>he only plays normal matches
>he has ranked anxiety
He only plays normal matches
>he has ranked anxiety
Is that not a natural part of ranked fights?
>Is that not a natural part of ranked fights?
don't normalize your own mental illness
posting a girl doesn't make you a girl
came here to post this. only a ranked player would project a ranked anxiety on a casual player who plays for fun.
I don't know, I just feel a lot of pressure in online matches, regardless of the rank itself. If this isn't normal, what can I do to get rid of it?
>play ranked in a fighter
>dab on idiots left and right, think you're hot shit
>meet actually good players at the highest levels and get your shit kicked in
>lack the motivation to keep improving because you're pushing 30 and fightans are a young man's game
>post rogue and kitty dancing
No my internet is just bad and i dont want to ruin somebodys day with my shitty lan service.
>>lack the motivation to keep improving because you're pushing 30 and fightans are a young man's game
theres a lot of 30+ boomers who are pros though
>tfw just play ranked for fun
>have less than a tenth of my total matches played in casual
Why do people even give a fuck about gaining or losing rank.
For me, it's kind of subconscious because I'm always trying to analyze my mistakes to perform better.
take two Xanax before getting in a queue
I'm already on too many meds as it is, I don't want to accidentally kill myself for a game.
>ranked anxiety
>he doesn't feel anxiety in any online interaction regardless of ranked/casual or competitive/cooperative
>only plays single player games
>restarts the whole thing if something goes wrong because it has to be done right from the start otherwise it's sub-optimal
>rarely finish anything because starting things over again and again is tiresome
Get on my level
It'd be a net positive either way.
I like living though, even if I hate my life style.
Why would I want to play with a bunch of minmaxing faggots instead of enjoy myself?
I don't play ranked because I don't play games that make a distinction between "normal" and "ranked" since they are always garbage.
Neither does posting like retard, yet here you are...
>he makes stupid posts like this everyday
Fucking ugly kikes
I often wonder what all those SSFII Turbo tournament winners I often read about in Gamepro magazines back in the mid 90s ended up in life. Did they throw in the towel voluntarily or keep going until they started getting stomped by young upstarts in newer fighting games? I know several went into the business themselves.
you just called me intelligent
>he has over 2000 hours in a game and still isnt getting paid
Yeah? You gonna refute me or what?
>v actually getting triggered by this
this board is full of casuals
>tfw only plays ranked matches
jk theres no ranks in fightcade but I only played ranked matches for sfv free trials
I know two guys who are exactly like this up to refusing to play certain games. Both of them are raging shitters so good for them, and everyone else
I feel like I lost if I don't carry, even if my team wins.
>Rank up
>Never play on Ranked again in case that rank is lost
Your reflexes don't start truly going bad until late 40s at the very earliest provided you actively play and practice on a regular basis, you could absolutely be good if you just push yourself.
Don't sell yourself short so you can settle for unsatisfactory mediocrity. I believe in you, user.
>lack the motivation to keep improving because you're pushing 30 and fightans are a young man's game
Holy shit this is me. I was enjoying tekken but I'm 30 and I'll never be as good as a 20 year old.
I dunno bout that. I'm in my mid 20s and I just started dumpstering people who used to beat regularly me with only 30-45 minutes of practice in my chosen game a day and some habitual study of the game over a period of six months.
If you can find an efficient routine that works, it doesn't matter what age you are. You can do it.
>be on adderall
>grind 2000 mmr out of dota matches
>run out
>lose all motivation to play any game at all anymore
Nah, I'm just aware I'm shit at video games so I don't try it.
I only played Tekken 7 ranked much the first month after it came out. I just played enough to rank up once when season 3 started. I should probably play it more often.
>that bra strap
>Smasbros UItimate's Elite Smash
>Bad rulesets/stages allowed
>Extremely laggy opponent every fucking time
>Just spams specials and you can't punish them because lag
>Lose from the wear eventually
>Lose bazillion good boy points
>Get a hundred lucky reads and manage to actually win
>Gain 10 pointos
>No rematch either way because it's not worth gambling points on the same person twice
>Battle Arenas
>Can be filtered by ruleset
>Can use Random Stage Selection
>If an opponent is actually laggy you just fucking SD all stocks and kick/leave because there's nothing on the line
>Fight only good opponents indefinitely because there's no risk in losing gains
Yeah, ranked anxiety, sure.
I haven't played Ult, do you get rewards for high ranking or is it just for bragging rights?
They're just for the matchmaking(and bragging if you wanna be cringy).
Higher points and you meet opponents with higher points,
There's also a treshold, that isn't fixed, of certain points that you need to meet in order to play in "Elite Smash". A player in Elite only faces other opponents in Elite and vice versa. The difference between Elite and normal quickplay is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, same rulesets and connection quality allowed.
Since those scores are different per charater, players usually play non-main character just to "unlock elite" then never play them again so they don't risk losing the elite status
Ah, yes, since the score is character based, once you're matched with someone, in case you want to rematch, you're stuck with that character.
Battle Arenas are player made lobbies that have no rankings at all, anyone can face anyone and there's not even a way to check their quickplay score. Since players have more control there, bad connections and retarded rulesets like 4stock/2minutes don't thrive.
> Playing for ranking, instead of fun and friends.
What's it like being an incel?
>and bragging if you wanna be cringy
cringiness is next to Godliness
grow up
It sucks `,:^'s
>falling for the ranked meme
Having this in Mario Maker 2.
>Finally get to S rank after hundreds of shitty matches, terrible lag and terrible RNG levels that require absolutely no skill. Don't want to play anymore because I'm one match away from losing it even though it means and does nothing
I'd rather not play a game mode that is essentially the same, but people feel justified in being more of an asshole than normal because their rank is at risk/on the line.
The only exception was CS:GO, because competitive is the actual good game mode, and casual wasn't the same mode for some dumb reason
Serious advice for those who want to get over ranked anxiety: You're only going to get over it by forcing yourself to do it. Just stop focusing so much on the ranked aspect and treat it like you would a non-matched game. If that's really too hard then either play ranked on a different game you don't care about as much until you can feel the same about it as you would a non-ranked game, or make a new account to play ranked on until you get used to it.
Accepting that you may fail is an important life skill in more than vidya and simply avoiding all scenarios where you have something minor to lose will hold you back in life, so you might as well get over it with something as inconsequential as a video game.
Look at most fighting or rts threads and you'll see how casual Yea Forums really is.
>never play anything other than ranked because its a waste of time to play "for fun"
>video games are a waste of time
be realistic with your abilities, quit lying to yourself about being good, or you're never actually going to get better.
>play any ranked game ever
>not matter how good you are you still gotta deal with shit like lag, players disconnecting, usual internet related stuff
Its not even worth it anyway. You get a couple strangers to see your name in the rankings and thats it.
It was way more fun back when I competed with friends that I knew personally and could brag about when I won in our tournaments and stuff.
>Edgy teen talks to internet rando
That conversation was cringey on both sides.