Is it dead?
Is it dead?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Is it dead?
>Is it dead now?
>Is it dead now?
>Is it dead now?
when's the next TORtanic huh?
fuck no i can't even get through this queue every day during peak hours
Depends on what narrative you want to push
if you're one of the faggots who has been spamming the board nonstop with "home..." posts, no, it's not dead, it's great
if you're a FF trannie or a gamer that does nothing but post futa Draenei porn on VG, yes, it's fucking dead, it's awful, it's fucking terrible and dying
Retail is totally dead. Nobody plays it anymore and all major cities, queues and lfg are fucking empty.
Classic is SUPER alive, it has thrice more players than retail, a lot of viewers on twitch and hype don't even try to stop
No, but I did hit 60 and I'm kind of over it now.
Was a fantastic ride though, they really don't make them like that anymore.
> S-soon it will be dead, there are just no content to hold the auditory
>blatantly lying
embarrassing desu
WRA-H is lively as fuck
Just playing it until I can finally go home for real..
why do people want this to flop so bad
No. EU servers almost all full primetime. And I started on a low pop server. Seems to be going strong.
> Yes, i prefer retail versions of wow. And what? It has more «content» and «better» gameplay
> go home for real
you gotten those 10 zhevra hooves yet buddy?
Seething classicbab
>being a disingenuous fag
It was pure shit. Better than wod, legin and bfa, yet it was still shit and MUCH worse than classic
3 times zero still male zero
I like to pretend it is. Once my group of 10 friends stops playing it I'll let them know how gay they are. Any day now I'm sure.
Well duh, roleplay fags aren't going to give up elves and transmogs my dude.
Nice shop faggot. I'm looking right now and they are all low to medium. I can't post a screenshot because my computer is glitched but it's low everywhere
literally still in >1k queues most of the time
bros what is a good eastern pvp server? i checked the server pop website and sulfuras seems really faction balanced but is pretty high pop
I rarely see horde ladies on official WoW promotional art. I want to be in that Troll/Tauren sandwich.
It's either actual retail players who are threatened that they're watching themselves be RS3'ed, Yea Forums Contrarians, or people who have no actual interest in multiplayer games
Either your lying or a eurofag, it's the middle of the night in Europe right now so those servers will be low.
Stop fucking lying.
>they're watching themselves be RS3'ed
damn, thats a sad thought actually
>retail has more high/full servers than classic has servers altogether
oh no no no i thought classic was going to kill retail! how can this be happening, bros?! we were supposed to be going hoooomme!
Blizzard should be the one to apologize for nuking the vale, going back to wanking off orcs and writer ocs, and getting rid of the comfy housing/farming dynamic that could have secured wow a golden future, instead of replacing it with "world quests" and phoneshit
ff14 tranny detected
I can feel you seethe behind that screen. Classic is not going anywhere. It already brought back more than half it's original retail players.
Classic and retail has different system of population cont. Classic severs can accept 4 times more players than retail servers.
>need to be 60
>farm fire res gear
How many times has this been proven wrong already?
game gets so full they just keep making new realms
guess you thought you did and you do
gahhh i fucking hear it.
This seems to be an edited version, but the one I knew before it had
>all my friends are already 55 raiding in greens
The boomer in this comic is the one who's out of touch
>The expansion that added a furry race
Eat shit.
The game is actually easy without the dead weight of bad players. I was on a private server without any of those things and a core group of quality 10 players can easily carry a competent raid of 40. Got my Priest gears in one run with whatever gear dropped.
Im really bored honestly, just playing because of the hype.
>what are tauren
>Is it dead?
Most popular realms still have hours long queues during peak, despite idiots on Yea Forums saying this would be over by the first day/week/two weeks/etc
Well, for one, I know they didn't get their character design from fur affinity, so they're pretty cool.
1400 queue, 20min wait to get in as I get home
People all over the place in every zone
World pvp is alive again
People are inviting each other to share quest credit and actually talking, even on the BR server
I haven't enjoyed WoW since MoP and even then it was downright disappointing when I saw literaly fucking Epic gear on the GROUND to be looted freely, yet I'm having a blast in Classic
This is despite the fact that I played the original Vanilla and KNOW it's not that great, and had a lot of problems that BC and Cataclsym both fixed, not to mention the changes that show they clearly just ripped off the pserv emulator coding and tweaked it(mobs going through walls occasionally, and AI being screwy - mobs almost never sit still in Classic, but rarely moved in Vanilla, certainly not as neurotically as they do now, and the Fear-Run always went to allies, and would stop & return as soon as it found help; now it just picks a direction and runs, and aggros everything on the return trip instead)
Still better than Retail in every possible way.
>Retail is totally dead. Nobody plays it anymore and all major cities, queues and lfg are fucking empty.
Meanwhile, in reality.
Retail is probably 95% bad players (see LFR for proof), so good luck getting a group free of bad players on Classic
>I play one but I dont want to admit I love big burly bullcock
Okay fag
How bad did the server chug once more than 10 people were in one area?
It didn't. WTF are you talking about? If you're having problems with that many people on screen it is your PC, not the server.
we've already seen private servers influencing people's memories like mobs not hitting as hard as people remember, i certainly can't remember shit like whether mobs run randomly 360 degrees vs 180 degrees
turn your HUD on so we can see the xrealm (*)
Nothing compares to draenei booty. Futa fags can play in traffic.
Never played a game that felt like a bigger waste of time but maybe because I played real vanilla.
Now it just feels like i'm doing it for the experience but I don't get any enjoyment out of games that feel like work for no reward.
That's the problem with retail. How is it even an rpg if a character takes so little time to level and gear? Hows it even different from the TF2 class selection screen?
The question is:
Why were all the MoP bosses, WoD bosses, and even Legion bosses a cakewalk compared to the older bosses like classic Rag? Why doesn’t Blizz make difficult encounters like they used to?
Seems pointless given warrior is the only worthwhile class. The optimal raid group is 1 of every class, 20 warrs, 8 paladins / resto shaman
>we've already seen private servers influencing people's memorie
I've never touched a vanilla pserv in my life. Wrath and Cata maybe. I have very clear memories of my time as a Nelf & Troll Rogue both back in Vanilla & BC and I can say with 110% certainty, this shit is WRONG. It makes it SO MUCH more difficult to get behind shit as a Rogue for pickpocketing or openers.
I don't understand this meme, bosses are only hard when they first come out.
Once they're solved they're (at most) a gear check, this has always been true for WoW
> All these mounts
> All these transmogs
> Flying
> Crossrealms
> Awful location
Yeah, and after all these problems someone really wonders why did retail died
>Sense of community
>healthy economy
>helping others
>doing things for the fun of it
Layering goes against all these things. and guide readers are the blight on this game.
What does method mean? Is this a new meme?
I don't play retail, both versions are a waste of time for me.
>know exactly whats waiting at 60
>journey there is way too long because the game actually begins at 60
Hated it back as a teen and I hate it now, just wanna play with my friends.
Also just way too pve heavy for my taste these days and faction based pvp doesn't really help with making pvp fun.
I know this is bait but no pre-Cata boss can top the fun, well designed and legitimately hard bosses from the latest expansions. WoW might have dropped in quality in most other aspects but raid bosses have been consistently good with the exception of certain complete messes from BfA.
Mythic Nighthold is peak WoW. Fuck Tomb of Soakgeras and that unfair overtuned shitfest that was KJ.
I'm still fighting other players for mobs and every zone is fucking packed making it difficult to quest so no it's not dead.
the farm really was comfy wasn't it? If only they had used it as a basis for garrisons instead of the shit we got.
>this screenshot was brought to you by CRZ pulling people from every non-rp server in your region into a single shard
If I had to guess, it's some the leader of some nolife guild that didn't clear MC before the other nolife guild in the picture.
> Once they're solved they're (at most) a gear check, this has always been true for WoW
You are wrong.
Classic and BK solution was to BE SKILLED, while after this solution was to BE GEARED
Layering is necessary. I know you're not playing so you have no fucking idea what you're talking about but STV is so packed and unplayable even with layers.
Don't play dumb with me, streamer zoom zoom
bosses are just timegating now, anything 100+ attempts is excessive
>the game actually begins at 60
Oh fuck off, the journey to 60 is the game for most people. In Vanilla, only neckbeards used to raid, casuals would take 6 months to level and felt like they were getting their money's worth. The 'only endgame matters' mentality is why retail sucks today
>journey there is way too long because the game actually begins at 60
This is the problem, you only look at endgame and never enjoy the ride. This is why FFXIV does so well.
It was taken on an RP server.
Unrionically a huge ass queue right now
>Layering is necessary
No its fucking not.
P.servers proved this a hundred times over.
>He didn't Cutting Edge KJ
Biggest oof of your life dude.
The game beginning at 60 has been commonly said since fucking beta. The fairy tale about leveling being real content is a fucking joke. It's just zoomers spinning tall tales because they played the game when they were so young that they couldn't even begin to comprehend what was going on, had no idea what to do, and took forever to get to 60.
>politely form queues and wait hours to kill 1 quest mob
Yeah fuck off
Full servers on Classic are much larger than Nostalrius or any 'big' pserver ever was
Yeah but i've only experienced the journey twice to in vanilla, feels like I did it yesterday honestly.
Also never really enjoyed the journey even the first time but the pvp at 60 is what you endure it for.
I think the journey would be more enjoyable if it was shorter and more story heavy like XIV, Shadowbringers was very fun until the story ended.
Not a fan of pve games though.
>The fairy tale about leveling being real content is a fucking joke
>LMAO why are you running RFC guys don't you realize none of that gear will help you clear MC?!
Not really. The population might be larger, but they're not sharing 1 instance of each zone. On nostalrius/elysium/lights hope, for the first few months every zone was packed. Even on a high population classic server I don't see as many people running around.
Isn't xiv all about the journey and the story? The 'game actually begins at cap' has been a wow meme since what, wotlk or cata
I'm playing it now and there are a lot of people about
I also took a look at the metacritic user reviews. Why do all the negative ones mention either retail WoW or final fantasy? is it a competition?
rfc actually gives garbage though
they are trannys who dont want their game to die
well they're wrong, if you take your time and visit all the zones and dungeons you have completed vanilla imo, everything after is optional
the problem with xiv is that the first 50 levels of story are 90% filler. It gets good at the end of the base story
Leveling would be fun if the world wasnt so bland and the story so shit maybe.
If zones were packed more on private servers than classic than I don't see how anyone liked being on private servers with that kind of bullshit overcrowding. It's crowded enough as it is.
Surely there are better games to be a minmaxing autist about?
This. People complain there's nothing to do, but in reality, they're complaining that they don't want to do something unless the game rewards them with items/exp/rep/gold. I didn't "get" anything from fucking around in stormwind as horde and ganking lowbies, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. People need to stop playing videos for the drip feed of reward + dopamine release.
We were dinguses in the Vanilla and BC days though, back when ElitistJerks was new and the exception, not the rule. It's the same reason Classic is only a nice memory, not the original Vanilla: We know too much. And we can never go back to that ignorance.
With that said, Rag & Ony were down within a week of launch of Classic, so you can add that to the graph and find that you're not wrong, but you're not right either. Classic is not Vanilla, it's a well-done copy with noticable changes + the "unseen/metaphysical" changes of the playerbase's years of experience & simply being a different time.
Hunter or lock for solo play, horde side?
I don't think you know what that word means
I'm sorry that so many people failed to pick up on this extremely obvious joke, user
There's plenty of shit to do in retail too, but people just want to get bigger numbers.
What would make it non-bland?
I absolute know. If you're bitching that RFC doesn't give great gear then you're a minmaxing turbosperg
>likable warchief
the only likable thing about him is that you used to be able to exploit a bug to kill him on horde
garry did nothing wrong
This is not true.
Phase 1 Classic bosses took a certain time to beat first because of the time required to hit 60 (that graphic is taking into account the time since the raid opens, which in the case of MC and Onyxia is WoW's release date), then get 40 minimally geared retards that know how to spam their 1 to 2 button rotation and avoid the one single AoE in the entire instance.
Wonder why they cleared Molten Core and Onyxia so early in Classic, and at the very first attempt? Because that shit has less mechanics than trash mobs in retail, and I'm not even exaggerating.
Naxxramas in particular was atrocious because you needed EIGHT warrior tanks for the four horsemen. Good luck getting eight idiots who leveled the most annoying class to level in Classic, gearing them through the previous raids, and them being available for your raiding hours and having at least two neurons. There's a reason why only one guild cleared it in America (or Europe, desu I can't remember now).
Gear gating was real before and is real now, but that gating is one or two weeks long and only for the one or two DPS check bosses in the instance that are usually in the middle or at the end. Once you have a minimum gear that is honeslty easy to get, it's ALL about skill. A hundred times more skill than the absolute joke of bosses that Classic had.
You may criticise retail for a lot of things and I'm the first to do exactly that, but raiding wasn't precisely better before.
A bunch of people alone "together" on 15 different realms farming a fucking cosmetic mount.
If it were Shorter, you'd just be falling down the same slippery slope that got us to BFA's shitfest in the first place. It needs a balance of involved time spent.
I agree about Story though, but that's also story-specific - XIV's story was shit in their "Vanilla" too (2.0), got better in HW, was "ok" at best in SB, but was fucking amazing in ShB.
Maybe not being a more generic fantasy world than lord of the rings.
>the shittiest expansion
XIV needs a serious Cataclysming to redo the old 2.0 world.
oops, meant to
TOP1 retail players lost in world first race because they were wiping in BRD while guild from private servers were clearing the raids.
That means top 1 retail guild STRUGGLE in classic and can't even beat 5 ppl dungeon, they were demolished by difficulty of classic pve
True, maybe its just not enjoyable for me because I did it before.
I can see people doing classic for the first time loving it though.
you don;t need it but no self respecting guild is going to give loot to people who don;t put in effort.
Farming your pre-BiS and coming with consumables is the easiest way to show you deserve some loot.
Method is a guild that has tried to make PVE stuff into almost an e-sports thing. It's pretty cringe. They even rented a broadcasting studio for their world firsts, but some gnomes and dwarves beat them.
lmao is this what retail trannies like? Waiting around with their absurd mounts and shitty transmogs for some rare mob to spawn?
Jesus fuck. After the game well and truly died. Fucking neck yourself if you liked this shit in the least bit.
THat's hilarious, has their been any reaction compilations?
> Methods are the best what retail can offer
> They consider to be the best players of the retail version
> Many world first
> Much achievements
Hey, guys, any retail retard still wanna defend retail difficulty and retails raids?
I mean just look at this shit, your BEST bois don't even start trying MK while our classic chad already DONE with it.
Ho much time did it take for Method to kill Azshara? Three weeks? I bet APES could have done in one week
>Waiting around with their absurd mounts and shitty transmogs for some rare mob to spawn?
Beats standing around Stormwind or Org in Classic with nothing to do because there is no end game content.
>all those zoomertranny addons built to play the game for you
>It's just zoomers spinning tall tales because they played the game when they were so young that they couldn't even begin to comprehend what was going on
The vast majority of people levelled and that was the game for them. Less than 5% of people raided in Vanilla, less than 1% ever saw Naxx, which is why they introduced LFR and brought back Naxx, because it was still new content for most players. Stop trying to rewrite history with your neckbeard version
Classic is factually bad and a fundamentally flawed game, but blind retarded boomers and blizzdrones wont admit this.
t. played this game enough time to know almost everything about it and all the flaws it has.
You can kill him with an exploit?
Could you explain because I've never heard of this being done before.
This shouldn't deter people at all. This is a private server guild that has leveled to 60 so many times and have done this boss so many times that it's basically like second nature. Getting to 60 as fast as they did requires basically no sleep or account sharing. It literally takes about 3-4 days played time to get to 60 if you're power leveling ( I can't stress this enough). Not everyone has 8+ hours a day to grind it out like they did. Not every guild is going to beat this dude in a week like they did.
The average person won't beat this guy for at least a month or two and that's a good thing.
They're actually doing that in 5.3. Not redoing the old world like WoW did, but condense the ARR and post-ARR main scenario quests in fewer quests while adapting the scenes, dialogue and pacing as necessary, probably removing a lot of the annoying filler.
Yoshi-P is well aware that the ARR experience is tedious and makes many people stop playing before reaching the absolute marvel that are Heavensward and Shadowbringers.
>farming mounts and transmogs is considered endgame content to retail trannies
It's zoomers who never played an MMO before Vanilla WoW. Boomers grew up on Ultima Online, EQ, Asheron's Call, DAoC... etc.
Not pictured: certain guilds being allowed to learn bosses on the PTR
Ohhhh bfa schoolbois right there! If everything is so simple, then why haven't YOU made this FC?
Oh yes, well, Methods are no longer Methods of course, nice shoes you have there.
The forum already had many proofs that the current version of the classics differs from the one in 2007 by 20-30%, and maybe more.
It only proves that classic players>>>>retail players.
While method cant even hit 60 lvl, APES already done with the raid.
That means boars in classic ARE HARDER than ANY raid in retail.
Fuck retail pussies
Do you understand that APES is literally 0.00000000000000000001% of players and nobody will be able to repeat the kill in the coming MONTHS? You understand that the 60s level have ONLY them and that the raid is able to close ONLY them, but no one else.
i can admit its flaws and at the sametime it doesnt mean im not having fun with the game.
That's a nice outfit.
LOL me too bro
Does the free trial mode work for Classic?
Level 20 twink BG pvp (which I assume isn't available til phase 2 anyway) was the only fun thing to do outside of raiding
No, only soda's compilation
>762 hp at lvl 32
>getting one shot by a druid
Did this mage have literally no stam on his gear at all?
>Questing in STV
>See horde faggot
>Drop him
>start vietnam war 2.0
>"Who keeps ganking horde, we were at peace!"
If you don't murder every single fucking Horde scum while you impose your priority on quest and loot, then you're a giga fag and need to reroll off pvp servers
i used to do that during wotlk and cata when i got the urge to play but didn't want to resub. but i always capped my xp gains when i got to level 19 so i could stomp bgs in all the best in slot dungeon and quest gear
I play horde and I only fight in self-defense. I've won pretty much every 1 v 1 encounter than some little nigger alliance thought he could violate the NAP and get away with it.
World of Warcraft still exists and people still pay to play it?
Fuck me blizzard must be rich
jesus christ this shit needs a reboot so badly, what the fuck am i looking at
>t. poor console faggot
try again tomorrow
>what the fuck am i looking at
Pure cancer. Retail wow is only about cosmetic crap that only trannies and women like and e-sport wannabe zoomers that think Mythic dungeons and raids matter.
Engaging is boring as fuck. I find it much more thrilling to be engaged first, and then turn it around.
still higher than a full pop vanilla server
no. it is funny how the amount friendly faces drop off after level 30.
the name filtering is so stupid, my friend has ass in his name but i can't have liquor in mine?
>5 bars from 60
>Just got done tanking a back to back Live+UD Strat run + a full BRD run and I just want a quick break from dungeons but don't want to do/turn in quests until I hit 60 for that bonus gold
>No layers
>Max zoom out
>peak log in time
>this is all they can muster
I see more people sitting outside SM
WoW in 2019 is a mount collecting simulator
wish it wasn't pacific, seems like a good server
is it autism?
whats the big green landmount called?
Hit 60, have near full pre-raid BIS.
Suddenly lost all desire or drive to play anymore.
>Peak login time
That's at like 1:00 in the afternoon ET... You can see the time in the filename.
mages at this level typically don't
even as a warrior I can kill them because I legit only need to hit them twice, they die in intercept stun
no just subbed for first time and loving it
>nolife through available content
>wow I ran out of content
who could have seen this coming
i already have a good job and career and the first time i played i was a freshman in highschool and didnt have to worry about shit. youre just a wagie fucking nigger.
>People no life content and then bitch about not having content
>"Why do they have to timegate everything?! REEEEEEEEEE"
geez thats alot. i havent played retail since near the end of mop and i was sitting at around 225k gold. how are people running around with 5million plus?
Vanilla wow has the worst grind in any mmo though simply because there's no freedom in it.
Post screenshot showing taskbar or GTFO.
> With that said, Rag & Ony were down within a week of launch of Classic
Yes. But raids was cleared ONLY by Apes. And apes had 10 years of practice this speedruning.
I bet my anus that it would take MONTHS to repeat their achievements.
They are top tier players, even better than Method which are the best what retail can offer, they had a lot of practice and know what to do.
Average Joe is level 45 right now. It would take months for Average Joe to even hit 60, then it would take even more months to get pre raid gear and clear first raid.
Never forget that Apes even better than Method and Method are better than 99.9% retail players.
Classic is hard, very hard, much harder than retail, it is so hard that method can't even hit 60 lvl, so fucking boars in classic are harder than Azshara.
But apes... these guys... they are TOO strong, TOO prepared and TOO trained for that content.
We CAN'T judge whole classic only by their success
They aren't, I've never seen one on my server (full EST server). It's only giga neckbeards that have one
I have fun with occasional world PvP, but I am bored as fuck of levelling. Im sure I'll love level 60 but the grind is soul sucking.
>questing is content
>Classic is hard, very hard
>questing around 6 players of the enemy faction
>know that if one decides to pick a fight with you, everyone will jump in to aid him
>Crossrealm bot Location to farm the mount
>Can't even complete with a random classic layer
No, my server was full last night. Seems everybody is playing.
>Incendius has a queue on a wednesday 3 weeks after release
d-dead g-game...
Vanilla > TBC > Wrath > Cata > Pandaria > Wod > Legion > BFA
Prove me wrong
I'm stuck in the high 30s. don't have the drive to keep going
Exoplain to me how WoD is any better than Legion or BfA.
>It's all bots! To farm this BoP mount!
>Play my nostalgia novelty game instead, REEEEEEEEE!
Actually a fucking excellent server. Tons of great people. Haven't had a bad experience yet.
Yes, after waiting in line for 4 hours, and it was the best mmo experience I've had in years. I'm HOME!
Doesn't have random leggos or artefact power grinding. Has master looter.
What else is it?
Why, you're absolutely right.
Much less idiotic pruning than Legion or BFA, though it still had pruning. Warlocks still had Life Tap, mana still mattered, etc.
>Classic and BC solution was to BE SKILLED
How does skill affect things like Kael'thas accruing aggro from all the heals going on in phases 1-3 before he enters the fight and kills your healers? Or was the skill knowing to keep 5 warlocks in the raid outside the instance so all your healers could be soulstoned for every pull?
what server does Yea Forums play on im boutta start
WoW Classic II in 15 years when they inevitably fuck this iteration up again.. at least this one's BfA will be better than retail's
Gatekeeping for the real content
it's just like trump 2016 elections, retards still seething 3 years later when we get classic+ or TBC
Just kys retard, knowing how to pull and zoom cleave boars is not difficult
>Raiding is the only real content
Jesus christ end yourself
>want to roll on a new server
>all my names are taken
fuck this
I had a 4000 queue when logging into Gehennas EU this afternoon
Not as bad as the 24k queue peaks on release though
TBC makes sense, and they already said that the groundwork is there. People asking for Classic+ are literally subhuman retards. Given that, it isn't surprising that they like Vanilla so much.
You don't even play games, you just watch twitch
No but pvp is
its anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to get in Stalagg after i get home from work.
sucks i barely get any time to play but maybe im enjoying the game better this way and dungeons and leveling feels more 'rewarding'
Holy shit those arm scars
Projecting a little too much there lilzoom
>muh journey
Ah I see, good bait
I always wonder why I play this game when I get a few seconds of enjoyment at most every hour.
>People asking for Classic+ are literally subhuman retards
Not sure what "Classic+" means, you living turd, but new gold dumps will be needed at some point to remove money out of the system.
If layers are necessary then at least expand their capacity
Classic+ is a meme idea that subhuman retards are parroting. The proposal is that Blizzard makes new content for Classic. As in, brand new dungeons, raids, systems, possibly full-on expansions... etc.
Basically make Classic not Classic anymore.
God, she is such a slut
E-sports and Guilds like Method are the reason why we no longer have 10 man content.
Because it's a shitty cash grab by Blizzard when they should be spending their time actually improving Retail, not trying to cash in on peoples' nostalgia.
>What's the matter, user? Transmog doesn't take away anything from classic
>What's the matter, user? Barbershop doesn't take away anything from classic
>What's the matter, user? Dual spec doesn't take away anything from classic
>What's the matter, user? No weapon skill doesn't take away anything from classic
>What's the matter, user? LFG doesn't take away anything from classic
I cutting edged KJ and hated every pull until the last.
Actually, I quit after KJ and didn't do Antorus. Came back for Uldir, then quit after that as well. I wish the shit outside of raiding in BFA wasn't such aids
What's the actual context here? Last I heard, Jaina was on a psychotic murderous anti-Horde rampage.
Now fter Thrall has returned she wants peace between two fractions again. She is against Sylvanas, but believes in Thrall
Well really I don't blame you, BFA raiding is shit besides maybe CoS.
>how are people running around with 5million plus?
the aren't
it was an hour queue as of 90 minutes ago
fuckin pissin me off, but it's definitely not dead
>Kill alliance cuck
A lot more than one guild cleared Naxx you retard. And more would have if TBC hadn't been so soon after.
>Still spouting lies
How many of Methods actual raid team was racing to 60 and to MC again?
You tell me
what's a good server to play on rn with a good alliance/horde balance?
Mr. Handout got a binding today and of course took it for himself.
If you "played" (read logged in daily to manage your garrison missions) through all of WoD you made infinite gold, prices skyrocketed, every single rare TCG item went to gold cap in EU.
Also, depends on your guild, but a single Jaina mythic mount boost netted more than enough gold to cover all of your raid roster's monthly game time, and competent guilds boosted 2 mounts a week (mixed raid with alts and mains). M+ boosts also typically go for token price. Challenge Mode boosts went for a high amount too back in MoP and WoD.
If you're good at the game you can make bank easily, that or be an AH nerd.
I play on a PvE server and there's NO REASON why flying mounts aren't fine for PvE servers
Zoomer Cleave got hotfixed. Hope you abused it while you could, because it's going away now.
You dont use a tank for it.
I hate how this bait works every time.
After playing classic so much since release, this picture is even more shocking and disgusting holy shit.
I've only played WoW during Burning Crusade and only got to like level 50.
Can someone explain how guilds distribute all the good loot during raids? Are you just fucked unless you're the guild leader or one of their butt buddies?
Just walk dummy
that webm made me glad i didn't play horde they are so cringe
It's the opposite. Full retail servers are bigger than full classic servers
lol u mad?
What's wrong with transmogs?
DKP was the "fair" way but expect to never get legnedaries unless you suck the GMs dick.
Just waiting for archeage unchained honestly
>carebear faction garbage with 99% pve content
No Id kill you and than go fuck my GF
you're not edgy or cool just cringe
I've seen 3 players on firemaw with the diablo pet so far. Lots of old people playing. I play on Firemaw and then only times I can play with no queue is past midnight and early morning. Midday and afternoon is queue times at 2 hours.
Are you implying alliance don't do stupid shit too? I never understood this hatred for one faction or another
>t. played both factions
*enhancement shamans that are primarily healing
Why wouldn't he? He's the main character of his guild.
Either loot council (aka favoritism / GM ninjas everything) or DKP (a potentially complicated system that tracks raid participation, assigns you a sort of score or currency that you can then use to bid or buy items).
If two people have the same DKP they /roll
That is not even remotely true
I just use it as an excuse to discuss WoW classic away from /vg/ desu
I quit because I have no interest in endgame and was approaching it quick, regardless of this being phase 1. The best part of WoW is unironically the leveling process, as painful and boring as it can be, it's better than night after night of wiping until people stop fucking up so they can take the purple that you wanted.
I guarantee you that no one in APES compares to anyone raiding in Method. Method is vastly superior
>most shit goes for just at vendor price
What causes this to happen? Is it an undersupply of gold in the economy being so new it incentivizes you to vendor shit instead of worry for ah Jews?
>Nobody plays it anymore and all major cities, queues and lfg are fucking empty.
>Classic is SUPER alive, it has thrice more players than retail
3 x 0 = ???
Yes. Everyone is still fucking broke. Let more gold enter the economy, and then people can afford over-vendor pricing.
You can tell this Thai chick loves black _________________
>you died
This. This is what wrong with transmog - it kills the soul of the MMO game
Psh... nothing personnel, kid... enjoy the run back from the graveyard. And hey, make sure you get that equipment repaired... you have the silver for it, right? Heh...
Ex-mythic raider here. While it’s true that retail bosses are leaps and bounds more difficult than anything from Vanilla-WotLK, that doesn’t mean it’s more fun or rewarding. The only reward I ever got from a mythic kill was the intrinsic enjoyment of overcoming the challenge with my guild. The gear matters very little because all it does is let you do the same shit you’re already doing a little bit faster. Your gear makes little difference in PvP and transmog ensures that you’re never recognized for your achievement in any capacity unless you go into LFR and flex on the scrubs in there, which is meaningless because LFR kids are too bad at the game to do anything but whine that you’re blowing them out. In Classic, you’re raiding to flex on the other faction in PvP and look cool standing in front of the AH. Your gear is your character and it vastly effects everything you do at endgame. In retail your achievements are your character and the gear is the dopamine hit to get you to keep playing, it doesn’t give any appreciable power boost because by the time you’re geared the fuck out the content is farmed out and now your gear is useless. You also have the added problem of your gear getting replaced so fast that none of it is meaningful. So, while you’re right that the raids and bosses are more challenging, the challenge is meaningless beyond what the individual player attaches to it. That’s why more and more mythic guilds are falling apart.
Actually growing up and not being impressed by basic bitch tier sets kills the "soul"
That shit was only ever cool because you were 12 years old
they should let me mog and mount what ever I find form classic on retail
Mythic sets from mythic raiding look different from pleb sets so you can still see who's a fat dick raider
Fuck off, I'll be dead before I let you revisionists try and paint MoP as anything but rancid dogshit. The only reason it gets any bit of praise is because the only people left playing at that point were the kind of people who'd actually enjoy that trash.
Most of the tier armor sets looked like garbage. I would much rather have a more grounded look to my character than be a fucking medieval space marine in magical power armor. Some random green leveling sets mixed and matched looked far better. This is why I personally like transmog, just make it client side so spergs can hate on it and people who want it can enjoy it.
I'll be the first to say it: classic is boring as fuck because everything is old and there are no secrets
>All those Mim heads
MOP was like starving north koreans getting to eat moldy bread. Yeah it's literal garbage, but at least they're not having to fight over corn kernels in pig shit.
Nobody cares anymore though because everybody knows that if you’re a fat dick raider that gear rained from the sky for you. Your only real achievement is the actual boss kill achievement. Nobody gives a fuck what gear you’re in anymore.
No one ever gave a shit except low level kids fapping to max level characters.
>ambush or cheap shot miss
>dodges gouge
>parries/dodges/miss sinister strike three times in a row
>vanish, try again
>everything going well
>5 combo points
>cold blood
>not enough energy
Loot council, DKP, and just straight up /roll are the popular options
Loot Council is popular in top guilds and involves a "council" of people (usually the GM + officers) discussing who to give loot to. However, it requires a lot of trust and typically only works in a tight-knit guild where everyone knows each-other and is in it as a team.
DKP is just getting warded monopoly money for attending raids and shit, and you can use it to bid on drops. It works in theory by rewarding those who show up to raids by giving them more monopoly money, which results in most of the gear going to your most loyal players.
/rolling for loot is what sounds like. Everyone who wants it /rolls for it and whoever rolls highest gets it.
>getting warded
getting rewarded*
I need to go to bed
DKP seems like the fairest way, if it's persistently tracked. That way, even if you show up infrequently, you can eventually save up enough Good Boy Points to get something nice, and the GM's butt buddy doesn't necessarily snatch every single thing.
My server just started offering free transfers because it's too full
Keep grasping
It really just depends on what kind of guild you're in and what your goals are. I personally prefer loot council because I have a history of playing with teams that I trust to give the loot to whoever will give the biggest benefit to the raid as a whole. I have yet to have a disagreement with a loot council but I have heard stories of people who have.
That being said, I can understand why many normie guilds prefer a system like DKP
Which is more fun for DPS warr, arms or fury?
I'm arms and I'm thinking of rerolling fury because the slow 2H swing timer feels clunky, but I'm afraid to just because it'll cost 5g to roll back if I change my mind
>Esfand is the best Ret paladin
I’ve tried watching him five times. Each time it has been autoattacking, for like an hour each. I saw him PvP a few times and other than auto attacking he stunned some people a few times. What the fuck is the point
Is it your first time watching Vanilla Ret Paladin? That's LITERALLY all the spec is.
Yes it is.
i hate this shit. when will the casuals fuck off so i can play comfortably
if you want to even hit a target DW fury is not going to be remotely viable until tier 2 because the hit rate is horrible
however 2h fury is pretty decent in pve
>We worked together at Mt Hyjal you're muh best friend
Please tell me the nigger's at least the main tank
Casuals aren't even playing it, dude. Just hordes of us nostalgiafags.
>lvl 31 warrior asking for help with the charms quest
lol fuck off with taking half my charms for your shit help
Yea Forums peaked at TORtanic and they've been chasing the dragon ever since
Arms is way better, dont even think about it.
I mean it's a pretty cool looking mount
You know what's funny? Crusader strike was originally going to be included in the game but blizzard removed it for some stupid reason.
who / comfy/ fishing here
how is anathema user? i can get a free realm transfer to there, might do it to beat queues.
So you could still inspect them and tell what gear they had, right?
Don't you normally use health pools to make this determination since wotlk and those samey af sets?
How does it kill the soul, now, if the only way to get that gear is to be a raider in the first place?
Is it really that bad?
This looks so soulless. When everyone has a super speshul mount and everyone's armor is transmogged to look anime as fuck, these things lose all meaning.
yoshi p says it's time to unsub user
imagine how much a rogue usually misses, then take away the hit % and +weapon skill talents from combat tree and you got a fury warrior
Squeenix managed to do what Activision did to WoW, make new areas and once it's done it's dead.
you wish tranny
>when everyone has a special mount, no one has a special mount
compare this stupid shit to seeing someone in classic with the baron rivendare mount.
Source: Trust me, bro.
Dead in 3 months, tops.
>you don;t need it but no self respecting guild is going to give loot to people who don;t put in effort.
Lol say it to private server guilds
Considering Apes GM said that retail raids are harder than Naxx?
>I bet APES could have done in one week
Too bad we will never see it.
Nice shop, fucking fag. Fuckign piece of shit.
>Thunderfury has a queue
>Healthy in-game economy
Top kek
>Playing Classic
>Playing a Holy Paladin because I dream of making Horde lose their shit in BGs
>Read that BGs are gonna be Cross Realm "Just like it was in (2 months of) Vanilla!"
>Lose all interest
>Not sure what I'm even playing for anymore
FF14 seems like the only game (besides WoW) that's actually managed to kill WoW, so I'm kinda interested. Is it actually any good? What's it like to play, is it grindy? Would I resent the story like all WoW lore post TBC?
Can't compete with the BGC
>Is it actually any good?
It's WoD clone in Final Fantasy, so I guess it's a prefect for a crossdresser like you
You deserved it.
Wow, user! 30 entire characters in one location. Very cool!
all gear is the exact same on every person, there are no talent trees or any way to configure your character different from the mold it forces on you
every single rotation except for one class is a combo chain of 1>2>3 and sometimes 4
healing is boring garbage
it's tab target
"it gets better after 2.0 i mean 3.0" aka you get minimum level 60 before the game world doesn't make you suicidal
all dungeons and boss fights are overwhelmingly simple or just straight garbage until you reach Heavensward content
it sucks dick and I have 400 hours to prove I wasn't just a tourist
>healing is boring garbage
this in particular is really understated
for a game that typically does have above average rotations, fuck me they have not figured out how to make their healers play, healing in XIV is the least amount of fun you can have and it speaks volumes that every garbage healer has orange logs
That sucks because healers and tanks are my favorite roles and I really liked the way it seemed to handle jobs/classes where one character can be anything- that sounded neat.
FFXIV is largely a single player story-driven RPG in the skin of an MMO. You level through a single linear string of main scenario quests that make up the game's story, there's never a point where you're kind of just exploring the world picking up quests or anything. It has fast travel like GW2 so there isn't much sense of world, but that's not really the game's focus.
As far as classes and combat, it's basically modern MMO done right. Lots of abilities, interesting rotations with a lot of room for optimization, the classes all feel very unique and have pretty good playstyle identity. The game has a long GCD but absolute fuck tons of off-GCD abilities you weave in between.
The best thing about the game is the job system where you don't pick a class that you're stuck to when you make a character, you can be every class on one character. Instead of logging to an alt, you just switch weapons which switches your class and your level to whatever you have that class up to. it's nice because your money, rep, story progress, items, etc. are all one one character instead of a million alts.
>every single rotation except for one class is a combo chain of 1>2>3 and sometimes 4
This is incredibly misleading, the combo system is just the core string of GCD hits that make up barely any of the actual full rotation. That's also not even right in that context, except for MCH all of the weaponskill combos have branches.
he's also raid leader
Probably the last thing you need is another MMO
>"Streamers will have their own server! You don't have to deal with them!"
>Every single server talks about streams achievements constantly
>Everybody says pog and monkas
Not the same. I miss true vanilla. Where people got famous for being really good at PvP or infamous for being ninjas and extremely hostile and rogue like. It also seems like 90% of players are terrible and raiding is like the special Olympics. It's insane how braindead everybody is outside of 1-2 guilds per server.
It was fun while it lasted. It probably won't die for a while player-wise, but it's already lost its soul.
I play on Smolderweb Horde and literally none of the shit you're talking about has ever happened
That's true, but playing Classic left me short on time, so I dropped both my Gatcha games.
So overall, that's probably a win so far.
all this wow stuff just made me go back to p99
Good times aside from this petwindow shitstorm
The minmaxing people are doing is cancer but I'm not sure if the base game that encourages this kind of shit is worse.
>retail trannies still seething
I'm we're back bros
>He isn't playing on an Oceanic server
>His chat isn't full of Australian/Kiwi bantz and/or trolling
I have never seen anyone mention any steamer on my server. Maybe stop playing with zoomer faggots?
This screenshot is a prime example of the lack of soul in retail.
Its just so fucking busy why did no one tell blizzard less is more
Why press the normal buttons when you can press the best buttons?
Play Warrior
>The day WoW died and a bunch of ironic players came to play as a joke because of pandas and never fucking left and think having an in game cash shop is ok on a p2p game
Nope fuck MoP and fuck MoPbabies.
I uninstalled because of Gnomeregan.
Listen, I've been through a lot of shitty dungeons in 4 different MMOs. None of them were that bad.
I don't care that I could just not go there ever again, the mere fact I had to be there stuck with me to the point I got rid of the game.
>imagine being Horde
>imagine complaining about killing and collecting in an MMO
Lol fag, go back to retail and watch a cutscene for your quests
I happily play both retail and classic
I should add I went through all the second tier raids from AQ to Obsidian Sanctum back then.
I was excited to try BWL because it was relevant while I was still leveling, but this one fucking dungeon made me hate the game so much I'm not going back.
Maybe when BGs are out in a year's time.
The problem with DKP is that instead of the GM's buttbuddies you have the class leaders' buttbuddies arranging for minimal bids on their contentious items and bidding up the people who don't play ball
I really don't know what else to say except you are extremely weak.
I give it a couple of months before even the casuals who clock in like 4 hours a week that are, at this very moment, only just clearing Deadmines call it quits. The no-lifers are already clearing end-game content and everyone in between will be joining them by October. With no new content it won't last without a balanced revolving door cycle of old players leaving and new players joining. I can see why BFA is all RNG content now, it lasts much longer as a means of timegating the content.
what it tells me is that I was subconsciously looking for a way out and found the perfect opportunity
>less is more
This is literally their philosophy retard
Why the fuck are Bindings dropping before BWL is even out? Blizzard fucks up yet again.
Convince me to play it Yea Forums, I'm a depressed NEET right now so I have ample free time.
You probably don't have any friends so it's not worth it. Find a gimmicky private server instead
In Classic, friends just slow you down.
I have one friend who would also play.
>It also seems like 90% of players are terrible and raiding is like the special Olympics.
Just like real Vanilla!
I just wish they'd open up paid transfers already.
>friends just slow you down
That would be retail
How do friends slow you down in retail?
Because tags are shared without grouping and things die in two seconds anyways, so having to wait for someone else and let them run around for their quests just wastes time
They can kill half while you kill the other half. Twice the speed.
im very much glad we have layering. theres enough players in each quest zone that you can fight for spawns and nodes and maybe get more if you're quicker and better. if there was no layering, it would be a shitfest with crowds of people taking hours to finish quests, no skill or manouvering even possible to get it finished quicker
Have you even played retail? You literally don't need it. There's no time to save. It's not like classic where there's downtime eating/drinking/etc that can be saved by fighting with a friend to take mobs down faster.
Partying up in vanilla saves you a ton of time, partying up in retail saves you a negligible amount of time and depending on the types of quests could even slow you down.
Sulfuras is really even. I'm alliance if anyone wants to hit me up.
Who fucking cares.
It's BFA, you totally 100% know that's an old set. You're not retarded and you know what the mythic tier sets in the current expac look like. Everyone does.
Yeah if you're some bumbling fool you might see someone in tier gear from 5 years ago and go "man that guy must be strong", but it's trivial, a 30 second lesson, that they aren't. This is a mistake new players make literally once.
You can also right click inspect and see ilvl these days. Average ivlvl and the ilvl of pieces, where it was obtained (mythic or heroic difficulty etc.)
Even within the same expansion if Naxx is out and you see someone in full tier 1 you would know they are good, or were good, but nowhere near the best.
The last point I make is that if you have the latest mythic raid set in the expansion, you earned it. It's hard to get. It's kinda hard to get even BoD set right now if you don't socialize at all. It's not as though the prestige it's gone, and it's around as time limited as before. If I walked around in tier 1 armor during late TBC because I farmed it with a couple people, would you think I'm some boss player? Fuck now, even though I look fly as fuck. If you did, you'd learn soon as someone says "yeah that's old armor".
People are just upset that others can go back and farm sets now that it's easy, when they did it when it was "hard". But that's life. If you want a time-limited shitshow you can play a gacha game with the other addicts.
I've heard the PvP argument against mogging, and though it has some strength I think the convenience and style offered by transmog makes it work. If someone runs at you with the current mythic raid set you know they are a skilled player. if it's anything else, it's up in the air, as always.
>Who fucking cares.
A lot of people do, I'm sorry that your autism won't let you understand that other people are capable of thinking differently from you.
tell that to the 3k hour queue on herod, jesus christ fucking tourists leave already reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The average Horde player has mental issues and seek attention far more than their Alliance counterpart.
Basically if you play Horde your parents are probably divorced.
>The average Horde player has mental issues and seek attention far more than their Alliance counterpart
>Says he while ERPing in Goldshire
baron rivendare mount is now literally more common than some normal faction mounts
Which one you horde autists are raiding raven hill on Incendius server?
na I like pvp and some raiding mostly
Good night friend
That's ridiculous
the Raven Lord is an even worse example, this mount used to be special in TBC but now almost 30% of players have it
> You're not retarded and you know what the mythic tier sets in the current expac look like.
Yeah, but soul is already killed.
You see... transmogs are just like masks - they hide your true nature. In classic it's different - if someone looks like fucking clown then this dude IS fucking clown in blues and he NEVER been in some serous content, this dude does not have any experience. But then you see knight in shining armor you totally know - this dude wears epics, and he is fucking EPIC raider, he is god to you. In retail everyone hides behind masks, some players have a good experience in previous content tier, some are just casuals, others just don't like current tier mythic set appearance. Gods, peasants and veterans - all hide their true nature behind masks. And because of the there connot be STRICT HIERARCHY.
STRICT HIERARCHY - this thing is VERY important for social interactions, so transmog is part of the biggest problem with current MMO - lack of social interactions, social activity and social hierarchy.
Transmog allow you to hide who you truly are, even if you are literal god, and this kills the soul of MMO.
This but unironically
t. new player who never played wow before
>log into RPPVP server classic, there are people fucking everywhere, I can't even move through stranglethorn without getting mogged by a million alliance
>log into RPPVP server retail, it's a ghost town. It's like i'm playing dead of night at 3am in the classic server during prime time.
Last I heard, 60% of the current subscriber base is playing classic instead of retail right now. I think that'll change once people start hitting 60 and find there's not much left to do in classic, but still, this should be a huge wakeup call to blizzard that they screwed the pooch with retail and they need to completely rethink everything they've been fucking up.
>some serous content,
Hello Kaplan. Serious content killed MMO
Can you play wow classic but with the new high def gfx?
I totally love entering the Horde layer or the Alliance layer. That shit throws off balance so hard it's unreal due to how it influences faction snowballing. It's unplayable because of the layering you dumbass blizzcuck.
Am I missing anything or am I good to drop gnomish and relearn for goblin?
You have to relearn the entire engineering skill just so you know
I'm well aware
>allytrannies are 3rd worlders also
Big surprise there.
That's rich coming from a tranny.
Cringe at allytranny.
Have sex.
Im having a great time. I have much more limited playtime these days so im just level 24 at Ashenvale and I got a 30 something night elf rogue killed twice after he went around killing people around lvl 20-25. The other faction can see your emotes right? I want to believe my /spit is the reason he chased me into the guards the second time when he lost his kill to my potion.
>Every caster running around with illusionary rod
>Every warrior with full sm gear/whirlwind axe
When did you realize this was actually zoomer classic?
Yes they can. if you are a rogue and have some balls, whenever a higher level player comes at you blind them and just /laugh or /spit in their faces for 8 seconds and vanish away.
>not skipping ww axe
it's amazing to me how many zoomers put themselves through that shit because they watched asmons stream farm elementals for him
just go from corpsemaker to ravager
The story and world wouldn't be so bland if you weren't a fucking moron and read the quests...
Not yet b/c you can stay farming sm for a lot of levels
Just get two guildies, one who can heal whose 40+ and it's cake.
Yeah they can see emotes.
A druid ambushed me in hillsbrad and we've spent the last two days PvPing any time we encounter each other during questing, calling friends etc so we end up in 5 vs 5 battles around the map. I haven't felt such hatred in a game for a long time.
>every warrior
Oh man and before that there was a 30 night elf hunter harassing people so 4 of us at level 23 grouped up and kept running him off. Im honestly enjoying it more right now than the first time around
Thats perfect, ill probably be like that when I roll my rogue, but for now Im enjoying my dead priest.
That sounds great, can you really say you arent enjoying the hatred any?
It wasn't an exploit. There was a quest chain that would give you a debuff at some point where you could attack NPCs of your own faction(no time too, lasted until you completed a part of the quest). It was pretty out of the way and rare to see but once people figured it out, the fun began. Guilds would wrangle together a full raid of people that hadn't done the chain, get the debuff on all of them and fuck up their own faction leaders. Other players would simply kill their own faction towns (xroads was popular).
Of course, seeing this amount of FUN, blizzard promptly removed it.
Quest dialogue was always fucking garbage, this isn't RuneScape.
This. Life on Arugal is good.
The dungeon farming meta made me quit already. Absolutely fucking disgusting.
I'm loving the hatred.
>average joe is 45
Highest player at my work is 25. I hate being employed.
Guys I spotted a rare Sneed on Whitemane today.
How sad
Onyxia and Ragnaros downed in, what, six days? Eight? Took almost five months in the original go-around.
imagine being this much of a crying pissbaby
I fucking hate tauren. Final solution when.
>Every caster running around with illusionary rod
>Every warrior with full sm gear/whirlwind axe
So, the same shit as in 2005? Are you retarded?
Stop letting streamers live rent free in your head
Sure thing lil zoom.
>People playing the game on private servers for 4 years doing the same shit over and over again
>Huh these guys who did it for 4 years did it faster than people who had never played the game
Wow wasn't as commercial at the time. Now people think it is a good life choice to spend 16 hours a day playing. thinking it may benefit them. Or they have given up hope in this world. as i have
Warlock, they're both ez mode to level, but lock is much better than huntard in pvp.
It helps to avoid WPvP on a PvP server.
Just not join one? I'm a bit tempted because of the easy xp but I've only been doing normal groups so far. My best experience was when we tried SM with way too low levels and two melee shamans as healers and had to CC every pull. That was classic for me.
Nah, huntards shit on almost every class except maybe frost mages or warriors if they can close the gap in BGs and WPVP. Maybe not at a high level, but in everyday occurrences i would say they do at least.
unironically pandaria was the most fun era of the game for me. Only played from late cata to early legion, but pandaria had the least amount of bullshit, and the setting and enemies and daily eras like isle of thunder or timeless isle were fucking amazing. I know people will shit on this xpac just because of the pandas, but the Chinese inspired lore and areas were super comfy, and the whole plot with Garrosh just ruining everything was actually really cool. Still mad the klaxxi haven’t come back in any way btw
Thats not really a fair represntation for quite a few reasons. For one they knew everything they needed to do which includes how to fight those bosses and fuck how to even get to em. They also have years of experience killing the poor fucks. Finally this is 1.12 so even your average pleb is stronger then players at first rag kill.
>psychotic murderous anti-Horde rampage
Now that's based
Same but on horde side. Yesterday some faggots defended themselves by saying „there is no point in killing alliance“. They can fuck off to PvE.
You've missed the point of my post.
If someone has the epic raider set transmogged, for the season, then they earned it. So who fucking cares? They've earned the gear for it and are seen as such. Let them mog their epic gear they earned. Since they earned the drops, they earned the appearance, and can mog it while wearing a later tier set or something if they so choose.
If someone is in clown blues then they either have shit taste in mogs and are a raiding "god", or are just a clown in blues.
Alternatively, someone wearing tier set could mog themselves to look weaker than they are. I agree that is an issue--but it's very minor. That trick will work only once, you'll remember their name, and you'll be ready next time they are around.
So, I think that issue is exceedingly minor. But, we can fix it! In an ideal world, all instanced PvP (so BGs and, if we ever get TBC etc., then arenas etc.) will have transmog disabled. Boom, problem solved.
>But what about plebs mogging full tier 1 etc.
If scrubs have the tier set then the raid is piss easy. Either cause it's poorly designed or because they outgear it. At which case, outgearing it, they are mogging themselves to look weaker (or similar in strength) than they are. All the "gods" will have gear from the latest (or later) raid tiers.
>But what about wPvP!
wPvP was never designed to be balanced, what with numbers disadvantages and such. I think this is so minor that it doesn't even warrant a solution. If you really want one I'm open to ideas taht aren't a blanket ban on transmog on PvP servers.
Lastly that image is retarded. People who PvP will know what the PvP set looks like because the hardest to get sets will ALWAYS be mogged since people want to show off--unless they are seeking to trick others, or another, similar difficulty bit of content offers a cooler looking set.
People who don't PvP won't know what the set looks like, perhaps, but who cares about them, right?
The setting was okay and having a lot of stuff to interact with was okay, but there was way too much phasing to keep the game interesting, there was basically 0 exploring unless you finished the area.
Like that valley you posted which was empty nonsense until that last patch where it became grindy empty nonsense. IoT was ridiculous, more chaos than actually anything fun, Timeless was a huge chore after the first line of quests involving it.
Klaxxi won't ever come back, user, they were a AWAKEN THEN OLD WARRIORS, OH NO CORRUPTION before they even got the chance to be interesting.
Really, pandas were the last thing that make this expansion not-very-good.
>and the whole plot with Garrosh just ruining everything was actually really cool
No, user, just no.
Who kromcrush here? What's your opinion on jingles?
>If someone has the epic raider set transmogged, for the season, then they earned it.
>one shotting a raid boss years later is earning it
I was about to quit too, but then
>/leave world
And in a moment game started to be better.
theres too many underage faggots playing classic you morons need to stop memeing classic as the dark souls experience.
go back to saying classic is only for boomers and stupid people who are masochists.
Then how is that different if the person who is Tmogging already had to raid to get that gear?
Are you just worried about getting pvp'd on by someone in EPICZ LIKE GOD STATUS while they're in a clown suit?
If anything less clown means more soul.
zoomers are also drinking water, you should stop drinking water immediately
Try 60 quilboar tusks, pleb faggot.
Isn't it more like 30 b/c they drop in pairs?
Read the rest of the post.
Also, your bias is showing. The number one touted argument is about balance and all these things, but when push comes to shove the real reason seems to be "you didn't earn it at the time it was challenging so you shouldn't be able to get it ever!"
But even in the case of no transmogging feature, we could zerg the boss to get the gear and wear it to get the appearance, right? I could walk around stormwind in tier 1 armor during the Naxx phase (or in TBC, should we get it) just to look cool even if it was a comparatively piss easy affair to obtain.
And the people who DID earn it at the time are good enough to be wearing the latest tier sets, so they aren't hurt at all by transmogging.
I play horde and I respect your decision user. Truce faggots need to reroll on PVE servers. Whenever I see fags quests alongside alliance I make it a point to start a war, killing the alliance and making sure they see me /thank the other horde players.
The underage plague makes it almost essential to have a guild.
>random pugs in the world have flare up tantrums over BoE drops, due to saltiness.
>accuse everyone of being ninjas
>literally have no education because they are underage and can't understand basic terms and language
>wipe regularly or take three times as long to do things
This is why vanilla wow felt hard all those years ago was stupid kids.
>Read the rest of the post.
why would I read a wall of reddit spaced text that starts with you being objectively wrong?
I play as a rogue and i wreck huntards left and right. But to be fair a lot of them do seem to be bad players. This one nigger tried to gank me the other day when I was fighting a mob, didn't even conc shot me, killed him ez. Only other experience I have is as a warrior back in the day and huntards were basically free honor.
On private servers i would get my ass handed to me all the time by huntards with their fucking non stop kiting and imp conc shot. It was ridiculous. Good to know that people are shit in classic though. Might actually sub just for that then. After getting full BIS on pservers, raiding lost it's allure to me. Rogue main as well btw.
>why would I challenge my views when I can be a coward and hide behind buzzwords and tired one-line retorts.
Because you might want to not be a fucking loser? It's so easy to put your head in the sand when you get backed-the-fuck-up by an argument, right? That totally doesn't make you look pathetic to others in the thread, right?
Why havnt mods caught on to this yet?
Its obviously someone getting paid to create these threads because its literally always up and has the same general structure and content every time.
I refuse to believe there is actually someone who makes this thread over and over again because he truly believes that classic is not a massive hit.
sjw faggots are butthurt because classic being a hit means straight white men won.
Are you legit autistic?
I don't know, it's pretty weird to me that someone is obsessed enough with classic to keep starting threads about it in a negative connotation
>why is the most popular game of all time always discussed on Yea Forums?
zoomer, out
>resorting to namecalling
I see we're done here, unless you want to tell me more about how you earned your naxx transmog in bfa
jesus nostalgia hit incoming. i was also on sylvanas back on the day, i remember them before all the e-sports craze and the game went to shit.
desu e-sports is the root of all evil
Population rating is relative to the most popular server at the moment you check. Low doesn't actually mean low
>Psychotic anti horde rampage
Even Jaina wants to level in classic STV.
You never presented a coherent counter argument and thus conceded by default. I'm only stooping to your level because it's language you seem to understand. Thanks for playing.
I'm still open to reasons why transmogging is bad, somehow. Never heard a worthwhile one yet, though.
Transmog is a great feature for retail but I have yet to hear any actual reason it should be shoehorned in to classic
> me and my friends poopsock
> clearly, poopsocking is the ideal and most efficient way to play
> those that don't poopsock aren't doing it right
you would first have to present a valid point to argue with
saying shit like "if you have a set, you earned it" is objectively wrong to begin with
but go ahead keep autistically screeching at me
Fun? I think that boils down to both side's opinion anyway. There really isn't a reason not to other than NoChanges, which I think is the only legit reason. Otherwise not having it seems unfun to some and having it seems unfun to some.
Not him but lmao at pot trying to call the kettle black
>Not him
lol ok
>Fun? I think that boils down to both side's opinion anyway.
Do you think LFG should be added?
Lfg is a cancer on a level far beyond what you could call transmog even if it was cancer. Transmog lets you take some of the shitty designs of the high end armor and mask over it with more basic armor because what the fuck were they thinking with some of these designs
This is why i like the game blade and soul. It has a bidding system for loot.
At first everyones reaction is "fuck off thats unfair I have to bid money for loot?!"
But what actually happens is you get a cut everytime some whale drops tons of gold on a drop which makes you richer.
Arms is pvp, fury dual wield is pve dps, prot or fury/prot hybrid is tanking.
Just because I think one thing can be added with little to no serious repercussions doesn't mean I feel that way about other things that could be added.
The one in TBC was alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>fury/prot hybrid is tanking
not until way later in raid tiers
Fortunately Blizzard has a product out already with just that thing you want
That would not be entirely accurate.
transmog shouldnt be added to classic it defeats the purpose of classic.
That is earning bis loot and displaying it. If you want to look cool put on rp gear and suffer the penalty.
What actually has no legitmate argument against is not adding detailed models as an option.
There is zero valid reason to not add that.
Reddit users farm karma. Yea Forums users farm replies and (You)s. These threads are guaranteed replies.
Transmog is just a click away, silly
>Will never happen
>Will not be popular
>Dead in 1 week
>Dead in 2 weeks
>Dead in one month
>Dead in three months
Make up your mind. When is classic dead?
It's just a cosmetic, user, it's not a necessity.
My one hope is classic dies but only for the fotm, underage, shitter players.
Exactly, which is why I don't see why it should be added to classic
im glad that I'm not only one who can clearly see that they're using some p server codebase
They were there in the beginning and they'll be there now!
The sheer irony of your post. You continue to show your lack of reading comprehension with every post you make. Even without transmogging people can clear old raids to get the gear drops and put them on for cosmetic effect. They can do this later in the expansion when significantly easier, or just in the next expansion.
Should old raids not drop loot to prevent this, in your mind, when the best raiders are wearing later stuff anyway?
The thing is, I don't really want transmogging in classic. I wouldn't care if it was in there, but only cause I was never in the strict NOCHANGES camp and I'm smart enough to know it won't affect anything except maybe wpvp in a minor fashion.
I'm just tired of shitty arguments against transmog that use logical fallacies and poorly thought out reasoning. It just hurts to see people so dumb.
I also don't think LFG belongs in classic or elsewhere. I'm not 100% against the sort of bulletin board system, where, within a server community only, one can browse listings and get a leader's name to whisper to apply for a dungeon/raid group. However, that's something else I can take or leave. The only benefit is less need to spam lfg channels. Without cross-realm and the automated filling tool, there's not gonna be any issues regarding ninjalooters getting away within things, or community degradation. Without instant teleportation to the instance, there's also no worries regarding missing travel chat time, or with wPvP ganks not happening.
No they wont over half of them quit before 30.
When did you take that pic? 4am?
Well I don't think anyone has said otherwise.
>eight idiots who leveled the most annoying class to level in Classic
This is how I know you're bad because I leveled two warriors.
The first time I leveled in TBC, before any leveling buffs and I would have completely agreed. Warrior was a slower dumber rogue and it was boring as fuck. I was bad.
The second one I leveled on Kronos and it was as if god himself showed up. Because the warrior has an incredible toolset which can farm like a breeze while also killing anyone in your path. Even mages if you had alchemy or engineering.
I killed a few 60s as 52+ by brining another mob into the fight and recklessness sweeping cleave ww great rage pots. The first thing I did after reaching 60 was kill a 60 rogue that ambushed me while fighting two mobs. I dinged off one mid fight, let the rogue bleed and restealth into cheapshot bait, trinket and execute.
Warrior is anything but unfun if you know how to play it.
Im fine with no transmog because no changes and all but the designers for the armor were fucking morons for making the t2 look this much worse. The detailed models looked like shit too in my opinion so I really have no comment on that part.
anything that is added as a feature in the game world isnt classic and should never be added.
So a transmog vendor should never be added.
A lot of the WoW in game textures and models before they started updating stuff is legimately shit and lazy.
Thats just blizzards post war2/diablo2 attitude.
you can just hear the the double chin waggling from this seething faggot. Retails dead buddy.. sorry to tell ya
>The entire BFA playerbase in one pic.
You sure showed us.
>Not taking your own path
>Doing or not doing something because you don't want to be a "zoomer"
Fucking retard desu.
>start vietnam war 2.0
Based, working on that myself.
No. Even at 5am you'll still find some people walking around when in retail after around midnight it's pratically empty. And I still catch 2 queues on some days. So yea, it's very much alive...for now at least
Maybe, every zone I go into that's 30+ the /who is full of people that level and above.
>just tired of shitty arguments against transmog that use logical fallacies and poorly thought out reasoning
My sentiments also
tanking dungeons in classic has given me a deep disdain for the average dps player. Healers can be kinda iffy sometimes but generally if they're not a "dps main" bonus points if priest that only heals when practically forced into a corner they're pretty okay. It's like most of them saw some sarcastic video about "pro-tips for classic wow" that gave bad advice as a joke and took it to heart
>tanks can generate threat really easily in classic, so make sure to unload everything you have as soon as your tank looks at a mob
>if a mob is marked with a skull that means it's way too dangerous for you, leave it to the tank and attack something else
>if you pull aggro on a mob, just keep attacking it, the tank can just taunt it once and not have to worry about aggro again after that
>or better yet, if you think taunt is on cooldown, just run far away from the tank as not to bother him, and don't worry about what other packs of mobs might be in the way
Wait really? As someone who played on pservers for a while, this seems quite strange. Is everyone just shit in classic?
Right now it's a shitty mixture of legit new players who have never ran a dungeon before and retail players who have never ran out of mana and the entire goal was to speedrun everything
I'll say two things.
First, FF14 is great. It ticks a lot of the right boxes for me and it made me appreciate somethings it had that WoW had dumped in the name of the almighty 'streamlining.'
Second, you have to be willing to sink a fair number of hours into the game before it gets good. If you remember the actual history to the game, the stuff the game retooled into it's 'original' game, 2.0 or A Realm Reborn is all kinda shitty. Square Enix slapped it together, largely from existing assets, in about a year or two. It's functional but it leaves a lot to be desired. It's only once you hit the introduction to the first major expansion, Heavensward, that things actually pick up.
It's not for everyone, I'll say that much. I had to pick it up, play for a month and then put it back down twice before it finally clicked for me. The game's got some serious issues for new players as well since it railroads you at the start of the game and then gives you an enormous information overload complete with a variety of starter quests that are literally, 'go here, talk to this person.'
OTOH it's greatest strength is that the game doesn't really force anything on you. Other than the main story quest and dungeons nothing is really forced on you. Don't like it? Don't do it. In contrast to a game like WoW where so help you god they want you to do mythic+, at least two raid difficulties, and at least 10 repetitive world quests a week and you will LIKE it or they'll hamstring your character because Blizzard knows what is fun better than you do.
>it sucks dick and I have 400 hours to prove I wasn't just a tourist
For someone who forgot that Heavensward starts at level 50, most core class rotations are at least five or six abilities, and doesn't seem to understand that jobs fill the role of WoW's specs without the bullshit balance issues where Blizzard had to invent legendary items to fix entire specs in Legion, I'm not so sure.
>Is everyone just shit in classic?
the truth is that most people in most games are bad, you just can't tell from someone playing a single player game on the other side of the internet and modern wow has dumbed all but the hardest content down so that anyone with a pulse can clear even if by accident.
Technically speaking, classic isn't hard.
But for many people, having enough patience to not perform like a tard is even harder.
If you are not in a guild in classic its a complete waste of time.
Most people are ok but more often than not they are fresh never played an mmo/retail/underage scum
Agreed. Nu-WoW isn't exactly hard, it's more like the worst endurance contest I've ever played. Mythic raids like to have big, long fights but it doesn't deserve them and it does nothing to earn them. It's just repetetive mechanics and if you don't execute things perfectly, on some bosses, that's it. Wipe, start over. Last time I raided Mythic was back in WOD, I don't miss it. There's nothing cathartic about spending hours on the same boss because someone understandably almost fell asleep during the boss because of how boring it is.
Shit i never played an MMO before when i started classic and i wasn't horrible. I did get labeled a ninja looter on the server from my first dungeon run though because i looted the first chest in DM without knowing any better. 1 month later i cleared Naxx with my guild and then in a few pugs full of people in blues. I'm just surprised that people don't learn how threat works or at least use KTM or whatever the classic equivalent is. Do the newbs at least ask how to do things or just rush in like retards?
I've been going through it at a pretty slow pace, so I'd imagine most of it is due to new players who haven't learned, and retail tourists who haven't unlearned and fucking hopefully gets a bit better at higher levels. I haven't actually DPS'd a dungeon yet since "warrior that has a shield in his inventory" is apparently the actual least played class in wow, and I'm not really sure if I want to see how low the tanks can go.
>playing WoW for the first time
>choose classic, wanna to have experience from the very beginning
>hello frens, I'm new here, would you like to play with me? Doing quests and dungeons togethe...
Play a tank my dude. Everyone will love you and you may even be able to sell tanking services for dungeons later on for gold. I'm not even joking. People will pay for a competent tank. Not to mention you'll get all the best loot when raiding because you need it more than the dps does.
Never post this ugly as shit picture again, retailtranny
the whole ninja looter accusation thing is retarded and usually because someone is being a faggot
>in a party
>BoE drops
>everyone in the part can use it
>ok guys all need so there is no ninjaring
>one little cunt decides to not roll
>starts sperging out that it was his loot
>check his loot he has better loot
>his faggot underage friend starts saying that BoEs are soulbound on pick up and accusing the winner of being a ninja
to be fair I try not to play with frogposters who say autistic shit like "frens" too
>things that didnt happen
You could be me and i have to keep slowing down for my lazy friends to catch up, that want to be carried
What do you get from lying? (You)s?
Default rule if everyone used "greed", but one used "need" on boe:
You can ask to get BOE, but only if you will equip it right away, so it's for you, not for sale.
When I said I haven't dps'd a dungeon I meant I've been tanking all of them. I'm not really sure why people are so averse to it since all you really have to do is spam demo shout and tab between targets hitting revenge, sunder, haven't gotten to the point where I re-spec to prot for shield slam yetand occasionally heroic strike or cleave if you're feeling really fancy, and that's like twice the buttons dps warriors get to hit.
Call me when TBC is out.
People do all need on BoE in non guild groups to stop ninja looting. It makes sense because BoEs are just AH loot.
Lets face it if you greed BoE with strangers some fag will need.
It's funny because they're also retarded. If you don't press the advantage on a questing area, someone will after you let 5 Horde quest in "peace" in your area.
Oh no i deserved the hate i got lol. I literally had no idea that i was the only one who could loot the chest. I explained it to the group leader after and he just laughed it off. Was a great server and they crashed it when it ended, with no survivors.
Are retail trannies retarded? What the fuck would you even transmit in classic. There's barely any gear and almost none of it matches.
>Loot council
Is inevitably going to be cancer.
The best system I've seen work so far was an EP/GP system where everyone was subject to it, even the guildmaster. You get effort points for raiding and doing well, you get gear points for getting gear from raids. The person with the highest EP/GP ratio wins the item he wants. A 10% decay on both every week meant you couldn't hoard it and that recent achievements mattered more than past ones. Nobody ever complained and it couldn't really be exploited.
The nice thing about classic being an authentic mmo before they ruined it is all the roleplay gear that is literally shit but fun to use.
Arms, think of your attack timer as a spellcast, hamstring kite mobs and divebomb with abilities on the next attack when you have rage. Always have some rage on hand from the previous mob in case someone jumps you or you pull multiple mobs. Never execute unless it's a player or raiding.
Horde are niggers and only gank if they outnumber you or you're low HP. For every horde that kills me, I kill ten horde
Kill yourself, belftard
>It also seems like 90% of players are terrible and raiding is like the special Olympics
So much for "the players have become better at the game since vanilla" bullshit
>hamstring kite mobs and divebomb with abilities on the next attack when you have rage
is it just me or does it seem like hamstring kiting is borderline pointless against anything with a fast attack or movement speed (i.e. anything you'd really want to kite) with the leeway they have for melee range? It feels like by the time I actually get out of the 10 yard range the fuckers have it's time for me to go back in and take the next hit anyway.
I don't care about the new races fag, it was superior to classic in almost every way. You always try to deflect it like anyone who prefers TBC is a belftard, but you never give any reason why classic is supposedly better.
Flying mounts killed world pvp by allowing players to completely control when they engage in combat.
Kill yourself, belftard
But muh wpvp, muh 5:1 wpvp ratio
That's the only thing I agree with, that and the addition of boring daily quests. For the rest TBC is better than vanilla.