What is the Japanese's Obsession with this hair cutting bullshit.

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It's the shittiest trope in the world.

so the definitive edition lets you waifu any girl?

If she cuts her hair she can pass as a man, since all asians look the same. And if she doesn't look like a man, then she can't go out and fight.

Of course, 90% of the time you see nips using this trope, it's in a setting where women DO fight even without masquerading as a man, so they clearly have no fucking clue what it even means anymore. They just use it as a generic 'girl decides to stop sucking dicks and actually accomplish something with her life' kind of character moment.

In this case it's a matter of practicality since her old hair was super long.

Of course it wouldn't.

>Of course it wouldn't.
how about the Voice Drama DLC did they bring that over in the english release?

cutting hair also can symbolize a new beginning of sorts but you weeaboos wouldn't know that

Are Japs soulless robots that can only use the same tropes to represent something ad infinitum? Why does every single girl with long hair that goes through a tragedy need to cut her hair?

>Are Japs soulless robots that can only use the same tropes to represent something ad infinitum

That's all asians, honestly

its symbolic!

>Are Japs soulless robots that can only use the same tropes to represent something ad infinitum?
Wait until you find out that literally every story of note is just The Hero's Journey

Punished Pure > Degenerate Sluts

Attached: Drunk Delinquent dot jaypeg.jpg (650x500, 112K)

Date any women between the age of 18-30 long enough and you'll get to see them mutilate their hair in response to having a bad day.

Now that you mention it I noticed that whenever my mom or sister got really stressed they started uncontrollably pulling out their hair. Is is just some type of female-exclusive autism?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichotillomania#cite_note-DSM5-1 "Women are more commonly affected than men"


Women are also more prone to changing their outward appearance in response to trauma. As if trying to fool themselves in some kind of mirror test "Doesn't look like the me it happened to ergo it didn't happen to me".

People that are ugly on the inside end up ugly on the outside

You can get a ring at endgame that gives her her long hair back

You're dumdum. Hair represents her past, and she lets go of it. It's jap culture. A woman's hair represents fucking everything to them. OPs pic literally says "no more tears, that was the old me".

Attached: CryMore.jpg (1024x1024, 50K)

nigga if i start pulling my hair out it ain't gonna grow back