How do we fix MMORPGS?
How do we fix MMORPGS?
just take Dark Souls, put it in a map 10x the normal size, MMO it, profit
stop trying to be WoW would be a good start
Where are her areolas?
yes good
no bad
Also no anti-trinityfags, it works, classes are cool and fuck you
More mommies.
Make several Yoshida clones, so that all of them have producers with a vision and don't just want to please players of the shareholders.
Get VR working with the games
Get people with an actual passion for things to work on them and somehow don't let corporate fuck everything up
Idk man I can't find mmos interesting enough to play them
Remake UO
fuck WoW
GTFO you fat slimy walrus looking piece of shit
Make interesting combat that can scale in difficulty against the players who show up, in a scenario where a large group of players need coordination and planning to overcome. I always liked the idea of an MMO that was almost entirely PvE against a single enemy AI faction that could show up and destroy capital cities or player/guild housing if the playerbase didn't organize and mount a defense.
the Guild Wars II teaser content implied it would have something like this but all that game did was take my money and leave me with massive blue balls.
I don't know I've never played an mmo, you're probably wondering why I'm here.
Because anime tiddies, so my suggestion is to add anime tiddies to all mmos
see it's the trillion dollar idea that everyone just says "bad idea" because it goes away from the formula. It's the one thing that hasn't been done yet
Make them actually challenging aside from the absolute end game so it's not a mindless slog the whole time
what re the other boobs peaking from the side, and source
What anime is this MILF
fixing what?
I was actually working on a game with five tiers of gameplay so far, each one prioritizing different mechanics.
>Tier 1 weapons and armor
Can be picked up and used by all players. Armor reduces damage but can't negate it, shields have a low chance to completely absorb/deflect damage depending on skills, weapons do damage and can sometimes cause bleeding (sharp), armor piercing (pointed), or knockdown (blunt) damage.
>Tier 2 weapons and armor
Armor can only be used by the character it's made for (bound items), but absorbs ALL damage taken until its limit is reached (100 hp for light armor, 2000+ hp for heavy armor), then only reduces damage like T1 armor. T2 shields can knock opponents off their feet if they deflect an attack, and T2 weapons require balancing for specific players, but offer techniques to cause damage through T2 armor (spalling, piercing) or neutralize the opponent by causing knockback or knockdown (flails that wrap around shields, polearms whose leverage can knock the heaviest armor off its feet, etc.)
Other tiers similarly neutralize the previous tiers' advantages, while producing their own disadvantages and countermeasures.
cartia goldschmidt
Who is this and are her tits fully shown?
>go full sandbox, fuck the cancerous themepark bs
>create a gigantic world and spawn new players in random parts of the world, making it rare-ish to find other people
>put focus on survival
>make enemies actual threats instead of xp fodders
>make wildlife behave like wildlife
>no mob respawning, if something is dead, it's over, even if an species is hunted to extinction
>fuck levels and grinding. Your "level" should depend on your equipment
have the nips finally taken the mommy pill?
What's she from? I don't watch anime but I do like her.
Stop catering to casuals and care bears. No restrictions on pvp or any kind of player on player violence, but make sure there are consequences for being a dick. Make all items player made and make sure the economy depends on player crafters. Have faction warfare of some kind and have decent rewards for it. No battlegrounds, no cross server fuckery of any kind. One server, one realm. Few rules, fewer handholding mechanism, force player interaction so that a community can form, sandbox is not a bad word when it is actually implemented.
sounds dead on arrival
Sounds like you miss Ultima Online. Too bad they ended up demonstrating all the problems with such open-world mechanics.
All animals are dead within a few months. All resources have been leveled and claimed across the whole realm. No mobs left and nothing to do. What a fantastic idea.
Better, more engaging and fun mechanics. If Star Citizen does the impossible and isn't a complete flop it would set the new standard for MMOs. I don't see it succeeding, though.
Also, get rid of traditional classes. If some fag wants to make a weird priest wizard hybrid then let him. Make end game raids incredibly difficult, damn near impossible so raid fags don’t determine the future of the mmo. No fast travel or flying mounts, unless flying mounts require major build investment. Death should have consequences, loot loss, xp loss, etc. combat should be a mix of dark souls and mount and blade, fuck dice rolling.
>Lets take the multiplayer aspect out of an MMO.
>Let's make it so the person with the best equipment will always come out on top and there's no way to beat them otherwise
>Lets also remove any sort of goal from the game except for getting gear, the main thing everyone complains about in the theme park MMOs you hate
>And also we'll give everything in the game a limited lifespan, so after a few players get all the best equipment, no one else can ever get on their level because everything is dead, but you'll also never see them in the world because it's just so rare to find anyone else.
What a dumb nigger you are. Stick to anime threads
Pretty much, even Minecraft servers get eaten like locusts with a population over 20 players, and they're, what, eight times the surface area of Earth?
Stop making MMOs for consoles. Most of them don't have keyboards, public voice chat is shit, and nobody has time for inputting text with a controller.
Propose a better system than hotbar?
Because I'm sure you have so many great ideas.
I could see this working, especially if the bosses are so dangerous that it takes several people working together to succeed.
Combos like fighting games.
>The only enjoyable feature are the sexy characters
>Fap and enjoy it while it lasts
>The game became the most worthless thing you ever bought
You wanna know the problem with MMOs? They have terrible gameplay and only function because people treat it like a checklist of things to do so they feel like they are making progress in life.
WoW didn't invent the hotbar.
anime artists do not encounter real titties.
Are there any MMO's where your tits get bigger as you progress? Asking for a friend.
Literally all the devs have to do is make sure there's more wildlife than the average player is capable of hunting. Like I said, the world would be huge, so most people wouldn't even find most wildlife. And, unlike other mmo's like Ultima Online, the wildlife would behave like wild life, meaning it'd run away from you the chance it get. So it'd be hard to even hunt a single deer in the first place. Such a system would encourage the player to capture animals to breed them, instead of hunting wild ones.
>Let's make it so the person with the best equipment will always come out on top and there's no way to beat them otherwise
I never said anything about how combat would be, so that's quite the assumption.
>Lets also remove any sort of goal from the game except for getting gear
t. zoomer. I bet the only mmo you've played is either wow or ffxiv
>And also we'll give everything in the game a limited lifespan bla bla bla
read above.
in my mouth
ultima online creator did an interview explaining why exactly this failed: people murdered this shit out of everything with an efficiency and viciousness they didn't anticipate.
Very nice. Thank you.
Blue protocol looks pretty good, Idk if its considered a mmo though it will have layering like wow
Shit sorry, I didn't realize you were so aged and experienced.I guess being 25 really does leave its scars on a man, being alive so long.
I really need to learn to respect anime girl avatar posters more.
Your ideas fucking suck, faggot tranny.
>try to touch them
>gey my hand slapped and get called a fucking retard
Already happened to me once, fuck women
you could counter this by giving the player human limitations, like not being able to travel and attack for infinity without rest, food, maintenance of gear
The problem with MMOs is that people are starting to hate talking to each other meaningfully and you can't fix that
How do I become a hentai protag lads?
play degrees of lewdity as a trap
Whenever I see people describe their dream mmo it seems like they aren't even describing a game but some fantasy world where everyone but them can't play games worth a shit.
How the fuck you gonna have wildlife that is both super threatening and a game that's designed around players being largely alone?
>let's make ultima online's mistakes but on purpose
even haven and hearth has respawning animals, retard
post the scene from Nichibros
you know the one
that's nichijou not nichibros you FUCKING FOOL
You're delusional. ShB is the ultimate case of honeymoon phase. Same tomestone farming treadmill bullshit and shitty 12 step DDR bosses as the last two fucking xpacs
you are the faggot tranny, nigga. I'm trying to come up with a way to put the RP back to the MMORPG, you just want more wow clones.
>How the fuck you gonna have wildlife that is both super threatening and a game that's designed around players being largely alone?
how the fuck are those mutually exclusive
Just make ragnarok 3, but with better classes/skills system so you won't need to rush levels to get some decent action. Also more world bosses and free world pvp. Abolish the raid/dungeon instance travesty, everybody must share the same world and it's resources. Think about how Tibia was fun in this regard.
>Hanging with female friend
>She has a bf already but
>"Hey user my boobs hurt can you massage them haha"
>Do it
>"Haha dont tell him lol."
Indeed, fuck women
>How the fuck are those mutually exclusive
Because any enemy that's manageable for one player will become trivial with 2 or more players. Do you really think your fantasy game is going to be a bunch of people living as hermits? They'll use landmarks to find each other, team up, and the game will be a handful of super guilds who don't give a shit about the wildlife.
Good lad
the reason mmorpgs suck donkey dick is because companies only take feedback from people like you
mmorpg should just mean an RPG with a massive scale and a ton of players, not the trinity abusing, tab targeting using, bear ass fetching, grindy ass dogshit games that they've become. trinity and aggro especially are aged mechanics which games should have all moved away from by now
I mean, I guess it's better than nothing? That's just a big cock tease though if all she does is let you massage them, of course it sounds to me like she was flirting with you. How close are you with her?
>put the RP back to the MMORPG, you just want more wow clones.
But you said you wanted player interaction to be extremely rare, and also finding creatures to be extremely rare.
Your ideas don't make a lick of fucking sense for what you want you retarded ass dream game to be.
You basically want an empty ass world that's so fucking huge that you don't ever get to do or accomplish anything at all, or kill anything at all. and even if you do manage to kill one of these extremely difficult monsters you want, or animals that run away when they see you, you'll never tell anyone about it because there's no one else around.
Your 'MMO' sounds more like a shitty walking simulator more than anything.
You forgot your shitty anime girl, you drooling retard
Stop padding content.
if you actually touched them then you got played
she got to feel hot and you looked like a thirsty ass bitch. should've just said "nah" and seen where it went from there
Oh this was a couple years ago, it's not lile i particularly liked her, i ended up dating a different girl and fugged her instead
There is nothing wrong with Trinity and aggro, they enforce teamwork. I honestly think the entire concept of the trinity is mega autistic anyway, no shit games are going to have healing, damage, and taking damage.
>gey my hand slapped and get called a fucking retard
That's it? You would think that she would've beat your ass for that.
>Because any enemy that's manageable for one player will become trivial with 2 or more players. Do you really think your fantasy game is going to be a bunch of people living as hermits? They'll use landmarks to find each other, team up, and the game will be a handful of super guilds who don't give a shit about the wildlife.
no shit, that's the point.
Again i just did it because i could, i wasnt exactly looking to fug. Not this girl at least
Warframe but open world.
Get players to stop using voice chat as their default method of communication. It's a shit way to communicate for anything besides small groups and team leaders ordering around peons.
make them offline single player games where you can do coop if you like as a separate mode.
warframe is pretty close to this
they even have interactions between people in different instances now
Sounds alwfully like another crafting/survival simulator
spotted the incel who can't talk properly
Is that a edit?
And then when these groups pick the map clean of everything useful what happens?
>have a VERY low level cap, separate classes from weapon use entirely/allow one character to have every class/both, have half the skills be quest rewards, and distinguish endgame content by making it the only place to get equipment with unique passive effects or specific skills
>to tie in with the low level cap, give it action game gameplay so that you can focus on difficulty and telegraphs rather than bigger numbers
>no transmog for anything with a unique effect, you have to know what trick someone else has up their sleeve if you look at them
I want to make my own mmorpg but my game dev skills is still not there yet . What I can already do is make gacha games so I will make them and use the cash to hire a company that will make it for me.
Somehow I knew this was a character from Rio even though I hadn't seen her before. It's that whole dressy, flirty, mildly skanky hostess sorta look the series is so effective at capturing.
aggro always just feels like the game is letting you win because the AI combatants aren't actually playing to win. tanking in itself is a mechanic created entirely to the benefit of the players.
i think trinity isn't really bad, but it seems like a really cheap and lazy way to create meaningful team-based gameplay. i think mmorpgs could take a page out of dota's book and look into how that game creates teamwork and synergies without the use of trinity
Open world with Kingdom Come: Deliverance combat, set in generic Tolkein-orc-goblin-DnD world, low magic age (eg fireballs, but no meteors), no retarded non-human races (sorry, but no), other than that though it's kind of impossible to make an MMO without the MMO shit I hate. Inevitably you're going to have to deal with retards clogging up the hand crafted locations to kill the giant forest spider, or empty the goblin warrens. If you don't like MMOs now, just accept you don't like the genre and move on.
Why so many of these threads this past hour?
famine, starvation, crashes in the economy, etc. The game becomes a post-apocalyptic mmo. 2 games in one :^)
yeah it's edited
she looks like in the animu
This show was a guilty pleasure for me I knew it was horrible but somehow I ended up watching the whole season.
-be support/dps in pve
-wreck enemies and make the party awesome
-be support/dps in pvp
-die at the start of every fight
yeah and this is why we can't have fun gameplay in mmorpgs, it's too hard for the average mmorpg player
PvE combat in MMOs isn't meant to be symmetrical, the AI obeys aggro because it's a rule not because it's pretending to be stupid.
big 2D jew titties
yeah, so in other words, the AI isn't playing to win. isn't that the point i was making?
yeah, having an MMO where parties / armies actually make a difference in the world instead of just killing mobs would make things feel more interesting and alive.
that would work like complete garbage in cooperative multiplayer
No? The AI is playing to win, but the AI is playing by the rule that it has to target the player with aggro. It doesn't have the same rules as you.
I gotta say Overlord's fictional YGGDRASIL game had some good ideas
>Characters max at level 100
>Can take any number of classes in any combination of levels but that level total cannot exceed 100
>Most classes max out at level 15, certain special or hidden classes max out at level 5, such as Eclipse and World Champion
>Get stats and abilities from respective classes and levels (Warrior levels give you STR/VIT and likely a couple passives or melee skills along the way)
>"Monster" races have considerably higher stats and potent passives but also come with extreme weaknesses, also the monster races can get "race levels" unlike human/demi-human races, should you opt to put levels there (count toward level total)
>Player-made guild halls that can be customized and players can attempt to invade them for rewards
>Players who belong to a guild hall/fortress/whatever can unlock the ability to make retainers, can make as many as you want up to a combined total of 200 levels (two level 100s or four level 50s etc.)
>Occasional PvP tournaments where players can become champions of one of the game's 7 realms within the game world
>Special World-class items such as a wishing ring that lets you make a request of one of the GMs
>One that lets you design and request the addition of an item or weapon to the game (can't be unreasonable of course)
It goes on but it's all cool
FFXI did this a few different ways with Conquest, Besieged, and Campaign. I'm sure there's other MMOs that had even better systems at play.
i am always blown away by how people on this board can subvert logical reasoning this blatantly
Yggdrassil is literally just D&D (more or less) down to ideas such as racial levels and so on.
How am I subverting logical reasoning? Should the AI also have 30 adds, as much HP as players and use exclusively targeted skills instead of fiery circles to be more like them?
Sounds like a City of Heroes Archvillain fight.
Well i can only hope we get some sort of good implementation
hotbars are fine
everything auto targeting is boring
>don't be WoW
people like you are why MMOs suck
there's more to them than just how you kill things
Same but the modern MMO player doesn't want an RPG. HOTBARS BAD, NUMBERS BAD. Muh skill and action. Hate this shit.
I don't fucking get these anime poses. Is she falling? Because the liquid in her drink isn't going anywhere, even though her burger is apparently exploding. Is she surprised there's a burger? Did it apparate in her hand from nothing, even though she's apparently smashing it?
remove the "MMO" part
>There is nothing wrong with Trinity and aggro
Yes there is you are thinking inside the box. Hatelist aggro is a very simple way of doing AI. And honestly, the fact that you think the trinity is tank/heal/DPS is even more revealing given that the term originally came from Everquest where the trinity was 3 specific classes (Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric). DPS was not part of the holy trinity. Tanking healing and crowd control was the trinity. Everyone could do DPS that was always just the leftovers.
>they enforce teamwork
Yeah no shit it doesn't mean it's the best thing though. Aggro management is a relic from the primitive pre-2000 era when game engines and netcode weren't good enough to handle real dynamic environments with collisions, obstacles and other balanced ways of allowing players to use real tactics.
>no shit games are going to have healing, damage, and taking damage.
Actually, no. Many games are designed around avoiding damage altogether. This tends to be more common in action games like Dark Souls, but even RPGs can have this to some degree. D&D, especially low-level D&D, is often about using careful strategy, tactics, and risk-taking to minimize damage.
Make the game fun and less about arbitrary stats and gear.
She was spontaneously brought into existence some miles over the surface of the planet along with a whale and a bowl of petunias.
>Wow you fucking retard you absolute piece of shit how dare you use the currently relevant trinity and not the one that existed in a single MMO several decades ago
Something like that was in dragons dogma, cap was 200 and
>Get stats and abilities from respective classes and levels (Warrior levels give you STR/VIT and likely a couple passives or melee skills along the way)
is there
Also GW2 tried that shit, what happens when you allow every player to just dodge everything is you end up with a game where everyone just optimizes for DPS.
I think you're looking for sense where none has to be. There's no reason for a massive-titted anime lady to be floating in a cloudy void with a drink and a humongous burger, but there's no reason for her not to be. Could just be sitting at a table reasonably consuming her lunch, but why not have fun?
Yeah but i prefer allocating levels manually. DD's version of it is cancer because for minmaxing you often have to play a single class to level 200 before you switch to something else for the passives, or you fuck your stats irreparably
>games are going to have healing, damage, and taking damage
The way MMOs are currently going, tanks and healers are going to be out of a job since everybody is expected to just avoid damage and healing happens nearly instantly when combat stops. The biggest thing enforcing the trinity is automated party matchmaking.
What level do you even hit at the end of a normal DD playthrough? Is there even anything to do at 200?
>AI combatants aren't actually playing to win
This basically never happens in games. AI is NEVER designed specifically to win it's always designed to be fun to play against. I knew a guy who worked on AI for flight simulator games back in the 80s and it was just as true then as it is now. He coded up some really smart AI for enemy fighters but the producers requested that he tone it down because the game wound up way too frustrating for players (which must be fucking saying something because flight sims tend to require a lot of patience already)
>i think trinity isn't really bad, but it seems like a really cheap and lazy way to create meaningful team-based gameplay.
Cheap and lazy? In 2019, I would agree. The reason it exists is that 20 years ago, tech couldn't handle anything better, and MMOs have been following that formula with only minimal tweaks and improvements ever since.
Pretty much every MMO has unavoidable damage mixed with avoidable. Maybe in the shit low difficulty modes where you can still auto match it's like that but not in the real game.
read the rest of the post brainlet
I think i remember hitting level 37 or 47 by the end of a normal playthrough
There's not really a point to hitting max level except when you do your level turns into an Infinity sign which is cool i guess
I'm pretty sure it doesn't get anywhere close to that. And because of the stupid way stat progress works, if you want your best stats you'll probably have to grind all the way to max level first instead of playing the class you actually want.
Why is this wojak Irish? Why does he pronounce it "coom"?
Play Dofus
I did, it's irrelevant "I don't like it!" shit with no idea of what to actually replace it with besides making all damage avoidable which just constrains design.
>you end up with a game where everyone just optimizes for DPS.
This doesn't have to be bad. I mean, yes, obviously, if you fuck up that's what will happen. If you desperately want a traditional standard class-based fantasy RPG with healer clerics, you might be disappointed.
But the important thing that nobody ever talks about, which is why I brought up the OG Everquest trinity in the first place is that in a properly designed game, CROWD CONTROL is king. The way you thwart "everyone optimizing for DPS" is that you make crowd control abilities more important than DPS. Stuns, knockbacks, confusion, terrain manipulation, movement buffs. That way you are still interacting with both the enemies and other players.
>In a properly designed game
Nah CC spam is shit design, you don't engage with the enemies you just cast disable. There's a reason that's been relegated to a secondary function.
>healing happens nearly instantly when combat stops
Which is really how it should be, unless the content is really balanced for long-term resource management over the course of a dungeon crawl. Healing outside of battle incurs no risk and takes no skill, it's just a way of punishing poor battle outcomes with increased downtime.
I think you have the autism.
>Tanking healing and crowd control was the trinity. Everyone could do DPS that was always just the leftovers.
This guy gets it. The reason the trinity was originally designed this way was to encourage cooperative teamwork. Every single one of these roles exists to protect and serve your friends. The DPS trinity is a bastardization popularized by WoW and iterated on ad nauseam for the last 15 years. They don't make for bad games necessarily... It would just be nice to see an actual spiritual successor to the teamwork focused class designs of EQ1 and COH.
>This basically never happens in games. AI is NEVER designed specifically to win it's always designed to be fun to play against.
well it happens in my game with the only caveat being that there is slight randomness in the AI's decisionmaking. the point i was trying to make is that an AI that operates on aggro isn't playing the game like a human playing to win would, but instead uses completely arbitrary grounds for targeting for the benefit of the player. why would the AI bother hitting the tank when that is the most tanky and lowest threat target for it? it makes no sense and it just comes off as the AI intentionally trying to lose in a way that is obvious to the player. i don't like it.
Make it look good while running well. The only reason warcraft is so popular is because it can run on a potato.
mmos were never good games. mmos will never be good games. they could make a good game but mmo players wouldn't like it. they don't want to play good games, they want a social platform where you can build epeen by being autistic.
Dungeon Fighter Online exists and it's unironically the best mmo-like thing I've played. It's actually just an online rpg you play with bros
It is ironic you are using a juan piss image there and taking about the one redeeming quality in "x".
>Healing outside of battle incurs no risk and takes no skill
Blame the game's design for that. Of course there's no risk when all of you do is traipse through instanced dungeons where there are no enemy respawns or patrols.
Obligatory Action Combat post.
I didn't even realize she was from that one hentai flash game while watching the show.
If your brain is really too tiny and constricted to think of anything on your own I already mentioned other shit.
- Debuffs/Crowd Control. Giant fucking list of ways you can stop or reduce enemy damage with varying costs, risk profiles, and synergies.
- Actual tanking. Allow tank classes to occupy physical space like an offensive line in gridiron football.
- Dexterity-based avoidance. Timing blocks/dodges appropriately, can still tie to resource management a la Dark Souls.
- Static terrain exploitation. Gaining high ground like Obi Wan, exploiting obstacles and terrain features.
- Terrain manipulation. Blow a hole in the ground in the forcing enemies to navigate around it, cave-in a passageway to block advancing threats.
- Movement-based avoidance. Kiting, jumping to high ground, teleporting, and so on. This already exists but the point would be to design the whole game around the assumption that players will do this and design the environments and enemy AI and skills accordingly.
> making all damage avoidable which just constrains design.
It's the opposite, retard. Forcing you to take damage forces you to have a way to heal damage, forcing you to have a tank/healer relationship, which automatically biases groups top optimize for that tank+healer dynamic. And worst of all that dynamic is mostly mindless. Tank takes damage, healer heals it. Trying to make that interesting is hard and is the fucking definition of working within a constraint.
it'd be good if there wasn't a fucking chink infestation
>My version of how MMOs should be is multi-faceted and perfect
>It's so much better than the strawman MMO that exists only in my head
Bring back grind and horrible combat with horrible interface.
Bring back penalties for death and full drop.
Add more grind and more grind again
Buff normal mobs so they always track you and impossible to kill solo
Remove any LFG so you cna spam LFM all day in dead server
Bring back braindead raid encounters and artificial difficulty
Remove all quests because quests are for themeparks
Force every "muh old MMO times" fag from Yea Forums play this garbage for year.
God I love anime
they knew exactly what they were doing when they animated that shit
You go back in time and prevent world of warcraft from even being created
Congrats this is the only funny thing to come out of this forced as fuck garbage.
Wait a minute, if I remember correctly, isn't it revealed in the next scene that this chick was actually some dude disguising? The guy has the power to disguise himself as whoever he wants.
I think even the actual chick comes out pissed off and punches the dude or something.
the one with the ghost girl. I think that scene is a trap where a girl is a guy in disguise.
Final Fantasy XI has the most fun combat I have ever experienced in an MMO. I’ve played pretty much every mmo that had a dedicated release in North America. You can’t make mmo combat without cooldowns because time in an mmo carries such a huge weight with it. You can, however, create unique and varied abilities between classes, give meaningful cooldowns, provide more complex “”””””mechanics””””” than just step out of red square, and not base your output on a literal best in slot cookie cutter gear and rotation that is scaled solely on how fast you press it. WoW is unrewarding and uncreative
Does this semon demon even have fanart or something? I always see the same screencaps over and over
>I can only imagine shit crowd control abilities therefore they all have to be shit.
>There's a reason that's been relegated to a secondary function.
Yeah, it's because if you do it well, it's actually difficult and modern MMO players like you don't actually want it to be difficult. Plus it would be harder to design. Skills with the most desirable disabling effects would either have low success rates or be very costly. The balance would involve requiring players to work together just to defeat simple enemies without taking damage. For example, maybe it takes 3 characters working in tandem to knock an enemy backwards 40 feet (one to tank the mob for a few seconds, another to debuff magic resistance that wears off after 3-5 seconds, finally another to cast the knockback). Then you need a 4th character with a ranged attack to hit it while it's running back toward you.
Building a game with all those dynamics would be difficult. Retards like you just dismiss it. But the fact is, if you ACTUALLY want to see the MMORPG genre evolve, somebody has to do that hard work. Otherwise just accept that you're never getting anything better than WoW.
these threads are always perfect examples of why mmos are shit. half of the posters are always fuckin retards who can't even wrap their heads around the idea of a game without the trinity or global cooldowns.
>DDR bosses
This is not bad thing because bosses in old MMOs are trash.
Lemme tell ya somethin'
i think the reason for that is because wow lowered the bar so low that the average MMO player thinks shit like dark souls is too hard and hates the idea of skill being more important than the results of their poopsocking
>can't even wrap their heads around the idea of a game without the trinity
In games without the trinity anons want trinity.
In games with vertical progressions anons want horizontal progression.
In games with horizontal progressions anons want vertical progression.
no trinity games are shit
Look at the title of the thread dumbass. MMORPGs have been stuck in a rut for a decade the only hyped game has been fucking WoW classic. Either someone thinks outside the box and comes up with new ideas or MMOs will die. Enjoy Fortnite.
Your fantasy games exist, they are shit like Haven and hearth with less than 100 concurrent players and games like Wizardry that die immediately.
well they're neither, now, so start by actually making a goddamn MMORPG
Or maybe you delusional to think that encounters in old MMOs were hard? Or you want penalties so you can waste more time?
It's done by abusing the gazer on BBI if you're assasin and resetting the game
>bosses in old MMOs are trash
No way they had soul and were perfect for the era and those games as they existed at the time. Original Everquest raid mobs weren't specifically designed as raid mobs they were just big-ass enemies with tons of HP and massively powerful AoE attacks and it was just like, figure it out faggots. Of course it was limited and couldn't be that way forever but learning to coordinate raids to kill those early dragons was fun as shit.
let's try that in english next bud
The thing you nerds need to understand is those MMOs didn't work due to good design, they worked because nobody really knew how to play MMOs. If you made a modern game with those design philosophies it would be broken wide open in a week.
Fuck man. Also one of the biggest differences between old and new mmorpgs is having time to communicate. If I take an ounce of time to chat with my group in FFXIV or WoW, I'm deliberate wasting meta time. Its funny right now how much people want Blue Mage to work in FFXIV but that shit would never fly and is an isolated job for a reason.
lmao, not this, the author of the most casual mmo on the planet where everything related to an RPG is barely remaining, it's basically an action game for fur fags and RPers.
Remove 24/7 tier grinding.
Add pvp.
Be able to lewd girls.
This is always beyond me. Tons of all old mmo exist and still rolling right now. At best am sure some anons played EQ, DaoC, ragnarok, L2. Most of them are larpers especially Ultima players. but they still should able to play those games. But they don't
Make it like old Neverwinter Nights II servers with more role-playing and survival elements, and hire some GMs to host events and terraform the map instead of scripting in a bunch of repetitive dailies and corridor dungeons.
I enjoyed FFXI greatly as a late comer (tail end Taou, 360) and later on private servers. However, the UI of the game ultimately destroys it for me along with ultra-neckbeards who have a habit of destroying both private and classic servers on older mmos (EQ/FFXI/Lineage 2/etc.).
the only example of game without trinity I ever hear people complain about is gw2. I didn't play that shit but from the sound of it they just made everyone capable of self tanking and healing instead of actually removing the roles.
I need some tiddie in my mouth RIGHT NOW
Go to a strip club, some of the sketchy ones let you suck a titty
There's been plenty of non trinity mmos, although not in the aspect of open world/camping stuff. Phantasy Star Online 1 is one of those games where playing as as any class was still workable but there's obviously some that are much tougher, had alot of support spells, and so on. Monster hunter is like this too, I guess.
You can't bring back that feeling. Look at this
you can sleep during raid.
Sequel is needed to save the world
>Xebec is fucking dead
Where do I go now for my THICK TITS needs?
>>Implying the only thing that matters is end game
You fucking autists ruin everything, not every game needs to last for 5+years. Enjoy it while it lasts and move on. The story and progression in ShB was fucking great and honestly the last good final fantasy game to come out in a decade.
who even enjoys this shit
dungeons with more than 5 players are always going to devolve into garbage like this. i can't imagine anyone really feels like they're doing anything at this point
sounds like a fun time, doing nothing but daily menial tasks just like in real life.
Enjoy WoW and FF14 until you get old then.
Haven and Hearth is a small-budget isometric MMO experimenting. The fact that it's not instantly mainstream popular doesn't mean that all its ideas are bad.
I'm not talking about a game that halfheartedly tries a couple of these things. I'm talking about a game that really amazes people with a mix of next-generation system depth and entertaining gameplay. I'm not saying it's likely to happen but I am saying that unless it does, MMORPGs are doomed as a genre.
Guild Wars 2 was great until it died a slow painful death.
>The thing you nerds need to understand is those MMOs didn't work due to good design,
You don't really understand what good design means.
>they worked because nobody really knew how to play MMOs
I never said otherwise.
>If you made a modern game with those design philosophies it would be broken wide open in a week.
No actually if you made a modern game with EQ's design it wouldn't be broken wide open in a week because no one would play such a stingy, slow-leveling game when you could play WoW for instant gratification. There's really a lot more involved that you realize.
So let me get this straight. Games with the systems you want actually DO exist, but you refuse to play them because they're not AAA quality. You expect somebody to invest AAA resources into a game that is like said games you are refusing to play.
What is this anime? Do we see her full boobs?
Just report reddit forced memes like this.
FF14 has Eureka.
Eureka is 144 people big instance area that imitates "old" mmo feeling. There you don't have quests and need to farm fates/mobs. Mobs are pretty strong and you lose exp upon death. Every area has "end boss"
Another thing is Baldesion Arsenal 56 people raid where you can't be resurrected by normal means. Encounters looks like this
I think this is good take on old world bosses. Sadly Eureka is hated by Yea Forums and most playerbase.
Is this like the final straw for you people? Are you THIS MAD that we still fap to cartoon tiddies that you resort to this childist shit? My god it's fucking hilarious. I want to post more anime tiddies now just to trigger you people
no one posts that those games need trinity though which is what that poster was claiming
>it makes no sense and it just comes off as the AI intentionally trying to lose in a way that is obvious to the player. i don't like it.
Right but do you really understand why? It's because when this system evolved there were very few alternate ways to protect a non-tank class. You could magically root the enemy in place. But this was cheap, so root was made to be unreliable in general, and had a chance to break every time it got hit with a damage spell. You could kite with speed differential spells and/or fear. And that was it. There was no way to physically block access to players by enemies. Even if an enemy got stuck on a wall it would probably teleport on top of the player within a few seconds. Players could not physically obstruct enemies. There was no way for casters to hide or stay out of range or do anything other than just die immediately if the AI had been smart.
So the game becomes a balancing act of the tank using abilities to maintain a higher threat level than the healing and DPS, while healers and DPS try to avoid attention while still dealing damage. That's the game design, and yes the AI is intentionally dumb.
Before you can improve the AI, you need to develop the gameplay systems that would allow the players to have a fair chance of winning against a smart AI.
>when this system evolved
that was like 20 fucking years ago. it's completely unnecessary now except that mmo players expect it and are actually too lazy to play a game where you have to use both hands to play.
>literally seething over a fucking comment from a Chinese board
Numale anime posters everyone
>So let me get this straight
We're talking about the evolution of the genre and industry as a whole my dude, not my personal gameplay desires or habits.
Haven and Hearth honestly looks like the old Raph Koster Star Wars Galaxies type stuff:
>As players progress, they will be able to acquire new skills and abilities, allowing them to perform a variety of tasks—such as the claiming of land, the construction of buildings and the cultivation of crops—each step forward making the basic task of survival somewhat easier. Having progressed far enough, players will, in time, be able to organize themselves into societies, from simple tribes and villages, progressing through republics, nation states and, ultimately, empires.
>At least, those are our lofty ambitions.
And that's not what I'm talking about at all. I mean it's interesting in concept but I'm really talking about a traditionally combat-focused game not a full-on virtual world-building game.
I love reporting your posts :)
You know it won't do shit right? I love seeing numales like you seethe :)
No, it's because WoW did it and that's the core gameplay model everyone copied.
Do you even feel a little bit ashamed?
Yes, retardera is that mad. Don't let them forget it.
peak triggered. I hope you guys stay longer because I can't wait to see what happens when you guys snap
i think making an mmorpg based on "wouldn't it be cool if x" kind of feelings is always going to be hard. i think the process of making a good game is always going to be more boring than that, like having good and fun combat, classes and a fun world to explore and so on
that said, as long as we're writing down shitty mmo ideas, here's mine
>post-post-apocalyptic setting, meaning the world blew up but has been restored to a point, corporations are now battling over the remains
>the main gist of the gameplay is corporate territory control, meaning corporations (guilds), formed by players, can take over territory to gain whatever benefits they provide, like food factories providing food, weapon factories providing weapons, strongholds providing a bit of everything and are easily defensible (good as bases) and so on
>some of these territories are bigger and better, some are smaller and less useful, but each corporation can hold only 10 or so territories, meaning bigger and stronger corporations will naturally fight other strong corporations over the good shit while smaller corps will be fighting other smaller corps
>the actual territory acquirement happens in the form of territories opening up for control every 24 hours (so that you can't ninjacap while others sleep) for a set amount of time, during which any corporation in the area can roll up and kill the AI guards there, hack the systems and take over
>of course, any rival corporations can also show up and try to wrest control of the area, which is what causes skirmishes and stuff
>once the area is taken over, it can no longer be captured until the next time it opens up
>every couple of months, corporations are shuffled around the servers, meaning no corporation can collude wit another corporation for an extended period of time
>solo players who don't want to join a corporation can be recruited as mercenaries or can focus on just doing PvE content against AI foes
or something in that vein
No, we're afraid of people like you snapping and killing random people bro no no no no
Also I never said anything about fucking AAA resources, although MMOs are always expensive due to the need for customer service and server maintenance and shit.
A game doesn't have to be AAA to spark interest and excite people. But you can't expect every fucking indie game to do it just because it tried a few of the mechanics I mentioned. It has to have the mechanics AND manage to package it all up in a fun and accessible way, AND has to have good enough marketing to gain initial visibility and then spread by word-of-mouth.
In other words, the fact that one indie game might exist that has maybe some vague semblance of the mechanics I describe, and isn't massively popular, doesn't refute my argument about what the MMO genre needs to change if it's ever going to evolve past World of Warcraft. Early MMOs sucked people in with the idea of a virtual world with other players online. That by itself is no longer compelling so you need something else to excite players.
>user want no tab no trinity MMO with smart AI
One big red flag. Try korean mmos. They fall to DMC trap. No tab target combat is flawed.
MMOs have evolved, just not in the way you seem to think they should. WoW and FFXIV are both far more complex/deep than they were at launch, and indie/kmmos with more experimental mechanics exist. None of them take off and you theory crafting faggots just sit there wringing your hands because you want to play dark souls MMO edition.
>hes so mad that he thought I was the original poster
You're just admitting that you're booty blasted, stop being an sjw crybaby and man up
I enjoyed Mabinogi combat. It was broken as fuck but it was fun.
250 posts in and nobody asking and posting for sauce.
Rio Rainbowgate
It was posted a while ago dude lurk moar
That's scary projection man