can we have a comfy N64 thread?
first game?
favorite game(s)?
fondest memories?
can we have a comfy N64 thread?
first game?
favorite game(s)?
fondest memories?
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OP has been BTFO by FF7 once again.
>first game?
Banjo-Kazooie; it's what made me buy the system.
>favorite game(s)?
Perfect Dark; it's why I still have the system setup.
>fondest memories?
various ridiculous things that have happened while playing PD
No games
t. brainlet
FF7 was btfo by fallout, chrono cross by arcanum, metal gear by thief, and OoT by outcast
>t. gamelet
Oot,GE/PD.MK64,jet force gemini,bomberman 64,xtreme G, mario 64, hybrid heaven
>first game?
Mario 64 at a daycare when I was 5 or 6. I fell in love with it.
>favorite game?
see above
>fondest memories?
Waking up 6:30 or 7 AM on Saturday to watch Super Pig and play Glover.
Psx kid here, bought a n64 and an everdrive recently and I've been enjoying it a lot, the n64 catalog is completely new to me.
Trying to 1cc Sin & Punishment while playing Banjo-Kazooie. Already 100% Mario 64. Will probably play OoT after beating it.
>early morning vidya
max comfy
My nigga. Nothing like waking up before everyone else and playing some bideojames. Bonus points if doing so while eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
>wake up early as fuck
>only light is from the glow of CRT TV
>having a bowl of cereal or cup of hot chocolate in the winter
>no school
>no worries
Fun-fact: In America FF7 wasn't even in the top 20 selling games of the late 90s. Fucking DIDDY KONG RACING outsold it. The fact that it sold better worldwide doesn't change this fact. It wasn't as big in America as you think it was.
Imagine wasting your life to go to a specific nostalgic and genuine thread just to put a dump on it
The US and Japan are very different markets. In video games especially, there's a very different attitude about it. Japanese companies will actually RESENT the success of western devs they own.
They still see financial success directly in Japan more important than it is globally for the company. This is not the sort of stance a Japanese company should have.
>first game?
Army Men: Sarges Heroes
>favorite game(s)?
Diddy Kong Racing
>fondest memories?
Sleeping over at my cousins to play some multiplayer games
I fail to see how taking stock photos for pennies is much better than being a loser. It's like "hey at least I'm in some picture frame at the last Kmart."
People should go back to making N64 games. Like, indie developers should start making ROMs for the Nintendo 64, complete with the graphics, MIDI music, aspect ratio, etc.
I'm sick of all the ultra-realistic games we have now. I just want to go back to the times when video games felt like a trip to a different dimension.
so instead of the pixelart trend now you want everything to be still 3D but fundamentally limited? Isn't what we have bad enough?
It wasn't easy to develop for even back when the technology was considered modern. This is when the PC started to become an extremely serious player in the market.
My parents got me my n64 from some neighbors that got their faggy kid the then new xbox. Came with seven games. One of them being starfox
Starfox remains my favorite n64 game
What they actually should do is whatever the fuck they want and stop listening to asshats like that. What that guy wants to do is relive his early teens and unfortunately for him, his brain will never have that lack of development and ability to comprehend simple concepts ever again.
The N64 on Christmas morning was still the best present ever. With Super Mario 64. I think I also got DKC3 for SNES.
Making shit in 3D is way harder than 2D. I tried modeling in 3D and it's just not for me.
For me it was Goldeneye 007, Super Mario 64, and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire. It was definitely superior in terms of raw hardware, with the console. It was limited by the space allowed with pure hard data back then. The technology to put something on a cartridge with decent storage just didn't exist yet. Otherwise the transfer rates would have been as good if not better, and you wouldn't have had to hope and pray with disks sometimes.
Seriously, you motherfuckers could ruin a disc in a day. Forget borrowing shit out. Whereas N64 games were pretty commonly traded back then because you could be pretty sure that they were going to work.
>First game
Donkey Kong 64. Pretty sure it was my first game ever, but I was so young I could be remembering wrong.
>Favorite game
Fuck. Probably a 5 way tie between SM64, Ocarina, MKart, Pokemon Stadium, and Goldeneye. There were way too many good games.
>Fondest memories
Watching my dad play Dr. Mario and keeping him up late on nights before he had to work in the morning by pulling the "One more game" card. I miss it, Yea Forumsros.
You definitely have a younger dad than me, makes sense because you're a bit younger. Mine played the hell out of the silo mission in Goldeneye. He started playing games in the arcade and doesn't seem to have any interest in playing anything that even remotely strays from it.
Sounds like he at least still plays some things. 23 years of hard construction work made my dad too serious to play games anymore. Breaks my heart because I remember how much he loved it then, but I guess that's life.
>first game
Star Fox 64
>favorite game
Pokemon Snap
>fondest memories
Playing Mario party with my parents and sister
What are the best games to have? I've got Mario Kart, Pokemon Stadium1&2, Pokemon Snap, Glover, Spiderman, and Rogue Squadron.
>first game?
The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time
>favorite game(s)?
>fondest memories?
Xmas time was fun becuase I always got a new game. MK Trilogy, Madden NFL 2001, Perfect Dark, Armorines...
Renting games were fun. Gex, Extreme-G, Mario Party with the senpai... It's a shame no Street Fighter ever made its way on to the N64 so thank god for Super Smash Bros.
Just kill yourself.
Every kid with an N64 went onto make makes and not be a wigger.
PS1 users had MGS1 and a Duke Nukem with curse words and tits but that's about it. Fighting Force was stale compared to Final Fight 3 (An SNES game). I admit Street Fighter III was good too but N64 had Killer Instinct Gold.
He has some slight interest in them. Mostly the classics. I got a frogger arcade cocktail cabinet in extremely good condition because a friend of his happened to have one from running a bar years ago. Only 250 USD which is an absolute steal for one of those. They were made out of pretty cheap material and it's almost always super fucked up.
Recently took apart my childhood n64 to clean it and found what was probably a mixture of my own dead skin when I was a five year old and my sister's and parents that was in the crevice where the power switch is which had turned a dark brown. Vomit inducing.
First game Mario 64
Favorite game prob a tie between Mario 64 and oot.
Finishing ocarina of time with my whole family watching as my dad handed me the controller to deal the final blow against ganon.
>be 14
>anxiously await the nintendo ultra 64
>anxiously await each month's new nintendo power
>years go by
>not nintendo 64
>preorder it
>get home from school, it's thursday september 26, 1996
>mom watching the news
>breaking news toys are us is now selling the Nintendo 64!
>beg mom to take me to store
>2nd person at store to pick it up
>play it all night before bedtime because school
mario 64
probably diddy kong racing
running around the hub of dk64 at my godfathers house in the game room, sitting on what seemed to be one of those rocking "gamer" chairs, but it was brown leather and had a strip of orange carpet running down the middle of it
i want it back bros...
n64 was peak console multiplayer, before online consoles broke the charm of playing with others on a console
>mario kart/tennis/smash/party/golf
>perfect dark and goldeneye
>jet force gemini
why did nintendo stop trying
>tfw remember birthday party when we go it
>favorite game(s)?
Mario Party 3, I love that game.
That's pretty fucking cool, man. Have you looked into whether or not you could mod the cabinet to hold more games? I don't know how hard or expensive it is, but I've heard of people putting the entire SNES library on one.
Ocarina of Time of course, and Mario 64
I remember my first time beating Ganondorf, what a rush.
Those games are so much better than modern games
>First game?
Super Mario 64.
>Favorite games?
Mario Kart 64
>Fondest Memories?
So fucking many man
I used to play this with my parents all the time. Goldeneye and BattleTanx with my father and Mario Kart with my mother
I remember playing Ocarina of Time and not being able to get past the goron part because I was a stupid kid. So I'd replay the start of the game until then.
Beating MK64 as a kid and seeing the highlight reel of all the courses was cool.
Mario 64
Zelda MM
31 yo and my fondest memories were stay overs at my house with several friends playing multiplayer games like golden eye, smash bros, perfect dark, f-zero all night. Childhood defining times.
I had a ps1 as well but only two controllers so it wasnt as fun
Smash 64
Paper Mario
Getting my N64 for 20 bucks with smash64 from GameStop is still kino
said fucking no one ever
>first game?
goldeneye at a friend's place
>favorite game(s)?
perfect dark
basically anything Rare made
smash bros
destruction derby 64
penny racers
>fondest memories?
renting a game every friday and playing all sorts of weird shit i can't remember anymore, i just remember the feeling