How xbots and nincels will ever recover?
Best selling console five years in a row
How xbots and nincels will ever recover?
>Best selling console
>Just randomly stops working
Fantastic. Glad I spent money on something that just shits the bed and refuses to read discs anymore. Not to mention the absolute shit show that is Sony's customer service. $150 to just look at the fucking thing.
>being too poor to own more than one console
This. I have a PC,switch and Ps4
Never really play PC or PS4 these days tho
Only reason I don't have Xbox is because lmao imagine buying a Xbox lmao LmAo
>blew the fuck out of Xbox Done so hard Microcock is putting all it's eggs into next gen
>Wii U failed so terribly it was replaced by the Shitch after only 4 years
It had no competition
seems like it still doesn't
the handheld shit is killing nintendo
How does anything in that post give you the impression that the poster is a tranny
> xbots
By buying a PC and transferring over all their Play Anywhere games
> nincels
By actually having good games to begin with unlike xbots and snoybois
quite the opposite in my opinion, nintendo can only do handhelds right. Everything concerning home consoles (hardware, online, constant stream of games) has been in shambles after the GC
>How xbots and nincels will ever recover?
Xbots never, MS literally committed sudoko by putting their games on PC.
Nintendo on the other hand have a good chance here to become n.2
weak hardware equals bad third party support that's undeniable
what are my benifits that the PS4 sells so much?
I guess Xbox fans will be fine knowing that their company is far bigger than Snoy
you have more fifa players to be finds with
isnt that great?
Do people who own decent rigs actually own consoles as well? I though they were against that and everything that consoles stood for. Seems like another cash Avenue for MS anyway and it makes sense.
I wasn't joking user
what's actually in for me?
Weakest console always sells the most
hardware, online and constant stream of games have all still been in shambles with the switch. only difference is that normalfags bought it on marketing alone.
I have a Switch because it's different enough from PC to be a completely separate experience. Local co-op, handheld mode, a huge library of exclusives. The PS4 on the other hand is just a locked down x86 PC with Bloodborne.
Genuine question, I got a refurbished one for $70
The fuck do people play on this?
Literally the only thing I got is Crash Project Diva and Kingdom Hearts
And Crash I'd rather have just got on PC
Honestly I think it might've been more worth my time to get a P S TRIPLE
i bought one refurbsihed just for God of war and BB
outside that it hasnt been turned on since novemeber last year.
Switch is the best secondary console right now, nice exclsuives and lets you play some indies on the go.
correct, it thrives off being a handheld, not a home console
gib GR3
>Seems like another cash Avenue for MS anyway and it makes sense.
Proprietary hardware DEMANDS proprietary software. exuboxu wa shinda.
Trannies are the ones that love Sony/the PS4 though; they're the target audience
Keep buying more copies of GR1 and 2, and maybe they'll consider it. Trust me, I love the series as well, but it's not gonna happen.
Not poor, underage. Sonyfags are always underage and that's why they're always the consolewarriors
With zero sass, the xbone honestly works better than a windows 10 pc.
Microsoft's PC OS division is so fucking retarded it makes the xbone look like a competent device.
It even sort of does the shit with UWP (Microsofts MONUMENTALLY RETARDED attempt to phase out executables to make it harder for people to use their own computers, which would ironically kill the only thing keeping them a monopoly at this point) better than a pc, and you have to enable developer mode and install that shit through USB to work it.
That's the shitch tbdesu. Has smash which is tranny friendly.
>blew the fuck out of Xbox Done so hard Microcock is putting all it's eggs into next gen
Microsoft and Nintendo blew themselves the fuck out, Sony didn't do shit. PS4 only succeeded due to lack of competition, because it still has no vames
Doing what sony did this gen and having that as the blueprint for success is the ultimate testament that the industry is dying
alone in europe Playstation is THE FIFA machine
and FIFA is fucking huge here
I know so much people who only buy a Playstation to play the newest FIFA
if you like it or not, but it sells consoles
Eh i can "play" all ps4 games on youtube anyway..
xbox OS is basically a modified windows OS thus all PC titles are easily portable to the xbox platform. basically what this means in lay terms is: it has more games than ps ever will.
It feels so great be on the winning side
Not true. Xbone currently has 1067 while PS4 has 2234. Just because you CAN port any PC game to xbone doesn't mean people DO. However, next gen when Microsoft BTFOs Snoy with all their new studio acquisitions and all the third parties flock to Xbone, the easy porting will make it even more appealing.
Greatness has arrived.
And a great games library. The Last Guardian is game of the generation.
Did the last guardian get better with patches? I played it day one and it had a lot of problems.
More games and more investment
>Xbone fat