He did everything wrong.
He did everything wrong
no shit
So did he.
>Get your face torn apart
>Get disowned by your adoptive father
>Try fixing the world by forging an army to get Buddy and repopulate the earth
>End up being unable to control his men because he's too kind
>Father figure doesn't even know who he is by the time they meet again
>Gets nearly killed by his own father figure trying to protect what is essentially his own sister
>All of his remaining soldiers leave him
>Tries working with Buddy only to realize she's a fucking psycho
>When he leaves her he gets nearly killed by a psycho rapist
Rando... had a hard life.
rando is the coolest motherfucker
I'd pay top dollar for a LISA animated series.
Some things... are better left un-animated...
>Some things are better off animated
He really had no redeeming factors. Like all the other "villains" at least had something more to their actions but Yado was just "take over the world lol"
What the hell was his problem?
I imagine it was hard to come up with a sympathetic quality for the guy who killed his lover, weaponized his daughter, and deliberately ruined the world for the sake of sitting on top of a throne of drug-addled flesh monsters.
>Apologizes to Brad for wrecking the bike Brad accidentally crashed into him, then gives him the rest of his army rations as compensation.
Definition of "too pure"
Second this, the creator wouldn't mind either most likely.
I wish I could save him. :(
Even sadder when it is implied over women exist.
I always liked how he just tanks it.
>dad's a cunt, sister killed herself, past student maimed your surrogate son because of it, turn to pain killers to cope
>fucking apocolypse happens, turn to harder shit to cope understandably
>do your best to raise a child despite your drug habit, in the worst environment possible for said child, and do a bang up job given the circumstances
>even manage to drop the drug habit for a bit before relapsing
>two of your "friends" convince her she's the last bastion of hope for the world and balloon her ego and entitlement beyond redemption, and essentially force their ideals onto her
>steal her away, simutaneously letting the world know she exists and ruining everything you worked for, and putting her well-being in jeopardy
>forced to go on a harrowing journey to find her, risking life and limb in the process
>(if you're not a pussy) drop your drug habit as well, for no benefit to anyone
>your now superpowered asshole of a past student projects his guilt onto you and bullies you mercilessly for it
>at the end of it, your new friends betray you as well
>moments before your death, your daughter vents her hatred for you, for denying her a life forced on her by others
>at least she (maybe) hugs you
Brad had a hard fucking life.
Fuck, that's a real nut kicker I didn't consider. All that for nothing.
Brad did everything fucking wrong. He should have killed his dad when he was molesting his fucking sister.
It's implied in a text ending that his dad got him liquored up and supposedly had Brad do the same thing he was doing to Lisa. Brad was fucked from the start and probably had a mixture of powerlessness, guilt, and abysmal depression. Paralyzed him up until he thought it was happening again to another.
For me, it's Buddy.
she cute
She doesn't get enough credit for how interesting her arc and character really are. Mostly due to so much of her development being locked behind ridiculous easter eggs. Lame to see so many people write her off so quickly.
Buzzo was the true victim
Yeah he did fuck his sister but that was after his dad fucked her for a quite a while. The fact he didn't act before pretty much made things shit. Brad did everything wrong.
Buddy was a dumb bitch that did not deserve Rando.
no no
What didn't he do wrong?
i love the art.
artists are all a pack of psychos.
Did he just die after all that? He could have sold his story (trilogy) to a non indie company and made cash.
He was one of two people she ever cared about. She was not dumb and her harshness was her being realistic. You wouldn't have been much different in her shoes.
>who the fuck are?! I walked Bob Dylan on stage, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!
didnt he kinda lose his marbles after his dad died? has he grown out of this phase yet?
>he could have made money off of grief and the death of a loved one
>You wouldn't have been much different in her shoes.
Completely wrong.
Alright starting from your escape how would you have been different?
That was his entire goal user. He didn't do these games for art.
You got a fucking source on that one champ?
I would have listened to Rando and not kill the other peaceful people.
I think the issue for me is that the Joyful is short, and she simply didn't have enough screentime for me to fully appreciate her big psychological downward spiral.
With Brad it's more of a journey, where things get worse and worse, and his moments of violent instability grow more frequent as we learn more about his past and see him become increasingly desperate to find Buddy.
But with Buddy, she's already hopped up on joy and violence by the end of the intro, and immediately opting to kill blatant pacifists because she doesn't have anything better to do. So you're kind of at rock bottom from the get-go. At the very least I wish that she could have had more of a sibling relationship with Rando, as opposed to just kicking him while he's down for the entire game.
It is called common sense. Why the fuck would you make a game if you didn't want money?
The entire point was that Buddy was a piece of shit. Like her "dad".
So you kill your way up until Rando and then listen to him from there on out. Trying to rebuild his army with the few men he has left and hope they don't betray you while keeping in hiding?
Killing pacifists is a choice and not canon. Killing their leader is canon but he is not a pacifist.
As far as not seeing enough of her, she was a killer for the entire first game, she wasn't at rock bottom until fighting her real dad, everything up until that point was "her normal".
>why would you want to tell a story unless you where making money
>Why the fuck would you make a game if you didn't want money?
Imagine believing this
pic looks like alt-universe Weird Al
You should ask this to all the people making free fangames of this game
There's nothing wrong about exterminating the roastie menace. He was the true hero.
Because he is
>artsy type has emotionally-rooted political opinions
color me shocked
if you wanted money indie games would be the last place youd want to work in
never played this game should i?buy or pirate?
Unsure if funding the dev will mean more games of the same quality so feel free to do either. Make sure to play the painful and joyful for the full story and experience.
I wouldn't pay full price for them, myself; 20 big boys for two short RPGmaker games is a raw deal. Grabbed em when they were on sale and enjoyed.
If you're worried about his politics, just remember to separate the art from the artist like a reasonable person.
How the fuck would a live action adaption work?
>Get a bunch of ugly fucking men from off the streets for background characters
>Main characters require some casting and stuff like that I personally think Tommy Wiseau would make a good Yado
>Go go somewhere like Nevada and cast it as Olathe, carve a bunch of mud-hut and mountain interiors a little shoddy, by hand
>Hire one (Maybe two for ages) girl to play Buddy
Except that'll probably never happen, user.
Terry would be the comic relief.
gone guru or death grips for music
>Tries working with Buddy only to realize she's a fucking psycho
You've missed the point. Joy makes people obsess over the innermost desires. Buddy's actions were fueled by Joy, just like Brad. Neither was ever in any real control.
Play cave story and find out, zoomy
They even grew up with no control as well. Only reason brad gets more sympathy is because his inner desire appears to be sympathetic. But his friends where right he is just as selfish.
is there a difference in the ending if you take joy or not? I just did a joyless run and went back to the last save, took like 5 joy and did it again and got the same ending, do I have to start a new game?
If only Joyful wasn't made his motives could've stayed somewhat vague.
In Joyful, no.
In Painful, hard mode ending overwrites taking no Joy.
I'm not on hardmode, I played through normally without taking joy, then I reloaded the last save and took joy to see if I would get a different ending, I didn't, do I need to start a new game or is the joy and joyless ending the same.
Death Grips works weirdly well for the LISA universe.
Ending's the same, but there should be a different cutscene at the very end.
He had literally no motivation or understandable plan
What a shit-tier villain
>tfw you notice the description of Mad Dog's nipple patch on your second playthrough
Well, this is his next game, instead of Ninja Tears. I have no idea what the fuck to make of it.
Air marty isn't his game, he just helped with it.
Was the hug ending canon?
If you want it to be.
He's right, about everything.
Post yfw Goodbye Baby hits.
Reminder to anyone that has played LISA to also check out LISA the Hopeful and LISA the Pointless. Two fantastic and fleshed out fangames that Dingaling has declared canon because fuck it. Pointless is also getting a gorgeous graphical update coming fucking never so just play it now
Redpill me on both of these. Which is better?
Monster Update never ever.
Chapter 2 never ever.
Pointless can be brutally difficult. It's automatically in pain mode and areas to rest are few and far between even compared to the original. Play it if you thought LISA was too easy and want a challenge with some really nice art, even before the update.
Hopeful is much closer to the original game in difficulty, art style and themes. If you're hungry for more of the same play Hopeful.
But seriously, if you liked LISA at all, play both.
is it actually explained why his face is fucked up? I missed a lot of shit during my first playthrough
I should play it again
The one thing that would make this actually hard, beyond being practically unmarketable and niche as fuck, is practical effects are expensive as hell these days. Who wants to see ugly CGI joy mutants?
do you have a source for those? i didn't know i wanted this but i have a burning desire to read cutesy comics about christian furries now
After Lisa died, Buzzo trashed Brad's dojo and mutilated Rando (who was living there at the time) with a buzz saw out of spite.
play Pain mode. It's in the ending.
bless you user
She ought to be glad he's interested in girls
Having in mind that Buddy despised Brad a lot...probably not
I don’t mind he being a SJW (tons of my friends are like that and I was one too in the past) but he shouldn’t have been a dick to his fans. What a dick
I’m glad Joyful exist even if it feel rushed. Having Brad turned into a monster as the end of the franchise would have made me depressed for several days. As the Brad final boss is probably one of the best in all vidya
Why do you niggers keep thinking that this is Austin Jorgensen's game? It clearly says Myles as the developer, it's his brother's game that he helped out on with art and promotion.
>even if it feel rushed
Well he did add the Sindy Gallows boss fight and song literally the day before release because some people in the stream said it was kinda lame that you just fight the archers.
And thank goodness
that was a good morsel
For anyone who needs a quick rundown on Austin, the author of these games
>Gets a girlfriend
>She was sexually abused by her dad
>Won't fuck him
>Makes a Yume Nikki ripoff because he think it's make her put out
>Surprisingly a game about reliving her abuse doesn't make her pussy wet
>Austin blames the dad
>Tumblr tells him it's all white men's fault
>He changes his cool game about getting revenge in a post-apocalyptic world into some shitty virtue signally game about saving the last women
>Makes all men the bad guys because he's been told they're all rapists
>Starts actually thinking all men are rapists but him
>Girlfriend dumps
>Continues to blame her father and white man
>His dad who is a white male dies
>He loved his dad
>His brain shatters
>Attacks everyone who ever believed and defended him
>Not even tumblr wants him anymore
>Disappears in the shadows to make a game about gay Ninjas
>Will probably come back as tranny
here likes Austin, he never scored
One of the best parts of Joyful too, thank god
u mad?
if they're not made by the creator of the series they're not canon.
You sure know a lot about the guy
Big Lincoln ain't shit, Sindy Gallows is the real biggest badass in Olathe.
yeah I totally believe you that someone would make a game to fuck their raped girlfriend
that was based
austin... has had a hard life
imagine being the fucking retard that made a post like this
Dilate and/or have sex
I accept your apology.
>tfw no 'trumpeting stops' text added
>comfy LISA thread devolves into people shitting on le evil SJW Austin
Every time.
Austin wants you dead
He doesn't want you to play Ninja Tears because of your gender and/or colour of skin
You fucking sexist racists piece of shit
He's back on Twitter now, but no idea if he's still on the white guilt nonsense.
Creator has said that all fangames are canon.
>villain is evil... just because he's evil...
Don't do drugs kids!