why are there no good jet plane games?
Why are there no good jet plane games?
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Can't put tits on a jet
Every time I see the F-35 I get angry. Fucking worthless sunken cost bullshit. Christ I hate Congress.
Ace combat 4,5,zero,6,7
i said good jet games
Just watch me.
Ace combat 4,5,zero,6,7
tom clancy's hawks
>Fucking worthless sunken cost bullshit.
lol ok grandpa
look mom im baiting for the 1st time
mcfucking kill yourself
>No Air Combat or AC2/3DS remake or AC3
absolute pleb spotted
>inb4 AC3 sucks
Play the Japanese version with English patch
FINALLY someone else other than me played it
>Play the Japanese version with English patch
garbage -uwu- sun can kill me :(((((( animu autism, NA version is superior since it cut all the cringe out
I'm on my first playthrough and I ended up on General path.
Something within me was satisfied with how I unceremoniously blew up Erich and Fiona.
more like tom clancy's cawx
why the fuck do all the plane models look like they have down syndrome?
This is why nobody but v likes ace combat
>nobody but v
/k/ loves AC
wow I didn't know Yea Forums was such a huge website
AC7 is lacking in idol DLC though. Which is actually strange, it's been in all the other recent ACs. Not sure why 7 is missing out.
Because the "recent" games before 7 were all asset flips of Ace Combat 6. They used all the same models and textures from 6, so why the fuck wouldn't they just copy-paste every skin from that game including the weeb bait?
Because 7 is catered for the PS2 Boomers
There once were but they're all dated PC games at this point. Companies used to shit them out like diarrhea so you could used your garbage flight stick with them. I thin kthe fad dies when interest in Top Gun did as well.
My biggest gripe with the Ace Combat games is their lack of LGBTQ representation in their games
I can't think of a single LGBTQ character in the ace combat franchise and that shouldn't be guys
>single engine aircraft
lol ok
NOW i see why you guys like these games
Eat shit and die.
they're pure kino
They could have copied the Infinity game modes into 7 so we could have actual competent multiplayer. But they didn't. Why?
that's not a criticism, especially when the engine is fuck huge
fucking this
>implying a modern military even needs an air force
>Air Combat
Come on man be civil, it's these little things that help grow fan bases by making everyone feel welcomed.
They could have easily had one of his grand daughters start as a little boy and transition into a young woman to help show the passage of time
Aerial warfare lost all of its soul with the introduction of the jet engine
This. That's why IL-2 Sturmovik is my favorite flight sim. WW2 is the best era since it is mostly analog and mechanical. No locking on and breaking the sound barrier. If you get in the shit, you must fight.
I wish the timer didn't so we could more time to play
Earlier I could agree with you, but after a few replays the score attacks are fucking dreadful. Especially Fleet Destruction. Once you get good enough to take out the base in one go, you only need to take out the fleet to the right to meet the score requirements, and then you have like 12 minutes of just doing nothing.
I hope the new Top Gun gets normies interested again.
>ground based AA
Enjoy being fucked by a JDAM, radiation missile, SDB, glide bomb or stand off weapon. Stealth is not a fucking meme, and only the best people can deal with stealth aircraft. And the best people have to be in the right place at the right time.
>inb4F117 shootdown
Predictable flight paths, and open bomb bay doors, caused that shoot down.
You're a moron if you cannot see what the F-35 is and will be.
And yet you haven't won a war in decades.
>Predictable flight paths
you mean the same flight path that the pilot had been flying the whole time
stealth is a meme. the f-35 is useless and an awful scam to keep amerifats employed and the pockets of corporations and military generals lined with cash
F-35 is really good even if you do pretend stealth isn't a thing though.
>stealth is a meme
then why are russia, china, and iran still trying to acquire it?
How do you "win" with unobtainable goals put there on purpose for some fuckstain politican to profit off of.
Yes, they flew the same way each time. Instead of being sporadic in a known hot zone.
Something has to replace the aging F-16, F-15 and F-18 fleets. It will be cheaper long term because of decreased maintenance costs and training. Also stealth is not a meme, do a research.
>How do you "win" with unobtainable goals
The US achieved its goal in destroying AQ in Afghanistan, and later on even killed its leader in his home in front of his kids. But the goals kept changing and Iraq happened.
>le politician meme
You still knowingly fight and lose. So either you're military is full of retards or you are sadistic and love killing for pleasure.
No one has defeated Afghanistan, lmao. There are even US politicians nowadays debating whether or not to settle a deal with """terrorists.""" AKA anyone who doesn't bow to the Amerimutts will.
the Alabama F-16's are getting replaced by F-35's in 2023
Too bad, I love the Red Tail look. Is Texas getting an F-35 Squadron? Been thinking about joining the Texas ANG.
>i have no idea how the US government works
>grammatical errors in the post
Clear bait or a dumb yuropoor
AQ will never be destroyed, it will just change names and fracture and rebuild. As it always was. Afghanistan is a land that will always be in conflict. Its been like that for hundreds of years. Even without the US there the tribes would be fighting it out.
We should've murked bin laden when we had the chance in '02. But some politician had an agenda, and we went in full force. Now we are back to where we started but with 18 years of experience in dealing with an insurgency. Turns out small groups of special operations soldiers embedded with local fighters supported by artillery and air power is infinitely better than full occupation. Something the glowniggers figured out in 2000.
Modern jet fighters are shit and people are just clinging to the past. It's like WW2 when a lot of generals still want to make battleships instead of carriers. Same thing here.
Modern Jet fighters are literally gimped because the meatbags can't handle the g-forces so what do the designers do? Make it "stealthier" or have defensive capabilities just so the meatbag can survive even though there is a limit to what you can do without it being a flying tank. They can't even carry a good payload or even travel far.
Modern jet fighters are not even used as frontline weapons even though they are designed as such. They are mostly relegated to security or when the air space is already secured which is quite ironic. You know what's a plane that is used in the frontlines? The A-10. The plane a lot of retards want to kill off because it's not sexy enough.
Making a new one cost a shitton so they will never be used as fodder and will be display pieces if a world war ever happens. The planes we use today are old shit but are still fully capable because anything more modern will be just a waste because they are only used for security or if the airspace is already secured.
>why are there no good jet plane games?
The only good series that isn't a sim would be Ace combat. BMS and DCS are good, but you basically can't play them without several hundred dollars in peripherals.
>Ace Combat
Fuck off
this is a good thread to ask
Does anyone remember the name of that Fighter Plane video game that was cancelled? I believe it had "Thunder" in it's name.
It had a very awesome CGI trailer made but no gameplay was ever shown iirc. It had a stealth-looking A-10 in it among other fighters.
So no counter point.
>t. braindead Amerimutt grunt in the military trying to justify his murder fetish
>Something the glowniggers figured out in 2000.
2000 B.C.? Because that's basic insurgent tactics.
Texas ANG is staying with the F-16 for now.
Alabama and Wisconsin ANG's were selected to receive the F-35.
Learn to fly without G high
>tfw there will never be another game like this.
imagine calling yourself the guardians of peace or whatever other meme shit americans call themselves but have caused the biggest conflicts in the world since the mongols which have resulted in more and more off-shoot conflicts. had america not invaded iraq the middle east might not be the fucking uninhabitable dumpster it is now and we wouldn't have a mass migration problem.
War thunder is pretty fun, its run by ultra jew ruskies and playing it feels like being in an abusive relationship but once you start to have fun you can bypass most of the jewing mechanics
>He uses thrust to dodge missiles
It pretty much objectively is. Sorry if you don't like it but they've sold millions of copies and every one of the mainline series is highly reviewed.
> He can't beat sorcerer squad
>but have caused the biggest conflicts in the world since the mongols
the americans didn't cause WW1 and WW2
>had america not invaded iraq
The Arab Spring would've happened in Iraq regardless.
>e middle east might not be the fucking uninhabitable dumpster
LOL lern2histry
If it makes you feel better, the military hates them too.
t. USAF Major
what was that one super realistic flight sim that came with a manual almost as big as the one to fly a real plane?
They had a really troubling development, haven't you read anything about it? The main dev talked about it multiple times
You mean youtube.com
you mean imagine calling yourselves world police but actually just being an israeli attack golem
single point of failure
He was copying Mihaly's farbanti cutscene.
>People still believe Sprey and parrot his opinion on the F35
Pretty sad stuff, the F35 has already flown combat missions and people acting like it'll never be completed.
Why would i argue with a complete stranger who knows nothing about how the Executive and Legislative branches interact with their military.
Just before and after 9/11 when they were right on the border of Afghanistan helping anti taliban forces out with limited support from Predators. We knew it worked well, but some faggot had an agenda and needed to make billions off the backs of dead soldiers and towelheads.
Fuck off, sir. Dumb brass boomers hate the 35.
t.USAF Enlisted
thats it, been looking for this for awhile
>dat stealth A-10 with dual nose guns
I do know how it works. Seems you are shifting blame because your military couldn't win, so it must've been those damn ol' libtards in D.C.!
It does a half assed job at gun running insurgents, and it literally can't fly in contested air space like in the Iraq War where every A-10 was grounded because of SAMs and enemy aircraft, Tornadoes and F16s had to pick up the slack.
People want to kill it because Fairchild Republic is no longer around to provide spare parts and the aging A-10s are literally falling out of the sky until they cannibalize another A-10 to keep one working.
It was the fault of politicians and some of the brass. You are not wrong. But to blame the military for why we "lost" is idiotic. A vast majority of the engagements was in favor of the US and coalition forces. Very very few times did the US lose an engagement. So when almost all of your engagements are a success, yet the war is "lost" who is really to blame. Certainly not the military.
Also both sides of the coin are to blame because both dems and repubs benefited from the quagmires.
>like in the Iraq War where every A-10 was grounded because of SAMs and enemy aircraft
>t.USAF Enlisted
Time for a UA and some mandatory squadron PT you little shit. We're going to sing "I love the A-10!" the entire time for morale.
HA, fuck you bitch. I'm a GS-09 during the week. You can fuck right off and suck it. F-35 is a beast, and nothing can match its capabilities.
what gives usa the right to invade countries on a whim? why can't they just not meddle in other countries affairs? look at vietnam or iraq. unnecessary loss of life for fucking nothing and the worst part is americans then call themselves the victims like you get these retarded redneck americans getting mad about these fighters in other countries killing us soldiers. why the fuck are you there in the first place then. look at horrible shit like abu graib the us army used to do in these countries. abu graib was so bad its actually part of the psychology syllabus in my country.
>We're going to sing "I love the A-29!"
>what gives usa the right to invade countries on a whim?
you don't need one when the biggest dick on the block, if the US invaded north korea, only china would complain
except the whole point of the A-10 is literally to accomplish what you stated. Take out running insurgents and small vehicles. They do this better and more efficiently than any other aircraft when the opposition is literally goat fuckers with AKs. Jets and bombers sweep the AAA and A-10s just BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT everything in sight. The air space in Iraq having been contested is a joke of a statement, but does have some merit. The A-10s in Afghanistan completely unmatched in resourcefulness.
You "do" realize there were 2 wars in Iraq right?
>huehuehue plane
does anyone really want these in the USAF?
> inflating stats with abandoned armor kills
Because we're the current big dogs on the block. When the USA is no longer the big dog, the next big dog will do the exact same thing we do. Just like the UK did, just like France, just like the Dutch, just like the Spanish. Its a cycle, i would rather the US do it than the fucking chinks or slavs.
Will you be watching for the UA sir? I'll follow anyone who sings I love the A-10 into either battle or the stall.
this isnt a USAF airframe lad, this is some BR shit hue hue hue
No, the point of the A-10 is to attack Soviet armour invading Western Europe. Just that never happened so now they try to find a use for it, and COIN is the only thing it can do since it's far too easy to kill. And it's not even good at that either since it's too slow. Lancers do way more CAS because they can carry like a hundred bombs and get to where they're needed much faster.
Because the second we try to be even slightly isolationist suddenly every fucking yuropoor screams that we aren't being a very good leader of the free world.
>Will you be watching for the UA sir?
Nah, das gay.
Special Missions Aviation and Naval Special Warfare both want them
moving the goal post
I know, but there are some of these shittiers in the USAF inventory and I've seen them at Moody.
The USAF is currently testing it along with AT-6
>Because we're the current big dogs on the block.
there are several countries with as capable armies as the american army including russia and china. they just rarely fly half way across the world to invade a country for memes. a lot of their conflicts are regional and around their own borders but nothing like usa invading vietnam or iraq.
what are approach angles
They're for the Afghan air force. The durka pilots are trained stateside.
Tell that to a friendly force requesting acute CAS in the middle of a fire fight. No coalition team or even US infantry team is going to be calling in Lancers to fucking lay down $500,000 in munitions and risk themselves being blown into chunky salsa.
CAS is a lot more intimate than you think.
Sure they don't want the T-6, Scorpion or that Air Tractor? Why not the Bronco? Shit on the Super Taco
Ruskie planes would look a lot better without their shit camo scheme they have.
The Slavs do not have the GDP to do anything close to what we do. They cannot support a surface fleet, or a modern army, or a modern air force.
The chinks are very much a threat to the US on the global leaderboards. But they have no value for human life, even their own race. They cannot be allowed to usurp the US.
I wish I could join this
>Why not the Bronco?
it was already eliminated, now it's only the A-29 and the AT-6B.
Oh the A-29 is till pretty solid
I just like the cocksucking everyone does in the later stages of the games.
Why not stars and stripes?
Actually this is wrong. It is more expensive than previous or competing planes and it is inferior in every way as well. It just has newer systems or radar. Nothing stopping them from putting it on any other plane.
You are a brainlet. Replacing an inferior plane model (because you competitors have more capable planes) with a worse one does not improve the situation. You realize manufacturing new planes is more expensive than maintaining the ones you have right? And that you also have to repair and maintain the f-35 as well lol?
What do you mean still trying to acquire it?
China and Iran cannot make a plane, copying an existing stealth plane shape and covering it in stealth material is not the hard part.
Their planes are lacking in every area if they do manage to put one up in the air.
Russia is doing it just so they can sell them to other countries and make a nice profit off of buyers wanting a new plane.
Same reason they changed their round size to a smaller one, they are following a trend in consumer desires.
Difference is Russia isn't ripping off it's citizens and invests little and asks for smaller numbers of planes made by their military companies unlike the US. Keep defending them, they know what's best for you. Now die without health care.
>perma incel that plays shitty anime ace combat games and had read some nonsense about the f-35 on a fake military blog that came up in google resulta and how it's the best is larping as a a usaf fighter pilot on a mongolian fur coat sowing forum
Lancers are much safer than A-10s though. They have better avionics so they're less likely to hit friendlies. The A-10 is famous for blue on blue accidents where it guns the shit out of its own guys.
Also you have no idea about how CAS works if you think grunts request specific plane types for support. They just ask for support and they get what shows up. And what shows up is a Lancer because it's a lot more suitable than an A-10.
>implying AC players like the F-35
Nice projection though.
>flying anime CoD
What is a yaw
That's what they call a "Rolling Scissors."
A couple weeks ago, I found out this game had a PC port.
>anime sci-fi bullshit
Just play IL-2 or DCS.
You mean with the invention of air to air missiles.
F-86s and Mig-15s dukeing it out in Mig alley was pure kino
>Difference is Russia isn't ripping off it's citizens
Russia literally does not have the funding to develop a stelath aircraft or even buy their own PAK-FAs
>tfw no korean war era Ace Combat game
I can't wait to read through this thread with its many informed opinions based on facts and not at all on feelings or misinformation!
>tfw no Twin Mustang
Can we make custom color schemes in AC7?
Nah, low speeds means low fun. High speed more fun!
>low speeds means low fun
No. I wish they'd bring that back.
>tfw no F-89
>tfw you will never fire the air-to-air nuclear weapons.
>F22 has two engines if one fails it can still survive
>F35 has one engine if it fails the pilot has to eject or die
who designs these lawn darts?
Is there an English patch anywhere?
One engine is also half the time in the hangar, also more thrust to weight ratio.
There are a lot of single engine aircraft in the world and they seem to do okay.
>tfw no Thunderschreech
The F22 was designed to fight enemies that don’t exist. It’s the biggest fuck you flex the US military has done since dropping the atomic bombs. The Raptor is so ahead of its time that it was pointless to keep spending money on them because they can’t be sold to other countries.
Piston planes don't have much of an appeal to me, mostly they don't look sleek, they look and sound primitive, any sort of radar or avionics is non-existent or in it's infancy, the weapons are weak, and there are no qt girl pilots.
It’s not sunken cost. It’s a worse plane in every way to the F22 but that’s okay because we can SELL the F35 to our allies while keeping the handful of F22s to ourselves. The F22 was discontinued because it was SO FUCKING GOOD that selling it to other countries would risk the USA losing its air dominance. So they made a worse and more expensive plane solely to jew other countries.
It's not suppose to replace the F-22. And the F-35 isn't more expensive.
>there are no qt girl pilots.
>he didn't watch kotobuki
>Piston planes don't have much of an appeal to me, mostly they don't look sleek
Who the fuck is this clown?
You mean other than Ace Combat? I don't know. I'd love more games like Ace Combat, especially if they were on PC and came with mission editors. I'm sure a lot of the realistic sims like Falcon 4.0 are also good at what they do, but realism isn't my thing.
brazilians fucking love it for some reason
Why continue the raptor if the tr-3 something secret plane is being revealed?
wait what?
no way that they put destructive scenarios on ace combat 7
I loathe the Super Taco
No I don't watch obscure animes
I wouldn't worry about it too much. They're kinda boxed in by natural barriers and nations they have grudges with. Makes it hard to keep their economy fed if things heat up, let alone project power globally in the way a superpower would have to.
It's why they're pushing the South China Sea thing so hard and why they're building that road/rail network in Central Asia. It's why they're jacking as much tech as they can and shitting out as much non-fossil fuel power as they can build: To minimize the risk of being fucked super hard by potential disruption.
that's a PC-21
just wait until you hear the soundtrack
>taking your finger out of the acceleration button
is like you dont want a S rank
Huh, never knew Pierre Sprey could use the internet, much less post on Yea Forums.
>VTOL melts carrier decks
Kek. F-35 is so ugly the Russians ripped off the F-22 design for the Su-52 instead.
Just found out you can actually commission into the U2
There are plenty of good jet plane games. On the other hand, there are no good ship games besides submarine simulators.
you'd think there would be a modern Battleship game out there
a cute girl flying a raiden
Why does every anime have to shit on its own story to front load boobs?
No, actually it is terrifying
>fuck up Russkie plane name on Korean bronze engraving forum
>feel like dying
just watch it bro it's good. don't be afraid of the shitty cg.
Kotobuki's 3DCG being mixed with rather good 2D animation is what makes it all the more jarring. A shame because it has good 3DCG for an anime.
>posts a turboprop
user I....
All of these are wrong.
There are modern prop warplanes built specifically for bombing the shit out of goatfuckers in Middle East with all the avionics and radar upgrades of a modern fighter. We NEED them because we're flying the wings off of all our expensive shit (F-16E, et al) doing low intensity babysitting.
>There are plenty of good jet plane games
Name 1
>deck is literally on fire because F-35's jet exhausts are way hotter than the previous planes nice "finished' plane fucker lmao
There's really something to be said about the military always entering wars equipped for the previous one. Now that we're talking about pulling troops out of Afghanistan we're just barely getting starting on selecting a plane for counterinsurgency.
Tiddies > Story
Is the new Ace Combat game good? I got into War Thunder but looking for something else.
That's modern, I mean your WW2 era piston planes.
It's good
If you haven't played the other ones though you should start with the PS2 games, since they emulate pretty well now
>flying above the Day/Night Terminator line
Absolute kino
>He's never played DCSworld
Twin engine fighters actually have more airframe losses from misshaps when compared to their single engines contemporaries. Two engines mean some that there’s twice as much shit to break and a lot of the time a single engine loss results in loss of the airframe or it spirals into a loss of both engines. Data on Class A’s in the USAF back Thisbe up.
Even if you don't like the story, NA version cut out like 40% of the missions in the game. Just skip the cutscenes if it makes you shit yourself in autistic rage for whatever reason.
You fucking what mate?
>Not one mention of Afterburner in the whole thread
Fucking Yea Forums
No Ace Combat is good. Stick to War Thunder if you like online play because ass combat only has two game modes TDM and free for all
Post some more Shazam copypastas in the Cyberpunk threads faggot
haha I wonder what her brraps smell like
Now post the PS4's user score, you hotas faggot.
shut up asshole I don't want to lose my job
Weak ass Bait
aerial shit will always have soul be it props or jet propulsion
Because the F-14 was decommissioned.
and who is going to buy it? nobody.
The f35 is such an ugly plane. Looks like a tryhard version of the raptor.
>israeli attack golem
that's deep
You forgot X, the most underrated AC game.
>no way that they put destructive scenarios on ace combat 7
the entire sunken part of Farbanti can be destroyed, literally every single skyscraper
Literally all of them except for vector thrust
you forgot the comma after no
ah yes. the flying asphyxiation chamber
no i didnt schizo
are you sure? You forgot the apostrophe after the didn.
suht up dumpass rtahed
No patch. Just blindly playing with moonrunes. Menus are in english, at least.
based and bluepilled!
>You're a moron if you cannot see what the F-35 is and will be.
If it hasn't become that after all these years it never will. It's a failure of an idea and a waste of time, money, and resources.
It's great
They did nothing wrong.
they betrayed glorious OSEA
Sounds pretty based to me
t. Belkan
the real problem with planes is the flesh piloting it
imagine what could be achieved without the restraint of weak flesh
It’s actually incredibly cheap and does the job it needs to do really well. Stop watching Pierre Sprey talk horseshit and stop reading leftie press with an agenda. Literally all the “problems” you’ve ever heard about this thing have been thoroughly debunked.
Poland literally just bought a boatload of F35s are you retarded?
There are currently 11 nations buying F-35s not counting the US.
fuck off
this is a plane thread not a gay fuckbat shit7 thread
consider sucking my balls
>ctrl+f Project Wingman
>no results
That is not a believably maneuver.
>11 countries buying F-35
>Russia can't even convince the poos to buy the PAK-FA
Ace Combat fans are spamming their epicXD fanart right now
>F35 beats F22s 40:1 in simulated combat
There are plenty. I want to know where all my fucking attack helicopter games are.
it's just a Kulbit
F-35 actually has more advanced sensors than the F-22, so it makes a very good fire control platform. Also it can take-off from carriers.
Now do it through turbulent air at hundreds of miles an hour that the bigger plane is flying at, not stationary.
Rule the Waves and CMANO are great if you can handle spreadsheet autism.
>mfw as a pollack and I learn we buy 30+ of them for like 6.2 billion dollarydoos
Can't wait until they start dropping like flies because we're too retarded to fly them/use cheap shit fuel
>arcade game is not a simulator
stop the presses
regardless the arsenal bird is slow as fuck once you destroy all it's engines
nobody cares fag
do you think it's a shame that there might not be a tunnel run in 8 becuase kazutoki is getting sick of them and only had them in 7 because of tradition and fan demand?
Wait hold on they’re making another Command but this time with ground forces and a real UI what the FUCK
>Air to air nuclear weapons
Everyone ive talked who performs maintenance on these things absolutely fucking hate them.
Is there a modern equivalent to F-22 Lightning 3 that is not too arcadey like Ace Combat or to simmy like DCS?
Man I need some Belka morale patches.
Um that's where you're wrong user...
You can.
That's fine, I think AC7 was kind of held back due to the fan pandering. I'm curious to see what they would do instead.
I don't have VR.
I just want Ace Combat 8 to be set in the Cold War and in Sotoa or another unexplored country
As much as I love the PS2 games, 7 suffered heavily from lore baggage, setting the next game before the Belkan War would give the writers more breathing room and let them be more creative like the PS2 games
And because the Cold War is aesthetic as fuck
I quite enjoyed the geofront dogfights in 3 and the whole destroy a generator to weaken the superfighter or just take it down anyway that happened in 3 and x were quite interesting as well
>fan pandering.
elaborate please
set in 2021
high speed = less maneuverability = less fun
>set in 2021
That was a joke by Katabuchi, he also said 9 would be set in 2022, and 10 in 2023
Can confirm
Mostly it's just the extra paperwork you have to do for fucking everything
>"Oh it needs it's own special tools"
>"Oh it needs tons more work for the same shit"
>"Haha guess we're working 12s again and PMELs backlog is super high because of all this new shit so we're missing the tools we need from our CTK"
Fucking ebin
was it really?
because we either get a hardcore simulation thats basically unplayable unless you sink 100 hours into it just learning it
we get shit like AC thats basically a shoot em up
yeah it was on one of the developer streams, the same one where Kono said he wanted to explore Sotoa next, he also tweeted about wanting to take a vacation in Sotoa
i mean was it really a joke. Well I think it'll be good to get away from osea and all of it's belkan drama
> basically unplayable unless you sink 100 hours into it just learning it
You're exaggerating user.
You don't need VR to play it, you just need a headset and controllers.
>you don't need VR, you just need VR
yea, precisely.
>Fire with your strongest rounds
he's calling in artillery strike from a battleship
>Winning wars
It's like you don't even know how cost effectiveness and the military industrial complex work nigga
>ripped off
It's like an unholy fusion of F-22 and Su-27 and it's glorious.
Thank goodness,
It was designed because long ass escort missions are easier with two pilots so one can rest while the other flies. I can;t imagine anything worse than waiting for 7 hours for something to happen and then having to sit there with my dick in my hand because my shift is over and the other asshole is flying now.
I liked jets in Battlefield 4.
people like you make me wish I could hate people to death over the internet
>Flown by a test pilot
Literally anyone else tries that stunt and you're killing 50 people at an airshow.
I think he meant a head tracker (TrackIR)
AC2 is fucking kino. I still listen to the soundtrack.
>Final mission
>Hugin is flying straight up next to the elevator
>I turn around and scream towards the Earth directly at it
>Fire everything I have out of my Raptor
>Hugin fires a missile at me
>Can't dodge at this speed
>Tank the missile, 99% damage
>Mine aren't enough to kill him
>The moment we pass, I do an emergency turn 180o and get him in the back with my machine gun
>He finally explodes
>And so does my dick because I got so fucking hard
I played IL Birds of Prey, I didn't have fun.
Can I setup IL2 to go easy on me? Easy flight model, difficulty, stall, black out and all that?
Basically set it up to become AC in WWII.
Maybe the oxygen delivery systems won't break next time they try to fly it too!
That's a stall recovery demonstration. It's not a combat maneuver.
yeah, you can even enable wonder woman view and fly without any cockpit texture, just a gunsight. like that 3rd person crap but slightly less cancerous.
Fuck, I used to play it with my only keyboard and mouse and it was ok.
i wish a west developer made a jet game, it could have really real life graphics and good music.
Well, if you used it in combat you'd be the coolest dead guy in the air.
Nobody is going to intentionally stall their plane in real combat. The point of that demonstration was to show how quickly the plane can recover. From the 2 second mark to the 10 second mark, the plane is basically in freefall. By the 12 second mark, the plane has recovered. That is a very impressive recovery time for any aircraft, and I'm not even that big on Russian planes.
So you're saying there's a chance I could be cool?
there are a few attack helicopters but they usually only appear as minor enemies.
If you want fully trans jets i'm not sure there's anything like that outside of robotech: battlecry which is of course super anime and kind of weak as a jet game.
it's a combat maneuver, he turned and was ready to fire a chasing plane
I meant Wings of Prey.
For some reason I have in my library IL2: 1946, is this gud?
Some guy copied AC and put it on Steam.
I prefer to play Ace Combat: Crabs & Cods
Not true, a nicely timed snap roll will give you all kinds of advantages provided you can recover cleanly
Hell yeah nigga
>carrier landing in the dark
Jesus fuck
Good hook though
Okay, who 3d printed the original star fox models?
literally the only 5th gen plane available for export right now, so pretty much everyone is you dumbfuck
Su-57 is technically available.
You can’t make it nearly as casual as Wings of Prey (though you can automate a lot of systems and turn on markers for enemies) and it’s a bit jank due to its age but it has a fuckton of mods, including some really awesome dynamic campaign systems.
>basically a shoot em up
shoot em ups are great tho :)
The plane doesn't fucking matter. Maintainers hate their lives in general.
Them and Secfo are why Big Air Force treats all of us like we're about to kick the stool from under our feet at any given moment.