This is Jan.
Say something nice about her.
Resident Evil
sorry, i like my girls to have nice arms
>2000's emo girl
capcom really knows what we want
I'm just wating for you know who
I wanna jam my dick through her soft supple lips
She is hot but Sherry still my favorite fuck toy.
shut up bird
>piercing to look edgy
fuckin gross my man
Her main feature is gonna be speed isn't?
>muh tattoo bad
Yea Forumsincel taste.
Valarie and Samuel are cuter
Who is she? Whats her backstory?
Now she is pure.
>'90s setting
>no grunge slacker
>no flat top fade black guy with clothing that looks like those old paper cups
Looks like she smells like BO and greasy hair. Also ugly.
bitch look like she's still living in the early 2000's with that Avril Lavigne look.
Maybe because the game takes place in 1996 or 1998?
10x better
So will this be mercenary mode but multiplayer? I really really like the gun play in REV2 and REmake2 but whenever they try a combat focused game Capcom seem to fuck it up.
Valerie is better
She's confirmed to be the haxx0r, user.
Bios are related with Raccoon City and the game takes place during the outbreak.
Local news station sent her to see if she could uncover the RPD's corruption, but she was too good and Umbrella caught her before she could say anything.
Still a step up from Claire.
Is this a RE2 mod or the new RE game
>RPD's corruption
That shit is clearly related to Alyssa the reporter from RE Outbreak and chief Irons itself.
New game but not really.
RE2make = MGSV
Project REsistance = MG Survive
Literally a new game multiplayer (Co-Op) game with a lot of reused assets and new character models.
so, standalone expansion
Survive did had a single player story mode though.
then again it wasn't supposed to be in the game and only added because the people were mad, that's why the game was delayed.
Game is being made by Devs who have ported previous capcom titles, Capcom can't be bothered.
She looks so much better in game than she did in the trailer.
Doing God's work.
Kind of but you know?
For me this "new" RE fills a void. When I finished RE2 I was hoping for some additional content Extreme Battle or something but Capcom give me that shitty game mode called The Ghost Survivors so then again this "new" RE works as Extreme Battle but Co-Op and I'm fine with that. I mean RE2 was released this year I wasn't expecting a new game that soon and this is clearly an standlone expansion meanwhile Capcom is working in R3make or RE8.
isnt the same b team that made umbrela corps as a exercise?
I think they can only announce this because the next RE is obviously for Next gen, RE8 or RE3R. this is the kind of title "to fill the void between two games", a filler title. one that doesn't use a lot of budget.
but since the next gen isn't completely announced, they can't announce the game yet.
since someone talked about MG before, that's probably why Konami also is so silent about MG, they can't announce a game on a platform that isn't announced yet.
it's also the reason of why the vidya events of this year felt so weak. next year probably is going to be a lot better.
dont forget about claire
She's used good. not like Jan.
Hello January
>not used
Each character's bio hints at relations to Outbreak or other RE characters, and her's seems to imply she was working with Alyssa
Much better
Would be 500% better without piercing
She looks like she fucks zombies
>Tattoos and piercing
Capcom's attempts at appealing to the western market feels like it was made by a kid.
Hopefully a PC mod will remove them from her model too.
>it's a shitty 4v1 multiplayer game
lmao, seems like Capcoms time is over.
What a shame.
I don't care about tattoos at all (personally love them IRL) but her tattoos are simply bad... it doesn't seems to had personality to the character her tattoos are just text lol
On the other hand Nico without tattoos isn't Nico because her personality is related with her tattoos.
this is just a quick filler to hold us over until re1 and re3 remakes
>re1 remake
Capcom said there's a chance so they'll fuck that game up too.
Nico needs her tattoos but Jan? she is a hacker so she is nerd she need to be fat and kinda autistic.
The REmake is old and gaming industry has changed so remake the REmake is totally possible in some point in the far (near) future.
Source? Capcom said it
Underrated comment.
Based Capcom.
Fuck that clunky ass fixed camera angles Make RE1 Great Again.
>X went and gave it to a new girl
what a chad
Yoko pls go away.
>She looks like she fucks zombie dogs
This game looks so bad, all they had to do was make a new Outbreak but nooo we get this jank ass shit
Oh i know what you hiding inside those baggy clothes girl
I can't wait for their models to get ripped and ported over to to RE2 as without the clothes
oh fuck off
January is cute should buy a bike and ride with her all day all along. But Velma rip off, is a cute too.
there are multiple NESTs?
you sound boring user.
reminds me of the girl they wanted in RE0 before they decided it was gonna be about Rebecca
i can't stop you from eating shit, by all means go ahead
>friends with Yoko
eh i'll wait for the inevitable swimsuit costumes before i make a proper judgement.
oh shit didnt notice that. they just keep teasing us with outbreak dont they.
If you could only play ONE(1) RE game for the rest of your life which one would you pick
RE2make with lewd Sherry mods.
I wanna see yoko's friend
let me see yoko's friend's face
january knows alyssa too
>it's shit because I said so
k user i'll enjoy a mp RE and you can go and cry in the corner.
i'm gonna screenshot this for when this shitshow turns into ORC2.0. i'm gonna laugh at your sorry ass
Based cunny lover.
RE4, that Mercenaries mode is too hard to pass up
give excella boobies
What if there was a game..... That was like...
Skyrim and Resident Evil 2 remake combined?
Kill yourself zoomer quadroon scum
>The black guy is called Tyrone
Why would you want something that plays and feels exactly the same as 90% of everything else in the market?
>Inb4 m-muh modewn sensuhbiwities
Since your here, I don't. That's why I choose RE. Gears is too actiony, has the same heavy movement but not the beautiful animations and it's not about zombies. A game where I can create new possible playthroughs for people who love RE is something I can get excited about. I played OUTBREAK because It had slight randomization but also for the MP fun. When it became about 50-100 people playing it was just about hardcore rushing objectives and it just became about numbers. I missed the wacky play and the people messing up. This game allows for true random because a player can change which enemies you face and where. What traps are laid, how the boss will react. Everything. Im kinda sad each mission is about 5 minutes or 1 puzzles worth of area, but I'll wait to see what we spend out points on and see if it's worth sticking around. New costumes? More areas? Skins for zombies, lickers and MR.X? Custom mode where you make maps? I have a reason to be excited all wrapped up in my favorite universe.
Claire is wonderful.
I like the concept behind this game and it's absolutely something I would be interested in playing, but I don't like what I've seen of the gameplay footage so far. The french guy never shuts the fuck up, half the cast seem oriented towards bland melee mashing in a zombie game, and the HUD is pretty awful with way too much going on at once. It feels very cheap, like shovelware.
I certainly hope there is more to being the healer than just occasionally pressing an AoE heal button and otherwise just doing less damage when you shoot an enemy.
looks like she's casting a spell or doing some weird kung fu stance
The 90s was completely different between its earlier part and its later part.
Can't wait to see her get eaten by zombies
No one fucking likes tank controls and fixed camera
>it's a Yea Forums complaining about tattoos again episode
My girlfriend is literally covered in them, both of her arms are entirely filled with tattoos, and it's the sexiest thing I can think of. I used to talk shit about tattoos just like Yea Forums, but now I'm an adult ready not to give girls a hard pass over nothing.
Speak for yourself nigger. Not everything has to play and feel the same.
Enjoy AIDS and child support
>watch all 45 minutes of this cucks video
>"Yeah I pretty much did all that shit but they were all 18+ my gf said I could."
Yeah he sure showed them?
Tattoos are disgusting, cope harder.
Based tattoo loving and sex having user!
She's trying to cast a love spell on Leon. What you don't see is that it accidentally ends up on Mr. X.
Is this a mod? This makes her look 100 times better.
found the mentally broken.
>packaging having low standards and being desperate as "I'm adult"
No matter how many people deny this, I've never seen a person covered in tattoos who doesn't carry mental issues with them.
tiny head
Bitch ain't a Yoko. That's for damn sure.
What mod is this?
I'm a boomer and I used to have their mindset back in the days, but I now know it's based on personal fears and doubts that you don't want to overcome or deal with together, forcing a perfect image of women that they need to be held up to in order for them to be worthy of Yea Forums's love.
Let's be honest, the only reason they want 'pure' girls or masturbate over 'tradgirls' is because they want things that practically any woman can give them as long as they're willing to actually work for it, which they don't want to and are afraid to do, or because they were hurt in the past.
This kind of purity barely exists, and even when they would find a girl that would fit all the criteria of a 'tradgirl', they wouldn't want it because the relationship would be incredibly hard work considering its premise, which heavily favors purity, tradition, and strong male reliance.
Want a girl that won't cheat? Make sure your relationship is healthy by talking, voicing your needs and voicing them properly, talking instead of fighting or arguing, avoiding conflict together, having enough sex, giving each other enough time alone but also planning fun events together so you can bond all over.
I literally give zero shits how Yea Forums feels about my choice in women because I actually pity theirs, 20-25 year olds shouldn't waste their time fantasizing about women in dirndls sucking your dick between yodeling sessions, they should be talking to real women and figuring out that men and women are not so different after all. They're setting themselves up for disappointment because no woman is good enough for them.
At work but was this confirmed to be 4vs1?
Yes. Also, it looks like a really cheaply made cashgrab thrown together with recycled assets.
>blond Nico without glasses
And let us not forget;
terrible looking game btw
And the team behind R3make isn't the same as RE2make
Don't fuck it up now, capcom
I find amusing how far some people go with projections just to validate their shitty tastes, this is cope mechanism at its best lmao.
oh so this was definitely outsourced then? havent checked but holy fuck the gameplay they showed was clearly not as coherent or polished but i was assuming maybe just some in-house b-team
Now do a version of her with proper sleeves and big goth titties.
>without glasses
The only downside to be honest.
oh boy a multiplayer resident evil with some interesting and intriguing characters like outbreak sure would be cool right n-
VERY cool
>R3make isn't the same as RE2make
really? holy shit I hope that's not true.
>gameplay they showed was clearly not as coherent or polished
I'm worried. I'm getting Operation Raccoon City and Umbrella Corps vibes.
I'll hold out until their next gameplay video but from what was shown today, I'm hoping that it's at most free to play
Anyone wanna play Outbreak? there's 2 slots available in Desperate Times on obsrv
>UGH the story sucks and the characters aren't deep, there's no way this gameplay will be fun now!!
oh my god.
its not a mod,. its remake 1
Oh. That's one of the games I haven't played personally because I heard/saw everything about it
>He hasn't played REmake
It's 60% off on Steam right now and one of the best (if not the best) in the series
>My girlfriend is literally covered in them
sorry dude, she a ho
She's really serious about her makeup
>seen speedruns
>seen easter eggs
>know the plot and twists
I've been ruined, user
Don't wait for me
Oh great mr x has yet again replayed his role as being a troll HOW ORIGINAL! Dare i say he may even win a ocsar for best performance as a troll!
These two look better than Clarie
Prove him wrong.
Your loss user, the game's replayable enough that knowing what happens is still enjoyable
> tattoos
Hot enough to blow her vag out like a good fucking whore.
Disgusting non g/f material ewwww i bet she even smokes.
Okay fine.
Should I get the Deluxe Origins bundle with RE0?
Why does everyone assume Capcom has only ONE team and by making this Resident Evil isn't getting anything else for years?
Also stop fucking acting like one mis-step means "CRAPCUM LOL"
I'm 33 and have always avoided women with excessive tattoos. It's one thing if they had a tattoo from a beloved family member passing that is easily covered in any situation. It's another if they have enough ink that it's literally impossible to cover in any given situation. Then it shows terrible foresight, or a complete disregard for situations they might find themselves in later. Just because you don't need to wear an evening gown or a sun dress at age 16 doesn't mean it won't be expected at age 30.
>Resident Evil isn't getting anything else for years?
>Operation Raccoon City
>Umbrella Corps
There are bad omens to pay attention to
RE0 is tedious, wouldn't really recommend.
I wound up giving up on that game, because I had like 200 items just sitting in the main hall.
>Operation Raccoon City
>Followed by 6 which is just stupid and overbloated
>Umbrella Corps
>Followed by 7 which is great
Am I meant to think these games caused some great disaster in the franchise for future games?
It'll just be forgotten like both of them.
Yeah, the inventory system in this game killed it for me, plus the settings and characters aren't really appealing to me.
waifu fags are so dumb holy shit
I was replaying re6 for the first time in years and I forgot how fucking horny Simmons was
I'm fucking horny right now wat do?
Agreed. Honestly, they could have just put a single, solitary storage box in the game, and it would have been infinitely better. Instead, I got to try picking up something I wanted/needed, realize its the wrong thing, put it back down, take a half step forward, try to pick up something else, realize it's the wrong thing, rinse and repeat anywhere from 5-20 times.
It really, REALLY sucked, and, since it was my first RE game I ever tried playing, I would up deciding to skip all the others until I saw a friend play RE4.
Let's make a Neo-Neo-Umbrella and turn girls into clones of Ada Wong
This they needed at least 1 at min. I don't like my items cluttered all over the floor it looks like shit. I'm glad i beat it once and that was good enough for me.
But more importantly, how are the mods on PC?
Especially the lewd mods
Well, I know that I can't share a webm I have involving a zombie dog, Jill Valentine, and a nuclear explosion.
very nice
its gonna suck.
they clearly fucking dont
im looking forward to the incredibly halfass and tacked on single player element of project survive as well anony.
you just know
Wait, what is this?
I see.
>Getting in one last ride before it's all over
I thought you meant gameplay mods, user
Always appreciate good sfm though
Theres a nude mod for Jill, I think thats about it.
That's fine, I'll probably find a leather jacket version that I'll use anyways
Where's the go-to for REmaster mods?
Nexus and the RE modding forum.
Appreciate it, user
Is that entire game really just that one guy chasing you the whole time?
>No prepubescant girls
Does Capcom even want to make money?
honestly the thing that put me off his the mastermind stuff, otherwise it could just be a fun coop game ala res5
please give me sheva skin you pricks
>Nico without tattoos isn't Nico because her personality is related with her tattoos.
You mean trailer trash whore!?
Yes, exactly
these people are virgins that champion an oblivious fantastical concept of purity while in reality stroking their micropenises to the most degenerate garbage imagined by man. complete hypocrites and loathsome people.
>Followed by 7 which is great
Wait wait wait. Did you just assumed 7 was good?
I'll give you 1 minute for apology and post deleting
I'm most hyped about the Mastermind stuff though. I loved Agent Hunt and the concept of that Fable game; I only hope they port in a ton more mooks to use like all of the enemies from 6 and 5.
I always think that's Hunnigan
Hoes mad.
I am more worried because they said the stages are quick small areas so you can play multiple game modes with friends meaning it won’t be as good as outbreak
stop breathing
>le 7 was bad meme
You're worse than my ex-wife
Jan/Moira Blender porn when
Okay cunts, capcom are releasing Mercenaries x Raid Mode game where you get to play either of the aforementioned modes. Who are you putting in as a mercenary character? No limits. Except they have to be a resi human
Are you seriously defending this fucking mess?
Resident Evil 7 wasn't Resident Evil in the slightest, I could make up something better than that, hell let me be in charge of production of RE8, I would make something actually worth being called Resident Evil AND live up to its name in many ways.
Business wear with tactical gear is one of the most kino designs
Business Sheva is one of the most underrated costumes in the entirety of Resident Evil
I'd even place it next to RE3 Jill, Bomber Jacket Leon, BSAA Chris and Jacketless Claire
God, Nico was such a fucking dog. What was Miyazaki thinking?
She's so fucking hot, I can't believe anons try to tell me she's ugly
How do you live happily with having such shit taste?
>urgggggh muh goblina so pritty
I bet you're one of the cunts that kept shitting up RE threads before release.
Considering this is capcom, the king of reduce reuse recycle, don't worry
t. "muh purity" incel
Honestly, this turned out way more interesting than I expected. I thought it would be another standard Dead by Daylight or Left 4 Dead clone.
I hope RE8 turns out a lot better desu...
Looks like a crossover between L4D and Zombie Master (if anybody remembers this Source mod)
Of course it will, RE8 is a main series entry, while this is a spin off. RE spin offs are brief pit stops where the main source of their entertainment is from the unique ideas.
Looks like a shitty version of Raid mode
RE0 is still fun imo. You just have to place all of your shit on the floor. You literally have to place your loot on the floor because there is no item crate.
You're such a shit
Would you have played Umbrella Corps if it were free?
I meant better than RE7 you stupid fucktard.
It's not a well designed game so no.
Still wouldn't. But it would have probably been received better from people that would play it.
>Resident Evil 7 wasn't Resident Evil in the slightest
Explain why without saying First Person and Outlast clone
It's missing the charm/characters that fans of the series have come to expect.
How the fuck would I know that? The thread is about Project Resistance and you only mentioned RE8
No one asked for this. Looks like an unplayable mess, but with the RE Engine. Gonna be a bunch of griefers and the mastermind will be OP as fuck.
>Gonna be a bunch of griefers
>Not already plotting who you're going to leave behind to win from the get go
Righteous here you are, keep the enemy distracted while I retrieve that health potion, will you?
I need a cunny in this game.
RE7 and RE2 had cunnies this is important becuase this is our only chance to have a new SFM photorealistic cunnyfu model.
That's great then. I want to be able to play as J'avos/Rasklepanje again and fuck up players.
Especially if I get to choose/set up drains, kill boxes, have traps set in front of players and trigger Hunters or cerberuses behind them.
Obviously Tyrone will be left behind.
>Gonna be a bunch of griefers
that's gonna be the best part
You're so wrong and stupid you should never talk about RE again.
Good. The mastermind should be OP. It's better for him to be OP than the survivors to be OP.
What the fuck happened to resident evil threads?
Is it confirmed to be 4v1 or can you do 4vAI too? Me and a friend would likely play this if it was just us 2, I hate playing online these days.
First person Resident Evil 1 spinoff starring the Trevors and miscellaneous Umbrella scientists.
Barry Burton is the hottest character prove me wrong
Daddy issues.
>Asymmetrical multiplayer.
Oh god why? Playing as the mastermind is going to be boring as fuck. There better be a mode where the mastermind is just an AI.
But playing as the Mastermind is a better version of Agent Hunt which was great fucking craic.
You're fucking annoying.
Everybody hates girls with huge tattoos on them, and especially piercings, go figure why anyone would seriously find nose piercings appealing.
It's not only incels...
>Everybody hates girls with huge tattoos
Speak for yourself
Why do incels always try to speak for everyone?
cuz they're retarded.
tattoos are retarded if people are willing to ruin their skin it speaks something about their mentality
alos kys tranny scum
>anyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
You wishing death upon transgender people only makes you scum.
I miss the 90s. None of you were born which was one of the best parts.
Maybe they got nextech back. I hope not
>anyone who aproves of tattoos is a mental person
was my point
I only assumed you a tranny since you're clearly mental for defending tattoos and we're on /v after all
Fuck you piece of shit.
Literally every girl I know that has body tattoos has had to hide them at some point, at job interviews more than anything.
Stop kidding yourself, girls know exactly how many people will look down on them for it.
I even had one ask me to photoshop her legs so she could send some "clean" pictures kek.
Go join the 40% club.
What kind of third world country do you live in? I know people with tats making 6 figures.
What's your point?
How bout I send you to say hi to them instead,
you fucking suck.
Don't you chimps have anything new or interesting to bring to the table?
At what point does ironic shitposting become falsflagger's magnet?
Keep crying bitch nigga.
RE7 is the reason Capcom get people Trust again.Heck REmake2 could have been RE6 levels of actionshit If It hasnt for RE7 showing that people always prefer atmosphere and horror
I wouldn't say hi to some aberration.
Resident evil 7 was great. kys haters.
I live in a g7 nation and no one cares about tats other than face or neck even in business settings.
Don't worry, they'll got plenty to say to you.
Which one? Re2 or Re7
Tats are basically scar tissue and scars are nasty
The charm is with the Bakers
Like I give a shit lmao.
user...Survive released last year....
and the story mode is 25 hours long.
Don't you chimps have anything new or interesting to bring to the table?
You will, you waste of flesh.
Shut the fuck up and go dilate please, I'm bored of your autism.
unironically based
I hope a mod that fixes her comes out day1
I finished REmake and I need more. Should I go straight into REmake 2 or play 4/5/6/7 first (since they're older)?
>>anyone who aproves of tattoos is a mental person
>>was my point
Which is still a foolish point.
Also>I only assumed you
So you really are simply a fool, then?
She unironically looks better than Mutt Redfield like this. God bless PC.
>Keeping up a business first appearance means that tattoo are for mentally damaged people
Are you the same user I'm calling a fool?
Cause I'm gonna do it again.
4 through 6 are completely different from REmake 1 and 2. Play 2 if you want more of the first.
Go with 4 or REmake 2.
No, how bout you.
I'm just glad Keanu got caught up to them in the end of that movie and was all prepped to kill them.
Thanks, I think I'll go 4 and then RE2
And I know niggers who aren't violent criminals.
Still doesn't change the fact they are violent, low impulse apes as a rule and one should not relax around them.
You know what the former one is called? Anecdotal evidence you motherfucking retarded faggot.
Ok third worlder. No one cares about tats in the first world.
Go fucking collaborate with michael you autistic shit.
Ugly soulless trash. Will never play this series. Photo realism fucking sucks
why are art hoes so god damned important
>No one cares
Speak for yourself.
You're a nobody I guess.
I don't even have tats, they just don't send me into an autistic frenzy.
Full page?
>You're a nobody I guess.
And you're coping hard.
>calling out anecdotes is autistic
Are you quite literally stupid?
t. 4channel user
You getting this mad makes my peepee become the bigger peepee
how do i get my tattoos/piercings gf to stop smoking lads
waifu material
the mouse controls don't actually work properly on PC
You don't. Get yourself a new gf.
Fucking dump her
what happened to this fanbase? I get that it's mainly nu-fans because the older guys just fucked off but why do you get so fucking defensive and hostile when people criticise Capcom?
>Multiplayer RE? yes! this is the direction we need to go in!
1,2,3,4 REmake2 in that order then just wait for REmake3. DO NOT play anything after 4.
replies from people who have had girlfriends only please
Fan No Hitori
>Should I go straight into REmake 2 or play 4/5/6/7
if you're a zoomer, sure
I actually do, 4 years together, don't smoke, don't have tattoos, only a small nose piercing. Good luck with your smoking trash whore tho.
I want to smell her stinky arm pit
>if you're a zoomer, sure
To which of the two options?
>only a small nose piercing.
>only a small
Slightly seething
>Slightly seething
About what!?
I got an ex to quit, it wasn't that hard, but she liked me a lot.
Studs are disgusting. Lip ring in the middle or a nose ring is good
>they wasted time and resources on this instead of giving us Extreme Battle DLC
I would say RE2R before RE4. Gives some nice depth to Leon's character.
Needs more piercings. I bet her cunt is worn and stretched from all the metal
RE5 is halfway decent with a friend. RE6 is unredeemable trash.
I got her off them for a while but then some traumatic shit happened and she's back on them. Doesn't help that her mother is a horrific enabler who rolls a bunch every day and gives her them for free whenever she wants
RE6 is fun as fuck with a friend.
Can't do much against an enabler I guess. Drag her to the gym and she'll likely quit.
based George poster
I can forgive the piercings but for the love of god remove the shittoos
where my Samuel bros at
What a fuckin chad baby. Mackin before he can even fuck
looks like a cheap cash grab. The HUD is terribly obtrusive, Tyrone's roundhouse kick reminds me of RE4, the glowing red eyes are stupid and of course you cannot even pick your own character as you need one of each in your team.
>that outfit
am I the only one who feels like these games become a chore after the first run?