Buyfag thread? Buyfag thread.
Buyfag thread? Buyfag thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pop Funko
I’d say cringe but I also collect them. But only ones that I think look good/passable.
>Funko pop
>Not vidya
Superb thread, retard.
>Funko Pop
What game is she from again?
I bought this. AMA
Why do you buy these shitty things? I don't understand.
I can understand buying figures, but why those? Those look more like their own thing than the character they attempt to represent.
Like putting different wigs on the same fucking doll head.
And it's not even like the base figure looks cool or cute or whatever the fuck.
I just ordered one and kinda regretting it already. Impulse purchase.
Some of my favorite vidya related stuff. Don't even like OW outside of the comics, but McCree is based
Shin Megoomi Tensay
Which ones are passable?
buyfags are simpletons
>funko pop
just buy a nendoroid of asuka
ones without faces, or look cute.
I've braced myself for the distinct possibility that this whole 20th anniversary marketing campaign in Japan is just leading up to a mobile or PSVR game.
How big is he?
>buying chunks of plastic that take up space just because they have a slight resemblance to a corporation's IP you consumed one time
Only funkos that are redemable are the ones without the god awful eyes
Look, look what they did to my ultrasmurfs
>this whole thread
>there might be more in a few minutes
I have Pharah, Mercy, and Sombra. If I had room I wouldve got Reinhardt also
Funko are the definition of soulless.
Funko Poops look fucking shitty and cheap. I don't even give a fuck about nendo's or whatever but even those look like they have the slightest bit of effort put into.
They're an eyesore.
>40k funko
Shittiest possible taste. Your hobby is based on building and painting detailed figures, why would you need that abomination? Ultramarines are trash too.
as big as the normal version
>Measuring over 20cm, the thick round shape of the Nendoroid makes it look even larger.
that nendo looks like fucking garbage as well, don't kid yourself
You don't have to be stuck collecting plastic shit.
You can also waste your money collecting woven shit!
jk, I love collecting patches.
Why not one of the 100s of superior looking figures?
I truly hate these fucking things. Who are they for? Why can't they at the very least not all have dead, black eyes?
I personally hate those fucking things, but I can see why people flock to cheap, mass produced, always-on-clearance merchandise, especially if they're supposedly collectible. I could buy 5 of those monstrosities for the price of one nendo.
I only have this (although Luka best girl) and a kotobukiya build-it-yourself Mega Man.
someone post the virgin funko vs chad nendo
>Who are they for?
Normies too scared to spend more than $15.
>Buying Funkos for characters who don't have huge heads and dot eyes to begin with
>Buying merch for Evangelion at all
I don't get it.
I hope he's worth it.
Looks nice. I haven't given a shit about Halo since 2 online but I'd consider getting this for old times' sake.
nendos are just slightly better, more expensive japanese funkos
same chibi shit
Did they ever make a polygonal version of this?
when did funko pop shit cost $60
Probably can't even see her panties
Holy shit nice
Do you have any Metal Slug patches?
Just came today
So much better than that Other M trash from a few years ago.
Funko Pops are a complete money drain. You may as well save up and just get a higher-quality figure.
Did they ever make one with Fusion colors?
I bought some gacha shit in Japan. Very happy to pull best girl's button.
why do amerimutts love mass products like this so much and praises a big company? like marvel and dc.
funko shit is now dominating the casual geek industry, and i dont think its a good thing at all. these are ugly as hell. also why do sjws love such excessive capitalism?
Fuck Funko Pops.
fuck me that's cool
Where do you buy those?
spooky, I love it
which other demons in the series did they make? is it just basic stuff like jack frost and pixie?
i really only buy fumos
highest iq poster in this thread
post ur fumos now
Good Smile has also done Jack Frost, a Figma Pixie and Mara
Jack Frost got a Nendo, with a Black Frost one (which was original a GSC custom one made for a promo event that they're giving a mass release to after fans asked for it) coming next year sometime.
Pixie got a Figma released last year and Angel had one revealed, but Pixie flopped and Angel's since gone AWOL, so people have assumed she's been quietly killed.
why do americans love mcdonald's so much? same thing. funko pops are the mcdonald's of "collectibles" -- they're cheap, easy to manufacture, produced in droves, and worthless. even the "rarer" funkos hold little to no real value outside of sentimentality.
i can smell your body odor from looking at that image alone
>Not making them
i made the 2 yuugis from flan, because yuugi is my favorite, the parsee between them is from alice, the meiling looking fumo to the left of the customs is a factory error fumo of meiling with suwakos face
you are implying a lot
Stop me from buying plastic, PLEASE.
Very nice
Pixie flopped? Damn. Was thinking of getting one if they ever started selling her again.
Fucking cool
And IP owners who need cheap "show merch" immediately
She's not being produced anymore, but you can still find her around without spending too much. Stores have still got stock that they can't get rid of.
No, but now I'm looking.
Thanks user. Mainly other anons in the /k/omando patch thread. They're cool dudes.
Is it me, or does the MA5B look too big?
Terrible meme
fucking yikes.
>tfw cursed with knowledge that this exists, but it is a one-of made by a chink and I will never, ever have it.
>can find characters you wouldn’t necessarily be able to get figures of
>available everywhere
Basically those, especially the first one
the xcom patches are pretty based
Aww, nvm. I'd have to give people on /k/ my address.
>be eurofag
>was going to get pic related as a prize from a event, plus an artbook
>jew customs cockblock me from getting it
>tell them its a prize I won
>they still don't believe it despise all the evidence I provided,
>claim it's a business to peer transaction so there must be shekels to steal from
>neople gives practically 0 help in this regard, not even a single paper saying this was sent for free
>had to send it back
>never heard of it since then
This hurts.
>Sora no Woto patches
Fuck, the dude who used to make them doesn't anymore, does he?
Only ones that get anywhere near that are con exclusive ones of popular characters, like gold goku and stuff like that
Got this motherfucker on pre order. I missed the first release even though I wanted to get it then. Also replaying Prime Trilogy in the meantime. Feels good, man.
When I heard there was going to be a Pixie figma (or SMT anything) I got pretty hype, but honestly after seeing it I didn't want it. It just didn't look right. She's like 5k yen on Mandarake right now though if you wanna pick her up.
Whats wrong user
Afraid of getting a midnight visit from a /k/ommando?
I don't own a single piece of merchandise for anything.
On the one hand, at least I'm not a braindead consumerist, on the other, I wonder if I'm a soulless NPC with no strong attachment or allegiance to anything in particular.
Pixie isn't an interesting design IMO. Iconic for the series but she's very basic. I can actually see a funko of this guy working pretty well. He's not the most memorable demon for most players, but I stuck with this guy for a lot of my Nocturne playthrough and ended up pretty attached by the end.
>I wonder if I'm a soulless NPC with no strong attachment or allegiance to anything in particular.
ya that, but because of your first statement
Thanks, they're one of my faves asthetically. Plus you can wear them and they're pretty subtle in terms of viyda game merch.
They're webstores just like any other person running a webstore.
You put yourself at as much risk buying stuff from ebay.
Some of my favorite stores I've been ordering from- haven't had any issues from these guys the past couple of years.
didn't they go bankrupt or something last year?
You're in luck, Skinny did a restock a few months ago. It's a bit different from the first run, but still good.
Older one on the left, newer run on the right.
that's a weird lookin migu there
You will honestly get more respect having a drug addiction than buying these
Glorious, thank you
this. nendos are literally 50-60 dollar funkos with a bit of articulation.
>Cirno patch
np, always happy to help out a fellow SnW bro.
Bought pic related the other day
I didn't see this coming.
literally worse than chink stuff. amerimutts should have their own buyfags threads. its not even buyfagging. just you being brainwashed by a mutt corp.
Where can I actually get this?
So I pulled these two gacha toys my friend got me in circa 2006 out of storage the other day and Asuka's seat is covered in this kind of weird sticky residue, almost like old blu-tack or something. Whatever it is, dust has stuck to it like nothing else.
I don't wanna use anything too strong to get it off but she needs a good clean; any recommendations?
Sadly the art book goes for insane prices these days, one day I'll own it.
And maybe the play arts kai metal gear zeke.
Try a tiny bit of simple green on the underside to see if that'll do the trick. I hear that's a very mild cleaner.
Nah, nendos are CUTE
Hell yeah, brother.
>twitter feed full of people losing their shit over how "expensive" it is for like a week
The chin ruins it for me
is this thread to talk about macdonalds and coca cola?
>Pop Funko
Pop FUnko is so awful looking. WHy people buy those?
Probably mold release agent. Warm soapy water should be good. Don't scrub hard or anything, just use light pressure with a soft material. If that doesn't work, 91% or above rubbing alcohol. But I'd avoid that since depending on the paint you could dull or remove it despite being an unlikely outcome.
Also good god prize figures are hideous.
what game did this character originate from?
I am building my collection
>cool patches
>VC nendos
>Tanya nendo
youre pretty based user
>she'll finally get a figure and it's going to be a Bring Arts bundled with Octa for 16k yen
when are they gonna bring back the idol planes
that looks ok
Didn't Sawaki Takeyasu do some of the art for this?
Thanks gents.
Sora no Woto is a fucking masterpiece.
Had to say it.
Mcfarlane did one ages ago but its only 5"
Their heads are too big to make them fight or go on adventures whats the point
Why buy consumer products when you can buy investment products?
Do you hate money? Only owning money makes you happy, not exchanging it for consumption goods.
This is possibly the last chance to get on the train. Max out your credit card, buy now and sell at 100k.
ugly trash. make a funko thread and talk about it there
fuck i still need to preorder this
Now that you've said that, I can't unsee it.
not vidya but I'm waiting for some potatoes to arrive.
>crashes ur market again
what now /biz/?
>that marvel t-shirt
super typical.
you still got time and get the xfa-27 while you're at it
>The Home Depot patch in the bottom right
It shouldn't be as funny to me, but it is.
Can't stand nendos / figmas, but nice show.
Reminds me I gotta read the last 2 mangas.
Thank you kindly, user!
For sure. It's not something a lot of people have the patience for, but it is well worth it.
Same. Shame they decided to keep the noses, really ruins the potato aesthetic, but hey, I'll still buy 'em because SSR is also a treasure.
Thanks. We're all slaves to some system, user.
Kris when?
Obligatory gore.
bull market is starting right now. next crash will be end of 2021.
Ain't it the truth? Keep on truckin', retail soldier.
Still haven't gotten around to unboxing Ram.
Damn, I hate how funko pops look but this one looks great
lol looks like that monster grill from made from abyss or something.
Not into that fighting game series at all, but I am digging the detail on the one on the right.
God damn.
>buying an EVA fig
You know you're exactly what the series criticizes, right? You enrich a man that hates you and intentionally makes worse and worse films to spite you.
Fuck, GG figures? Good ones?
I haven't bought figs in forever, didn't know about these.
Fuck the new charas, but I'd like a Jam and May.
What's wrong with them?
There's only ps3 special edition of Ayesha right? I want a physical copy but I'd like the plus version if it exists
racism + cultural appropriation. funko shit however is loved by sjws so its ok i guess
Not him but nendos are super hit or miss.
Which is better than pops which are always terrible but still.
>have a bunch on nendos and a few figures
>don't want to break them or make them dirty so never ever take them out of their package anyway
Nothing, I just don't dig chibi / SD and joints that much.
I have ome, but just because they were included in Lim Editions of games.
I'd never buy one. MAYBE a figma of some mecha, the joints don't look that bad in those.
Damn, now I want more Slayers.
Seeing how nostalgia is IN on anime right now, maybe they'll remake them along Rayearth.
They're not worth shit. Tear open those boxes and display them.
I also have a life size puni plush and esty towel.
>Seeing how nostalgia is IN on anime right now
You have no idea... Or maybe you do? I don't know. I'm not you, don't worry.
>muh joints
oh you're one of those
link to store page where you bought it?
Ayesha had a Lim Edition but only in Japan.
PS3/PSV are digital only in US.
I also bought that one, when KT fucked it up and made it digital only / dub only.
My autism still kicks in, when Escha n Logy PS3 is the only one without LimEd in my collection.
Am I missing something? I liked Revo / Evo-R though Ive read that the anime differs a lot from the VNs.
Where do you get xcom patches?
normie get out
OH wait, googled that pic. From that momma anime waifu of the month?
Disgusting. I hate milfs more than joints.
evo-r was okay, revo was godawful and unfunnyt though
I honestly don't know why they're so scared to introduce Luke and get the story back on the road. Shabranigdo shard here and there, they could write around it if they really wanted to.
I know
No! They're precious to me.
Pyro Jack showed up this week so it's time to clean/rearrange the collection again.
Dude, keeping them in the boxes will be even worse in the long run for them, the're supposed to be getting fresh air, it fucks with the painting.
Once out though, you gotta dust them regularly or get a display case for them or something.
I get it if the fig is visible from outside the packaging, but if not, you're never going to get a reward for keeping it inside the box. She wants out, she wants to see the world, user.
Now that you mention it, yeah I kinda remember some unfunny detective or some shit, he had Batou's voice IIRC.
Can't remember which season it was, but yeah, it was painfully unfunny, though I remember liking both seasons more than hating them, but yeah, that chara. fuck.
Hi! I'm your friendly Slayersfag from Yea Forums!
Recently JC Staff, the animation studio that brought us both the old and new Slayers anime, released a new show that is colloquially known as "Okaa-san Online", which used mom/son ecchi to bait people into watching it, when in fact there is no incest at all. This show was released following their 30th anniversary, where they released a PV showcasing their accomplishments.
You will find that, despite helping make them a studio, THEY NEVER ONCE REFERENCED SLAYERS.
Last year, October 2018, Slayers' author Hajime Kanzaka released Volume 16 of his light novels, which comes out eighteen whole years after the last volume ended, as a special anniversary gift. It was so well-received that its limited print forced a second printing, which also sold out within two months, and became the most-popular light novel sold. In fact, its sales nearly surpassed GACKT, despite only having the fourth quarter to go off of. The reception was so warm that the author promised to continue the light novels, calling it "Series 3".
It was because of this that JC Staff, being a bunch of goddamn niggers, included a three-second snippet showing off a better character in an RPG setting to generate buzz early into their show's airing.
tl;dr fuck JC Staff
NGE for N64
I only own one figure.
Where did you get that Protoman buster blaster?
2hu just teased a new viyda patch, fucking hyped!
Most of these I got from the /acg/'s Razgriz Patchguy
The one on the hat I got from amazon:
Had to add my own hook material to the back to let it attach to things, though. Did that with adhesive backed hook and loop, also on amazon.
Would anyone else want a Nendo of William-Sama? Maybe with a Kodama and also bundle Saoirse in as a DX version.
Considering that Nioh was a big success for KT, it's a bit weird there's been virtually no merchandising for it. All we have beyond some promo keyrings and t-shirts for TGS is that Prime-1 statue with the borked face.
>no Luke and Milina
>no Blast Sword
>no Dynast Beast
>no human / mazoku hybrids
>no new outfits
>no mind-broken Lina
It's a travesty.
They're not plants, user. They'll be fine
you clearly own 2
user? I only see the green thing.
mega man is behind S&W if you couldn't tell
i've had these (besides joker, he's new) in a box for a few years now so i recently put them back out
holy shit
my man
You need a Miyako too you monster.
Yeah, he was the character designer I believe.
I actually would consider that. I have a friend who has it in box who I keep trying to buy it off.
What does your gf think about your collection Yea Forums?
Are you so fucked up?
Girlfriend of Steel.
She thinks it's a little bit odd, but she doesn't really care at all. We both have our hobbies and we're quite happy with them.
his sword is kind of loose
Literally nothing more pathetic.
Man, Orphen was cool.
Or so I remember, except that fucking season 2. GODDAMN, that killed so many neurons.
older pic of the first ones i got, because it's the coolest part
God damned funko pops, I swear to fucking god. They turn everything into funko pop. Next thing you know they'll start making funko pop presidents.
they made these
>not wanting Andrew Jackson popshit
Not him, but I've met a lot of total weirdos with gfs. I think the standards have mutated and split into multiple directions. Income is always the base bar, but alien factors come into play beyond that. I don't know what modern women want, but past money it's something to do with interests.
and they will make a souless 3d animation movie kek. fucking promised.
Lina is nice and all, but needs some midget justice titties.
And this coming from one who loves flatties.
mighty mugs r where its at
Disgusting OP pic but I’ll bite
>Yea Forums Videogames
>tfw i'm a 38 year old virgin that hears about this shit
I gave up so long ago but the pain is always there reminding me of how lonely I am. Being a buyfag only helps for so long.
>they're up to $130
how the fuck is the one in the back floating
Just keep saving for those robot gfs, user.
They'll be here soon.
>blocks your path
Thank you.
You've got some cute witches there, yourself!
That's pretty good, what's it from?
I finally pulled the trigger on one of them play arts fran figures, even if it was kinda accidental since I figured I wouldn't have won regardless
she's p cute
I think Yuru Camp.
Might be wrong.
The justice retard is taken, user.
Yuru camp
Nice fellow alchemists
>nobody selling figurines of LOGH legend of galactic heroes
feels bad man
I'm 25, so maybe we're not in the same generation to compare women, but I'm sure you could find a girl out there that accepts you for who you are. It'd be extremely difficult to find one that isn't an extra cheating bitch, but at your age it might be worth a shot to try. Your only other option is living like a teenager forever like me. You don't want to be like me.
>saw BSAA pin
my man!
what are some decent sites for imports besides the usual shit such as ebay and amazon?
I got a bunch of these, don't you worry.
mandarake for second hand stuff
A toy company in Hong Kong produced a generic Anjin Miura figure not long after Nioh's release to cash in on William-sama's success.
oh, it's a fucking patch
I'm still pleased
I used to buy from HobbySearch, amiami, and HLJ.
But that was many years ago.
Nippon Yassan
One person ain't enough to contain those milkers.
I got this mousepad of my purple video game wife.
dont care, she makes my dick happy
I want one, but I love so many different vidya/anime that I can't decide on what to buy
Are the the guy who has hundreds of fumos?
I WILL acquire this qtpie!
Absolutely Fantastic user
Does anyone have this? I'm tempted to pull the figure cause I love Demon's Crest and so I can have him fighting Hellboy, but I've read he had some severe OC issues.
My nigga. My Shima DX nendo came in a few days ago
yes, the company angeltype gift now makes fumo plushes for various ips but I only collect touhou project ones.
>all this shit just out in the open
Hope you like dust.
Flat is true and the only justice, but goddamn I love shortstacks.
>the series you like either get no merch or what does get produced has extremely high aftermarket prices
What about tallstacks?
>Velco hat
Didn't the guy at justthebase used to sell those or am I confused? Where can I get one?
Or only has shit gashapons or whatever theyre called.
Good figs from Suikoden, never ever.
ah yes suguri, my favorite touhou character
It doesn't seem like it but the MA5B was a fucking beast of a rifle.
I see some Orange Juice ones in there.
Pops are shit. Nendroid is better but more expensive. There is a new toy line that is basically middle of the pack between those two. They don't look like amalgamated mess like funko but no articulation.
>Tfw no guilty gear merch
Nah, big breasts are disgusting. Except on shorties.
Also, I couldn't handle the OOOHOHOHOHOHO
wanna order a robutt figure from ebay but its gonna be a chinese knock off and probably look terrible
I knew it. I feel like I can identify you from the lighting in your room alone at this point.
Nice collection, as always.
It was produced by a really shitty online retailer called "ThinkGeek"
It's out of production now but you can get one second hand for like $40 from ebay or somethin.
Has lights and sounds, which is pretty neat, but uses the same soundchip as their megabuster so it's not entirely accurate
Cute, but cheap. You could have sewn more than half of them yourself, user.
>tfw 4LS didn't sell out and make Katawa Shoujo merch
Glad I bought her when available.
Also have Max F Bridget, even though I hate traps, but I love GG more.
Fucking weak. My shimakaze outfit is in the mail.
Hope next GG is a big hit so I can buy myself a good figure of whoever I main in the next game.
I just want a good May one.
But from her first design, I don't like the Xrd one that much.
Also, I know males don't get that many figs, but I'd buy day one a good Sol / Ky / Slayer ones.
how can you fuckers preorder a figure and then wait 2 years to get the bitch
This dude really likes tits!
Honestly I would pay big bucks for a good Axl fig, but its possible he is not in the next installment, and its also possible he wont get any figure made for him.
Feels bad.
>buy a figure
>realise its a dumb lump of plastic that brings me no happiness
>buy more figures anyway
Haven't bought anything in years.
why is he so THICC
Figs exist solely for dumb paypigs to prop up the dying anime industry. The corpse is 20+ years old, but the poor fools keep it alive this way. Maybe it won't really die until the total collapse of mankind.
>Dojima visiting the person that put his daughter in danger.
I like Evangelion but buying Eva merch seems to run contrary to the point of the show.
I guess I should take up painting and make my own portraits of the characters or something.
Pre ordered this OP, may preorder Sakura too
>Unrefined in Shibuya Fig
Excellent taste my man
where my gunpla niggas
Where my monster hunter niggas
Post panties when they arrive.
what the fuck where you order it user? i ordered mine of play asia but it hasnt come in yet. I thought they got pushed back like til november.
I've got a lot of WAH
Real cheap on amazon, the blue one in all my pics is this exact one:
My autism wouldn't let me buy more than 1 figure per character, and so far, I haven't found one Asuka fig that I want.
I'd love some high detailed EVAS though. Big ASS EVAs. Like, 50cm.
>you're exactly what the series criticizes
lol dude, how does a series criticise anything? By doing the "I am silly" thing? Or "I am stupid"? Or maybe it just makes people look like losers in some form or other?
Actually good and thematically correct EVA figs don't exist. Prove me wrong, shitposters.
fuckkk that s&w is sexy as fuck
EVA has had a fucklot of figures, but Ive never seen one plugsuit Asuka/Rei that makes me wanna buy it.
Same for the EVAs, maybe a figma, but fuck joints, also, too small. There has never been a REAL COOL EVA figure IMO.
I'd like to be proven wrong as well.
I think your Pikachu has autism
Thanks, i'll keep this in mind
I haven't posted this corner of my room for a very, very long time. If you want handcrafted touhous they're right here.
Included at the bottom is a giant cuddly handcraft Reisen, or at least the little bit you can see of her.
Did our ACE DETECTIVES ever find out if he died for realsies?
I remember there were a few reports that the creator died, but I don't remember anything conclusive.
You guys have some creepy rooms not going to lie.
At least I can take joy in the fact that my favorite character is too niche to get a funko. But she's also too niche to get any kind of merch at all and it fucking sucks. I would be able to deal with her getting a funko if it meant getting a nice quality figure.
You're free to go look at rooms on reddit.
I like Leos, but prefer Aries and Serpents.
I'd rather be creepy than have no character at all.
What is Touhou
Not vidya but only cool thing I own
>the only bayonetta figures released year ago and were expensive even back then
>Nintendo decided to go with F4F statues for their statueshit, meaning 400 dollar MSRP Midna and Samus.
Why are foreign figures so fucking expensive?
What is it?
Also own some gacha stuff.
Tom Servo from MST3000. It's a show I guess
Give Tom a hug for me.
Dunno it sorry, but it looks pretty neat tbqh
I had to have a white cover underneath mine so there was no bleed in.
I used to work at Target, which is one of the best places to get limited edition shit and new pop culture toys since we always get them ON the date they release instead of weeks later like Walmart. The creatures who purchase Funko pops, I honestly hesitate to call people. They are the waste products of our consumerist society where even the truly worthless may have disposable income via welfare systems. Morbidly obese, drug addicted, imbecilic, onions-chugging chimeras made of human parts, but not human. Every time a new pop came out, at least five of these cunts would harass me for days prior, begging me to bring them out of the back room early so they could get their hands on it before the other "collectors." They somehow knew when we had them through some kind of fucking subreddit full of retail moles, even when our own systems didn't report any stock. I think one guy in their community made some kind of shipping algorithm that knows how many units of each rare one each store receives and when. These absolute fucking chuds are a financial and emotional drain on everyone they interact with and the world would objectively be a better place if they all died immediately. I hope that shitty vinyl has been releasing some kind of cancer causing agent into the air in their homes.
One guy in particular I remember (I try not to) was about 6'5" and 500lbs. He wore jeans that were like a denim circus tent, held up by rainbow suspenders, always over a 80s/90s pop culture t-shirt that was several sizes too small so his diseased obese midsection bulged out. The shirts included G1 Transformers, My Little Pony, Smurfs, Strawberry Shortcake, and Thomas the Tank Engine. This guy was at least 30, and his face looked kind of like a fat version of Sloth from The Goonies. Every time he'd harass us about a new release he'd overstay his welcome by 45 minutes and brag about his collection, like anyone on Earth could possibly fucking give a shit about how many beady-eyed buttplugs you own.
I can't type a smartass reply without sounding like reddit so will do m8
Give it a go, they just talk over shitty movies for two hours with pure SOUL skits in between. But yeah always assumed it looked stupid to someone how hasn't seen it so thanks.
That's because it's not in Funko style.
I have a powerful need to know where you got the Starwind and hawking patch
ilovesmokingmid store on twitter
Great taste friend
well i recently added the mega man zero complete works to my art book collection i feel like buying the complete works for classic and x next month, also the art book for mega man 11
I've had this sitting around since release, and still haven't opened her yet. My Other M figure got knocked off the shelf and broke her leg so I'm a little worried about that happening again to MP3 Samus
what's 11's art book like? does it have any art that can't be found in-game or online?
disregard that, i suck cocks. misread your post.
well it seems like it includes a limited edition numbered are print inside and they also give you The UDON mega man 2 mastermix comic
>he actually owns gay nazi and hentai patches from /k/
/k/ is a permavirgin board man, don't doom yourself to this life
Serpents are the shit, user. Great taste.
Too bad I can't into model kits.
Skinny's got them. It took literal years of asking, and he probably won't do another run, so pick it up soon.
>gay nazi
Where? Helghast? I love the killzone games tho.
whats a good gift for a girl who loves miku and animu?
I wish the World of Nintendo figures didn't suck so much shit. I was so disappointed in seeing how limited Wario's range of motion was.
Thats Helghast flag user.
Well? What is it called??
This is the only good Funko figure.
Nobody tell him
Get her the toothpaste Miku funko.
I see Dragon Ball.
I still have the 90s comic versions of Dragon Ball Z.
Kind of weird format for them but I liked that they were larger in size.
The fan art submissions in the back of each issue were nostalgic.
Reminds me of all the 90s kids trying to get into drawing anime.
I have a pokemon one of those lying around somewhere.
i'll buy them off you
Can't you find them on ebay?
I don't remember them being hard to get.
I bought mine at the comic book store in the 1990s and saw them being sold everywhere at the time.
what do you get out of this?
>But only ones that I think look good/passable.
So none of them?
uhm excuse me but where did you find this picture of my wife?
Posting some fanart and mail in the back of these comics just for nostalgia.
>It's a Piccolo lovefest
there is a 100% chance someone can very easily get off to this.
i too own a plush video game monkey
>Eyes open
One job. They had ONE job
You preordered her right?
I still can't believe there's no new figs for bemani
chief is a big boi
what do you do if family visits?
My purple wife is always with me
dumb demon
I bought several figures to fill a hole in my life and it didn't work.
This isn't real, is it? IS IT?
I haven't played any Taro games yet but this design is way hotter than 2B
whats goin on in that note, user?
Love your room, user. Has a really nice early 2000s feel to it.
Zero kind of flew under the radar because of how mediocre and not Nier Drakengard 3 was. She also has the mouth of a sailor and is a canon slut due to her horrific backstory.
>limited edition
can I buy a thousand and send them all to moot?
>tokusatsu anime with great designs that are both nostalgic and cool looking
>95% of merch for the show is of one girl
Why Gridman.
I want the Dragon Quest Monster art book.
That's the original format most mangas were released in. The smaller pocket formats are made with cost efficiency in mind
the only funko i own
how do they even get the rights to this shit do the old presidents have living descendants or something? how do you license the image of george washington or abe linclon or ben franklin?
>mfw my stink in recovery
man. you can literally be multiple convicted felon, no car, open warrants, un-hireable with no working skills and covered in fucking shooting up scars but if your fit, girls will come pick you up and take you to dinner and fuck, and then bring you back before curfew.
im pretty much convinced that theres no such thing as an incel, and the term volcel is more appropriate.
>Funko Pop
>cringy as fuck
Yeah I don't have money for 200 dollar + Tax + delivery from Japan figures.
I hope he feels guilty about it when he goes to sleep at night.
>kane lives
Im tempted to buy the gridman and gridknight figmas, I have the ghoulghilas vinyl coming.
Not an excuse to buy funko shit.
fuck you
get a job lmao
It's fair use since they are dead for years and not trademarked really.
Pretty sure the only President to Trademark his image is Trump
Please don't bully.
if you have no idea what you're talking about just don't answer how is that hard
jesus christ what the fuck
It's ok, retard. We understand you can't handle your money well at all. Need that instant gratification right now instead of saving to buy something of higher quality.
The pocket ones you speak of are better quality. They also contain more content per book.
The DBZ original ones I have use the same type of paper that are in the throw away shounen jump mags.
I have to pay credit card debt bro please, I'm almost done paying it off.
Weak bait.
I got these recently. They're pretty great.
Anno is fucking ridiculous. Motherfucker has the balls to call otaku scum when they're the only reason he has a job.
What the actual fuck is Ken doing? That shit would have never connected from that distance, he set himself for a punish.
I'm doing a video game book club podcast with my friends and those were a few quick notes about our current game
He's just spamming.
Anno is a self described otaku. You're confusing him with Miyazaki.