothes.
Pic related. I play Eve Online and like it enough to buy clothing from the game. But I also don’t want people to think I’m an autist, so this one is perfect for me.
>But I also don’t want people to think I’m an autist
well you failed
i feel you user
who here /oversensitive/?
Thought it was me at first but i don't have a power glove. I do have that shirt that i bought at NoA
>It's why I lift
based, I laughed hard
call the janitors
I want to sexually assault this twink
yeah sure
i don't care about insults directed at me though
Imagine getting trolled by old as fuck pasta.
Are you sure? I remember coming home from 9/11 and watching dbz. It was a filler episode during the buu saga so I'd imagine it had to be going for a few years already
Ok then
Retard,I would never harm or publicly disrespect or make someone feel small. You don't understand what bullying is, but I can see you needed some in your youth.
It's about controlling your demons and keeping discipline.
muslim got a laugh out of me
retard you missed the joke
holy shit.
Please tell me you're joking.
Fucking newfags.
Good. Laughter is exactly how you should respond.
Why choosing a fat fuck as a model?
What is it with disgusting people that don't cut their fingernails?
I've never met a respectable man that doesn't cut their fingernails.
The length women are ready to go just to have more attention, I swear.
>that neck
35 years old?
>wearing that
>not looking like an autist
Pick one. Subtle graphic design shirts are way more normal than the shit you posted.
At this point Video Game T-shirts are as inoffensive and Band T-shirts
no one fucking cares
Oh Drunkin Duncan?
Did you ever play a game with friends before you pass the bridge, you guess how many chugs are crossing the bridge?
I can't pretend to know subtlety when my nerd-wear is inked on my forearm
>t. gayboy
thats clearly a man retard buddy
>striking up a conversation
Gay in so many levels
>He doesn't know the joy of fucking a fat woman
>tfw just mindlessly flick through my phone options instead of playing games because i don't want to get creepshotted by some cunt
I should really set up an emulator or something.
32 next week, was 29 when that was taken. Am a man, only dress as girls at anime conventions.
My old man was a Sheriff and took was taking some of the Native policeman up through Duncan and they played the game too. They tried to get scientific and said "0", my dad said "1." Native tried to say he was right, dad called him out on being in the car
The best were guessing how many were underneath gold panning. Like fuck buds, my family tried panning the river in 1860 if they struck out then you're striking out
makeup: not even once
Sorry bud I'm not playing many games anymore. Trying to get /fit/ and Yea Forums instead. Take it eazy
thats the most autistic rhing i waer around
haha thats cool haha
Good thing you didn't go for the N7 one
I have the last one, my students love it
>H-ha ha, if I wear this subtle vidya clothing my gamer girl oneitis may notice me, get the reference and *gasp* and talk to me
Who the fuck is into huge saggy tits and deformed bodies? You people should be gassed.
Clerk was probably just second-hand embnarrased for that shitty cow titted artwork.
>wearing t shirts with any kind of print, let alone vidya prints
I thought you had to be 18 to post here.
once someone asked what this was, i said its from a movie
Good save
see you in dream land comfy user
The weak exist only to feed the strong.
I lift so that I'm never you
you guys are a bunch of fags
now post the spnati version
I think you need to look inward.
He had very nice face, but I think he was 14-16, not more
>that fucking chin
My grandfathers fought and died for nothing.
I like the mario star shirt in the middle, and to a far lesser extent the red 8-bit mario shirt. The rest of those can fuck right off.
Thats not Natalie Mars.
if you weren't autistic yourself, you'd be able to read people, and know that he DID want to walk in front of the projector. He wanted to be noticed by the camera, he wanted to seem interesting, but he wanted it to seem unintentional, but he's a very bad actor