Alright you bunch of game theorists, what gender am i

alright you bunch of game theorists, what gender am i

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however you feel inside :)


El abominacion de las americas



Only 2 genders

Fat, you are fat.

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t. fat

Good question given the length of your middle and ring fingers.

Those are chubby boy hands.

still not sure, post your right hand

girl (male)



Based on the width of your fingers and the floral print mattress cover, you're a huge faggot.


definitely fat that's for sure

el ogrillo

My middle and ring fingers are almost equal but I'm 6'1" and built like a linebacker. It's honestly not that great of a way to tell someone's current testosterone levels, just how their T levels were in the womb.

right here,theorist. lets test matty patricks theory right here right now

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Light skinned negro male

All I'm certain of is that you have sucked many, many cocks. Also, not video games.

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Everyone can tell you're a fucking dude, we can see your coarse arm hair and fat boy hands.

obviously a guy
what's the point of this thread?



to test mattpatt




The fuck is a mattpatt? If you faggot zoomers are gonna slide threads with off topic shit can it at least be in English?

Build a wall

I wish mods weren't so fucking stupid

nice thread, now do me

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a very hot woman

this is a picture of me, can you tell my gender? haha

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where the FUCK is your hand, or are your fucking hands that small that they can straight up vanish when you make a fist. Regardless of gender, you're a fucking handlet


no i can't, show hands

Judging by your hand you're either a man, or an ugly woman which is basically equivalent to a man