Rate, hate, debate and masturbate.
Rate, hate, debate and masturbate
>Lawful good
>In 2019
>Bethesda and Rockstar in "Good"
Obvious PC fat spotted
>Neutral Good
Worst thread on Yea Forums currently
>any AAA company
>other than evil
what a horrible image, OP
are you by any chance a chimpanzee?
here, something more sensible
>Lawful Evil
>Lawful Neutral
So this is the average Yea Forums user...
I would put Nintendo at chaotic neutral
Always doing their own weird shit that is sometimes oddly baffling and out-of-left
no idea who to put on the other two
devolver chaotic good
>Rockstar games
>anything other than Evil
i shiggy diggy
>neutral good
>chaotic neutral
Get a load of this retard.
Put devolver digital in chaotic good and atlus into neutral good purely for the reason that they brought us the based sorceress in dragons crown.
Rest is neutral at best and evil for 90% of their working hours.
good one
I'd put Valve as true neutral as they pretty much do absolutely nothing nowadays.
why in hell is Microsoft good? and why is Capcom evil? rest is fine
I think you got it dead on actually.
Nintendo are very upright about cease and desists, copyrights and shit like that. They are solidly lawful not chaotic. Lawful puts stops to fangames and sticks to a traditional collection of ips.
Rockstar works its empIoyees Iike sIaves
Rockstar is chaotic neutral. They are the icon of controversial soccer mom games with GTA and listen to nobody and just do what they want.
they do stupid shit but when people complain they tend to fix things.
the capcom circle only lasted 4 months this time. capcom is back at being shitty
You are just baiting for (you)s now with that pic.
nobody said anything else
No company is xxx-Good. None of them. Except for maybe Witcher 3-era CDPR. But now they've been downgraded to chaotic neutral. If this were accurate:
>Lawful good:N/A
>Neutral good: N/A
>Chaotic good: N/A
>Lawful neutral: Spyder or some other B level game developer
>True Neutral: Valve maybe, and that's a definite maybe
>Chaotic Neutral: CDPR
>Lawful evil: Rockstar, (but they evade taxes, so it's more like neutral evil) Nintendo, Capcom, Sega, Atlus, From Software, Netherrealm Studios
>Neutral Evil: Ubisoft, Naughty Dog
>Chaotic Evil: EA, Bethesda, DONTNOD, Gearbox, Square-Enix, Bioware, and a whole bunch of others that are escaping me at the moment
>linux support
>literally pays VR devs to not be exclusive to one headset
>Nintendo takes down fan projects and imposes legal action on anyone they feel like
>valve supports passion projects and offers to host them on steam
Keep nibbling on jap baby carrot dick user.
>True Neutral