have DEX
PVP, dex, PVE STR.
What happened with Afro?
balder side sword is dex so dex. reinforced club chads are badasses though.
more plz
Dex is only for casuals who think DS2 is the best in the saga.
Real gamers play STR or INT
for a first playthrough use a small dex weapon or gtfo. Once thats out of the way use a big dex weapon or a strength weapon for easy mode.
Pure Mage builds are dogshit in Souls. Unengaging combat where you spam soul arrows until your enemies die.
Strength weapons are too slow in Dark Souls 1. I'd go dex. Rapiers are really good, Straight Swords are good, some solid spears and bows do good damage on a dex build.
Both of you are morons
Guts is clearly a quality build, however.
Katanas are also strong
>not using magic infused weapons
>not using the Chadlight Greatsword
>not using cheeky spells like Dark Bead
Pleb. Get out.
Insightful post, friend.
Dex by proxy if you want to do nothing but throw fireballs. Dex increases casting speed in DS1.
What do you mean? Channel's still there. Like why hasn't he uploaded? Probably because he realized the trap thing wasn't going to work out on account of his manface but that's the only audience he had been pandering to for years.
Dex is also the stat pvp nerds use. For the casting reason and because all the good weapons were dex based. All the good spells were also pyromancies besides wrath of god.
>not using the Zweihander in DS1
>not using the Greatsword in DS2 and DS3
No I mean why is he dressing like a girl
I don't even care about PVP and I still don't have PSN cause I don't give a shit about online, I bought my PS4 for singleplayer games. I just wanted to throw fireballs at zombies and demons, and that's what did.
>two things that don't involve actually playing like a wizard but being essentially a spellsword and a spell you get halfway through the game
Pure pyromancy.
>not using Caestus and Dragon Bone Fists in 1
>not using Vanquisher's Seal in 2
Magic infused weapons, spells and MLGS scale with INT. Who ever said playing like a wizard? I said INT.
*trivializes the game*
Why not both? Go with STR 27 and DEX 40 and you can use pretty much any weapon in the game. Why STR 27 you might ask? Because holding a weapon in 2 hands gives you 1.5x STR, and 27 x 1.5 = 40, which is the softcap.
Also many weapons (e.g. the popular Claymore) scale off both STR and DEX, such character builds are called quality builds, this has been a thing since Demon's Souls.
So it's now impossible to invade low level players right
This makes no sense. Spidey is stronger than ten Guts.
Str weapons don't allow for a quick opening attack so consider that for pvp
>Doesn't drop and so therefore is out of sight and out of mind until the Kiln