Are you going to miss going to brick and motor stores to buy video games?
Thoughts on GameStop eventually closing down?
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Press F to piss on its grave
almost like they shouldn't save treated their customers and employees like shit, they reap what they sowed and will not be missed, who knows? maybe brick and mortar stores will come back into swing since they'll be gone
or everyone will just have to buy digital or use amazon or other online stores.
When they close down, I'll go check them out. Hoping for some cheap figurines.
I really liked buying games used. You could get then for cheap as dirt and give them back for the full credit if they turned out to be shit. Saved myself from a lot of buyer's remorse.
what figurines, funko pops? amiibo? because that's all they typically have.
i really dont like having to buy shit from amazon because every new game i've been getting as of late has arrived late
Miss them when they are gone? Hell I don’t even miss them now.
You could always buy games cheaper online compared to GameStop prices.
>Press F to piss on its grave
Too bad I don't have any cash to buy clearance games and shit.
honestly the only reason I deal with them is so I don't have to pay for postage on some things.
How much longer until they completely go under
I realized a long time ago that downloads and convenience are going to be the standard and no matter how much you guys want physical copies, that will be obsolete and should accept it. Your games will be downloaded and saved in storage, your music will come from streaming subscrictions, your books will be read on a phone, all restaurants will use the Subway Method, and your pizza will be ordered from an app.
I haven’t been to a Gamestop in like 2 or 3 years. I went there looking for a game and had to walk all the way to he back to find the games since the front of the store is nothing but funko pops and shirts. Their selection was piss poor. Basically the newest games and a handful of used copies of popular shit. They actually had he game I wanted but it was used in a generic Gamestop case and barely marked down from retail. I ended up just downloading it from the Playstation store when it went on sale. Got it for like 15 bucks.
I won’t miss Gamestop when they’re gone. They were decent when I was a kid, or at least it seems that way from nostalgia. They’re basically a walking corpse now
Going to miss buying weebshit on clearance.
>You could get then for cheap as dirt
What stores were you going to? The best deals I had ever seen at mine were 1-2 dollars off and that was only if you were a member of their stupid club thing.
>all these people celebrating
Cool, I too like having to compete with fucking BOTS set up to buy everything instantly and sell it on ebay when trying to preorder limited quality items/games on the net. Glad retail stores are gone.
Just going down the street and doing it in person usually gave me about a 80% chance of getting what I wanted, but that was too easy, who wants that. Let's make it 2% or 0%. Yeah, that's much more fun.
the last time i was in a gamestop was for a fucking local gears of war tournament over a decade ago
>tfw the joke image of "you wouldn't download a pizza" is actually becoming true.
Not a big loss honestly, Gamestop wanted to start selling various low quality merch as well as their games when people just wanted the games,Amazon just has the games and they deliver it to your door
It's a no-brainer that a delivery service with day one shipping will beat out a store you gotta drive to, has a bunch of shit you don't want to buy, and having a clerk constantly asking if you want deals or if you wanna sign up for pro cards that do nothing
Admittedly I do like walking in on day one and just picking up a game and getting home instead of waiting, but if its gone then its not that bad
>Are you going to miss going to brick and motor stores to buy video games?
No, because that option is still available to me.
Not used games, plus you'd have to wait and can't return them. Gamestop is better
I always buy my games at Target/BestBuy/Amazon/etc., so why should I care?
Can't wait for the going out of business sale. Other than that I mostly pirate shit anyways. It be nice to have some consoles to have as emulators such as wii u or a spare 3ds or so.
No problem with gamestop. I've actually managed to take advantage of good promos over the years. Most of the employees seemed pretty shitty and arrogant though.
Gamestop was awesome when I was younger. We were friends with the guys who ran the local one by our high school and even went to dinner with them and got lineskip at midnight launches or got some limited editions despite them being super hard to get. I'll miss the gamestop from back then, over 10 years ago now. Back then those places were like little communities and each one you walked into felt different and had a different culture based on who ran it. Being able to walk in and shoot the shoot with a bunch of guys for an hour or two about your favourite hobby was amazing. Sadly that's going away, everywhere. The Gamestop of today, I won't ever miss. The Gamestop that we remember, I'll never forget you.
Lately I've just been abusing GameFly free trials by putting in fake credit card numbers and adding one additional floor/apartment number to my one story residential home address so not too much so I can still get used games to an extent.
I had better experience with EB games because their employees were so cool. They would never give my mom those "uh this game contains sex, violence, gore, swearing" shit.
>the Subway Method,
What's that?
Not used games
You can buy used physical games online on Ebay and Amazon. Plus you know what you are getting before you buy it.
>plus you'd have to wait
Are you some kid? Waiting a few days won't kill you.
>and can't return them
Ebay has a money back guarantee and always sides with the buyer if there is any issues.
>Gamestop is better
Haha no
Gamestop employee here, my plan to steal stuff before it closes is going well. Got some pokemon cards. Now to move up to systems, any tips are appreciated.
If you want to steal an old 3ds or a vita you can shove them up your ass and walk out seeing as how you're a massive faggot and your asshole is probably wider than the Grand Canyon at this point
Just let a friend walk out with tons of shit
why does the big short guy think Gamestop is going to make a comeback?
"accidentally" throw them in the trash and have someone pick them up
Best way to get free stuff from here? Should i search the dumpsters or just ask.
My local GameStop had a nice guy who never gave me shit. I keep hearing terrible stories about GS and I do have one...from another gamestop that was calling me to try to sell me a fucking membership since my cousin was buying me a game. Fucking zoomer I went to the store and got his ass fired for trying to sell me shit over the phone. It was some dumb gym fag.
I buy my games from smaller "Ma & Pa" type game/trade/sell places. But, some of those ma and pa's have the shittiest owners though.
I'll never forget how pissed my dad was when we went to Gamestop to trade in 12 PS2 games and they would only give us $10 in trade in value. Gamestop can go fuck themselves.
You were a brainlet then and didnt use their promos. I only traded in games when they had their trade 3 and get one free promo or w.e
>go to buy game
>marked up 30 bucks from online
>owner says it because online stores don't have to pay for electricity, air conditioning, or employee salary
Most ma and pa places are graveyards for shovelware from 30 years ago anyways, but when they get something good they make sure they get their money's worth
have a gun
>caring about million-dollar companies
>risking sullying your own name for fucking gamer gear
You're an idiot.
The one in my town has maybe a dollar more. I did notice they sold smash bros 64 for 50 bucks which was outrageous
Dude your dad is a retard. Also ps2 games aren't worth shit after like a year or so. COPE and fuck gamestop.
FuncoLand>Babbage's>EB Games>Local Mom&Pop> Walmart/Target>Fucking Gamestop
Oh I'm pained over the closure of EB Games/ Electronics Botique at a local mall this year. It was in a less busy part of the mall and I have memories of going there as a kid to get the FFVIII PC disc set and maybe my copy of The Art of FFIX also.
Used to be such an awesome little store. I remember going at midnight for the release of GTA San Andreas. You could buy physical copies of older generation games and there wasn't a clusterfuck of product pushing. Now it's all nerd culture shit merchandise.
I dont know about gamestop. At least here, we have 3 video game chain stores around the country, and they all do fine. They all feel very cool though, and the employees are generally fun. Mostly because they only accept people with good vidya taste, as saying your vidya interests is a requirement. Sure, it's a big company, but it still doesn't feel like a jew corporation that strays away from who their real audience is. All in all, top comfy
Because he has autism and is very good at financial prediction. And he probably will make his money back, but it won't be from gamestop and it won't be tomorrow. This guy plays the long game.
I bought it for 30 bucks used from blockbuster in 2002.
my store has gundam shit, nicer anime statues, shit that is $100+ easy. i want that shit at 75% off, which it won't because people will buy it at 25% so others cant buy it when its 50% off.
I only had good experiences at gamestop. I wish we could enter a pseudo dark age where we could have 90s level technology for a couple hundred yeas. High speed internet,social media and digital distribution ruined everything.
I never had an experience like that. Every time I wanted to return a used game I got fucked over and they would offer me like half what I paid as if I was the one turning in my own used game.
Fucking assholes. I brought a receipt and everything, nothing saying you have to return within a day or something absurd, still get fucked over.
They were selling it used for 50 but online it goes by 15-20. Even if they added the battery it still be a lot
>get shipment of new games
>open all of them and gut the contents
>still sell as new
>go to any other brick and mortar store and buy the same game sealed for the same price
good riddance
i have zero of those, closest one is over an hour away and im NOT building one in my area. that mom pop shit is horrible because you HAVE to sell shit at ebay price AT THE LEAST to fucking stay open.
other than that, you just get all sorts of shit tier games worth 1-5 a pop that no one will buy and will sit on your fucking shelf for 10 years after you buy them. i seen that shit at every game trading place, its sad as fuck.
and anything worth a damn goes into their collection or sits at the store for 5 years while no one buys it until they take it to a trade show where no one buys it or MAYBE offers 10% under ebay until you go "ugh, fine......" and sell it underprice.
I have serious questions about the sustainability of such a world. Automation, demographic trends, climate change, and debt bubbles are going to seriously fuck things up for our future
There's two "Ma & Pa" game store in my area. GameStop seriously has better prices than both of them
Do we have to call the company that makes the upcoming Battletoads reboot if they have the game stocked in GameStop when that comes out?
>go to independent game store
>everything costs more than online
>anything PS1 or older going for 2-5x ebay prices
Like legit $90 for greatest hits Symphony of the Night.
I missed out on Blockbuster closing, I'm putting $1k aside for cheap shit
They killed funcoland & game crazy.
As a long forgotten fan of Funcoland, I say good bye and good riddance
Greedy corporation built on ripping off kids finally goes down? Good. I can get that shit off Amazon without them trying to shove some subscription down my throat.
but what the fuck kind of long game is he looking at. why do i feel like if i tried to follow this guy i'd end up losing my money.
>needed to buy smash ultimate for a party
>Go to Gamestop and pay 55 dollars for a used game that either doesn't come in the original box, or comes in a fucking beat to piss box
>or just go to walmart and pay 50 dollars for the same game new and in shrink wrap
Wonder why they're going downhill?
Food will be delivered in a series of plastic tubes like a subway.
I got a local game store nearby. that and best buy also sells shit i need.
Rest in piss
I have never had a bad experience at a Gamestop honestly. All the ones near me are pretty decent I'll miss them if they close.
They only do that for display copies. When you bring that copy to the counter they give you a sealed copy. They've been doing it like that for at least a fucking decade.
To be fair, they've only got a trade-in value of $47.50.
Neither have I. GameStop can be great if you know how to use their promos and specials properly. 4-6 months after a new AAA game comes out I get it for like $20
Gamestop did this to themselves because they bought out and absorbed every goddamn major competitor, and because they were really poorly run but retail dying in favor of an Amazon/Wal-Mart monopoly is really fucking dangerous and every company that dies just makes them thrive. It's a worrying trend and Gamestop is just another causality in a long list of deaths.
There's no better example than the Streaming boom. Netflix is barely able to sustain itself but every production studio under the sun is trying to open their own studio. Look how quick these people are pushing out and cancelling shows too. You have these flavor of the week shows that are forgotten days later. It's clearly not a sustainable system in the long run and they're just rushing to kill it faster.
I'll miss the occasional ridiculous trade-in promo. They can be a good way to dump systems you no longer want or put towards a new one.
Not really because they kinda suck at selling games and are selling shitty merchandise instead.
>store sells what few vita games they have in stock
>doesn't sell vita chargers
I mean come the fuck on I just want a charger for a vita.
None of that merchandise sells it's always on clearance and just clogging up shelf space. None of it is well organized on the shelves either since the stores aren't equipped to sell it. I will never understand it.
EB Games >>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GameStop
Like who is buying all those fuckin Pops? Shelf space for shit that could actually sell like retro vidya if they don't throw away the cases like they always do.
EB Games has been dead for a decade you moron. All the EB Game stores became GameStop stores
They were the same thing at the time Gamestop bought out EB anyway neither was really better or worse than the other. Gamestop's current state doesn't really reflect what it was a decade ago.
has anyone ever bought their refurbished retro consoles? how are they?
It's like Funcoland. Just as children are dancing and celebrating the death of the evil store which steals precious games and gives imaginary store credit, another evil company comes along with games on a stick, to do the same thing all over again.
It's like Media Play, Circuit City, and Toys R' Us. The lowest they'll go is a 40% discount on select marked up games, then they will just close down, pack everything up, and send it away to rot in a warehouse somewhere.
>Brick and motor
Brick and mortar, my friend.
Just a trend of everyone trying to get their slice of a pie that was already half eaten to begin with
Just look at the MOBA craze. How many games came and then died within a year just because LoL and DotA got super popular? Now the only ones left are those two and Smite which I feel like only has stayed successful because of the theme and the novelty of an over the shoulder view
The same thing is happening now too with arena shooters
Same. I like Gamestop.
Some of the guys at my store are really great and I've been to some pretty damn fun midnight launches.
I fucking hate Amazon and really don't want to go to Walmart.
>brick and motor
It's a doggy dog world out there, true. For all intensive purposes, we must play the doubles advocate by stating that digital sales are a diamond dozen. But you have to admit that those who insist on physical copies are really a bunch of pre-madonnas. I hole-hardedly agree that ownership is important, but clients such as gog are a blessing in the skies, we can't take anything for granite. Yea Forums will have a feel day with this, but I have a sick sense when it comes to these things and would never turn a blonde eye to any detail. When you get down to brass stacks, you have to swallow your prize and face the fax. Of course, I swear on my mother's mating name that some on here would rather see the world cash and burn before they admit that their initial take can't pass with flying carpets.
>mfw they don't have generations ultimate
It's been two weeks already what's going on?
I hadn't been to a gamestop in person since Diablo 3.
I picked up Astral Chain the other day and the store attendant was really nice and seemed to actually care about decent video games. I don't recall interactions ever being this decent in the past. Although he was probably just homolusting after me tbqh.
>buying figurines
>Astral Chain was sold out at Wal-Mart
>Astral Chain was sold out at Target
>Astral Chain was only at Gamestop because they had just gotten it in on the truck that morning
>I live in a buttfuck no where town
Yea Forums told me that game was going to sell like shit. That no one was going to buy it. What gives?
I hate to be the red baron of bad news, but most of the sayings are wrong.
Good, there are people that need their lots to run an actual business.
Every "anime" (niche japanese) game on Switch has been understocked so far.
Octopath, FE, and now Astral Chain. I can assure you even DxM (which actually will sell like shit) will have stock issues.
Learned the lesson the hard way from missing on a physical copy for Octopath.
NoA really doesn't understand their core demographic. This is especially evidenced by how long it took them to put an end to absurd censoring and start offering dual audio for EoPs like myself that have rotted their brains enough with anime and LN to understand spoken nip but not bother to remember 2000+ Greater Moon Runes.
mcdonalds for 7.25/hour or niche work for 15/hour after spending years learning it and an intensely competitive market with no other alternatives
>demographic trends
oy vey anuddah shoah
>climate change
not real
>debt bubbles
If nobody actually pays debt, does debt really exist?
>Implying anything will open there
No one can afford outlet shopping or mall lots anymore it's why retail is dying. It'll be a hair and nail salon at best.
Congrats user, that's the least intelligent post I've read on Yea Forums all night.
I don't even buy physical games any more
Fuck no, these places did this to themselves by over hiering and providing no customer loyalty program and did no branching out.
Literally there is no fucking reason to ever have more then 3, 4 employees max per game stop, ever, including manager, hell even 2 would be more then enough.
Second of all they absolutely fuck their customer base IE the countless memes of the shitty deals they offer to people.
They are also the fucking curse that spawned the horrible wave of nu-gamers that have to have all the stupid funko pop shit, seriously have their store is filled with this crap All in all good riddance, they sucked ass. the only thing im gonna be upset about is that the one near me had a cute girl that worked at it.
honestly just wanted to reply, didn't care what I said
I miss kmart
>If nobody actually pays debt, does debt really exist?
The debt doesn't matter, but not for the reasons you think. Most debt is actually intergovernmental and between the citizens and government. Take the social security trust for example
So more governments owe the US than we owe them? Why did the recession happen?
I used to fear gamestop closing cause it was my job at the time and I felt like I wasn’t really qualified for anything else.
But as it turns out every other retail store is easy in comparison.
Because it's convenient for the socially elite who only fall upwards?
Escape to a remote rural third world country to get away from the ills that automation brings.
Wh*tes handing the guillotine over to nonwhites is just another reason (for honkey devil men like myself) to escape to a remote area with other deathdealing imperial hellspawn.
Climate change is literally a meme. Parts of it may be real, but it is absolutely a meme, and a meme that does not concern you, the individual, on any level whatsoever. Nothing the everyman can do in his life will make any impact whatsoever on global climate, good or bad until modern society utterly collapses and the immorality of capitalism is vanquished. I say this as an eco-fash.
There is no such thing as a debt bubble. What you are currently seeing is higher levels of debt due to subscription services becoming more integrated into consumer culture. This is not a bubble.
What is a bubble is academia (and associated debt) as a whole, which will likely collapse and lose relevancy in less than 20 years as degrees become increasingly worthless as the anti-hierarchical gestalt of modern academics overruns the massive federal money laundering that universities exist for the sole purpose of.
Last gen stuff is going to get more expensive.
I have absolutely no fondness or nostalgia for GameStop in its current state. It killed off cozy places like FuncoLand and EB Games, it can fuck right off. I remember going into FuncoLand and seeing old ass Japanese imports for no reason and games from every generation up until that point. It's like they did everything in their power to extract every bit of soul from those stores when the buyout happened.
I'm gonna miss it. I enjoyed just looking around at the things and getting something sometimes or the midnight releases when those still mattered and talking with random people.
Even their online store is flooded with fucking garbage toys so you can't find anything. You can't even list games in alphabetical order. It's easy to see why they're failing. Amazon took the legs out from under them, and instead of trying to adapt they just made the shopping experience less and less convenient for the few people who were dumb enough to stick with them.
I just hope they leave the ones in my city alone, unlike you faggots i see the value in gamestop
A shitpost for the ages. You had me going until about the third time.
>Nothing the everyman can do in his life will make any impact whatsoever on global climate, good or bad until modern society utterly collapses and the immorality of capitalism is vanquished. I say this as an eco-fash.
That's not entirely true. We've made a lot of positive changes to the environment and reversed older damages in the last two or so decades, and we've made more positive changes reducing the use of certain materials. The problem is there's not much more America can do because most of the blame right now is on nations that won't adapt to the changes like China and India.
>want to order game off site
>but hey you can pick it up in a store 40 miles away
Nah I'm retarded with money but not retarded to drive 80 miles for 1 game.
No, but only because I haven't had a console in 5 years and thus haven't gone to a gamestop in as long
I won't miss Gamestop. You can get new games from practically anywhere, including your house. The only avenue they have is physical statues, notebooks, backpacks and other garbage, but when you're not looking to impulse-buy a Legend of Zelda backpack, the money they rake in dwindles. Now, they're closing the lower percentage stores in order to have less bills, but when your business model is built on easily-obtainable items you can get else-ware, the need for a store like theirs goes down. Same reason Toys R Us went under, largely, though you could say mismanagement played an equal part in both Toys R Us and eventually Gamestop shutting down.
How can one country simultaneously have debt owed to it by the US and be indebtted by it? Wouldn't the smaller amount simply subtract from the bigger one?
Literally a lie, when I bought titanfall 2 there they just stuck the disk from their little drawer in the box from the shelf.
That sounds a little too logical and it expects the government to run efficiently.
That's probably because they didn't have anymore sealed copies so you got the display box because they were out. They have locked drawers full of sealed copies.
Yeah well apparently they're always out because every story I see implies the same experience, and it pisses people off so now their store is fucking dead.
What's so hard about working at gamesto
I've bought maybe 20% of my physical vidya from gamestop/funcoland/the other gamestore that was around in the early 2000s that I've forgotten the nameof. Everything else has been from Walmart bestbuy and kmart and that first one isn't going down in my lifetime.
Walmart actually does midnight releases they actually have the games i went out to get and nowadays you can get the games cheaper there than a used one from deadstop
Not him but Gamestop really pushes quotas for their employees. A lot of retail stores do this but Gamestop is especially bad with it. In general though retail is fucking soulcrushing work even when it's easy something from corporate or the people you work with always make it about 20 times harder then it needs to be.
I don't really have anything about them that I would miss. I tend to just buy things online since I don't mind waiting times, and I am 95% immune to buyer's remorse since I am not a indecisive child, or someone that doesn't know what they want out of a video game.
Don't care at all. I've embraced full digital and it is glorious. I love having my entire library just a few mouse clicks away, backed up in the cloud and on an external hard drive. Physical video games is an oxymoron anyway.
>maybe brick and mortar stores will come back into swing since they'll be gone
No they wont. You'll have some gaymes stores in large urban areas similar to how there are record stores, but they will be a niche.
The only reason gamestop is around is because of their business model. Every other business that operates on a low margin such as buying games back for a decent price can't survive.
i dont live at the border so i stopped going to gamestop as frequent as i did for trading games or preorder
That's venture capitalism. It's a race to the bottom.
Maybe if Gamestop goes down we'll get an actually good brick-and-mortar store dedicated to games.
I used to love to roam the store to get some hidden gems for ps2 or ps3
Now theres barely any ps3 games there anymore and theres so many duplicates
So yeah iam not going to miss it specially after having visited a real gamestore where they sold pretty much anything even snes and nes games
Iam honestly glad they are dead
im a 21st century digital boy since 2004. dont give a fuck, digital is way better in every way.
Youre a faggot theres tons of other gamestores that are a million times better than gamestop out there
yeah, i stopped buying physical games unless it's specific games with cute girls on the cover -- and there aren't that many that i feel are worth buying just for the art
Cool gs stories
fair enough
>Open 11-hours a day, seven days a week
>pay minimum wage or near minimum
>"2 employees would be enough"
Like what exactly? In a majority of territories Gamestop bought out and killed off all competition so barring the local stores that overcharge and only exist in very small numbers where would one go? Wal-Mart where only the newest releases are stocked?
Not exactly sure what happens, but sometimes they fuck up and you can get way better deals than usual. I found FC5 for $15 NEW, not even used, a couple months after it came out. Didn't even buy it though lol shit game
I worked at old navy and it was roastie central. We had the credit card or store membership thing too but I specifically asked to do shipping for predictable hours and had a better time
Dunno if its a thing in my country only but in big cities theres self kept stores that sell all kinds of games heck i see them even in smaller cities at times
I thought america had these stores too or they were more common over there
Not true. I got a ton of good games for 50% off at my Toys R Us before they closed their doors.
In urban areas there will be some to backfill, but the smaller town or rural areas that have a gamestop in small stripmall are the ones going that have nothing other than walmart.
samefag here. some of you who completely trash gamestop probably haven't been there enough. they consistently always had cheap, used games for PS3, wii, DS, and 360 -- and even before that, the "rare" gamecube games were like under twenty bucks, and PS1 and PS2 games were some of the cheapest.
i remember after gen vi, prices for used gen vii games got even cheaper. almost all of them were cheaper than amazon prices without any sort of deal
>buying new AAA games
Kind of sucks because Gamestop is pretty much the only game store in my town. So when they die, its pretty much Amazon and Ebay only to get physical copies.
Something like this
These stores are usually kept by people who actually like vidya and the prices are so much better than shitstop
>had a cute girl that worked at it.
You do realize that GameStop prefers to hire "cute" girls to attract their core audience of neckbeards like yourself, right?
You see them in bigger cities or college towns but they're hardly everywhere. When the closest local retailer is 2-3 hours away and the games are 3 times more than just buying it on ebay there's little reason to go there. The best way to buy games in the US is through garage sale sites where boomers auction off their kids games for dirt cheap.
>Work as SGA in a gamestop years ago
>Manager tells me all the keyholders have to go on a conference call with our district manager
>DM tells everyone that we have to stop saying "No" when we don't have something in store and instead say "Yes and" and then use the website
>Ask him what we do if something isn't available on the website
>He says nothing for a few seconds and then makes us do a 10 minute exercise showing "how saying yes and will help boost sales"
Sometimes I miss that job since the manager was pretty cool and anytime he got extra codes for free shit he would give them to me instead of the assistant manager because she was a bitch.
Their time passed years ago, all the PC games in them are just download codes for steam or whatever.
And all the faggots crying over gamestop never went to a Hastings.
wow it's almost like hiring attractive young women is beneficial to sales.
>shopping at GameStop after 2009
Maybe iam just lucky we have like 3 different of these stores in our city
It's hilarious how much that shithole resembles pyramid schemes/amway and that sort of shit with their cult-like structure and jargon.
>kept by people who actually like vidya
I will never understand why this matters to people. You're buying a product how the cashier feels hardly matters. The girl behind the counter doesn't need to be your friend or know about video games she just needs to punch numbers into a register.
Honestly, yeah I do. I kind of like to go in there and hunt for some used games.
gamestop doesn't even sell games. there's nothing to miss anymore
That's pretty common in retail. In the end they're under someone else just like you so if a bigger manager over them pops in and you tell them your boss said something like "Yeah I know it's retarded right?" they can get in trouble so they have to tow the company bullshit line because those on the top really had no fucking clue what the average person wants or how they think.
Cuz i like to frequent the store in my city and its nice to have someone to talk to about a hobby you both have
Where else would i be able to talk about vidya with anyone irl and even if most everybody knows of is ps4 normie games like fifa or gta
Yeah. I only ever used it for preordering games I knew would sell out but it sucks that I have to use postal now. Nearest P.O. Box is a mile away and our mail room is broken into every other day.
profit margins on softgoods are notorious high. Most clothing items that big box stores have buy articles from between $0.30 to $5 per item and sell for a 500%-1000% markup or more. Meanwhile you're lucky to even get a 40% markup on new electronics.
Example during new release gamestop would 'only' make around $13 for a $60 game game sale.
It's worth $35 any fucking day:
$50 is hardly unreasonable
I can go to big chain stores like Best Buy, I can go to used media stores like Disc Replay and Game X Change, I can go to a local place. Of course, failing that, there is online.
Nothing but good can come from Gamestops death.
kinda torn they're one of the last places that still hold special midnight launches for games (plus some of the pre-order stuff theyve given out has been cool) but on the other hand they are a bit scummy in terms of how they treat their employees I hope the one I go to isnt one of the ones thats getting shutdown, theres a cool lady who always stirs up conversations about KH and anime
You can grab a copy off Ebay for 16-17 dollars it is in no way worth 50.
Ah, capitalism, a glorious system.
>but online it goes by 15-20
...for Chinese bootlegs
Capitalism is why such a retarded model goes under and less retarded models prosper.
5 years from now
>Ok user you can get ONE game and ONE PoP
you faggots did this shit with blockbuster. you will do it will game stop.
I mean I do get that but it's just not selling. It's always clearanced or collecting dust in every store I've been to and that seems to be what most say. I'm just not sure why they specifically wouldn't shift focus away from it when it's clearly not working for them but given how retarded executives can be I shouldn't be surprised.
I have never once had a problem with any of the Gamestops in my area so I'd be kind of upset if they closed. One is really heavy on collectable crap but it still normally has what I need and the people there are pretty okay.
It's also why only the poor people working at the lowest rungs will suffer and have to job search, while the rich assholes who profited from their labor will live comfortable lives, like with ITT Tech and other shitholes that go under.
>I can get that shit off Amazon without them trying to shove some subscription down my throat.
You're literally joking right? Amazon tries their hardest to force subscriptions of Credit Cards, Prime, and recurring purchases like food. They're literally trying to force people to subscribe to eat.
The guys at blockbuster didn't harass me like the guys at gamestop.
Gamestop's been dead ever since they stopped stocking used games and replaced it with long shelves full of gamer geek deskjunk
>tries their hardest
The only way that could be remotely equivalent is if it brought up 3 pop ups that you had to click out of every single time you tried to buy something. I'm pretty sure they just have a little ad for it off to the side.
That's because you had to buy the Blockbuster card to do anything in the first place. He already had you on the hook he didn't need to push it.
All the brick and mortars around me have games way higher than gamestop and don't have any customer friendly policies. Thats why I use GS.
I am a bit disheartened, yes. If they hadn't made stupid ass business decisions they would have still been at least stable.
But why did they start declining initially?
No, I haven't bought a physical game in years because they're literally the bare minimum, no manuals, the cases usually have plastic cut out of them to be more "green" which makes the discs more prone to scratches in transit, and you still have to install them and play them from the HDD, the disc is just a check to see if you have the actual product still.
There's literally no difference between them, other than being able to more easily share the physical game. You can also just log in to your account on a friend's system for almost every single platform (Only one I think doesn't work is switch but I don't have one so I don't know), and get the game that way in exactly the same way, given you need to download+install all the patches and shit.
physical is dead. If you still like it, more power to you, but I gave up on it when they got rid of manuals.
Honestly, after they stopped funding their own third party controllers and converted the near entirety of their store to think geek surplus that was selling like ass
I can't honestly say I feel especially bad
>All those gamestop 3rd party controllers that have quality above BOTTOM BARREL CLONE SHIT
>destroyed for no reason
>There isn't even the argument that potentially it would cost them a sale in the future
>Their dumbass policy of destroying gamecube controllers backfired now that the Gamecube controller is one of the usable controllers on the Switch
Fuck 'em. Shit's worse than taking 40 games from a 12 year old and giving them like $10 store credit
I will however head towards my local one to scoop any leftover stuff they sell out, but I'll be angry during the experience.
People who care about physical don't actually play video games, they just like to put the boxes on a shelf to look like they play video games because they think being a gamer is a personality quirk and not just an activity.
>Be ethnic
>Just wanted to buy some 360 games with my parents
>Clerk just added a subscription to their game stop card on the receipt without asking charging 5 dollars more to us
>He thinks he just ripped us off
>Call game stop corporate tell them the story of how he took advantage of my parents who didn't speak english to add extra charges
>They tell me they will investigate
>They give me a one hundred dollar gift card plus that employ got the police called on him and arrested for fraud since the investigation found out he did it to other shoppers
Feels good man I always like taking out these corrupt game stop employs.
Because their model wasn't sustainable, and they over-extended their reach buy buying out all of their competition which meant they gained more stores, but they also had to close a ton of stores because most of the time these places and Gamestop were within a half a mile on one another. Online retail also hurt them, as did digital games.
>All those gamestop 3rd party controllers that have quality above BOTTOM BARREL CLONE SHIT
I heavily disagree. I got a Gamecube controller from them and it was ass.
Yeah no. When you can easily spot the fake labels on eBay thumbnails you should know better
Absolutely I am, my local Gamestop is the only games store within 50 miles of my house, and Amazon is notoriously late almost all the time in my area.
Makes no sense, because I don't live in the middle of nowhere.
Digital sales have just been growing and growing, people arent buying physical as much, the constant pushing of paid memberships, probs a whole laundry list of things
Nigger are you even aware the quality of life index for some of the poorest people in america is STILL higher than the near entirety of the planet (California and New York excluded, obviously)
my local game stop was way too harassing with all their membership shit. I fucked with them though. I would always knock down the pop toy stands.
Than you had people who worked there that did not fallow company standards.
This was the upsale for Blockbuster in 2011-2013(when most of the stores closed down)
>would you like a bundle? get a soda, a candy and a popcorn for 3$ OR you can get two soda and candies plus a popcorn for 5$!
>would you like to upgrade your membership? You can get the movie pass or game pass, they allow you to rent 1-3 movies/games and have no return date! it just depends on what tier you go with!
>would you like to sign up for our online service? You can get the DVDs sent right to your house or stream them directly from our website! We can set up your account right over there!
the only good thing that came out of it are some greentext threads
press P to piss
oh shit.
It's Macho Ma am Tranny Savage!
must be an american problem because the UK and French version of game stop are still growing everywhere here.
There are two games available at Gamestop. New and used.
New games cost the same there as any other retailer, if not holding MSRP while others may have it slightly reduced by like 10 bucks, so why take the trip to the mall to the gamestop when you could hit up any other retailer and get the game there along with other things you might want to pick up while you're there. The inventory of new games tends to be identical, there have actually been multiple times when I still went there that Gamestop didn't have the game in stock, but my local Fred Meyers we stopped by on the way home did.
So if there's no advantage to getting new games at gamestop, then there must be benefit in used games, right? Not really, because used games tends to just have a 5 dollar reduction, along with gambling with the hassle that it doesn't even work, so you'd have to get back in, drive back out to the mall, go through the hassle of returning it and trying again or wising up. To say nothing that the bulk of their used games are shovelware that nobody should even want. Ever dig through those bins of games?
The real benefit to used games though is that there might be an out of print game you need, and this is where the internet comes into play. Gamestop, being a specialty store in games, you'd think they'd have a good inventory. The reality is their inventory is ass, and that to actually get something that you want, you'd have to order it online through Gamestops website, have it shipped to your store, and pick it up there. Used. Meanwhile, you could dig like 30 seconds on google and find one new, possibly cheaper, with faster shipping. You're ordering online at this point anyways.
tl;dr shitty business model.
There will still be Best Buy, and Walmart, and Target, and really just about anything else.
Krogers will start selling vidya
Personally Game Stop usually has a way better library from my experience compared to Best Buy, Walmart, Target, etc. Plus with used games its easy to find a game that may be rare or harder to find from even last gen for a decent price. And used games only have five dollar reduction usually if it was released within a 3-6 month time frame after that it usually dips.
People are fucking insane.
My store got a shipment of 250+ pops when we started. 80% of them were gone in four fucking hours, some people were literally buying 8-12 at a time.
You benefit more on used games once they're a year or two old but Gamestop doesn't really benefit much from that. When you buy Lightning Returns for 5 dollars off the little PS3 display, or you buy Digimon Story for 15 dollars from the PS4 shelf you're pretty much just clearing deadstock for them and they're making no real profit.
You see a lot of scalper sales with pops. They'll learn stores shipment schedules and they'll swoop in right away and buy everything they need to sell online or you sit on it for a few months and hope it goes up in price. I don't collect pops but I know off hand that Law from One Piece's pop goes for like 120-150 dollars on the second hand market. And people fucking pay it too. It's insane.
Like I don't understand these fucking people, they find out shit we get shipped before our own fucking STORE did, like what the fuck.
Like, that day we got the pops in with instructions on how to rearrange the shelves and boom gone.
>he doesn't know
There is a man in my city who actively hoards anything remotely related to vidya. He once actively went to a competitor's store, a competitor who despised him, and conned him into selling his entire PSX collection at a loss.
There will be game stores without GameStop. The autism allows it to be.
>buy smash ultiamte for a party
>everybody hates the game
>brother's girlfriend (they were also invited) gets some weird sticky substance on my switch joycons
>guy runnign the party tells me to get "this gay shit off his TV"
>until he sees I have Mario Kart
>everyone plays that for a couple hours, I play one match before loser has to switch off (it was my brother's girlfriend that lost so I got bullied to leave so she could keep playing)
>wait patiently for my turn
>switch runs out of battery
>get kicked out
>never invited to a party again
I haven't been inside a gamestop for at least 10 years.
you reap what you sow. fuck them.
I placed an order on a vita charger with gamestop card as a birthday git and they still haven't gotten it to me, fuck em
> 90's
> dark ages
what the actual fuck am I reading?
I'd be fine with that if anybody in my area sold UMD movies or imports.
No he's right. For a 14 year old I think living with no cellphone and having to deal with dial-up would be the dark ages.
Maybe this means that local brick and mortar locations will show signs of life.
Given how expensive realestate and strip mall prices are in most areas I don't see a massive resurgence. Really that's the biggest reasons retail is on deaths door. Even clothing stores are starting to suffer.
Work on your reading comprehension. he wants tech to regress to 90's level and stagnate, which would be like a dark age. Too bad that faggot doesn't realize that the wonder of rapid technological advancement was a large part of what made the 90's amazing.
That's basically the core gamestop business model, minus the decent price part.
>customer service worse than GS
Do they rape you when you walk into the store?
You walk in a fast food resaurant and they have all the meats, veggies, dressings, etc in front of you and the guy behind the counter makes your sandwich exactly how you want it right in front of you. Chipotle and Moes do this and I heard McDonalds is considering it.
I miss when they rented movies
My expectation is that if/when they close down small specialist shops will take their place. I genuinely miss the days when the shopkeeper/cashier at least was really interested in games. It was nice when you could have a honest conversation about gaming and get some decent game recommendations.
The rumor right now is that Gamestop's plan is to shut down around 200 store and then restructure the others to focus on retro gaming.
I was thinking this too. Been going there for a while they give about 40% value of games on trade in.
Then shut down 2200 total stores by the 4th quarter.
>brick and motor stores
They're a diamond dozen.
What are they going to fucking do, fire you?