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Viewing it from this angle upsets me greatly
god gm_construct reminds me of rainy days, you're staying home from school, sick, but not tired, you just wanna play something, you boot up gmod, its raining outside, and you start to just fuck around.
maybe i just did that, i always thought it was comfy. old source games remind me of rainy days
You need me...
At least it was before I got trapped behind these fucking doors
I love maps in Portal, Half Life, GNod a d TF2. Something about the atmosphere of Source games is incredible.
The catwalk along the walls was the most pointless shit.
It was there originally for base wars, but the map is too small for that anyway.
this but freespace.
>start to get paranoid and suspect something else is on the map with you
>tall empty buildings surrounding you start to look eerier and eerier
Fun fact, you can noclip below the map and put shit on the actual skybox, even stand on it and run around. Which makes you look giant on the original map.
For me it was this
There was a time I thought graphics couldn't get any better
I feel this shit. It was worse playing on night maps. I had to always remember myself that it was Gmod so it was ok for it to be so quiet
Fully upgraded castle for me.
Forgot pic
The zombie mod maps were fun as fuck. Does anybody remember the map, may have been for counter strike, where you’re in a space station and you have to make it to the ship before it launches?
>pulling a vending machine away from a blocked doorway so the zombies can flood in while you make a get away
Oh no no no no no
>use the furniture to jump on the roof
>shoot it off the rail so nobody else can come up
Delightfully devilish
I remember buying this game years ago after seeing it on xplay. It's probably one of my most played games to date.
Recently I tried looking for the Facepunch forums and saw that they don't exist anymore. I also see that isn't hosted by garry anymore. What happened?
Half-Life 2 still looks alright desu
What are some good maps and addons for fun? Preferabely for two players.
I remember tf2 trade servers that had teleporters that only regulars would know about and generally not tell anyone about that would put you in the skybox so it looked like you were surrounded by fucking titans all the time
good times
holy based i spent so much time on this
anyone still play zombie mode on css?
this map creeps me the fuck out, even when playing on it alone I feel a mysterious presence
the worst timeline happened
It's all built into the game itself and its full of pay for mods.
m4 for 800 dolars
dogs barking in the background, dishes sound, people talking, chair squeaking
I remember that... I loved zombie escape maps. Jurassic park was fun as well. Not a fan of zombie survival though.
It's the ambient sound effects and general lack of music. Ambient sound and lighting is 99% of a map's atmosphere.
for me? it's rats
There were so many early "open world" games where you had huge open empty areas for multiplayer but I never had friends to do that stuff with.
no words needed
At least it was until pipes fucked everything up
I can’t believe theres no secret rooms in games anymore
Yeah escape maps were a lot funner.
>Jurassic park map
Jesus Christ dude i completely forgot. It all feels so long ago
I'm still wondering how is nobody made a standalone game at this point. That zombie mob concept was so fun.
what a fucking banger
this thread just reminds me how shit games are now
so much time and money spent on GRAFFIX but its fucking pointless because its all still just a series of soulless cash grabs and vehicles for cosmetics/loot crate sales
Zombie Panic is basically standalone CSS Zombies.
not janky enough for my tastes
only bots
doom 2016 would like a word
white man give gun
because any update the source engine gets, gets retroactively updated to the entire range of games using the same engine.
>peak comfy era gmod was 10 years ago
I want to go back so bad bros
The map feels like its designed for players to scare the fuck out of people.
I made so much sfm porn with this map.
No thats not how that works at all.
Every empty source map has this feel and I don't know why
Blood Gulch did this for me.
it's the soundscapes
okay sure
The dark rooms at the back always spooked the hell out of me
>not cp_granary
A lot of source maps don't have HDR. even though that was added well afterwards.
Ironically hl2 pre orange box looks better than hl2 post box.
>all the gmod and css servers i used to go on are dead
>mfw turning a fast zombie invisible, and spawning hundreds of them into a server then jumping to the next one
Not big enough
you're kinda right. the game got an updated version of the source engine that added dynamic shadows and hdr
move to Orange Box engine removed stuff like shiny Metrocops
>tfw no one plays normal gmod anymore
I want to build goofy shit and mess with NPCs. That being said custom NPCs have gotten way better over the years.
I think this is what causes the fear.
>fast zombies
>not antilion guardians
God imagine if some random black blurry figure spawned in ever so often at the far end of the map.
Not doing anything, but just watching you.
Occassionally moving to different sides of the map when you turn away. Sometimes there would be more than one, and they'd look like they're communicating.
That'd be fun.
zombies made spookier sounds
It was the lighting and the skybox. That plus the silence
*wallgausses you*
heh, nothing personnel
>not invisible city scanners that went around blinding people
>not the ones that also drop mines
oh shit thats fantastic, why didnt i think of that
Old Valve maps from Half-Life and TF have what I would describe as very "Cold" "Corporate" "Industrial" I wish there was a name for this particular style, something like "20th Century Industrial" but Valve captured this unique feeling flawlessly. From the cold concrete walls and mix of Stalinist and Brutalist architecture of Half-Life 2 to the use of PWA Moderne architecture found in Team Fortress 2. And then there's the little details, old corporate logos, storage containers/connex boxes everywhere, old mainfraime terminals from the 1960s and PDP-11 machines scattered around. It creates this damn unique feeling not found in games from any other company in my opinion. Too bad the original artists who made this style have likely long since left the company
Viktor Antonov's work for HL2 was great
They seemed pretty gay to me.
they also pair it with very unique interior design patterns that make it work.
Read half life raising the bar, the level designers talk about how they wanted half life 2 to fell homey and how much time they put into making the lightning to “feel just right” I dont know if im making myself clear but yeah the source engine has a lot of soul and its one of the main reasons why I love the half life series
made this in blender
Never got how people thought it was ironic to do this.
I remember not being able to enter the black room in Construct because it made me feel like I was being watched.
I should make a completely normal looking mod, like a swep or something, and just add this. Now you got me thinkin
Thats a nice phone background.
pretty cozy too.
>but yeah the source engine has a lot of soul and its one of the main reasons why I love the half life series
It has the same kind of soul all great 3D games/engines from the late 90s to mid 200s had. The technology was just great enough to give developers creative freedom yet just restrictive enough to create this uncanny valley and leave a lot to the imagination. The Source Engine is so great at this because of its use of 3D skyboxes and out-of-bounds details that just makes the player wonder. Something devs just don't do anymore
>like a swep or something, and just add this. Now you got me thinkin
if you could, try and also have them near the door frames but just barely peaking over the side. And when you get closer they slide away.
Make it where if you look at it quickly, look away, then look back, its gone.
Ironic? How would that even be considered ironic? Nothing ironic about it. It was just teenagers, and early 20 somethings drawing dicks.
also a classic map by xenon
So it was just straight up gay?
Penis is funny
I'm planning to make more renders of iconic weird maps with hammer editor inspired aesthetics
Xenon is pretty cool, lurks here a fair bit.
That's just another example of engine limitations. in this case texture size, forcing developers to actually think about their texture design.
It was So Gay
It actually looks very souless
>presses Z
>turn around and walk away
Soul. I want to walk here.
For me it was oblivion. I came straight from playing old isometrics on my shitty PC, so when I got an Xbox and Oblivion for christmas I was convinced that game graphics couldn't possibly get any better than that.
Looking back on it, I realize how retarded I was.
I appreciate your feedback. What exactly makes the first one soulless?
Do you rhemmmembur vodka
Small Maps > Big Maps
I hate it when autists group up and start building far away from everyone else.
small maps means some retard will build right next to you.
The lighting and text look off. That's the best I can describe it.
good, the general chaos of it all is part of the fun. If you don't want that, go play by yourself offline.
>not building together
who else /67thwaycarhopper/
It makes me feel so happy that im not the only one that feels that way, source maps feel so otherworldy yet so real, I think the games that use it are the most realistic ones i’ve played, not because the amazing graphics but the sheer amount of details that they have, even when is evident im playing a game, the maps have that I-dont-know-what that makes them feel warm and alive
No skybox
Not made in source
delete this best girl isnt a fag
well yeah, that was the point
sorry, she's pure and she doesn't fuck creepy guys
>didnt play the game
yeah the skybox messes with it too
>that picture
>mfw welding 4 turrets and "driving" them to kill other players while i was hidding in the dark room
reminds me of old source maps I'd make.
bretty kino.
i'll give you something to cum to
that's my man! i'm diggin that! do you still have them?
>GMod Tower
Got something more... hardcore?...
nah, they're like 10 years old zombie master maps.
Everyone loved the reflectivity minimalism back then.
yea, but I don't want to waste this ip address
>people tried to revive it on multiple occasions
>DMCA'd by macdguy almost immediately every time
he seriously just wants it to stay abandonware
just let me experience my nostalgia you fucking money grubbing obese gremlin
What do dev textures feel like?
The afterlife should just be your own infinite gmod map
What a tease at least post a link
imagine very cold marble, but smooth like plastic.
does anyone have the files with the billboard spooky?
wow what a huge fucking faggot.
you just know
I always imagined them to be like cardboard
Wax you cant mold
like the bottom of a tub when the waters almost drained out
thats it
i'd still be pretty mad if the source code for one such revival wasn't leaked
i won't spoonfeed you but it's not hard to find
>GMOD will die off eventually
This makes me sad. I practically grew up with the damn game.
reminder the partyvan is up every weekend
trade_minecraft_neon is one of my favorites for secrets like that
I lost track after the 5th revival, what number are you guys at now?
My dude.
no idea lol I don't host it.
pretty fun though, as long as you don't RDM.
then you get a stern talking to by the admin.
well, this is a thing
It's supposed to be Gmods spiritual successor with a lot more polish and less jank
>yfw finding the secret doll room
>things you grew up with
>yfw you realise that Yea Forums is a bigger part of your life then anything else you know
god damn it
God I fucking hate hammer so much. How could the least comfy map editor make the most comfy maps?
Nintendo fan here. Do you have any description we can actually relate to?
He works hard okay. He has to pull up the kills list and he does it for free and works very hard to make sure he doesnt lose his rank
>yfw finding the secret doll room
>yfw someone points it out to you
>mfw theres one on every single fucking map
>God I fucking hate hammer so much. How could the least comfy map editor
Dude hammer is fucking spooky.
>TF2 at release
>incredible 1960s setting and artstyle inspired by cold war propaganda posters and comics
>ominous smokestacks, grain silos and factories looming over the whole map, RED and BLU are mysterious and all powerful megacorporations at war over god knows what
>F2P TF2
>lol austrailia xdd funny neon hatss xDD lazer guns pew pew
the wholesale murder of TF2's aesthetic is worse than all the shit updates combined
Hammer is pretty easy actually
shit. at first i thought you must of seen this before because its what i describe as princess ruto`s skin feeling like, but then i got the joke.
>the wholesale murder of TF2's aesthetic is worse than all the shit updates combined
portal got it worse.
>ominous smokestacks, grain silos and factories looming over the whole map, RED and BLU are mysterious and all powerful megacorporations at war over
but I feel ya.
>Hammer is pretty easy actually
hammer is the most autistic map builder that will scream at you if you don't angle vertices properly.
do people still play pirate ship wars
that was my favorite
What bothers me most is that a lot of shooters seemed to just copy tf2's aesthetic. Like god damn so many games out there use phong and lightwarps or whatever they're called.
Better than unreal editor, atleast
You can accept cloaking devices and automated locking on guns but draw the line at lazer guns? Complain more about your aesthetic
There are more dolls?
fortnite does it too and everyone wants to be fortnite
I actually kinda liked the TF2 Comics/Lore they ended up writing for it though
>RED and BLU are mysterious and all powerful megacorporations at war over god knows what
They're subsidiaries of TF Industries, a massive conglomerate whom owns all the worlds governments through a complex series of corporate buyouts and mergers. The TF2 gang are hired mercenaries basically tasked with dealing with infighting within TF Industries.
>There are more dolls?
there more dolls than stars in the night sky.
nothing wrong with infighting but
>hurr GRAVEL
instead of cool spy tech or what have you is dumb. Like all those agents working for BluMann or Redmann were well aware they were just fighting over gravel? thats dumb.
>sit around at the doll house
>hear something move that isn't me
take me back, please
>that hidden chell picture
The cloaking watch was fine because it fit the whole 60s espionage schtick the spy had going for him. A fucking outback sniper running around with a cyberpunk laser rifle is NOT okay
why is this so spooky.
uploader added ambience for some reason
I like it.
Whats the best way to replay cavestory?
Just the normal original?
>thats dumb.
I think it fits the series absurdist humor as a whole. Blutarch and Redman really didn't understand how useless the Gravel really was
> were well aware they were just fighting over gravel?
Hired Mercs don't ask questions, they just want money. They probably realized it was useless and just wanted job security. Also TF Industries/The Administrator likely exploited the Gravel Wars as a front and distraction for her plan to horde the worlds Australium
its not garrys mod but these videos are pretty kino
*wiggles finger at you*
>I think it fits the series absurdist humor as a whole.
The absurdist humor was played with a straight face though. No one said "SPY WEARS PAPER MASK WITH HEAVY FROM TF2 FACE ON IT, ISN'T THAT SILLY!?"
Why is dark rp in hl1 map
because i was playing on that map at the time
What were you doin bro
It is easy, sure, but at any level of scale it will start to fall apart. The editor itself is poorly optimized at large brushcounts, the compilers will shit the bed at the slightest provocation. Hammer and all brush-based mapping is easy, but getting your product to actually work is aids.
>Why is dark rp in hl1 map
What is Dark RP even
Fuck I wish Valve still made video games
I only saw one person ever rp in it and they were fun. Everyone else either sits around and does nothing or just afks to get server time and money.
its insane to think apex legends is made with hammer.
>I only saw one person ever rp in it and they were fun.
Reminds me of the multiplayer SCP game. Once you actually RP that stuff is great.
That honestly sounds horrifying to think those maps were made on stock Hammer
To be fair, I'm certain that 90% of the geometry you're looking at are just models. Even still its impressive that it runs smoothly.
There’s something in the code that suggests this. That’s what I always found creepy about construct, there actually IS something there.
true thats likely how they do it. but i wonder how they optimize that. Source is pretty bad for making those LOD areas around models. Unless you just block them off yourself.
>There’s something in the code that suggests this.
No, there's not.
don't fuck with me
I hope so.
Boneworks too.
Yes there is, and it's right behind you!
Is not just the gamemode but anything related to it, even a single model. Originally rp_Florida had a couple of models form Gmod Tower like the cinema billboard, some casino parts and shop names and got deleted out of the workshop for a while untl it came back with a mix of L4D2 and the mappers's own models.
Are you talking about the ghost entity that spawns in to moniter your game? I think its something about gathering data or something for bug errors, and it just follows you around the map.
I have no idea though, I heard this a long time ago. Kinda cool cause you can occasionally hear it if you get too far from it.
Blockland... home...
I remember this, you had to enable wireframe and disable AI so it wouldn't hide itself when you turn on wireframe.
It was way to preload NPCs and entities before they spawned. Nothing about collecting errors (I think).
I miss blockland when it was at peak popularity
It was great until Badspot pushed the shader shit and removed terrains.
*crashes your server with ropes and e2 find queries*
What characters did you use?
Found him
>tfw ended up in the skybox on a build server and spawned shitloads of striders until the server crashed
Actually scary
Elizabeth, kasumi, and josie from tekken.
Oh and Fran. Probably forgetting some though.
>God tier characters
>High tier characters
>Shit tier characters
>Everyone else
>there's actually a ghost in the dark room of gm_construct
my childhood fears are fucking realized
This feeling is even worse now that I play Gmod in VR
wait is this a joke or is it real
I'm partial to skelly and john freeman.
having sudden immolater PTSD
i actually lold
God I wish Garry would just update garrys mod on april fools day with more ghosts and not tell anyone.
this is not sugoi
What the fuck. I want to reinstall and load up construct now to see if this is real.
>spawn citizen
>make him invisible with the color tool
>take screenshots
Yeah. Post a video next time, sweaty.
OG Kleiner or bust, nigger.
you're fucking around right?
what happens if you shoot him?
Garrys mod has taunts?
>Tfw when i got paid for doing giantess fetish pics in gmod for a werido in highschool
I’m surprised how many people here don’t remember this. I feel like he’d be a big meme on facepunch back then
>Finishing video games that aren't Dota related
Last time valve made a single player game was 8 years and 4 months ago.
imagine turning on the flashlight and just seeing a room full of these guys
addons user, addons. There's everything for every taste
>Last time valve made a single player game was 8 years and 4 months ago.
I remember thinking waiting for portal 2 was a long ass time. and valve didn't make games or something.
now its been 8 fookin years since then.
lol kleiner is literally for babbies or people who are memeing
Remember Potato Hype? I do. People lost their absolute shit over being able to open a door in Killing Floor 1.
iirc it does nothing, he has no collision. But he can move around and sometimes makes footstep noises on the map if you fuck around with it enough. There is also ways to make him t-pose slightly and face you, but I forgot how to do that.
I'm so glad I got at least one potato from that. Just to prove I was there.
6 Sim Lane.... home...
>OG kleiner
that's not cohrt.mdl
>prop hunt the same nigger for the third time
>he kills me out of rage in the next round
>i was T
>RDM report
>he is fuming, calls me a nigger in front of an admin
>Banned for a month
Prop hunt? i mean prop kill
Extremely comfy.
I swear there was another series of gmod skits besides The Idiots of Gmod and Idiot Box around 2006-7 and I can't remember what the name of it was. Had classic stupid stuff like Leeory Jenkins and sparda kicks
Worst part is I'm actually excited for HLVR because as a VR enthusiast I'll get to play it, but with all my passion for VR, I still don't believe for a second that valve will actually finish HLVR. If they prove me wrong there will be 8 entire years of cynicism uprooted (if the game is good) and I don't know how I'm gonna feel about that.
i think it's because of the doll in the secret room
>675 hours
i had like 2222+ hours
You look cute with that tomboy haircut!
I had a nightmare when I was tripping on mushrooms and went to bed a while back, it was about being trapped on a Gmod server forever with 4-5 different people for thousands of years. We never starved but we went fucking insane on that map trying to escape it and leave somehow, then one by one somehow each of us started disappearing when they were out of view and at first we were happy to die but then we became terrified and paranoid so watched each other incessantly for years.
The billion different Korin models surely.
Did they ever remove the spyware they added that one time, vee?
Do you mean the server spy ware or the one in the game itself?
The analytics.dll one
i'm on your roof
There is no greater tragedy in video games than the death of the "B" game
Now it's either 200 people sweatshopping for more skins in a soulless battle royale or 2 men indie teams starving themselves on ramen to finish their latest 2d pixleshit platformer
>Not playing as kleiner with the screenname MingeBag
Sort of like Paper, i thought
It's easy but inefficient as all get out.
If you don't have scripts, it takes fucking FOREVER to import content and get anything done, and the editor is very much shit.
Yeah, you can lay out some concepts, do a rough block out, but to do a refined art or lighting pass takes fucking ages.
I haven't used Hammer in years, but does HL2 Hammer even have prefab functionality like Worldcraft/Goldsrc Hammer does?
It crashes constantly, poor performance, and did I already mention it takes fucking forever to get stuff done?
Modern WYSIWYG is a godsend.
This just makes me miss custom maps entirely, they don’t make them like they used to, a lot of games nowadays restrict modding anyway.
If you went back knowing what you know now, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it as much, because you'd know the tragedy that's coming.
modding will die out completely if cloud gaming become popular enough
Black Mesa is a meme but I'd like to remind everyone that the BM devs switched to fucking Maya and wrote custom plugins for a procedural work flow because Source and Hammer are just that shit.
If it does, I will Etika
Don't you worry about cloud gaming, even normalfags won't put up with shitty input delay and the fact that it requires internet better than what most people have to get a even a 1080p resolution stream. Oh sure, it'll probably take off on smartphones, but not home platforms.
I'm just not going to buy any video game that lacks mod support and thriving community in the future, no matter how good, if I'm still buying video games anyways.
jesus christ 90% of my CSS playtime was on this map and its varients, screaching into a shitty $10 dollar mic on a phenom xII 840t office workstations with a low profile radeon shitheap powering a mercury filled 800x600 LCD 4:3 panel.
So much freedom. Custom maps, game modes, unlimited models, the ability to type nigger in chat. I miss this all so much Yea Forums
Why dont we all go back at once?
No and Garry won't. Make an empty copy of those dll and them make them read-only.
>shoot him nothing happened
>kept shooting him nothing happened
>realise I'm retarded and forgot to enable ai
>shoot him again
>pic related happens
I'm still half laughing half trembling, scared the absolute shit out of me.
Oh neat you got him to turn, see if you can catch him moving
No, but they've already given a full rundown on how overblown the concerns were and made a simple guide for how to remove it from the game.
Any time the game updates though, you have to swap the updated clone of the file with your empty decoy.
>not harbl hotel
We do that every year for a month. Those servers and threads two years ago were great
It’s not the same when the world has changed so much and everyone tries to hate us
Can't. He teleports away if you wireframe with ai on.
Also, does Gmod's most recent EULA people agreed to actually classify Gmod as a service that they can revoke from accounts, now?
I remember reading it as a such but I might have misinterpreted; like being a service that they fully own and just license, but they can revoke from a person's Steam account if they want.
That's your opinion.
Gamemodes where you all huddle around and watch Youtube videos are fuckin' terrible, there I said it.
All the good gamemodes are dead anyways.
it was proven fake :(
what is this from originally? it's been bugging me forever. some video game does it in the trailer or beginning.
what is this?
i think i just experienced nostalgia for the first time
see and scroll down
holy hell that frame rate.
its pretty comfy late at night with friends on discord. Specially watching old rubberfruit videos.
GTA San Andreas.
jesus what the fuck
Provide 27 links of proof and then I might believe you
FUCK YOU it killed the sandbox servers.
Still the creator of comfyhouse was very nice for updating his map just for us. I still laugh that we managed to be the biggest cinema server on gmod and had to put the password so the bronies didn't interrupt us
Not gonna lie the effect at 2:25 is fucking awesome looking.
Even though it was proven fake, this is still scary as fuck.
where the secret rooms have a special door model just so you know to look for the switch nearby to open them, after you spot the conspicuous door from across the map, that they first revealed before the game ever came out.
Grove Street. Home. At least it was before I fucked everythang up.
look at the channel's other video
Not gonna lie that's pretty cool
>GTA San Andreas.
ah, maybe, but also i feel like im thinking of a space game or maybe sci-fi. and then the next line is something like:
"at least it was until ..."
"least it was until i fucking everythang up"
T-that scared me, user!
I'm surprised with all the pixel shit and whatnot we don't get more indie games trying to do the goldsrc aesthetic
ah, yeah, that sounds right,
but i was thinking of a sci-fi one
>sound of ass wiping against glass
fuck I'm spooked.
Still good tho
Always thought it was like a black vine thing.
like they post a picture of KFC and go "KFC... Home..."
because you can just use the Source engine for basically free and they do?
>all my irrational fears on that map were justified all along
Every wonder why you die randomly when you AFK for too long? There is your answer.
>Every wonder why you die randomly when you AFK for too long? There is your answer.
holy fuck wow
Isn't that a rework and not the original?
I think the current version is the rework, this looks like the original.
That's because no one ever uses the part of the map behind the water
Yes, yes. You've said already.
>no easter egg with a sea monster at the bottom of the lake
is it out? or still in development, because last devblog was from a year ago
pretty sure it's actually dead.
>less jank
fuck off aye? jank is good
To be fair, there are a bunch of gmod maps with hidden screamers and shit like that.
the commit shows that it's actually being updated though
it's what I need right now honestly, just a revival of oldschool gmod funservers with various rotating gamemodes. Why did the funservers die? TTT is fun but it gets stale
Name 14
name some
name _______one__________plz
bigcity is the most famous example
one of the 7/11 derivatives has a basement with one
one or two spacebuild maps have them (one had a temple that spawned fast zombies if you touched an object or something, one had a dying alien in a crash site that screams at you if you get close IIRC)
I haven't played in years, I don't remember them all
>not the night one with a huge hidden underground mansion
Fuck that game had my first vidya crush.
Found a picture
Actually I remember the bigcity one. It was a door in one of the hundreds of buildings, and when you try to enter it jolts you back with the sound of a screamer (not an actual screamer, its a hl2 scream)
>Expression2 gives you the freedom to create absolutely incredible things if you know how to use it
>Everyone just uses it for auto turrets and shit to make everyone mad
It's like how if you give someone a paintbrush and a canvas and 90% of people will draw dicks and stickfigures, sometimes stickfigures with dicks, and the other 10% will make you something incredible. But because of those 90% of faggots, it stops the idea of giving people the tools to create an advanced thing from being appealing. I remember having crowbar telekinesis thanks to E2 and it was awesome.
the "fighting over gravel" bit didn't even come until 2012 when they retconned Gray Mann in and everything took a nosedive storywise, prior to that it was up in the air over what the brothers were fighting for, they just wanted the other to die
The way the source engine renders bodies of water to just look like bottomless abysses always made me deathly afraid of them. I remember downloading an interactive Titanic map that slowly sank in real time as you explored. I knew the map was empty. I knew there was only me there. I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. I knew you couldn't drown in gmod. I still didn't sleep for two days.
>found a gigantic underground complex via a secret entrance in a popular darkrp map
>absolutely nobody in it and nobody knew about it
>explored it for probably 20-30 minutes before reaching the end in a circular cave
There wasn't anything overtly creepy but it was still cool as fuck
>reinstall to play some TTT after seeing this thread
>find a nice vanilla server
>after a while, everyone starts going to bed
>look for another server, see one with a decent population
>it has fucking lootboxes for items
>rocket jumping around and shitting on people with the market garden
>out sniping snipers with the ambassador and pissing them off
>wrangler + frontier justice on the mushroom
>learning scout movements to jump up to the higher areas and fucking people up
>sticky jumping across the map
>the mic spam and porn sprays
>just plain fucking around in general
Pretty sure over 2/3rds of my hours were spent on this fucking map, also fuck low gravity/100% crit servers.
>the "fighting over gravel" bit didn't even come until 2012
>it has fucking lootboxes for items
Fuck me I'm glad valve nuked server lootboxes for tf2.
Adding a do-it-all notepad chip was a mistake.
People don't even make E2 shit themselves anymore, everyone just copypastes shit they find online and spam it in every server they join to show off.
Watching YouTube videos of some guy spending 20 minutes showing you how how he connected his gates was the real shit.
it was a simple "heh what do you think they're fighting over, gravel?"
it was a simple "heh what do you think they're fighting over, gravel?"
then turned into "yes"
>>then turned into "yes"
followed by loud screaming and wheel barrowing corpses to send them straight to hell.
a gravel pit housing ray guns and lasers =/= fighting over the actual gravel itself
Xenon if you are here i just want to say thanks for all the fun times and hours i wasted on custom servers where most of your maps were played almost 24/7 Mario_kart and cyberpunk are probably the best memories i will ever had of being a teen.
it was supposed to be a cover for the mission, not the actual mission itself. its like if hitman actually was a baker because he dressed up as one.
you need to solve the riddle
A few years ago I made an e2 chip that was designed to be placed immediately onto one of those teleporter things. It would enable kill on noclip if the server would allow it and it'd immediately just start cycling through players on the server
it hurts
>space station and you have to make it to the ship before it launches?
Might be zombie escape military
You sound like a faggot.
ah shit I've been waiting for this!
So is the GMT guy just a faggot when it comes to GMT or is there more to the story?
Oh god, fucking Moat
>Tricks you into thinking it's download-free by having all the bloat models and crap download after you leave the server rather than before
>Donors can basically aimbot scot-free while Non-donors are treated like shit
>The entire bottom 3/4ths of the rarities are pigshit
>Whenever someone unboxes a high-end item it plays a shitty earrape sound effect
>Whenever someone unboxes an item of the highest tier an even louder sound effect plays across EVERY server with an earthquake to boot
I feel like a fucking retard for being on there for more than 10 minutes. If the "not your personal army" deflect weren't a thing they'd be candidate #1 for a Yea Forums raid.
I didn't even spawn it yet and you're already mad
act dance in console
I'm just gonna upload the rest to imgur so I dont' flood the thread
they're good posts
I'm fairly certain there are far more, specially for the 2fort basement stuff. I was just lazy and only saved some of the stuff I thought was kind of neet.
i still play a couple of hours per week on elite hunterz. lila panic is still in the map rotation. however the only time when the servers aren't completely empty is from approx. 6pm to 10pm
oh and btw I found the actual source for all these
pretty cool site. I hope someone can squeeze more tf2 concept art out of valve.
pretty aesthetic desu.
wasn't expecting that
>that one watching from far away
No but seriously there are more than 2 now
>that third one looking at them in the distance
fucking god tier
put it in the screencap
Slightly unrelated to gmod but related to the topic of source maps in general:
What are the best secrets in any source map you've seen?
>What are the best secrets in any source map you've seen?
Official maps?
The hidden watermelons in half life 2.
Probably tr_walkway.
>Probably tr_walkway.
>those giant models watching you through the window
christ that was spooky
All of you need to play Jazztronauts with some friends right now.
That whole fucking mod is just the biggest, most heartfelt love letter to Gmod I've ever seen also the tool that lets you see the map logic fucking rules
True but a lot of previous effects have also been broken by patches that have made the game look even worse than on release.
Gonna try this, my friends have been pestering me to find a new garrysmod game mode like elevator source.
>Multiplay server is fucking dead
>mfw blaring SPECIAL.mp4 down the mic whilst riding the party van around as heavy
>Locking off the festival party area as BLU Engi with three other Engis and a pyro
Those were the days
Construction Paper
It's a lot more involved than Elevator Source, but it's still fucking fantastic.
The story stuff is sort of gay, but it's the fun kind of gay where if you put yourself in that early Gmod mindset you can enjoy it.
god i hope someone actually believes this and posts in on some reddit
would it be possible for someone to get the map in gmod then?
gmod 9.0c was the comfy days. Remember the horrible lag on custom servers? Lua scripting was a mistake. I loved it. OG Zombie Survival, before Noxious ruined the game. Fuck you, jetboom, jetboom2, and notjetboom. -5000 smartness.
Cold gray modeling clay.
It has a top secret porn room that you requires you to activate switch hidden on a brick in the sewers to trigger a timed teleport on the top of a billboard only accessible through parkour the rooftops of the city, and once on the secret room you have to type the right password on a keypad to deactivate the barrier.
>implying its not prime creepy pasta
Theres some secret ZM one where you have to activate invisible buttons. Even if you decompile it they're all scrambled so you have to look through layers and layers of input messages to find what they do.
There better be actual porn in there.
This is going to sound dumb as fuck, but I love the activation for trade_houseofchaos2. It's a series of invisible triggers that play sounds followed by another series of invisible triggers that have to be activated in a specific order that play sounds followed by a timed secret entrance.
It's all Undertale themed and the payoff sucks, but goddamn it's a good setup.
mtt_hotel has a secret that involves playing a specific sequence of notes of a piano and I cannot fucking figure it out for the life of me.
It's not that one.
Also, it's on actual piano keys.
I actually went hunting for TS maps recently and there are like no complete versions of Mecklenburg online. There are a few uploads of the two more recent versions, but they lack the assets.
I wonder if most of TS's custom content is just lost to time now.
Vanilla Half-Life 2 doesn't look radically different from release, if anything it looks worse because of Valve not fixing the broken effects from the source engine updates.
it sucks. 2019 and pr0n rooms are obsolete.
did you try the same theme but with the actual notes?
There is, that's why it got sent to the shadow realm of Incompatible Items of the workshop
Just for a day. Take me back just for a day
plywood, obviously
lol thats disgusting user. haha what a crazy guy to even post this, seriously! yeah, watching it back, it's really just crazy stuff. reviewing it some more, i think it needs some more looking into really grasp how wacky a post this is.
did you try every song in undertale?
Half-Life 2 in its current state at this very moment (and even that discounted HL2 update mod which does jack shit), is absolutely broken. Broken shaders and missing effects galore. Shading model differences impacting the look and fidelity of textures and scene lighting.
You can get it extremely close to '04 Half-Life 2, on release, but you have to track down an assortment of mods and patches to do it.
or pirate the old version
Are the breakages introduced by source updates well documented anywhere?
A true patrician
Collection fag, what are the comfiest maps on the workshop, anons? Slightly unrelated but I've been trying to find a trade map for TF2 for the longest time- trade_phys_towers, only spotted it a couple times in fireden archives.
I got a build of HL2 lying around somewhere that was close to release, apparently. Grabbed it off of a thread sometime ago, I can try and dig it up if anyone wants it.
But with warcraft3 and spider web mod.
I've never bothered with trying to play an older build of Half-Life 2 independently or downgrading the install through Steam. Do the older HL2 builds, unless they're cracked, require Steam? Cause I assume Steam would force them to update.
Nah, everything's self-contained. Drag and drop, and it'll run from what I found with mine.
My favorite.
Ok Yea Forums, what mods are essential?
Friendly gnome.
anything from sigwolf and
>Zombie Master is dead
holy fuck, take me back.
guys how do I drive the cars
get in
Fuck, why did you do this to me.
>nobody mentioned best map yet
I remember fucking around with my friends using cw, gbombs and that drone mod.
Good times.
Anyone play the zombie escape mod? Maps beginning with ze_
Basically zombie mod but the goal was for the humans to run through a long, linear map and escape the zombies who are chasing them. All crazy custom maps, many based on movies and whatnot (lord of the rings-mines of moria and mount doom, star wars death star, island from pirates of the carribean, titanic, etc)
Why isn't there a permanent Yea Forums cinema?
just use watch2gether
I go on Cytube sometimes but it feels empty
>Those old days of staying up till 4 AM, switching between playing GMOD, TF2, and watching TF2 GMOD videos.
>finally get my own laptop and can start playing PC games
>don't have Wi-Fi so I constantly have to unplug Ethernet cables from the back of My mom's Mac and to use it on my laptop
>Garrys Mod was the only game in my Steam Library for over a year
>once a week I would go to the steam workshop, download the newest add-ons, update games, then unplug it and go back to room
>spend the week fucking around in the newest maps and whatever other add-ons I had
>would always go around and explore and try to find any secrets or whatever special mechanics were there
>started making my own stories and characters
>favourite thing to do was decorate insides of buildings and make them seem real
>biggest accomplishment was when I fully furnished and completed some town map to look like people actually lived there
>spent the better part of summer doing that at night
>we eventually got Wi-Fi so I could start downloading and playing other games easier
>never fully stop playing Garrys Mod, but never play it as much
>years go by and I try to get back into it
>I just can't, feels weird to me
I'll never forget that weird energy that every map radiated with that kept me so engaged. They all may have looked different, but whatever it was with the source engine, I don't think you could ever recreate it.
>lighting a bonfire out of wooden beam props and sitting on the island in your new favourite server in gmod 9
i'm heartbroken it's over, but i'm glad i lived it
CSS zombie escape was my jam for the longest while, the final fantasy reactor and predator escape levels were berserk. some people put an unbelievable amount of effort into their stages, and even the shitty ones like elevator escape and arctic were still obnoxiously fun. i've never seen more creativity in maps than in ZE, it was prototype deathrun and it had so much spirit.
hope nobody here's claustrophobic
Haven't done this before.
that's what your mom said
is there a video of this gif?
every single time people post this guy, then cry about his death.
yet NO ONE checks his video edit where he posted hes alive.
The Phantom, exterior like fish eggs
The interior like suicide wrist red
they came out with a sequel.
it was alright.
A classic.
When was the last time you watched a Gmod video?
gave this a rewatch a couple months ago
Did any video game ever catch this feel of powerlessness against an unstoppable force?
If you can get your hands on the files, yeah probably.
how did it age? Never watched it back then because lol too long
>lit fuse films
holy crap didn't know they made more shit.
>Did any video game ever catch this feel of powerlessness against an unstoppable force?
You can literally hear this map
its exactly as good as i remember
it gives off a "we're doing this autistic thing and its going to be fun and your judgement cant change that" wholesome vibe
plus war of the worlds is a great story for reimaginings
i only vaguely remember one other that just wasnt up to the same standard as war of the servers
>i only vaguely remember one other that just wasnt up to the same standard as war of the servers
ignis solus was their best one.
Like speaking of empty feeling. This one totally encapsulates that.
Found this one recently.
Trouble in terrorist town will always be my favourite mode.
Can you still do that prop shit?
I can only assume that Valve no longer makes games because their devs all committed suicide after using Hammer too long
>eyes randomly turn glowing red for a second
allegedly, valve has a far better version of hammer and SDK
>Ignis Solus
This is one of those things that just evokes a time period in your mind when things were more tolerable.
Should crop the bottom image off and post it on reddit
where did all the time go
>MYM removed sprays
I'm still mad
s-sprays are gone?
i have into tf2 in about a year
They're in, they just dont upload to others on valve servers. If you go into a community with friends and spray in it, if you then spray in a valve theyll be able to see it. Pretty much gone, though.
>in the screencap
It's perfect
>Having a roof
>*closes your pool*
>*micspam crashes your serb*
I want that as a poster desu
My fucking man
are you memeing me
Read the ps. on tean fabulous.
not that user but you got me
That was cute
this machinima. this one is the goods.
sorry mate, but i can't find it. try 'gmans day at the office' and 'gman doing what he does best', maybe 'gmans day out'. if i remember right, the video used tiny tim's 'living in the sunlight' as an audio track and got muted way back when that first started happening.
here's something else to make up for it.
The elevator actually still works on this map, its just a bitch to control properly.
I found it but you were right it got removed. Gman and breens day at work part 1 i think.
Does it involve +use?
I believe its some combination of crouching and using the movement keys to guide it. Sometimes you glitch into the floor, sometimes the whole car glitches half way down a floor. I figured it out the last time I played a partyvan 5 months ago. The hard part is getting the doors to open to get inside, after that its easy. Your best bet is to bind +use properly then start clickin' shit.
I want to fuck this dog.
rp_oviscity. home. least it wuz before mingebag nuked it
sounds like peak faggotry.
Premium shit was always cancer.
any anons still playing sven coop?
Occasionaly my friends play it with me.
They got hooked on it after i showed them synergy.