Enemy can counter your attack for massive damage

>enemy can counter your attack for massive damage

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White cat is female

Counters are the WORST game mechanic out there that everyone thinks takes skill because they saw Evo Moment 37 once. Being able to invalidate all danger of an attack is complete bullshit, because no game has enemies change the speed of their attacks. The player simply has to counter correctly once, and then they can counter almost flawlessly from then on.

Cranky because you got countered aintcha

No, I'm bored of countering. I'm bored of devs lazily adding it in and removing all challenge from a game because people like Dark Souls.

>enemy can copy your abilities

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What the fuck is wrong with white women?



They fuck dogs.

Now THIS is some shit taste.

Prove me wrong. Royal Guard makes DMC a breeze in any game it's in

Kiggers are fucking apes

orcish counterstance in ffxi. like near 100% counter to any melee attack from the front, dealing 100% or more of your dmg back at you, usually killing you in 1-2 seconds with enough haste.


Snake, remember the basics of CQC.

Name a better fight.

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>you can counter an enemy's counter attack for even more damage
>so can they

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Negi vs Rakan

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Goku vs frieza

Literally any other fight in existence.

It's a high risk-high reward move. Of course it'll be effective. Why should devs remove a feature that rewards players familiarizing themselves with enemy attack timings and tells? By the time you've played a game enough, you'll naturally explore more difficult and effective techniques anyway. If you're unsatisfied, turn the difficulty up or play a less shit game.

Hit vs Monaka

There is no "risk" is the thing. You get the timing right once and then you never worry about it again

Goku vs Vegeta

Grapplers are OP, when is nerf coming?

Are you talking about counters or parries? Evo 37 was hype because the dude parried a 16 or so hit string that involves precise timing and is hard to do under pressure. The counter was the attack he did after to win the match.

Love how the camera shakes at the perfect moment

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These things scared the shit out of me when I did my no save run. Luckily I avoided them but the whole time I was nervous.

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Whydo wh*te females do this? Wh6 cannot they resist being KNOTTED?