Looks like Nintendo lost another exclusive.
Looks like Nintendo lost another exclusive
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like no one cares
I guess it's fair after losing Digimon.
Remember how every day tendies on Yea Forums shill switch as the only place Japanese devs will put their games from now on?
i didn't care about yo-kai watch, enjoy your shitty franchise bros.
Not like I don't own a PS4 AND a Switch, what do you guys hate video games?
>Switch gets a 3 year old port
>PS4 gets a new game day 1
Post the kawaii little boy
oh fuck thats weird
like yeah i'd rather have it on ps4 pro than switch
hopefully this means the localization will be better
This counts as a loss? As if sony fans will give a damn about it.
>Yo-kai Watch 4 bombs on Switch
>Ni no Kuni movie bombs
>Inazuma Eleven Ares still isn't done and they can't keep delaying it
>Megaton Musashi is still a non-starter.
"Hey, let's port YW4 to PS4!"
Gotta samefag harder if wanna claim anyone actually gives a fuck about Yo-kai Watch here.
You act like brand loyalty means shit. Just be an idort.
>This counts as a loss? As if sony fans will give a damn about it.
I wanna see feet.
>what do you guys hate video games?
who knows. why would you play video games?
Level-5 will die soon
I'll be honest, I didn't even know there was a second game.
>Thinks anyone who owns a playstation actually cares about Yokai Watch.
The ni no kuni movie bombed because of shit protagonists. Ni no kuni is a game with shota protagonists. There's no place for high school drama and cripple bullshit.
Yep... I wanna say I'd be sad but they had it coming.
Oh noes.
How sad is this, i'm really upset.
Have they fixed the combat at all?
Battles always felt really boring in the 3ds games
Sony will acquire them, then Yea Forums will 180 to hating Lv5
Well at least it'll be running higher than 5fps now
It's more like Ni no Kuni than the 3DS games so if that's your thing, there you go.
>lol we don’t want that shitty game on our console
>gets a port
Console wars are fucking stupid
first post cope post
I guess that's a step up
L5 cant die without making a new Dark Cloud first
It's been out in Japan for months, dumbass.
Remember when everyone was like
And then that didn't happen. Why? I've never played any of the games, but after they released, I heard nothing about them. Even here on Yea Forums I think I would rarely see threads about them, and they usually died very quickly.
Was it just retarded game journalists saying that?
Just watched a video, looks nice. I'm almost done with ni no kuni 2 so that will fill the void nicely.
>Was it just retarded game journalists saying that?
Yes, and retarded people on the internet. The fact that funimation (or 4kids, I forgot) made that comment too and L5 got pissed with them didn't help either since the series was inspired by SMT
it was huge in japan but the battle system made the games suck hard unless you were a toddler
the same stylus minigames for everything
I didn't even knew it was exclusive in the first place.
I would guess that either Nintendo or Sega-Sammy would buy them. Maybe Sony, but that's a far maybe,
Why do nintendo seething threads seem so forced compared to sony? It starting to get embarrassing to own a ps4 here when you fags flood threads shitting on your console but have to force replies on your own threads when shitting on Ninteno.
Honestly I don't know who was saying that.
I know journos weren't. In fact they took a comment Viz Media made about it being a "Pokemon Killer" and ran it into the ground, then laughed when it didn't happen.
As for why it didn't catch on. Merch being a failure was a big part of it. I heard the first game sold decently well and the anime rated well on Disney XD, but after that it just fell off. I think a big part is that YW2 retreads a lot of the first game for the first few hours, and shitty journos rated it poorly because of it.
yeah, for once they're making a good decision by bringing yo-kai watch home to a platform where people appreciate games, not cardboard and bing bing rehashes.
We can tell you're seething
Honestly the brief rise and immediate fall of Yokai Watch is kinda depressing.
Twice as bright, half as long
And what Playstation owners are going to buy it? The fourth game in a series where the first three aren't available?
This is more mismanaged fuckery from Level-5.
>still no Dark Cloud sequel
>And what Playstation owners are going to buy it?
me, for starters. i'm happy we're getting the option to play it without the switch downgrades and powerpoint framerate.
>Day 1
user this game came out months ago
>PS4 gets a new game day 1
It's been out for months in Japan? And bombed
Maybe on PS5? Who am I kidding. People don't even know Sony owns DC, and actually commissioned games from Level-5.
The framerate is gonna be shit on PS4 too lol
Ni No Kuni II had drops all the time
I mean, good for you and Level-5 I guess. Just don't suddenly go and say the game is shit and that we've tricked you into buying it or something.
>within 30 seconds of OP
In the west it will be called Yokai Watch: A new Beginning
Nobody above the age of 12 likes this series, its just pokemon but worse
It was locked 60fps, cope.
Consoles are a niche, remember? Even if it doesn't do gangbusters on PlayStation 4, it will probably make enough to please Level-5.
That was the PC version dumbass
How furious are you right now?
whatever you have to tell yourself to cope, i guess.
Unless it also bombs for the PS4 and Nintendo just outright buys them out to save their asses and give them some much needed management and this was all part of their master plan.
SMTV on PS4 when?
Hopefully this shit bombs too so we can finally get Dark Cloud 3
Nice cherry picking lying snoy
You know it to be true
When Persona 5 comes to Switch
AKA never ever
>scour video for single moment it drops from 60 to 53, then jumps back to 60
I'm scared user what if it bombs and then they start making Dark Cloud on mobile like how Capcom put Breath of fire 5 on mobile.
Absolutely. Atlus knows their audience is on PS.
Sony owns a part of persona, nintendo doesn't own SMT
It doesn't take much to show how much of a liar you are user
>Sony owns a part of Persona
Source: My ass
>Sony owns a part of persona
no they don't.
Persona Q exists on 3DS only. What is with Snoys and fake news today
But that's false, they make Dragon Quest.
Are you two retarded or something?
Because it was a mix of people being contrarian toward pokemon and weebs trying to force their Japanese shit.
With the contrarians part, people are joining the bandwagon to be against the popular choice. Yes people are free to like what they want. All choices to them. But when you like something purely out to spite what is popular, people tend to avoid such crowds. It's one thing to naturally like something, it's another to forcibly like something your own throat let alone others.
With the weebshit. They were comparing yokai to pokemon while considering them both Japanese games. This wasnt the case with pokemon during poke mania. Pokemon was marketed more internationally and never had any Japanese vibes in the American release untill gen 2 at best. This made it more welcoming and understandable to most people who played. Yokai is purely japanese down to the creatures referring lore strictly known in Japanese culture, some being stuff vague enough that looking it up wont provide much results even if you tried. This can cause people to feel alienated with the majority of the content and fails to catch their interest. Hence why it blew up in japan but fell flat everywhere else. People seem to lack the understanding why it was popular. Pokemon had the upper hand while Yokai had huge false hype at best.
Ps4 owner. Owned both nintendo and sony since ps1/nes era. So only type of seething here is embarrassment from you consolewar fags.
second post,arrest post
go to bed
Can you show me one second of the video where it drops at least 10? Or where the drop isn't less than a second and jumps right back to 60?
Not XI.
>Sony owns a part of persona
are you retarded?
Don't deny it user you know it will happen.
I hope SMTV comes to PS4. Nintendo guys don't play these games and they underperform.
bamco most liely will buy them
I have the first two games on 3ds, it’s super generic and boring. Never thought to pick up the 3rd game because of it. Which sucks because I really like the art style of the yokai and the world, but what kills it for me is the boring as shit combat. They really should have went with a dragon quest monsters combat system.
>they actually don't know
Ever read the credits of the mainline games? Ever wonder why sony studios are the ones who adapt the games into anime?
God I wish. As much as I want a new Dark Cloud they'd fuck it up somehow.
My money’s on Sega
Switch is in dire need of content Nintendo should buy them
>Moves goalposts
I never said it dropped to 10 FPS lol
Most Switch games don't drop to 10 FPS either user, just so you know
like 2 Switch games to my knowledge do that. WWE2k18, an awful optimized port, and Dragon Quest Builders 2 in custom levels, which PS4 also does
Looks like Conman ruined another developer.
My bad i misread, here you go
>there are 4 yokai watch games
who the fuck buys them they’re so boring
In the end, the framerate on NnK2 is fantastic on PS4. YW4 will also be 60.
> Ever wonder why sony studios are the ones who adapt the games into anime?
becasue they are cheap as fuck hence the awaful quality
Copyright Sega and Atlus only, no Sony.
>they make Dragon Quest
Ni no kuni and ni no kuni 2 were comfy fuck of
Citation Needed
>Japanese devs will abandon the PlayStation 4
Tired of being wrong yet, Yea Forums?
sony only cares about western devs
Don't forget Yokai Watch movie that is coming this december. Can that MOVIE SAVE THEM???
Honestly this. I've been openly shitting on Yo-Kai Watch and shitposting in their threads for decades. It being on PS4 just validates me more than anything else, cause now I get to tell them they couldn't even succeed on a single-console anymore.
Oh no it’s retarded
I had no idea that was even a Ni no Kuni movie, whenever I saw the trailers it looked like generic angsty bullshit.
The main reason i'm into the series. Long as Keita is around i'll be buying his game every time.
53fps is still better than the typical 20fps performance of switch games.
Level 5 os really desperate for cash these days, huh? Is true that everything is flopping, from cartoons to games? Milked their ips to death.
damn, look at all these framerates that are better than switch framerates.
"Shit shit shit! Going dark and edgy didn't work! What now?"
"... High School AU and Kamen Rider"
He is really cute and likeable.
It really does seem like Yea Forums doomposts are the most retarded.
It's baffling how they are mismanaging Yo Kai Watch show and Inazuma Eleven. What the fuck are they doing, specially Inazuma, having an anime for a game that hasn't come out.
Maybe its time to make another Dark Cloud, or at least remake the first two
I always love playing as him
>But its better
Doesn't matter, inconsistent framerate is inconsistrent framerate. Nice goalpost moving.
Absolutely seething at facts
So what IP does Level-5 has that will make other companies buy it?
Level-5 can't.
I'm really worried about Level 5's future, their games have some of the best boys.
Absolutely fuck all. Sony has all their stuff.
You should never listen to Yea Forums when it comes to business, user. Or anything for that matter.
>better performance doesn't matter
now this is advanced cope.
Fuck Nintendo
All of them can burn in hell
>better performance
drops to 49 FPS lol.
He is a treasure.
considering most move to pc togheter with switch, it is true
>implying is not the same thing
now this is advanced arrest
So, how is Level 5 performing?
which is still better than 0fps on switch.
says the shilltendo loser
>Owning IPs
That's bullshit. They hardly know they have Ape escape.
Porting the game of a series in the decline in Japan (hell does it even have a presence worldwide?) to the PS4, where it sells 10k a week at best in japan, is a great idea.
go to bed.
Cause others a shill gets excited for a Switch port of a series he never cared about.
People care about Yo-Kai?
Playstation will save level 5 and make yokai watch dethrone pokemon. Nintendies will commit massive suicide after that day
I doubt Switchfags care because of Pokemon and the portability shit.
Pokemon is doing fine dethroning itself.
Of what?
White Knight Chronicles, Dark Cloud, Jeanne d'Arc. Why didn't Level-5 fight to keep these IP's?
Yokai Watch was on the verge of dethrowning Pokemon in japan not too long ago, what happened?
Impotent outrage and clickbaiting circlejerks mean nothing.
He's not wrong. YW was a flash in the pan and quickly lost interest in Japan.
Never even took off in the west.
This is basically a last ditch attempt to keep the series going by appealing to the currently starved ps4 fanbase.
Should you do your own research for that answer instead of coming to a buzzword infested shithole?
This, all the pedos that play it thinking that it could hold a candle to pokemon was always one of the best delusions on Yea Forums
Probabbly because they're dead as fuck, have no value and they know it.
Ni No Kuni II is an inevitable port since its getting the first game is coming
>Switch gets a 3 year old port
Uh, Survive is going to Switch day one. YW4 curre has no ps4 release date.
Come on, you are the expert; enlighten me.
Akihiro Hino is a dumbass that doesn't know how to manage a company or franchise.
It was a fad
Where did i ever claim to be an expert?
good, then the switch will run it at 10fps instead of 0fps.
Maybe Dark Cloud 3 would've saved them.
>"I-It's still gonna sell like hotcakes!"
You know this meme is dying since gen 7 happened, right? Now it's brought up mostly by ignorant people that are too dumb to know Pokemon gets its money from being a brand instead the games (which are just part of said brand).
But isnt it still selling well? Just not in the millions like before?
I always laughed when people paraded YW as "the Pokemon killer" especially when each new installment hemorrhaged sales while ORAS made gangbusters despite being irredeemable God awful shit.
>But isnt it still selling well?
Well relative to most jrpgs I suppose but it's still not doing well. If I remember right there was something a while back about a spin off performing better than one of the mainline titles.
>>Ni no Kuni movie bombs
I'm surprised it got a movie in the first place.
Wasted quads
More Keita, please?
It was just journalists looking for clickbait and shitposters
>"The fuck is Yokai watch? Looks like some retarded pokemon ripof-FUCK YEAH YO-KAI WATCH RULES! BET YOU'RE SO MAD NINTENDO BABIES!"
My sfw and nsfw pics are all mixed up or i would post more.
Am I the only one who think YKW is on the verge of breaking big time? They're like the QotSA of videogames; the eternal promise.
>Am I the only one who think YKW is on the verge of breaking big time?
Because it already did but its time has passed now.
I never needed them to be the biggest thing, i just needed them to do okay enough to keep making content
based. is there some place with like a lot of these pictures?
You act like the game isn't a buggy mess that really needed a few more months of testing. People claim the new expansion will fix everything, but I sincerely doubt it.
Of that one particular meme face? I would be surprised if there wasnt.
>on the verge
Dude, it already sold gangbusters years ago but has been slowly fading into obscurity. Level-5 are getting ready to toss it.
Which they are though.
ORAS only sold by being the long awaited HOENN CONFIRMED and the momentum built by HG/SS. Needless to say it destroyed it by being one of the biggest letdowns of the decade.
Thanks. These sfw are gorgeous.
Nintendies in fucking suicide watch. Who fucking need modern pokemon when this and digimon exist?
>and the momentum built by HG/SS
What momentum?
Also pokemon go came out during ORAS' run.
Why the hell would they toss it if it still makes them money, just not all the money? That doesnt even make sense.
yeah that one and i forgot the name of the face. still its a cute one.
user, they get all three to choose from.
They can still play Yokai Watch 4 user
>What momentum?
The momentum of great remakes and the improvement the IP had when it arrived to DS.
Playstation get the superior one not locked in a baby tier console.
>if it still makes them money
Because returns are getting lower and lower especially with the higher development costs on newer consoles.
I just want the game to do good so Pokemon can at least put effort into it.
Who give a shit about console war.
Still in a shitty console
sonychads get the two good ones with playable framerates.
He is absolutely precious indeed
>Playstation get the superior one
They're all literally the same.
Yokai Watch is a baby tier game lmao
Where were you going with this
The returns are lower but it's still an established IP, scrapping that for trying a whole new IP instead again just doesnt make any damn sense. It does better than a lot of their other series, just being on a slump and steadying out into its niche isnt an excuse to just scrap an entire property.
>Who give a shit about console war.
Yeah about that, if you ever wanted to talk about this series without console wars you've lost your chance.
>"My toy is not a toy like yours!"
Imagine getting angry at a piece of plastic
>all this back and forth asshurt
I will never understand console faggots. Why is "losing" an exclusive even a thing for you guys? If you like a game, shouldn't you be HAPPY that more people are able to play it?
>but it's still an established IP
Not really, YW was very much a passing fad.
>Goes to a site filled with retarded man babbies
>Not expecting console wars and fanboys defending their corporate over lords for free
You must be new.
Can someone explain what are they doing with the anime? It was goofy, then it got serious, now it's goofy again, but se haven't hoy a sub in months? Fuck this malarkey.
>game flops because the fad is over in Japan
>have to port it to PS4 to justify more sales and get more money
>always delay the international versions for a fucking year
Yep I'm thinking it's over for YW.
Level 5 (years to localize) really isn't worth a fuck anymore.
Has nothing to do with what i said or what that phrase means.
Maybe now YKW 5 will actually be decent.
>ps4 is not big in japan
>gets announced at TGS
are they retarded? japan not longer cares about the franchise, why are not the big news the localized version coming soon to the west?
>If you like a game,
That's the thing, no one here likes YW but now we're going to get nothing but console war threads about it because sonyfags think they're stealing it.
Youkai who?
boring doompost
user, an established IP doesn't fade away like YW is currently.
>no one here likes YW
speak for yourself.
And who are you exactly?
Sorry but nintendo can keep their kiddy games.
Established just means it's a known one, which it is and still is one of level 5s better performing titles.
He speaks for me, and the 8 + billion who didnt buy it
you are literally a nobody, faggot lmao
I like it, but yeah discussing anything here is cancer because of all the console wars and company tribalism.
>REEEEEEE! What's your problem consolefags? Why fighting about exclusives
>Thread is the most civil and consolefaggotry is minimal
To be honest I only like YW shotas. The game franchise alone isn't good but the shota porn of the franchise is great
But why mad?
>Established just means it's a known one
If that were the case then you could call several dead IPs established. But no, being known isn't the entire story is it.
But you still could call them that, which is why a lot of them get revived because they have that factor.
Honestly this thread only highlights where the problem lies
fuck this thread, please just post more keita
Established IP fade away easily than before since videogames are the fad. You're not thinking of IPs, you're thinking of brands and YW isn't a really a brand.
Fuck you literal faggot
>which is why a lot of them get revived
A lot is an overstatement when a lot are recognised for being dead.
A man of culture
They released way too much shit way too fast, and translations took years for no reason. I think they tried to do 2 versions followed by a third just like pokemon, only instead of 1-2 years later it was something like 5 months.
i hope threads like this are made for when cooking mama gets announced for both switch and ps4
this is the first game I've heard announced for PS4 in like a year, what gives?
On the whole you could say that, but still happens
console warring is dumb
>But you still could call them that
Not him but no you couldn't. An established IP requires a strong dedicated playerbase for one which many dead IPs and currently YW don't have.
As well as that it needs to have a presence of some sort and in the west specifically it has next to none.
Level-5 is great at running franchises into the direct quickly.
>Yokai Watch was on the verge of dethrowning Pokemon in japan
Didn't the original only sell like 2m? Pokemon usually reaches 4 or 5 doesn't it?
Pretty sure all it really needs to be called established is just the recognition. Even if fading it still does well in japan, just not as much as it used to.
>400k sales is good and the franchise is doing ok
>15 million is bad and the franchise is dying
Every single yokai watch thread ever.
>Every poster is one person
Every tardpost on this thread ever.
Like that user said, if it were just recognition several dead IPs could be called as such.
Basically what's needed is security.
What was the last one they lost? I must've forgotten it between 90% of the PS4 library that went multiplat this gen.
There isnt even an actual definition so it's basically all being made up.
You realize how many exclusives nintendo has lost? From Final Fantasy to Travis Strikes again
Octopath was the most recent I think? But no one was really shitposting about that because it didn't come to ps4. In fact we got a few more good threads out of it.
>Pokemon usually reaches 4 or 5 doesn't it?
More like 12 to 15.
In Japan. YW doesn't even breach 1m here so I assume most of that came from the nips anyway.
3 times better than Switch
What the fuck is going on with Inazuma Ares?
Has a single person here even played this shit before?
>Final Fantasy
what the hell is going on here
Four main games. There's also been a few spin-off games.
Sony has lost just as many if not more this gen. Nioh, Yakuza, the OG Crash trilogy, tons of Vita shit, the list goes on
Zoomers are so dumb they forgot Final Fantasy began on Nintendo.
Beach related hijinks, which resulted in Keita getting naked. As he sometimes does.
>But Nintendo
Final Fantasy used to be Nintendo exclusive until 7 you dumb nigger
that's what they get for not releasing dark cloud 3
I doubt it
You two do realise we're talking about this gen, right?
>PS4 getting an old Switch port
>sonytards are unironically literally eating it up
holy shit my sides
What FF game started as Nintendo exclusive this gen?
You really don't want to play the lost series game user.
Bless this show.
He's okay with flash folks even defeated a yokai with mind reading powers that way how can one kid be so based?
He isn’t wrong tho, who fucking cares about knock off pokemon
You tell me, you're the one saying they have.
Phoenix Wright
>Snoyboy trannies coming out of the woodwork pretending this shit is a masterpiece since it's not an exclusive anymore
You fucks are so predictable.
Nip devs keep leaving the Switch.
Need to get back to watching since that sub break.
>How can one kid be so based
That just how it be sometimes
I would be very embarrassed by the absolute state of this place as well.
So is 4 any good? Heard it had a really rocky launch
Why does Yokai Watch get people so assblasted here?
Namco x capcom(+Sega)
Crash bandicoot + ctr
The souls series
David Cage games
Sub break? The last thing I know, the sub of the new season was abandoned ir something.
Everything i heard and have seen makes it seem interesting but i havent followed it super closely since i heard they were going to add more yokai later.
Combination of p*kefags and console war faggotry. The insane tribalism that goes on here will lead to people using anything they can as shitposting fuel.
HAHAHA eat shit Nintendofags.
They have never cared about Yokai watch.
Something something touted as a pokemon killer by journalists which caused insane backlash that hasn't gone away.
i used to be the same way
I stopped like around the first time it stopped which was a while ago so should have a few seasons to catch up on. Dont know if subs stopped again, but i need time to catch up anyway.
Just a glance at the thread proves otherwise, some brainlets are still upset over those stupid clickbait articles.
*officially announced
Digimon appears more under pokefags radar than Yokai Watch folks in this thread give Yokai watch far too much credit.
go to bed.
>having so little life you actually built a list while I just listed off top of head
Some of those havn't been considered exclusive series, like souls, igavania, Namco x capcom(+Sega) , or KH
It's almost like it depends on the thread, go to a digimon thread and it will happen. Saying that some other series still gets the obsessive retards attention doesnt change it either way.
No you
A Keizou is good too.
The original series was replaced by a dark and edgy version, right?
>no u
Why are so many nip devs leaving sony for PC/Switch
I loved YW3 but that gun was such a pile of shit
>stalling for 5 attempts before finally getting friend mode
Thank fuck for Forbidden Fruits.
I assumed that they just kept the original show and added those dark and edgy elements to it. But it's hard to tell since the anime never really followed the games closely.
Nice timed exclusive soon to be on PC
Seething, lmao. I just proved devs stick with ps4
Yeah, the random element of it can go to hell. After i learned about forbidden fruits i was so relieved i didnt have to put up with the gun failing me every time.
Wis they could have made it work though cause gun.
Yea and dev stick with Switch and YW4 is getting ported. That means Sakura Wars will get ported as well
Deadly Premonition 2 on PS4 when?
This but also doesnt look and run like shit on the Shitch. I'm down.
Does that mean Nintendo won't even bother localizing and marketing this like they did all the previous games?
>while I just listed off top of head
And you think I didn't?
Do you know how easy it is to rattle off games because you idiots won't stop whining when you "lose" them? Here have a few more
God Eater
Monster Hunter
Guilty Gear
>like souls, igavania, Namco x capcom(+Sega) , or KH
You do realise that all of these games were exclusive to Sony systems in the exact same vein as those "Nintendo" games you listed right?
Demon's Souls started the entire Souls series which became multiplats
Symphony of the night was ported to the Saturn a year later
Namco x Capcom began on ps2 and project x zone was it's direct sequel
And KH began on ps2
You really are just into video games to shitpost aren't you.
Probably never.
PC is a maybe though.
>You really are just into video games to shitpost aren't you.
I think a lot of retards here fit that description.
Name one. The Switch has been getting shit downgraded ports at best. It hasn't even been getting good shit like RE2 Remake.
yes, it's gonna be level-5 responsibility. or Sony can pick the slack and market it as their pokemon. worth a shot
>Downgraded ports
losing exclusives is still losing exclusives user
Also Yakuza. Games have been Sony exclusive since the PS2 gen and are now getting ported to PC and the dev wants it on other systems as well
It's still getting localized on switch too so i'd assume they do something.
>Some of those havn't been considered exclusive series, like souls, igavania, Namco x capcom(+Sega) , or KH
You what? Demon's Souls is still a ps3 exclusive but it spawned Dark Souls because Sony was an IP squatter.
Symphony was exclusive for like a year.
KH started on ps2 but saw its second entry on GBA.
They're literally exclusives you idiot.
Good thing I didn't buy the Switch version then.
None of those were exclusive series like the others.
Megaman was exclusive for like 10 games, Phonix Wright for 5 games, etc.
Then you list one exclusive that went multiplat the next game.
What's the point of the Shitch again? All the exclusives have been shit remakes or just plain shit.
Everything else is a literal port, lazy "remaster", or a lazy ass "sequel" that has DLC tier features. What the fuck happened to NIntendo? They don't seem to care about spending money to make quality titles anymore.
There's nothing in that suggesting a ps4 release but knowing Nintendo it'll be pc.
Series is the keyword, retard.
Not the Shitch. I'm okay with PC getting all the games for legacy purposes, this is ideal. People can still play these games on the PS4 years before however.
Console wars are so fucking stupid, just buy all the consoles that have games you like you morons.
Yea, beta testing for PC users ;)
Then no one would buy switch
can we please just get the localized version
if level 5 is gonna die I at least want yo-kai watch 4 in a language I can understand
I'd like localized switch versions of the other 3 games too but if it's really gonna go kaput I can live with just the former
the wii happened. nintendo crowded out their core fanbase (who actually had standards) by bringing in a bunch of shit-eating casual normalfags who had never played video games before. now they don't need to put any effort into their products anymore.
No one would buy a PS4 either considering all of its games are on PC
Sure, I play on PC mainly anyways.
level-5 already confirmed months ago that they're bringing ykw4 to the west.
This is the only Yokai game that looks somewhat good, but it being the 4th part of a connected story makes me not want to play it
I tried 2 and it was bad
Then why are PC and Switch owners begging for those games?
yea sure
phew thanks
>Level 5 dying
Wish this meme would stop already but Yea Forums is obsessed with everything dying for some reason.
>all of its games are on PC
No they aren't. And its literally the most popular platform, why do people keep saying this? It beat the Switch last quarter, gets the most games of all the consoles (the Switch is literally just filing its library with shitty old ports), and is currently at 100 million with the most active userbase of the consoles. What are you trying to pretend exactly? That the Switch is relevant compared to it?
In what, 2021?
Who the fuck wants Yokai Watch? It's an entire franchise of kusoge.
god damn both of you are fucking retards, there are cool games in all platforms, stop being fucking so stubborn and buy yourselves more consoles.
What games?
>muh sales
From eurofaggots who buy FIFA
Meanwhile we can't even have an Astral Chain or Daemon Machina thread on Yea Forums and you niggers even came to the /m/ threads to shit those up.
>there are cool games in all platforms
I have a Switch dude, I know its shit from experience. I own the entire fucking library too, the last game I tried was Ass Chain and it sucked ass.
Post your Switch right now
>the last game I tried was Ass Chain and it sucked ass.
Bad taste
>350 posts
Tendies get fuming whenever they lose to sony
Nope, the PS4 has an attach rate of OVER 10 games. So that's outright wrong, considering if it "was all Fifa" those numbers would approach 100 million.
Imagine being this retarded.
Playing the PS4 version of DQ 11 when the PC exists even bothering with the PS4 version when the Switch version is already proven best console version.
You're really going to call other people retarded when you never said series in the first place?
Hell your own list included Castlevania when everyone knows Vampire Killer was on MSX.
Talk about moving the goalposts.
Even then you've only removed 4 out of that user's list and you can't do the same with the others because they had multiple games.
>And bombed
Wait, seriously? I thought JP liked the Pokemon Killer
>Soulless CGI puppet on left
>Full of Soul character that looks just like Toriyama's art on the right
Isn't the left from a cutscene? Either way it looks like trash
Either a misclick or just plain tarded.
It sold like 500k, still good for just about any JP only release of a game but people expected the millions of past games. This place uses the term bomb for anything
all 10 of those games being FIFA and COD
Sure, the Switch is SHIT.
Didn't level 5 buy comcept? Their death is only a matter of time kek
Whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo.
Just like all those others things i dislike, any day now....
Not him but
>He actually BOUGHT RE4 for 30 dollars
Yokai was always shit though, but Yea Forums defended it because it was Nintendo exclusive.
Still pretty funny watching Nintrannies immediately throw Yo-Kai Watch under the bus not even after a day.
Oh its red joycon user!
Well shit, carry on then. Good taste in games.
Wrong but okay
>Nintendo guys don't play these games and they underperform.
IV outsold Nocturne.
Ironic considering what you're doing.
Nice revisionist history
It was the opposite. People were pushing Yokai as the Pokemon Killer for the longest time to shit on Nintendo and Game Freak. Nobody defended it
>but Yea Forums defended it because it was Nintendo exclusive.
Everyone thought it sucked until today.
Yea Forums doesn’t even give two shits about YW. Quit letting Nintendo live in your head.
Journalists arent people.
Not really.
Steam version when though?
Don't try and act like you've hacked it.
Why do you think we never have threads? Not a single person here has any interest.
We don't care because YW is a bad game. Like, we don't have to buy every game that comes to the Switch. If it's bad, then people won't buy it. It's not that hard to understand. This isn't the Vita where we must buy every third party game to save it.
What are you too retarded to hack yours?
Or because shit like this thread is what it devolves into.
Nice meaningless screenshot I guess.
>This isn't the Vita where we must buy every third party game to save it.
What? The Switch has literally the same mentality, except people pretend the ports are "good". There are zero standards when it comes to Switch games, even people defending motion controls, 20 FPS, input delay, and awful res scaling. I NEVER saw it this bad with Vita fanboys.
>Yea Forums never buys bad games
Lmao no
>Or because shit like this thread is what it devolves into.
You'd have a point but this thread only happened because sonyfags wanted to shitpost.
You try to act all smug while playing the shit port that resident evil 4 was on switch lmao
I have a point because this retarded consolewar / company war faggotry infests the entire board.
>The Switch has literally the same mentality, except people pretend the ports are "good".
Then why do the bad ports all fail?
yea because Vita didnt even get games worth a damn
Objectively it's far from bad, just pretty simple. Not like it's broken or anything.
>yokai watch
And not one single fuck was given
Doom didn't fail, nor did most shit ports. Nintendo just created an environment where shit quality performance and visuals were okay.
SMTv first needs to exist
Funny how Yea Forums says this, but now daganronpa is one of the most popular series on the board since it got a PC release.
It's not bad. One of the few older games that doesnt run like ass.
>because this retarded consolewar / company war faggotry infests the entire board
Not really, just games that come to Sony systems. It's why we still had decent octopath threads when that was ported despite Square's extortionate prices.
Is it still popular in japan? I don't think the platform is the cause of its failure.
>400 posts
Tendies get flaming hot when they lose to sony
Spike Chunsoft are literal Sony fanboys
Nah, it had some cool gems. Just didn't get shilled like the Switch at the Superbowl and such, and didn't rely on brand names to sell.
Soul Sacrifice was amazing desu for one. I WISH the Switch had some creative, good original games.
So I assume this is ultimate damage control for a little bit more cash? This series is and will never thrive outside of Japan, AKA Switch country. I really don't care about this move to other platforms, but it confuses me.
>but now daganronpa is one of the most popular series on the board
Now that's an exaggeration and a half.
level 5 has just handled their stuff pretty bad lately
I remember the Meijer store here had an entire aisle of Yokai Watch merchandise when the first game got localized.
Several months later the entire aisle went on clearance as most of it didn't move.
Can you guys post some cute Yokais
Lol no, Pokémon isn't going anywhere. It's a normalfag franchise at this point and the autists are going to buy it for the hot brown girl despite all the "outrage".
lose to Sony how
>Sony fans because they wanted a platform that had their game to do better for NA exposure
Seriously? What's wrong with wanting a bigger playerbase to sell to? So basically every Nintendo exclusive is just a Nintendo fanboy company, right retard?
The Switch is beating PS4 sales in the US, DESTROYING them in Japan, and is also #1 in wealthy European territories like France.
The only reason why the PS4 is still going so strong late in its life is because of the third world. This isn't even a jape - the same happened with the PS3 and PS2.
Danganronpa is a PSP game.
Based retard.
>and didn't rely on brand names to sell.
user, its a PlayStation.
In any case after the false advertising debacle Sony just wanted to bury it.
Games, sales, userbase, quality.
PS5 with backwards compat with already be better than the Switch
literally what the fuck is this?
It seems to still be a thing, just not as popular as it was. I think the "failure" is just that fact no franchise can keep up the absolute fervor of a mega fad forever rather than anything to do with the games really.
And 2+3 and spinoff?
Brand loyalty is a relic from boomer culture that is long overdue to die, console wars are a more retarded branch of that mentality.
Switch games aren't even worth getting excited for even when they come to PS4.
FUCK Yea ForumsROS
Absolute bullshit. Plenty of bad games fail to sell, but you fuckers just shift the blame and say Nintendo fans don't buy third party instead of the game/port being shit.
user, they don't make the vita.
They have no reason to care about its sales especially since its the games that drive it anyway.
It sold less than the PS4 last quarter, this is the US alone.
>The only reason why the PS4 is still going so strong late in its life is because of the third world.
Source? Its the same price as the Switch and the Switch has the same "third world" games. Do you have evidence?
But PS4 just got a Switch game
how does that matter to me
I need context
Also imagine defending PS5 with PS4 games
Are these games good?
I need a something to fill the easy monster collecting hole that Pokemon used to fill.
Yes you fucking retard. Do you even know Danganronpa as a series?
>user, its a PlayStation.
And Nintendo uses their 30+ year old rehash IP brands to sell. Big difference, nostalgia included.
>say Nintendo fans
Switch fans buy every piece of shit. Which is why we are seeing old ass games ported so late for full price. This isn't about having standards, this is about blind buying.
If you want a simple monster collector / adventure game it should scratch that itch. Catching them can be pretty insane with the low rates on rarer ones though.
How can pokemon survive while others die slowly? Level 5 even follows their formula but it still falls off after a few years.
Ps4 games are being ported more often
Which ones? Because the ps4 only has good console sales.
You mean the userbase currently shitposting about a series no one wants just because they're loyal to Sony's brand?
In what regard?
>Switch fans buy every piece of shit
except they dont
What happened to the "Nintendo fans dont buy third party games" stigma?
>user, they don't make the vita.
>They have no reason to care about its sales especially since its the games that drive it anyway.
Again, a larger userbase has more potential customers. There's nothing wrong with wanting a platform to succeed if they LIKE the platform. It's like the EO guys saying they want the 3DS to do better because they like making games on it, which they continued to do despite it selling like shit early on.
I just found the first game at Five Below along with the other two in pic related and I'm having fun with it. Not really sure it's a good replacement for Pokemon, it feels a lot more like SMT or Dragon Quest Monsters for kids.
And PlayStation, the best selling systems in 3 of the 4 gens its been in, isn't a strong brand?
>Again, a larger userbase has more potential customers.
Thats why they started out as Vita exclusive
Is this a real question or just a shitpost? You dont just copy something, which they didnt even do besides being in the same genre, and expect to do as well. Everyone knows why pokemon became what it is and it's all a matter of timing.
PS4 had GOTY last year lol
Yes, and games. It just has so many games its spread across the library.
>You mean the userbase currently shitposting about a series no one wants
>In what regard?
Better than the average Switch title which isnt a high bar since they are remaking games from 2 gens ago.
FUCK YES! I'd been wanting to play this, but never did. Now I can. Cool.
Thanks. I think I'll give the first one a try
>Switch fans buy every piece of shit
Not really, cheap ports sell like shit. Especially those capcom ones like DMC 1 and USF2. >>
It was a PSP game, what the fuck are you talking about? PSP piracy fucked with the Vita potential.
Kids like still like Pokemon and Pokemon has a legion of older fans and plenty of "fans" that are nostalgic for it. The fact the games are only one chunk of the franchise and they have so merch, tv show, movies, TCG and so on helps.
Still won’t sell tho
So if the third party games sell good Nintendo owners are starved for games but if its sales are weak they don't buy third party games and shouldn't be supported.
Pokémon is an established name for multiple generations of consumers, the only franchise that came close to it was Digimon. Digimon has only survived due to being an alternative with designs that are more over the top, giving them appeal to people that want something a bit different than what Pokémon has to offer.
3 is more content rich and basically just a big expansion on the premise if you ever want to try something with more meat on it. But for a newer player it might be overwhelming with all the stuff it has and the anime influence the games took on.
Wow, a game no one in Japan bought, and that's literally the only region that ever cared about this shit franchise.
>PS4 had GOTY last year lol
Based off what, an awards show? This how you determine your GOTY? What an embarrassing stigma to have, user.
If you aren't pirating the game though, good luck finding an English copy for non-scalper rape prices.
>So if the third party games sell good Nintendo owners are starved for games
>if its sales are weak they don't buy third party games and shouldn't be supported.
They literally get downgraded, shit versions. It's just a matter of the barrier of tolerance lowered now that the Switch is the 20 FPS, sub 720p console of the gen when it released in fucking 2017. Its repeating 2007 all over again.
Bad shitpost
Also : Jibanyan for Smash.
Didn't one of the versions released an online demo for the 3DS for folks to try?
Nintendo can't even produce a game of that quality anymore. Even the combat in the GOTY is better than every Nintendo developed combat system on the Switch.
If you want physical yeah, but it should be on the digital store. Takes a lot of storage though so the default one probably wont be enough.
correct it's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation you get used to it
>>So if the third party games sell good Nintendo owners are starved for games
Riveting response, user. How about you elaborate?
>but BOTW was goty in 2017!
I know 1 and 2 had demos, i'm pretty sure.
>PS4 had GOTY last year lol
Okay, so? No one really cares about GOTY. Why do you think only sonyfags obsessed over Zelda winning?
>Yes, and games. It just has so many games its spread across the library.
All of the good games were ported though?
So what you're saying is that the sony fanbase are just corporate drones without any kind of emotion? Because that's the only other alternative.
>since they are remaking games from 2 gens ago.
Like shadow of the colossus?
Why do you type like a fucking nigger
Go back to Twitter if you don't want to have a proper discussion
Who are you quoting you newfag
>All of the good games were ported though?
Why does that matter as the primary console across the entire world? The Switch isnt even competition, the PS4 online is so active it generates more money than Nintendo does as an entire corporation.
It's alright, but the first game's obsoleted by 2.
>Go back to Twitter if you don't want to have a proper discussion
>Calls me a nigger
DUDE you are such a fuming loser. Get a life.
Point proven +1
looks like shit
>PS4 online is so active it generates more money than Nintendo does
Of course its more active on average if people aren't playing games on their PS4 they are renting movies.
As much as i doubt that'd ever happen i'd be happy
How the fuck is this series still alive? Who is buying this poor man's pokemon?
>the PS4 online is so active it generates more money than Nintendo does as an entire corporation.
user, revenue =/= profit. They do have to pay the IP owners as well.
Name 3 original IP Switch titles developed by Nintendo released so far.
What hope do we have for Dark Cloud 3 if l5 goes rock bottom? Sqeenix did it with FF7 and I assume most of the original team behind that is gone. The same probably true for DC but if they improve on the core game mechanica with DQ-esque cel shading I would already be extremely pleased.
Only shills care about how much money a corporation makes
It was a huge fad in Japan for a bit, you couldn't go anywhere without seeing merch for it. If only a fraction of those kiddos remain interested, that's enough to keep going.
1-2 Switch
Didn't say they had to be good.
>on their PS4 they are renting movies.
If that was the case, they wouldn't pay per month since a "movie" is too short. How quickly your shitposting falls apart. What happens when the PS5 destroys the Shitch?
Shills and idiots, which there is a lot of the latter around here.
it didn't even get the most GOTY awards that year, that was RD2. Hell it's still brought up to make BoTW fans seethe while GoW is only ever spoken of by console fags like yourselves
Seriously? I'm legitimately shocked
user, they sell them on the PS store, not through a sub.
How does a Sony fanboy not know that?
>bump limit
Tendies are
So people don't rent movies on their PS and where the hell are you bringing the PS5 from with your desperation tactic?
>Bump limit reached
Holy hell thank fucking goodness this console war, company tribalism, shitpost fest garbage is almost done
>Hell it's still brought up to make BoTW fans seethe
You mean GoW fans. Botw fans just want Zelda discussion to die until the next game.
Expect a sonyfag to make another thread.
This is going to be Breath of the Wild all over again.
What are you smoking?
Nigger do you even own a PS4?
And none of it was about Yokai Watch
You mad as hell. It was about tendies lashing out due to anger.
I hope they arent that retarded. YW is a niche game. It going multiplatform shouldnt even be a big fucking deal
Best thing about it was all the cute Keita and YW pics. I doubt other threads will have that redeeming factor and just be pure unfiltered shitposting.
user just look through the current posts I assure someone will post this thread again.
Quit projecting user, nobody in this thread gave a shit about Yokai Watch lol
i just wanted some pics, shame everything has to be a bickering shitfest
Guess you cant read.
It shouldn't but they just have some kind of vendetta against Nintendo to the point where they'll accept scraps like this.
But they care sony is stylin' on nintendo
All I see is GOTY talk and games not Yokai Watch
>Cope seethe etc.
The Switch version was the top-selling game in Japan the week it was released. gematsu.com
>Cope seethe etc
What you're doing? I guess.
>i just wanted some pics
Yeah that's never going to happen again.
Sony is just getting a port of a Switch game, just like Switch got Digimon
No u
Well objectively i'm not doing any of that.
what if you are
should I burn the 3DS ones? fucking judas
If i ever come back, maybe. But i dont come to Yea Forums often, kind of for this reason. Low quality posts and threads all over the place.
A hypothetical not worth pondering much
>Low quality posts and threads all over the place.
Its a shame, it used to be better than this.
E3 2013 ruined us.
A hypothetical that is now reality
Now? Not so much.
aw man it must have passed. Well it'll be back in the next thread
Well it never started, hopefully all the bait got used up in this thread so next one wont last anyway.
Nintendo isn't buying anyone, either Bamco because they publish their games or Sony because Sony will be able to take japan outright with Level 5.
Some cute cuddly Keitas for the road