2019 is the year you start to show some respect to an innovate survival-horror game that wasn't shackled to the past, but instead carved its own path.
2019 is the year you start to show some respect to an innovate survival-horror game that wasn't shackled to the past...
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I've never played a SH but I remember reading a magazine back in the day that was genuinely angry that 4 wasn't a "real" SH game.
And with no context I've never understand why.
It's a great game. I liked it more than SH3, and every other entry after 4.
For a PSP game, Origins is decent, too.
The "anger" stems from 4 breaking traditional established Silent Hill traditions. It's very much a real SH game, just one that goes into a new direction. There's a hub area and backtracking, which all makes sense in the context of the game. Very underappreciated title.
motivated me to try the game out after watching emptyhero marathon it and hold fuck it's so much more difficult than it looks
These things scare the FUCK outta me
It's its own kind of game, but it's the scariest in the series and has the best story
Gamepro had a feature on SH4 which terrified me when I was younger, didn't touch the series till I was teenager and scared shitless before I even started
I've always liked this game, the atmosphere alone is worth playing in my opinion
People complaining about "muh foggy town" after the third game are idiots
It kind of was shackled to the past though. Wasn't it going to be a new IP before Konami demanded they slap the Silent Hill name on it?
>Despite what has been popularized around the Internet, Silent Hill 4 was always meant to be connected to Silent Hill and not an unrelated separate horror game that later became a Silent Hill title, although different gameplay mechanics and change were intended.
I guess because it was so different and got mixed reviews is why people kept saying it was meant to be a new IP.
I really loved this game. Despite of it's multiple flaws, it had a unique personality. It is a flawed masterpiece
SH2 torrent:
>SH2 PC fixes site:
>tl;dr how to install this shit video tutorial:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! Don't install under C:\Program Files\ !
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
Follow the SH2 widescreen fix site's instructions to the teeth, and you should be fine.
For 3 & 4, check the Guide.
-Play in the release order
-Never play below Normal difficulty
-Replaying them all is recommended
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help
I admittedly didn't enjoy many of the actual third-person segments, and I thought the escort quest backtracking was straight up bad, but I really loved the early portion of the game where you're just exploring around the apartment trying to understand what's going on and piecing together what's happening outside. Seeing people right outside your door, but having no physical means to reach out or call to them as they pass by again and again.
It's a weird mixture of quietly calming, and claustrophobic and unsettling. Like being lost in a nightmare operating by its own surreal and soft-spoken logic.
Too late. I already have them on the motherfucking PS2
What about SH1?
I have that on the mother fucking PS1. Granted it's my brothers, but he lets me play it
it's a great experience and a shit game
SH4 isn't scary at all, what are you talking about?
Have you even played the fucking game?
Dat twin victim
good stuff
Basically another company created the story but they didnt have the money to so Konami got it and liked the idea and twisted it to their version to fit the Silent Hill theme.
SH4 is underrated and is such a good game. Even SH2 made a mention of the antagonist which I thought was cool.
i've always given it the respect it deserves. my personal favorite of the series, though 2 does come close. this was my introduction to the series, and right around the time i started getting into real horror. i'd only played RE before, and this game absolutely terrified me. now that i'm older, it's remains genuinely unsettling, with not only the best story, but also the best character in the series. everything they managed to pull off with the apartment was phenomenal, as well. i really think Kojima would have drawn quite a bit from this game had Silent Hills not been cancelled. damn shame, that.
that is the definition of fake news, my friend.
>It's a weird mixture of quietly calming, and claustrophobic and unsettling. Like being lost in a nightmare operating by its own surreal and soft-spoken logic.
nailed it. i can't quite put my finger on the details of how it works, but it's like the game cycles through almost soothing moments to moments that take elements from those soothing moments and completely flip them to fuck with your head.
SH1 - PS1
SH2 - PS2
PH3 - PS2
SH4 - PS2
Did they blow their load too soon?
that's not true either, user. where'd you get that information? everything was written by Team Silent from the start, and it was always intended to be a part of the series. it never started off as anything but Silent Hill.
Yes I have and it isn't scary at all.
Despite all that. I've always been more of a nintendo, Xbox, and PC type person than PlayStation
Was SH4 the one with the hooker that is cut to pieces?
Yeah. I didn't mind it, but I always assumed even when you told me she wasn't, that Eileen was just Heather returning to her actual look.
What's SH4 canon ending anyway?
Yeah, I had SNES and N64, and then by the time I got a PS2 I was already starting to play on PC more. I never got into the SH games at the time they were released, but I've grown to really love some of them now.
I'm a Zoomer so I use emulators to play snes games
>For a PSP game, Origins is decent, too.
In what regard? I find it horrible in all aspects.
That summarizes all that is bad about all other games after the original four.
FALSE, it wasn't in name only, the core concept was a first person horror but way earlier than mid development they decided to integrate it into SH, stop spreading that nonsense.
Homecoming was better than both 3 and 4. Unpopular opinion yea but I liked it.
The fact you can voice your opinion like that is ballsy
In what aspects? because I also find that one pretty bad in all regards.
>What's SH4 canon ending anyway?
considering the state of the series, whicheer you prefer.
>the best story, but also the best character in the series
the game looks great on paper, but the execution left a lot to be desired.
>Kojima would have drawn quite a bit from this game
nigga he literally wanted Cliffy B on the team. Kojima is just a dumb celeb/pseudo-celeb hooker and would have prostituted the series to a whole new level.
this should be bannable.
I disagree with a resounding no. They accomplished what they set out to within the limitations of the PS1 and PS2 without sacrificing their vision-- Every entry was, at worst, a good game and at best, a masterpiece. With Silent Hill 4, the team confidently pushed the series forward, giving credence to their ability to tell stories in new interesting ways.
Playing the demo as a kid = literal shit in the pants
PT felt like it was partly inspired by The Room or maybe just based on it, I'm not sure which SH team members worked on that
>nigga he literally wanted Cliffy B on the team. Kojima is just a dumb celeb/pseudo-celeb hooker and would have prostituted the series to a whole new level.
Technically speaking Death Stranding is what Kojima was basically going to do to SH, P.T was terrible as a SH concept, 4th wall breaking and all stuff that doesn't belong to SH, it didn't even have a dash of occult anywhere.
On P.T ? none at all.
>the game looks great on paper, but the execution left a lot to be desired.
only if you go in thinking Henry is the main character. it was very much Walter's story, and the execution of anything related to him was as near perfect a game's writing can get.
>nigga he literally wanted Cliffy B on the team
source? i hadn't heard about that, but it sounds like something Kojima would do. despite his pseudo-celeb, wannabe Hollywood director status, he would've handled Silent Hill far better than any game since 4 desu.
You can basically consider Henry's blank slate personality a remnant of the original game's concept.
>4th wall breaking and all stuff that doesn't belong to SH
SH3 did it a few times already. Like when Heather refuses to dig into the toilet and looks at the camera asking who would do such a thing, as a reference to SH2.
Those are different and very much optional, unlike all that meta-narrative Kojima keeps shoving onto his games, the fact that he expected people to get out of the game to solve the puzzles speaks volumes on how the horror would have been ruined because you were expected to break the immersion.
that's a silly conclusion to come to, honestly. the community aspect was there purely because it was a teaser. Silent Hills was going to play completely differently, P.T. was just a taste of the sort of atmosphere he would have built.
name a piece of media you consider scary or fuck off.
Kojima said it.
i only ever played the demo but i loved it
i got nightmares from those weird tongued dogs
give me a source where he said P.T.'s meta and community aspects were representative of Silent Hills itself. he never did. it was purely to build hype for P.T.'s ending reveal.
>Stretches asshole open.
Here's your source faggot!
so as expected, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. thanks user, you can go now.
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (2001)
it's the only good silent hill game
u mad?
that magazine was correct. it's shit but lots of retards like it because it was their first 'haunted house' game and has loads of gameplay elements they love like escort missions etc
enough with silent hill 1-4, 2019 is the year you finally play the western silent hill games and learn to appreciate them
Why? what makes you think I will like them now?
he thinks you have worse taste now
Nothing of any worth outside of 1-4.
oh yes user, i'm very mad over a nonsensical post from an anonymous shitposter lol
they're mediocre at best and always will be, aside from Shattered Memories. Downpour had some neat ideas but it was far from a good game.
Playing SH1-4 for the very first time during October 2017 in my old apartment was kino. I was temporarily laid off from work so I spent the whole month playing this series while ordering pizza and drinking Monster. One of the most memorable gaming sessions I've had in a long time. I haven't played them since then unfortunately now that I'm busy working and saving money for university. I doubt I'll have time to play them again any time soon. Seeing this threads and listening to the OSTs brings back good memories though. Excellent series.