Sony lost
Sony lost
Why cant america control black people?
We keep them isolated
The 13th amendment.
They kill a lot of black people, why would we?
Your country can't either
say you lock up the nonwhite people and the crime continues, what scapegoat will white america shift the blame to then?
13% = 50%
Retarded Republicans gave them rights for some god forsaken reason.
Fucking got him
irish,slavs and wogs
nobody fucking said whites never commit crime, just that nignogs commit way, way more
He probably lives in a country with like 2 black people desu. If he's eastern europe at least.
My country has none. So you're still technically right. You can't control something that you don't have.
The only white countries that don't have niggers are just skavshit countries anyways
Blame Abraham Lincoln for that. It was the start of the downfall of America after the bad guys won the Civil War.
Which is weird since America was founded on Christian values and no where in the Bible does it it say that Blacks are equal to Whites or equality for that matter.
Slavs aren't White since slavs aren't culturally White. It pisses me off that people keep forgetting that one has to be racially White and culturally White. It's why no one considers the Irish White even though they're from Europe.
>The only white countries that don't have niggers are just skavshit countries anyways
Have you even been to the US? 95% white areas are pretty crime free. Then you walk a few blocks and suddenly it's a 95% black warzone. You don't need a hypothetical, we already know America would be much better off without nogs. We're just too afraid to admit it.
He's right though. Eastern Europe is the only brown-free area of the world left. Feel free to prove me wrong
It's crazy because there's a few US states with lower homicide rates than Canada.
Niggas gonna nig.
LOL i love proganda disguised as innocent memes! haha thanks discord warriors!
and a few nigger countries with lower homicide rates than the US
Are you retarded? Europe is overrun with fucking muslims now.
So you say its ok to hate on the 100%?
Whatever /pol/turist
Western and some of northern, but eastern is all Slavs. Niggers don't want to live in Poland lmao. They wanna fuck hot German girls
More than just Skavshit.
Red is every country which didn't have a single colony in black Africa and has no responsibilities towards them such as opening the gates for millions as historical atonement.
The only time a gate opens is when a truck or train of them need to be sent into Western and Northern Europe and Germany.
hard to kill people when you're dying of malaria
go back