>membership for unlimited download
Yeah fuck them
Anyone who actually used that cancer filled literally who site deserves to be inconvenienced
more like shitendo
OP here. Never even heard of it before but why was it bad?
>upgrade available
You can tell just from the OP image. Any site that "sells" you pirated goods is shit.
>shitty site
Based Nintendo
>steal a companies product
>They take you to court
>Play the victim
This shit is hilarious
>charging for others work
Thats actually where I draw the line.
Who cares, I still get all my shit from Emuparadise.
The heroes we need.
don't forget for buy online
I can understand being mad about Nintendo DMCA'ing Emuparadise becuase as far as I know it was only for older games. But for a site meant for the piracy of games still on the market I actually side with Nintendo. But I will say that the optics for Nintendo are pretty bad in this case.
Nintendo has been chaotic evil since they went after Emuparadise
>Nintendo DMCA'ing Emuparadise
Literally never happened. Emuparadise went full paranoid-mode after Nintendo went after the other ROM site for charging users of the site and they took them down of their own free will.
>selling piracy
>not just hardware to enable it, but actually the goods
for once corporate IP shilling does the scene a service.
Joke's on them. I already have all the ROMs
Sauce or not real.
You know there was a study done in the EU that was withheld which proved Piracy doesn't effect vidya sales. Only sales for new movies were effected. That being said, it doesn't put out good signs for the people watching this go down.
Usually when companies go after pirates and sue them it means they're not in as good a financial place as they want you to think. What was stopping Jewtendo from doing this decades ago? It's not as if these sites haven't existed since the early 00s. Coupled with Nintendo's exceedingly Hebraic consumer practices, doing all the money grubbing industry scams they used to criticize others for and basically reselling the same 30 year old games to you over and over again, it doesn't make it look like they're doing as good as you'd like to think. Looks to me like they're hurtin and three gaming generations of taking the back seat is starting to show.
We are already in a time where storage is cheap. Having full romsets for console should just be the custom now, fuck websites
>Nintendo goes to remove more sites they've downloaded roms from
Isn't that 100% illegal though? Like, even more so than piracy in and of itself, but like, charging money for pirated shit is a crime punishable in many ways afaik
I'm just glad I downloaded everything from the Odyssey up to the PS2/Gamecube/Xbox era. Every once in a while I'll stumble upon old systems I never even heard of and have something new to play, but if you really want to know where to go to find this stuff these days it's Russian sites. Nintendo can't touch those fuckers and it infuriates them. I have a near complete ISO set for the Wii because of a Rusbro.
>asked for money for something that didn't belong to them
Huh, fraud?
Yeah nope, nothing to see here.
>Charged people actual money to let them download illegal copies of things that don't even belong to them
For once, I actually support and applaud this. Nintendo is fully in the right to do this.
kek! They should honestly be thanking the pirates. Without them I've got a feeling they wouldn't even have proper emulation for the N64 mini and lets not kid ourselves, we know it's coming. Hell, They literally lowkey waited a decade after Starfox 2 leaked onto the internet, let the fans clean it up, spammed DMCA takedowns everywhere to get Starfox on the SNES taken down and then they released the same fucking rom fans cleaned up and replaced the title screen and name entry screen. I'm not shitting you. The funniest irony is SF2 (the whole selling point of the system) was the only thing that came up in terms of roms when you searched for the original SF rom. The SNES Minni got hacked and the game was perfectly playable as is straight from the system to your PC emulator.
Nintendo are rice kikes. They don't deserve your money.
hell yeah I got all my ROM sets from Rutracker feels good they can't get to them
What was stopping them from doing it decades ago?
Funny you should ask. They were still using windows XP up until about two or three years ago. They still use fax machines. This "world wide web" thing is new to them. Nintendo has always been this persistent and dickish about things. They're just fucking inept. I don't give a shit but Nintendo is definitely, mostly run by old people that have a personal employee to help them open their email.
it's illegal with or without money involved, because it still is damage to the market of nintendo's own property
only now that there was sales involved, the plaintiff may request and be granted a larger sum if victorious
of course, who actually does a payout when they lose lol
Thank you Nintendo for getting rid of all those free games, then charging me $30 for the same ROMs!
>trusting anything that comes out of the eu
Going after old roms is scummy as shit but trying to stop piracy of newer games is reasonable, won't stop me from pirating epic exclusives though.
based af
>after all those years people still don't have downloaded the roms they want
there were countless sites where you could have downloaded nintendo roms over the years
if you haven't got the shit you want already you deserve it
It was suppressed for a reason.
Its their roms though, if they want to be cranky out of touch old men with their property they have the right.
I follow the don't ask don't tell policy on all of my sources and they've been up and unlisted for over 20 years. Get fucked to everyone out there using these trash for profit piracy websites.
there is literally no way to "prove" that. unless you have access to alternate realities.
If I remember correctly when Nintendo went after Emuparadise people on Reddit of all places posted up download links of complete libraries of every Nintendo rom ever. Needless to say the posts didn't last long but still a funny middle finger. Fuckers should've had those via torrents hosted in Russia.
They're never going away and you can still release ROM data from any active cartridge with the right hardware, which is being made all the time. This is a really pointless gesture by nintendo.
I don't care that they're doing it. Yet I'm confused as to their motive. Expecting to fully prosecute these providers in foreign countries, many who do not have any plausible treaties with your own? It's nonsense at best.
Same i’ve had practically everything I wanted since 2014
So, you guys are making sure to get the Emuparadise workaround, and torrents for all pre-PS1 gmaes right?
its fucking nintendo
they've always being retarded when it comes to the internet
Legally speaking can Nintendo do shit if a site holds no first party Nintendo games? Like if a site goes up dedicated to Contra 1 on the NES and provides downloads for it, can they say "We're suing you on Konami's behalf because the game you're distributing was once released on the NES and we own that"? Even if Konami doesn't give a shit?
Normally I’d say fuck Nintendo but this time they’re practically doing us a favor.
Fucking Jews charging for a god damn membership
Those are mostly hosted in countries that don't give a fuck about copy rights. Any rom site hosted in the US is doomed from the start. Most pre PS1 stuff can be stored on a single 4TB external HDD with space to boot. It's not a whole lot of data unless you're talking MAME which is gigantic. Getting the older stuff is easy as fuck if you know where to look.
>what was stopping jewtendo
simple, emulation has become mainstream and accessible. A few years ago most people didn't know how to torrent, where to find emulators, emulators had to be configured, controllers had to be set up. Now everything is plug and play.
Darn, Nintendummies are stupid fanboys and the replies prove it. Also proves you are morons at age 30.
It's not illegal for you to copy the contents of a disc you purchased or own or of a digital game you have and to upload it online if you wish to have a copy. You are not extracting data or breaching any laws.
>they hurt b-b-based n-nintendo
laughed hard scrolling down
It's more a pain to store PS3/Xbox 360 games.
And when it's all said and done it'll be back up in a month does Nintendo ever fucking learn?
>It's not illegal for you to copy the contents of a disc you purchased or own or of a digital game you have and to upload it online if you wish to have a copy.
Thanks to the DMCA, it actually is illegal.
and RIP chapter master since patreon begging is seen as charging as well
That's not subjective; that IS the line. They deserve to be fucked for charging.
>and to upload it online
I don't know about this. You might be retarded.
Nintendo is rules by fat old people who don't play video games and don't understand the internet, I hope one day they get fucked because of that.
As for rom sites, in general, remember to host in multiple locations, don't gatekeep, make sure there are thousands of copies around of the world, basically, don't put your eggs in a single basket, decentralization is important.
Once again normie scum ruins it for everyone.
Has anyone even gone so far as to have complete ISO sets of them yet? Those systems are a hectic mess to download shit for since it's the age of DLC coming into place and you never have complete games to begin with. Tracking down all that shit is a chore so I'm not surprised that stuff isn't out there more.
You, an adult playing children's games on a toy are not retarded.
Wahhh I’m not okay with people making money wahhh I live at home with my mommy and don’t pay bills wahhhhh
It's illegal either way.
Bootlegging is generally the scummy side of every pirate community though. Nobody respects them except parts of the manga community that've been gaslighted into thinking patreon scanlating is somehow not paying for bootlegs.
Imagine you developed a game. Someone copied it and gave it to people for free. Whatever. Now they're making money off of something they didn't make. That's still not stealing but it's sure as fuck the closest it can get. It's kinda like a Melanin enriched gentlemen borrowing your bike and then selling it to a pawn shop.
>Once again normie scum ruins it for everyone.
Why, that is actually a good thing, making sure information is easily accessible for the majority of the population decreases the possibility of censorship.
Use ads, or a paid forum, but don't request money to download pirated stuff, nor put DRM on pirated content.
Pirates forever btfo
I mean maybe, if they want nintendo games.
Then again most people who care don't think about torrents, or newsgroups, or how the internet actually functioned before windows.
Yeah, having to check any of the hundreds of other places to get free roms instead is really gonna hurt. Imagine being in such a sad position in life that you might even have to resort to a torrent.
Cute raccoon.
Your time is coming, pirates.
Good luck pirating a lawyer.
I pirated ur mum last night.
Wasn't good booty though so I let sixteen men stand on her chest, given what happened to your family structure.
This doesn't affect my ability to download ROMs, in the slightest.
You wouldn't download an attorney.
Don't challenge me.
>hire lawyer
>don't get jailed
>refuse to pay him
WE did but you fuckers were on reddit.
Lawyers that work on these cases are the easiest to manipulate with money. Or did you just think people pursued the law for it's own sake?
>it still is damage to the market of nintendo's own property
We have studies proving piracy has no effect on the market.
Nintendo is literally fighting a hydra when it comes to ROM sites. They chop a head off and 10 more grows in it's place. Basically they shut 1 ROM site down, 10 more pops up. Literally a losing battle for Nintendo.
>copyright infringement
Oink oink
Can't wait to see how the corporatists deal with the fact that companies can apply for a copyright on genes now. Not even his own genetic code is his, will he defend it?
At this point digital storage is so cheap, and roms so tiny, that not having complete collections of every system up until the ps2/gc/xbox era is pretty stupid.
Anybody who hasn't should just get it out of the way now.
Why is some piracy easy and some harder? Anything can be torrented but if I want to pirate an ebook I can go on a dozen sites that just search like google and have files I can download straight from there. Why are they still up?
> Sues them
> Majority of library isn't even Nintendo's
>Anything can be torrented but if I want to pirate an ebook
Lmaoing at you. Just buy a fucking book, numale. They're cheaper thanks to e-books or just photocopy it
btw, why do people use rom sites these days and not just torrents, you get like the whole nes library for like 100 meg
Why the fuck would I photocopy something when I can download the entire thing in 1 second?
Tick tock pirates
that's not what the study says, read the paper next time.
The very foundation of the internet is built on sharing information. Before there was piracy, as it's known now, there were groups sharing information, then overtly; to better other's projects or whatever.
You can't stop the flow of information. You can only impede it. What North Korea got away with, they did because those fuckers had typewriters before they put a full embargo on everything.
like nintendo?
>rom headers found in the roms used on the snes mini and the eshop
>headers that literally only exist when dumped from pirates homebrew software
>nintendo literally downloaded roms from rom hosting websites and sold them
>Charging memberahips
>For pirated roms
They're dead, user. Go check it yourself. Try to actually get a game.
Considering I just downloaded this over 2 weeks ago, it was fine.
>over 2 weeks ago
And it still works now.
Literally just downloaded a game off of it to prove you wrong
If you don't know how, that is really your own fault.
oh no not that it still works, but they are handing download records over to the authorities now. jesus christ
>he thinks a company can steal their own property
lel get a load of this faggot
yeah, sure.
lets just ignore your completely fucking wrong in the first place, lmao, and just point out the headers, and the software and hardware to dump it, ISNT nintendos property, but they sold it, but lets focus on the press release they made about how nobody should be allowed to download or pirate a copy of a game, even if they owned it. like they did. themselves. lmao.
Wow with that kind of argument you should be a lawyer, I'm sure you could get a judge to force Nintendo to pay a fine to...Nintendo.
Imagine not having all the NES/SNES ROMs already downloaded after the EmuParadise debacle
>Start charging money
>get fucked
Good. Should've already had them downloaded anyway.
You can't actually get prosecuted for downloading ROMs, you only face charges when you distribute them.
>we are gonna sue the fuck out of you unless you hand over the records
>yolo bro i give my life to the anonymous downloaders
i mean, thats kinda romantic, but, no.anyways isp providers and hosts are required by law to hold onto their records for 12 months in the event authorities need it.
you guys used a proxy or something. right.
you got a source?
imagine being unable to read. someone elses, ergo, not nintendos intellectual property, is in those roms.
I hope Nintendo burns to the ground.
oh wow you are so fucked
No source then? Alright.
You know the header thing was literally made up right?
Of course he doesn't have a source, he's blowing shit out of his ass.
Did they get sued? No? Then fuck off.
yes dont do anything to cover your tracks or mitigate damage in any way.
nintendo would never take action. in this story about nintendo starting to take action.
again, lmao, imagine being unable to read.
>Any site that "sells" you pirated goods is shit.
>nintendos site sells you pirated goods
>so they are shit
viola. them being sued, or not sued, dosent make it suddenly not pirated shit. i haven been sued, so does that make my 9 terabyte nas contents completely legal?
It's honestly so hilarious to me how Nintendo goes so hard after rom sites that host roms of games that mostly can't even be fucking physically found anymore.
Like seriously, Nintendo is NOT losing money. This is the pettiest thing I've ever seen, business-wise. I mean, I get that they wanna get bucks off of suckers paying for that with NSO, but honestly, they can STILL make money without going after rom sites. There's gonna be dudes out there still buying it regardless.
I just don't understand it.
Oh are people still posting this after it was deconfirmed? Lol
Lawyer sue you
You lose
You got raped on prision
Hey at least you didnt die virging ya fat menthal disseaced gaymer
>but they are handing download records over to the authorities now. jesus christ
No, we aren't doing that to you guys
based sega for shutting down the genesis section on romulation
for profit = anti-commuinity
burn em
>NES game labeled NES in hex
>This is undeniable proof it was stolen and not just a way of marking in the code of the Virtual console application where the rom is
yeah ok
>Implying some sped bootlegger wouldn't have some faggoty signature in it like what was FUCKING RAMPANT in the early scene of emulation of faggots slapping their shit all over the insides of roms to the point the [NoIntro] project happened
>taking action against me for downloading a psp game
The "workaround" was to always use the forums. They literally have a master list download links for every console, along with fan translations and game mods.
>labelled in a way that just so happens to be exactly identical in location and format for the way homebrewers and dumpers did it, and dosent match any other official formats nintendo itself does, nor did they ever do this for any reason
yeah its a thing weve been working on. individual users are not really worth going after, until you have a large enough pool, and then you offload the work onto basically the corperation your suing. basically, force the isp into bankruptcy unless they take legal action on their own users. its gonna be a clusterfuck. not my part of the job so whatever
Really me and my friends were torrenting and emulating games in 2006 like nothing.
>force the isp into bankruptcy unless they take legal action on their own users
Not happening. While you're larping, why don't you tell me what you plan on doing against archive.org?
>Literally just the string
Trying to profit off of piracy is the dumbest shit you can do on the internet unless you live in a shithole like Vietnam or something.
oof, this one left a mark
Cmon man, at least be realistic with your bullshit.
If you think nintendo can bankrupt an isp you are retarded.
Do try to come up with a better story for the next thread. It was almost entertaining.
The irony
It only makes sense for them to ban 30 year old roms, how else could they sell the 500th iteration of them?
ISPs don't give a shit and the three strikes bullshit has been abandoned because why the fuck should the ISPs care about your IP unless you're stupid enough to actually admit to it in the "three strikes" email bullshit.
>Selling old ROMs for obscure games
Yeah, that's fucking bullshit. They're as bad as Disney in trying to hide shit for a rerelease or never bothering to release it again.
That header appears in the roms for the Animal Crossing NES games which contain roms of games that weren't even floating around online at the release of it.
They literally hired that man that was dumping them before who then shoved those headers into what they made themselves.
>tfw emuparadise literally still has ever single game still available on their server
>Try to prove that yarr harr = totally bad via biased "research"
>get opposing results no matter what
>try to bury the whole thing from the masses
This shit ALWAYS happens with the EU.
They're now trying to smoothly ban AMMO, since their gun-grab laws failed.
They're buddy buddy with the US since they hate China
*ahem* fuck current day copyright term and fuck Disney.
Read the paper and not the headline. The study was an anonymous online poll that they extrapolated data from and threw out things that didn't fit their narrative. It had a giant margin of error and was thrown out because it was a shitty study.
there are retards willing to pay for nintendo games on pc, but nintendo is lazy as shit and it's easier to just make money by suing second worlders who do their work
Nintendont is better insult.
Literally who cares? Just torrent the ROM set already.
What's the point of suing literally who websites when archive.org has complete romsets of Nintendo platforms?