Why, when’s there’s trans stuff in games, is it always make to female? Where’s the female to male representation
Why, when’s there’s trans stuff in games, is it always make to female? Where’s the female to male representation
Other urls found in this thread:
in Dream Daddy
Mortal Kombat and Injustice
probably a combo of mainly men make video games so men pretending to be women only want to represent themselves, and transmen can usually pass and live a normal life unlike these things that have to scream and draw attention to themselves
FTM want to be men and thus learn to deal with problems like men which involves a lot of getting over it and shutting the fuck up. Also straight ftm have little problem finding girlfriends.
Mtf are the unholy combination of a fat girl and a beta male. They're all the worst aspects of the worst of both men and women.
I've seen all the pics but every trans person I've met personally has been at LEAST average looking. Most I've met are actually cute.
You're either in Thailand or you're full of shit
That's because the pictures Yea Forums and /pol/ use to scare you are hons, transtrenders and memequeers.
It's selective pics to push a specific agenda.
Congratulations, you've actually used your real life experience to break trough the brainwashing.
United States, but a lot of the ones I've met have been online and from Europe and Asian countries.
>why not female to male?
Because F2M trannies tend to have it easier than M2F trannies.
Or he has incredibly low standards of what cute is, that or he's a homo.
After how many years doing hormone chems?
>include a gay flag in your game
>when someone picks it they get an achievement that says I'M GAY, description says it's only awarded to gay people
Someone should do this
That is a pretty good observation.
I met one that had only been on hormones for 2 months before and stopped, and he was legitimately a 9/10. More attractive than literally any of my cis friends, he had the absolute ideal androgynous face and figure, and he was like 23.
Dragon Age Inquisition.
> Game is about aborting your half-nigger kid.
> The character is trans.
How did he get pregnant?
why did you sage an op?
is this a slide thread?
Post the dollar bill one please
Isn't it kinda funny when it's male to female they usually end up being a shitty person, but when it's female to male they always end up being relatively normal?
>he doesn't sage his own threads to let them survive or die on their own merit
Aren't most trannies male to female? I've barely seen any female to male ones.
>one lifetime pass to the dilation station, please
ftm are generally saner individuals compared to mtf and probably go and find different fields of work compared to the other
pretty sure the op can't bump his own thread
Ooh yes thank you. That one never fails to not crack me up.
Because the autists who are producing these games are men who have convinced themselves that they are women. They think they have found the panacea for all their mental problems and want to make the message of the wonders of transition reach more autistic people. Perhaps the fact that they have an extremely short life because of a very high suicide rate makes them have a greater sense of urgency to spread this message.
Male hormones and the reality of being male will do that to you.
Considering the sample is literally 1 ftm to 100 mtf, I don't think we have enough data.
FtM are practically non existant in representation since for the most part they arent as whiny or not nearly as ugly most of the time. Ugly FtM dont standout as much as MtF goblins.
>precision bad!
>baww i wish i could just auto win!
This, full FTM(not enby shit) are pretty solid and generally are /fit/ bros and MTF are just annoying fucking women
There's far more mtf in the gaming industry probably
based dikekike poster
Androgen immunity probably or really good genetics. Realistically most trannies starting around 25 will need ffs to pass, not even to look good but just to be read as female.
>GDQ is just a /pol/ psyop
Lol, could you imagine
The thing was you could've read him as a female but he actually wanted to be referred to as a male. He just had the ultimate femboy thing going on
really it's more like trannies in general have the people who want to actually pass, and then theres this seperate group of people who want to be able to claim they're oppressed and make no effort whatsoever to pass.
I beleive internal tranny lingo is to refer to them as bricks.
because girls don't play games
How would you classify this guy?
This, except Overwatch, that game has more bitches than dudes playing it. And that game has Zarya at least.
For a long time it seemed to be the case that MtF were the vast majority of transgender people. It is possible that is changing, from general anecdotes clinicians give, but a lot of those anecdotes pop up in gender critical spots where a bunch of TERFs spend all day REEEEEEing about how a bunch of men in nail polish are ruining their lives, so I'm unsure of how true it is.
However, there are a couple of authentic detransitioning FtM that I've seen who don't seem very TERFy that claim the clinics they saw also reported to them that more women had been coming in in the past years, which was a total reversal from previously when it was mostly men. If this is true, it's not clear yet why this trend reversal happened. Either way, it also seems most of the very vocal detransitioners online are FtM, so while I'd say you may see more games with FtM trans popping up, you may not because it appears as though many more of them change their minds about HRT.
>i don't hate black people, i just call them subhuman if they do anything i don't like
brick, he's built like masonry.
the blue hair does not help, that looks shite even on real women.
Someone who fell for the SRS meme.
You can tell who the redpilled trannies are easily.
They're the ones who know you can never have a real vagina and that the surgery is a complete kikescam, and learn to live with the genitals they were assigned at birth, all else aside.
there are black people and there are niggers
there are gays and there are faggots
there are transpeople and there are trannies
big difference
Why the fuck did you post Celeste with this topic?
Yeah a lot of trans who actually know they pass don't mind about being gendered male. The whole "addressing female" is kind of an hugboxing thing amongst trans that don't pass. And getting gendered male is just the reminder that they won't.
The abortion meme stopped working so he decided to go with another thing Yea Forums is obsessed with
I like to call the second group "trend-sexual".
You know, because they're just following a trend they think will get them attention.
Some screenshot of celeste had the trans flag and a bottle of pills
Top left of the image has a picture of Madeleine looking suspiciously like a boy when younger, and there is another image of her sitting at her computer with a trans flag behind the monitor.
>half the population treated like aristocracy
>modern american culture is based on maximizing female hypergamy at whatever cost
>tell everyone they can just take pills to become a cute girl and reap the benefits
>why are there so many MtF hmm
some of my friends still do it out of respect but I don't blame people for using male ones
There is no flag you sperg
What, was it shopped in? I don't play Celeste, I've just seen the pictures.
Always assumed that pills were more of a depression thing. Also the tranny flag screams "Ally" more than tranny to me. Never met a tranny proudly having a transflag next to their PC.
There is no flag in the image OP posted or in game
wow, you did the dumb thing i was accusing you of doing! are you proud of yourself?
Next you'll be asking why the bearded males always make cute white girls lesbians whilst gay representation is some afterthought with comic relief bros.
>Bearded game devs want to add LGBTQI+ representation
>Drop inconsequential hints that the girls are MtF but never FtM unless the quirky girl doing the sound effects and supplementary art insisted on them
>Make the cute young girls with pretty eyes lesbians
It's not hard to see what's really going on here (AGP)
[/spoiler]I hope you can become a cute girl user[/spoiler]
I mean kys degenerate
this is a good post that found its way into being in an otherwise shit thread
good job user
>willingly giving up female priveliges to become just another man among many
No idea how FTMs exist, your literally giving up ez mode. Based, but questionable.
True. Being a femboy is suffering though in the way that you get grouped in with trannies a lot. I legitimately can't believe how much more I "pass" without even trying to than people who actually want you to call them women.
I'm honestly scared to wear full on female outfits in public because I don't want to be thought of as a transgirl, so I mostly just stick to androgynous/pink stuff that could still "work" for males.
>Reveal that the kid is a trannie long after the game's release
Just as retarded at J.K Rowling making some of her characters gay years after the release of her books.
EZ mode doesn't exist, and if it does, that is how important their gender identity is
>is it always make to female
you don't get immediate support and sympathy for being male.
not that user but. it is 100% not about the observer, but the person perpetrating the action that defines the subsect of people they represent
if you can't understand that very simple concept, you are not worth the air you breathe
Imagine acknowledging tranny existence lmfao
dont exist, you take HRT and whine about trans ppl. Quit being dumb
I don't care if the character Madeline is trans or not I still think the game is fun
It's dumb to judge people on their actions based on common patterns? Seems like basic inference to me.
Kindda mood. I get gendered female by trans friends out of respect but all of my cis friends gender me male, and it's for the best. Give me strong imposter syndrome as I don't pass
Madeline is trans?
How can she be an MTF trans if the game is secretly about abortion?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I don't take HRT I'm just a gay twink who crossdresses.
I don't care if the character Madeline is trans or not I still would fuck a femboy.
>he actually believed all the Yea Forums memes
This nibba gets it. We’re witnessing the fall of western civilization.
don't mind the reeing /pol/niggers, faganon. they're going to screech tranny until the next cool Yea Forums meme takes their attention away from it
>straight ftm
Some are just confused lesbians. The ones that detransition often just live as lesbians, and the ones that ultimately desist also often just live as lesbians. I don't doubt their dysphoria comes from different places, but of the ones that detransition (this is after take big steps like getting mastectomies mind) they will often reflect that they misinterpreted their self-loathing as butch girls while younger to mean that they would be happier as boys.
Krem in DA:I is female to male if I recall. Also kind of based.
>Suggest they look into magic or some means to transition
>Krem: I don't trust magic that can do that and honestly, I've learned to work with this body even if I don't think it reflects who I really am so I'm good.
well femboys generally do take HRT and you called yourself one.
No no
It's about aborting your white kid so you can give birth to a half nigger
that post wasnt exactly /pol/ though, read like a tranny whining about femboys
Reminds me that there was kind of a meltdown amongst femboy chasers on /lgbt/ when people started to realize 9/10 of them all end up as trannies.
You don't get it, if there was a way to change it without hassle I would do it.
Life would mostly be the same, although I would find a greater sense of peace when working.
I dunno, I hang around a lot of femboys and a very large percentage of them are just gay twinks who crossdress. They like to be completely separate from traps/trannies for the most part. Maybe 10% take HRT.
I thought trannies had the same rights as everyone else, they can get married and join the military and everything else
So what "trans rights" do they want
We have top westernn scientists working around the clock to ensure that even people who were born male can have half black transgender abortions. Because this is progress.
>tranny game has tranny developer
what a surprise
Funded almost entirely by kikes
There actual stats on the ratio?
I thought it was roughly equal but the FtM are much more discreet.
so is celeste a story about an abused child who has been groomed by the adults around him to think he's a girl?
its almost like nerds in general are fat and ugly, dick chop or not
go fig
then just be you. if you dont care about labels just go with it. i mean hell my sister looks like a man when she wears the right cloths and a girl if she doesnt wear baggy shirts or jackets. she goes by he/him or she/her depending on who she talks to.
To not be killed for being trans. Stop playing dumb, nigger.
I asked a prominent artist (like been in comic industry since 80's) why there tends to be much more variety in females drawn compared to males, including in asian markets.
He said that outside of marketing reasons, women are just much more interesting to draw. A fashion lady I knew also gave a similar with with women's clothing vs mens.
Women are just more interesting, visually. Usually anyways. Personalities, there tends to be much more variety in men compared to women in terms of characterization.
you guys have been saying that for decades. first it was jazz destroying western civilization, then it was rock music, then television, then the gays, then video games, now transpeople.
I follow a bunch too and it's usually just the egg phase and a really edgy one and they always come out being trans at the end.
trans-acceptance in itself is a movement designed for people who don't pass for their desired gender. If you're a MtF and look like a girl no one will ever yell at you for being in a girl's bathroom or think you're weird for wearing a dress because they won't know the wiser unless you're fucking them.
It is fairly equal, ftms pass easier since testosterone is more powerful than estrogen
We aren't witnessing shit, we'll all be dead within 50-60 years, if we even live that long
So Wheres the smutt
I hope she has a feminine dick
if you're gonna use the same terms as bigoted assholes don't be surprised when you get lumped in with them
Not true at all actually
The idea that titty skittles helped people pass was injected propaganda from 2017+ onward made by trannies who think traps are 'closeted trans' who actually want to cut their dick off
Traps don't take HRT because it literally destroys your penis's functionality and makes you unable to get hard forever. It also gives you mantits which have to be surgically removed. You can't even feel sexual pleasure anymore for the most part.
A vast majority of the passing traps are actually anti-hrt and don't recommend it to them, it's all genetics
What's the point of 'the dick makes it better' if you have nothing but a shriveled up micropenis left?
There any fun games about culling LGBTQ types with extreme prejudice? Edgy murder sims can be worth a good laugh from time to time.
"egg" is a meme that tries to push people who aren't trans into being trans.
accept that there are people who like being feminine who have absolutely no desire to ever be a woman.
femboys are the same thing as traps
traps are not transsexual/transgendered and are men who get off by fooling other men into thinking they are women.
This, I hate the egg meme
T. Transfag
99% of MtF trannies look like men
meanwhile most FTM trannies just look like fuccbois or twinks, how would know
>men who get off by fooling other men into thinking they are women.
that's the difference, femboys aren't trying to fool anyone, we know full well we're males and want you to know that too
don't forget they're mostly manlets
how was your 9th grade english class today? to kill a mockingbird is a tough read, i know.
'egg' is often used in reference to underage boys that the trannies think are 'repressed'
It's extremely predatory and the egg gaslighting is a cult-like conversion tactic. They are sick people
>Traps don't take HRT
Wrong, femboys/traps do take HRT. Sure, not all of them do but plenty do. Just lurk /lgbt/ or the more fetish heavy parts of the net and you'll find a lot. You cant stay a femboy forever and you'll eventually snap out of the phase or just go full HRT.
Because nobody wants to be a man.
wow my gay thread gets killed but a tranny thread stays
nice work
not based and pinkpilled
murder was still illegal regardless of who gets murdered last I checked user.
traps take HRT, femboys do not
Thanks for the containment thread OP
Odd how 90%of mtf trannys are always ugly and/or fat
Aww boo hoo. Not everyone likes faggots and they can enjoy things that mock and deride them. Cope.
Anecdotal but having worked with a fair amount of transpeople the FtM ones have all been actual absolute bros and fun to hang with. This is because Men are the funner of the two genders and I welcome anyone who wants to join the winning team. A general thing in the FtM community seems to be genuinely enjoying male camaraderie- any group of women 100% devolves into pure ratfuckery.
the MfT have been basically a 70%/30% split of psychopaths to basically normal people who don't live and breathe the "community". Basically if a MtF transperson isn't superwoke, incredibly online, and buried in a support network of other MtF transpeople they are normal and cool. If they are those first three things, they're absolute psychopaths because that environment is designed to make you neurotic and fearful.
Do you remember how much bread you've eaten in your life?
it's cute that you think that's some kind of rebellious or interesting opinions
Not that user but it doesn't matter what the group of people is, being that angry at a group of people is childish and unhealthy. You may end up in prison if your urges get too strong user.
Nobody wants to be a male, that's why, male privilege is not real.
Yeah that's what I do, but as far as I have some andro features, I am still unmistakingly male. So kindda sucks when you being you just isn't the good gender. I'm lucky to be relatively good looking for a boy tho so my dating pool goes from gay (or questioning) men to straight female as I'm bi. So it's still something to at least be able to get laid when the mood is low but eh, can't help but wish I could pass.
not really, it's just a term synonyms with ''closet trans''
So many fucking things contain onions too
Female to male trans people aren't psychotic narcissists.
majority of lesbian/female to male transitions and do masculine things like working on cars, carpentry or outdoor work, not effeminate things like video games
>tfw no Celeste HAFNIM
FtMs are almost always passable and often naturally beautiful, meaning they have it easier in society. Still biologically being women, they have better things to do than video games
I don't have to tell you about MtFs to know why they cram themselves into an "inclusive" hobby like vidya
nigga he hasn't even shaved his monobrow never mind his beard
fucking trannies disgust me
they're such filth
at least just be gay, then you can be a guy that fucks guys which a is a real possibility.
being a guy who magically transforms into a girl is impossible no matter what meds or scalpels you take
>playing a video game with violence leads to real life violence
Get the fuck off Yea Forums you literal retard.
wait wait wait what the fuck? Is this Celeste? Can someone tell me what happened?
Cause those mentally ill individuals think they're men, meaning they shut the hell up, and don't bitch and moan about EVERYTHING.
>egg phase
You're a lunatic. Seek help.
They have literally the same exact right to not be killed as anyone else.
>MtF were the vast majority of transgender people. It is possible that is changing
Its 5 v 1 in my experience
and the F2Ms are all insane fujos
>FtMs are almost always passable
To cis men, not to other afabs or mtfs. Trust me.
You're not playing for fun though like CoD or Halo etc, you're playing to vent animalistic hatred on a specific minority group. That sort of thing tends to be associated with the violent types. It's a psychological thing.
Just telling ya man be careful, it happens all the time.
One screwup and the rest of your life is in a cell, the judges never hold back.
>If you go on these specific websites which are already focused around faggots taking drugs, then you'll see there's TONS of faggots taking drugs
Go outside. Twitter, Yea Forums, and fetish websites are not the human gestalt, they're just a part of it.
>be trans
>Literally just want to live my own life
>Tfw Yea Forums will forever hate me because of some fags who make the entire group look bad
you're overreacting hard, nothing wrong with the term at all.
Why do you people care?
This isn't trannys uprooting an established IP, it's them doing what you told them to do. They made their own game with the content they wanted to include. It's not even in your face, it's background imagery.
The outrage over this is literally what ResetEra would do over a game making a gay joke.
If they are taking it they were either tricked or have no idea what the side effects are
when femboys get too old they just go to being regular gay people
when trannies get too old they off themselves, and the expiration date for both is around the same time
pic related was chased off the internet by trannies because he was anti transitioning/hrt for traps
wrong, neither take it
the only people who take hrt are either gullible fools who were tricked by trannies into ruining their bodies or trannies themselves
Please stop using that term
As a trans degenerate I hate the term egg
You can't persuade somebody to become transgender you fucking morons
I miss when this board was intelligent
Then tell me why, I dont exactly see an issue with it
post Xbone w/ time stamp or gtfo
>Implying we were ever intelligent
I feel like I didn't get the part where Celeste was about a tranny, fucking really?
Why are MtF trans woman always lesbian too?
That seems to be what it is now, but in the past a lot of clinics said that they saw way more men coming in. Unless you mean you worked in a clinic a decade or two ago that was getting a bunch of women, in which case I concede that you probably know more than me about it. It seems like there aren't many good wide studies on it. There was one on a hospital in Madrid that was still majority male, but then in Finland there was a clinic that was observed to have waaaaaaay more women coming in.
>there are people on Yea Forums right now, that would try to convince you they wouldn't put him in a mating press
>Some guy says "Yeah I'm gay, I have nice genetics so I kind of look like a girl though"
>You come in and say they're not gay at all and are in-fact a blossoming transperson who needs to take a series of immutable, un-reversible changes in order to achieve genuine happiness
He's not overreacting at all, anyone who calls people an "egg" off just a few words are literal cultists trying to convert more believers for their personal hell.
>caring about smelly incel faggots on the internet hating you
i wouldnt sweat it
>You're not playing for fun though like CoD or Halo etc
I stopped reading right there. You have no idea what drives me to do anything. You’re just assuming shit.
he is 3D
Xbox is the nigger console, PS4 is the trans console
Because alot of creeps use the term in order to get non trans people to transition
They are not
SJW lesbos and feminists hate it. So will never happen
Objectively, if you were playing for casual fun you wouldn't need a specific type of people.
They're not, but most of them are into women or bisexual.
No but you can emotionally manipulate lonely, mentally ill people desperate for acceptance into believing your lies. There are people who prey on others out there.
most trannies are all in on idpol though, I used to tell myself this wasnt the case but thats just bullshit.
But Yea Forums seems to be full of fun people and it's just a bummer that they wouldn't even try to get to know someone before giving their opinion
plus I could fix their incel status if they really were incels
I don’t think you know what that word means.
i don't hate you, I just want you to become your best self and not commit sudoku
because girls are prettier and nicer, you clearly need to be some kind of delusional faggot to want to be one and engage in what amounts to some hardcore LARP but that doesn't stop you from being predominantly or even exclusively attracted to girls
why are there 100x more trannies today than there were a decade ago then?
It's the objective truth though. Selecting a specific minority group means that hatred must be present.
You wouldn't select a minority group that you favored would you?
Because it's used by psychotic, mentally unstable netizens who have literally been arrested for entrapping people
It's also inherently demeaning and incredibly rude on its own context. Someone says they're gay, or a man looks a lot like a girl because of genes, or some fag has an insane fetish for crossdressing. So you decide, on your own, that they are just a tranny who hasn't yet "come out of their shell" and accepted that they are trans.
That way of thinking is the height of ignorance and of having a massive, glass ego. Who the fuck are you, to decide what is truly going on in someone elses head, and what they define themselves as or truly believe?
Don’t listen to . I do hate you and hope you become one of the 40%. Do the world a favor and remove yourself. You’ll never be happy and we’ll never accept you.
what the fuck is an afab and why would they give a shit about other FtMs?
like I said they're still biologically women, so they're remain catty cunts and tear down their own kind with abandon
That's the one aspect where MtFs actually have an edge. They can get along with eachother for the most part
Ok thanks
Ok thanks
Nice try user but im not taking the discord/steam friend erp bait this time...
Why not? If the games fun I’ll gladly kill anything. After all it’s just a game. I find it amusing how assmad trannyfsggots get over the thought of some one finding it entertaining playing a game that uses them as the butt of a joke.
Are you saying that 100% of trans aren't annoying assholes? Because if that isn't the case, you "good" ones are doing a really bad job at showing that.
Yea Forums hates everything, including themselves.
Live your best life, user.
>Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
You’ve got to go back.
>Trans get killed for literally anything else
>>"omg he was killed because he was trans! trans rights! trans rights!"
What the fuck.
>I find it amusing how assmad trannyfsggots get
Exactly..? So, you're still doing it with specific hatred in mind.
Which brings me back to my original point, telling you to be careful not to commit hate crimes because you will wind up in prison for a couple decades. Happened to my uncle, he's still locked up all these years later! Seek help before it's too late.
but it's not really some fags now is it, most tranny figureheads have been trying to erase traps/femboys for awhile now. Traps already are a big nono word and you get swarmed by trannies for saying it now days.
no one cares about muh representation and no one cares about this game either except retardera tourists like you. get out.
You don't and never will. Revert your ways
this board hates everyone, have sex once and you're ahead of 99% of Yea Forums.
It's just a fucking flag. Jesus, you guys are sensitive.
Blow it out your ass, faggot.
Best most MTFs are just autistic autogynephiliacs who can't admit to being gay and don't actually have any dysphoria. Women can just go full butch if they have a masc fetish.
Ah well, ya can lead a horse to water. I try too hard to save the psycho types.
Too bad that's not what happens to transgender people. A vast majority of people who transition are happy with it, they aren't "preyed on" and there is no cult of people looking to corrupt and brainwash otherwise healthy people like you probably think there is.
there are also 100x more gay people today than there were 50 years ago, I guess that means gay people aren't real and it's all a conspiracy
also nice 42's
yet you still cant save yourself from suicide at 30
>Too bad that's not what happens to transgender people. A vast majority of people who transition are happy with it
Is that why 40% of them attempt to commit suicide after they transition? Your realize that’s a higher percentage of attempted suicide than holocaust and torture victims?
That's pretty chill perspective user
I'm straight and white, think I'll be aight.
>knows there's an "after transition" statistic
>uses the wrong one
The 40% was for those that did not transition
i understand your feelings. my sister is bi and is pretty 50/50 on who she will be close with. good luck to you and your future. i believe in you.
>Is that why 40% of them attempt to commit suicide after they transition?
getting your information from tuxedo pepe image macros is why you're retarded
wrong, suicide rate increases post-transition, it doesn't decrease.
What you're referring to is a single study showing a handful of people who reported 'improved quality of life'
>casually skips half your garbage level
nice game bro :)
0/10, made me reply
>being born male
>cut off dick and live with a permanent festering wound
>no one buys your a woman anyway
>have to avoid your own reflection for fear of the truth starting you in the face
Yeah I’m the retarded one.
What scares me the most about this is that virtually everyone here who is advocating this shit is not people with real sexual identification issues (these people exist and are an extreme minority).
They are only fragile and socially inept autists who have been convinced by a well-organized lobby that the panacea for all problems is suddenly taking on the opposite sex (which may even include the removal of the genitals).
This is frightening and shows that without an internal coherence in a society that can clearly define what is right and what is wrong, things go to the point where clueless autistic and weak people militate in favor of unscrupulous doctors who wants to make money by tear the gonads out of people.
I really think that the people who militate for these things are dangerous and enemies of humanity.
Alright. If you've got proof of your claim, please provide it.
>complaining about hazards in a platformer
"he AFSP report did not investigate whether a complete transition decreases the risk of suicide, as activists tend to claim. “We were unable to determine,” it said, “whether suicidal behavior is significantly reduced following transition-related surgeries.” But the studies cited date back to 1984 and 2006. A 2011 study in the journal PLOS based on Swedish data told a very different story. It reported that transwomen (natal men) who have undergone surgery and hormone therapy still have a 20-fold higher suicide rate than natal women in the same age category."
t. tranny
stop fucking lying. ive seen plenty irl and they do not pass. trust me, we can all tell.
You guys know transitioning doesn't always include genital surgery, right?
Thanks user, that's surprisingly kind coming from here. Good luck for your sister too.
would bet $500 you're a 5/10 on a really good day
I didnt mind trannies until leftytube trannies started gunning for traps and cuteboys, why you do it?
there are simply too many fucking benefits to being female these days while in general being a man kinda sucks
the grass is greener syndrome is not only real, its based on observable logic, why the fuck wouldn't you want to be a woman in the modern era, you can do whatever the fuck you want and get away with it while people treat you like nobility because of your vagina
meanwhile men have a thousand rules and expectations placed upon their existence and you're generally thought of as expendable, nobody gives a fuck about you
the only reason why trannies take hormones is because they are lied to and think it will help them pass.
Hormones are not a substitute for shit genetics,
You don't end up as a female or even look like one, you just get erectile dysfunction and health issues.
epic greentext anecdote but that doesn't change the proven facts that being transgender is not a choice and transition is virtually always a net positive for the patient
Shut up tranny
Attractive people are never this critical of other peoples' looks, it's always the insecure ugly ones who have something to prove lmfao.
If it wasn't obvious that hate comes from ignorance, look at the kind of shit being posted in this thread. You fags have absolutely no idea how transsexuality works.
I would rather call someone ugly than purposefully give them a false hope and fast-track them to a premature suicide by telling them transitioning is a good idea
Don't FtM usually turn out as rather good looking if dickless men? Compared to the goblins that MtF turn out it's easy to see why they get ignored by goblin game devs and their ilk.
Yes, that's why you literally never her of ftm drama, it's always the mtfs
Most of us don't hate you, we just don't get involved in the political shitflinging
>the 60% of trannies who pass don't exist
This is usually true on the internet but I wouldn't say it's always true.
>transgender is not a choice
I agree, no one chooses to be mentally ill.
>transition is virtually always a net positive for the patient
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
>tfw qt 3.14 trans gf just deepthroated me then rode my dick til i creampied her
Is there a more comfy feeling bros?
Yes, holding your newborn biological child for the first time. Something your trans gf can never give you.
Praise the lord I NEVER wanted kids!!!
>mentally ill
in the handbook of ancient debunked boomer psuedoscience maybe
Oh you mean the new handbook of medical science right? The one that says being gender dysphoric is no longer a mental illness? The same one that says being single is?
Yeah thats a good one.
I'm bi and she's cute as fuck dude I wouldn't care if she was male but I use female pronouns out of respect
because cuteboys pass better then trannies do
youre a good boyfriend. hope you two have a lovely future together. or at least really great sex
>not trying to kill yourself means they pass
Most non-passing trannies remain completely delusional about it and antagonize anyone who says they don't pass instead of self reflecting
Afab means "assigned female at birth" and amab is the same but with males. It's a dumb term they're trying to push to normalized the idea that you can in fact choose your gender regardless of your biology or something, it's dumb. It's a bit upsetting at times bc I actually do find some ftms cute but I both don't approve of that or want to ever be with another girl since just being one myself is enough, they can get pretty crazy
>Most non-passing trannies etc etc
>60% who pass
The 60% who were smart enough not to mutilate their genitals stop taking hormone supplements, maybe.
>getting defensive about being single
Oh my god, you're an "involuntary celibate" aren't you?
Thanks dude, I mean I plan to be with her for life so hopefully both
go to r/transpassing
Exactly, the ones who keep their dicks are redpilled knowing that synthetic vaginas don't actually exist. Getting SRS is a suicide mission.
>suffers the exact symptoms of body disphoria disorder
Sure it’s totally not a mental illness because you REALLY feel like a woman on the inside and people just don’t understand. Keep lying to yourself it only hurts you and others who could get help if they weren’t lied to.
post >yfw you're not a mentally-ill self-castrating suicidal faggot
naoto accepted she can't become a man
so not in persona at least
If it wasn't for the Jeffery Dahmer eyes the one on the right wouldn't be unattractive (as a dude)
Honestly the one on the right looks like potential qt 3.14 material after the chin surgery.
At least until your girlfriend (male) kill himself due to his mental illness.
>tfw mentally ill but will never cut off my dick
Can I get half a prize?
my dick is giving me so much trouble lately I'm considering to get rid of it
I think most of the trans suicides come from the fact that male jaws ruin everything.
I've got a crossdressing fetish, but when I dress up and look in the mirror I just can't stop thinking of the "Why yes, I do play [niche game], how did you know?" meme.
My fucking sides
Naoto never actually wanted to be a man, she just wanted to be respected like one. But it was more about being a child than anything. Naoto's shadow is clearly representative of being a little boy (not the sleeves being too long like a child wearing an adult's uniform playing pretend) because even if she was passing as male (and she actually was,) it didn't solve her issues.
Most gfs (male) are really happy once they get loving bfs actually. The 40% are the ones who don't get bfs.
>at least 3 girls i have liked in the past have transitioned
Fucking why
How fat am I compared to Boogie, Yea Forums?
Naoto is one of the few genuine trans characters though, youre wrong
"Woman" with dicks is based
"Men" without dicks is disgraceful
You've got more of a miniature roadhog type build. The moobs aren't too big like boogie's.
Not as fat as boogie before the surgery but pretty fat. So your half way there... whether that’s getting as fat as boogie was or slimming down. Keep it up user.
I posted in the wrong thread, fuck me.
>genuinely trans
>isn't actually trans at all
No need to apologize. Your gut is a billion times less disgusting then the faggots in this thread cutting their dicks off and pretending they’re girls.
6/10, would punch it.
God damn it I'm so angry that I'm attracted to this
Wtf, you gay.
Don't fight it or you'll just become mega gay. Just fap and move on with your life since you can't change your fetishes.
The entire point of her character arc was realizing that she isn't trans and that she shouldn't need to change who she is to do what she loves.