Other urls found in this thread:
>pirate the game 100 times and delete each copy
>the game is now a little rarer
holy based
>Pirate a $60 game 100 times
>Devs lose $6000
>pirate niche indie game 20,000 times
>it's rarity causes the existing copies of it to increase beyond the value that i burns pirating it
you're welcome, devs
>set up a script to torrent, install, and delete the game on loop
>company goes bankrupt the next day
>pirate a game
>put it on usbs
>sell them for $30 a pop to friends and family
>Pirate free games
This is how we bankrupt EA guys, hop to it!
W-what happens if you start to pirate a 60$ Dollarudohs game but the download finish when the game goes on sale?
How do we stop Brazilians from becoming too powerful?
>see imperial ship on horizon
>chase it down and murder the crew
>now have two ship and tons of loot
Already doing it
If I don't reply to you is because my internet died pirating Anthem and nuBattlefront 2 50000 times each
>listen to song on radio
>Play the song in my head for the rest of the day
>Artist lost 100$b worth of sales
Holy shit I should do this.
>buy a game for $60
>pirate the same game 1000000 times and delete all pirated copies
>my $60 game is now worth $6000000
I dont know why you retards arent doing this
>people worry about piracy
>"Let's make it a tradition to release the source code our games every few years after a game's release"
>publishers actually fell for it
Why is Carmack so high IQ?
Not an argument
you’re all still a bunch of broke ass thieves and you will go to jail
>pirate money
>buy game for $60 with pirated money
>return game for refund
>then pirate game
lmao what a retard. no argument was being made.
>pirate game
>open a new torrent client
>repirate the game
>download new copy from the first torrent client
>5000 seeders, all me
>company thinks they are safe because they haven't lost their money yet
>delete all the copies at the same exact time
>company loses a million dollars in one second
>widely understood for nearly a decade now that players who pirate games simply dont buy the game if no illegitimate means are available
>a lot of devs both indie and AAA literally put up torrents of their own game so at least pirates dont enter online discourse and call the game shit because they got a spiked copy
why do piratefags still think that they're in any way rebelling against the system?
okay, retard
>its another "user doesnt understand how money works" episode
oh brother
>pirate game
>dont like it
>tell my friendgroup of 9 people not to buy it
>company loses 600$
based 300 iq rick and morty fans
actually if I torrent a game 100 times, the devs lose $0.
it's merely data.
make me boot licker cuck
this is probably a legit reason why companies lose money over pirates
but it's because the game is shit, they deserve it
>Pirate game
>like it
>end up buying the game and recommending it to my friends and strangers on the internet
Fuck off pussy, nobody respects you or gives a fuck about the artist. You're a slave to the masses, you're here to entertain me. I'll enjoy that work for free and shit on you for it too.
>don't buy a game
>don't pirate it either
Devs AND pirates both out of $60
This is unironically a thing though. Not the "buy after try" shit, that's a crock of shit but at least in the indie scene it's pretty common knowledge that piratefags have non piratefag friends, and word-of-mouth is always the best marketing you can have.
>pay for free games
>pirate game infinite times
>the entire world runs out of money
Look at this thread. People that pirate desperately want to believe they aren’t just broke common criminals. No different then that homeless guy who steals sandwiches from the deli down the street from me. At least that guy doesn’t try to tell himself he’s Robin Hood or some shit and that really they were gonna throw that sandwich so it isn’t stealing. The level of cope of pirates on Yea Forums could power a city if only we could harness it.
>try before you buy is a crock of shit
YOU'RE a crock of shit. If games still had demos I wouldn't have to waste time pirating everything just to get a feel for the game.
thats the only reason why i seed
>pirate game
>copy it 20 times onto a hard drive
>devs lose $1200
>burn the hard drive
>they get their $1200 back
>Pirate as much as you want
>Tim already paid for it
>makes a good post
>pic is a fucking cringy dab
you had one job
>Someone else pirates a game
>I copy that game to my HDD
>The pirate loses 60 dollars
Sadly my friends and family aren't that retarded. Everyone regularly shares pirated movies and music where I live so pirated games wouldn't have any value either.
>buy a game
>beat it
>refund purchase
>company loses 60$
That one's a bit weirder. AAA devs do actually fear demos bc of the one market research study around 2011ish that said that demos more often convince people not to buy a game than buy it (this is also why a lot of retail stores dont do the vidya display kiosk anymore). Indie devs however know they're pandering to a niche, so it's in their best interest to show off to the niche that their game DOES suit their interests, but steam makes it hellish to get a demo on their platform. I could go into paragraphs on why the recent TOS update about game listings makes itch.io demos and whatnot break the new TOS, and how making a second steam listing not only costs more money but actually fucks with your wishlisting ranking, but suffice to say there's a lot of onus on steam here too.
>Pirate game
>Don't play it
>Devs simultaneously have and haven't lost $60
>pirate a game
>game is 100 hrs long
>play first 1 hr of it and uninstall
>devs lose 1 dollar
>buy game second hand
>devs lose a sale
>moralfags can't complain
>pirate game
>it's actually good
>buy it for $60
>but since I pirated it the company is still at $0
>pirate random game blindly and don't play it or look at it
>a random dev has $60 in quantum superposition
Man you guys are so cool. Will you teach me how to be so broke I can’t afford to buy video games and have to steal them, then convince myself I’m a cool pirate rebel instead of a sad loser? Teach me your ways. I’m guessing the first step is moving back in with my parents? I’m assuming I have to quit my job and stop eating anything but hot pockets and tendies right
Oh wow, is that why demos disappeared? I mean it makes sense since most games are shit but I didn't know there were studies and and an opposing force to it too.
>Pirates pirate a game
>Pirate same game from pirates
>Pirates lose 60 dollars
>Rinse and repeat until pirates are broke.
I... I think I cracked the code.
>develop game
>make price 60$
>say with every purchase a nigger dies
>become billionare
>I can afford a game
>Pirate anyways
>I don't lose 60 dollars
Step one is don't be a lil' bitch. So you have a long way to go.
This is our god now
Fuck. Haven’t had a good laugh session in awhile.
You guys are alright. Don’t go outside tomorrow.
Damn, my friends and family are totally retarded. They all have jobs and earn money. Then, get this shit, they use the money to pay for things! Wtf man. So stupid.
Make it jews and I'll buy 50
>pirate $60 game twice
>devs lose $120
>game goes on sale for half off
>could buy 4 games for that $120
>sale ends
>those 4 games are now worth $240
>pirate game
>the moment I finish downloading my hdd dies
>developers lose 60$
>pirate $60 game
>sell it for $60
>devs lose $120
>pirate a comment
>user loses a (You)
Ultra Based
Thanks, Tim!
You are my greatest ally.
>Pirate a game
>Never play it
Guys stop you're going to hurt the devs!
>demos more often convince people not to buy a game than buy it
and they wonder why we pirate...
Yeah man, vidya's got big money behind it, there's a *lot* of number crunching as far as marketing data goes. I only really have the numbers for the games published under where I work but I get enough hearsay from the Big Boys whenever I have to go to conferences and shit that we sorta glean that stuff too. Say what you will about EGS but word on the street is that they're working on an integrated demo thing, although apparently it's hell for the backend guys, so it'll be ages before that sees the light of day outside a few Big Titles.
>pirate 200 games
>give them back to the developer
>they earn $12,000
If the ADL can stop PEEEEEEEEWDIEPIE they can stop anyone...
>download RARs with every single NES and SNES game
>Nintendo goes bankrupt overnight
I’m seething because I have money to buy things I want? How does that make any sense. I can be a loser thief anytime I want
Based and wholesome.
Pretty much. That's not the only reason (demos are usually handled by another studio entirely on bigger titles and are STUPIDLY expensive for their roi or lack thereof) but it was the marketing department meme that scared publishers into telling their marketing departments to stop commissioning them.
>buying music
They really are.
>download RARs with every single NES and SNES game
>Nintendo goes bankrupt overnight
>send them back in time to my younger self
>double bankrupt past-nintendo because of modern inflation
>nintendo stops existing in the present
>game is 90gb download
>pirate repack is 25gb
How much money is this lads?
>pirate a game on a usb
>sell copies to other people and making a profit out off the devs hard work
Depends on the system. Could be worth more money on the planet (NES games) or a couple hundred dollars (PS3 games)
you could probably get like 10 bucks in adfly revenue before your filehost shuts you down
>Could be worth more money on the planet (NES games) or a couple hundred dollars (PS3 games)
based scalpers
>Pirate a game three times
>Now I can brag that I went to jail three times
ps3 games don't weight anything
This made me lose it real good.
>Pirate $60 game
>Donate $100 to my favorite streamer telling them I gonna gift them this game so I can watch them play
>Streamer earns $160 and dev loses $60 and I lose $100
>pirate & archive $100,000 worth of modern games
>play only free roguelikes on $600 videocard
Don't know why I even bothered.
He's doing such a great service. Personally I don't think he can keep it up forever but he seems to be set on it.
>pirate game
>never play it
>tell everyone in your friend group to put any link they want to send through adfly
>free money for everyone
>create a botnet that torrents every game available on public trackers
>gaming industry crashes overnight
This has been a pretty funny thread, good job everyone
>company becomes rich
sauce pls
>set up a script that constantly refreshes adfly links
>adfly goes bankrupt
>because adfly doesent exist, neither does the script
>adfly starts existing again
>Make game
>Make $20 indie game
>Pirate game 1,000,000 times
>Short own company
>Company loses $20,000,000
>Make $20,000,000 on shorting $500 company
>pirates someones wallet
>tell my friends their wallet was good
>they pirate his other wallets
>>moralfags can't complain
You'd be surprised.
Unless it's a game that Based Sweeney paid for, then no money is lost.
Can I see the source for that study on demos? Sounds interesting.
I think those people cross the line into corporate bootlicker.
>pirate $60 game
>make 1000000 copies of it
>game company stocks now worth nothing
>buy stocks and delete all game copies
>price goes up again
>sell them all and become rich
ill see if i can dig up a copy that isnt watermarked to hell and back that essentially doxxes my exact job position
make game, put it up for 60$
pirate it 1000 times
lose 60,000$
wait for inflation to reach a point where the dollar is worth twice the price
burn harddrive to destroy all the pirated copies
get 120,000$ back
>be a anti-piracy software engineer
>pirate everything
>recommend pirating to everyone
>pay journalist to speak about the harms of pirecy
>job security for the next 60years
That's the joke
This is unironically a thing that happens, lmao. You really think the IPsec guys are staring at warez all day and aren't gonna skim a few off the top?
>pirate game
>devs start making game that cater to millennials
>everything is COD and BF or Fortnite
>quit gaming
>do something better with my life
It worked out in the end...
zoom zoom
MFW I'm a millionaire but still never pay for any game I play.
Pirating is bad!
Buy multiple copies for your friend list instead!
the ratio going up show how much money you destroyed. i had AAA with triple digits ratio
fuck that instead pretend to be a girl to join the cabal and get a free seedbox.
will be interesting to see if they crack down
at&t is already warning users about pirating shit and cutting their internet if they continue
>pirate game
>give to friend
>$60 appears in my pocket
>devs lose $120
Where does the other $60 go?
honestly this face is incredibly powerful. Anytime I see it, I can't help but feel the need to shitpost against nintendo fans
shut the fuck up hans go back to /lolg/
Fair enough. Thanks and good luck.
You just plug it into E=mc^2 to find out how much pirate energy it creates.
>pirate game
>copy it many times
>sel the copy back to piratebay
>end up solving the heat death of the universe, becoming rich and killing the greedy dev
>tfw centrist
>buy the game to anger pirates
>but also pirate the game to anger devs
You guys joke but from an economist standpoint they are losing money. I’ll give an example to help make it easy to understand. Let’s say I can mow Landon’s lawn and he will give me $40 or I can mow Daquandrese’s lawn for free but I can only choose one. If I mow Daquandrese’s lawn I’m not physically losing money but I’m losing out on the $40 dollars I could have made by mowing Landon’s lawn. Daquandrese is also a pretty shitty person while Landon is a pretty cool guy.
TLDR: pirates are literal niggers while the rest of us are upstanding white men.
ok now this is based
>pirate your post
>you just lost 60
You guys joke but from an economist standpoint they are losing money. I’ll give an example to help make it easy to understand. Let’s say I can mow Landon’s lawn and he will give me $40 or I can mow Daquandrese’s lawn for free but I can only choose one. If I mow Daquandrese’s lawn I’m not physically losing money but I’m losing out on the $40 dollars I could have made by mowing Landon’s lawn. Daquandrese is also a pretty shitty person while Landon is a pretty cool guy.
TLDR: pirates are literal niggers while the rest of us are upstanding white men.
False equivalence but I wouldn’t expect a pirate (nigger) to understand.
but I wasn't going to buy it anyways
u mad lololololol
>look at game
>don't buy game
>publishers and devs lose 6 gorillion shekels
Oy vey
that's pretty good
>buy game
>devs lose money
>go back in time
>tell self to pirate game instead of buy
>they do
>get killed by some short guy with a penis cane.
>Pirate and seed with 6x ratio
>Everyone else does same
>After ten rounds pass devs lose 36 billion $
I honestly love pirating shit. It makes cucks go insane
Fuck modern gaming
destroy both copies to anger other centrists
>buy game
>upload it
>refund game
>pirate what you uploaded
Yeah I remember when cousin got super pissed at me for managing to pirate Botw on PC considering he went to buy a switch specifically to play botw.
Based thread.
Neptune pls
Stop projecting faggot. I make good money and pirate most of my games.
No way man, everybody here is an uncommon criminal. Cops have a 1/57 chance of catching pirates when they open a lootbox.
ISPs have been trying that for ages, it literally never works especially when like >50% of their users are pirating in some form.
>Buy a game for $20
>The game is advertised as being 10 hours long
>Leave the game on the title screen for weeks
>The dev loses billions of dollars
>not a boomer milf
Your example doesn't work, even if you ignore mowing lawns is a service and video games are products, your "losses" is purely speculative and you can't claim losses based on pure speculation. Just because people can't get someone to mow their lawn for free doesn't mean they're suddenly going to pay you $40 for it.
Also for a board that loves to jerk off to the free market so much you fags sure are quick to toss all those libertarian capitalist ideals away when your precious corporate overlords are threatened by free market economics.
Wait a minute...
>buy one copy of $60 game
>pirate said game 100,000 times
>the rarity increases the value exponentially
>you can now sell the game for millions of dollars
Holy shit I never thought Yea Forums would make me rich....
we gotta stop buyin game
Since Gaming has gone to shit.
Piracy is optional.