What was the point of this scene?

What was the point of this scene?

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It was to show that Hojo wanted to lend a helping hand to an endangered species. And to inform the player that both the Cetra and Red 13's race are almost extinct.

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someone wanted a lot of porn of aeris taking the knot

turns out all we got it mostly just tifa

the old bate and switch

Still, not a bad result.

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What was the point of this scene?

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Red rocket

What was the point of this puzzle?

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good fap

for funsies

What were they thinking? Seriously, what the fuck?

I don't remember this, what was the problem?

So that's where Reds children come from.

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>blurry backgrounds and HD models

To annoy the shit out of the player... it worked.

So... Source?

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Hojo's a fucking scientist he knows they can't breed, he just wanted to see her get fucked by a dog.

what makes him think that these two would reproduce successfully?

It's pretty important.
We save Aerith
We save/get Red XIII
We see how fucking batshit Hojo is

See above


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>Had no way of knowing they were going to be rescued
>Issue would have been forced sooner or later
>Basically a horny teenager in dog years

Hojo was just fucking weird

>establish Hojos personality as a crazy scientist
>make you care more about Aeris by putting her in danger like that
>introduce RED in a creative way that isn't "hey guise, can i travelz with you"

To set up the fact that Hojo gives absolutely no fucks and is just dicking around because Shinra's leadership is retarded. The president is going nuts about the Promised Land which Hojo already knows is bullshit, so "yeah uh that research is going to take a few hundred years so I'll have this long-lived dog fuck her and maybe they'll make an immortal baby idk fuck it I'm on vacation next week."

half-assed way of cramming "rescue damsel" and "get cool new party member" together

homosexuality is a joke to the Japanese

probably an abandoned, more complicated puzzle that they just left a vestigial version in rather than dummy it out

You are now realizing that Hojo is up to his armpits in hot bitches at the beach not because they want to fuck him but because they're hoping he puts them in the Red XIII chamber.

We later find out that he was supporting Sephiroth the entire time, and the kooky mad scientist schtick was just a cover. He probably just wanted to kill Aerith and disguise it as an experiment gone wrong, since she was a threat to Sephiroth's goals.


try reading

His grandfather is a human, good enough of a excuse to get Shinra to fund your live action zoo porn

I did, google and saucenao aren't working. Not sure what else to use.

>Not sure what else to use.
Your eyes. It's in the filename.

that's what I googled. doesn't help.

had safesearch on. suicide imminent.

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