Looks like the old characters are coming back as brainwashed villains
Looks like the old characters are coming back as brainwashed villains
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Berlin designs by Strike Witches guy, voiced by Nana Mizuki and Kugimiya
Shit I cant believe over half a year has already gone by since this was announced. I was supposed play through the next 4 games before the game came out
Few lengthy trailers
So is Sega using the same game engine they used for the 3D Sonic games?
Yeah. It's using Hedgehog Engine 2.
>Still no porn of ninja Rukia
>Dark Sakura
>Sugita is the narrator
Youtube Link youtu.be
You really should wait for the actual release for stuff like this to happen
Where is the bathing suit? Or no pants? I doubt the SW guy drew that.
Now we need evil Oogami
Also when they will announce the store limited goods? Though I would order from jp amazon anyway
The anime cut-ins look great
>Tags: corruption, Mind dontrol, Smell, Ugly bastard
Honest question, do you anons like the shift from strategy to action gameplay or not anyway?
Cmon, she is totally a new character that has the same voice as Sakura by coincidence.
The idiots whining about the genre shift never played the games to begin with, the battles were always 10% of the games and brain-dead nonsense only there to show off the power level shit with characters in good moods.The shit they've shown so far has more actual gameplay than all the combat in 1-5 combined.
>old characters are coming back as brainwashed villains
They did that shit in 2.
They added the pants after he drew the character
Yeah she's doing the same thing as her father and piloting a new version of her father's best friend's robot.
A lot of people are furious. A strategy game series ruined, for no good reason.
I don't really care to be honest.
I've never really played Sakura Wars. But in all my years of knowing about the series and reading what others think of it. The SRPG parts were always the least talked about. SW is seen more as a whole package of a heavily anime like game. Maybe the more action heavy stuff could be good? We'll just have to wait and see the reception to it.
Don't worry, Yakuza 7 got you covered
To be honest I don't care that much, if I want to play a SRPG with mechas I'll always have Super Robot Wars. Most of the time you play Sakura Wars for the waifus and not the battles.
is this a full reboot? could someone jump in having never played one?
It's pretty obvious that the only people complaining are ones who never actually played the games.
What this user said
I don't see the big deal like stated Sakura Wars has always been about the characters first and gameplay second so as long as the cast is good then the game will do fine.
I'm the biggest trpg fan there is but I'm optimistic about the change because the tactics part in sakura taisen games was always shit-tier.
Is it going to have those timed answers again? I can't read that fast in Nip
Yeah they're back
Silence is a valid option in these games so just pretend your character is autistic and doesn't say anything when people talk to him
Don't worry user, a western release is already confirmed.
I only played the first two so I don't know about the switch to real time strategy or whatever that came with 3 onward. But I will miss it, it wasnt the highlight of the game, but it was decent srpg goodness. New one looks kinda barren and lame in comparison, I hope its just because it was the first level
It is a sequel but they are treating it like a new start so it should be fine.
.Literal corrupiton
Where the fuck Segata Sanshiro to recue?
I was going to say he was still dead, but SRW confirmed the Projext X Zone games are canon. Maybe he'll appear at the end to save his waifu.
Ogami confirmed for final boss.
The strategy part always has been lite in all the games, if anything looks like they are actually putting effort in the combat parts this time.
I'm with this guy.
I mean, this character has a mask.
You know who doesn't have a mask? Sakura.
Yeah, and she has a katana with a sakura flower guard. It's obvious as fuck she's not the original Sakura.
So confirmed for NotNazi using brainwashed Sakura?
No she's working for the demons
>voiced by Nana Mizuki
>and Kugimiya
fuck, a screaming banshee
german mecha are cool
Rie Kugimiya voices less and less violent loli tsunderes nowadays.
but does she still do the annoying high pitched shrieking?
I'm fine with them all coming back evil designed like that, except it would be better if they're all pregnant, carrying a monster child in their wombs.
And then when you battle one and beat her, the second time you fight her, her clothes get completely destroyed, showing off her glorious and naked body, floating in the moonlight, where she suddenly gives birth to a monster spawn and her baby merges with her body, giving her a second form, and then the real battle begins
she better have big tits
Well, 1 too, if you count Ayame and Yamazaki.
Did Sakura got smacked? Fucking lmao
It's a relaunch for a new generation.
Is threw any news on a Switch or PC release? I have a PS4 but I only use it for Project Diva and Samurai Shodown, so if its coming to either of those I'll just wait.
Not yet. For now it's only listed for PS4.
Is it mentioned what they're going to announce tomorrow?
>that proposal
Based MC.
Is this litteraly GuP's cutest wani, Erika Itsumi? I like it
I'm prepared for Sakura mindbreak and corruption doujins at C98.