Persona 5 new Intro dropped. OTP confirmed by atlus themself. Suck it mentally ill straightfags, Joker belongs to Goro.
Persona 5 new Intro dropped. OTP confirmed by atlus themself. Suck it mentally ill straightfags, Joker belongs to Goro
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Akechi looks dead. The phantom thieves are taunting his corpse
What is this, 15 FPS?
Joker looks dead aswell.
You made this exact thread yesterday, are you genuinely a fan of that "pairing" or what?
>Akechi murders Futaba's mom and Haru's dad
>Akechi murders the principal and SIU Director
>Akechi murders hundreds of people through train accidents by murder the conductor
>Akechi tries to kill the Phantom Thieves
>At the last minute he saves them from a clone of himself
This is the dumbest fucking garbage I have ever seen
Shhh. Akechi-kun is sleeping. Please don't wake him.
>Nice song
>Interesting video although the animation is a bit janky
>Neither works together though, let alone being anywhere near as good as P5's intro
Kind of a shame. I get the same feeling from the title screen too.
Anyone with half a brain could see that they were literally made for each other.
Atlus is gonna ditch Redemption shit they were doing with Akechi and make him the main villain of the new semester in Royal, and with some magic macguffin like the Requiem Stand Arrow in Jojo Part 5, Akechi uses it and turns into YHVH, with a more human-like design, and finally introducing him into the Persona series. Screencap this
Joker is for Ryuji.
It’s because it’s animated by A1 and not in-house like most of the other animated shit so far.
fujoshits can't keep getting away with it.
My goodness
Hopefully they made the characters and their interactions better
i don't know how they always manage to fuck up the "enhanced" version intros. P3 and P4 also have better intros than FES and Golden.
Just sucks that it can be made a lot better after 2 seconds in Tubedubber
>Akechi actually had a split personality
discount lupin the third
Not even. There's no fun hijinks, no twists. They just go in then out.
yeah they basically stopped trying after the first two heists, at least the sphinx was still good
The characters were too safe and sanitized to play the same roles as Lupin's gang, a shame because even though I did enjoy the game the Casino intro did make me think that it was going to be something very different both in style and tone
I thought so as well. This game just felt like a seasonal anime with teenagers trying to relay a message but then completely gets lost in what it's trying to say.
I think this game had the worst main cast in the entire smt series. I found everyone annoying except Yusuke.
The bank was pretty cool conceptually. The whole thing being a giant rotating vault. That's clever. YakauzaBoss was shit though.
you thought the P5 gang was worse than Final?
>Being so far down in the path of faggotry that you're unable to experience male rivalry and instead registers it as homo
I genuinely feel sad for OP, he seems to be missing out on one of the core aspects of male to male interactions.
Yes. Final's cast was undercooked but I can appreciate what they did with them. The only real stinker was FAIRY BITCH.
Persona 5 has way more characterization but their personalities are just meshed into a collective LETS GO PHANTOM THIEVES!!!! WOOOHOO PHANTOM THIEVES!!!! Guys we need to play smart while being the phantom thieves....
Man I can't believe I had any hope that 5 was going to try and be at all edgier. The teaser made it feel like there would some actual rebelling going on but it was just the same Scooby gang bullshit where you weren't even guilty of anything to start with.
>teenagers being retarded due to easily falling into mob mentality
Seems like legitimately good characterization
If it were at all intentional. But that's always the problem with "OH KIDS ARE BEING DUMB BECAUSE THEY'RE KIDS" excuse. That's never the point.
Oh, yeah, I understand a lot of what P5 did right was purely accidental. What matters to me is my experience though, not the writers intentions.
Isn't the jap version out already?
That animation was pretty poor
Based. Real love only exists between males.