What is the appeal of these games?
What is the appeal of these games?
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I played one of them for about 10 minutes and turned it off
So I don't know
I can think of two main reasons.
Cute girls doing cute things.
Is it 2 BIG reasons?
if those hips aren't appeal enough you have terminal gay i'm afraid
Colorful platformer with interesting gimmick
Cute female protag
you just posted it
Pirates Curse pretty much single-handedly got me back into gaming playing through it last year. Half genie however was garbage
The comedy and the platforming.
>muh femdom
shut the fuck up and just say you don't like, or fucking hell, you don't even play games
get the fuck outta here
Cute, light metroidvanias with anime tiddy. As as added bonus it makes people unreasonably mad for some reason now just by existing.
How have the tumblrinas not cry about these games?
They're cute little action platformers with nice dialogue that don't feel like as much of a commitment to start as something like a metroidvania.
The fanservice isn't even very good.
Dobson hates it so they're probably good
Couldn’t tell you
fun music
Actually being fun and enjoyable.
>Inb4 wojak edit #13367987659 spams the thread with the splooge meme
White Shantae
now that the dust has settled, what DID he mean by this?
Risky lookin like a snacc
I'd post the coomer thing but i don't have it because i'm not a fucking raisin of a human
White Shantae
So Samus?
she needs a new outfit if shes white
imagine the smell
Why would you ruin perfection?
We need a brown Samus edit
Wayforward needs to sell the IP to a REAL publisher. One that would actually recreate the characters in 3D to match the character art. This pixelated platformer garbage needs to go.
Dark Shantae
>the music is really good
>the games are fun (the 4th game can get boring since its a linear platformer)
>the writing, although not that strong can be very cute and funny
>a nice world that's going to be expanding with the 5th game coming out late 2019
>characters designs are cute and never feel like they're supposed to be super sexual except for the heartsquid girl
also there's barely any fan service in the game apart from the desert princess outfits, and if you really want to consider beach mode in the 4th game as fan service, then that too
thats kinda neat
that's it, have you seen the gameplay for the upcoming game? take castlevania 1 sluggish movement, remove the interesting enemy and level design and add tits, that's shantae
no wonder it got 2 PNGs while other indies with just 1 game each got way more
Just when I thought my dick couldn’t possibly get any harder...
>Heart Squids are back
>that means Squidsmith is coming back too
Feels good man
These hips don’t lie
Playing through Half Genie Hero I had to stop to fap to Shantae porn like every hour. I think I enjoyed the gameplay?
>last two games didn't use pixel-based sprites at all
be honest, how long did you took to realize the hair was shaped like a number 5?
Female protagonist that looks like a female and not aingle drop of political shit alongside good gameplay?
i want to lick her navel and armpits
When will Risky finally get her own game like she deserves
>inb4 muh Pirates DLC
I know but I mean a FULL Risky Boots game
>sluggish movement
she's way faster and jumps higher than she has in the other games, if you actually played the demo when it was out then i'd be a bit concerned but i assume you just looked at the gamexplain video and went off of that.
>remove the interesting enemy and level design
you do realize that the dungeon they showed in the game was the first one right? i heavily doubt each dungeon would play the exact same as the first one (looking at level designs from previous games)
>add tits
now you know Yea Forums wrote this
>no wonder it got 2 PNG's
shantae and risky are the only character portraits in the 4th game to have any other detail going past the thigh, which was probably the reason why they only chose them. even then, does it really matter how many spirits they got? final fantasy has 2 spirits and does that make the game/series any worse than it is?
Imagine waking up next to this
I bet she would hijack Shantae's franchise just like Copen did with Gunvolt
Post messy haired Risky
If anyone is going to get a spinoff, it's gonna be Rotty.
i wish, even if they did make a game with risky as the main playable character, i hope they don't make her as heavy as she was in pirate queen's quest
plus we get the pirate gear back hell yeah
Uhh... Rotting corpse?
Never played any of these games and I really want to. Are they all available on the switch?
>legit the first mention of smash
holy fuck rosterfags fuck off, legit a Shantae waifu thread with talks of gameplay is 1000x better then “SHES IN, HES IN, (blank) FAGS BTFO!!!!”
Only Pirate's Curse and Half-Genie Hero. Risky's Revenge hasn't been ported yet and GBC still needs a remake.
Shantae Pirates Curse and HGH are on their, not RR and the OG one but if you own a 3DS you can get those easily, or heck on pc too (imo emulating the original Shantae is the best way to go if you don’t wanna dust off your 3DS, warning though it’s aged a lot but still rather fun!)
This. I just wanted to post cute pictures of my favorite genie
oh and one more thing, i recommend at least saving up and extra $20 for HGH Ultimate Edition, it has all dlc and even Kickstarter extras that if you own the vanilla game will cost more and in the case of alt outfits won’t even have.
thanks I fucking hate it
Speaking of alts, I hope Seven Sirens lets you choose multiple colors instead of blue and red if you own HGH ultimate edition I think a white and purple alt would look nice, and maybe even gold
user, Shantae doesn't have big feet.
That's one cute Rottytops!
This is a black thing isn't it?
Heck I’d be way down if it did a Shovel Knight thing where you can buy a bunch of alt outfits and equip them anytime anywhere, it doesn’t even have to all be major outfits just at least color variations
Her name is Zombie?, not Rottytops.
Here is a cute Rottytops.
What would you wish for?
Her making quarter genies with me
i wish for a fucking trailer
Pretty much just the characters and designs, platforming is pretty bog standard in these games.
For somebody to upload and translate my favorite doujins with niche fetishes. My dick would be eternally grateful.
lowkey like it tbqhwy
She’s so cute
a good shantae game
there isn't one just yet
Anyone got the edits for this
Her to sit on my face
To be my gf forever
Actually for me the cartoon humor and being a simple metroidvania, the tits are an added bonus
>Not wishing for her freedom so you can have endless sex with her
there are a ton of edits(of which I have none) you will have to be more specific, is it the "I want to BE you" edit?
But she wouldn't have sex with you after setting her free because then she would be independent
>he doesn’t have $500.00 to spend on a GameBoy game
>shantae 1 remake with the original designs
The first one that came out for Steam is a competent game.
And the only people who complain about the design of these characters are gay men.
You’ll have a good head start on the other guys. Sometimes you gotta bet on yourself.
Any will do but that one is the best
Big fishy mommy
That man is living the dream right there.
>she probably won't be in SS despite the game being tropic/underwater themed
>and if she is she'll probably be one of the sirens and we have to kill her for real
You reminded me
to give me ideas for my own cute girl platformer
What’s he drinking?
God, why do pants with an upwards-flared waist make me so hard?
I swear it's like the entire Shantae series was designed to give me an erection.
Rottytops is the best girl, by the way.
Please tell me 7 sirens will be more like Risky's and less like HGH.
Shantae’s cum
low test
wut game?
Damn, I want some.
Structure wise it sounds like it's going back to the original concept for SatPC where it's all interconnected but half the map is underground (underwater).
Shantae and the seven sirens
What the fuck, it's out already?
There was a demo of the first dungeon at PAX.
oh my god, he's god
What’s her fucking problem?
You ain’t never had a friend like me
Daily paizuri from her.
She needs a bath
Why not hourly?
>there are four rules
What are they?
Well they learned something from inticreates alrigth
I don't want to burn out my dick. Plus if I have a bad day, I can always look forward to sliding my dick between Shantae's tits.
>Walk in
>See this
What do?
It's not like you didn't violently murder the qts in the previous games
>Nagas explode into skellingtons
>Mermaids shrivel into a husk
>Scorps turn into dust
Nigga, you gay? You're looking right at it.
True but those where randos this are unique beings...Giga mermaid was spared
Besides they wasted the opportunity to have them fall over whit a sore butt from all the whipping before surrendering or fainting
Where do you even breed her?
just bee urself
It sure as shit isn't the gameplay.
imagine, waking up in the morning, taking a bath and then cramming your tits into your former boss's eyesockets and wearing his jaw as panties.
i'd be pretty miffed too.
but she does it daily!
Giga didn't do anything wrong so killing her would've made the resolution awkward.
Lily supposedly kidnapped Plink and therefore must explode.
Full body paizuri!
Gigs Mermaid better be in Seven Sirens
anyone know what happened to this guy?
cuz these are some of the best animations ive seen for shantae and itd be depressing if he never made anything else
They're solid, cute 7/10+ platformers that are also low-key sexy in an innocent Saturday morning cartoon kind of way.
I've only played Pirate's Curse, but I can tell you that everything about the game is great except for the meh gameplay. The dialogue is funny, the girls are cute and designs in general are aesthetically pleasing. Music is great. In general they're just a pretty good time
The sprite graphics, but nothing, now that they got rid of that.
The only good sprite work WayForward has ever made is in River City Girls.
Shantae's fat black ass
Yes please.
Delete this.
I wish to be consumed
Here's the thing, in Pirate's Curse at the end we saw her use her magic to restore Scuttle Town, since she's a half-genie does she not have limits to wishes?
White Shantae!!!
>I am incapable of understand how other people think and that other people can like and dislike things that I dislike and like
The more important question is why tare there so many autists on Yea Forums?
Lily is a gift
Her feet in my face.
snake pussy
Vidya to be good again.
There are still good vidya games, but vidya itself used to be good. I want that back. New systems were exciting. New technological progress was magical. Breaking into 3D was such a wonder. Clumsy, but still a new frontier. That's over now. Now the only way vidya can go is VR and AR, and those turned out to be gimmicks, or streaming games, which is just the same thing but from a weaker computer, with terrible latency, and you can't keep the games.
Vidya is such a streamlined business, that like fast food, hole in the wall places turned into chains, or were bought by chains (think Rare and Id). Used to be mostly small businesses making video games, and now it's mostly produced through or bought by massive publishers.
I wonder if Tuki has seen Shantae recently
Huh, guess not
The fat art
I wonder where Shantae could be
Yoshika a cute
I played the pirate one, the levels were fun, the music was good, the girls were hot
I dunno about the newer ones never tried them
what the fuck
about 2 femtoseconds
Unironically looks like an albino nigger.
For her to turn into a man, so we can do lots of gay sex together.
He literally says right there that he's a fan
they should bring back those huge character portraits like in pirates curse
This is Shantae, she is a bad role model because of her bad temperament and outlandish costume.
Say something nice about her
What bad temperament?
I don't know but those are her own words
real talk would the team who made this game as well as teams who make similar games see a huge increase in profit if they just make sex games? just fucking do it.
oh tee hee look at this cheesecake
nah, just fucking make a pixel sex game. your sales will quadruple guaranteed.
>bad temperament
yes, entirely
>outlandish costume
Not really. It'd be fucking hilarious and amazing if people were allowed to dress as whatever the fucking hell they wanted without consequence. The world would be a more interesting place at the very least.
Like I said
>but those are her own words
Might be that she nibbles thing when she gets nervous