How can one game be so perfect? Square actually didn’t fuck this up
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yo is that Mark Hamill
Yeah that's Mark Hamill. Guess he likes working with Square now
Yes they did fuck up, royally.
Who is this faggot?
lol incels still mad
Dilate you fucking faggot, you will never be a real woman.
It's adorable
>Another open world cinematic experience
When is the TGS live presentation?
2 days
Who the fuck was that SOLDIER on a bike?
new character
I feel he'll be a minor boss who will call Cloud out on his shit.
soul vs soulless
That FMV was fucking comical and wasn't even accurate to the in-game model.
There's no evidence it's open world, if anything it's probably pretty linear.
Really sad that for some reason they decided to obliterate Tifa's design while Aeristh shows off her cleavage and Shiva runs around half naked. Everything else looks great, but unless they include Tifa's OG outfit WITHOUT making it paid DLC I'm planning on boycotting in protest.
I know people are gonna laugh at me for caring so much about a "trivial" thing and my decision to boycott is the proverbial drop in an olympic swimming pool, but literally all they had to do to keep me onboard was make Tifa as comparatively faithful to the old design like everyone else was instead of slutting her up with fetish gear.
Fuck that's a long time. I need it NOW
are they even going to get out of midgar in part 1?
They'll save the overworld for PS5.
there were three SOLDIERS that were cut from the original game that the party were meant to face at various points throughout the game, I think he might be one of them.
It ends when the gang leaves Midgar
nice try but I'm not falling for that again after ffxv
why do the character voices sound so loud? the sound mixing seems terrible
for what
this has way more soul than xv
Tifa's outfit is still shit. Here's hoping for classic outfits.
demo from ign
Guess you didn't watch any of those KH3 trailers. Their sound mixing has been bad for awhile now
have a video without the commentary?
Still looks like shit to me. I hate every FF7 spin off, movie, anime,etc. They are all horrible. This is catered to people who actually like that rubbish.
Not yet, but I agree the idiots are far too loud.
good fuck off then
The Eurogamer one's softer, at least:
Looks pretty shit to be honest just like the last one was shit
>start watching
>box glues itself to Cloud's leg and slides
>there was a shinra grunt 4 yards away and didn't even react till after you attack him
lol who the fuck thinks this shit looks good?
don't bother replying to such lazy shitposting
you really are underage, arent you?
Different teams. Tabata butt fucked XV. Nomura is making FF7 Remake
much better
I can get over Tifa’s tiny tits, I can get over the many liberties they’ll no doubt take with the story (Muki probably won’t be Cloud’s first) but I absolutely can’t get over that terrible music. Just fucking awful.
Not sure why you are surprised it sucks. Square Enix cannot make a good action game. Their action games are so bad, they make Western games look good. Ghosts of Tsushima looks more fun than this crap.
I hope Genesis is in it.
is it like that in-game too? I have no interest in kingdom hearts but I do remember the trailers being similar in terms of how fucking loud the characters are
So how are you guys feeling the new dub? Honestly, I don't mind the new actors. Hell some of the new actors are actually better than their old voice actors
>New Cloud > Steve Burton Cloud
Yeah I know this one is a hot take and I know I just pissed a lot of people off but lets be honest, Steve Burton couldn't emote for shit. Plus I will NEVER forgive him for butchering Cloud's scream when Zack dies in Crisis Core
>New Barret > Old Barret
New Barret is literally PERFECT. This is exactly how I pictured Barret would sound.
>New Aerith > Old Aerith
Old Aerith was fucking AWFUL. Like not even debatable awful. She had no emotion at all. New Aerith is great (and her new VA is waifu material)
>Old Tifa > New Tifa
I like New Tifa's voice but Rachel Leigh Cook perfected Tifa. This is one I'm going to miss
>George Newbern Sephiroth >>>> New Sephiroth
This one was a true loss. Newbern is godly as Sephiroth. New Sephiroth is meh in comparison automatically
>Old Reno > New Reno
Come on you can't replace Quinton Flynn. He was made for Reno
>New Rude > Old Rude
New Rude, like Barret, is utterly perfect
Voice acting sucks. Hope there's an option to disable it.
>Rachel Leigh Cook perfected Tifa
Explain how it sucks.
They're too fucking loud.
old sephiroth tried way too hard
new one sounds genuinely frightening
agreed that AC and CC seph overacted
>they changed from cartoon superman to live action superman
New cast is perfect.
>Rachel Leigh Cook perfected Tifa
awful bait
Rachel captured Tifa's loving and caring personality down perfectly. People tend to think Tifa is this wild whore because of the fanart but she's not. She's motherly
Blame Square. They can not mix audio properly in a trailer for shit
George Newbern and Sephiroth is a match made in heaven. Especially when Sephiroth loses his mind in Crisis Core.
What do you mean dub? the FFVII i played didnt have one.
Sounds like it was made in Japan, home of the worst voice actors in the world.
This right here would set FF7R as the best game of all time. If only they had the balls
>Vincent won't be voiced by Steve Blum
It hurts
>Tifa's loving and caring personality down perfectly
this new actress captures her early game insecurity
Mark Hamill as Don Corneo is 11/10
What the hell is with those ghosts? We The Spirits Within now?
>Shiva and Ifrit in Midgar
>first summon not Choco/Mog
>that hideous voice acting
>the environment is the same
>FFXV Combat
>>FFXV Combat
I'm still not big on bootleg Gladio. Was never a fan of that hairstyle.
the combat is still shit, oh well at least Trails of Cold Steel exists
>not on xbox
If you think the voice acting it bad, then stick a fucking needle in your ears. You're probably a filthy secondary.
OH shit that's now?
>How can one game be so perfect?
I will wait until we get copies before saying that. KH3 and FFXV looked perfect and look at how those games ended up.
Her face looks deformed
Keep dreaming. It's a Sony exclusive
>Yuri Lowenthal is his new VA
>Square Enix doing exclusives
Did they say if you can do the old turn based combat? Or do you have to do the EXCITING NEW ACTION
That nigga is a dude
Absolutely atrocious trailer that appeals to no-one but undergrads who played FF7 like 15 years after it came out. Style over substance combat, awful art style, pointless changes to scenes and story direction. It's a complete and utter mess of a remake.
I will BOMB SQUARE IF THEY DO THIS. His faggy 15 year old voice needs to stay the fuck away from Vincent
looks really fucking good
>Part 1, Escape From Midgar: $60
>Part 2, Temple of The Ancients: $60
>DLC - Nibelheim Flashback (not included in the actual game except as a 10-second cutscene): $20
>Part 3, A Death in the Family: $60
>Part 4, The Northern Crater: $60
>Part 5, WEAPONS: $60
>DLC - Crisis Core: $40. Zack is a shameless Cloud-reskin and the cutscenes look like they were coded on an etch-a-sketch.
>Part 6, Fall of Shinra: $60
>DLC - Dirge of Cerberus: $40
>Part 7, The Finale: $75
>The Afteryears: Advent Children: $40
>Shinra: Origins DLC where we shamelessly grind copypasted dungeon rooms with stupidly unbalanced enemies for 45 hours so that we can have a cutscene with Yuna's force-ghost talking about how Shinra was actually trying to save the world from the Yuuzhan Vong and now we're all doomed: $40
>A low-quality ketchain of censored-Tifa doing her censored combat-pose: $60
>DLC costume packs: $79 Each ($1106 in total)
>A shitty resin sculpture of Cloud and his motorcycle mass-produced in some Chinese sweatshop for five cents each with lead-based paint: $320
>Artbook: $120
>A pin-up poster of Alisaie looking at you in disgust for not playing her more soulful, better-written game instead of this piss: $180
>A photocopy of Tetsuya Nomura's shaved nutsack: $400
>Doing all this Deluxe Ultimate Collector's Uranium Edition: $13000
Be prepared to take out a mortgage on your house if you want to finish this censored piece of episodic bullshit.
lol okay
>girl is shit at games
This is literally the biggest game in Square Enix history. If it was releasing to any other platform, it would have been announced by now.
It's not FFXV combat at all. The system is well-developed and actually engaging/versatile.
You just wait.....
I have heard FF7R's combat compared to Type 0's combat.
At long as it's not Hold O shit, I will be happy.
>Always been a Tifa sperg
>See Aerith in her sexy dress
>I'm falling in love with her now
Please Nomura show Tifa in her sexy dress. I can't cheat on my waifu.
>DLC costume packs: $79 Each ($1106 in total)
I want Dante costume for OC soldier guy
English VA is awful
Everytime they say "Aerith" I get a fullbody cringe. Aeris is so much nicer on the ears, they should have stuck with it.
The sector 7 plate should have been smoke and fire, not just rubble.
digging the track remixes
love that they didn't ditch those classic medleys
How is it possible to see those feets and feel anything but disgust
Wait, is this true? Type 0 was the one with the kids who all had a different fighting style right? That game was fun as fuck.
>we can have a cutscene with Yuna's force-ghost
I would unironically grind for this.
>English VA is awful
confirmed retard
Bit early to be dispensing such praise, user.
>biggest game in Square Enix history
This reason alone it's going to be multiplatfom.
>At long as it's not Hold O shit
You have the option to switch between more traditional turn-based one-button play and more combo orientated stuff. All on the fly, no menus to cycle through for the option.
Because I'm not a footfag?
That's her name you stupid fuck.
That's a fair point, but XV's combat is actual trash and VIIR already has much more promise in that regard.
No woman has feet that big user
Loved that guy. Even for the minor convo stuff and he even hints at you to go bang your GF before leaving. What a bro.
>Type 0 was the one with the kids who all had a different fighting style right? That
Yeah. People are saying that at it's core it's like Type 0 but has some modifications.
>You have the option to switch between more traditional turn-based one-button play and more combo orientated stuff. All on the fly, no menus to cycle through for the option.
that seems complex. Hope the execution is done well
>The sector 7 plate should have been smoke and fire, not just rubble.
a massive ass plate just crashed down, fires would probably be snuffed out
Not really. There have been cases of fires burning in building collapses
just imagine being this fucking imbecile for a day
I wonder if the three rebel buddies are gonna be party members, or if they still die too early to make the cut.
Will the roof get crashed halfway through the game or earlier?
we don't even know how long after the crash it is, autist
It does seem complex, but it's apparently pretty seamless after you get the hang of it. Granted, we're not privy to all of the mechanics yet. But that definitely puts the control in your hands. It's an interesting take on what would've been a compromise otherwise (pleasing the fans of the old game in gameplay vs pleasing people who prefer modern arpg mechanics.) Seems they truly found a way to please both camps in that regard.
It's not the big one. Just a look at the demo.
So will Reno still be a goofy comic relief character while murdering hundreds?
they fucked it up by splitting it up into multiple games
this game looks like shit
My feelings on that will be decided based on how long each installment is.
If each is 30-40 hours long, I'll gladly play full priced for all 3. If they are like 10 hours or less a piece, I'll be less happy.
>while murdering hundreds
wtf I didn't remember that piece of dialogue, that's pretty funny
As seen in other previews, you are supposed to break the boxes by hitting them and they contain items, but the IGN player is too stupid to figure that out and just pushes through them.
I like to think that this woman knew what was going to happen and gtfo of Sector 7 before it was too late.
It's not Mark Hamill. Just some other VA who sounds like him.
That and the game looks like shit. Now whats your argument retard?
did you ever hear of 9/11?
I don't know how you can defend it. Nobody talks like that in real life. It sounds like Japanese dialogue directly translated into English, with no consideration for how it sounds.
It's shit, my nig. Aeris will always be better.
>didnt fuck it up
>tifa's tits are smaller than aeris now
>tifa has spats on
>turks are showing more chest than tifa
fucking fujos
They're not at all smaller than Aerith's, user.
>tifa's tits are smaller than aeris now
>That's what Aerisfags really believe
look at the dress aeris and compare it to tifa.
SHE IS FLAT. (relative to original). i'm mad because they decided to ruin not only her tits, but they added stockings and spats too.
why spats? cause fucking adults playing ff7 20 years later cant handle an upskirt?
>real life
fuck off
you got brain damage son
FFXV always looked like a trash heap, everyone could tell. It even had several demos that were all trash heaps for fucks sake.
KH3 isn't bad on a technical level, just lacks content and has a disappointing story.
We already know FF7's story so there won't be any disappointment there, and the gameplay is already certified good thanks to demos. It can't fail. But it also can't be some major revelation, since it's just FF7 again. It'll just be a solid game.
Aeris is a flatlet which makes her barely human
no really, dress aeris is more stacked than tifa. explain that.
Tifa never had cleavage in the original game what are you on about
ok Yea Forums, does ff7r have SOUL?
you got eye damage son
I was never quite sure on what kind of voice Corneo would have but that’s pretty good.
More importantly, will Reno catch holy hell?
No, but it’s still going to be good
Looks like it doesn't have transvestites though
beautiful bro is off screen
she literally held herself up on a cliff with her boobs.
Ahem *ting ting ting ting ting*
AHEM *ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting*
>turns the best FF game since FFXII into a GTA bro trip sim
>has literally NO sense of tone, soul, taste or music except for the Versus
>FFXV ships as a LITERALLY unfinished game
>All DLC cancelled and Tabata is BTFO by Square after losing $33 million thanks to Luminous
>Which, by the way, is CONFIRMED still working on a PS5 exclusive
>Nomura CONFIRMED reviving Versus XIII and teasing us with Verum Rex, which is, in Nomura's words a separate project in spite of many visual similarities though singlehandedly ruining any and all XV discourse through his own salt
Lmao completely fucking anally devastated, not long before XV-kun, Barry and Bazztek, are finally put in their place. We won the long game Versus lads or shall I say Versus CHADS.
He sounds like a fucking faggot. What faggot kidnaps women to keep them as sex slaves? Fucking japan and their inability to create actual creeps that don’t sound like they’re fucking gay.
The leggings and spats I'll agree with. Spats and leggings can be sexy, but they went about it entirely the wrong way. The new skirt also looks weird. But she isn't flat. Even relative to the original. She is a bit smaller, yeah, but in many shots she goes pound for pound with the original Tifa, especially from the side. Putting her next to Aerith, you can easily see that Tifa's bigger. Personally, I agree; I would've liked something closer to her original design. But I wouldn't go so far as to go saying that fujos and sjws have made any real impact on this game. Times and sensibilities change. The girls of REMAKE are still very racy in their own respects. If the fujos had won, that shot of Cloud standing with a girl in each arm would've been a no-go.
Is she one of the tutorial ghosts in Junon? I forget
we have bare chest turks but tifa can't get proper boob size?
nomura is a fag
You tell me
At least with Tabata we got something.
Who knows how long development would have gone on with Nomura still behind the wheel. Tabata was clearly put in place to get out something rather than nothing.
>nomura is a fag
Duh. Don't worry user, Tifa and Aerith still gotta dress up. Beach costumes seem possible, too.
I want something like this with all the enemies.
I want to fuck Marlene
uh where is Don's sprite
literally all fanart revolves around tifas boobs and they made them smaller, that's inexcusable.
and also fuck spats.
Yes, your post is.
Gameplay looks really solid, music sounds good too, only thing I'm not a huge fan of are the new voices ESPECIALLY Sephiroth.
So basically this is like an advanced version of ff12 combat?
the voices are fucking great what are you even on about
Fanart doesn't matter. Artists always miss the point when it comes to fapbait. Tifa's tits aren't the only thing that makes her design so tantalizing in the original. It's a combination of the tits and legs, the hair and the white shirt that hit it off. Her tits are still pretty big so I'm mostly just bothered by the legs.
>Sephiroth doesn't sound like he's trying to fuck Cloud
>just sounds genuinely menacing
get your ears checked
FFXV but I've seen some guys call it KH2-esque
Are they still making this episodic? They're showing off a shit ton of story if this is supposed to end after midgar.
it's just AC/CC and KH secondaries
she's supposed to be stacked, im surprised japan would cave to sjw nonsense, of all places. given stuff like azur lane sells so many copies.
Damn, that looks really fucking good.
You got a source on that?
we need a word beyond soul to describe ff7r. it's going to be the greatest remake of all time.
cool shit
Only mods can save Tifa
Holy fucking shit the voice acting is atrocious
She's still stacked. That's actually the smallest issue with her redesign. Also, Japan is pretty conservative despite all of the debauched entertainment that comes from there.
>cut characters
Is Aerith going to get the triple knot this time?
I'm wondering if these rare/big enemies are now mini/super bosses
hell house when
Which is still not cleavage. Tifa has canonically never had any top cut low enough to show even a slight bit of cleavage.
where is a video of Sephiroth talking?
ok, but the main problem is still they dropped her like 2 cup sizes and also fucked other things up (stockings, spats)
meanwhile aeris is aeris.
New Barrett isn't Black anymore wtf happened?
>They're showing off a shit ton of story if this is supposed to end after midgar.
What story are they showing off post-Midgar? The only things of note that I have seen, are the new, gratuitous Sephiroth appearances.
I love the destructible environments.
I wonder how hard they'll foreshadow/spoil the twist about Cloud since they'll presumably have no idea who the hell he is
That nigger was citing fanart depictions of Tifa like they fucking mean anything, don't even bother with him
>they didn't fuck this up
Eat shit and die.
>red, cobalt, indigo
What a dork
Yeah, that shot looked like a boss intro cutscene. I wonder if they'll all be required or if some will be optional that you have to go out of your way to trigger.
I've seen more meat on a starving Ethiopian child
From Advent Children and KH and other supplementary games and stuff
HAW HAW HAW still in based
>people like Tifa's original design
>people like Tifa's AC design
>Remake's Tifa design is a combination of her original and AC designs and people hate it
autists gonna autism
They definitely pumped her breast up since e3 tho
No I mean if this game is only midgar, they certainly are showing off a lot of what goes on in Midgar. Was just surprised to see them showing the president at the shinra tower.
Seems like what they really wanted was to make a movie of FF7. They should have, maybe then this wouldn't look like shit.
This has got to be one of the worst formed logic I've seen in quite a while. It doesn't even make sense.
I kinda wish they had stuck with the more sickly looking cloud from the announcement trailer. At least for the start of the game, maybe make him fill out more as the game progresses. It certainly makes sense why he'd look like that
are you going to be able to steal that sweet weapon from it, I wonder.
>>people like Tifa's AC design
greatest of all waifus
I can't not see Mel Brooks as President Skroob because of that mustache.
>It certainly makes sense why he'd look like that
It really doesn't.
He was literally drugged out of his mind after spending months being experimented on right before the game begins.
I want to kiss Aerith's VA.
bless her
i can live with this.
welp time to buy my first playstation/sony product since the ps2
>right before
That's where the problem is. It wasn't "right before."
Who cares? He dies anyway before the party even leaves the city.
So are they gonna add new weapons or are they just gonna change how they are spaced out?
You can't get cloud's second sword until right before the end of the midgar segment.
>right before the game begins
the bombing is like 3 months after that
This is the equivalent to:
>Yuffie was wearing hot pants in FF 7
>she was wearing cut off pants in AC
>how about we give her both hot pants AND actual pants? it's the best of both worlds!
It's called an overdesigned character you massive fucking faggot
>No reflect
>No shell
>No holy
>No esuna
>Statuses are over before you hear the companions call them out anyway
>Magic is only fire ice thunder, and comes in fucking copy paste grenades that are tedious to craft
>No meta magic stuff like duplicate skills etc
>Shitty guard mechanic on 1 line of shield item that is shit and pointless when you have warp strike and tech
>Tech is the only thing even approaching ff combat: There are 4 techs that matter: Ignis buff (you don't really need it but w/e) Ignis heal (you can just use the avalanche of heal items) Prompto single target (mainly to get enemies out of attack) Gladios full screen big damage nuke
>No weapon choice because sword is the best on noctis and everyone else has a type and secondary they are best with
>barely any gearing choice after you tediously grind 3 accessories that is IT for gear choice, most don't do anything useful except increase TP grind rates
>No demon wall
>No boss has any memorable tactics, or if they do you can't tell because they are far too weak comparatively, even malboro boss barely puts anything on you and falls to the might of press O pretty fast
>no red magic, blue magic, white magic
>summons are based on random stupid conditions you have to look up, by then you're near end game anyway and it didn't matter
If they were setting out to fail completely at anything resembling good combat: Mission Accomplished.
How many dicks did she have to suck to replace Mena Suvari?
True it's just surprising them showing what is presumably going to be at the end of this part of the remake. Just makes me think that maybe this part will end later than Midgar.
>one game
You fucking wish it was only one game captain shit taste
He's here!
>afraid to show Cloud crossdressing because trannies will get mad
Nah, fuck them and their ethics department.
Weapons already seem to be changed drastically since the earlier trailer showed Cloud using the Hardedge against Air Buster. And that seems like a boss intro, so it might not even be a normal enemy anymore and the weapon might just be a guaranteed drop instead.
>after spending months being experimented on
Try 5 years, user
It's because Choco and Cactuar are unironically preorder bonuses
You forgot the horrendous, unreliable summon mechanic.
I honestly cannot even remember any story bosses before Leviathan. There was Aranea and who else? All the interesting bosses are in sidequests.
It's obviously held back you retard
>trusting Nomura after KH3
Fuck you.
>3 full games
Even perfecter.
There are demon walls
This is what we in the industry call 'fucking up', user.
They literally said they're changing it because the joke doesn't fit modern values, you fucking retard.
You tell me:
I hope it's never shown. I want to experience it ingame.
Imagine wasting money on an ethics department in your company.
Yeah I think so
I lterally mentioned it last line
new death stranding trailer feels so soulless compared to the new 7R trailer
No, it's just something people are actually really looking forward to, including the devs. It's also a huge joke. You wouldn't ruin a good joke by spoiling it in a trailer, would ya?
It's sad that your peanut brain can't interpret that.
The first game ends upon leaving Midgar.
Try 6 full price games.
You will be buying remasters of the remaster for the PS6 when its finished.
Those heels are no, totally the wrong height and make feet look fucked up.
>walking simulator is soulless
colour me surprised
They were being coy with it I'm pretty sure. That's something literally everyone is looking forward to, they don't wanna give all the highlights in the trailers. The "It'll be fine" line when they both grab Cloud by the arms seems like they are pressuring him into it
We may not get stuff like the gay bath, but I doubt they'd remove the crossdressing.
>literally only Tifa
>meanwhile Aerith and even fucking Shiva get titties
based ethics committee
Are you retarded? They said they changed some things up which was obviously referring to a bunch of muscle guys fucking Clouds ass raw, you absolute brainlet
make everyone mad actually
I say this not to counter you, but to put it into perspective.
Most people here remember the fights, the enemies and posting about said experiences for like 20 years.
Not many people talk about crossdressing cloud other than a few giggles because there was no action or anything memorable in that without great thought or a recent replay.
That trailer was mostly about the action of the game, the characters you remember and quick flashes of bosses and shit.
For years this game was in development hell to the point where Sony didnt even go to E3 a few months ago.
Now imagine the tone shift of cloud in drag if it was included. it would suck and break up the flow of it. actually had a better theory
Is that scrawny bitch even still alive? I swear most of her movies she looked like a fucking pipe. Nobody wants to fuck a goddamn pipe.
>turks showing bare chest
>but tifa cant have her tits
The dub is shit and the music remixes are terrible, but the rest is unironically kino
Tifa is a modest girl.
literally what is wrong with your ears
and why does he have Roy's sword?
Her blue whore dress showed cleavage, so we will see
Yes, you idiot.
How far down your throat is Nomura's dick that you're making excuses about the ethics department editing?
>that Don Corneo model
>that Heidegger model
>that Barret model
>that Rude model
God I can't wait until the PC version comes out. The gay SFM porn is going to be incredible.
>Yes, you idiot.
>Ruining your own punchline.
You're the idiot.
>The dub is shit and the music remixes are terrible
Except no.
No, they said the location (Honeybee Inn) has been overhauled because trying to add it as it used to be didn't fit with the new aesthetic. The crossdressing itself was one of the first things Nomura confirmed would still be in after the game was revealed.
Bruh, if more people like you were in the industry, we probably wouldn't be paying for three separate online functions on three separate platforms. Keep fighting the good fight.
Let me rephrase that. The music, while good, is shit as remake music. It would be amazing as an orchestral remix album, but they sound nothing like the originals and it detracts from the feel.
your shitposts don't work against me
A) Tifa does have tits.
B) The turns do not have tits.
they didn't get uematsu to do the OST?
it's the basic soldier sword in the concept art.
Man, Shiva is hot as fuck
>complete silence
fucking kino
She's pretty cool
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not talking about breaking up the flow of a trailer. In an interview long before TGS, Nomura said that the crossdressing section of the game couldn't be added in as it was in the original because it would offend modern audiences.
Have people really forgotten this already?
Elena does
As far as I'm aware Uematsu is still ill. The remixes are all orchestral, even the battle themes, which completely ruins their feel.
I don't think the music is shit, it's fine. But I agree with him that the dub is fuck awful, and this is coming from a guy who thinks the FFX dub is perfectly fine. Something about the way the characters deliver lines is awful, like it's coming from volunteers who have never voice acted before.
I want to see Tifa's feet
Is there a moment in the original game that she shows them?
Aerith's VA has never voice acted before.
what a DORK
Yes, you fucking idiot. The scene is still in the game but they're changing the whole thing to not offend people.
The dub is amazing.
>Shiva's chest bouncing around when summoned
That doesn't mean it's removed entirely, just that it won't play out the same. Cloud will probably just throw off the dress the moment he goes into Cornholiio's room and that's that.
I am convinced the emaciated look and dumb black leggings and dumb black undershirt are just ways to bypass the ethics department kikery until the game releases. Nomura is just playing 4D chess with the big wigs. I know he is. He has to be. Why is Shiva there in all her glory if he wasn't planning to eventually?
He...has to
This game looks so soulless.
Why does Japan even give a fuck, Azur Lane is the top selling game right now and that's full of titties
never knew. keeping up with news for a game for like 6 years is tiring or not worth it.
Go to bed Wrex, you're drunk.
I like this design from the lips down but please stop memeing
>thinking korean plastic face #3851 has soul
Will you faggots stop posting this ugly fucking Americanised Tifa, goddamn mutts
>That doesn't mean it's removed entirely
I literally never once said that. From the start, I said they're changing it to not offend people, and a bunch of retards too stupid to read the interviews started screaming "No!" They explicitly said it's because of modern values. They're not going to go all in on making crossdressing into a joke.
kek what a nerd
they should copy past XV Shiva desu
still looks better than Nu Teepha
>11/9 of Shinra
hell no lmao
they should DELETE XV everything baka
Anyone else watching reaction vids to the trailer since they have no friends..
She looks like Sephiroth crossdressing
Until we see it, it could still come off as a joke. You never know with the dragfags because they literally change their minds on what is offensive to them more than they change their fucking fishnets.
The only similar thing is the hair, and that's just a leftover byproduct of when they were siblings.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
It's soulless, but that doesn't mean it can't be great.
>No, I don't actually know what I'm talking about and I don't follow the game news, but let me offer up this big explanation anyways
That makes sense.
Your eyes are completely fucked.
it's not soulless at all
did you forget we are in a news thread?
sorry that i dont know much about you for a game that was almost vaporware, lol. gogo vanguard gamers
wait, did he not get better? I swore he got better.
She's a hapa
when did Shiva start being an elf? Is it Ysalye's fault?
I love how nervous she is.
Looks like nice tits to me.
Wow, it's barely anything!
They're literally different in every single incarnation.
Tifa is NOT scared of ghosts!
Since when?
Are you actually retarded? That interview was spammed all over the board for weeks? Do you idiots not actually read interviews and then just pull a few bits of information out of shitposting threads?
i'm afraid this game looks too good for its own good. the cutscenes look like movies and i don't expect there to be a lot. the game might be short because of this. i hope everyone is working hard on this game
Rude's suit is fucking class.
Small tits are still tits
Didn't she get dragged in a alleyway by one of the ghost earlier in the trailer?
She's aware that Aerith can steal her man without effort
why am I fine with Reno here and I hate him everywhere else?
>Reno's Japanese voice actor is in his fucking fifties now and still playing twinks
I don't know why I find this so funny
Whos the retard now? I just said a few posts ago I did not keep up with the news.
Either you are assuming I am always on Yea Forums
Or you are assuming I take two grains of salt with everything posted
Mena Suvari only voiced Aerith in Kingdom Hearts 2 and was her worst actress by far.
Aerith has had a different actress in pretty much every game and movie she's been in. I think they even changed her voice between the two releases of Advent Children.
That writing, that dub, that music, those absurd cinematic setpieces. This looks fucking horrendous and embarrassing. I don't remember ff7 being anything like that, or maybe the awful writing and cringe of the original wasn't as obvious
>can steal her man
>Cloud literally looks like he is gonna throw up
I think he is good for now
>Small tits are still tits
So, when the poster claimed that the turks* had no tits, did you interpret that to mean that he believed that Elena had no tits whatsoever? Or are you just being pedantic.
i laughed. are you a jokester?
Yes you are
With all the money spending on voice actors, how many do this need to sales to break even? And how long until they said fuck it and just finish the game and cancel half the DLCs? You know like FF15. Also yes this game is gonna come to the PS5, even when SE said this was for PS4 only.
>Aerith got 3 closeup prerendered CGI videos
It's over Tifabros. Devs showing their favorite
He still doesn't have a clean bill of health, but he's not stuck sick at home or in and out of the hospital anymore. He's working normally again.
That's an interview he did last month. He says he feels better now but apparently he came very close to dying.
>Or you are assuming I take two grains of salt with everything posted
>Literal developer interviews posted everywhere
>"Yeah, I'll take it with a grain of salt."
>"Also I know I'm in a news thread offering up my opinion on news of the game, but I don't really follow news for the game."
Why are you so stupid?
Wait, Rude isn't black? He looks like a Yakuza now.
>With all the money spending on voice actors,
fucking Fire Emblem can hire full voice casts for everything what the fuck makes you think Final Fantasy can't?
Oh, guess they are. Sorry, I forgot.
Why isn't Tifa white anymore?
Sounds you're just being a bitch over someone saying that at least one of them does have tits.
You need to extend a tendril of Passion to XIV, without removing the Greed.
The only time Cloud showed genuine emotion in the trailer was when Tifa was present.
>toad Cloud has tiny buster sword
>Cross dressing scene
>Aeris and Tifa girling out dressing up cloud
>"Here try this on"
>Pic related wig gets put on Cloud's head
>"What do you think Cloud?"
>"Not in a million years"
The support bra is just a slap on the face from Sony so that angries people, I particularly hate the ZR, I mean, IT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER, unless they spend a good time explaining how her ZR are made of the strongest material in the universe, why is she covering her main battle weapons in regular cloth???
I hope the slap fight on the cannon will be glorious.
Tifa's tits look like they were enlarged a cup since the last series of promos. I can deal with this, I really can.
But that slap fight meant so much to be. anything involging cat fights are my fetish.
That's okay fren. We all make mistakes sometimes.
So you are just being pedantic. Wonderful.
White people must be censored, else you risk *LE ULTIMATE GASP* OFFENDING *thunderclap* someone.
Remember Cloud and Tifa fuck and everyone sees them fuck
>and Tifa
>her chest is completely bundled up now
What does the remake have against tits?
I wanted to see trap cloud
It's hardly pedantic, but hey, keep being a bitch, bitch.
I will stand by my previous statement unless if toad Cloud's weapon corresponds to what he currently has equipped
holy shit this thread is full of fags worshipping the game, I forgot how literally tasteless v can be
>Dark hair
>Brown eyes
>Flat face
>Thin lips
That looks white to you?
>still no sign of Red XIII
They got rid of him didn't they bros....:(
He looks light skinned as fuck there, shit sucks.
>eyes aren't slanted
What about that one here?
yo is there an uncensored version of that pic?
Everyone has the the same anime lisp/nose/face
you pretty much repeated your old post. you calling me in your small library of names.
i was still unaware wait you just want the last word on this because you are not as retarded as we both know and this will make you feel better.
Go ahead and call me a variant of Dumb and reply to this.
The gym is empty in the background compared to the scene with Cloud, you can probably do this before the raid on Shinra HQ
It is literally the textbook definition of the word, "pedantic."
I kind of want them to do something crazy to subvert expectations like kill off Tifa. Now that would be epic.
Imagine after Tifa does all those pull ups she corners you and tells you you're gonna be her personal wash boy in the showers and drags you into the showers with her
It's not that people are "worshiping" the game, it's just that a lot of people are legitimately excited for it and like what they see, and think you're being completely over the top and unreasonable.
I can see your point with the dub and the music, but for the rest of that stuff I can only guess that you're lying about ever having played the original FFVII, or it's been way too long since you played it and your memory is poor. The original FFVII was an over the top hyper cinematic cringy horrendously written mess of absurdity. Nothing in these trailers for the remake can touch some of the shit that was in the original when it comes to being completely silly tripe.
>Tifa will never force you to lick her sweaty armpits clean after an intense workout
I would submit to my fate
He's a light skinned mulatto as he's always been.
>frog Tifa with tiny gloves
>frog Barrett with a small minigun for arm
>frog Vincent with a tiny red cloak around his head
Remember that killer house robot? Good times. FFVII is a strange game.
>Turks are back to being a credible threat instead of AC's bumbling comic-relief characters
I will give them credit for this, at least.
Why would you post in a thread about news for a game while simultaneously saying you don't follow news, and then say that you take things posted with a grain of salt when it's literally the directors words? Stop getting mad and throwing a tantrum in broken English and answer those questions.
Is that futaba/uzume voicing Jessie in this?
Remember the suicide bomber penguins with fire for hair?
Most of it is the same 2-3 shills posting from dynamic IP addresses. It's like this whenever we get a new trailer. Just wait a week.
I don't see the problem
lol u mad?
>I don't remember ff7 being anything like that
Replay the game
wonder how it's like to live actually believing this
That's about what I expected.
It wasn't being pedantic to say, you fucking bitch.
The pillar was the only time they were really a credible threat.
> He looks like a Yakuza now.
Always did. Two decades later and the penny is just dropping for you m8; the Turks are supposed to look like modern (90's) Yakuza.
just because you're a zoomer and you're mad that boomers are getting kino doesn't mean that the game is being "shilled."
You practically give it away yourself by virtue of being too lazy to use grade-school punctuation on a board that's mostly adults. Let me guess - SE only requires you to be at your desk and posting, but lets the actual content slide?
I can't believe someone could be this slovenly when talking aqbout a game they're """"hyped"""" for.
It was, moron. Do I need to google "pedantic," for you, or will you just accept that you were being a pedant to win argument?
Always seemed more tan, probably implying something like an Osaka person since they're depicted with a tannish complexion in Japanese media.
No, it wasn't. But hey, keep a bitch over a fucking correction being stated because you're such a little bitch about these fucking things.
This was honestly a really nice shot, holds a lot of emotional weight to it.
>Square actually didn’t fuck this up
They'll find a way. You people didn't learn after FF15 and KH3. This game is your final warning.
lol. That design is fantastic.
damn dude that's sad
I will never trust them after KH3
KH3 is great.
Please don't summon him.
Oh! I can do that, too!
Yes, it was!
You still don't seem to know what "pedantic" means. When a random guy on the internet claims that a woman has no tits, do you believe that he means that the woman LITERALLY has no tits? That's what being a pedant means.
>implying poor punctuation is a sign of shills
You haven't been here long, have you? Poor grammar and the like is par excellence with this shithole website.
KH3 is better than all the spin-offs.
XV is the best entry since IX.
Still wasn't, retard. And good job on fucking shifting the goalpost like that. Christ, what little bitch.
Please post it
I literally didn't shift the goalposts. I mentioned the same exact fucking point in my initial response to you, pedant.
So if they took half a decade just for Midgar, how long will it take for them to finish the whole game???
>he can't recognize writing styles
You didn't do very well on your reading comprehension scores, did you?
>Hojo will try to breed Aerith and Red in 4k
it will take a full decade to do the overworld
Nicely memed, retard. You didn't mention anything about writing styles.
What drugs did they give Cloud?
>Remake is adding some of the cut content from earlier drafts
>one of the earlier drafts had 2 more Red-like creatures involved
>Aerith getting gangbanged by Red XIII/XIV/XV
>tfw assman
>tfw don't give a shit
what? why are they inconsistent?
Mako. Jenova maybe?
>tfw titsman
>tfw still won
next big trailer will have a focus on Shinra HQ, just like E3 had a focus on the bombing run and TGS has a focus on everything in between the 2
I hate them too but that remaster appears to be great for the moment.
Maybe the only bad thing i’m seeing in those trailers appears to be Reno who seems to be able to warp.
I really don’t wanna see any anime shit things in that Game, every FF7 spinoff are doing that mistake and are ruined by that.
2020 Midgar
2030 Aerith Penetration
2040: Northern Cave
>it turns out Tifa's tits will increase in size over the course of the game, representing the "progress" of the story
FF7 Sequels:
>We may have gone too far in some areas.
Not the guy you're replying to but I've been telling all of you fucking stupid zoomer newfag cunts that her tits are inconsistent since they revealed her. In the first Tifa reveal trailer her tits change size constantly but you fucking dick-worshiping pricks covered your eyes from my post and just went "LOL CAN'T SEE THE REASONABLE EXPLANATION WITH CLEAR VISUAL FUCKING EVIDENCE LOL JUST GONNA SHITPOST LOL SHITPOSTING IS Yea Forums CULTURE KEK".
Fuck you and fuck everyone else that pretends not to notice this. I hope you all burn in hell.
calm down sperg there is going to be a slider
source: uncle works for square enix
they look tiny here
big here
which one is the up to date size? they might have had them bigger but reduced them or the other way around
For a horse.
They seem a lot juicer in the latest trailer, like kinda fuller
pls son
They're pretty, but not quite as hot as what Shiva should be. And like one user pointed out, looks too much like a fairy.
No to that one, too.
the magic power of angles
>No Jessie
trash poll
So does this mean you can revisit Wall Market or that Tifa is recovered earlier than Don Corneo's mansion?
>No Elena
>No Shiva
>No Jenova
Agreed, it's total shit
Sooo, considering this is a timed exclusive, how long do you think it'll take to prepare the PC version? I really wanna play this at framerates that won't hurt my eyes.
She's a corpse
Cutest of cuties
Doesn't lead anywhere for me
that fucking shot of Clouds mug makes me genuinely laugh, he seems so done with everything
>If you get Masamune in Gold Saucer Cloud's frog status looks like Frog from Chrono Trigger
How would you react?
Huge doubter over here. And I can't believe I'm liking what I'm seeing. Biggest problem is the lack of areas. I don't mind it ending at leaving Midgar but it's looking like even that might not happen.
I stopped watching 2 minutes in.
Seriously, what the fuck is this. The voice acting is shit, the gameplay is shit, the new character designs are shit.
This is FF7 in name only.
Nevermind, I got it. Thank you, friend.
The duality of man
It's not a pic of feet it's webm of sexiness faggot.
Well when you say it so flatly like that...
>Square actually didn’t fuck this up
Game is not even out yet. Stop getting hyped with cutscenes, retard.
not that user, but those bigfoot feet are still attached to her body
>he seems so done with everything
He just got forced into crossdressing, got raped by Corneo or his goons, got flushed down the sewers to fight a giant monster that summons tidal waves of shit and piss, and now the bitches that got him into all that are clinging to him pretending to be all cutesy about going for a stroll through ghost central. Of course he's done with everything.
Look I have a PS4 but this game HAS to come out on PC.
Come on Square.
That's how he looks all the time
The design and graphics are great, but the combat looks shit. In the demo the scorpion doesn't even come close to killing a single member and takes a solid 10 minutes of just smacking it like a pinata.
Not impressed.
What? I'm just crushed by that user's hurtful comment
What game? Is that a Final Fantasy spin off? Doesn't sound too popular
That face is not normal even for Cloud just look at that he seems genuinely pissed
They probably buffed the party's stats for the demo because god forbid they show that you can be defeated in a game that doesn't punish you at all for failing beyond the "Gave over" screen.
Reno looks amazing.
it looks like crisis core, and kh2 had a love child. what i wanted from ffxv
>Ruining the original tracks by EPIK MOVIE SCORE'ifying them.
What's happening in that scene compared to the old game?
Cloud is the Chad of all Chads
Even if this wasn't bait the game is explicitly referred to in the post 2/10 shitpost
Nothing, both chicks just want to fuck him while he pulls a no way fag
Found it.
That little arrow underneath the ladder informing me that it is indeed a ladder and i can climb it triggered me.
I know the original had the same thing, hopefully you can disable it in the remake aswell.
Yeah because white people have saucer sized eyes with no pupils just like Tifa in that drawing you dumb nigger
Still doesn't look Asian at all, retard.
It's absolutely going to cover all of the Midgar part until the very end.
No wonder he fantasizes about a cool dude to fight with
They did the same thing with Lightning's feet in 13-3. They're all long and shit.
It looks no more white than asian, you are just a low IQ basic idiot who sees your own race in a drawing because you're conditioned to it.
>It's not Mark Hamill
Prove it.
>hid Tifa for the longest time because they completely censored her design
>hiding crossdressing Cloud
We all know why. They fucked that up too.
They already said its not gonna be the same to conform with today's "standards".
What is his fucking problem?
>this meme
Oh boy, here we go with this horseshit again. That's not how recognition works you fucking newfag and a half dipshit retarded cunt kid.
He doesn't want to be a memory
God damn, all these salty ass Tendo fanboys.
Xbros/PC guys be chilling and enjoying this community driven game.
Why does he look like he's getting ready for a golf swing?
just tap it in, give it a little tappy, tap tap taparoo
PS4/5 Exclusive fatty.
Because he is. Cloud's having PTSD over the time they played minigolf together and Sephiroth nailed him in the dick with the golf club.
>FFXV took almost 10 years
>came out unfinished
>KH3 took almost 10 years
>came out unfinished and disappointing
As much as I hate I guess the episodic format is better for Square Enix.
Even if they fuck up again at least you will know it from the first game so you can avoid the rest of it, and it wont take a decade to find out.
Not only that, a few months ago when everyone was sperging out over her new design, I mentioned in one thread about her new design how her gloves would basically offer no protection from how thin the material was. I know there are people that don't care about "realism" in games, but for the autists that were trying to apply "MUH REALISM" to her tits, legs, etc., they were using the logic that stuff like ZR and sports bras were "armor" and that it was somehow realistic. It was probably the most retarded notion I've heard for validating the design changes.
No you fucking morons, this is just supposed to appease some of the other people with the ZR so the entire fanbase isn't that outraged. Also, the implication that she couldn't be wearing a sports bra under her shirt in the old design was a special kind of retarded. Some actual armor would be good gloves and shin guards, not gloves with some thin metal plates and thigh highs. Also some actual mail or plate armor instead of a sports bra. But that's not what Tifa fans wanted to begin with, that's why most of the debates were retarded to begin with. Why a woman whose punches and kicks send enemies flying would need armor as protection is beyond me. If anything, she should have specialized weapons made for her legs with superhuman strength like that.
KH3 took like 13 years.
Felt like fucking 20
Well it will be 18 years since the series began come March 2020
>OP claims its going to be the perfect
>autists sperg on and on about 3d models
>trailer mostly shows cutscenes
Wow I smell a peak cinematic kino experience on youtube.
They just stream the demo tho
>ignoring the obvious gameplay segments
Here, have a pity (You)
Boycotting as well
I wonder if people had the same reaction watching the ff15 trailer.
You people never learn do you?