Games like this?
Games like this?
Breath of the Wild
>off topic bait OP
Games with this feel?
Doom 2, unironically. It's a slog yet /vr/fags praise it.
Destiny, any blizzard game. The entire suite of products & services sold by Apple.
Greatest game ever made
Your favorite game
Mario Maker
Smash Bros
Dragon's Dogma
Gacha games
>if I put Nu as a prefix on anything it means it is shit! Shadiely fellow kekorinos.
Hey tell your manager I'm still waiting for my mottazrella sticks, fucking applebees
Movie games
Porn Games
Gacha Games
Waifu bait garbage
Persona Games
Movie games(PS4 Exclusives Usually)
You've made this thread like 4 fucking times in three days, fucking kill yourself you stupid nigger. No one is gonna use your stupid phrase.
>Persona Games
this goes beyond the line, user.
persona games are quite literally just highschool social life simulators for extremely pathetic people who never had a social life. anyone who finds these games fun should be gassed because they will never contribute anything of value to the world.
How the hell do you not have ANY friends in highschool to the point where these games are appealing?
Every Call of Duty MP that isnt UO or 3
And smashfags spam catalogs with smash threads 20 times 24/7 yet you bitched about this being made 4 times in just 3 days? Go fuck yourself.
Auto-chess and its clones and I mean it.
Why are Nintendies so deluded honestly, no other fanbase would say shit like this.
>nu-fun is when people think they're having fun but they're not
How the fuck does this work? How does someone feel like they're having fun but in reality they aren't having fun?
Imagine being so jaded fun seems like such a foreign concept it can be recognized but not processed as such
Any Metroid game
Backtracking is the opposite of fun
Why are boomers so pathetic? Just let people have fun, go die on your lawnmower old man
fun is a buzzword
you don't fucking do anything in it
it's just "what if we removed all the dungeons from OoT and just made it a gigantic Hyrule Field"
boomer tourist here; literally everyone on Yea Forums is a zoomer, some are just huge tryhards
>smash in soy fun
You guys should be more accepting of alternative opinions
When it gets to this point not ironically, its no longer a game.
Months ago people here were complaining about zoomers and now you're complaining about boomers, make up your mind.
great job proving his point
Borderlands 1 2
no idea about 3, cuz I learned my lesson
what off topic?
>you thought you were having fun? wrong, you were just pretending to have it
all of you deserve to eat cock and a bullet
I agree. It's basically am idle game, the only gameplay is matching classes and occasionally messing with the formation to counter other people's completely RNG build.
They are having fun. The problem is that they're misattributing the fun to the game or game's design as opposed to something else, such as doing something with friends, a skinner box, gambling addiction, etc.
Not being able to recognize that the fun is derived from socialization, for example, and not the game itself is a problem because these same people influence game design and push for more non-fun games in their ignorance.
fun is cringe
Did we play the same game?
you mean artificial fun?
I actually really love it and find it more fun than doom 1
Sure its a pain in the ass sometimes and has fucking chaingunners
but its still mostly fun
>he actually has fun playing video games
>no fun
t. literal nu-fun kid who's never shot down a jet using only an rpg
stuff with skinner box type gameplay. You feel compelled to play but dont really get much out of it.
How the fuck do you not know if you're "having fun" or not? Is this just more "people like what I don't like so it's fake fun" shit? What a stupid fucking thread.
World of Warcraft: Classic
Press Q to win trash. Game designed around girls who can't aim succeeding
Whatever your favorite game is
Whatever the latest 5 installments of your favorite franchise
Whatever game you are liking at the moment (if any at all we are on Yea Forums after all)
t. Brainlet
Games with more story than gameplay. They usually have a cutscene every 10 min, hours of dialogues and notes everywhere.
FF13 is the worst game I've ever played
>creating terms to make yourself feel better when everyone's having a good time but you
League of legends
>He still thinks he's having a good time