DBZ Kakarot
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Who's cancelling their pre-order the moment there's Super shit?
i'm not id rather see them put more in here then add extra DLC "What if" stories in the future
super is confirmed to not be in the game but it's pretty funny that people would not buy a game because it has more content
they confirmed that it won't go beyond Z
no BoG or RoF won't be in the game
>Great Saiyaman
>pig tails Videl
>SS2 Gohan in GS outfit
>SS3 Goku
This game is looking better and better honestly, i was a luke-warm maybe on getting it but i probably will now.
It would be great if they did the super arcs as expansion packs. i.e battle of gods DLC a few months after launch followed by Freeza, champa, zamasu, ToP and then broly. would be a really solid lifespan for the game
Ult. Gohan looks kinda weird here
It should have been exceedingly obvious it'd be in the game once they confirmed Cell.
yay we can rehash the same story we've rehashed for the past 20 years!!
I can see them doing that just to be extra hebrew.
>Perfect anime graphics will be achieved in the next few years
>It won't matter because the industry has gone to shit
they should have called the game dbz gohan instead since they weren't going to do OG db
Nice! I really wanted a video game that lets me see the fucking Dragon Ball Z story with light rpg mechanics and actionish combat! There are no games that do this! None!
Big hair
A few DBZ games end right at Cell saga, so if that happened to this game I wouldn't have been surprised
Glad Buu is in though
>a very brief teaser of the Buu Arc being in the game like this is something revolutionary
But why?
CC Corp already achieved perfect anime graphics.
Have you not seen/played Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 & 4?
Them visuals, holy shit.
its so fresh, nobody's ever tried it before
Sean Schemmel already confirmed this in August
Pretty sure it was mostly my imagination, but the fights really did feel like DBZ, what with your AI-allies fighting alongside you, and you needing to rescue their asses from time to time.
The devs need to go fuck themselves. Everyone was hyped up for the initial reveal because there was a slight chance of original DB shit being in, which would fit free roam. No-one wants this retread shit except for Pablo and Tyrone who only watched Z.
Now will it go any further?
not me. We've all replayed through DBZ over and over again.
Why wouldn't they? They are labeled DBZ movies.
So can we finally say that this finally surpassed Budokai 1 yet?
Pablo watched OG DB long, LONG before Tyrone, my dude.
Imaging having this shit pre ordered in the first place.
>redoing the same story for the 100th time
why not DBS Kakarot???????????
Dumb superfag
Surely we can use that idea for another 55 games.
Based CC2
cute shotas
>They're not wearing their driving clothes
Driving lady has some big ass titties.
I fucking love Majin Vegeta so much.
God I love that outfit.
I want SSJ4 and SSJ4 Gogeta
Because they are garbage and everyone know that, they just have the balls to pubblicy admit that.
>I have to say it feels pretty good
i hope the outfits are available for the mission please god
Original DB better be included or else what's the fucking point?
Why won't they remake the OG DB series?
Goku is the worst character in dbz, prove me wrong.
Your fave exists.
faust vegeta best vegeta
no falconer music
no buy
Is it just me or is Videl's forehead a lot bigger than usual
Top quality animation
It's because her hair is a model and won't hang any shallower than it is
Haha yaaaayyy Raditz to Buu my favorite
Hey look at those faggot ass clothes
>Vegeta Sacrifice Kino
Can't fucking wait
>Buu Saga a selling point
bruh we've had that since 1994
super is objectively better than Z. That include fight scene, story, and villain
Can't imagine anyone pre ordering this shit, but if it had more than 1/3rd of the story I'd be more interested.
>another raditz to buu game
Honestly I just hope they throw in some "what if's"
The Budokai Tenkaichi 3 what ifs were super fun and one of my biggest memories about that whole game.
Bait but I agree on some of the fight scenes, when not terribly animated in a sweatshop. The story is also better than anything after Frieza saga. The shot ton of characters introduced and giving non Saiyans a spotlight should get way more love
What exactly is this game then?
just another typical budo/tenkai/xeno fighter?
Yeah but with an open world with side quests and a hint of rpg mechanics
Super basically had a grand total of one villain and that was Zamasu
The only bad thing about Super is Jiren.
It's an RPG with xenoverse-ish gameplay
>Goku is voiced by a Jew
>Vegeta got the boot for being white
DBZ is dead to me. If I ever buy another game it'll be an import.
Xenoverse with a stronger RPG feel.
How have they not made a better DBZ game than Budokai 3?
Golden Frieza says hi. Also you could argue Zeno is a villain due to his naivety
I love DB but I canât get hype for this game or the whole retelling of dbz again
Does anyone have all of these pictures?
I would've counted Beerus and Golden Freeza if the BoG and RoF arcs of Super weren't just lifted from the movies
I was hoping it would just be Frieza saga and expand on it in a bunch of ways
Anybody got a list of confirmed playable characters?
Also can you drive capsule cars around in the open world?
Thatâs because you arenât really a fan like I am.
>wtf stop reusing the same dbz saga's over and over again
>wtf you're putting in new super stuff??? preorder cancelled!
Could Gogeta and Vegito go ssj3 or would Vegeta need to know how in order to do so?
sounds like your opinion man they are still z movies
Cell poster needs to come back. I miss him.
Why wouldn't they be able to? Gotenks could go SSJ3 and neither Goten or Trunks could.
Well Gotenks could do it. And neither Goten or Trunks went past SS1 by themselves. It's possible.
>put an M on vegeta's massive forehead and called it a new transformation
>people still liked it
kek based toriyama
It wasn't called a transformation, though.
Here's the (You) you wanted. Post better bait next time.
>still no modern db game adaptation of og db from goku's childhood to piccolo jr.
was tenkaichi 3 the last time they did it?
>They still didn't give Goku the right outfit for his fight with Raditz
Slightly triggered.
it counts as one on almost all of the db fighting games
How many times can the get away with remaking the same game before people get tired of it?
Jiren is a lot of concentrated badness, but there's dumb decisions in other arcs.
Look at the Zamasu Arc, for instance, where they take a good idea and run it into the ground with so many fake outs.
>Zamasu and Black are the same guy
>go back in time to kill Zamasu to prevent them from existing
>that does nothing
>Trunks gets Super Saiyan Rage
>that does nothing
>Goku goes back in time to learn the Mafuba
>that does nothing
>Vegeta boosts his power level
>Black bullshits his power even higher so that does nothing
>Goku and Vegeta fuse into Vegito
>they unfuse almost immediately so that does nothing
>Trunks cuts Zamasu in half and kills him
>just kidding, he comes back immediately and kills everyone
>Goku remembers he has a literal deus ex machina in his back pocket
>this finally kills Zamasu at the cost of also obliterating Trunks' timeline and making almost everything he went through pointless suffering
Did we really need this many gotchas?
I don't see why not, but there's no reason to when they have Blue.
Goku also can't fly at that point without Nimbus.
not even the same genre
they should let you play as whatever character you want through the entire saga imho
there was this ds dragon ball game where you could defeat broly as yamcha:
Only the last 3 things were bullshit, the rest felt like regular DBZ fuckery to me
He learns flight during his training with Kami.
Super is just a bad retread of all the old sagas. Don't kid yourself..
Yamcha was pretty ridiculous in that game.
Shame we never got a sequel.
I'm pretty sure he learned flight from King Kai, otherwise he wouldn't have needed to run down Snake Way the first time or use the Nimbus to get over to Raditz.
Get mad.
there is no db game that adapted all of z history in the current generation so i guess they didn't want to miss the chance although im surprised that they waited until now to do it
dragon ball babies got intimidated by the rpg elements and not playing as goku 24/7
I never planned on getting it in the first place
That's not really a controversial opinion, though. The Tournament of Power in particular was especially bad about "Look at this thing that happened in Dragon Ball Z!" moments.
He flies after beating Piccolo in Dragon Ball's final tournament arc. He had been training with Kami previously.
>I'm pretty sure he learned flight from King Kai
nope he learned from kami and used it in his fight with piccolo jr see this is why you need to watch og db before z
Get mad.
Oh yeah, it would be terrible if we got something beyond the same Z shit that we've played through a billion times.
i really hope for DLC we can get some DragonBall era stuff along with Super and possibly GT. If they just went all in with this game it could turn out to be one of the best anime games in years
Even if you haven't watched OG Dragonball, Goku flies around a bunch before meeting King Kai, including on Snake Way. That user's just an idiot. The only reason he still used Nimbus for Raditz and the Saiyans was because he was still at the point where flying would drain a lot of his energy, especially if he was actually trying to go fast with it
>WHAT IF: Planet Vegeta didn't Explode?!
If they had ended it with Trunks killing Zamasu, I would have been a little more willing to tolerate the rest of the arc's shit, but with the way they ended it, they mas as well have just given it the "it was all a dream" for all the purpose it served.
They seriously bungled this by not making start with DB. The exploration angle they're pushing with this was made for DB.
It was a dumb decision to even rebrand the anime to Dragon Ball Z in the first place. The manga was always just called Dragon Ball. Like after the rebrand, the series got a new opening, ending, eyecatches, more background music, and an increase in animation quality (this would begin to die down by Namek), but they did the exact same thing when Gohan started high school but didn't rebrand. For all intents and purposes, the whole Boo arc from the moment they introduce teenage Gohan is a new series in the same way Dragon Ball Z was a new series (they're not actually) but they didn't call it Dragon Ball Ï (Omega) or whatever. Honestly would have been the perfect name since Z looks like a 2 and Ï resembles 3, and Toriyama said he suggested "Z" because he wanted to imply it was nearing the end while that same implication goes with Omega. But we got it half-assed and now we have so many DBZ games that can only start at Raditz and end at Boo. It would be so much better if it was just Dragon Ball for everything and we got the actual entire story.
roshi almost defeats jiren in the manga, what's your point?
One day OG DB will get the proper big-semi budget retelling it deserves. I hope.
>Tfw you want the next Dragon Ball movie to focus on making the Z Fighters relevant and you want the teaser poster to be a re-creation pic related
Hold up, Cyberconnect2 is working on this? I'm actually excited for it now.
thats what i was thinking if you're going to go this far with it why not start from DB where goku and gohan are hunting everyday for food. And where many of the RPG elements are going to be present. Imagine a DBZ game from DB to end of Z then Super content as DLC sounds pretty good to me. I would rather it all just be in the game but devs gotta make money with DLC now
Imagining what could've been depresses me
>Expecting this much effort out of Bandai Namco, the king of recycled assets
yeah that was pretty weird knowing toriyama i bet he forgot goku already knew how to fly but i always assumed that he didn't want to waste energy flying so thats why he used it
DB had eyecatchers?
bro he just dodged a few attacks from the ayylmao before being kicked out
>making shitzu and yamcha relevant
no way faggot
>currently watching buu saga
>up to the episode where kid destroys earth
>still not quite sure how I feel about it
i'm starting to think Z ended when cell died and all this buu shit is just a dream. I thought after gotenks shit ended, they would go back to a serious tone, but even goku and vegeta are doing slapstick.
will a game version of buu saga be serious? or will we see more of buu drinking milkshakes while posing like a french girl?
>Kiddies don't know Chiotzu beat the shit outta Krillin in Dragon Ball
"Almost defeats" is a huge over-exaggeration. Roshi surprises Jiren with the way he moves and didn't realize he was Goku's master. Roshi was trying to show Goku how to fight instinctually and calmly instead of overthinking or letting his emotions and stress get to him. Jiren is extremely disciplined and while that has led him to great power, it wasn't totally compatible with this fighting style of Roshi's which is what caught him off-guard. After understanding what was going on, he bruteforces him out of the battle. Goku takes Roshi's example to heart and ends up activating Ultra Instinct. Roshi is of course far weaker in pure strength than everyone else, but he's still a skilled teacher. It's not like Goku surpasses him in every regard. Roshi could have sealed Goku with the Mafūba at pretty much any moment. Technique matters.
cool I don't think we got these in mexico
>he just dodged a few attacks from the strongest character yet
kek ok
>Dragon Ball
yeah but he was an ever smaller manlet back then, as soon as he gained 3 inches in height all shitzu could do is sodoku himself
Whats the difference between this game and the Budokai Tenkaichi games? They were fire and ive been wanting a current gen dbz
I've constantly tried to think of how you'd even make a Super game. The saga 1 and 4 are a single enemy. Saga 3 and 5 are tournaments. Frieza is the only one with any real game potential.
Are there pictures like this for the other sagas?
Yeah, they reuse the same Gohan from the moment he's introduced all the way up through the other world tournament with the "CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA" instrumental. That's 191 episodes of the same eyecatch, with the only deviations being for the Bardock and Trunks specials. The entire 153 episode run of Dragon Ball used "Makafushigi Daibouken" as its intro and "Romantic Ageru yo" as its ending and the same two sets of eyecatches. It took an entire rebranding to change this which is why I don't understand why they didn't rebrand the series when it happened again for DBZ episode 200. There are early scripts that call DBZ episode 1 "Dragon Ball episode 154", because that's literally what it is. DBZ episode 291 is actually Dragon Ball episode 444.
Didn't Krillin win that one because Chiaotzu couldn't into math?
>and all this buu shit is just a dream.
Now you know how everyone else feels about Cell, shit feels like one of those parodies where everything is hyper serious and everyone has five forms.
>Now you know how everyone else feels about Cell
Nope. You are a minority. People that dislike Cell are literally the trannies of the Dragon Ball fandom.
The first half of Buu saga was pretty grim, as soon as Vegeta dies it goes a bit silly though, i never knew why
>You are a minority
Nah, everyone hates cell because it removed everything people liked about DB and made it a power level wankfest.
Hell the only part that felt like regular DB was the driving episode and that was filler.
Toriyama burned out quickly but kept writing because of how popular it had become. He was a gag manga writer before Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball was kind of an action adventure gag kung fu hybrid. He never had any ideas of how it would end and wrote it by the seat of his pants from week to week. He did say that the moment he drew Super Saiyan Goku's fierce glare at Freeza was like the climax of that fight to him, but he never particularly thought that would be the end of the series. He had three editors throughout the publication. The first editor was with Toriyama since he started. He was very strict and went on to basically run Jump, and he was with Toriyama until around Goku grew up. The second editor wanted to ramp the action up and stayed with Toriyama until late into Cell, but that arc was one hot mess of retcons. And the final editor was a lot more lax and let Toriyama goof around more. But Toriyama's exhaustion showed in his much rougher art and fewer page count.
>i never knew why
The Cell arc just turns into a musclebound slugfest of transformations. It wasn't even about techniques and skill anymore, it was about who could hit the hardest.
>but that arc was one hot mess of retcons.
Tell me about it, the best part is when Cell mentions they could have gotten Cells from Trunks.
why continue if you're not enjoying yourself? I wouldn't say buu saga is bad, it just feels out of place and forced. I get that it was popular, but sometimes you just need to walk away if you're not feeling it.
I'm pretty sure Pablos were the main ones rallying for DB content.
>Cell says he can probably die if his head was destroyed
>Goku fucking vaporizes his upper body, there's nothing there
>Still comes back
>Cell blows himself up
>Still comes back back even stronger
>Even Cell thought he'd actually die from that but didn't
I don't hate Cell arc or anything but it's hard to like it when you really look at it
what a joke
>androids are coming
>these are the androids
>these aren't MY androids
>THESE are my androids
>who is this android
>who is this bug
>oh wait he's an android
The arc was dumb but not in a good way.
I remember playing that game as a kid, what was it called again?
Do you really think DBZ fans understand anything besides "muh power level". There's no subtlety to these morons
Do we know anything more about the gameplay though?
I'll never understand the fags who try to revise history and act like the Androids Saga is the best. It turns to shit in record time. The writing is a joke, not a gag, a joke. Toriyama was literally pulling shit out of his ass left and right and didn't even try to make it make sense. I get that you spics love SS2 Gohan for some reason and other small moments within the arc. However, that does not make it a good arc.
Because Dragon Ball was Jump's biggest attraction. Watch what happens when One Piece ends. Sometimes you just end up with a series that defines a generation. Dragon Ball started nearly 35 years ago and people around the world still talk about it. It's hard to just end something like that, but you have to find the point to draw the line. With One Piece, Oda's been speeding through events lately because he realizes it'll go on for at least another 10 years if he continues it at the pace he's had it. And it's not like One Piece's pacing is bad. It's really long since it's been going on for 22 years now, but so much of it is world-building. Old man Hyou might not be relevant in 150 chapters from now, but his actions feel incredibly important to Luffy's development. But Toriyama never would have been able to pull off those 22 years. He was burning out after 3, and he ended the series after 9. But while Toriyama may have created a world, all the plot threads were with the main characters. Once stuff was resolved with them, it was resolved in the series. There weren't like 50 ongoing threads that were all carefully weaved together over the years, and that allowed more leniency for Toriyama to quit. But the burnout was real, and he basically retired after that point. He used to love drawing and now he just does it when asked by Jump. Shueisha wanted him to do a new Dragon Ball series instead of Kai in 2008 but he refused. Ultimately, his motivation to come back boiled down to being pissed off over Evolution and being told he didn't really have to draw for the new material.
>Jump calls them No. 19 and No. 20
>No. 19 and No. 20 appear
>Editor interference results in Toriyama scrapping them early
>The real ones were No. 17 and No. 18
>Editor interference shoots them down along with No. 16
>Okay, uuh, here's Cell and he's a mystery
>Editor: But he transforms, right? He needs to transform.
>Second form Cell becomes Toriyama's favorite and he wanted him in the story longer
>Editor: He looks so stupid like this, make him perfect already and make it look cool
>Also this is Gohan's big fight where he peaks despite the fact that he was mostly a side character for this arc compared to the previous arcs where he was a major character that propelled the story forward and had real emotions rather than just going through the motions
Yeah, it was a cool climax for him but the arc didn't do much to build him up until the Hyperbolic Plot Device.
>dbz cacarot
Honestly, I don't remember seeing shit other than flying around and doing fetch quests.
>>Second form Cell becomes Toriyama's favorite and he wanted him in the story longer
>>Editor: He looks so stupid like this, make him perfect already and make it look cool
Base editor-kun, no one likes nigger Cell.
It wasn't even his editor, it was his former editor calling him and bitching.
>19 and 20 show up
>"A fatso and a geezer are your main villains? Seriously?"
>17 and 18 are introduced
>"A couple of brats? Really?"
>Cicada Cell is introduced
>"Too ugly."
>Frog Cell is introduced
>"To stupid looking."
>Perfect Cell is introduced
Based dragon ball dissection bro.
>Perfect Cell is introduced
I can't complain since we did get best Cell.
Spics who have no fucking taste don't like his goofy design. Other than that there's nothing to really like him for because he's not around for long. I'm sure if the editor wasn't up his ass, this guy could've been amazing. Instead he gets made into an embarrassment because the story had to be fast tracked.
I watch his videos and enjoy some of his insight but don't always agree with what he says. Sometimes he'll point out things I didn't know like Dende being God in the sixth movie long before the manga even needed a replacement.
I dunno. The wider android saga had quite a few good points, but obviously Toriyama's forte was never a contingent and compelling storyline. We did get quite a few good moments out of it though, which is more than in any other wider DBZ saga.
>Mecha Frieza returns and is quickly dispatched by a mysterious new super saiyan, which quickly sets the bar really high for upcoming battles
>Super saiyan becomes a more important plot element, which allows 2 others besides Goku to get good spotlight, Vegeta which was previously jobbing hard and Trunks which was already cool.
>Androids having infinite energy draws out a weakness for Super Saiyan form--You need the power and speed the form provides, but it puts you at a further disadvantage in the long game, which was interesting at first.
>Trunks' backstory is probably the best plot in all of DBZ.
>Piccolo gets to be relevant again, even if only for a while, by fusing with Kami.
>Gohan gets to be relevant again, but only at the very end, after achieving both SS and then SS2.
>Tien has one of his best moments, slowing down Imperfect Cell with a barrage of Shin Kikohos.
>Vegeta has one of his best moments, taunting Cell to take a Final Flash head on.
>Gohan has one of his best moments, the SS2 tamashii-vs-tamashii transformation is still the best in the series, even if 16 triggering it didn't make much sense.
>Hercule gets introduced as a gag character, which is much more inline with Toriyama's roots in gag/comedy manga.
>Cell is ultimately still pretty based, voiced by Norio Wakamoto, even if the character motivations changes from form to form sporadically.
Ultimately, the Saiyan saga has both better art and writing overall, and was much grittier with the deathcount on characters, who were all (at the time) pretty relevant to the storyline. Still, the plot twist of Goku being a combat-lusting alien race is kind of what began the decline in relevancy for any non-Saiyan characters as the series continued...