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*unzips dick*
seems legit
Why is she so depressed again?
constant stigma against her crest and a healthy dose of extreme self hatred
why didnt we get to kill her stalker?
Read that as smegma and I feel awful about it.
>actually kills herself during the time skip if you don't recruit her on non-GD routes
Hey Marianne, wanna play some Uno?
>I've felt the air rise up in me.
I read crest as chest
Come to think of it
Maybe if we combined the two we'd find out what her real problem is
>Not protecting this smile
Marianne is actually more of a damage mage than a healer, she has good stats and spell lists to support that role on both sides. She's missing that AoE healing spell or good utility like Warp/Rescue/Fortify so you really want her to be a combatant. She's also the only unit you could remotely consider making a Holy Knight because Aura hits like a truck.
I thought we did in her paralogue.
Is it ok to train her as a pegasus knight -> falcon knight?
nah all he does is say jk and leaves without a scratch
I want to help her heal.
No we kill Maurice and then the stalker suddenly realizes he was mistaken and he just leaves
That’s not true, I bought mine on launch day!
She doesn't have the Str to actually deal damage with weapons outside of Frozen Lance.
As someone who tried that, don't. Her damage output is going to get tanked by that build order, it's not worth it.
I suggest going full mage, then putting her into dancer.
Maddening is fucking obnoxious.What the fuck is this horseshit having literally everything doubling you. Even your faster units get fucking doubled
Was he mistaken? He's an asshole but not technically wrong
This game is just like every teacher/coach movie ever. There's even the suicidal goth kid who gets fixed.
She's also slow as balls, but not strong enough to OHKO without a double attack.
>Spend the entire map taking no damage and critting with every single attack
>Gets a bad level up
>"Not good enough."
Just because you're too hard to kill doesn't mean you have to be too hard on yourself, Dedue.
Don't know. The game's way too vague on whether or not she could do the same as Maurice
Her Spd growth isn't that bad, 40% is higher than plenty of people. No one calls Hubert slow and he's basically the same.
Maybe mine got speed cucked, but she only has 22 speed at level 40. I went priest, bishop, and holy knight.
Don't think I didn't see you there young lady.
You're lucky I'm pairing you with Ashe instead of believing diversity is our strength.
>First playthrough
>Try to recruit every cute girl
>She's the only one I missed
Just lay it on me, when do I kill her? I already iced Ferdinand and Lorenz, I can handle it now I think
Don't worry, she took care of the job for you
>Edelgard is boring as shit
>Claude and Dimitri are actually fun and have depth
She beats you to the punch if you don't recruit her.
She's already dead.
I audibly sucked air through my teeth when reading this post...
Well fuck.
I'll kill Edelgard in her name then.
You killed Marianne though not Edelcuck.
You already have
She killed herself, I had nothing to do with it.
I still have no idea how I recruited Ignatz, he joined me at like the last chapter and I didn't have a B support or the required skills.
Move over Marianne, there'a a better healer in town
You only need authority for Ignatz, you're easily gonna hit C authority without even trying before the timeskip.
>Thank you for giving me the world.
> Git gud
But actually the key is to play Bow Emblem. Unironically buy every single character a bow ASAP. They can’t double you if you just chip away at them from a distance
So, how is merciless treating you all? I already got to the second Death Knight death fiesta and already feel like killing myself it's fucking great
I had to give up on my vanilla run of it, shit is too hard. I don't want to abuse every bonus possible but professor rating as A+ from tbe start is really nice.
Remember to be gentle around Bernie, she is fragile and flammable! I love my wife Bernadetta!
Please do not touch my wife, thanks.
god i love marianne
>She killed herself
Because you were too stupid to recruit her. Stop victim blaming.
Yes, very.
>Marianne is able to get her own shit together over the time skip if she is in your house, giving an impression she is strong enough to get better on her own
>turns out not having her in your house means she kills herself and it is MC dick that saves the depressed girl once again
soiled it
stop memeing you fags. She doesn't kill herself it is implied she runs away.
Why do people meme her as a werewolf? Wasn't it only Maurice that lost his way?
>Start losing
>Burn shit quick
So Edelgard is basically just Zhuge Liang?
DUDE, it's TOTALLY okay to do eugenics with god DNA for nearly a thousand years all while manipulating an entire continent and putting up this bullshit outer layer of goodwill while you commit crimes against humanity. Totally fine.
Rhea even manipulates Seteth, the one guy you'd think she'd trust the most. Really makes you think, huh?
At least Edelgard is honest about how's she's doing fucked up shit, fuck Rhea and fuck churchtards.
Dude why are you bringing this up when nobody brought up Edelcuck? Nice try Edelcuk.
I'm actually golden deer, and I never said that edelgard was in the right. They're both wrong.
Her voice is so soft and sweet. And her S support. She's perfect and I can't bring myself to S-rank anyone else.
The only way I was able to not S rank her was by playing as a girl and getting BOARED.
My boy Ferdinand made her happy
After some uncertainty about the details, it was decided that Caspar would marry into Bernadetta's family, seeing as she had claim to House Varley. The two had a chaotic reign and a marriage to match. Each time Caspar caused some incident, Bernadetta would demand promises as recompense. Over time, their oaths accumulated to such a great number that it became necessary to compile them, and the resulting document came to be known as the "47 Articles of Bernie." Among these Articles was the provision that, when counting their large quantity of children, Caspar was not to accidentally count his wife among them.
I tried to protect you, sweet child. Damn you Claude...
Hilda calm down please
She died the same way in my BL run.
I love how regardless of ending Caspar has a fuckton of kids. Mans is fertile
Why is Hilda racist against Almyrans but wants to ride Claude?
not to mention he keeps "accidentally" confusing his kids and his wife, so he's got a lot of extra grandkids running around too
One of the best things about Marianne support with Hilda because Hilda sees her depression and willing to help to the end. Also it's one of the best pair ending in Three Houses.
can't beat the cock
Maddening is statchecky as fuck. To an unfun degree. Literally everyone except Byleth gets doubled its bullshit
For fucks sake Hilda and Marianne are STRAIGHT
I went all the way around her to avoid killing her too...
She looks like she could a hug
Many hugs
What do you mean? I'm new to the series, just finish my first run (BL) on normal. I've skated by without having to delve too deeply into stats.
I'm glad Marianne has a friend like Hilda even though she can't save her.
This must have been some inside joke. She makes way too many references to burning things
Play it slow mate
And unequip weapons on enemy turn lures so they dont get doubled. Thhe retation dmg is sometimes not worth it
>I'm actually golden deer
Golden chads don't give a FUCK about Edelgard or Rhea.
Its foreshadowing my friend
Use training weapons nigga, if your unit is still getting doubled with them they should either be your tank or on the bench.
>Hilda and Marianne are LESBIANS
It keeps happening
more like Burnadetta.
I mean I think it would be pretty fucking obvious if Marianne transformed into a crest beast at night. That's not really something you can hide for literally years, especially during the school phase where the whole area is pretty populated.
But in the pair ending she did and now living together.
Latest member of the Burned Boys with Sigurd and Flora.
This looks like a Beverly Clearly book’s front cover
Bernie is not kindle wood and should be protected at ALL costs! It would be pretty rude to let any fire near Byleths wife!
>Byleth's wife
The ballista is waiting
Looks like you posted some trash.
Don't worry though; Byleth will clean it up.
Marianne is perfect fit to be in a Beverly Clearly book.
Holy shit archers are complete garbage in maddening, they barely do any damage and get doubled by fucking everybody, my Ashe is level 4 while the rest of my party is 10, fucking hell.
ouch user why would you do this to me
Terrible every support is the same girl.
im only right after the mock battle but i did it a few times because i was getting trash growths (and a few early crits) and i lost a unit every time. im not sure its for me yet
>Byleths wife!
Absolutely fucking based.
Sensei would never harm his precious wife
I tried to get a Byleth solo going
got halfway through the mock battle but then everyone started chasing down Edelgard instead.
they must frequent Yea Forums
I'm doing the first mission on maddening and it's like the game is yelling at me to cheat. I already gave up on my vanilla run and doing a NG+ but this chapter is bullshit on maddening. Your units don't even have their +5 hp most likely, it feel impossible to do this.
Well yeah, Byleth would never touch a hair on his wife Bernie's head, with Edelgard though her head will be used to test just how sharp the sword of the creator cuts.
She has 24 as a level 20 dancer in my game.
Thread lacks more of Marianne Eisner
fuck now i wanna play ck2
People are reaching the skip alr. Push it through, and play it safe my friend
And make a farming box ala trap a poor stray archer with your units (training weapon and tons lf physic/vulnerary) if shit is getting out of hand for early class mastery
Is this actually implied or is everyone just memeing, all the wiki says is that she isn't seen during the war-phase if she's not recruited
It is 100% implied. Honestly it isn’t even subtle. It’s about as implied as it gets in a T rated game
You just know.
It's balanced around NG+ but it's still more than possible to beat in NG. You need to utilize every advantage you can and give everyone bows and training weapons. You also need to use Byleth's personal skill.
Damn really? How so?
Her A rank she straight up says that every day her prayer was for the goddess to take her to her. Don’t think you have to stretch the imagination too hard to realize the implications of that
Not that user, but Marianne's post-timeskip support with Byleth implied that if you haven't recruit her or was in her house, she would have commit suicide to go with the goddess. Add to it is how Marianne never appear as enemy unit or even mentioned in post-timeskip.
I don't even remember that when I got her A support. I might not have gotten it because her C-B was boring and I dropped it.
>Marianne support
>sad music comes on
>Marianne has almost no BE supports
>Sylvain has almost no supports that reach A
>Ferdinand is too perfect with Dorothea and Hubert
>Hanneman is for Manuela, so no platonic ending
Guess best girl and best boy will be alone this time.
>I would not trade our time together or the happiness we knew for anything.
They would both trade it to get Blyeth.
Dimitri x Marianne gives me life.
Fuck, that shouldn't have to happen. And Hilda still doesn't hold it against her.
Except Catherine who is barren.
why god
This is why you only play BE once.
You can really tell who are the true friends by which "betrayal" conversations have them angry, sad, or apologetic at each other.
what do you mean?
I have no idea how to beat the first mission in maddening. Why the fuck do these thieves have pass? My only strategy left is to use bow and hand axe spam and pray to rngsus.
ah nevermind I thought you said BL
Yeah fuck Edeltard I hated every second of working with her. Hubert's pretty cool though he redeemed himself by being a badass
What the fuck man.
I'm glad I never played BE, and I'm glad I recruited Marianne on my other 3 runs.
>said to be best friends since childhood despite their major differences
>no special support
>no unique exchange when made to fight one another
Time constraints.
Same reason we didn’t get a Stacy showdown with Hilda and Dorothea
The DLC better fluff out supports. I didn't think I'd care too much about some people ending at B until I realized that I actually liked everybody and wanted more.
I won't make a final opinion until I complete at least one maddening run but I think I preffer hard honestly. While hard is too easy it still is fun to me for how it allows you freedom in exploring your classes. With maddening it doesn't feel like "I need to play more stagetic" like I was hoping so much it would be.
Which characters were your biggest surprises and biggest disappointments?
I ended up really liking Marianne, Felix, and Ferdinand, and was disappointed by Edelgard, Catherine, and Leonie.
>Maddening Byleth is such an unga unga gorilla that he almost single handedly crushed Death Knight's skull in his bare hands with Raph and Hilda's support in the Mausoleum
21 str at lv 8, but only 6 def in trade. Good thing I'm raising armor for Ferdinand because apparently I'm going to fucking need it
That Forgotten Hero mission was fucking brutal.
I was surprised by how much I ended up looking Hilda and Lorenz. I ended up disliking Edelgard, Lysithea, and Leonie.
>biggest surprise
seteth, i honestly thought I was going to wind up hating him but he's based af in his supports
ingrid could've been more racist
I was surprised how much I liked Lorenz, Ferdinand, Petra, Bernadetta, and Mercedes and disappointed by Leonie and Catherine.
BE has a much stronger cast then I had originally assumed, not huge on Caspar or Lindhart but they're still okay.
Honestly too many to name for surprises, a ton of characters wound up being so much better than I was expecting but if I was to put a top 3 it would be hubert ferdinand and hilda but there is a lot more.
Most disappointing was Leonie Shamir and Raphael. I like Raphael but, he kinda already has all his life together as is and all his supports were dissolved into two topics of sister or food.
Lorzen is my biggest surprise because I thought I would hate him for his character trope at first but his supports are actually great. Make me want to replay GD and pair him up with Lysithea instead of Leonie because I really like their supports even tho they got bad ending
The biggest disappointments are probably Rhea and Sothis. I thought they would have more roles in-game as the trailers implied but it wasn't the case. If talking about battle units, Leonie and Shamir aren't really interesting. Probably Ingrid too but she saved my ass many time in BL runs so I like her more.
Shamir could have used a bit more depth but she isn't too bad. While no one is quite as bad as Cyril I do wish Leonie and Catherine were deeper.
Ingrid's "plain jane tomboy" shtick has its appeal, though of course people only discuss her racism.
Saw her description and expected Tharja/Camilla tier cringe. Some supports are pretty annoying to listen to but I was surprised how much I liked her overall. Her coming out to put flowers on Jeralt's grave and telling you she doesn't know what you're going through but still sorry for your loss really got to me.
Wrong, this woman is deceased.
>people complaining about maddening
How? It’s no harder than fe6 hard.
>My growths... give them back...
i still love marianne
if I cut those off will she die?
>Best Support
>Best Goddess Tower
>Best Paralogue
>Best Smile
Dark knight Byleth is super cool
>A single bitch can make moralefags cry
Nice, glad this is all this shit game will be remembered for.
>Try to kill Marianne
>She kills herself before you can
>Try to Marry Marianne
>She proposes to you before you can
Deepest Lore
Nice to finally see a waifu with some agency.
This is my wife Rhea
Describe this girl in one word.
Kino S Support
This is the most unfunny shit I've ever seen, but expected from a retarded Edelfag who doesnt actually care about anything in the game outside of the only route he played
her C B and A supports suck though
>thanks for being my professor you cured my suicide
She opens up way more with pretty much everyone else
>entire pic is against edelgard
>idiot edeltard tries to pose as bluchad and fails miserably
the absolute state of fujo
I thought all of her supports as a whole form a pretty perfect character arc especially if you did her Goddess Tower which is pretty much her B+ support.
>C Support is her lying about her prayers
>B Support is her starting to open up then running way
>Goddess Tower is her opening up and actually feeling conflicted about her prayers
>A scene actually coming around and stops praying for death
>Paralogue about her asking you to help her deal with the source of her curse that started all this
>S rank is wanting to keep growing even after everything is done
Combined with how much she changes in all her little dialogue in Part 2 and I think it's pretty much perfect. Her A rank was my actual favorite support in the game.
If you insist taking her into physical classes at all, just go Wyvern.
Like, really, that class is so fucking busted.
It would open up the possibility for transformation units which are strangely absent in this one, I mean in story people transform into stuff but not in gameplay, would've been cool to have a crest monster style unit as a character you can control.
how many fucking levels of incest are you on if you fuck Rhea
>Punished Dimitiri gets a bad level up
He's right and he should feel bad for getting a bad level up.
About three or four.
Dorothea, Linhart, Ferdinand
Caspar is just sort of boring, he feels like a shonen trope in a game full of actual characters
u are like little baby
[rhea x byleth x flayn x a bullhead]
>I like Raphael but, he kinda already has all his life together
Thats what I like, he is so level headed for a lovable moron that he makes other characters happy, I think he is the only character that cures Bernadetta or believes Flayn can be strong enough for her father not to worry about her.
Heck Raphael even gets Caspar to stop worrying about being a manlet and his upbeat attitude completely breaks Shamir facade.
I love that big guy.
Make that a Goddess Messenger and force Seteth to watch.
>Church is Rome Imperator
Slithers are Hearts of Iron
I liked Caspar and Raphael's Quest For Gains.
>Wedding dress Rhea
>Old wives tale about bridal diapers
>Rhea taking too long to do her hair just right for you to use the bathrrom while you wait at the altar
>Her stomach is acting up because of nervousness on her special day
>Feels some pressure at her butt as she's being walked down the aisle
>Chances a fart up at the altar because she doesn't want to accidentally fart even worse during her vows
>Her eyes go wide as she realizes it's much much worse than a fart
>The sounds of Rhea's divine ass filling her diaper is clear to everyone
>As if her clutching her stinky butt that's still pouring so much mess into her diaper wasn't obvious enough
>Expands the back enough for a noticeable shape of the rear
>Sags enough between her legs to show in the front of her dress
>Continue on with the wedding
>Consummation comes after a diaper change
>Or maybe after a few diaper changes~
i want her to ride my face
>have tea time with Raphael
>'if my parents didn't die I would not have met you professor'
that shit caught me off guard
Thats why shes perfect
Byleth, no
there's tons of other pretty girls, don't fuck your mom/daughter okay
The heart is a muscle, and Raphael has big muscles.
Butt you said maybe you didn't need to run away in the first place? So which is it dad? If I want to let my surprisingly mature daughter cradle me like a baby and jack me off while singing to me I'll do it
Zero. There's no actual blood connection between Byleth and Rhea.
Byleths mother wasn't Rheas child by blood.
Jeralt had some of Rheas blood, but didn't pass it down to Byleth. She's pretty much a random stranger in terms of incest levels.
>If I want to let my surprisingly mature daughter cradle me like a baby and jack me off while singing to me I'll do it
I'm not the only one who was thinking that the whole time during this scene right?
I've read far too many cake/milf doujins
I wouldn't say zero, since you are the reincarnation of her mother
if i genetically altered my dna so it was different from my twin sister and banged her would it be incest?
Technically the only real incest you can get is Linhardt and Flayn.
>others with the crest of cethleann
You know what that means, she got impregnated by Male Villager a thousand years ago.
>become god-emperor of Fodlan
>marry Rhea
>even if I step down my children will have that dragonblood that Edel hates so much
Get fucked, Edel. Lizards rule.
Why are villagers so fucking strong in this universe? Why even rely on knights and nobles?
B-Byleth, I love you son. Rhea is stinky, never 4get.
Not as stinky as your corpse, you drunkard dead-beat dad
why you gotta be like that son
you know, I thought we were friends
But she has big boobys
>Rhea is stinky
Maybe you should change her diaper already then
>know something is off about Flayn
>between her age listed as ?, the way she speaks, and some of her early supports
>do her and Seteth's catalogue
>Oh yeah she's my daughter (obviously) and my wife was Saint Cihol
>I actually read the statue text and know that Cihol was a man
Why these niggas always gotta lie?
I still remember when you sold me to that burly duscur man for a night. You sold my poor defenseless butt for a keg of beer.
I hate you dad. I should've married your killer and impregnated her over your grave.
His wife wasn't st. Cichol, he was.
Make sure to check it first to see if there's still room, wouldn't want to waste a diaper when the Archbishop can pack her pious pampers even more
Son, big boobys are nice but plenty of women have them. You need to choose the boobys.
It was a fucking single night you goddamn pussy, big fucking whoop. You'd do the same to your kids byleth, don't even tell me you wouldn't.
Good beer too.
Based goldenCHAD
I hope to GOD the story DLC giver her and Cat a proper married end.
That's sort of what I deduced, my guess is all the green hairs are just Saints and that Byleth or Rhea is Serios. Still, why he gotta keep lying?
Claude AND Cyril.
This shit was ice fucking cold
Ingrid doesnt need healing.
Can we all agree that A funeral of flowers is the most kino final map theme?
more like: here I put my mother inside you, keep her warm while I wait for her to come back
Just bought this game the other day, chapter 4 golden deer, any advice or tips? I'm playin on classic and I don't want to use anyoine but the ones in my house unless they ask to be recruited, don't want to force them.
This encapsulates the whole anti-Fates feel this game has.
Rhea being Seiros is probably one of the transparent twists in the game. Actual spoiler if you haven't figured it out yet. Blyat is Sothis.
>the most transparent twists
Feel free to bully.
That spoiler isn't true, Bylat just gets her power and she fucks off
She doesn't fuck off does she? If you S rank she says she's still there because your souls have fused or something like that.
with lorenz the writers flat out trick the player into thinking hes an edgy nobility faggot but it turns out hes pretty cool
I was disappointing by petra, lysithea, leonie and marianne, meanwhile hilda, claude and raphael are pretty great. I tried to recruit linhardt before the timeskip as he honestly seemed one of the most interesting characters of them all, but I failed
>when 4 minutes have passed and you haven't mentioned Lonato to anyone
he says HE is cichol, not his wife
Why is Dimitri acting like such a sperg around Mercedes? She's harmless.
You mean Felix? Because she babies him like a mother.
She fuses with you and you become Sothis. She even says in the cutscene that she is now apart of you forever.
When does this play again
Final map of church route. But the piano part is the action music that only play during fights.
>boarchad gets the best theme in the game
best digger
But they do have battle dialogue together.
Huh, I dont remember it. I played Church route. Maybe I just wasnt paying attention. Good song.
>that support with Hilda where she cant stop laughing
so fucking CUTE
Why do we like Caspar?
>you want me to join your class? sure!
>I must join this army for Lonato!
>just murder the little shit
I'm not gonna recruit your ass again this is a one and done house
cuz he’s cute!
What kind of advice would you like to give to this man?
Mating press is the best way for a man to show his love.
you had your chance she's my daughterwife now
Why is this game out of stock literally everywhere?
Annette belongs with Felix. If you're playing BL then you get married to Dimitri. It's just facts. You can't argue with facts.
>select dimitri when he isnt at full health
>heal him
>"Wasted effort."
>finish fight
>"Eventually I too will fall."
Jesus he really went full edgelord huh
Too late.
She's the archbishop's wife now.
woah, FE getting serious again?
I don’t know why everyone shills lysithea when she’s a fucking cunt to everyone
Best wife for Felix?
This was so satisfying
I'm glad they didnt make you bitch out and have some copout ending, you just straight up execute her like you should
my Felix is dead so I have to be the one to PROTECC Annette
>I wanted to walk with you
I don't even know you.
Who does this girl belong to?
Why won't you love me, sensei?
>Precious wife.
>Won't marry him publicly
I'm still mad that Felix didn't get a fancy sword but instead some shield that he never uses because he doesn't get hit.
She's my girl!
Gustav Dominic.
>56% Adrastian
But Dorothea is Felix's girlfriend
They are on opposite sides of the war, they can't hook up.
>not recruiting her
>recruiting her
>Mercie... the professor and I...
The only real way to play is to never recruit anyone.
Sylvain. None of the girls should end up with Felix, he’s way too much of a neg.
I feel like most of the BEagles are supposed to be recruited, especially Ferdie and Bernie
What went so right?
No, the only Empire units that really seem meant to he recruited are Caspar and Dorothea, given how low their requirements are.
Sylvain belongs with Ingrid.
Those two as well. Ferdie and Bernie have literally no reason to side with Edelgard. Ferdie gets all his land taken away, his dad gets arrested, and Bernie fucking hates her family.
Cool art
And the writing was surprisingly good for a FE game, that's what went right. BL in particular was one of the more compelling stories I've played in a long while, even if its a of a Berserk cliche.
Which house has the best units overall and why?
I’m referring to gameplay, not characterization. Bernadetta was expected to be on the top of the waifu charts, so I can see the devs predicting you’d recruit her (even when her requirement is “get C in bows and also at least 10 or so strength levelups”), but I doubt Ferdinand is expected to be recruited, since not only is Armor obnoxious to train, but he’s also a boss alongside Ladislava in GD.
>the absolute state of fujo
Surely fujos would only pick the Blue Lion house because pretty boy edge lord
Definitely not BE. It’s kinda hard to tell whether BL or GD is better, since on the one hand, Dimitri, Dedue, Felix and Ingrid; but on the other, Claude, Raphael, Lysithea and Leonie. Guess it mostly depends on how the levelups go.
But BE has Edelgard, the single best unit in the game and one of the best units in the series, from what I hear at least.
GD route?
Yeah, turns out that NPCs actually get better growths than units under your control. No, seriously.
You were lied to, user. There’s no saving you.
>BE doesn't have any real tanks
kinda worrying on maddening.
But how do you top her great strength, great defense, galeforce, and wyvern rider combo? What unit is better than that?
Desperate times call for desperate circumstances, man. You’ll have to turn Ferdinand into an armorknight.
Ferdinand can go tank.
Except I recruited Annette at level 3.
Wait, are the growths carried over? What if you're playing Maniac? Do they just half the stats?
The faggots and teenage girls that want to suck the game's staple retarded edgelord off are the most obnoxious posters in every thread.
Can't Edel tank as a knight?
No, no and no. They only have the boosted growths as long as the player hasn’t recruited them yet. Then they go back to their normal growths.
Golden Deer
Everyone besides Ignatz is great.
BL final map song?
Apex of the world
Taken down by copyright claims.
My Raphael had one (1) resistance all the way until I leveled him to Fortress Knight and gained 6 stats in resistance.
Unfortunately, I had to put him out of his misery before reaching a master class or gaining enough faith to abuse growth from base class stats.
He kept dying to fire and Nosferatu in one hit.
What's a good class for Marianne? I'm starting out GD.
Are they lesbians, or best friends?
I made her a sword master + Levin Sword + whatever her relic sword was called
Mercie is a bisexual churchslut, while Anette is a GOOD GIRL.
Monk > Priest > Bishop > Gremory/White Knight
Is the obvious vanilla choice.
I personally found she works way better as black magic user into a dark knight.
>tfw Dindu died during the time skip on my playthrough
>tfw I felt bad about it, but thought it was scripted
I have to play BL again...
Huh, didn't think of that one. What progress path did you take for that?
Throwing yuriniggers a bone was the worst decision of 3H
But them giving the middle finger to /y/ fags was great.
I didn't even make her a Wyvern Lord and she stomped everything. And then I had Hubert as well, with a ridiculous damage output.
You can’t get Ferdinand’s paralogue unless he’s on an anti-Edelgard route so he’s definitely expected to be recruited
ahhhh kawaii ne~
Professor, what are you looking at?
Or you’re expected to go Church. Which is where I did that paralogue.
your fat tits, you dumb looking cunt. god these pixels are bad.
Her head looks tiny.
Oh no, the specialized phystank doesn’t have any resistance. Guess that means he’s useless.
You fucking idiot.
What do I do with Ignatz? When I got him in my previous play through he was shit, but now he's in my class so I have to deal with him being part of the team.
You’ll just have to roll the dice user. My BL Ignatz is actually turning out pretty well, maybe you’ll be fine.
Guess he'll be the assassin. At least he can have some utility.
I love Ashe! Ashe is the cutest! I want to help Ashe achieve his dream of becoming a knight! I want to watch the way his eyes light up when he talks about King Loog! I want to hold him and comfort him when he cries about Lonato’s death! I want to praise him when he tells me about the good deed he did today!
35% str club
Straight through the Fighter/Brigand/Warrior line while still picking up some bow in-between, then make him a Bow Knight. Should counteract his shitty STR, or hope that the Lethality works out.
More like lord LAME-ato!
I made him an assassin and then made him into a Mortal Savant and he ends up never missing any attacks.
they can, and byleth is also an option. but it can be a bit of a waste of offensive power, especially since i'm not sure how good tanks are in maddening. the issue is just that even if i make a tank, it won't turn out as well as a raphael/dedue. none of them have more than base 35 def growth.
another issue with BE is that they lack dedicated lances. the group is full of mages and axes i think. GD felt a lot more well rounded.
to paraphrase from an earlier thread I saw this in
>brigand to assassin
>>from there you can either make him a wyvern,armor,or horse
>>>wyvern iggy is underwhelming
>>>>after becoming a horse unit the negative speed growth doesn't matter after the assassins +20 speed
>>>>>fortress actually works well since the - 8 weight is good for him, and the +def helps him out a ton, especially after the assassins speed buff
Did you not do his paralogue or something?
Yes, he can be useful standing there waiting for all the better characters to wipe the map. Or I can replace him with someone who doesn't die to rock paper scissors and has some mobility, accuracy, strength, range or at least speed.
Even Ingatz has use in cleaning up enemies with no hp left.
Is it really going edgelord when your life has been fucked over so hard? He goes to being a genuine cinnamon roll after he is healed though.
Nigga, my Raphael is so strong he can OHKO enemy fortress knights without needing to double attack or crit, plus his crit rate is above 50%. And low res doesn’t even matter that much when he has above 70 HP. Maybe you just got statcucked.
i've really grown fond of her weird tired and almost erotic "yattemimasu"
>wyvern rider meme
This is the stealth archer of fire emblem, we get it, it’s an overpowered class. You can force anyone into it and find success
Congratulations on having excellent RNG.
Though I can't complain. My Hilda had better stats than Claude and Byleth
My Hilda ended up “okay.” She’s still strong, but she’s worse than my Wyvern Lord Ashe.
Dude, I had shit RNG on my GD Hard and ended up with a top-heavy Raphael with like 12 speed at level 36 or so in Chapter 19. He was still a consistent MVP thanks to just how useful he was as a tank and a monster slayer. Plus Grappler is just a completely OP class.
I will reap their souls
raphael is a very specialized unit. he lacks mobility but he's an extremely sturdy and strong character. speed isn't even an issue when gauntlets hit twice. he also has decent crit growths and access to many crit abilities.
also the other user is right, you're complete retard for letting your phystank get hit with spells.
Biggest disappointments were easily Marianne and Lysithea.
The former is fucked up in the the head while the latter is simply too annoying.
Do those scythes do magic damage?
>Needing a dedicated monster slayer
Monsters are pussy shit.
she should turn around and bend over so i can look at her ass
I hate Lysithea as a character, she’s obnoxious and a complete brat.
But holy fuck those stats.
Dude what the FUCK
I made Marianne and Flayn into heal sluts
>Flayn warps Marianne then Marianne heals Flayn
>all while Hilda the Horrible just charges in and takes a total of 4 damage from a bunch of wyverns, archers, and heavies
no they're just super killer lances
Why does Byleth not stop criticizing with 10-15%?
I can agree on Lysithea.
I expected her to be my favorite, but her personality was annoying. Aided by awful voice acting. I had zero expectations for Marianne so I guess I am happy with how she turned out.
It's because Seteth is Saint Cihol.
Also, while it's not a huge deal, I want you to consider how eager Flayn is to talk about one of the other saints.
>he hasn’t used Dimitri yet
>The cunny . . .
2x White is overkill on non warp bots anyway
>Attack the Saint Macuil beast with Flayn
>”Hey Cethleann, it’s been a while, how are you?”
>”Uncle, shut the fuck up.”
>”W-what’s wrong?”
Caspar was kinda shit at first, but he got good once I made him a grappler / war master.
Lindhart is shit though.
The most based femoid in 3h
Sylvain belongs with Dorothea
I just started the game over despite not finishing a single playthrough. Maddening is a bit hard.
you can also get some extra lore by having Seteth attack the Wind Caller
I gave him to Dorothea, these two whores were made for eachother
That's normally how it goes with stalkers. You might not have picked her at the start but she's still locking herself in her room and drawing pictures of you in every route.
I love her pale skin and the fact that she's 153 cm tall.
Makes wanna hug her so hard I break her bones.
Not even a waifufag btw.
My Linhardt ended up pretty okay as a Dark Knight. He has a really good spell list. Excalibur lets him meme on Pegasus/Falcon Knights who other mages can’t touch. Just enough speed to double attack most enemy units and surprisingly good bulk, too.
Same with moving him near the church on the Enbarr map.
>Using Ingrid to get to her granny
>He goes to being a genuine cinnamon roll
fuck off back to tumblr fujoshit
Dimitri's growths are so fucked
its amazing how much subtle storytelling there is in this game. Next run I want to see if Ashe and Lonato have any unique dialogue together
Its still pretty edgy
im a sucker for that shit though
He does though. He was faking it before because he was still crazy.
Me too. It is so played out but I fucking fall for it every time.
Pretty much same as you, except replace ferdinand with linhardt
Bernadetta (i thought i would hate her but i couldnt she's too fragile and precious)
The entire GD house aside from a few
Edelgard being what she is, I didnt expect her to be that bad even after all the rumors
Most of the knights sucked
I thought there would be more of Jeralt and Sothis but they just fuck off from the plot 1/3 of the way through
So does this mean Golden Deer is the best and more fun route?
because shes dying and doesnt have time for anyones bullshit
>better than ck2
is dodgetanking still viable in maddening?
Marianne surprised me in that I expected to like her, and she still surpassed all my expectations
They do.
But my POPs!
Felix is way more based than he has any right to be, as is Lorenz.
Bernie, she just feel like a joke character.
They do
Why did Tiki get paid
Mercie wouldn't mind being more than friends but Annie is straight.
how do class stats work? can you gain permanent stats from classing? or is it that you lose those gains after changing to a different class?
i was under the impression that you could gain stats, but i'm not sure how it works.
They are pole sisters
The War designs for the BL girls are great
That’s all your money she stole from you, gachafag.
How straight is Annette?
Each class has some very minor stat adjustments, these are more or less insignificant.
And each class has a minimum base stat, so if your character is under it, that stat gets a boost. Of course if you get a stat boost from that you probably won't be effective in this class to begin with.
On the other hand you can abuse this by turning your mage into fortress knights to get a defense boost and the likes.
Ferdinand > Lorenz
Ferdie is best boy behind Dimitri so this is true. Lorenz and Felix are tied for third.
>Better hair
>Acknowledges that his dad is a huge piece of shit
but the base stat boosts don't stay do they? otherwise i could reclass into a bunch of classes and gain some of the stats i'm lacking.
and i guess these minor stat adjustments do stay?
I was actually surprised by Edelgard. Bought this game about a week ago and I heard all about the controversy. Ended up liking the character
War designs are generally better than pre timeskip with some exceptions
Reminder that Flayn is the canon marriage choice for M!Byleth.
Yeah, I immediately pegged Lorenz as being that annoying, holier-than-thou, stuck up noble fuckwit. But then you get to know the guy and he turns out to be one of the more respectable, warm, and caring dudes in GD who is a pleasure to watch when he interacts with everyone else.
I mean, it seems like everyone in the game has incredible character growth, but man, Lorenz was completely out of left field. A+ guy.
>one of the polteagist has els horns
>>another one has dimitris eyepath
I'm disappointed the claude one doesn't have his beard
That's Edelgard!
Ferdinand automatically became an irredeemable piece of shit when he declined my continuous offers of joining my house because he wanted to side with the same girl that stripped him of his belongings and dignity.
That S-rank is awful. It’s just fish girl asking what Byleth’s gender is. I have no idea what it is that people see in this character.
I reached the time skip for Golden Deer, is this the halfway mark? I've already wracked up 40 hours in game...
What does this say?
They do stay, but the lower classes have low base stats and there's only so many advanced and master classes you can unlock without hampering progress. And the less drastically different classes have similar base stats.
Remember that getting an in S in something like black magic will be far more valuable than getting 4 skills to A.
Again, the only practical use of this is to train the weakness. i.e Raphael will never have good resistance, so if you keep level faith you can turn him in a priest or a later a bishop and get a good resistance boost.
Where does Edel get her gorilla strength from?
>Edelgard's signature weapon is an axe
>is a fucking joke of a boss
>Foxy Grandpa Nemesis foregoes the traditional bandit's weapon of choice and uses a sword instead
>is the strongest boss in the game
wow Kaga nice bias
Also does Black Eagles route better explain Edelgard's motivations for starting the war? This flame emperor + warmonger stuff came out of nowhere
Whose wife is this?
Gorilla: Faerghus
Gorilla: Adrestrian
>Feed banana
Seteth, Linhardt, Felix, LORENZ HELLMAN GLOUCESTER and FERDINAND VON AEGIR for surprises.
Edelgard and Caspar for disappointment.
Yes, but some of the shit she was doing as the flame emperor was never explained
Let's talk lore.
So is Sothis an ayy lmao dragon or was she hatched in Aillel?
As far as I can tell either the Fell Star (Sothis) crashed into Aillel causing the calamity, she then emerged and helped humanity recover in spite of the Agarthans.
Hahaha, that's funny Edelgard. Surely nothing bad will come of this.
Stigma because of her crest and intense survivor's guilt
Considering how much they shove spears in your face, they probably thought at least half your party will have swordbreaker equipped.
>Edelgard's plan to fix the noble problem is to strip all nobles of power unless they have connections to her Imperial rule and have special privileges from her
God I can't believe that after an entire route of promising "equality", the Black Eagles ends up with Faerghus and Liecester forced under Imperial subjugation at axepoint while THE BOAR of all people bring about a united Fodlan kingdom. Edelgard should be ashamed of herself if THE BOAR can bring about a more peaceful world than she can.
>Lysithea voice acting bad
>Aoi Yuki
Fucking dubfags
She doesn't, Dimitri has actual Gorilla strength, both in game stats and in lore when they say he can accidentally break swords from swinging them as a child and break people's heads with his bare hands
She doesn't kill herself, but her paralogue happens offscreen without you, which is tantamount to suicide in a way
>I will build a world where such a meaningless sacrifice is never again sanctioned
>the woman who tricked Lonato into attacking the Church so she could use his death as propoganda
Excuse me El-chan?
Then who is the best husband for Ingrid?
Here we go. Took long enough for the screeching to start.
She still wanted nobility it’s just that they have to prove themself to be Nobel not just be related to nobility
All tea tastes the exact same
Dimitri is Byleth's husband. All the fanart says so.
t. The mysterious Flame Emperor
I only understood Seteth and Flayn's identity when I had Flayn attack the Wind Caller and she's like "Uncle, shut up!"
If you ignore Byleth, Ingrid makes the most sense, both lance specialists, both childhood friends and Ingrid stays loyal to Dimitri as his knight in the ending credits when he marries some random whore
It's around the halfway point, I finished GD in 93 hours.
>not boar x doodoo
He looks like someone you can trust
And at the end of the game all the nobles in power are coincidentally Imperial nobles.
I want to cum inside the Flame Emperor.
Holy shit, and I gotta do 3 more routes after this. At least one on Maddening too
What? I don't remember her tricking him into doing anything
I want to pollute his lineage with my seed!
This thread needs more Marianne.
>you will never loudly talk about how you want to sexually punish the Flame Emperor for aiding in your father’s death in front of Edelgard while she grows uncomfortable and horny
Edelgard is really tight
I want to mating press the Flame Emperor for being such a dastard!
Hubert please.
Putting the Adrestian Emperor in slutty Dancer class gear!
>thoron, physic and silence, well rounded spell set for support and offense
>soulblade and frozen lance, letting her go through physical classes
>riding and flying strength, irrelevant weaknesses
How can she be so great, bros?
Hey, Rhea does it too.
S rank support with Edelgard!
Don't forget Blutgang and Beast Crest let her smash people with regular sword attacks and her personal ability giving her regen when she is on a mount
I wish there were more cute boys in this game
does it stack with renewal?
Best gurl by far. Why can't more western women be like her? She's perfect in literally every conceivable way. Married her in my first GD run, planning on making her a dancer in my second BL run and it will be tempting to not make her my waifu again. Can I even make her my waifu as Female Byleth?
Made for Dedue
I read that as breast crest, kek.
I don’t get this meme. If anything, he gets over his death really quickly considering he took care of him all these years.
Edelgard is a great singer!
Supreme Chef Deddie-pie is for Flayn.
Bride Marianne will save FEHeroes
Nice try El
This picture upsets me. Not because I dislike Sylvain or Ingrid, but because pairing them up turns Ingrid into a brood sow and destroys her dream of being a knight. Sylvain x Dorethea is a better arc for both of them
Ok then, genius, who is Ingrid's best husband?
>I absolutely love Marianne
>but I also love wealthy women with a very high status like Edelgard's prime imperial pussy
No, all the GDs are straight
She sings?
If you had to make a dream team of 8 students what would it be?
>Dimitri: The Punished Boar
>Claude: Mobile Missile Battery
>Edelgard: Did nothing wrong
>Lysithea: Tactical Nuke + warp
>Hilda: Hilda
>Ingrid: Evasion Princess
>Felix: Nothing personnel kid
>Mercedes: My friends never die
Arguably Dimitri, as their ending has her be a knight AND a queen. Possibly even Claude
Lords, Dedue, Felix, Lysithea, Flayn, Ashe.
Most likely talking about Edge of Dawn.
At this point, nothing can save FE:H :|
Edge of Dawn
>Seteth has to watch as his pure Dragon blood daughter, who he raised for countless centuries, spent every waking moment worrying over, and comes from a history the likes the world will never know again, get Duscur'd
>Seteth goes to the wedding and has to sit while Sylvain jokes about Flayn being rendered immobile due to Dedue's BDC
>Seteth fumes when their firstborn son is not named after a fellow dragon who is now gone but instead after 1 eyed King
As all Houses should be.
Dimitri the Crit King
Lysithia the one woman mage cannon
Dedue The Gorilla Wall
Marionette the Savior Witch
Bernadetta the Howitzer
Raphael the Iron Fist
Petra the motherfucking Assassin
Blyleth the All-rounder
Marianne is a noble though.
She has some great Mariannes
which chapter is the dancer event again? i can't make non-students into dancers can i?
You can make Flayn a dancer
The Boar and Muh Kween for frontline damage dealers seem like the best combo
Byleth and faculty can't be dancers (Flayn can)
8 Annette's.
That's my dream team.
He's fine because he loves his wife Catherine
Everybody here keeps saying Ashe is shit tier and Sylvain is great but for me Ashe became a crit monster, anihilating anything in his way with a brave bow and Sylvain became a jack of all trades with 20 in every stat by level 40 and middling to low damage.
Is the new track that came with the update out yet?
I'm making mine pure mage for some reason.
God damn it. There goes my plan to make Manuela a dancer.
Is it worth making petra a dancer over a wyvern lord? She can dodgetank with both so i don't see a good reason to do it.
I wish dancer had better growths..
I loved the edgy dimitri crit quotes
Did Dimitri come off as a pathetic character to anyone else? I get the feeling he would have handed Fargheus to Edelgard on a platter if she had sex with him, or less just admitted him into her friend zone, below Hubert of course. Dimitri seems way too susceptible to manipulation and lacks self esteem to accept the fact that Edelgard does not consider him family (if she ever did).
I can understand Ashe because of his 35% strength growth, but brigand/wyvern lord fixes that
I know, but Edelgard's wealth and status far exceed her's.
crit is his main strength. go full archer with him. he will also be able to make full use of his range later on when other archers can't.
remember that base critical rate is (dex+lck)/2 before weapon and other boni are added.
Why does the thought of the boys being humiliated because they're made into dancers turn me on?
Dedue's wife is Mercedes.
>BL run
>Made Annette my dancer
>Only realized a couple chapters later that I should have gone with Felix so he could have sword avoid and be even more untouchable
dafuq? it only heals her when an adjacent unit is mounted, not herself
It heals her when she's mounted too.
The best dancers are:
Units who suck and are just refresh bots
Ferdinand (best dodge tank)
Same for me. Ashe was my mvp he critter everything from a mile away. My Sylvain sucked
I have Cat kill Lonato and then hook her up with Ashe. I like to think he spends each night crying as she reminds him that she killed his father and brother while pegging him.