Based and redpilled
Based and redpilled
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Crazy the timing of this thread. Heard the OST on youtube, was planning to buy the game this weekend. Now I'll be pirating it. Thanks for posting this.
>expression based on the matrix
>matrix was written by 2 trannies
I'm onto you.
Now that's a good update.
>people on Yea Forums spent weeks arguing up and down that this wasn't an sjw game
Finally we can play the game the way it was *meant* to be played. We did it, 4channel!
>supports being so deluded about your gender that you chop your own dick off
Sure thing op.
literally redpilled because is right
Second time today you've shilled your shitty blog
2 jewish trannies*
That doesn't really change the current meaning of redpilled. Good joke I guess?
OMG, this is epic! Let's get this trending, we can do this!
>think of duh children
Most kids play COD, not this
/pol/ should hijack the pride flag like they did with the ok hand sign and pepe
how many times have you made this thread now faggot
not a bad idea. somehow associate it with suicide cults or something.
this post is extremely low quality
he has to shill his website to put food on the table
lol fucking anglo """""""""""""""""""""""""men"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
mass gay'd and tranny'd
I thought /pol/ just tricked the media into thinking it was a hate symbol
Did they actually hijack it or not
Make up your mind electionigger
do you know how hard you stand out when you post these things you little thumb-dicked azn boi?
But not as low quality as Crying like a little bitch every time you see oag should be a bannable offense.
>Billy D
get a real job billy
I fucking knew Celeste was going to be tumblr garbage. Here is a list to watch out for.
-overbearing slice of life (life is strange as an example)
-Tries to talk about some serious issues but just pays lip service to that issue (depression being a common choice)
-While an easy mode or just having no real consequence with a fail state or game over is not a particular tumblr trait it often appears in said games
-The illusion of multiple choices
-Not exclusive to tumblr games but is a sign of one, having a cartoony look to it, especially if the game try's to tackle darker themes
-A game focuses more on its character and character development then game play or in some cases even story
-as stated above despite trying to focus the game on being character driven most characters may be either unlikable or shallow with one or two traits that make them stand out. An example of this would be "A gamer girl" or "A depressed ghost"
-The game may also have a large cast of characters
-The game has lol silly dumb dumb humor. May even comes across as trying to force memes
-obvious stand ins for certain people or ideology's. Subtlety is not their strong suit as they have to make sure everyone knows what they are trying to do
-The developer thinks the game is smarter then what it really is in what the message or plot they are trying to push
-A game would be infinitely better as a point and click game but it isn't
-has a lot of meta humor or pop culture refrences
-A dating segment is often thrown in or shipping of two characters. It does not feel natural and may be rushed.
-A chicken or the egg scenario, a horrible fan base is often a sign of one as they think the game is smart and has no substantial flaws
-Combat seems to just be thrown in to slow you down from completing the game too fast
-And at last, the ending to said game is often a disappointment or feel rushed. Many reasons could exist why but the main culprit is often not planning ahead of burn out
lol at anglo mutts. you are just mutt. dont even have any real racial heritage.
sure bending the knee to trannies is what real """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""men""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" should do lol
you anglos are so fucking soi infused and cant do anything to these gays and trannies. how many times have you lost to trannies actually . what a bunch of actual effeminate faggots
This isn't the live and let live faggots of the 90s. Faggots have somehow mutated into passive aggressive takeover everything, shove all their gay aids down your throat faggots. How did this happen?
lmao. i hit the nail on the head, didn't i azn boi? did your reddit tell you white egos are fragile and this is how you'll get back at them for taking your women and building a better civilization?
l o l
>Tricking inbreds into liking your game by making it insanely good, then revealing they were playing a gay trans the whole time
you posted this exact same thread already
reported for advertising, buy a banner or fuck off Billy
Pride is a sin for a reason. Oh and victim hood culture.
It was always a joke to /pol/ but they made it so convincing that some far-right people did unironically adopt the okay sign as a “secret” hand gesture
One of the main devs look like a SJW. Why do you think they'll add pride flags in shitty indie games?
Aint that some shit
>710 replies
what the fuck are the jannies doing?
anyone else find it incredibly ironic how buying into right-wing extremist ideologies is considered "red pilled"?
I'm so tired of the culture war. I'm so, so tired.
Honestly I don't mind if they put more trans stuff in video games anymore. They're going to kill themselves anyway, so any people inspired to be trans from this shit just means more dead trannies. More dead trannies is always a good thing.
I find it ironic that people don't know what the overton window is yet still have an opinion on politics
they literally just hired a new bunch and they're already proven completely fucking incapable outside of a 3 hour period in early eastern time
just add more banners and fucking pay them with the revenue you stupid management faggots
Ironic retardation is still retardation
oh no no no wait till you see it
who climbed that imaginary mountain to put up fag flags?
I thought the game was about her coping from having an abortion, or some shit
Nah that's just shitposting
>always suspected of being a game themed around left-wing propaganda, but there was never any definitive proof
Imagine being this much of a fucking schizo about the idea of a game dev potentially not agreeing with you and salivating over the idea of proving that heinous crime.
>cutesy caricature avatar
>looks like a trainwreck irl
Every single time.
>all those hours of enjoyment spent getting the C-sides and dying over and over on the last screen of the Farewell chapter
>completely and utterly destroyed by two small colored rectangles
Fuck, what am I gonna DO? WHAT AM I GONNA DO?
Hiro should rename Yea Forums to "Tranny News" since every single day is a constant, unending stream of tranny threads. Tranny said this on twitter, tranny in this game, muh gender in this game, take a look at this tranny, tranny this, tranny that.
I'm convinced all of you are trannies in denial and are this obsessed as a coping mechanism. Fuck off forever, if I wanted to look at a tranny I'd watch Chavez Obama.
Not even funny or aggravating anymore. Just really sad.
Repeat after me: Timed exclusivity on genders.
>Tranny's push their shit into media
>people point this out and are sick and tired of propaganda in their media
>woah their buddy why do you hate trannys so much? What you want to fuck one? go back to pol incel! and if you got a job I am coming after that to get you fired!
How much do you think Billy has pledged for Star Citizen?
High Admiral or higher?
Its from alice and wonderland you nooblet
What is this website that gets its articles posted here all the time?
where in Alice in Wonderland does it talk about blue and red pills, you retard?
It's not only flags but they confirmed the main character is actually trans.
they're "pushing their shit into media" by existing? You literally have to look closely to even tell that Madeline is transgender.
No where
They are probably an unironic qanon boomer who has linked the term redpill to Alice in wonderland which is used in alot of qanon metaphors
It's "trannies" you illiterate untermensch. None of you seething retards know proper English. Low IQ monkeys, all of you. You want some healthy propaganda? Here.
If all you talk about is the most obscure bullshit ever like flags in a video game one has to wonder what's really going on.
>A little flag you have to zoom into the corner of a picture in an obscure indie platformer to find
>"I'm sick and tired of this propaganda"
She drinks two potions in the book, one makes her bigger and one makes her small. The reference is from jefferson airplane's white rabbit but they fucked it up.
I wonder if his parents still call him their son.
>people OUTSIDE of Yea Forums spends weeks arguing up and down that it was
>Is the protagonist of Celeste secretly me? haha
It's not even spelled out. You'd have to notice these things and know those things are related to draw that conclusion, and that's not even the only conclusion you can draw from it. She could just be an ally who had short hair as a kid. It's ambiguous, and that's still propaganda to them.
Honestly developers may as well include obvious in-your-face support for trans people and the like because it would get literally the same reaction from detractors no matter how blatant it is.
>Trails in the Sky fits 9/17 of these criteria
>Was looking for new games to play on my Nintendo Switch™
>Heard nothing but good things about Celeste
>Composer turns out to be a tranny
>Now this
Is it even considered pushing it when most of the fucking devs are all lgbt+ people?
Convincing but circumstantial, unless there's some developer response I'm not seeing.
Why do you guys even care? This stuff is so incredibly inconsequential but Yea Forums seems to care about lgbt stuff more than video games
God, what a fucking retard you are.
>Stop caring about degenerate propaganda being pushed into your video games goy
Why do trannies get so much attention in games? I've literally never met one.
They wouldn't bring that up with no reason for. I don't give a fuck that she's trans or something but it is definitely there to say that.
>All so that they don't racemix and have mixed race children
>Getting mad over her
Its almost like every historical religion and culture had prejudices against them for a reason
>muh greekz
>muh japs
Looks like even a broken clock is a homosexual pedophile twice a day
Ps gen one and two are best
I saw it was 50% off with new free dlc and I thought maybe it was worth it, but I didn’t want to support a “movement”-propaganda disguised as a platformer. I came here to ask if it was a SJW game, then I saw this thread. Welp, I’m not giving money to people that think I’m part of the problem for not being left-wing
>two tiny flags that show up in one shot in one cutscene you can only get from doing almost literally every fucking thing in the game
>not even a single mention of anything resembling it anywhere in the game's story or dialogue, no hamfisted "BY THE WAY MY PRONOUNS ARE XE/XIM", nothing
Man whatever, if this game is propaganda then sign me up for the fucking re-education camps because I still loved Celeste
The flag itself is propaganda
>some pills and a photo of a younger Mads with shorter hair is proof of anything
its not and youre all autistic retards
she supports trans rights thats all
symbols cant be propaganda
they can be symbols of propaganda
not him but It's good at least that you don't let Yea Forums have an opinion for yourself. That's rare.
now let’s do an exercise, how would you and the media react if it was just a small nazi flag that showed up in one cutscene you can only get from doing almost literally everything in the game
>both sides jump to conclusions based on some random fucking images
The pills could just be anti-depressants or something and the picture is probably just her as a young girl given how low-res it is and how shitty the artstyle is
I don't give a shit if you're trans, but I do give a shit if I see your gay ass flag out of nowhere in vidya because it is obnoxious at best.
Same goes with a character having a Boy's Club poster on the side of their bedroom with Pepe exclaiming that he "feels good man."
Same here user. Indie devs are based for helping me save money.
>symbols cant be propaganda
Good user. It's not propaganda unless it's in every other aspect of the game! It's only a small flag!
.yvaN ehT nioJ
This is from OAG right?
Why pepe? why not moon man?
>symbols cant be propaganda