How did this piece of junk become the most used chat application for video game communities?
What the fuck happened?
How did this piece of junk become the most used chat application for video game communities?
What the fuck happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Convenient and free honeypot
It just works.
>How did this piece of junk become the most used chat application for video game communities?
What the fuck happened?
What's the problem with it?
Centralized and proprietary software, doesn't respect your Freedom.
YOU are the problem little zoomer.
just like Yea Forums
>he uses any browser that isn't tor
>he doesn't encrpyt his data
>he has email services
>he uses epic game store
>he uses steam
>he installs games online
>pretends to care about data safety
seethe cope and sneed.
Free, allows for text chat and multiple text channels, voice quality was better than TS and Vent, light weight- both system side and network side.
Its competitors were stuck in the stone age and were trying to find ways to monetize their systems, discord was able to stay nearly completely free because of investor capital
IRC and VOIP have been around for years prior
I don't get why discord specifically is such hot shit
>insanely low barrier to entry
is only real reason, the lower the barrier of entry is to something, the more likely its going to be trash
like vidya & the internet nowadays
its free and people use it
No company has ever respected your "Freedom." You have no actual Freedom. What you want out of "Freedom" is to say/do something edgy and controversial, then pretend as if your freedom is being taken away, so that you can complain about it.
Cry more grandpa, still paying for a Team Speak server?
Because nobody likes how the format and design looks? I'm sure its preference?
>voice quality better than TS
>light weight- both system side and network side
Are you fucking retarded? Since when the fuck is an Electron app LIGHTWEIGHT? Remove yourself from the gene pool you stupid nigger
every literal who can make their own discord and be a big fish in their small pond
The closest I used was Curse back in my Smite days.
Memes in settings and loading screens.
its free and intuitive, why would it not be the most popular?
It requires some know-how and several "manual" steps that Discord automates.
Lol, really, we complaining about Discord being shit while comparing it to the koala of instant messaging plus voice chat?
>try to use discord to find matches for online emulators
>400 people in the room
>last message was like a day ago
>insanely low barrier to entry
you're retarded if you think that's why discord became so popular, other voip services were just as easy to use as discord, discord had more free options than its competitors and wasn't clawing at every orifice to try and get money out of you.
Discord uses very little data and nearly no memory
Blockchain discord clone where?
Ease of access, simple features and decent audio quality for the average person. Also its completely free.
Plus it helps that it came about around the time Skype became utterly unusable so there was a mass exodus.
Compare to other services that have a normie net that prevent widespread adoption.
dont know if this is any help but have you tried Parsec?
Nothing's wrong with it if you just use it for it's intended purposes and not some degenerate dating app.
Are you me? I'm in a server with over 5000 members and there are like one or two messages per week.
It's a Discord server for a very old game and it's their "official community" now, which doesn't make any sense, because their 20 year old forum is still up and running.
>Extremely easy to use
>Has voice and text chat that allows for easy image/video/link sharing
>Adding new members to calls is as easy as giving them a link they can copy-paste into a browser
and most importantly
>It's free
Skype was shit so people looked for a replacement. This had steam integration as well. IRC doesn't have voice or inline images / videos or emoji
Invite me to discord server anons
>people ask for years for a better alternative to Skype
>Discord is exactly that
>Yea Forums bitches about it constantly
skype went to shit and this was just as easy to use as well as free without all the ads and bullshit subscriptions and clunky old ass layout.
well, me and my friends used ventrilo until about 2016. I always liked how minimal ventrilo was, but the fact that discord had chat support that worked while people were offline was a big deal. we never wanted to use skype, so that aspect was a big upgrade.
Because, apparently there's something about the community that bothers Yea Forums. or the aesthetic, I don't know.
No, I mostly just use Dolphin and NES/SNES Party. I might give that a shot though if there's a community for it.
no decent alternatives
I use it because my friends are fucking retards that cant use TeamSpeak, skype is a shit, all of the other irc/voip programs are fucking gone except for online chatrooms. Discord would be god tier if it wasn't for the dumbass gaymer advertising, and there are barely any complaints other than le privacy meme, and if you don't use carrier pigeons only why are you talking about privacy
that's because Yea Forums is filled with retards who go into degenerate communities and then complain as to why said communities exist when they could just ignore it
It took the ergonomics of slack, which was just IRC but with modern conveniences, and sold them to a gaming audience. Most importantly, it's free and works in a browser.
Fundamentally, they simply didn't fuck up majorly in any particular way, which both text and voice chat apps always seem to do.
I don't know anything about discord. Just that I hate it for sure.
It's chinese spyware.
Why does no one use mumble anymore? it's superior to every other option.
based and fosspilled, people are going to get assfucked so hard from using this botnet
The average gamer these days is borderline legally retarded so they need shitware that caters to retards.
Literally this.
People were tired of having to download an IRC client, a voice client, an image/file sharing solution, etc.
We get it, you're an admin on some fag's discord server, congrats janny junior
do you have a single fact to back that up?
so is steam and epic gamestore 99 percent chance you are using them
>>he uses any browser that isn't tor
I don't.
>>he doesn't encrpyt his data
I do.
>>he has email services
I selfhost.
>>he uses epic game store
>>he uses steam
I don't. Why would you pay for 0s and 1s.
>>he installs games online
I don't. I have an offline gaming console.
>tfw use Ripcord instead of the vanilla discord client
It's much lighter and doesn't run on fucking electron
The fuck is a chink going to do to me? Especially after Trump is slapping Tariffs left and right.
Because text chat in mumble is shit
Because a chat that the browser just loads automatically with no setup beyond a basic standard web signup is far easier for the vast majority of users than trying to use IRC or get any old VOIP app to connect.
You have to remember that Skype was the previous go-to for most Discord users, and Skype is awful. A few used vent or teamspeak, which suffer from all sorts of setup, server management and 'can you hear me now' issues.
tl;dr for the average web user, "it just werks"
>No company has ever respected your "Freedom." You have no actual Freedom. What you want out of "Freedom" is to say/do something edgy and controversial, then pretend as if your freedom is being taken away, so that you can complain about it.
You don't understand what software freedom is.
Please read this article:
And watch this video:
>the chinese can't steal my information because of trade tariffs
>Discord uses very little data and nearly no memory
You must be trolling. Discord is using 193MB of memory right now -- it is unjustifiable for any chat app to use that much memory. Weechat uses ONE MB. How do you explain this bloat on the scale of two orders of magnitude?
>heh you dumb zoomers don't know the fun of connecting to someone else's ip and waiting for hours to connect with them
They are confusing the software with the few trannies that use it.
It's lightweight compared to Skype. That's how fucking bad Skype was and is.
they monetarily incentivized spamming the referral links to people's "servers"
people love to sacrifice their freedom for convenience. enjoy the spyware, gamers.
wasn't that shut down? or was it curse
>game wiki missing basic info
>just ask on discord LOL
There are some reasons to hate on Discord like their awful EPIK GAYMER marketing. I unironically feel like people would hate it less if they acted more corporate like Skype.
What isn’t
>Does Ripcord cost anything?
>Eventually, it will. Probably between $10 and $30.
Because it's easy af. I use it for simply fucking voice chat, that I can hop into when ever I want. I'm not some autist who pretends he cares about some chink spying on me. If you think Discord is some sort of devil and isn't simply an easy to use voice chat with server mechanics that are good to keep in touch with mates, then you're either a retard and should kys or you have no friends and should find some.
use ripcord retard
It's been free the past 2 years I've been using it
The only thing I really don't like about Discord is its ebin meme patchnotes that don't explain shit.
If you like NiGHTS come join our server!!
curse got bought by twitch, is now the twitch client
literally nothing, just dont join retarded servers and chat with people you actually like to hang out with. But Yea Forums just likes to walk into servers and bitch about them instead of ignoring them entirely
Ripcord is propietary software, and it still sends all your messages to Discord's spyware servers.
Use IRC instead.
This is the only thing that bothers me about Discord. It has become a replacement for providing information where the general public could read it. Want more info on a fan translation? Join the discord, we're not gonna bother posting updates on a dedicated site or thread anymore! Again though, this is a community problem and not a problem with the application itself.
>Use IRC instead.
I do but many people I talk to use discord only at this point. IRC is boomer tech that's hard to convince people to use because it has so many less features
It's simple and provides all the features I want from a chat program
I believe the majority of discord groups Yea Forums goes into are the one's made and linked to by other Yea Forumsirgins so no wonder they always end up in these apparent shitty drama discords and have nothing but vile shit to say about the entire app
>Yea Forums is filled with trannies
>nearly every Yea Forums discord gets bombarded with faggotry and the immediate split from drama creating several faction discord groups because no one on Yea Forums actually likes each other
fucking amazing, really it's just Yea Forums discords in general that do this
Unironically blame faggots with irrational fear of being ddosd. No one would join mumble or ts with that excuse
Theadly reminder that Discord has its origins from an FFXI ERP session, the CTO being the best geared, most famous and richest player in the MMO and him naming his chat program after some slut that used to send him /tells, cheating on her British fiance in the process.
And he's a Slav
most people follow trends and this piece of shit software is gonna be the new fad for a long time.
IRC is too hard for normies.
Last time I saw this thread, people said to use, but that shit manages to be less user friendly than setting up your own IRC and Mumble servers.
Right? I expected to make some new connections but nobody actually talks in these shitholes
>but many people I talk to use discord only at this point
Then don't talk to them.
Name one chat program that does EVERYTHING discord does but better
I'll wait
Discord is snoy as hell and it's funny how assblasted zoomers get when you criticize it
The exact reason this piece of shit is used in tons of companies today despite being terribly coded, laggy as fuck and still not having a fucking dark theme.
msn messenger but it's dead.
And you're a virgin at 30 and collect figurines.
ban wojack faggots
Tbh skype leaked IPs as well like a son of a bitch. Discord does not do this
God you're a brainlet
how much do you get paid for this chink shill
Skype was good for my purposed, then the retards at microsoft turned it into a mobile lookalike
MSN had screenshare? That's pretty ahead of its time
What the fuck? Stop projecting.
Enlighten me, chink.
MSN Messenger really was ahead of its time, I miss it and I miss talking to my sprite comic friends there.
.see how the fucking chink insects spring up yelling broofs ? broofs :D or doubles down
Easier to use than Teamspeak, even though teamspeak is superior.
Convenience and shitty competition.
Skype had quality drops and ads.
Teamspeak and Mumble needed servers
So you're telling me it's better to use an older software that offers less feature instead of using a much better one? If your argument for not using discord is all because of "snoy" then you're actually brain damaged.
Name one (1) better alternative.
MSN is propietary Microsoft cancer.
You only miss it because you're a zoomer with nostalgia for it.
>it's just Yea Forums discords in general that do this
>join redd*t specific game discord
>3 million rules
>bot to kick people that don't follow them or lock down the chat
>trannies everywhere
Fuck you beat me too it. Was about to post that exact story until I saw you already did.
Fuck I was in an FFXI thread a while back and this was brought up and I was like damn, how could anyone still use discord after hearing that?
Why do companies even use Slack anyway
Discord might not be so great but Slack is much worse
this board is so fucking bad, fuck you all
Where is Yea Forums discord invite link
>run slack because because need it for group project
>wonder why my computer is running slow as fuck even though it has good specs
>open up tack manager
>it's running 12 different processes
>Use a chat only app instead of a hybrid
We live in a globalized world, moron, and it's becoming more and more connected. Your country's (or wherever you travel) law can and will change at any moment, and whatever social, political or whatever groups you belong to (like just playing certains genres of vidya) can be considered inmoral or even illegal in the future, and the state WILL use any information they can to purgue whoever they want/ need, including a quick info trade with China/USA.
Seriously, this is privacy 101, ffs.
-Discord creator Jason Feint, or "The Real Jason#0001" has a bad record on privacy:
Who was the founder of Openfeint and what did he do after the Lawsuit?
Stop flocking to "free" platforms, you will get screwed over.
Use self hosted Matrix, XMPP, Nextcloud Talk or Mumble as alternatives to Discord.
no wonder ur lonely you think china is behind everey post you dont like and refuse to use discord fucking incel LMFAO dilate
Voice chat is cancer.
It's almost like Reditt and Yea Forums are the same thing nowadays
Shocker You fucking retard
But it's secure :^)
I'd rather use slack than the retarded email chains I deal with for day to day communications
Because most people with half a brain wont give a shit about all that because they know the alternatives are garbage, hope you have fun using skype to communicate you manchild.
>give your data to microsoft
>give your data to a furry/pedo cesspool
I'd rather use msn messenger.
zoomers were toddlers when MSN messenger was popular
Yea Forums and reddit aren't too different from each other if we're gonna be honest
what should i use instead?
>Voice chat is cancer.
t. has no friends
The Nintendo Switch online app.
>has a console
lol paying for 0s and 1s
papercups with strings
pidgeon carriers
>id rather have my ip address be able to be seen by anyone than use discord
no Yea Forums discord I've ever seen has had rules or bots like that. I'll take the few fags over rule enforced tranny acceptance
Discord is just miles better than skype. That's all anybody ever wanted. This shit lets you be in group calls and share files and that's enough for most people. If you're bitching about the botnet or some shit i'm 99% sure you use shit like steam or epic games like the hypocrite you are. You people don't actually care about security.
IIRC Slack is more secure, or at very least appears more professional in the "quirky west coast way" as opposed to the "UWU SUGOI EPIC GAMER MEME CHAT CLIENT"
You know damn well some dumbass little kid who enjoys putting all his personal info publicly online is gonna read anything or take advice. They’re the retarded script kiddies of the modern world.
Take a screenshot of your non-propietary operative system right the fuck now
There's no alternative if you want to talk to normal fags.
Make something better then. Note: in order to make something better it will need to be free in all three senses of the word free: beer, freedom, and MOST IMPORTANTLY — time.
FOSS programs almost always either completely ignore or don't understand that last one. Until FOSS devs realize and understand this, your meme "solutions" like GIMP, Mumble, etc. will ALWAYS be ignored as a serious solution to problems.
>reddit literally devoid of any OC at all and full of normie tryhard faggots is the same as Yea Forums
fuck you faggot. just because redditors like you flooded the site does not mean its the same
Why not give it to noone, retard?
Ripcord is propietary software, and it still sends all your messages to Discord's spyware servers.
Use IRC instead.
Well, if you want your shitty voicechat so much just use GNU Jami.
I pirate all my games on it, have you ever heard about console hacking?. I only paid for the console, which is a physical object and not a combination of numbers.
You can use IRC through Tor, retard.
Both are garbage.
Usually it starts with someone high enough in a company (but who knows jack shit about computer) who heard about it somewhere. Then proceed to ask IT to deploy slack for everyone but it's that new cool thing he reads about, makes people collaborate more etc. Once the organization is contaminated it's seriously hard to go back.
Both Google and Microsoft offers better solutions that are faster, more customizable and don't run like shit.
This literally, it's even worse when you need to join 3~4 different ones because your organization is too retarded to gather everything in one place and some departments decided to run their own servers.
The only people that are scared their info would get leaked itt are the ones with actual cp stored in their pc, most don't give a crap.
yeah lemme get all my friends to connect to my ip on ancient software LMAO
wait you don't have friends so you dont have to worry about that
95% of Yea Forums users are grody/insufferable with the exceptions being me and
Excuse me, but we can't call it "GIMP" anymore. That is a naughty word and they don't like being associated with it.
Are you joking?
There are nigger tranny subhumans all over Yea Forums doing the same fucking shit le reddit cunts are doing.
Real question is why does it make communities go to shit?
Did you steal the console? You can pirate games on the PC you already own
Lol paying for a device to run 0s and 1s when you already have one
>>reddit literally devoid of any OC at all and full of normie tryhard faggots is the same as Yea Forums
The same could easily said for Yea Forums, as there is nothing but wojak and pepe edits everywhere and too many shitheads like yourself trying to fit in by calling everything reddit when no one had even mentioned it prior to your tardburst
Guess I just got lucky
It leads to cliques and circle jerks
msn messenger is dead since 2012, retard.
Buy a Yea Forums pass and i'll dm you the link. ;)
>retard joins random degenerate discord servers
>doesn't like it
>blames the whole app for it
It's a pretty ancient internet thing to be completey unable to separate select "communities" from the services they use, it's why places like tumblr and so on have their reputations, it happens a lot with fandoms too, people have been attributing the shit they don't like in random discords and honestly there are some pretty fucked up things going on in random discords, the popularity of traps online has incentivized young boys to whore themselves out like girls have for decades online, and it just so happens that transexualism is on the rise so a lot of these boys end up trying that out for a bit maybe even, so people have started to attribute this stuff to the discord app itself, even though if you use it like a normal person and just use it to talk to friends and like minded people, it's really useful and good.
Anyone reading this, if you really don't like discord because of "trannies", or some other zoomer cancer shit maybe stop joining those groups, it's pretty heavily tied in with meme culture and so on, the reason you aint jiving with it is because you're not a teen anymore, you're invading teen spaces pretty much, all this shit happened online in forums and shit, just happens that teens use social media and apps like discord now, it's nothing new it's just consolidated to the few spaces teens use.
Just stop using them and stick to friend servers or specific hobby/game servers, not "meme" or general ones.
>muh chinks
Why is reddit constantly obsessed with them?
It doesn't. Your community was shit all along.
Or do you actually believe that the same community you had on Skype suddenly got worse because of Discord?
There are a bunch, that's why no one is giving you one specifically
Try having actual friends to convince to ditch Discord.
why do you browse reddit
It seems to be the only argument anybody uses against it, that it's going to steal/sell their info. As if every other piece of software they use doesn't already do that. Literally none of these people provide better alternative either so I don't get it.
I did convince my real life friends to ditch Dicsord.
Yea Forums really is filled with underage children
t. discord shill
Free software will always be better than propietary ones, as they are ethical.
I refuse to run propietary software on my PC, as it's connected to the internet.
You connect to a server on IRC, it's not p2p.
those wojack and pepe posters are from reddit you fucking mong. i've been on here longer than you've been alive
I don't doubt there are better alternatives to slack that are also professional appearing, I just have no way to convince my boss that the email server he set up for intercompany communications is inconvenient as hell
Because I literally learn about reddit from Yea Forums. Which is infested with reddit. What a tweest.
Can create channels, upload and share pictures, and do a bunch of stuff super easily. No one cares if they're selling your information to the NSA. We already carry phones in our pockets.
yeah no shit, old Yea Forums was filled with children spamming their memes, you're experience the first cycle happening, sooner or later these kids will grow up and will then complain about kids being on the site and the cycle will continue to loop
Stop projecting
People can't help themselves and just love causing drama, especially places like Yea Forums since it's great shitposting fodder.
It's a self fulfilling prophecy at this point, people do it because it's so expected
>discord..? no... you can't give my information about me shitposting to china YOU CAN'T WE'RE IN A FRICKING TRADE WAR
Because it's better than other VOIP options. By leaps and bounds.
Just make your own you dumbfuck. Or are you a 90 year old blind fuck who doesn’t know how computers work? Christ you people are sad.
Come up with an actual argument instead.
>butthurt children
oof yikes
>We already carry phones in our pockets.
Only retards actually use telephones. Why do you love being snooped on so much, are you a cuck?
>disliking discord is reddit!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy being digitally raped, feelsguyshitter.
Make your own what?
The community, that's about it. It's a versatile comm tool that is pretty unmatched.
But fuck it is impossible to find a server not infested with furries and underage girls talking about their fetishes.
>originally just a group of friends joining in or those with similar interests
>group gets bigger, more people join in and discussion becomes more broader
>clique and groups within discord are made as people find others they can relate too more then other members
>no one is discussing shit with each other anymore despite how big the discord has become because they found their circle
>but because the discord is so big you do manage to find people you don't like if you spend enough time there
>eveyone's passive aggressive and shittalking each other, secret discords are made
>eventually people move into those secret discords and people backstab each other and leak personal information or conversations
>discord falls a part and people relocate to the few secret servers that were made during this time
You seriously can't blame Reddit for every little thing Yea Forums does
What? if it's not EPIC you don't want Yea Forums associated with it even if the majority of it came from Yea Forums?
This place is just as shitty as Reddit, with it's head equally as shoved up it's own ass
also used for cheating:
> player gets removed from game, mad because bad
> player tells remaining team where he died at and from, by who and with what
> teammates use that external information to kill an enemy who shouldn't have been killed as easilly
meanwhile with in-game voice over IP:
> you die and you're properly out of the game, no longer able to influence it
> don't have to hear dead teammates bitching about being dead
I use discord because Yea Forums hates it :^)
>all these zoomers afraid of IP addresses of all things
jesus christ, maybe this is a blessing
>>disliking discord is reddit!!!!!!!!!
Where did I say anything about discord, you utter fucking sperg?
Back to where you came from, faggot.
Because it works nigga
It's alot more convenient than Skype and honestly, if you're just using it for you and your close friends, it isn't bad. It's when you get discord trannies and the such shitting up large discord groups that make it such cancer.
>download discord
>there's fucking ads EVERYWHERE
Why do you people use this shit? lmfao
This. Keep your member list at 50 or below because any more and it becomes a fucking high school cafeteria.
there's literally no ads on discord unless you are using store
It's the new place teens hangout online, that's why you're finding nothing but furries and weird teen girl kink talk.
Join servers with more specialized points, like for specific games or hobbies, don't join "general" or "meme" discords, don't join discords for things teens or kids enjoy, they will be full of children.
Discord has broken into mainstream appeal so you need to be more picky or you end up with the bulk of it's users, which happens to be people between 13-22
LMFAO you have to be fucking kidding. Reddit is designed for tryhards and normies to feel good about themselves. Why do you think shit like "when she be suckin" is popular, even still? Or why Wojack is posted over and over? Because you post it on Reddit, you get a million upvotes, and you think you're a fucking comedian. It literally pays to recycle memes like crazy because underaged faggots like you get a dopamine high when you see your epic upboats go up. Fuck off from Yea Forums you retard you're not weclome here.
I just use it for voice chat purposes with my friends while playing some multiplayer games. In-game voice chat is almost usually shit.
A) It's free
B) It has a almost idiot proof interface
C) You can post images and webm's
D) It functions well on phones, tablets and PCs, so it can be used by every stripe of gamer rather than just PC users.
E) Is designed for versatility of function rather than the specific purpose of gaming like Vent and TeamSpeak.
F) All of the above.
You are literally using a service made by some ERP degenerates. But because its succesful and went mainstream it's no longer a problem?
Funny you should say something like people with half a brain would use this, considering you don't have 1 at all being a fucking npc and all. If the masses decide shitting your pants would be cool you'd do it.
Anyone who learns the origin of discord and keeps using it has no self respect and/or is a npc and should off themselves.
You should cut off your dick, Yea Forums really hates that.
>>eveyone's passive aggressive and shittalking each other, secret discords are made
>>eventually people move into those secret discords and people backstab each other and leak personal information or conversations
>>discord falls a part and people relocate to the few secret servers that were made during this time
This is the real problem, it's basically designed to be a high school clique simulator with the way secret channels and servers are. The one group i used to hang with had 7 or 8 different servers and completely ruined the main one
wtf this is way too accurate
Can some kind user give me an invite to their server?
I'm lonely and have lots of funny images.
>and underage girls talking about their fetish
Go on.
He’s implying he torrents you fucking brain dead monkey.
I know summer just ended but can you at least relax, you're not getting brownie points for shitpositng this hard kiddo
get away from those servers right now, a huge inactive member base can mean two things
>its just porn addicts
>the ghosts are actually screenshotting everything and just dm'ing between themselves
You are a retarded anime poster. Also probably a tranny. It’s all because of (you).
what shitty game doesn't have voip for dead people?
How would you even fix that though
that's what I thought faggot, sit the fuck down.
christ, you're a bit of a bitch
Download? What? Use the browser version with adblockers dumbass.
See Specialized server or not, it needs to be a SMALL server. I'm in one that's not even 40 members and it's chill as fuck.
How do you communicate with your friends, your girlfriend, etc?
I talk to them, in this magical realm called "real life".
Don't you go outside?
Get off Yea Forums if you really think you matter to them.
>Free software will always be better than propietary ones, as they are ethical.
Nobody cares about ethics. The only thing people care about is "how effectively does this allow me to accomplish my task?" GIMP is laughed at as image editing software not because it's free but rather because its developers are absolutely retarded and anyone who works in image manipulation knows this. There is a reason why Photoshop is the de facto industry standard and that reason is that it allows people to MAXIMIZE THEIR WORKFLOW WITH A MINIMAL AMOUNT OF HASSLE. GIMP is nothing but hassle for vastly inferior results. Even Affinity Photo and Paint.NET do GIMP's job better than GIMP.
I want you to reread that last paragraph because I believe your thick head hasn't fully comprehended it. Discord is popular because it meets user needs for a VOIP and chat client; has a desktop application, runs in a web browser, and has a mobile interface; and MOST IMPORTANTLY is easy enough to use that someone with no technical knowledge is capable of deploying it effectively for their use case. In other words: it does not waste time.
You want to unseat Discord? Make something FOSS that does NOT WASTE PEOPLE'S TIME. Of course, that would require FOSS developers to have talent and skill, and the decades of empirical evidence showing that FOSS has never been taken seriously by the masses makes it abundantly clear that will not and never will happen.
Congratulations, the fruits of your quest for "freedom" have brought you nothing but irrelevance and mockery.
Dear god, a fpbp and a spbp.
Such a rarity.
>If the masses decide shitting your pants would be cool you'd do it.
No I won't, what kind of stupid bullshit are you spouting, also i'm an npc because I refuse to go back to using shit like skype? What would I use then, discord is unironically better and much more convenient to use, unless you have a better solution, oh wait you don't cause i'm right and you're a retard.
find a better alternative
it must meet these requirements
>web client and desktop client, mobile app too
>file sharing
>voice chat
>text chat
>screen sharing
>game launcher
>does not require inputting ip's
>friends list and friend chat
>other shit i'm forgetting
Come join faggots.
Only join servers that disallow minors and are focused on a specific hobby/interest. You're more likely to find a good server that way even if you still have to sift though some bad ones.
garbage competition
This thread sucks, where's the video games?
i miss teamspeak
that had soul
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit you fucking faggot. You mean nothing to me and I would step on you little virgin soi. Go back to Zelda dumb fucking nigger aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahaha
right here *unzips*
small Yea Forums server. No trannies
but "hurrr trannies are everywhere!"
>video game related app
>somehow not related to video games
based retard
If you have that much issue with a tiny Pebble of data then you need to stop being so poor little soi. Don't reply you're nothing to me.
holy mother of based
I was talking about platform-wide solutions but it's probably less bad in more niche and focused servers yea
Why is this the only reason? If you value privacy, you’re a pedophile? Fuck you dude. I don’t want Papa Gov looking over my shoulder and watching every thing I do. What if I have opinions that they don’t agree with and I voice them? You’re trying to normalize the hellscape that Britain has turned in to because you want government to run your whole life.
short-sighted devs that don't allow voip for the dead? in any case, it should only be between other dead players, not with the living.
if the game says you're out of the game and can't influence it further, using discord or any other communication method to relay observer information to players is cheating.
Oh really? I'm gonna have to reinstall it then.
Uh oh, poopy!
Everyone keeps fighting about trannies and shit
I've been in a server where literal trannies were and they caused the whole fucking server to implode with their stupid drama
I got told "someone might be offended" when I brought up a simple fun fact about how female androids would be called gynoids
>intrusive thoughts to go silent for a while and stop talking to people and browsing the internet come back
how do you make them go away
the people who use it are some of the most disgusting and cringy people alive
>taking college animation class
>start discussing anime
>show a clip from some recent anime
>in japanese
>fucking dude with a neck beard and wears an aperture science jacket
>professor shits on him for watching in english
just a few days ago
>animation 2 students get to do independent study and can share assets
why are people who use discord subhuman?
How haven't you retards discovered that you don't have to join random servers?
theres millions of people on discord just because you seek out degenerate shit doesn't mean the rest of it does
just like how places attempted to ban doge? I'm sure that will work out real well. Frogs and wojack are here to stay. You can't get rid of them unless you want to turn Yea Forums into a registered account walled garden shithole. Why does an image trigger you so much?
seething and projecting
Discord is not free, it's propietary.
>web client and desktop client, mobile app too
You only need a desktop client. Cellphones are portable tracking devices.
>file sharing
Just use FTP for that.
>voice chat
Just use GNU Jami for that.
>text chat
Just use IRC for that.
>screen sharing
Just use VNC for that.
>game launcher
Just use GNOME Games for that.
>does not require inputting ip's
Why? Coomed to much to remember some numbers?
>friends list and friend chat
Why? Can't remember who your friends are?
Disallow minors platform-wide. Minors would inevitably still join, it's the internet, but things would really smooth out because the worst ones usually follow rules for some reason.
furries and shilling mostly
>no reply to
actually btfo'd
>just use a shit load of apps instead of 1
Holy shit you're insane and being tracked right now
The only things dragging discord down are :
-Subpar sound quality
-Information theft
-Community (note you don't have to interact with it)
Aside from that, it's much better than most alternatives in pretty much every aspect imaginable practicality wise.
>just use all this hipster linux shit
I don't think minors would actually care about rules. At least nobody did back when I was younger.
You lost Michael. You lost.
Wat is it
Where are the discords so that I can fap to lolis and traps with other people?
unironically women. my friend banned anyone who made fun of his e girl (lived over 2000 miles away btw) and met her on a league of legends dating app. complete fucking retard with zero self awareness
>No trannies
do you have a single fact to back that up?
People prefer Photoshop because they're used to it. If they spent some time learning GIMP, they would be just as effective using it.
There are free software alternatives to Discord that are just as good. IRC, Matrix, GNU Jami, and XMPP to name a few.
Please say "free software". Open source is corporate garbage.
Why not? UNIX philosophy reduces bloat.
>No trannies
a sudden influx of trannies ought to fix that
you cant avoid it
You're very stupid.
If you don't want players ghosting/telling live teammates intel, just do like csgo.
>don't give a deathcam
>don't allow freecam when dead
Not every game is a roleplay sim retard.
Make your own voice and text chat service you dumbass with the attention span of a goldfish. You babies couldn’t even program a fucking calculator.
>Holy shit you're insane
Why? Because I care about freedom?
>and being tracked right now
Prove it.
have sex
Because it's free and just works?
sucking dick usually works for me
I've never been able to find anything decent for a honeypot
only a criminal, schizo or a journalist covering war topics would want this much security trash
either way get the fuck out vice employee
>use 3000 apps instead of a single unified app
you have no arguments
Finally combined what people actually wanted in a single program: free, voice chat, text chat, good UI.
I had been saying for years before Discord came out that somebody was going to come along and finally outdate Vent/TS/Skype.
absolutely positively based
young kids genuinely fell for its "us gamers huh" marketing
Coincidentally, the only other server I've ever been in was destroyed by a tranny minor because the mods were SJWs who let that little cunt get away with anything and yipped at people for calling himher out for being a little cunt.
Privacy should be a human right.
One program = one task.
Do you use your calculator program to browse Yea Forums or something?
one of the /trash/ servers i guess
You have the autism, user.
>join a Yea Forums server on Discord that claims to be a "true Yea Forums server" that "repel" trannies, newfags, redditors etc and never abuse powers
>before they started to shill their server on Yea Forums, the owner and half of the mods on that server had their Reddit profiles linked to their Discord accounts which they removed after somebody made fun of them for it and they also banned that somebody
>everyone on the server is trying really hard to be "le Yea Forums oldfag" despite not knowing anything about Yea Forums or imageboard customs
>nobody is talking about video games in there
>their mods are always whining about /vg/ because /vg/ discusses video games
>there's a tranny who claims to be a game dev, and you guessed it, the tranny got a self-made "anime" avatar, and he is constantly talking about how /pol/ created "racism"
>almost all of their "regulars" have uploaded selfie pics of themselves and they all had dyed hair in rainbow colors (wish I was exaggerating)
>most of them are autistic with zero social skills and zero reading comprehension skills (they'll randomly insult you if you hurt their feelings and you don't even need to say anything because they're super autistic)
>some hardcore SJW from UK with aspergers and purple hair and a shitty self-made "Hitler youth" haircut is constantly whining about /pol/ and he claimed Discord had banned his account because somebody reported him and he accused somebody of it and that somebody got removed from the server, a day later and the SJW is back on his "banned" account
>less than an hour ago, somebody said the gamer meme was good at triggering trannies and porn addicts and the aforementioned tranny, hardcore SJW and some other sperg demanded him to explain the meme, and when he refused to explain it, the other sperg accused him of being a "compulsive liar" and all three of them sperg'd at him until a mod removed him from the server
>If they spent some time learning GIMP, they would be just as effective using it.
Time is money. Spending time learning GIMP equals lost revenue. Not that I'd expect a FOSStard to understand how the real world works.
>There are free software alternatives to Discord that are just as good. IRC, Matrix, GNU Jami, and XMPP to name a few.
If they were just as good, they would be just as used. Again, you are ignoring the key point here: time. Time is one's most valuable resource and wasting it for the sake of illusory freedom is unwise.
Yes you will. Because you'd never use discord if the masses also didn't use it.
And honestly 9/10 you don't need discord in whatever game you are playing. You're a faggot who won't admit he's one with his gay little clique in discord. How many times have you actually played anything with your "friends" instead of "hanging out" in the discord? Heck most people don't even use it for gaming anymore.
Discord is shit and so are you.
those kinds of pussy whipped men have existed for millennia tho
fapping together thread on /trash/ has one
people want to be watched
>when asked what he meant by "I haven't been able to find anything decent", user claimed it was a joke
>only want to use chat
>here have these 99 other things you don't give a shit about
>why does it use 7gb of ram? idk not our fault
if you care this much about what you're doing on the computer being seen you are a criminal
Nothing in that post is about security, you autistic Yea Forumstard.
Chink marketing and a bigger focus on making it easy to post your epic may-mays in chat than on making the actual VOIP portion not complete fucking garbage that manages to make Teamspeak look good
So recommend me a better alternative then oh wise one.
I could use 30 programs instead of Discord and they would still use less RAM and CPU, and be more consistent and not have constant connection problems
internet privacy is netsec you dumbass
Discord has long passed the point of being for video games only. Everyone and their mother has a discord nowadays.
Not him but mumble
if you only need voip mumble
if you only need chatrooms irc
discord got popular cause it integrated both and removed the extra steps required to set up either
>Yea Forumsirgin knows the most cancerous people on earth
>he then blames Discord for that
Discord itself is fine.
Mumble has bad text chat support.
You don't need text chat if you're playing a videogame you fucking retard.
no but i use my phone to browse Yea Forums sometimes and that is my calculator
boy you must really hate smart phones
Its an easy way to chat and play fighting/co-op games with my friends. Thats pretty much it.
I never use voice.
Not really, it uses 10x as much RAM as it should and doesn't function as well as alternatives that use less RAM and provide more functionality.
Then you wouldn't need Discord because you could just use IRC.
That post had nothing to do with privacy. You don't even know what FTP stands for.
Unironically kill yourself, Yea Forumstard.
I agree that external VoiPs cause issues for some games that utilized the voice chat in game in interesting or tactical ways, but there were others before discord. Ventrillo, Teamspeak, etc.
Because its only real competition at the time was an outdated relic, and a burning trashfire.
there's no excuse to use any of that shit other than being a paranoid schizo privacy obsessed goon
go sell drugs or whatever the fuck you do linux using tard
None of my friends are in IRC anymore. Or in Steam chat at that.
The phone Discord GUI is far better than any of the phone IRC clients I've seen, while at that.
>doesn't function as well as alternatives that use less RAM and provide more functionality.
like? every other post has people saying there's apps that are strictly better than discord but all i keep seeing is mumble and IRC which are both shit
Cringe zoomer shit.
This is 1 of the reasons I despise discord. Something which is mostly prevalent in online games like mmos, is the effect discord has on them. Discord funnels away social interaction to outside their games. How many times have you joined a guild or whatever it's called in your game, only to the discover the guild chat is dead and most of it happens in the guild discord?
>Spending time learning GIMP equals lost revenue
You've already lost enough revenue learning PS after every forced update changes it.
I've only ever used GIMP, so I find PS unusable. Who the fuck though that UI was a good idea?
>If they were just as good, they would be just as used
False. People use what's "popular". As gigantic propietary software developers have their shill teams working 24/7, they'll always be popular
You might as well claim that people who protect their free speech are crazy anarchists.
I hate all phones equally. Just buy a ThinkPad x200t if you want to browse Yea Forums on the shitter.
every year some new bullshit
>hey come use teamspeak
>hey come use vent
>hey come use mumble
>hey come use curse
>hey go fuck yourself
>it uses 10x as much RAM as it should
I really don't care if it uses barely 200mb of RAM, I have 16gb
>and doesn't function as well as alternatives that use less RAM and provide more functionality.
such as?
the funny part is that people bitch about discords "bloat" but it still only uses 250mb for me which is literally nothing when you have 16gb ram
nobody on Yea Forums has friends and that's what discord is best for
public discord servers are cancerous
What happened to
How is this bad for a guild in an MMO.
you unironically should be put down for being such a fucking retard
next unibomber you are
That happened before Discord. They funneled to Mumble, to IRCs, to personal forums, it always happened.
You gotta be kidding me if you think there is anyone working on GIMP that actually has a single idea about usability, or even knows what usability is. It is a text case definition of programmer interface.
Mine's only using 260 right now, but with some servers open it spikes up to between half a gig and the full gig and it'll hard crash some games when it tries to access that much
Used by pedos, at least the ones that know better than to use discord.
That is to say, it's pretty good, just not popular.
it's free and it works well
Jesus are you 8? You’ve never fucking heard of any of those? I’m so fucking tired of you computer illiterate fucks. Sell your computer and go work on that farm you flyover hick worthless piece of shit.
You think this is the conversation that'll land me in a van? user, plz
But still besides that one armpit server I can't ever find anything good.
>being such a fucking retard
Please explain why I'm a retard, shill.
>next unibomber you are
Ted hated all technology. I only hate propietary, privacy-invading technology.
are you using a shittop from 2001 with 4gb of ram?
Well I doesn't expect have to be me fapping with another person. Just a discord that have people that likes fapping to traps or lolis.
It encourages people to not play to continue interacting. It turns the Guild from a community *within that MMO* to "just a community". I've watched a WoW guild 'devolve' into a 'general games' channel and go from 60+ active conversationalists to like ten
Nah, I'm using a rig with 16GB but I have a faulty stick or a memory leak somewhere else.
How about don't use any faggot third party chat and just use the ingame options? Again 9/10 times any online game worth their salt already has plenty of features built in, and even then you'd still have PSN/Steam/XBL to chat with friends.
Oh but wait you probably don't even play video games in the first place, like a lot of discord users do nowadays.
i work 10 hours a day every day on a computer tard
Nope just intelligent and know how to protect myself online. Sorry you’re a slave to the government and every company in the world has your phone number and email address and physical address.
>GIMP that actually has a single idea about usability, or even knows what usability is
GIMP is pretty user-friendly.
The problem is that people have been brainwashed to only find the Photoshop rway "usable".
>Devs no longer have forums
>They have discords
>They only provide technical support over Discord
You thought it was bad going to old forums, searching your problem, finding it only to have the only response be "nvm, fixed it :)"
Imagine being told by a dev to look through the Discord logs to find the solution to your problem.
bumping cuz fuck you
Universality, it's got a massive market share so to speak. If I meet someone somewhere, there's a good chance they have Discord and rather than having to keep in mind where I talk to this guy, I just add him to my list of contacts. Obviously if I'm in a group, I'm in a group on Discord with at most 8 or so people. Sometimes people get invited to places relevant, sometimes I get invited. It's really just one big centralised gaming (and other similar interests like anime and art) networking tool with overwhelming CONVENIENCE which grows by the day with more and more areas represented on there, bringing more people to it. Obviously chatting apps like Whattsapp, Facebook messenger, and SnapChat will always be used by normies for normie stuff, but for talking to strangers online about stuff and for voice chat with friends, it can't be beat. Only downside is you need to already have some friends to get started, which I bet is where you guys fall apart.
>Public servers for anything other than finding information dumps and being able to ask and answer questions about the subject matter
Yikes. A pro tip for Discord, as soon as you're on a server with channels such as
>#music (if it's not relevant to the subject matter)
Then just leave
Who the fuck plays non-mobile games in 2019 anyway?
Umm *sniff* pwease
C-can someone *snivels* add me on discord
And so? What where before mere players in a single game are now friends playing multiple other games, long after the original game stopped being interesting.
>Because you'd never use discord if the masses also didn't use it.
You absolute retard.
Even if there was an absolutely perfect chat client, I wouldn't use it if the people I play games with didn't.
>I only hate propietary, privacy-invading technology.
which is ALL technology
not everyone gives a shit about unix
>anime poster
>is retarded
every single time
imagine being so retarded that you try to force all your friends to join the game you're playing to use voice chat instead of just entering a voice chat room on the discord you have with your friends, JUST because a retard on Yea Forums told you that DISCORD BAD
>People wind up establishing social groups their comfortable with and abandon those they're not
Wow this must be some new phenomena that's only happened because of Discord existing.
should get that sorted user, bad memory can cause alot of problems
in game voip is usually ultra trash
>which is ALL technology
Prove it. The Intel ME is not an argument, just use shit made before 2008.
>not everyone gives a shit about unix
It's GNU/Linux. UNIX is a dead propietary piece of shit.
wow, imagining being this much of a faggot
post tag
And to everyone still wishing to play the game they joined the group for, it's a bunch of fair weather friends who've left you alone in a game they claimed to wish to be a part of the community for.
mumble and IRC are both strictly better than Discord though?
cute and lewd
it gets worse
imagine trying to convince your friends to install linux distros and a bunch of programmer-made for and by shit because of chinks
Mumble and IRC
>it uses barely 200mb
This is a lie.
>None of my friends are in IRC anymore. Or in Steam chat at that.
Of course not, because retards shilled Discord and stupid normalfags like your friends switched over to it because they're brainless drones.
I should, I just don't really know how to make sure what the problem is before investing in any replacement parts.
>just use decade old trash
fucking kek
In game chat is usually fucking trash. Also good luck getting all your friends in one game
>anime poster
Oh never mind, you don't have any friends.
this bitch is the new Satania. Brainlet poster
Nuh uh.
>old BAD
>new GOOD
Most anons, like OP here, use Discord to add randoms from 4chins and then wonder why they get spammed with prisongay shit and ERP. Just fucking imagine not having a Discord full of IRL buddies. I know a good percentage of this place is friendless NEETs, and these threads always prove it.
Nah you're just a faggot. Discord is bad and so are you.
Is technology scary to you dude? How do you function knowing all your computers and software is designed by people smarter than you?
yes very much so
performance on products a decade old is literally 10x slower
you're not gonna convince workplace friends to communicate with things from the fucking 90s
> >:|
>Join a technical discord server
>try another
>try another
Not worth the time, something about Discord incites shitposting, even more than this place.
This server sucks they don't even like moths
>How about don't use any faggot third party chat and just use the ingame options?
Because I actually have friends and we aren't always playing the same games. It's not a hard concept, stupid weeb faggot.
>it uses barely 200mb of RAM
Did Half Life 3 release in your parallel universe?
I don't know about you, but I genuinely want to be friends with someone on Yea Forums.
>getting involved into gaming "communities"
Yeah, no, thanks, that's reddit levels of autism. Aside from the occasional post here I don't want to have accounts on forums or shit like that, never use em.
everything in life is designed by people smarter than you, from the buildings to the roads to the chair that supports your lard ass
>I only join shit servers
>therefore, DISCORD BAD!!
If you don’t know what file transfer protocol is, you’re lying. Unless you mean you’re standing on a computer because you’re heads as thick as your foot.
Discord's search is balls terrible
>bro just go through the hassle of all these programs just to replace something that just requires a click
>muh privacy that already has been violated by Google, Steam, practically every software/site owned by a big company
I don't know man, maybe get out of the porn servers or something, I don't know. And in any case, 281mb is still irrelevant for a 16gb RAM setup
Imagine defending trannycord
shut up boomer actual people are talking here
Caring about one aspect of your privacy while having to adhear to voluntarily giving it up to be in modern society is fine I hate you idiots so hard.
It's more the fact that it uses 5% of my fucking CPU when sitting idle in a voice channel, not even with people fucking talking. Now compare that to a program that isn't literally made for retards:
Oh good, so it hasn't changed after all. Took about 300+ posts for someone to mention riot/matrix when usually you'd have someone from /g/ to pop in and mention it as a good replacement for the modern/smartphone design addicted crowd, i.e Discord. I was getting worried.
Then make your own clan. Very few games actually need you to be in a clan, anyways.
>caring about ram
do you not have 16gb?
stop using two decade old cpus then? mine uses 0.3%
People are fucking retards. Thats how. Nothing new.
Posts a discord server where everyone stays on topic 100% of the time, and the mods aren't drama queens or attention seeking faggots.
>even more than this place
both are equally as bad, the only way for you to win is to try and not give a fuck
The real problem in my eyes is that if anything bad would happen to discord, thousands of people would be fucked. Any user around when the nyaasi shit happened would know that having all eggs in 1 basket is almost never good.
>mumblefag can't even read and interpret posts properly
mine's at 1.5~1.9% when idle in a voice chat room without anyone else
I will not post me and my friends' discord
Maybe you should try getting some friends, fagola
why do you lie?
I could link you, but you seem like a insufferable faggot, so no
>performance on products a decade old is literally 10x slower
You don't need the better perfomance of newer computers, unless you're a whore who consumes products and gets excited for new products.
They don't mind using e-mail.
I don't use their disservices.
I don't use that piece of malware.
Just use Tor Browser.
Software written (not owned, you can't own 0s and 1s) by a company doesn't have to be malicious as long as it's auditable and freedom respecting.
>You don't need the better perfomance of newer computers
why are you on Yea Forums if you don't play vidya?
boomer here
i don't even know how to use this piece of shit program, the UI si so bloated and fucked, i have no idea what im doint, i can't even add my friend
You have no fucking idea how stupid you are. Good luck feeding yourself if you can’t figure out some simple shit on a computer. I design software architecture for a living and you’re calling me stupid? Hahaha.
is your CPU Intel OR AMD? if so, you're being tracked, fucking NSA bootlicking faggot
get with the times old man
I don't know. but I feel like we'll have an interesting conversation and a hilarious time.
I have an i5 9600k. Not cutting edge by any means, but there's no excuse for any VOIP program to be using more than 1% of my CPU at any given time. Unless of course, it's coded by retarded monkeys for retarded monkeys, like Discord.
That's nice but if your CPU is more than twice as strong as mine no VOIP program should be using more than half a percent of it. Imagine actually defending one of the worst popular chap apps ever created. But hey, at least it's slightly better than Skype I guess.
It's not a consistent piece of software, user.
>>>>>if you don't play vidya?
>all vidya is recent AAA bullshit
just use teamspeak like the good old days
>click discord home button top left
>click friends
fuck so hard
Marketing and ease of use for retards..
The truly galaxy brain option is realizing true freedom is not possible, and it is better to enjoy what you have instead of wasting your time in impossible ideals.
Yeah, it's horribly coded, has constant connection issues, lacks basic VOIP features like network quality settings, frequently switches audio devices away from the default for no reason, BUT IT EMBEDS MY EBIN MAY-MAYS FROM REDDIT SO IT'S GOOD!!!!
Intcel CPUs made before 2008 don't have the ME.
>Ah yes a 100 people have died already so won't matter if you kill a couple 100 more.
For lurkers, discord/steam/skype/irc friend threads were always a red flag for undesirables, even on Yea Forums. It was never the main way to actually bond with strangers over vidyagaems but as it is now you might get lucky and make a good friend even if you choose to go through those retard honeypots.
>linux garbage
>simple shit
good reason no one uses it
You probably won't. Finding decent people you get along with is difficult anywhere. This isn't any different.
If your "friends" left you because of a chat program they weren't your friends.
You can make your philosophical jaded speeches all you want but that's a fact, it's just a chat program and you're an unlikeable retard.
I don't want to socialize with weirdos, I want to talk about programming or technical aspects of drawing without some faggot posting memes or porn images.
I just want serious discussion.
Personally I advocate that it's easy to use, not good. I feel your frustration, though. I know people who LITERALLY can't figure out how to connect to a mumble server so this is for them.
how can it be consistent when people are in different servers?
true brains realize that slavery to a good system is the best option
I only use discord for my raid group. Even then I frequently try to get them to switch to real voip programs since we've had multiple good runs wiped by Discord deciding to kick half the party mid-fight or just shitting itself and crashing for everyone simultaneously. But they don't want to switch because Mumble won't let them have a channel to post mediocre hentai in.
>not using ventrilo
get off my vent or I'll have you bent
this. skype was fucking abysmal and most people lack the attention to bother with TS. it also works a a social hub that is exclusive to your friend group, with no ads intruding.
So much more convenient to hop into VC when you are down to play and ping everyone instead of trying to schedule something in advance.
>not using a fully encripted mumble private server
then go look for it instead of wasting your time here arguing you waste of oxygen
You really think it’s a joke? Your personal information is literally sold to marketing agencies, data farms and repositories, and then resold elsewhere. If you’ve ever been to a clinic or hospital, your credit card information which you used to pay for your visit has been leaked and taken. You’re so fucking stupid. I bet you pray to god (lol) every night your breathes for you when you forget.
I fucking miss msn bros....
They have no authority in their lives and they want to delude themselves that they're in a position of authority by being an admin for some shitty discord
maybe there is a good Discord server for that, and they keep it low so as to not attract too much people, to avoid retards
or maybe there is no good Discord server for that, how about you make one and invite smart people and kick out dumbos and memesters?
>he fell for the 2008 meme
>Personally I advocate that it's easy to use, not good.
Ease of use isn't something to advocate for all the time though. People trying to play multiplayer videogames where communication being cut can lead to a wipe/game loss/etc. shouldn't be using a program that will frequently cause that just because it's "easier to use". It's frustrating that people would rather use it because they're incapable of copying and pasting an IP address.
An idle connection to an empty voice server shouldn't "range" CPU usage. Unless you wish to suggest that handling "no network traffic" is more resource-intensive based on where the 'no traffic' is coming from.
You heard the user, everyone destroy your cities and go live in huts like fucking cavemen.
>>he fell for the 2008 meme
I've also fallen for the pre-2003 meme.
Your point?
Good Discord servers don't exist
Discord is unironically the worst thing to ever happen to gaming since the advent of day 1 DLC and MTX.
Honestly I'm surprised no-one has revived it.
I fucking loved MSN Messenger
can be used from the browser
But "Frequently" is not a guarantee. I haven't had a Discord server disconnect on me in a solid month, which is no more frequent than the connection issues I've had with VoIP in the past.
You're right, it *is* frustrating that people would rather not attempt to learn, but this is the world we live in.
retarded faggots here would argue how the community is bad and that their data would get stolen if they could
reminder that MSN died because of MS buying Skype
i wish Skype bankrups
>An idle connection to an empty voice server
but its much more than that
think of all the pictures in your server that you are currently in.
all the other shit like listening to pings from other servers too
Just because your autismal ass is not invited doesn't mean they do not exist.
Gatekeeping, it works for all kind of communities including Discord chats.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with day 1 dlc
my point is that you're being tracked, faglord
me and my friends' discord is good, so you're wrong
I think it sucks when there is a Discord for a game and most of the conversations are off topic garbage. Or when people in there don't even play the game.
Not him, but Discord prioritizes servers differently. Basically the program is not only so shit that your CPU usage will fluctuate when there's no traffic, but it can end up higher on average just because the chink overlords that made that piece of garbage software are playing favorites with whatever server you're connected to. All those screenshots of people with low CPU usage are probably discord marketers connected to a priority server (or just lying and not connected at all)
>my point is that you're being tracked, faglord
Being tracked by my CPU is far better than being tracked by literally everything else too.
>sup bros join my guild
>here's our discord bro we dont talk ingame
Burn in hell, simply
you're that one kid in school everyone would avoid because of how much of a faggot you are
Yeah no one who wants a good job in the tech industry. Enjoy flipping burgers. I just bought an apartment complex last year and hired a property management company so it’s almost a passive income stream.
>join a discord server
>it has a "loli" channel
>all the pedos hang out there
literally every server i joined so far
I don't use discord except when required to get access to information I need, so of course I'm not invited to any. It doesn't change the fact that they're inherently garbage because the LITERAL only advantage Discord has over real software is ease of use, which means that everyone using it is a stupid subhuman who is incapable of using real software, which means everyone who willingly uses it is of no value.
Oh, like Yea Forums.
>this entire post
>he thinks Yea Forums is somehow safe from all of this shit but refuses to go to hospitals
seek help
if only it were that simple... they're tracking everything you do on your PC through your CPU, the only way to avoid that is to ditch your entire PC and any cell phones you have, not even old Nokias are safe
Sounds pretty fucking based
go back to /pol/ retard. lolicons =/= pedos
If that’s what you got out of it, just kill yourself. You couldn’t handle the future that’s coming. I’m saying take steps for privacy. Fucking brainlet always going towards extremes. You’re a woman aren’t you.
take your pills
Remember kids, all pedos are lolicons, but not all lolicons are pedos.
look at this Mumble shill, how pathetic
I don't know, you're the histrionic one here.
>loli channel
There is literally 0 reason to have a dedicated loli channel unless it's a porn discord.
>You are literally using a service made by some ERP degenerates
Why should I care? It's people's business what they're doing in their private time. I don't care about the authors. I care about the service and how the customer is treated.
im in 10 servers right now and not one of them even has a porn channel what the fuck are you doing retard
loli is also against ToS so fucking report it
This is fair, I hadn't considered the idle spooking on the out-of-focus (but still active) alternative channels.
I'm sorry this particular piece of junk doesn't strike your fancy as much as the other pieces of junk, but it just so happens to be the least bad option.
Nah, that gets you banned from discord. Use riot instead.
Unlike Discord, Mumble is free and open source, chang.
I never implied it’s safe. But you can remain anonymous if you weren’t such an ignorant loser with only 2 brain cells to run together.
>and any cell phones you have, not even old Nokias are safe
I know. Do you think I'm stupid enough to buy one of those?
>they're tracking everything you do on your PC through your CPU
Not proven. Using pre-2003 CPUs makes the chnaces of that quite slim. We can go even earlier if you're paranoid.
You should limit what information is in your internet-connected PC, anyway.
>still not having a fucking dark theme.
dark themes are bad for your eyes anyway
The only difference you listed is that one is open-source...
Discord is a literal piece of trash that's only good for memes and porn posting.
Maybe you should stop being a pedo
Rich, coming from the one who loves sharing all their info online. What’s your credit card number? I want to order some dinner.
I never gave Discord 1 cent.
i honestly believe that all the muh privacy anons should just be put down, it will be better in the long run for everyone involved
I miss IRC.
If you fucking retarded shit eating braindead american zoomers had a fucking functioning brain, you´d know that when something its free,has no ads and its THIS big and popular, then its MOST LIKELY doing incredibly shady shit with the info you provide them, where the fuck do you think spam mail comes from?
>it's been over 25 minutes
man, he sure didn't "give a shit"
Just ignore this commie loonix fanboy. I kinda feel ashamed to be a part of this community because of asshats like him.
I thought you didn't use credit cards. Too bad. No dinner for you.
It was better than Skype or Teamspeak, not to mention it had a shit load of famous e-celebs shilling it to death.
Not even that high. 5-10 real life friends is the golden amount.
Wouldn't go above 10 unless you're some MMO guild or something
Some see it as an improvment over Irc.
I hate communism. Free software is not communist, rather it enhances capitalism because it makes a free market of software actually feasible.
It's GNU/Linux.
If you haven't noticed by yet, it is less about privacy and more about being speshul snowflakes, friendless as they are they don't care about no one messaging them anywhere.
>he only has 5-10 real life friends
how is Discord better than TS?
because it can embed images? fucking dumb zoomers
>All of these underages and 18 years old faggots
I don't get why Yea Forums hates discord so much
Just get some friends and make your own server and don't join random public servers with people you don't know.
The free market is a lie.
I was parodying you. I don't give 2 fucks that big tech knows what I'm masturbating to, or buying online.
I'm not a /pol/tard.
If you live in a country that makes you pay for healthcare then I'm sorry for you. You should off yourself.
Careful now, that's a very slippery slope you're on now
The only real competitor to Skype at the time that it became notable, since then it became shit but people are just used to it now and there's nothing obvious enough that it would be convenient to jump to yet.
>I don't give 2 fucks that big tech knows what I'm masturbating to, or buying online.
Enjpy being a cuck, then.
Explain yourself.
anyone remember Raidcall?
what happened?
>Just get some friends
>I don't get why Yea Forums hates discord so much
Persistent chat log, can see who is in voice without needing to join
>Horribly coded
Use the PTB
>constant connection issues
download better internet
>lacks basic VOIP features like network quality
yes, i'm sitting in a 96kpbs VC as we speak and I can tell Discord to make the packets high priority
>frequently switches audio devices
maybe stop having 5 million audio devices set up and just pick one from the fucking list
it's not hard. you're just being quite fucking stubbron.
i personally use discord for like... 2 servers. a server where i met my best pals, and an isekai RP server I'm really enjoying. if you can wade through the shit, it all gets fucking amazing.
Free software is an objective good compatible with all three political theories. Just like piracy.
Monkey see, monkey do.
TS can do all of that
This is why you don't talk with people from Yea Forums. I learned this lesson early on
>Add someone from Yea Forums
>Randomly get asked for ERP later on
>Say no to malethot
>They delete and block me
Must have been destroyed by the words of a chad
>people should give me quality software for free and not make money off of my data
Until they come for you ofcourse.
>some faggot would spam their pepe /pol/ server here
>I would report it every time as pedo nazis grooming children
>it was closed down
if you really are this level of tinfoil hat, you shouldn't be using Yea Forums, and here we are
>text chats
take your pills
The same reason why Reddit is extremely popular. Anyone can make a community and ranking members matters a lot to the general public. It gives dedicated people a sense of security and authority when they are a mod or a valued member of the community. Then normal people show respect or a good attitude towards the higher ranked people so it feels good to be respected or liked.
they sell games and a pseudo-subscription service, it may be free but they still make money in non-shady ways.
spam mail is inevitable when you sign up for a lot of shit, many websites get compromised and emails are leaked constantly, nobody is going to pay for an email when it's already so easy to get them.
Yes it could, retard.
But nobody ever read it.
are you pretending to be retarded?
>monkey see, monkey do
>sell new CPU for $800
>buy old CPU for $20
A steal. Next time you sperg out, write something that actually makes sense.
from what ive seen, its mostly because of the people that made discord are furfags, weebs, and either kinds of degeneracy that is just barely considered legal enough in mainstream society to be acceptable. theres plenty of ways to fix discord, but theres also a good handful of good things about it to. 7/10. better than skype at least.
Agreed, don't know why these retards don't get it.
If the product is free you are the product.
fuck it
I play a fuckton of games, and I generally pirate stuff. If you can find ways to play games, I guess i'm a good guy.
yeah just convince the pc gamer to throw away his new gpu for some garbage shit because you're a paranoid acne ridden freak
What part of "you're here forever" you don't understand?
i'll just torpost on 8ch once that comes back online
>because of the people that made discord are furfags, weebs, and either kinds of degeneracy that is just barely considered legal enough in mainstream society to be acceptable.
Excellent, fuck normal society.
>You are literally using a service made by some ERP degenerates.
Are you aware what website you're currently on and who it was made by?
fuck you zoomers
i remember usign Xfire and MSN back in my days, worked perfectly
all this discord shit gives me a migrane
It's a tale as old as time, Yea Forums blames the program itself for cancer instead of blaming the cancer. Before Discord it was Skype groups and before Skype groups it was IRC, it's impossible to get it through Yea Forums's collective head that big chatrooms are cancer and always have been.
Also it is INSANELY easy to blame anything you don't like on an organized Discord group that you don't actually have to prove exists (you can either duck out of the thread or everyone will just magically believe you, no questions asked) so it makes a great scapegoat.
actual pedo
Discord is pretty goddamned close to a combination of IRC and Mumble or TeamSpeak, le epin boomers shouldn't have any problem with it.
No argument? Alright, blocked, reported and downvoted.
I can't convince pedophiles to stop fucking children, so who cares?
I'm trying to appeal to mentally sane people.
>doesn't play mp games
why bother
have a good day user
I hate the community behind discord as well as cancerous culture it cultivates. Aside from secuirty and data privacy issues, I don't really have a problem with the program itself. It hosts voice channels very easily with super configurable user roles. You can even write bots for your server as well. It supports good voice chat and has PTT and voice activation with options to help tweak them to be a little better. It even does screensharing very easily and with a decent quality for the free version. The problem is that every e-celeb faggot has their own server and all the attention whores want a piece of the ego boosting server admin pie. My high school friends were all on the same ventrillo server since the days of CS:Source, when discord came around we there was 4 seperate servers because they all wanted to be head admin and the center of attention, and servers are free on Discord. Even worse, the shitty culture behind twitch infests itself in discord for the aformentioned reasons, complete with the gay fucking twitch emotes that should have never EVER left twitch because of how retarded they sound. So now you're left with some decentralized shitfest of servers with WACKY MEME roles, notifications out of the ass by default, and constant ego inflation.
the mentally sane people aren't the one trying to convince losers to use linux trash in a Yea Forums thread because of an "upcoming war"
>I'm trying to appeal to mentally sane people.
You're not doing a very good job.
You don't seem mentally sane either.
>I'm trying to appeal to mentally sane people.
user if you think you are mentally sane you need help asap
>linux trash
>because of an "upcoming war"
I have never once talked about a war.
I remember that falseflag Reiko harem situation.
You're mostly right man. Alot of people here are just obnoxious newfags.
We can always just emulate Monster Hunter or play some Dissidia 012. Don't worry, there's always Steamworks fixes or SmartSteamEmu to play together, especially if you have a legit copy anyways.
Careful now, he's gonna now post his reductionist "good times, bad times" logic now.
>Use the PTB
Which still has the same issues in addition to the instabilities you'd expect from a preview build. How does that solve anything?
>download better internet
You could be using fiber internet and it wouldn't change the fact that Discord's servers constantly shit the bed on their end.
>yes, i'm sitting in a 96kpbs VC as we speak and I can tell Discord to make the packets high priority
And yet on the client's end there is no customization. They're at the whims of the server owner, and even then, if they change the settings, then everyone else has to suffer lower audio quality for the sake of the potato internet guy. Meanwhile a real program would allow the users to set the quality and not the server.
>maybe stop having 5 million audio devices set up and just pick one from the fucking list
>dude just stop using your computer and just be a braindead phone retard like me
How about it functions like literally every other audio program ever created and doesn't randomly switch audio devices for no reason whatsoever?
Don't forget about Steam Groups, user.
Why don't you just ignore those cancer servers and use the good ones like everyone else
Are you? Because if your answer isn't that it's an anime site made to discus anime and Japanese culture you're the invader here.
But then again all that went out the window when the elections and chinkmoot taking over happened.
>caring about your freedom and privacy is insanity.
Please, dear psychologists, tell me what symptoms I have that could be attributed to mental illness.
Oh wait, you can't.
Why did X-fire have to shit itself bro? I didn't get a chance to download all my Halo 1 and BF2 screenshots before it went offline. God it was so perfect.
these are the type of people posting here
i made a discord bot that allows you talk anonymously through it
no one cared about it though and i just ended up letting a erp server use it
Oh sorry I guess moot isn't a massive degenerate fuck and it's only wrong to be a degenerate when it's a brand I personally don't like.
I haven't seen any issues on my side. Are you just unlucky?
>better internet
A quick look at proves otherwise, and Discord works quite fine. Are you really a perfectionist that wants messages send in 20ms?
>client's end customization
Unless you're an audiophile, it doesn't matter, since the only thing that really matters is if you understand the person. If you don't understand them, ask them to speak up a bit.
>dude just
...I only have my headset plugged in at the back of my PC. I don't know what you're exactly expecting from me.
My biggest problem with Discord is how much FUCKING memory it takes up because it's Electron cancer.
Pidgin and Ripcord are decent but each have their own idiosyncrasies.
schizophrenia and paranoia
Xfire was the peak allin one client
voip, chat, screenshot, cracked server browser, group chats etc..
i miss it so much ;_;
They did do a memory crunch recently but all it ended up doing was bringing it down to how much of a memory-hog it was before they added Nitro.
Severe paranoia
>Oh sorry I guess moot isn't a massive degenerate fuck
Ah yeah he liked naruto if I recall correctly, what a degenerate.
who cares? its nothing on a modern system
>it's been literally PROVEN that the US goverment and certain corporations spy on you
>>>>>>nooo you're just paranoic!!
You fucking CIA niggers glow in the dark
show a psych every thing you posted in this thread and they would agree and are not part of some cia conspiracy
Now, consider the following:
You have been spied upon, someone somewhere has your data, but has anything happened to you specifically out from that?
Yeah, I'm not a fan of blowing 4GB of memory on one application just because incompetent Pajeet webdevs think it's nbd. Your company's faggot fucking web-browser-in-a-box 'native client' is cancer just like all Electron apps. I'll stick to Pidgin.
>literally "works on my machine"
Suck a dick you tranny marketer. VOIP on Discord has constant connectivity issues and dropped calls regardless of the internet quality of its users.
>Unless you're an audiophile, it doesn't matter, since the only thing that really matters is if you understand the person. If you don't understand them, ask them to speak up a bit.
>dude, the progam is shit but it doesn't matter because I'm a faggot with no standards
>I don't know what you're expecting from me
Probably for you to admit that "i'm a retard with no standards and it's good enough for me" is not an argument.
ok bro, guess you're just new if you don't remember how much of an unironic degenerate he was.
Get a life, knee jerk faggot