What is a fucking videogame that isn't generic trash for anime faggots and rooty tooty point and shooty 1 brain cell idiot fucks?????
What is a fucking videogame that isn't generic trash for anime faggots and rooty tooty point and shooty 1 brain cell...
Your mom
what's wrong with games for faggots and idiots, seems like something you would be the main demographic for.
I'll list the games I've played the most this week on Steam
1 DotA 2
2 Hollow Knigh
3 Heroine's Quest The Herald of Ragnarok
did he just receive his nintendo switch in the mail?
I love how better animatronics have gotten.
Dr. Mario
Forged alliance forever ranked ladder matches.
Here. But, I know damn well you're far too much of a zoomer pleb to actually play it.
>tfw when bachelor never ever
Nah, his PS4, his cat saw him getting it all excited and attacked him, thats why he has that face all fucked up
I think Pocket Mortys might be your speed
There are so many fucking games that aren't weebcore garbo brodude point-and-click killspree-a-thons that you have to be intentionally not looking for them to miss out on them
What is this from?
based and 7.62highcaliber pilled
You're god damned right. Also play Marauder (man of prey) if you haven't.
Based & Truthpilled
There's a reason why low IQ anime posters don't understand why Tetris is a great game
I did. Its easy to tell it has some more polish than their previous titles, yet at the same time some detail has been lost, and the gameplay change didn't really sit well with me. I still would rather play 7.62 again. Which is a shame. I wish the company gave the smart pause system anotehr shot.
i like the cut of his jib
MediEvil for the PS1 is pretty good, user :)
Yeah, I also prefer 7.62 over it. I just never see Marauder get discussed and it's worth a playthrough for fans of the genre.
FPS is the best genre you soi guzzling faggot.
Cringe deflection.
Cope denial.
Play roguelikes and map simulators. You won't because you're a smoothbrain who just wants to be special.
Jesus you are really triggered by something. Wanna talk about it?
I need a gf(male).