Have you ever met someone IRL you met over a video game?
How was the experience?
Have you ever met someone IRL you met over a video game?
How was the experience?
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couple times, its become more like bro road trips when everyone wants to get together
Good for them.
Christ, the memes are true.
No, I may be desperate but I ain't stupid.
>they found love
but why havent you?
im too awkward to talk to people in real life and video games lol
when i tried vr chat i just kinda walked around and observed people, if someone tried to talk to me id just stare at them
>Have you ever met someone IRL you met over a video game?
Yeah I met my wife through Starcraft.
>How was the experience?
do black guys like fat white girls or do fat white girls like black guys?
i know some qt gamer girl thought
even if they mostly play single player games and pokemon
Why is it that BMWF relationships always have the girl be fucking fat?
I went to SL frequently back like a decade ago and hung out with these furries who were kinda cool as in they were up with all the pop-culture shit and knew all the memes.
Went to a meet-up and I got bummed by some fat, ugly 30-somethings. That was also my only sexual experience so far in life, I'm 28 now.
Just shoot me.
american girls like black guys and black guys like american girls
My Ex-Wife. Everything was good until my alcoholism ruined the marriage.
Two different people
1. My current roommate
>playing DOA4 on the 360, find myself a tight knit group as we jump from game to game for years, having great times
>opportunity comes up where I need a roommate that's not cancer
>he wants to get out of his state, so he lives with me
>still living together 9 years later
2. some chick from TF2 center
>playing TF2, find out we both live in the same city
>we decide to meet up
>go to a mid-high end restaurant
>have a good time
>never speak again
eh, it was a good experience i think. I had fun at least but somehow i doubt she would have said the same
why fuck u want a skinny bitch nigga?
blonde fat chicks are my fetish. truly a blessed man.
What happened?
Please no LARP
>you will never get a black gamer bf
>or a gamer bf at all
I became complacent and uninterested in anything other than drinking and playing video games. Biggest mistake of my life.
Ooops, meant for
Fat white women can’t get anyone other than niggers to fuck them because they’re disgusting. Niggers will fuck anything with a pulse. It’s a match made in heaven.
That look on his face. He regrets it.
You deserve to be alone nigga. Get your shit together.
Stop being gay
Why is reality the worst filter
A bunch of people. Only had good experiences.
You are absolutely right, dude.
fath white women cant find white men, and black men don't want to deal with black women's bullshit
Nig here. Can confirm. Also race mixing is great
Met with a lot of people I gamed with from early 2000s MMOs.
It was all great, still friends with most of them today. Been married to one of them for years now and we've traveled a good bit around the world.
Getting married to someone from an MMO was always my dream but it's definitely way too late for that now. Video game climate is just way too shitty to find anyone decent by chance anymore.
Yeah it was fun, met a guildmate from an mmo
Kinda weird at first to meet someone you've only heard in voice chat before
This thread is strangely wholesome.
I met my first boyfriend over an anime message board and I met at a local game store with people I played guild wars with to learn magic the gathering.
So this is the power of VRshit.
I saw a fat black guy with a skinny white girl today. I was very confused
I like how blacks literally only get fat girls outside of porn
>third time i see similar picture with vrchat related
>played vrchat for two years
>everyone around me in vrc have relationships together but are all dudes
>some probably buttfucked each other irl
i don't even know if i should feel jealous or just curious, never fallen in love in my life.
a girl that was thinking i was also a girl , she was "in love" with me even at a time when she havent seen my face.
In the end , when i told her i was a man we wasted the whole day playing stuff in arcades.
It was damn fun , fuck i miss those times.
only 400+
blacks love white women because their test levels are through the roof and they need the meat
landwhales love black men because nobody else will go near them
met my friends through league of legends
moved in together with them
>It was actually a woman
Well, not bad. I guess.
the black dude looks like a chill guy
Let's be honest, none of us in here are models, lets just be happy for them finding love
I met my current girlfriend over a second life roleplay sim of FF7 that's been around for a decade. She's currently in my apartment. I also went to a wedding with a whole group from the same place as well. Was insanely fun, honestly. Helps we've all known each other for so long though.
what happened to VRchat
I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I should never fall in love with someone through video games if I've never seen them before. I don't want to rope myself into a situation I don't wanna be in.
Yeah, a bunch of us. We all caught a flight to one dude's place and hung out for a few days together. Playing couch vidya, going to arcades, wandering around town seeing sights. It was cool. Then we did it again the next year.
We've all known each other for over a decade now and still talk and play online vidya regularly.
I think of all the people I know, it's these guys for whom I'd fly down to attend their wedding or be at their funeral.
met friends i've had for 8+ years now on Yea Forums and my wife on /r9k/. In games? not so much really, I guess halo custom edition for my literal longest lasting friendship. We don't talk nearly as much now but we've met in person twice.
Yeah. A lot actually.
None of them were e-gfs or anything like that.
Another nig here, can also confirm.
I met a girl on FFXIV 3 years ago. She gave me her IRL phone# and sent pics(really cute girl) After a few months she asked me to come see her so I drove nearly 5 hours to her place.
I spent 3 days at her place and we fucked like rabbits even 5 times in 1 day. After I went back home we never talked or saw each other again.
I'm guessing she had a boyfriend and just really wanted to cheat on him with some guy she met online. After she got what she wanted she ghosted me.
I don't need love.
DO U KNO DE WAY happened
No but I met a couple of you guys from right here on Yea Forums and eventually met at conventions. It was neat.
That guy got robbed.
RJ get back to work
>she vaguely resembles the anime character with her facial features, actually has a better eye color IRL than her avatar
>nigger looks nothing like his anime avatar lmfao
every fucking time.
Also a nig, can confirm. Though I go for Central Americans.
Do you all still play league?
My standards are too high
Basketball Americans don't get fat, silly.
married a girl I met on a video game
still with her
7/10 would do again
imagine having zero standards for looks must be easy
I met a slightly older chick through Maplestory probably 10 or 11 years ago, we still occasionally talk to this day. Got to meet her a couple of times and fucked, too bad a relationship didn't work out for the long run.
>>she vaguely resembles the anime character
Maybe if you're squinting and the computer is on low brightness, but sure.
I dont play VRchat
Another future single mother and her darkie kid to support with wageslave's taxes.
I haven't met someone on the internet in 17 years
I missed out on the vrchat meme and I'm honestly pretty bummed about it.
yea and im the worst out of all of them lol
actually a useless champ that they completely disregarded and released the next champ 2 weeks later lmao
was cool when it first came out, now it's actually just a bunch of lonely people talking
Fucked a 8/10 mulatto girl I met on mabinogi back in 2010.
Don't give up user, he's out there somewhere
Have sex, cancer
On the one hand, I feel band for him. On the other, I feel bad for her. How did double negatives work with relationships, again?
My friend met a ham planet he was e dating through world of warcraft, flew all the way from Europe and he wasnt interested
t. cuck
Yes. Turns out he lived close and we are now best friends of over 15 years. Pretty cool.
Nah man. We all make mistakes. The fact you are conscious of it is amazing. It means you worked through it
This, it's hard to find an oldschool gal who doesn't love dick hopping and booming for checks. You might be able to bring her out of the hood but if she wasn't raised right you can't get the hood out of her.
You come from a black woman. You don't see it as self hate when you prefer white women over black women?
Is VRChat a good place to meet Black dudes?
If this image makes you mad in any way or feel the need to insult them, you've been brainwashed by /pol/ shit infesting this website. Their happiness shouldn't affect you. Quit being a jaded cunt and just play video games. Think about how low you fucks have gone. You're ripping on people who likely don't know you, or will ever give a shit about you.
Met a guy I played diablo 2 with at Ozzfest. It was pretty awkward
FFXIV blues...
just go and hang out with people you chode, all the doomposting on here isn't reality
did you use condoms?
>wanting AIDS this bad
Any moment from now black faggot hiv rate will reach 100%.
he looks 15 years older than her, she looks like trailer trash. they're perfect together
Maybe they just aren't racist pieces of shit?
Based user avenger.
what's so bad about that user
My brother met his wife over Halo 3. She's a bipolar nutjob.
As a Mexican I got to fuck a chubby German chick with huge milkers.
Playing in European servers pays off, she actually paid for the trip.
>play video games
The fuck you think you are faggot?
TDA is rolling in his grave
racism is natural, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I met my current gf over 3 years ago in a shitty game called Tera. We both dont play it anymore but we are still together.
But they don't want to be with black women even though they're black because of stereotypes about black women. They would prefer to fuck a white girl, even an ugly landwhale, over a black girl.
At the very least, they've internalized racism against their people and suffer from self-loathing.
I am latino and don't have any racial preferences for dating but I would never denigrate latina women as being inferior to some fat white bitch.
too high inhib
Basado y rojoempastillado mi querido compatriota latino.
Both like each other, is a win win for everyone.
Yea, met my wife on fuckin Garry's Mod SCP-RP of all places,knew her for 3 years, and moved in with her in April, while she's attending college, going alright, but she may drop out soon and opt to wage cuck it for now.
Don't give up bros, you never know what you may find.
>Dude looks 20 years older IRL than his avatar
>Girl is not nearly as attractive as her avatar
>White trash redneck whore
>Interracial couple
>Both are probably into anime
>deciding for black men who they want to fuck
I met my first (and only) gf through an mmorpg. By dad eventually informed me that she was actually a 37 yo man and told me I was bared from interacting with “her” ever again but we still hung out online from time to time.
Does she have a girltinkler?
>>both are probably into anime
>>interracial couple
Yes exactly, how great for them! They look happy together, that's what you mean by pottery, right?
Poor nigga can't even grow a real afro, the girl is whatever, no girl that plays those games constantly isn't fat
This is always a win win since it makes use of a whale that no white person would want. And it dilutes the nigger gene pool.
I have never bothered to ask anybody out. I need to find a decent girl willing to rot in poverty with me. I need to me south possibly to find me one.
Shut the fuck up puto
My friendships don't work when the other person doesn't play the same games I do. It wasn't supposed to be doomposting, it was more "fact of life" realityposting.
To be honest better than being a lonely imageboard neet.
Fuck yeah she do.
and she's not even a little SJW, redpilled as fuck.
damn, her parents allowed her husband to be 15 years older than her?
Where do you think we are?
She's 20, Im 22, I don't get it I'm retarded.
I could only care about a girl if she had impeccable taste in obscure vidya and retro anime which means I'm going to have to shock myself gay if I want to find love
Wait, this isn't resetera 2.0?
post the youtube link already
I've never kept a friend long enough for this to happen
The far left website known as Yea Forums famous for distributing cheese pizza to pedophiles
Wait what you're married at 20 and 22?
I met some children in destiny2 who lived in my small town. Let’s just say that “I had sex with them” and also I “raped their chopped off skulls until I dick bled”
>having had a friend in a first place
I have nothing to offer a woman. I am subhuman trash.
Maybe he's a bug chaser?
alright, now this is epic
Post discord or steam and games you play
Both. Its great for humanity since they attract each other and no one else has to deal with them. They thin each other out.
Meh, my hatred of black women comes from growing up in a house full of black women and being molested, I can't say I care much.
That said, white women are also annoying, so whatever.
They raped your butt?
I don't play any multiplayer games
Grindr. Download that app.
what about single player games with multiplayer options
What games do you play / like?
Well no shit you don't keep any friends. Nobody wants to only chat with someone. People want to interact with each other beyond "sup dude"
Every black woman I know is beyond egotistical. Also their levels of victim complex are 50 fold because they're both a negro AND female. I haven't met one black women yet who doesn't dickride the Just Cause fallacy.
The first time we did it I pulled out but she got nervous after that and wanted to use condoms. This was the first and probably last time I had sex with someone that wasn't a prostitute. Unless you are a permavirgin I don't recommend ever seeing prostitutes. It costs a lot of money, you are being pressed on time, and it just really doesn't feel as good.
He looks like a potential murderer.
Like, he looks like the type to stab her 100+ times, flay her skin off, cut out her ovaries and probably shit on her.
Was a fad that all the le funny YTers jumped on and their fans joined before they all eventually left leaving just a core group.
Self hate? How the hell is a preference I made from years of being with these people self hate?
oh lmao
no its corny but im not officially married, but I'm planning on it, since I've known her for awhile now, she's been my best friend for 3 years, and only started dating shortly before I moved on in. Real corny stuff yeah but, eh, its better then being miserable all the time.
damn tyrone got screwed over
thanks for taking the fatties off our hands though bro
but i just want to play vidya games that I can play alone and trade memes with people
another day of NEETdom, despising myself alone in my government flat
Then join a public discord, every single channel has a meme dump
>would like to do something like this
>be completely disgusted by fat women
My definition of fat isn't even that strict, but still.
Stop being retarded
Same here but I also know that women have nothing to offer either so it balances out.
How is this good for them? Not even being racist or anything, you know both of them don't contribute anything for society, just because you are born that doesn't mean you should get married or have kids those things are NOT RIGHTS
If you feel that way then just do the world a favor and kill yourself.
No balls, you won't.
I'm married to a 2D character already
everyone with taste likes fat white girls
Rural black girls are either top shelf or below trash.
Urban black girls are almost entirely misguided ego
Suburban black girls are either white girls with the gamma turned down, or fake ghetto girls who are only salvageable if you manage to snag one before her first bastard.
Fat white women are just black women on easy mode. Mostly niggas with low self-esteem go for them, both for memes and because they're the only girls they can get.
Not every black guy is working with 9 inches of dick and confidence to match.
Its been 3 years since I talked to a women other than my mom for more than 5 minutes. My field of work is extremely gender imbalanced.
Do you guys ever wonder if you'll ever get to have sex?
There is LITERALLY nothing better as a black man then having sex with a cute white boi....
About to meet 3 of my gamer bros IRL for 4 weeks in Japan. Even if they don't show up they'll have paid for their share of the AirBnBs so nothing can go wrong. Imagine not having good internet friends.
ok wagie
after multiple failed relationships with "alt" girls for lack of a better term, I finally settled down with a normie and it's absolutely fucking based
give it a try sometime if the opportunity strikes, fellas. it's a real treat to date somebody without a litany of mental issues
I'm leaving my entire family and career to go live with my gf I met on WoW 2 years ago
At this point, I've given up. I just want to achieve my mental and physical peak without having a burden of a social life to weigh me down.
Do either of you live in London?
No, most of us have already come to terms with being virgins for life. You only hear from the few stragglers who think they still have a chance
Here's a pic of me and my buds playing Pokemon GO at a convention.
That's a yikes from me. Unless the gf is earning more money than you it doesn't seem like a wise idea.
Jokes on you, I lost my virginity at 10.
And then had 13 (or more like 11 I guess) dry years.
What are the GOAT interracial pairings?
>Asian female + white male
>White female + black male
>Black female + ???
>Asian male + ???
>Indian person + ???
He kinda looks like ben carson
whats your lobby count in center?
>those things are NOT RIGHTS
they literally are, though
Filipino + anything not black or latin american
I value my alone time more
Heed my warning: don’t do it unless you’re already married. Your relationship with a flaky game gril will fall apart and then you’ll be isolated in another country with no job. I know you won’t listen because you’re thinking with your dick, but at least remember that I told you so when everything goes South
>man learns the meaning of the phrases "3DPD" and "2D > 3D" 2019, colorized
nope. It's a complete hail mary from my side. I can either capitalize on the shitty town she lives in or go for broke and convince her and her son to move to another town
asian male + black female their porn fucking cracks me up
433. Pretty low if you ask me but it's been a few years since I've played. Usually played medic because no one plays him, sometimes pyro. occasionally got the chance to play scottish resistance demoman.
If you're interested.
white women shouldn't be allowed to pretend to be anime girls
is anything holy
Nah, I barely give a fuck anymore. And it's a good thing my sex drive will be less and less as I get older so I can fully stop caring about being a virgin and sex once I become a wizard.
anything with color contrast, the specifics don't matter
The 3D fears the 2D
No, no they aren't .
God it gets worse by the moment but wish you luck anyway user. Hopefully things will work out.
WoW guild that only invited people that lived in the 626 area code.
We'd have guild BBQs like once a month or something, fun times.
>and her son
Heh, I almost believed you but that bit makes it a bit too obvious.
Yes, they are.
>her son
Nigger, you're retarded. She better be some fucking ultimate fetishfuel to even consider doing something as retarded as that.
>Asian female + white male
>White female + black male
That's where it ends.
where do you even live for that not to be a right
One of my old co-workers told me that apparently one of the most 'important' EVE guilds/companies is based in our city and has regular BBQs as well for team bonding.
>and her son
when it eventually breaks down, do you think your livestream can top a ksg at point blank?
Someone thought I was someone they met online once and followed me around. It was weird but I confronted them and told them to fuck off. Fuck online faggots.
What if all the women in the world swapped regions? It would be paradise for Asian females, white males, white females and black females. And it would be extremely funny to see Asia overrun by fat sassy black women.
I don't hate them, but they hate me.
When you're not Tyrone, you are less than human to them.
Technically, it is a right. Ethically, it isn't. Technically most kids born from swamp people are also being abused without anyone from those families being able to realize it, literal child abuse, but i's coo doo we coo an shiii blame yt
thanks bro
100% serious
8/10, dedicated, we play The forest, RE5, and Orcs Must Die 2 togeher. constantly diamond hard whenever we're together too
it's more ethical than dictating if you have a right to reproduce or not
Dude... don’t tell me this is your first ever gf
>you know both of them don't contribute anything for society
I doubt you do either.
Hard for me to reply since I'm not all that great, but I've pretty much only ever had fat white girls being interested in me. I turn then all down because i'm afraid of girls.
More ethical than telling people that it's fine and they must have one. Shit should be solved with education, not dictatorship, you burger.
Why does she look so much worse than him? Dude can do better.
VR is a meme
"Must" is very different from "can"
How far away did you live from her?
>100% serious
they both should be a big no no, we are not even going to reach idiocracy levels of society because we are all going to die due to climate change thanks to the ugandan overpopulation. Education was always the answer, these people should LITERALLY be castrated chemically.
inb4 have sex, hopefully i will, i already finished leveling on my favorite mmo.
>user forgot to remind himself
Speaking as someone in that boat, low self esteem.
First girlfriend I ever had was a chubby Asian chick who was borderline autistic and basically acted like a dude.
Can't handle being around regular women so it was nice having someone to hang out with and play vidya and watch anime with.
>thanks to the ugandan overpopulation.
>Education was always the answer, these people should LITERALLY be castrated chemically.
at this point I'm convinced it's bait but why are you contradicting yourself now
who ever thought yuumi was a good design should be fired
I'll either go on a Terry A. Davis pilgrimage with the same end or live stream my sudoku, yeah
no I've had 3 before. multiple years long relationships that ended the same. wasn't even looking for a gf when I met gamer gf, was just doing FWB normie shit.
I used to make fun of the wife's son meme on /pol/ for years. When in clown world...
That's my personal solution, if it was the 90s of course. It doesn't matter anyways, literally just have sex who cares. But don't forget ! if you are a wagie and you have a kid you are actual scum!
You better not be leaving both your family and career for some fucking woman with a fucking child just because the puss is good and she plays vidya. I genuinely hope it is because you're not satisfied with your life and you're unhappy and you sincerely think this is for the better.
Alright I'm going to bed but I my hours/profile didn't scare you off. Hope to see you soon because I wouldn't mind getting back into it.
It's not racist to prefer to date you're own ethnicity. Dating your own is the easiest way to find someone who relates to your experiences and only real way to preserve whatever unique culture you come from, it does not mean you harbor feeling of superiority. What is saying is absolutely right. Look at how black dudes who reject black women speak about them, its clear they have internalized an image that paints them as irrational, unintelligent and physically unattractive. Honestly I feel bad for black women, their biggest enemy is their own men who are the biggest propagators of negative stereotypes against them, stereotypes which I've found to be completely false in my experience. Black women are almost always the most down to earth and easiest to socialize with at parties and bars.
Hard to get get internet friends let alone real friends when you drop your spaghetti hardcore interacting with anyone for any extended period of time.
I wish i could find love.
I did though
>Yea Forums is lamenting that they can't find a fat roastie that uses VR chat like this nigger did
This is the absolute dumpster scrapings of women guys, you don't even have to be good looking or fit, these fat bitches will melt with just the slightest hint of interest, trust me, they're so starved for compliments you can get them to do anything you want. Set your sights a little higher.
>do u no tha way
>wtf i love this man now?
black guy here, black women dont give me bullshit. ive been in a nice loyal 3 year relationship with my black gf.
dont know why other blacks fall for the fat white bitch meme.
there is nothing to gain from that.
Incel can't seem to get his dick sucked lol
I have unrealistic expectations and deep down believe I'll never find the right person, also massive trust issues that have only continued to grow even in my 20s.
I rather be alone than settle, and seeing all my friends who choose the other way around, I don't regret it yet.
Based and proud black man.
sex bots are coming
Most of my online friends are in california and I don't live near there
This guys knows what's up 100%.
Beware though, if you go to detroit you are gonna get shanked , raped and killed, use your brain.
I've had it twice and found it really underwhelming, then again I was addicted to porn before I hit 18 so it's probably cause of that.
My current gf, been living together for 2 years. I fucking hate my life, she doesn't even play vidya anymore and hates that I do... Moved to another state for her and im now part of the family and i cant leave. Someone come save me
Sucks for you, fucking loser hahaha
Good story user, I enjoyed it.
let's be honest, you don't have the balls to anhero user, stop being stupid.
based and black pilled.
Who here is waiting for the Mid 40's neglected Japanese housewife to seduce and take for yourself?
I met a girl from ffxiv who lived in the same state as me.
She was pretty weird though.
You can leave easily dude just walk out the door.
We found the future of I hope not but still
You don't have children so you have no real obligation to these people. You're just a long term boyfriend that they will all forget about eventually, just fucking leave...
It was alright, we went to AX together
We met on xbox live over a decade ago
I only like 10/10 los angles Instagram models
Find people who are understanding user, I'm still friends with a fuckup who has continuously made bad mistakes, because I like them as a person, so I look past their hardcore spaghetti dropping. You can find cool people too, don't give up hope.
Lol you think girls think like that?
Hahahaha just fucking dump her bro. A girl wouldn't hesitate to walk away from everything you've built up once they started getting bored, don't treat them better they don't deserve it
Girls who play video games tend to be. No normal, socially adjusted girl plays video games.
Im marrying my fiance of 4 years next year. We met via leauge of legends and she was absolute dogshit and would disconnect every game we played together. Originally planned to delete/block her after a week or so but then she sent me her face pic and she was a cute as fuck asian girl so I doubled down.
Tomboys don't exist in three dimensions.
But I did, I found a waifu I have loved dearly for 6 and a half years now
Death before dishonor.
I'm not likable and have compulsions to piss people off for no reason.
With the amount of fucked up fetishes I doubt I'd enjoy it that much.
They did in the 90s, just like scene and goth girls existed in the 2010s
But they're a lost relic of the past
Imagine sitting there doing this.
Tomboys are a thing but they aren't anything like the 2D ones. They're just lazy, unkempt women who lack femininity but still have all the negative traits of regular women.
At least she sucked my dick a couple times.
I'd like to purchase your finest time machine, good sir.
They used to be well kept
Tomboys were really just skater girls, but it was a common style for high school and college aged girls in the 90s
>Tomboys exist, they just aren't actually tomboys
Then they're not a tomboy retard
Because I have no idea what to do in a relationship.
> I need to find a decent girl willing to rot in poverty with me.
Literally me.
Except I'm technically rich. I got my own apartment, car and a summer house.
But only enough income to support my neet lifestyle.
I'd need to stop living the good life and start wageslaving in order to support a woman and, God forbid, a child.
>Tomboys are a thing but they aren't anything like the 2D ones. They're just lazy, unkempt women who lack femininity but still have all the negative traits of regular women.
Back when GTA V online first came out in 2013, an IRL friend and I stumbled across a girl in a public lobby. The girl had a bf at the time, but for some reason we ended up becoming very close. We talked on Xbox, texted, video chatted on Skype for hours most nights.
She told her bf of 4+ years they needed a break because of me.
Eventually some shit went down and everything fell apart.
I’ve had an actual relationship and some FWB type deals since then.
But the girl from GTA V still haunts me to this day.
So to answer your question OP, I have never met somebody IRL from a video game.
Several times. Now I try to visit them to drink, do FGC tourneys and dick around in anime conventions. Its pretty fun and I feel a lot closer to them than the vast majority of “friends” I made back as a kid.
Now we’re trying to get the whole gang together for a trip to Japan.
They are tomboys like it or not. They just don't fit the definition of a 2D tomboy.
>good for THEM
Learn to read
Nice. I'm sure she's enjoying that bbc.
My mom was kind of a tomboy.
She usually never wore a dress and stuck to jeans or jeans overalls.
She loved camping and hiking and was into sports.
The 80s had plenty of tomboys.
You got that backwards. It's the guy that more resembles his toon. Actually surprised they even remotely look like them and it's not some fat asian guy as the girl.
Now a days any tomboy gets pushed on to the transtrender or lesbian train
>Tomboys are a thing but they aren't anything like the 2D ones.
So, not tomboys. Gotcha.
Cute photo and cute mom.
I want to hold hands with you mom
Because I drink too much and make an ass out of myself.
Bugle Boy! Bugle Boy!
Hey look everyone, anons a Bugle Boy! HAHA!
>Bugle Boy
Bet you've never seen a bugle in your entire life you little Bugle Faggot.
Maybe now, but in the 90's and early 00's it was a legitimate style. Now it's been appropriated by lesbians.
user the more people you have donating to family pool, the greater the chance you will leave poverty. teamwork makes the dream work.
>I wanna fuck a tomboy
>Here's my mom she's a tomboy
You got something to say user?
My mom did have some lesbians come on to her when she was out for disco night with a friend in San Francisco.
But I guess having a gay/les try to pick you up in San Fran is not that uncommon.
Especially during the boom they had in the 70s.
Yea i have heres my story
When i was 16 i would troll idiots on omegle all the time, but one day i met this chinese girl who's name i cant remember. She downloaded skype and we talked and hung out and played games, and she told me to download this chinese app like QQ, which is like facebook. After a few months a girl added me on it who was 15 and we would talk every day and play dumb browser games like pool and candy crush. We talked for 6 months and eventually started dating online, and we talked about meeting up in real life. Once i turned 18, i got a job at this local gas station and saved enough money up to get my visa, and fly to china. (bare in mind i live in a small town and im a pretty sheltered country boy so ive really never left my state/town). My moms scared out of her mind because being from a small town all you hear about china is that its a communist country its dangerous and shit, which really isnt the case, but she eventually agrees with me and helps me out alot. So i book my ticket, my moms crying as i leave through customs but i control my self and board the plane. As i take my seat and my plane starts to take off i realize ,holy shit im really doing it im flying to china, and i start crying to my self because realization just hit.
After i got off the plane i arrived in new york, i had no fucking clue what was going on, but i figured it out i had like a good 6-8 hours before the plane left. That plane ride went fine, talked to some cool chinese people, got to shanghai, took a another plane to a city called zhengzhou where i met her. I came down the escalator to the main area looking around to see if i can find her and all of a sudden i hear her
at this moment my heart stops i cant believe shes there right in front of me, and the only word i can say is "hey!". We walk around the airport and talk for about 4 hours doing absolutely nothing.
I would fuck the shit out of your mom till there was nothing left.
So we walked around the airport for legit 4 hours, we could have got a hotel, but we were having too much fun. Eventually as it got late we got a hotel, showered, went out for food and then i took her virginity (and she took mine i was a kissless virgin and so was she) So me and her flew to yunnan pronvince and hung out in china doing whatever we wanted, a 17 year old girl and 18 year old guy, Eventually i had to leave which was the biggest heart break we have both ever felt, but after another 2 years and alot of money and work, we got her here.
Now ive been married to her for 4 years, about to buy a house and shes pregnant with my child. shes 22 and im 23.
I met a Yea Forums dude on Yea Forums and we fucked after a while. Was pretty nice. Still talking to him from time to time
That's kinda gay.
Fucking hell there's something nostalgic about old photos like this.
is it a big regret or is it the past now and fuck it who cares
That was very gay, but I'm a tranny. We met on a Deus Ex thread and played some TF2 before meeting. Very comfy, but too bad he is from Germany, doesn't make relationship easy.
Tomboys existed in larger numbers in the past, but they died out in the late 2000s with the rise of
the homo demons.
All the girls who were tomboys when i was a kid are lesbians now
stay blessed, user
I used to have one of those bugle boy shirts when I was a kid too.
This photo makes me miss being a naive kid
thanks bro, Bought a truck with cash in december 2018, 12000
and now im buying a house and having a kid 9 months later, i only make 14.25 an hour but im doing decent for my self as a 23 year old
TBQH I wouldnt have been able to do it if i didnt live in my moms house up until 21
Jarred pls
I met my first ever girlfriend on World of Warcraft
You're too young to go into trucking without trying better options first. Go into trades, it's not that hard to find a company willing to take you on as an apprentice, especially in the big cities where all the new buildings are going up. You can be making great money as an electrician, welder, plumber, gas fitter, elevator technician, some of these don't even require heavy lifting meaning they're easy on the body. If you can't get an apprenticeship go to trades school where they will find one for you.
I'm here, maybe I should get the idea that I will die alone and that I will never find love.
>plenty of irl friends
>can never make friends in any multiplayer game, always have to go solo
>irl friends never play the same games I do
Life is suffering
>met online
>literal perfect gf
>legal loli and other things
>played old school runescape and minecraft together
>already engaged
women do not play runescape
nah i work at a deli, If i ever quit this job id probably be a plumber, or do insulation or some shit. Ive worked at a farm and done tree service, and the tree service was hard but not that bad
Il NEVER do roofing,fuck that shit, the absolute worst labor job.
>you know both of them don't contribute anything for society
that's rich coming from you
But I did find love with my trap bf.
ya but im unironically a volcel
Is it wrong that as a black guy, I not only do not find black women attractive, but I also can't stand them, especially light-skinned girls?
You think pregnancy should be dictated by the state?
So single by now?
Not sure where you're from but plumbers make good money in Toronto. Fuck the deli, learn a trade that suits you and move to an growing city. You'd have to be retarded to not make money.
Black Americans are actually the fattest.
>tfw stuck in a deadend relationship with a girl i met in a game
i feel like im having stockholm syndrome and i want out
I found love.
But she found love with someone else.
Online relationships are not real relationships. There's thousands upon thousands of people within driving distance from you. Go make some goddamn friends in person.
Why isn't her avatar obese?
fuck all those other people
to not have unreal expecta... oh wait
Bros, help me. I unrionically want nothing to do with women irl. Yeah I have chick friends, but I've had multiple opportunities to get laid and I blew every single one of them off. I've only ever been in a relationship once and it was long distance. Ever since then I've never wanted a single relationship with any woman. I still kind of want to have a family of my own, but relationships and sex is so unappealing to me. One guy at college practically begged me to date his cute in-law and I rejected the whole idea, even though there's a chance she probably liked me because the nigga sent pictures of me to her.
you're asexual
>the nigga sent pictures of me to her.
I want to clarify that this was before he offered to hook me up, he did this multiple times throughout the semester.
This my dude. I've only been in relationships with 6/10+s. Seeing all my friends go for bargain bin bitches is just sad, I couldn't deal with the shame of introducing a girl like that to anyone. Plus I take good care of my appearance, work out, etc. I expect a girl who does the same.
Unfortunately they're the most high maintenance bitches out there and are usually crazy.
>you're asexual
Does that even make sense? I still like women, I just don't want to fuck them or date them.
It's getting to a point where I think it's starting to affect my family's image of me since I never once brought a girl home. I'm worried, bros. My mom wants me to have a family so fucking bad because my brother doesn't want kids.
Yes, according to tumblr, you can be asexual but still want romance
asexual just means you don't want to bone anything
Met one of my best bros after playing with him monster hunter for years
Yeah, my wife. She was a rare find in terms of shared interests and temperament. Unicorns do exist lads, don't give up.
Right, but he said oldschool runescape
Well that's rich, I've become just as bad as tumblrtards.
Well great, I can't wait to die alone with no kids around me because of a tumblr-tier mental illness.
Just force yourself to have sex. It's what I do
>friends know this guy online
>talking to him since like 2008 in tf2
>they know he live in the city but he wont meet up
>2017 my keyboard breaks
>he has one for sale
>he lives 10min walking from my house
>I meet him and they still havent
cherry browns >>>>> cherry blues
I do miss my backlights though
Got used as a fleshlightt by three furries I met on SL. All three led me by the hook of a relationship and once they got sex fucked off.
And it’s not even the fact that I ate a dudes ass for free. It’s that this dude wasn’t even considering me as a possible partner. I was plan B for sex.
This is what we fight for
Nah, don't want to be married. I don't like having to see the same person everyday, 24/7. If I see too much of a person, I go into "leave me alone" mode.
I have already found a waifu who I love.
>clicky clacky memeboards
1984 OG ibm > your cherry garbage
That's just autism, don't worry, you might find that one person who doesn't make you feel that way
Are you sure you're not just nervous about how you will preform during sex considering you have little experience? I felt very similar to this once, realized it was only because I sex issues with my first gf (ed from watching too much porn) and was afraid of more embarrassment. Eventually I kicked my porn habit and got some experience with other girls and i've never felt that way since.
>Just force yourself to have sex. It's what I do
Fuck, man. Is this what life has come to for a lot of men? The fact that people have to force themselves to fuck a bunch of bimbos to uphold some kind of social status depresses the fuck out of me. I'm sorry that you have to do this shit, user. It must mess you up a little bit.
Did got catfished so fucking hard
I wasn't commenting on physical appearances.
In fact, that's one of the least important things to me, obviously they need to be attractive, but I care far more about someone being trustworthy and faithful to the relationship above all else, which I doubt I'll ever find.
Everyone gets like that user. We both do sometimes and we'll spend some quiet days in our own heads doing our own things. I thought I'd hate it too but once you get used to it with the right person it's really not bad.
When things first start out, they are pretty good, when I put absolutely minimum attention and effort into a relationship.
Once I try, once I care, shit falls apart quick. Fuck it.
That's self-hate in my book. You find ALL black women unattractive and unbearable???
first few weeks/months always tend to be the best, after that it's usually a downward spiral to wards destruction that you constantly try to fix and adjust
Yes I have.
It was good, thank you for asking.
You did good user, I hate China and racemixers but your story hit my heart like a tiny waded up piece of paper.
But it still hit and I hope she hasn't tricked you into being a communist.
I wish you a happy healthy family
It's not just that I want sex, I also just can't bring myself to want to date anybody. Maybe I'll just drink a bunch and pop some viagra one day, then I can at least say I got sex out of the way.
It happens to both, but yeah it kinda sucks a figurative chode.
Married 7 years next month, pretty good experience.
I'm unironically jelly.
grow from it and do shit together. I always liked to go to museums and what not but I never had the motivation to go there alone when I can read shit in books and online. Got a gf and every weekend we go visit different institutes, museums, places we'd like to see and do activities none of us would do alone. I think we're gonna give climbing a try soon.
Just grow from it and help the other person grow. It's like xp share.
You'll find someone too, user. It was complete random chance we met when we did, but it's been a good time. I hope we get to keep hanging out and playing vidya together forever.
So do you want sex or not?? You just said you didn't in the post before.
How do you do it? Do you get shitfaced first or what?
If you like somebody enough, you'll do anything for them. Though if you don't really want a relationship and just want to say you've done it, just pop some viagra or something. You might be surprised.
No I get in "get up out of my house" mode. Introvert problems.
>That feel when I unironically fucked my "best friend" for years just for their sake because I wanted to make them happy
>They drop me like sack of potatoes without a second thought
Have you considered therapy, user? No shame in talking to a professional and getting help.
just find someone to do shit with and helps you grow senpai. explore the world, find your extacy.
That's a few steps beyond "introvert problems"
I did. She died fourteen years ago.
That's rough, user. I'm seeing in this thread folks talk about being asexual but desiring romance.
In my marriage I am hypersexual and my wife isn't at all, I'd describe them as asexual but desiring romance. We find ways to make it work, it was difficult at first but like said, you can do anything for the right person--I'm sorry that when you did do your anything that it hurt you.
>You'll find someone too, user
>It was complete random chance
It's real easy to say that from your perspective, user. Not everyone is so lucky.
Shit, that's depressing. I'm sorry to hear that, user. I bet their vagina/bumhole was sub par anyways.
>If you hate people and would rather be by yourself, you're crazy
Yeah I'll keep my options open, I find someone compatable every 5 years or so. Got 1 more chance before I hit 30 and everyone has a kid already.
I came to this post. Thanks for it.
t. Coombrain
We don't have to live with your problems; only you do.
I'd rather be a rich hermit like Steve Ditko.
honestly asexual doesn't mean aromantic
did this gay nerd really do this damn im cringin hard
Do what you like, but you're the only one who has to live with it.
>all these fucking normalfags crying about how they're desperate for sex and relationships
"tfw no gf" shit is a blight on Yea Forums to this day
I met one of my good friends from Yea Forums back before /vg/ was created.
Just disappoint your mother. Ez.
>meet through vidya
>married 4 years in December
>plays vidya with me and on her own time since our favorite game genres don't always overlap
>good taste in movies/TV/anime
>actually possess a sense of comedic timing
>big softie
>did some weird shit on Yea Forums back before I met her and I know she goes on other boards too
>most importantly, loves me
And after all this I'm still mad this faggot board told me women like this don't exist. It's slim pickings I guess.
Mgtow is a bluepill made by jews.
Complete random dumb luck is still a nonzero chance of happening, user. You're right, it is real easy to say it from where I am but I remember being where you were and it's just as easy to dismiss it. The only advice I can give is for you to relax, stand in your truth and eventually someone will stand in it with you.
I did escort work on SL for several years, aside from the severely crippled users everyone on that shithole is an emotionally manipulative shit.
whatever helps you be comfortable with yourself anons
This doesn't even exist anymore.
t. Just ended 5.5 year relationship
>It's slim pickings I guess.
Rarer than unicorns you lucky son of a bitch.
Yes he did, the fucking madlad
>This doesn't even exist anymore.
I know, which is why I'm not even trying.
why did this nigga settle for a fat chick?
I don't give a flying fuck if (You) consider it self-hate in your non-existent book. The experiences I've had throughout childhood, adolescence and adulthood - from both an intimate and public perspective has put me off of black women.
While it can be said that some black women can be genuinely attractive and/or beautiful, that does not mean that I would actually wish to be with said women as they tend to be the ones with the nastier personalities.
Simply put, I'm put off of black women because they tend to have the worst personalities COMBINED with lacking attractive features that other girls can or do possess.
This is normal. All men and races and cultures want to fuck white women.
>meet through vidya
I can't even make friends through games.
was ok seemed to me they saw my online version different to how i am in real life
I have but since it's my step-sister.
black women are for black men
dogs are for white women
I've met plenty of friends from online in real life. Only one of them was someone I met explicitly through vidya though.
>Hanging out in Cali with my best friend, who I met through an online RP forum
>friend I met on xbox live on halo reach says I can come up and visit him if he wants
>drive up 5 hours through the night
>get there, dude gives me some of his weed
>get higher than I've ever gotten in my life
>wake up the next day, drive to his local town
>realize this dude literally has no friends and no place to make friends
>parents live in this gorgeous resort community that's mostly old people and little kids
>he's stuck there without any people his own age
>stays in a small room that can barely fit a twin bed and a computer desk
>Feel terrible for him
>have to leave after only a few hours because bro has work
I wanna take him to Vegas sometime when I get into one of the film unions next year and get him laid.
My actual nigga.
Thank you for putting my feelings into words.
>all these anons ITT saying how they got a gf
>keep using the term luck
I often wonder if my wife was aborted. If you think about it. Its essentially a random chance you're compatable with a female. And every female fetus that was aborted during the years you were born is 1 less chance at you finding your mate. I know with my luck my wife was blended into stemcells before she was even born.
Because even fat white women are better than average black women
Met my bf through gaman and now im living with him. Is nice
He's now my best friend and colleague.
Yeah. We talked alot over voice chat as a group anyway, so when we finally met up it felt the same. Pretty cool, would hang with them all the time if any of them lived nearby.
>Originally planned to delete/block her after a week or so but then she sent me her face pic
im extremely ugly and a dicklet
It's chance they're born
Chance you'll meet
Chance you'll both be at points in your lives where you can start a relationship
Lots of chance
I found love and I'm miserable now.
I mean, doesnt look like a bad couple. I think mixed kids are kinda ugly but, they already both are kinda uggo so its all good.
MGTOW is kinda gay. They say you shouldn't have sex with women period. I like pussy, but the personality attached to it is usually terrible.
Baby don't hurt me
My wife won't let me.
I've met a few online friends at conventions, but it was always awkward. I'm getting too old. Always feel like I'm the odd one out.
>melt with just the slightest hint of interest, trust me, they're so starved for compliments you can get them to do anything you want. Set your sights a little higher.
This is why they're perfect for Yea Forums
Set up a fetlife profile as a dom and fuck 5 bbw slampigs in your area today.
which one is the videogame?
Find amish gf or import from Czechoslovakia. Only options.
One of my buddies from ragnarok online visits me every 2 years.
We play video games and eat garbage for a week, no homo stuff.
Wish I had a cute girl doing this for me so I could get a cute gf instead.
>*hits pipe*
I'm married to a woman. It's honestly not as great as it's made out to be. I love her, and she's amazing, but even with a great relationship (maybe even especially with a great relationship), you just don't have as much time to yourself anymore. You don't get to spend just weekends lazing at home playing vidya, because you spend time with your wife. Taking a week to get through a big game isn't as easy, when you have a person who wants to spend time with you at least every few days (and who you want to spend time with too). It's also work, maintaining the relationship and making sure everything works.
It amounts to a net positive, but not by as much as you think. The happiness and love don't come at no sacrifice, and having been in a few relationships that lasted longer than 5 years a piece, I can say that I'd choose it again, but I miss being able to get off work and drown 5 hours in a game before going to bed.
If you're alone, take care of yourself, improve yourself, maintain your happiness, and try to keep some friendships together if you can. You can be perfectly happy alone, just don't let yourself go.
Found love with a guy and a girl and it failed both time. Everything was fine until we exchanged pics. Too masc for the guy, too fem for the girl. This shit gets me pretty mad. I don't even want sex anymore at this point, I just want someone to take me in their arms.
Yuumi is fucking broken. Absolute freelo.
Why is it always whores or fat white bitches who date niggers.
baby don't hurt me no more
>she vaguely resembles the anime character
This faggot gets it.
she left me because she couldn't see a future with me after being together 3 years because she got into Christianity. She flip flops on things so easily that this is just another one, but it involved dropping me like dead weight. Don't love bros it just hurts in the end
>with the gamma turned down
Ok I fukken lol'd
t. Dating a black girl from richest town in my county
>but I miss being able to get off work and drown 5 hours in a game before going to bed.
Why wouldn't your wife allow you the time alone for your hobbies, if she really loved you? Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to spend every waking minute together. Or were you too much of a pussy to ask for some time to yourself every now and then? Find a woman that has her own hobbies and will set time aside and let you do your thing while she does hers in mutual happiness and you won't have this problem.
Or maybe I'm just lucky?
>tfw managed to get together what was probably the last RO photoshoot in the US and everyone there was uncomfortable as hell and didn't want to talk about the game
>she got into Christianity
They're the ones who are the biggest sluts.
I thought the erp was the cringiest shit I had ever seen until they started the pillow talk after
Looking good
>my wife on /r9k/
Explain this if you don't mind. Story?
your mom sounds great, good on you
Yeah trust me, I know how it goes. She wants to go on mission trips to help poor people around the world. It's really a selfish act to just elevate yourself and play white savior. Fuck those people, make your own neighborhood better
Women are insanely clingy. This girl I've been talking to threatened to cut off contact with me just because I wouldn't take her to a store due to me being mentally drained that day.
they are both quite low on the social totem pole
the truth is that fatties are the only white girls black guys can get
and black guys are the only guys that actively pursue fatties
only ones who have it worse are black women
who are so undesirable that they can only get the blacks that even fat whites wouldnt touch
and they are all fat themselves with few exceptions
t. fattyologist with a minor in niggerology
>Women are insanely clingy.
There are plenty of women that are introverted and prefer to have time to themselves and won't give a rats ass if you do too. Good luck finding them though, for obvious reasons.
because i don't want to have sex with landwhales
you arent seeing the big picture user
they just end up procreating and making more fatties
and this new generation is niggers too
this is not good for humanity
I'm middle eastern and I do not like women from my home country because they are obnoxious and personality is just not my cup of tea.
cope more incel
I wish I wasn't gay
What a fucking shame, I go on an autistic rant with tons of stories whenever RO is brought up in any group chat I'm in.
That game taught me how to socialize and make meaningful friendships, god bless that gem of an MMO.
What an embarassing post, hope its ironic posting for your sake.
Good for them. There's too many sad and lonely people in the world.
That's because people are dicks.
I got a gf and I'm feeling this way. She has needs but so do I, we're trying to communicate on how we meet these needs and keep each other happy. She likes phonecalls out of the blue, I don't. But we have a phone call a day just to see what's up. We meet a few times a week, I'm okay with this and I think it's nice to have days to myself outside of work whereas she thinks a few days between our meets is too much sometimes. It's complicated but it's like you say. Anons should really learn to self-love and grow continuously as a person in body and mind.
I have free time and vidya apart from her, just not as much, naturally. It depends on your relationship and personalities. Most relationships are only as good as you make them. Spend too much time apart, and it starts feeling like you're just roommates, too much time together and you lose yourself.
It's not that she won't let me, It's just a balance, and you can never get as much of either side as you have time (if you do, you either have no hobbies at all, or no relationship at all). No matter how good it is, you're going to be compromising some of your time, otherwise it's not a relationship.
I will add that we both have full time jobs and kids, so our free time is already pretty limited. Wake up at 6 AM to handle kid school shit, work at 9am to 6pm. Do dinner with family and spend time with kids until bedtime (8pm), takes a while to get them down, then do post-dinner cleaning and shit. Finally get done and get down to relax at 8:30 to 9, and you've got to wake up 9 hours from right now. Kids or no kids, it's a compromise of something, though.
I'm too dead on the inside to care.
Only one and we're married now :^)
It's been nice, despite all the shit that has happened over the years
Because the modern view of love is unironically the most overrated thing throughout human history. Modern love which is also worshiped by Godless individuals as an attempt to create some sort of meaning in their lives. Scientific research also shows that the human brain reacts similarly to drug withdrawals when being rejected by someone it loves.
me too
wish you weren't "gay" i mean
fake/remorseful gays are obnoxious and over dramatic as fuck. you can't fucking relax around them because of their constant fucking self-doubt
they also fucking suck at and never want to play video games with me. the one common thing they often claim to enjoy, and even that is fucking fake.
>10 years ago
>playing Ragnarok Online
>one day I just start killing players left and right for the laughs
>PK this one girl who gets triggered and calls me every name in the book
>push her buttons further cuz I'm a asshole
>she tells me she is crying and how bad of a person I am
>feels bad so I try to make up for it by helping her in the game with items and stuff
>days later we are still friends and joining a guild together and everything
>our chats get flirty and at some point I ask her age
>oh shit, she is 13 and I'm 20
>try to back off but she insists its not a problem
>one day she surprises me with a phone call and her mom comes talk to me
>think I'm fucking done
>turns out her mom is the nicest person ever and says its okay as long as I talk to her in person
>long story short the girl is now my wife
Idk about finding a gf through vidya, but I have met up with people I play with at locals
You groom a lot of kids, user?
Because they're the lowest of what white people have to offer so obviously they're going to date down. Fucking a white women of any kind is an achievement for niggers since sheboons are nasty so they take what they can get.
My waifu hasn't noticed me yet
I'd shoot myself in the head. That sounds like pure misery.
I rather be alone than be with a fat bitch
Reading this I kind of feel bad for your wife. Sounds like you're pretty disillusioned or depressed. Maybe you should talk to her about this even if there's nothing you can 'do' about it right now. But you're right anons should try and improve themselves and relationships are compromises. Maybe your wife would be willing to make a compromise to make you feel better about your life choices.
They do, they're called dykes
Looks like a monkey.
To be as edgy as possible I genuinely believe that something inside of me is broken in a fundamental way. I am a horrible person capable of great cruelty and I do not deserve to be loved and no one deserves to have me inflicted upon them.
I've somehow developed a complex where I'm completely unable to find any sort of attraction— romantic or otherwise— to humans. I've gone through like four different psychologists who all gave me the same diagnosis, and three of them said it probably had something to do with some nigh-unexplainable combination of legitimate, professionally-diagnosed autism and latching on to monster characters as a young kid.
I'd give almost anything to fall asleep in the loving arms of a monster man, just once. Not even as a post-sex type thing, either, just a loving embrace.
It's alright. Have enough time on the weekends to recharge and relax.
I'm not depressed or disillusioned. I'm fine with my life. I wish I had more time, but I get two or three hours downtime a night and enough time on the weekends, and it'll get better when the kids are older. It just sounds that way because I'm pointing out to anons that even good relationships are a trade-off. There's more than enough good about my relationship to write about, but it's not the point, so I've left it out. You have limited time, and getting into a relationship is allocating some of that time to something else.
No, because I don't play pseudo-games with random fuckwits, I play mostly single player and a very tiny bit of multiplayer with ACTUAL FUCKING REAL LIFE FRIENDS LIKE YOU ARE FUCKING SUPPOSED TO.
No, the other one is the monkey
I highly doubt it. Especially not some ugly german woman being totally up about whatever that is
I agree.
I'd like to dress her up like Dixie or Tiny Kong, and fill her monkey hole with my banana. If you can decipher my implications.
Black men love fat women. They are predisposed to find large women attractive.
It will grow on you until you can't let it go. Good on you for stopping.
Tomboys (Straight)
I will gas the gay menace.
>My mom was kind of a tomboy.
What a fucking coincidence, mine too.
I don't have a picture, but she was very much a horse-riding girl and a delinquent, she'd skip classes at boarding school to go horse riding with her friends and smoke in the science classroom after classes.
She showed me a picture from when she was 16 before, I'll admit with no shame I'd pull a Back to the Future on my mum.
Sorry for the aeons late reply to you.
its the ears
are those kinds of ears considered cute in japan?
two monkeys
I already was too edgy for one night. It does feel cathartic to actually define why I will die alone.
Thank you for confirming I never want to start a family.
>Even in VR... I'm still a nigger.
Fat people shouldn't exist.
Chatting up with a guy I met from a game.
We sent each other dick pics god knows why but we did.
He suggested that I become a trap because of my luscious thighs.
Fuck it why not.
Decided to meet up and bang.
The moment I felt his whole shaft went in I realised this wasn't my thing.
Shamefully let him finish in.
Talks about how much he wants my ass.
"H-haha yeah..."
No, don't think so. The whole "considered cute in japan" thing is kind of a meme anyway. Crooked shark teeth might be considered cute in some cases, but a lot of high-profile artists (her, the Perfume girls, AI Uehara) get their fucky teeth fixed eventually
you're pathetic but that's kinda hot
My mom was, IS an archeologist.
Doesn't mean I can't fuck with it.
Is there some reason I'm not supposed to fuck with women and their professions? What if she wasn't good at it? Am I supposed to be like "oh you're a woman so I guess your samples are okay!" Fucking assholes, all you do is fuck up the value of discovery.
Who cares?
>black anons hate black women
>white anons hate white women
fucking hilarious, ever thought its your fault?
I added like 6 people from a steam friends thread back in like 2012.
I met up with one of them who only lived a few hours away, we went to anime conventions together every year.
I was a groomsman at his wedding last year.
imagine being down to have someone stuff your ass with dick
Get AIDS and die
I'm ok with it I just also wish I wasn't. Sorry.
What are you on about
Cope harder, cat lady
White anons hate white women AND don't even consider black women, they're that low.
Black user settle for white women since "well at least they're not black women!"
There is no tier above white women, western asians are equally as bad.
cant find what doesnt exist.
No but I met my boyfriend on Yea Forums.
I don't want him to be disappointed with Death Stranding, I don't want him to experience the same soul crushing pain (phantom) I experienced with MGS V. He pre-ordered the game and is really excited for it.
Not really, I believe in discovery for it's own purpose. What white women are doing now? Don't fucking bother. If what white women are doing right now as a general demographic? If that's considered important then we are fucking doomed.
>Bugle Boy
More like Bulge Boy.. hahah OwO
Be gay elsewhere
>his boyfriend preordered a ps4 game
Wasted quads on this faggot, coal-burning nigger lover. Hope he gives you AIDS.
This, we should just starve all the fat people. They can rejoin society when they are skinny.
We fucked. Everyone I've ever met offline from online, I fucked. Men and women alike. I don't know why or how, since it's never for that purpose, but every time I meet someone offline we wind up doing sexual shit; sometimes intercourse, sometimes butt stuff, sometimes oral, but it always happens.
I'm not really bothered by it, I just wonder if anyone else has the same experience.
yeah but i was just wondering how the general veiw on dumbo ears is in japan
here its considered goofy
The last relationship I was in was 8 years ago.
She started ignoring me and hung out with two older boys who were best friends but both interested in her while she was in a relationship with me.
Their friendship got ruined over that whore and she broke up with me over text. I was fucking broken because I really liked her.
Here's the catch: I acted as cool as I fucking could when she broke up. She came crawling back with guilt and I called her a "heartless bitch with no sense of judgment". That's the last time I talked to her. Since that I worked on myself and now I study the shit I want and work out alot and am generally happy. I could've been in 4 more relationships during that 8year gap but chose not to.
Some girls are whores not worth your efforts. Work on yourself instead.
Blogpost over, pls upboat
Black woman and white man is top tier.
Yuck. Don't post Popuko ever again.
>be me
>meet chick in vaguely Yea Forums related chat room
>she's stupid cute
>like jesus christ out of my league cute
>big ol honkers
>virgin (but apparently sucked a dude off before)
>plays some vidya (nintendodler shit)
>talk for a while
>cringe at myself a lot
>she's fucking crazy but it seems to be over minor ocd things
>yes I'm retarded and seriously believe this
>end up having to stay up way fucking late every night just to help her calm down about stupid shit and talk to her
>get tired of this e-breakup since e-dating isnt real anyway lol
>chat is having a meetup in the nearest major city
>only a couple hours away
>shes going
>ok fuck it
>get handsy and shit but dont fuck her
>ok whatever that's fine
>still broken up, a chick from high school starts talking to me again
>also honestly out of my league with big ol honkers
>fuck high school chick a lot, but don't commit
>egirl gets pissed
>egirl finds high school chick's tumblr
>oh fuck
>egirl and high school chick start talking
>egirl is going to an anime con nearby
>they want to meet up
>insist that there are no hard feelings or anything
>I, being the retard I am, think this is a great idea
>walking around the city with two big tiddy goth gfs on my arm that both want my dick, feel fucking untouchable
>egirl: "hey so uh the hotel room I got with my friend for the con is kinda full can I stay with you guys at [HSgirl]'s place?"
>HSgirl: sure
>Hey so since nobody's in a relationship or anything...
>What follows is possibly the worst experience that any human could qualify as a threesome with absolutely no penetration
>At one point egirl takes fucking pictures with hsgirls ipad
>yes, ipad
>ends with me on my back, egirl sucking my dick, and my arm around HSgirl who is laying next to me resting her head on my chest
>egirl doesnt know that hsgirl is crying
>she keeps going
>dont cum, eventually everyone gets tired and falls asleep
>feelings arent involved though right lmao
>next morning hsgirl is devastated (for SOME reason) and way too upset to do anything
>ask her if she wants to come out
>she doesnt
>ok fuck it, egirl and I go out to do shit
>egirl says she needs to give something to her friends at some university theater or something (not movie theater)
>we get there, deliver that shit, and then she says she needs to go to the bathroom
>But I should wait just outside the door
>we really shouldnt be here, being that we're not students at this uni
>of course eventually I end up going into the bathroom with her
>she's really trying to seal the deal on shit and lock me in
>take egirl's virginity in the bathroom
>Reminder: I am a fucking retard
>It is awkward, gross, and nobody came
>walk back was fucking weird
>when we get there hsgirl is fucking bawling still
>they had some secret agreement that things "wouldnt get competitive" or some shit that they didnt tell me about
>apparently that line was crossed when egirl was sucking my dick
>hsgirl doesnt know
>I'm fucking dead
>egirl: "but hsgirl you were fucking him literally the day before I got here"
>hsgirl: "but that's different because it was just us"
>I am fucking dead
>shit like this goes on for a bit, I honestly don't remember most of the conversation
>eventually it settles on the implication/idea that I have to pick one of them
>egirl is fucking LIVID and crazy hormonal because she just lost her virginity
>freaks the FUCK out
>hsgirl is also pissed because she thought our casual shit was going somewhere
>egirl still flipping out
>egirl brings up the virginity thing
Will Yea Forums ever not be full of normalfaggots?
Because I want a yandere gf.
>hsgirl looks at me with a face that I have never seen in any form before or since then
>legitimately convinced I would die that night
>eventually calm everyone down
>egirl seems to think she has won
>somehow still fucking sleep in the same bed that night after like hours of this shit
>eventually egirl leaves due to the con ending
>never meet up with her again
Bad end.
>hsgirl and I actually end up dating
>even living together for a couple years
>she goes crazy herself and becomes abusive
>actually tries to blackmail me with the ipad pictures for a while
>broke up a while back, have been happy since.
>egirl eventually goes on to fuck both sam hyde and rocco from mega64. I wish I was joking
>black women are for white men
>tl;dr is some bad end shit no-one cares to read
Glad the thread is at bump limit so your kuso posts are gone soon.
If I give you (yous) will you shut the fuck up
Have sex.
now when i think about it, i've never met or even considered meeting anyone from internet for any other purpose. i know one person who i'm willing to meet up with and it's entirely for sexual, and also
i've accidentally cybered my friend on Yea Forums and ended up delivering most of the stuff i've said i'm gonna do to him couple weeks later
it's the most ridiculous situation i've ever been in through my entire life and i love every second of it. imagine accidentally breaking your friend into submission
You'd have been better off if she hated you.
Love is a monster. It eats you, shits you out and laughs at you in despair. Just is what it is.
>LGBT using that phrase
The meme is real.
But I'm a girl
My boyfriend is white though, he's a based colonizer also he was my first and we're in a loving relationship.
I disagree with that all black woman are the worst. My girlfriend is pretty nice and don't have that attitude problem that people keep talking about.
Epic larp, niggerlover.
I mean he's irish so yeah I guess he is a nigger
I've been to two in just the past year.
1) A 10/10 pure "never even seen a dick in person"* kissless* virgin* asian waifu that I met on an overwatch discord server** who is somehow also one of the chillest chicks I've ever met
2) With the gay chick that invited me to that overwatch server and a bunch of her con friends. Was ok, slightly awkward being that I knew literally one person and they were con dweebs. Everyone was at least friendly though.
**Overwatch was still new and tracer was still straight