is true that this piece of garbage broke easily?
Is true that this piece of garbage broke easily?
It had multiple defects. It didn't cook itself as much as the 360, but it also happened to an extent.
Mine still works. I'm sure more still work than xbone 360.
It had issues but it died less than the fat.
Mine still works.
the early models, yes. they often got yellow light of death. but it compared nothing to the 360's RRoD, I'm pretty sure the white xbox 360's had a failure rate of 40%. that's fucking ridiculous.
Even when it works it only delivers 30 fps
I don't know man, which last gen console was infamous for bricking itself?
>Hint: it's not the PS3
PS3 entire had less failure rate than that of the wii and 360. Last gen was just complicated with hardware, but the ps3 definitely managed to keep itself stronger than the competition.
No mine still working and I got it in 2011
not as much as the 360
the controller however, is one of the greatest imo
my Dualshock 2 & 3 are still working fine without any issues, buttons are all snappy and no random disconnects
never had one, should i buy one to play PS1 and PS3 games Yea Forums?
You are looking for the first model and that one does broke and it's expensive as fuck. To play PS1 better emulate
No..? Not as much as the xbox 360 as far as I know. I've kept mine for several years and it still works
Not the one you have pictured but the original "five hundred ninety-nine U.S. dollars" version had the YLOD. All three consoles that launch had their share of issues. the 360 with the Red Ring of Death, PS3 had a Yellow Light of Death (and don't let people tell you it wasn't common, like three people in my college dorm got it), and the Wii had this weird video issue where a bunch of lines would appear on the screen.
I personally know someone who was affected by all three of these problems.
PS3 Slim/Super slim arent good to play PS1 games too?
yes, that's why they made the superslim. I've had one for almost a decade and it fucking never breaks
Mine broke. But I've had my refurbished model twice as long as my original one, kek.
Sorry i mean to reply to this user instead
Mine worked for almost 5 years until something happened to its wireless board, then I could only play it with the controller plugged in and an ethernet cable until this year when it completely shat itself and got stuck in an updating loop.
I bought one earlier this year in January or February and it broke within a month. Returned it and got another one that is still going.
Generally only the early fat PS3s. Which is a shame since only the early fats had full PS2 support.