Time to settle this once and for all Yea Forumsbros.
Vote: Best Girl of Final Fantasy 7
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>Aeris loosing to Yuffie
Sounds about right
Lucrecia, Elena and Ifalna.
Imagine Sex Pull Ups with Tifa
>your waifu can do more pull ups than you
That can't be right. Where are the Aerithfags?
The seem to have hanged her skirt a bit it looks more like her old one
>all the push up she does will help her later in the Shinra HQ raid
deepest lore
the venn diagram for liking aerith and mental illness is a circle. these guys are legitimately a huge minority, especially in the west, and they somehow still match tifafags in autism
It's literally one really angry nigga who keeps seething over Tifa getting so much spotlight
you're splitting hairs over nothing.
Titty monster always wins.
Pancakes need not apply
fuck you
Gib Tifa pls
Tifa, she has the biggest tiddies.
I agree Tifa should beat the hooker but I didn't expect Yuffie to beat her as well
>already second place
Yuffie chads RISE THE FUCK UP
This thread just proves to me that there's one really obsessed Aerith coper shitting up the board.
I love all of them, but Yufiie a best!
Bounce Bounce Bounce
Boing Boing Boing
Plum Plum Plum
well duh
It would seem that Aerith is.....
*puts sunglasses*
.....a Loseborough
Pretty sure Yuna and Rikku are more popular than Lulu
All look like monkeys, they have no lips, pathetic, all of them.
Negroid features are disgusting
Lulu only appeals to men. Yuna only appeals to girls. Tifa got both, retarded fan girls and thirsty fan boys
Not having lips makes you more subhuman. You look more like a fucking monkey, fucking faggot monkey apologist.
rikku, maybe
but lulu is pretty big in SFM
Can we agree FFVII in general are god tier?
Even minor characters like Jessie and Elena are solid 10/10s
Are those really the "small tits" everyone was complaining about? They still look pretty big to me. At least D cups.
According to my...*ahem*..."research" and statistics, Yuna comes first then goes Lulu then Rikku in number of content.
But Lulu has the best material among all of them and is still pretty big in SFM.
They pumped her tits up for TGS
I never even met Yuffie lol
These are fanarts user that predate the Remake.
I think he meant the trailer
I was just referring to Tifa when I said that, but having said that Lulu wins too.
yuna is extremely popular in japan, probably moreso than even tifa. they also love lightning but that may be more recency related
>Arieth last
All is well in the world, it's nice to know Yea Forums is not full retard all the time.
Aerith dies, why put any effort into caring about her?
Not even surprised about this poll. It's obvious Aeris is going to shine a lot in the first up to almost 2nd part for this Remake with some small hints here and there for Tifa. After that though it's all Tifa all the way.
having Tifa beating Aeris in a huge margin has become the norm
Ehm, bros....
I don't think there is even a contest here. These are the results of June 2019 in Google Trends worldwide.
Blue is Tifa, Red is Aerith.
Tifa is single handedly responsible for literal millions of young western boys growing up with asian fetishes and also a love for huge tits. Literally every boy in my school wanted to have Tifa as a girlfriend she's a bonafide sex symbol for millenials, everyone knows about her. No one has ever given a shit about aerith and definitely not Yuffie.
>probably appeals to pedophiles since they hate big breasts
>big mommy tiddies
>appeals to straight and normal people
It's a no brainer.
based japs.
Over twenty years of this. it's why aerith fans are always defensive
Aerisfags are corpseniggers so who cares?
This. Big tits have always won throughout history. It's just a natural human function to like them.
>Yuffie fucking up Aeris
Please explain to me user, since I might be not be enough of an oldfag, but why there even a contest and debate about who was the best girl of FF7 and who would get Cloud between Tifa and Aerith?
It would seem it would be better fitting to have Yuffie in that role.
Yuffie is jailbait nigga
>Aeris last
Fucking cope fags
cuz canon isn't decided by fans.
Tifa is obviously Clouds main bitch tho
They're pretty blatant about that desu
Uh no, no. Tifa nor aerith and not yuffie either were not all that famous because of it's boring shitty gameplay. It was turn based let the enemy take turns beating on you shitty game-play.
I only learned about Tifa when I played Dissidia 012 duodecim and that final fantasy movie. Otherwise, she's really bland, just some tits to be honest and revealing outfit, not unique at all.
What makes you think Tifa is Asian anyway u clown?
There are no races in ff
That's what Im saying.
My friend gifted me FF7 for iOS mobile. I have never played FF7, should I go for it!
Imagine being this retarded.
Based on what though? The game is dependent on the players choices. All the "official" novels and stuff seems to jump between Cloud being smitten with Aerith even though she's dead and having Tifa and Cloud as lovers. All the cameo's also jump between Aerith or Tifa.
Tifa is definitely more popular amongst fans but canon stuff always played both sides. The recent trailer is proof of that since they are still heavily focusing on Aerith despite Tifa's popularity.
Don't project fuckboi.
>implying that normies don’t know about Tifa
>implying that FF7 isn’t popular as fuck
I would have voted for Aeris. I don't know who this "Aerith" is so I'll content myself with
Patrician choice: Tifa
Plebeian choice: Aeris
Contrarian choice: Yuffie
Just because they don't explicitly categorize anyone ingame doesn't mean that there aren't obvious racial parallels. Wutai is Japan.
This Rikku is pure sex though. I didn't even play FFX.
Nah Tifa is the normalfag choice and but certainly the wisest choice. Aeris would be patrician choice if she had Tifa's personality.
Yuffie is extremely rapeable, to be fair.
But giving the apparent White Mage (She's a Geomancer.) the White Mage personality is boring as fuck.
Wew, it's almost like he wanted to bang both or something? That doesn't change the fact that he for obvious reason ends up with Tifa.
>I don't know who this "Aerith" is
a dead tranny
there has to be a canon outcome to each those player choices.
For logic and good storytelling sure, but Square-Enix has written around it as much as they could've.
>b-but muh wall market dress clip!!!!
And this is made before they'd inevitably reveal Tifa's, Aerithfags on literal suicide watch.
I started out the game loving Aerith. she is so cute and flirty, and has that mysterious path. Tifa, earned it, though. like, she was dependable and solid and put in the work to make Cloud know that she loved him. I am actually really annoyed that Aerith is so massively promoted by Squeenix.
Yuffiefags baffle me, though... Red XIII is a better girl
Tell me, why should I bother getting invested in Aerith if I already know she's going to die anyways?
general reminder
Because her story and character are rewarding regardless?
Yuffie really had no personality, but she's got the cutest bod
Are you kidding me? Not even a waifufag but Tifa is obviously getting promoted here, first the E3 reveal now this trailer it's clear that SE knows how much of a favorite she is, Like disc one was Aeris part to shine but Tifa gets literally the same focus as her
This. Tifa and Aerith’s personalities are interesting because the subvert what you would think of them based on their designs.
>plot macguffin with a pulse
>whoops never mind that last part
>The recent trailer is proof of that since they are still heavily focusing on Aerith despite Tifa's popularity.
Remember, Aeris is a bait and switch because she ends up dying and Cloud doesn't remember the actual childhood memories he had with Tifa. You're supposed to see Aeris as the main bitch at first, go with her on the Gold Saucer date and all that, then she dies, Mideel happens, and Cloud and Tifa end up fucking under the Highwind
Is it me or Tifa's body is lowpoly?
I think you think she's just plot macguffin, because you didn't want to get invested. Aerith's death is one of the least important parts of her character, because she didn't intend for it to happen at all.
>country girl
>city girl
>oriental girl
The contrasting white on black makes the edges more noticeable.
>Elena: the enlightened
>muscular toned body, giant tits
>wide child-bearing hips, giant ass
>slender taught body, giant libido
putting it that way makes the choice even more obvious