>play Japanese game
>it's fun, the girls are cute, and it doesn't have identity politics
Thanks, Japanese game.
Play Japanese game
Other urls found in this thread:
>that pic
>women are strong, men are weak
To be fair 9S is a twink
>An android built with scouting in mind is weak
>Android built for assassination is strong
WTF why is the one that looks female stronger?
>it doesn't have identity politics
whats the point then?
>whats the point
It's no longer a buzzword
It's true in this case since they're androids, I don't see the problem.
Actually its way deeper than that
A2 tits
You tried
Western games are the chad 'put politics up front'.
Japanese games are the virgin subliminal messaging
The game ends with 9S being the strongest character though
You can make the same argument for western togs with stronk wimmins.
Just accept youre a twofaced fucker whiteknight
Not having a stance is a stance. There is no middle ground. If you don't comment on current politics, socioeconomic problems, or intersectional problems, you are complacent and okay with the oppression of minority groups.
Can't beat the dick
This is true and sad.
9S is an incel fantasy.
I haven't played the game but i already know 2B dies and it's the catalyst for 9S to reaffirm himself and become a man, because men are only valued if there's a dead girl corpse to fight over. It's an incel power fantasy.
To be honest with you guys, I really enjoy knowing Japanese and living in Japan. For Japan itself, of course, but also for knowing that you don't.
But his dick is still the smallest!
That's a bit rude but okay. When did you start learning? What do you do there?
Years ago, PhD course.
It's true, though.
I want 9S to pee in my mouth
None of those answers are very specific, user. At all
That's the point. You can be happy knowing I'm happy though.
ehh, I guess you don't want to talk about it then
Yoko Taro has a femdom fetish, i don't judge him, if i were a game director i would also put my fetishes in the game
There's not much to talk about.
For learning Japanese you need perseverance. And to avoid various online cummunities where beginners/intermediate learners drag each other down with whining about their slow progress.
Actually 9S goes insane and stays insane and has no redeeming qualities after he can't cope with the loss of 2B. Or there's an alternate route where he agrees to board a space ship with two homoerotic brothers.
im glad for you because the vast majority of westerns who learn japanese hate the culture and the people.
hah that's even cornier than i though. Why do people even like this melodramatic pile of trash.
Because it's different
I really don't understand what you mean with "incel fantasy". What does going crazy because they killed the woman you loved have to do with incels
Lmao at this projection, holy shit, its almost the exact opposite
I think it's because they're attracted to female buttcheeks.
What Yea Forums thinks is happening:
Japanese game
>it's fun, the girls are cute, it doesn't have politics
>thanks japanese game!
NA game
>the girls are all manly trannies and everything is SJW
>reeee SJWs are killing video games
What is actually happening:
Japanese game
>it's fun, most girls are cute in their own way, sometimes there is politics but usually not
NA game
>it's fun, most girls are cute in their own way, sometimes there is politics but usually not
to be fair this is a political stance
Ah, the Storm Detachment... home
Western politics are cancer, literally:
It's a photo shoot you dumb motherfucker
being different doesn't make it good. Of course, a rehash doesn't make things good either. There is a balance between the two that Taro doesn't understand, lacks the language to communicate, or willfully ignores.
shotafags should be gassed
Strong females bossing around males has been frequent in Japanese media for a while now. Should Japan begin allowing immigration it would be maximum cuckholdery.
9s is a loser who always dies unless another character goes out of their way to save him
>Japanese games don't include identity politics
So what the fuck is Catherine: Full Body then?
>burgerclaps literally believe this
>hahhahhaa ass and titties aaaahhhh
>me no like thinking hard, only big anime girl boobies
>ooh u can see her panties 10/10 goty
2B is physically stronger than him, he has trouble swinging around spears while she does it with ease
T-that one doesn't count lol
>play japanese game
>all the politics goes over user's head because he's a baka gaijin who doesn't pay attention to the themes of the story
thanks japan
>game about the futility of war and the othering of (((machine lifeforms))) has no politics
americans are too stupid to be allowed on the internet. good thing based ajit pai is hard at work banning them from everything but netflix and amazon
>If you don’t support me you’re my enemy
Good riddance faggot
It says identity politics. Can't you fucking read, retard?
>i can't understand anything unless it's impact font on a grainy .jpg saved off of boomer facebook
Not really. He was pretty much even with A2, and probably wasn't even physically stronger due to not really being a combat android, but able to contend due to hackerman skills.
>No identity politics
>post Nier Automata
I think you mean it doesn't wear identity politics on its sleeve nor does it try to pander to real world demographics. To say it has none means you ignored the sub-plot about the alien robots who were going through every phase of human social history.
Japanese games are the chad 'put politics up front'.
Western games are the virgin subliminal messaging
>Identity politics is a political approach and analysis based on people prioritizing the concerns most relevant to their particular racial, religious, ethnic, sexual, social, cultural or other identity
Let me guess, you think identity politics is just all about scary trannies. And even going by your retarded definition, the first Nier has what you would consider identity politics
>haven't played
hes a just chuuni edgy shitbag sperging out edgy shit
>he's an incel
yeah that's what i said numbnuts
chuuni isnt incel r*dditor. its akin to emo kids
I don't give a fuck about the game, but the sequel better be about cute little boys in short shorts, or Taro is getting his ass beat.
politics in western games is about as subtle as a train hitting a schoolbus filled with children.
Japanese games have far more subliminal messaging and take a more manipulative approach to persuasive arguments for politics and philosophic programming. Chances are if you're playing a Japanese game with a story in it and you don't see the politics, it means you're already under it's hypnotic spell.
>A game about robots that want to be treated like people doesn't have identity politics
Next time, just say you hate the gays.
>politics in western games is about as subtle as a train hitting a schoolbus filled with children.
>post pic about a miniflag you need to zoom out to see it in a free DLC chapter one year later of a game
hehe yeah user
>Japanese games have far more subliminal messaging and take a more manipulative approach to persuasive arguments for politics and philosophic programming.
Yeah, nothing screams subtle like a bunch of shitty teenagers screeching about how adults are bad and evil and how the world would be better off without them.
those are just weebs. casuals bought this game. so it sold well. blame casuals if you hate the game.
Metal Gear Solid is Japanese and it's one of the least subtle game franchises ever made
tbf i played Persona 5 and i didn't question the dogma of it at all.
still better than steven gayverse. go back to Yea Forums
but i’m complaining about weebs, user. The game is good
For me, it's N2's feet
I feel like kojima gets a pass because he's a total westaboo. I'd post his burger tweet but you get the idea.
do you even know what an incel is holy shit atop using big boy words your little boy brain doesnt understand
Is this politics?
>What do you do in Japan then?
>random rant about learning Japanese and the online community surrounding it
Think you need to improve your reading comprehension in English first, mate.
You need to get off twitter and interact with people
most western games are shit even without politics. last gen was ridiculous too. its all about journos praising dudebro shooter/multiplayer/openworld. they werent talking about games
I cannot take Yea Forums seriously about politics because I don't think they know what it is. Just look at Life is Strange. It's about a girl who has time travel powers trying to save her friends from death and catching a local murderer.
But it has two arguably unattractive girls kissing at the end so the whole thing is liberal propaganda. Stop talking.
lol you seem offended. Just take the label and write it on your dumb forehead and stop trying to run away from who you are. Using dead broads to make the main character turn into a chuuni edgelord is an incel trope.
go back to r*ddit or Yea Forums. im not him but you have no idea what you are talking about. sound like a deranged person.
Well, so long as the games are fun and have cute girls.
it's also just kinda boring
>t. ResetEra Tranny
And why are all the assassination robots built like girls and all the scouting robots built like boys?
are you missing the point on purpose or are you just dumb.
Because Taro has a femdom fetish, another user already explained it
me on the left
Japanese men are all basedboys in the most literal sense. they eat onions and drive little econocars if they drive at all. Is there a bigger country of cucks on the planet?
>why are all the assassination robots built like girls
So they can kill their targets easier while they're busy masturbating.
>and all the scouting robots built like boys
So that the assassin girl robots won't kill them and will /ss/ them instead.
So the party of reason and enlightenment has finally come around on Ur-tribalism and oikeiosis. Good to see that reactionary thought has come back to the West through one of the strangest backdoors, and no this isn't a liberals are the real racists rant. I am happy about this development and what it will bring and is bringing.
I think what you mean to say was
2B Dies
A2 was right
9S Cries
To say that Automata doesn't have politics when its entire message is one of empathy towards the ones different to us, uhhh
Kinda. Unless purely mechanic games, sure
Don't @ me if you are going to be a child about it
>its entire message is one of empathy towards the ones different to us
This is literally not the message at all, user. How the fuck would you even reach this conclusion?
>no identity politics
>Japan is 99.8% Japanese
So you're saying that when people stay in their own lands there's no identity politics?
Well you are correct and I agree. Europe for europeans, america for americans, etc etc.
this. it's totally bluepilled, just like Become Human.
>the Jews are raping Japanese honor and morals with subliminal messages
That's what I read and it's true.
They actually raged hard because it's difficult to do, so they did fukushima to destabilize it that way.
Nier 2 when? I want to know what happened to nine ass and the humens.
Nier Automata is Nier 2
Ah gomen gomen
They did it to themselves. There was an academic paper written by a fundamentalist Japanese equating Capitalism to an attractive women who lives in your house rent free and fucks any man she wants in your own house, it was supposed to be an argument against american influances, however a the dumbass Japanese who read it interpreted it as a pretty cool message of female empowerment. No jews required.
the whole game is "identity politics". Please be more honest when complaining about the alphabet group.
Mooods, /x/ is leaking
I'm not into awkardly large cow titties which like 80% of japanese games. Besides that I agree Japanese games are in general better.
But like srsly u guys like big ol' hanging landcow titties?
Post A2
Let me fucking project, fuck you
>oppression of minority groups
But they aren't oppressed?
It's lazy hack writing to make the robots look and act and behave exactly like humans and give the girls a fat pawg ass to boot to make them 100% totally relatable. Avatar does the same lazy shit by making the Nazi sexy 11 foot tall cat aliens, but i guess it's fine as long as it's japanese and not James fucking Cameron i guess.
what is the political stance of pong or tetris? pro-reparations? transphobic. Jesus Christ you faggots are hopeless.
>Is there a bigger country of cucks on the planet?
Canada and most of Europe
I want to brush A2’s hair. She’s cute.
>it doesn't have identity politics
Every Yoko Taro game has this though
>it's fun
Every Yoko Taro fanboy claims the games are unfun on purpose and totally not bad game design
The politics of pong involve two nations who are constantly trying to pass the buck to their neighbor, an unwillingness to be the one to accept the burden and responsibilities of allowing a threat to cross their border, one that would rather have their troubles passed on to anybody else.
No, you can't say I'm reaching. You can interpret pong any way you want, and pong to me is a political statement.
This is true
Why do you think so many weebs fell for the alt-right. Anime constantly pushes the "genetics determine your human hierarchy".
>everything is political
Imagine living your life like this.
What are the political implications of suicide? Is it an act of defiance or just doing the world a favor?
>to me
Found your problem.
9S isnt a shota kill yourself faggot.
Tetris is a game about the dangers of unchecked capitalism. You're never satisfied with just a single line. You need the most lines for your buck. But over time, it starts to get unstable. Your once well built structure is getting more poorly constructed. But your greed doesn't end. It just keeps piling up higher and higher until everything collapses.
Support the Communist party
>they werent talking about games
t. plays VNs like Persona and Dragon Quest
Wait, are you telling me someone on Yea Forums assumed a political message even if that wasn't the original artist's intention? Holy shit.
9S really does have the best taste.
no. i mainly play action games this gen like nioh bb. western games are just garbage. from aaa to indies, its all about media propaganda, internet trend, and ads.
they suck at making even fps/open world. slavs make superior shit. nobody talks about any western shooter game from last gen anymore because they all were very forgettable and soulless trash with no replay value, whereas people still constantly make a thread about stalker games which came out in 2007.
god, 9s seemed so promising but all the smutt of him is so disappointing
> whereas people still constantly make a thread
basing your opinion on Yea Forums activity either means you barely play games or you're a sheep with the mind of a 12 year old
Nigger have you even looked at Japan's infrastructure?
Most of the people live in cramped ass cities because mountains make up a lot of the landmass so of course they're not going to have big ass trucks, SUVs etc rolling around on their 8 foot wide streets.
Yep, fuck leafs and fuck eurofaggots, absolute subhumans.
Who's the artist?
Yes, just like it should be
I had a gf that would constantly bully me, and I loved it. I fucked everything up aaaa
and you dont even play games. go back to leeddit. play usual aaa games like last of gay, ass greed, undershit etc.
buy and cope with all those western aaa games flopping now lol like gears 5, control, wolfstein, etc. you will need to buy and cope with borderland 3 ofc
You're a retarded weeb tribalist with the intelligence of a turkey
nah, thats easy.
just don't be SJW faggot, its easy to put tits in your game, assholes.
You missed that most people want to lick said brown girls abs
Yes, and?
ghostboi shota is such a better character. generic brown muscle is so fucking oldhat
Check out the dumbass that didn't play Nier and has no clue who Kaine is.
Learn Japanese and read JPN Twitter. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
>Comfort women protests/Korea politics,
>anti-hate/anti-Abe rallies in most major cities this past summer.
>Right wing netoyo clashing with Japanese leftists.
>LGBT and disabled communist party members winning seats in the last election
Japanese are just as "political" as the West. Its the same shit different color.
Not videogames
Now show me them trying to influence video games.
Except with game creators/anime creators comment on this shit on Twitter and half of Japan is in the comments arguing it out JUST LIKE WESTERN TWITTER.
this meme always makes me smirk unlike coombrain
t. coomer
Except when Nier A is leftist propaganda
Show me them trying to influence video games in the West. Also, Jap games have almost always had politics in them. Especially RPGs.
For chinks it's usually stuff said in passing or implied whereas NA is typically almost always in your face about it.
Every game that's been circlejerked in the past few years on faggier places like reddit and twitter has always been fucking tranny shit like The Last of Us or Life is Strange, along with "indie" games that have your typical "every color of the rainbow" for not only skin, but hair too.
Kill yourself already.
>Also, Jap games have almost always had politics in them. Especially RPGs.
Oh yeah such gripping and controversial political themes such as
>evil demon empire bad
>protect the environment
>fuck your girlfriend
>angels are assholes
The presence of political ideas is not the same as pushing current agendas for personal gain.
>almost every RPG features some race that is being oppressed so that a 'racism is bad' message can be pushed
>gay characters/trans characters are always accepted without question, except for the rare occasions when they face some oppression and are accepted by the hero so that a 'acceptance is good' message can be pushed
>'sexism is bad' messages in games
>the bad guy is always a member of authority, usually old and traditional, and also usually a member of the church
>'Christianity is bad' message always pushed
Yeah, sure aren't any political themes in games. Nope, none at all.
Why do minorities want to immigrate to the places where they are oppressed?
My God what a fucking pathetic fucking image.
What you said is true though, don't see any mainstream gook games going for "REPUHZENTAYSHIN" like every other """""AAA""""" dev over here.
Literally the most popular Japanese franchise and game (Fate) is about as fucking in your face with themes as it can get.
I really hate secondary faggots that think because they played one game from Japan they get all starry-eyed and act like Japanese games are somehow not political at all while ignoring Nier Automata, Persona 5, Fate etc are all rife with those sort of themes.
>political themes
Nigga what
existentialism is all about identity you dipshit
>pushing current agendas for personal gain.
And what personal gain would that be? How is someone making a game about a transgirl trying to find acceptance any different from a game beating you over the head about how war is bad? Maybe there would be less "forcing" if retards would stop flipping out every time a game dev includes something they don't want.
>i havent played it
then shut the fuck up, retard
You don't play videogames do you
So are you trying to imply that those themes don't show up in Japanese video games? Or is this your way of deflecting?
Mutilating your genitals and taking hormones is unnatural and shouldn't be "acceptable" nor encouraged.
Stop taking advantage of the mentally distraught and vulnerable.
it was answered, if you actually payed attention
all the humans are dead
Please name a game that actually includes the shit you listed
>Mutilating your genitals and taking hormones is unnatural and shouldn't be "acceptable" nor encouraged.
Cutting open tits and stuffing in saline bags to make them look bigger isn't natural either, and yet no one says shit about boob jobs.
Then why do you get upset when Christians get portrayed in a negative light when genital mutilation is literally a core tenant of their faith?
>you have to play the game to have an opinion
Yea Forums would vanish over night, the other difference between mine and anouther user's opinion is that i say it outright.
FFX, FFX2, Nier, Shadow Hearts, Final Fantasy 7, Chrono Cross, the entire Persona series, the Suikoden series, Shadow Hearts, Baroque. It would be easier to name a game that doesn't include one or more of the themes I listed you retard.
>tfw taller gf
feels great
just once she's been assertive and fondled my dick aggressively, though
i want her to bully me more
catherine is about taking responsibility
the characters are fetish material
>my gf was 6'5 and im 6'1
I will never find a tall gf that is not a goblin ever again
Please end my life
Because accepting trannies is not the default nor correct option so including and proposing acceptance as the correct solution is manipulating people to side with you in the real world by normalising it in media.
>the characters are fetish material
Still doesn't change the fact that the game features a tranny and has an entire route where Vincent becomes a faggot.
yes because there are people into trannies and traps
>dogshit series reduced to traps and genderswapped figures from history for mobile game fanservice $$$
Oh man, so political. The only way you can argue identity politics for that is that trannies co-opt and infest anything with traps and genderswapping.
"Literally" shoot yourself already.
So what is your point? It doesn't count because there are people into trannies and traps? Then I guess no game count as pushing an agenda that features trannies.
Tales of Rebirth and the Tales series in general has antiracism themes bashed into your head virtually every game
I haven't played the game but can't you tell him to fuck off in both games? If this were a western game you'd have to suck its dick and thank the developers for the chance.
my point is that they are just fap material
>bro cutting off your dick for a man is the same as making your boobs bigger for a women
I actually do, it's so shameless and disgusting.
>an unnecessary surgery that prays on people's insecurities so that people can make a buck, can be painful and possibly deadly
So what exactly makes them different?
>purely cosmetic surgeries have never been ridiculed
Fucking blind. Comparing that to procedures that have irreversible mental AND physical consequences, with high chances for infection, diseases etc. afterwards is disingenuous.
Nigger where did you ever see me getting upset about Christians being portrayed negatively? Take your meds, schizo.
They're both bad then? Is that your point?
I don't know enough about movies and TV but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if plastic surgery was pushed in media to normalisation.
Yes, but one is normalized while the other has a stigma against it.
>core tenant
>even then cutting off your penis is the same as cutting off some foreskin
i doubt you ever picked up a bible
dilate and repent
may god have mercy on your soul
people are just desperate to retain youth and the sexual value that comes with it
people notice when celebrities and others do this and judge/gossip about/make fun of them
the exception to this is when someone has a defect or scarring, then it's socially acceptable for the person
both are bad right but, one is permanent and actually raises your suicide rate.
Almost every, if not every, surgery is painful dumbass, but I certainly haven't heard of women dying after getting plastic tits. Chances are they had compromised immune systems before, bad hygiene etc.
Not much good personal hygiene does when you get your dick and balls lopped off, and the reshaped """""vagina""""" being prone to infections due to its location inside the body.
Tales of Berseria.
Fuck you Japan. The Church is fucking responsible for preserving books and is where most of the early scientists came from.
>but I certainly haven't heard of women dying after getting plastic tits.
You sure about that buddy? Cause you can easily google the shit and see how dangerous breast implants can be.
people die in surgery all of the time. anesthesia, underlying health problem, physician incompetence, and so on. also sometimes after surgery due to superbugs
>responsible for preserving books
And burning plenty of others. They also don't do jack shit to getting said books out to others, they just covert them.
>where most of the early scientists came from
That's because if you weren't part of the church you were fucked.
>Nier: Automata
>not having identity politics
by the way, a family friend died from a post op infection. struggled for a long time before succumbing. real shitty end
Then they could at least have be written a bit less yappy.
>the rare cases of ruptures and cancer are totally comparable to many people getting infections because their inverted dick is closer to their shit-pipe, along with near equal suicide rate post-op
Fuck off, faggot.
but then it would just be a puzzle platformer and the atlus audience wouldn't play it
You are such a faggot holy shit
>rare cases
People dying from SRS is also super rare. Also, your 40% meme is not actually the number of people that have committed suicide. It is the combined number of those who have attempted suicide or thought about it. Which has nothing to do with the surgery.
Almost every single bit of the writing concerns identity politics.
Absolutly based. I want to lick her abs too.
don't be sad user, post tall girls
Are you....... offended?
And without them, the unwashed barbarians would have burned all of those records that the Romans wrote.
Doesn't make sense. The human male form is designed to be stronger.
How is this not aligned with leftist propaganda where females are supposed to be stronger and the males need to be kept in check?
Less than 1 in 1000 people isn't "all the time", but it certainly isn't rare, though it does seem to be declining slowly.
As someone with heart disease myself (found from EKG in previous procedure) I shudder to think what could have happened down the line if it didn't get noticed when it did. The physician incompetence thing also strikes close to home.
>and it doesn't have identity politics
they do, you can't recognize it because you aren't japanese
i guess you can't recognize white identity politics
that's when mcdonalds runs out of szechaun sauce, right?
the owner of this site sure doesn't.
me on the left
And it isn't really an issue.
Because it's pretty good.
based and red army pilled
It's when an old movie offends you.
>weebs still think japan is paradise and they'll get worshipped there because they're white
You dull bastard.
>why are all the assassination robots built like girls
a man's weakness is his penis
>all the scouting robots built like boys
intellectual job, requires more processing power
t. coomer
Imagine seething so hard that people find chinks more pleasant than autistically screeching, pink-haired subhuman fatasses who feel the need to share that they're pink-haired subhuman fatasses 24/7.
I just didn't play it because it didn't look like much of a game, and the people seemed whiny, aside from having creepy faces.
>and thats a good thing
Imagine being so self-righteous you can comfortably grab for your stereotype boogeyman character whenever you need an argument.
Nah, It's just a thing.
Please show me your average sjw and/or tranny faggot who doesn't look and act like that. Take a look at any of the parades or protests you see and tell me they all don't look the same. Glasses, dyed hair, usually overweight, usually behaving like subhumans.
The only reason you retards think it's just a "stereotype" is because some celebrities parrot your delusions for attention so you associate yourselves with people more physically attractive than you.
At least the games arent full of niggers
Did you even play that retarded fucking game? Classic libshit retard
go back to resetera, you don't belong here
blue haired lesbians, stronk women and every man is either beta or a villain, could you fail any harder?
lol imagine if my face was that 2.
Ugh, I know right hun?
Why is it that Japan doesn't give a shit about identity politics? Is it because their gaming media isn't full of feminist activists?
>9S is canonically the biggest threat to all machine life and 2B exists just to keep him in check
Ok retard
Why are their women more attractive than ours? Because Japan namba wan. They continue to carry the world on their shoulders.
You seem to have it all figured out already.
That's not a good answer, though.
>Ugh, you white pervs are disgusting for finding Japanese women beautiful
>>it's fun, the girls are cute, and it doesn't have identity politics
Literally this. Been playing Ni No Kuni 2 and it's been lots of fun.
But... both characters are fictitious, and even inside the fiction, one is American and the other has a name deliberately put together from English, French, and German names.
They're fictional characters user. When was the last time you seen a young woman with white perfect hair?
Nah, bro. I just avoid giving too specific answers.
The post you're replying to started out by mentioning that. The whole thing is in response to "their women being better."
Not only are they not japanese. They aren't real either. But they are of course japanese designs.
Yes, and?
You don't know anything about why others do what they do.
Most real women with butts this big have nigger proportions everywhere else, too.
The thing about idealized fictional characters is that they don't have to be like most.
Though I agree. Real Cammy with calfs like that would most likely have a square af ass.
ah yes the game with no politics what so ever
>Engels, Marx, Adam, Eve etc
Yea Forums is fucking retarded
I see what he means though, Japanese women are the closest thing to it.
You're right, and that's why we love videogames.
As you said, a real Cammy would have a super toned ass. But this Cammy's ass doesn't look toned.
A real Vanessa would look like a disgusting nigger bitch, but for Vanessa here it's only her ass that is fat.
It's a visual joke. Their physical strength in actuality is probably about the same, but their body language in this image represents their personalities.
because women has their own media. like shojo, yaoi, otome, etc. this goes for non geek genres too.
amerimutt women simply cant make shit. i dont know why but seems they are just uninspired or were actually cucked by media for men. funny thing is they ARE still cucked with their feminism movement. they have to make a genre but nobody tries it.
This tbqh.
He's pretty based. Not all men are brave enough to put their fetishes in their work without getting all political about it.
>it doesn't have identity politics
It does, it just went over your head while you were staring at ass and it didn't use your trigger words.
do you ever get tired of being offended by things?
9s is a boy. 2B and A2 are adults
>being this disingenuous
>Born combatant androids are strong
>Data analysis and electronic warfare android is weak
9S is a game's equivalent of a mage
He can guide ballistic missiles by telekinesis.
They're robots you fucking retard.