When you throw away all personal opinions and don't allow your sight to be clouded by anything.
9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 10 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
Other urls found in this thread:
that's the order for me for dragon quest at least
9 > 7 > Shb > Tactics > 6 > 10 > 3 > 4
DQ9 fucking sucked because I had no friends
9 > Tactics > 6 > 7 > 10 > 5 > 4 > 12 > 13 > 10-2 > 13-2 > 15 > 13-3
haven't played 1-3, 11 or 14.
I agree unironically with your rankings from 6 to 10. Never played any other games
yikes no
MGS is
3 > 1 > 2 > GZ > PW > 5 > 4
What about 8?
i don't know what you're talking about. never heard of her.
Anyone who says 3 is the best MGS is a pleb of the highest order and should not be trusted
How is that incorrect
>V first
>1 last
V has the best gameplay mechanics but that's really it. 1 is comfy
Ghosts to Glory > Army of Zin
Mythology > 2 > 1 > 3
>V first
Holy cringe, user. I'm disappointed in you.....
the true MGS2 ending:
I suppose I could've put 1 before 4.
To be fair, I haven't gotten around to beating 4 yet, I got like halfway through.
But it's not like my ranking puts them miles apart, or that for some reason being last place makes it bad. It just means I think the one above it beats it.
And yeh I put V first, it's my favorite videogame. I've put so many hours into it, the story has gripped me way harder than the other games, and it's got an absurd amount of content. You can say you hate FOBs and the story is unfinished and open world meme and all that, but it's just the most fun MGS as far as I'm concerned. So many options to do a mission. So much side content.
Remember your QCQ training.
why even include the squenix games? they shouldnt even be part of the ranking
Well you're not wrong.
13-3 is the best of the 13s though
>how to out yourself as a zoomer
Anyone who likes 4, PW, or V more than the rest were born this millennium
Why yes, I do remember my Quarter Close Quarter training.
Only value it has is bringing back shota Hope.
9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
What series am I?
>the story has gripped me way harder than the other games
Have zoomers gone too far this time?
Dark Souls
Why is the only retort "you're young"
Why is "new thing bad old thing good" the only argument you can make?
I fucking hate Yea Forums they can never be happy unless it's OLD THING
If it's new thing it's ZOOMER
>hasn't beaten the game
>has an opinion
Well soon you will find out that MGS4 falls apart and goes to shit in Act 3. And it never recovers. It just keeps getting more and more retarded, poitnless retcons, nonsensical plot points, and characters acting out of character.
Kojima/Productions have been chasing their tail since MGS3 trying to figure out how they managed to make the best game. And failing to recreate that magic.
Because it is objectively shit. And typically younger people don't have enough experience in life, reading novels, playing games, etc. So you have less understanding about what it means to make a truly good story with great plots, pacing, characters, and of course gameplay.
MGS4 failed in almost all regards. The only "good" thing is they added crouch walk to appease the zoomers who whined that the old games were too hard to control.
2 = 3 > MGR > 1 > MPO > 4 > PW > V
All other rankings are gay and wrong.
Okay, but I'm not talking purely of story. I'm talking of gameplay too.
MGSV hands down has the best gameplay, it's not even a contest.
I'm 800 hours in and I'm not even bored.
MGSV has "the best gameplay" because it was dumbed down for the most casual of players. Even DSP had a fairly easy time pushing his way through the game, while he struggled to play the classic trilogy at even a child's level.
So sure, MGSV is "the best" if you like everything dumbed down for the lowest denominator to enjoy.
The FOX engine was great, but went to waste on MGSV and shitty sports games.
What do you mean dumbed down?
Sure you can blast your way through it, or you can take your time just enjoying all the different tactics at your disposal. In previous games you had nowhere near the depth and complexity of the tricks you can pull off or the strategies you can employ. You were given a couple guns before and a couple tools to use, but now you've got hundreds of all different sorts, all building off each other in unique ways if you can get creative.
You're a brainlet if you can't recognize that the additional complexity is lost to your lack of creativity and you think that because it's not a straight corridor of a game going from one spot to the next it's somehow dumbed down.
Proof you haven't played the other games if you think MGSV has any depth in gameplay or story compared to MGS1-3.
They made it semi-open world, and threw every gameplay gimmick from the mid-2010s at the wall and hope something stuck.
Anyways no reason to try and convince an iGeneration baby of how they are eating a shit sandwich. Enjoy every bite.
Games being clunky as shit and its control scheme being part of its difficulty makes for a terrible argument in this case. The other games don't have better gameplay because TPP is dumbed down or casualised. TPP's gameplay is better because it finally introduced a good fucking control scheme to the goddamn franchise.
They weren't clunky, you were just shit. So you needed to dumbed down to PRESS "THE" BUTTON TO DO EVERYTHING.
Sounds like a (You) problem.
You can always tell someone who understands the classic game and someone who started the franchise with V
The first kind of people appreciate the gameplay but still consider it the weakest entry in the franchise
The second type will praise the game as the best
Hey I'm not saying that MGS 1-3 lack depth or anything. I'm just saying that V gives you more options and you can't argue against that because it's literally undeniable.
Also this For fucks sake V not only feels better than any MGS game, it feels better than every other game ever in terms of control. I couldn't think of a single thing that was clunky.
Holy shit dilate dude
Actually played 1-3 years before V came out and was a fan of the series but OK confirm your narrative
>Holy shit dilate dude
>another MGS thread with MGSV fags coping with their shitty game
> I'm just saying that V gives you more options and you can't argue against that because it's literally undeniable.
because youre a retarded kid and a liar. Giving you 10 different ways to deal the exact same result isnt epic "options". TPP has infinitely less depth than even MGS3. Even MGS2 has more meaningful and complex guard interactions than V
>t. only played afghanistan
Guard interactions kick up after mission 20, also when the AI becomes competent. Much better than 3.
youre fucking braindead. the guards getting le epic helmets offscreen isnt "interaction". The guards dont even have location specific damage in TPP and their behavior is like a joke in comparison to MGS2 where the guards use realistic breach and room clearing patterns/ tactics from military advisors to scour any room youre hiding in
This is the ultimate argument to dismantle the widespread delusion about MGSV having "the best gameplay in the series," or even "good gameplay" at all. This argument will only focus on the gameplay, completely detached from the story of the game or the series as a whole. However, certain mechanics that have more direct ties to the story or lore will still be addressed for gameplay purposes.
The most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) "freedom" that gives you an unparalleled selection of options in-game and thus the game has "better" gameplay than the older games from the series (and that the same "freedom" warrants praise in general, leading to the idea that the game has "good gameplay" and deserves to be lauded as something special).
The second most commonly cited "proof" of TPP having "good gameplay" is the idea that the game has some (abstract) set of "mechanics" that simply "makes it the best". Boiled down to the crux of this non-argument, the idea is that the basic system mechanics in the game are simply "better" than those of the other MGS games, or possibly other stealth or action games in general. As badly as the arguments of the mouthbreathing TPP defenders are formulated and explained, I can only guess at what exactly they are referring to with this one. A fair assumption would be that when people cite the "good mechanics" they are talking about the combat system, the stealth mechanics, your basic controls to interact with the systems and so on. If I wanted to end the discussion right here, I'd probably point at the fact that those mechanics are at best the other half of the nigh-mobile game grind the game has, focused entirely on capturing resources and managing Mother Base.
I will now dismantle these ideas completely.
No no no please don't stop
TPP trades "design" for "freedom". It opts out to throw out complex level design, something imperative to a stealth game. A map is a platter for the designer to implement their gameplay scenario. For any type of game, but particularly a stealth game, it's undoubtedly necessary to have a gameplay scenario that challenges the player in some way. The challenge itself can obviously be varied, constantly changing, but it should be there to give some type of concise structure for the player. A game is a game, something with rules, something to play in and win at. Basketball is a game, merely throwing a ball around isn't. You might argue that TPP "has" level design, just an extremely barebones implementation of it. This is obvious and in no way counters the truth. Good level design is a platter for the scenario to function in. The only "freedom" TPP gives you is to break the level design itself as the creator doesn't have enough control to make a game out of it. It's almost irrelevant whether or not TPP has any type of level design at all as the creator can't force the player into it's constraints. It's too wide, too open, too empty to faciliate any type of game.
TPP also completely throws out varied gameplay scenarios. The one thing you're meant to use your "freedom" on (the game) is so barebones, so repetitive that the only thing left is to kick the ball around on an empty field. The game has exactly one type of objective that it uses on every single main mission of the game, its one primary gameplay scenario, the most complex scenario it can offer you, the scenario that also gets distilled down to an even simpler form to accommodate the side ops in the game.
"Go here and destroy this. If this can be extracted, it's always the right answer to fulton it instead, no matter what the description of the mission is."
If your mission is to kill 3 commanders, the right answer is to traverse through the empty overworld as quickly as possible and extract them. If your mission is to destroy tanks coming in onto the map, the right answer is to extract them. If your mission is to trail a soldier to assassinate his commander, the right answer is to extract the target. Mission to kill prisoners? Extract them. Extract the tank unit, extract the wandering mother base soldiers, extract the highly skilled soldier number.134213, extract the interpreter, extract the ____ specialist. The only variation to this formula is when you are absolutely forced to destroy something instead, when youre put against something that you can't fulton (Sahelanthropus). These missions are extremely rare and quite offensively simplistic. They offer even less of this "freedom" that is supposed to be the selling point of the game.
So what is the "freedom" that turns these repetitive extraction missions into the "best gameplay" of the series?
The "freedom" in TPP is an illusion. Not only are the options themselves far more limited than the game would want you to believe, the strategies for applying these "options" are automatically kept in check by the other half of the game where you will not progress unless you gather resources.
Knowing this, your options are to either sacrifice resources by killing or getting soldiers by not killing them. Lets assume that both options are viable (which they are not).
You're still left with two options. Red or blue damage. The exact same choice you have in the past games, except now you have far less complex ways to interact with your enemies rather than simply killing or stunning them. Complex body damage is gone, affecting the equipment of the soldiers is completely tied to one of the mobile game Mother Base mechanics instead (dispatch missions) that happens somewhere offscreen and suddenly the enemies don't have battle armor. The game tricks you into thinking that you have options (look at all these items, look at all these guns, look at all these arms,) but all of it is a lie. You're left with less than you had in previous games, you merely have options for how you want to deal your red or blue damage.
Simply off the top of my head, you can deal red damage (lethal) with guns, you can slit throats, use explosives (grenades, C4, rocket launchers, grenade launchers) or even a lethal rocket arm. There are hundreds of guns in the game, all dealing the same lethal damage. You're given the illusion of depth by giving you 100 different assault rifles that all do the exact same thing. You can never even manually deploy without one equipped, you're always decked out to kill in multiple ways even if you don't take the explosives with you (which are never the right answer to anything, since anything you might want to blow up you actually want to extract)
Then you have blue damage. CQC is always available and you even have a chain CQC move that lets you down an entire crowd of close by opponents. Already you can see the pattern of false depth here since you're given a Stun arm which can do the exact same thing, but it's treated as another, as-if meaningful function. You have automatic riot assault rifles and submachineguns, sniper rifles and tranq guns.
Mgs ranked
2>3>1>4>V This list may vary on which I played last
shut up boomer
And last, you can make noise. You can always deploy with an infinite pile of empty magazines and the biomechanical arm can produce noise directly from you. Making noise is another bloated pile of false depth, since that infinite pile of magazines can be supplemented by limited noisemakers like the active decoy. None of them are actually better than the magazines you have though, just far more ridiculous and overtly visible to not only kill all semblance of stealthy military simulation, but to make redditors chortle into their pube beards.
In short, you have layers upon layers of false depth by giving you "options" out of your three primary modes of interacting with an enemy NPC. You have even less freedom when faced with skulls or child soldiers though. The environment itself is always completely asinine, the objective itself is always so simplistic that it might as well not exist as you intuitively know to fulton the soldier with a glowing marker on it. Your "freedom" to interact with said soldiers is no more complex than in the paid demo, let alone the past MGS games where you couldn't always choose your kit but still had an intelligently designed, varied and interesting gameplay scenario around those mechanics at your disposal.
>hurrrr you kill in this game regardless so all the different builds arent "options"
this is your brain on Yea Forums
System Shock 2 gives you options. Hacking your way through a door and then killing everything that moves with an assault rifle is a very different playstyle from going around eating worms and turning enemies against eachother, teleporting and boosting your strength to wrench everything while they are infighting. TPP gives you a pile of fake "options" to beat a task that takes no brainpower or skill to beat regardless of what your mcdonalds loadout is. Play more videogames and go back to special ED
Your argument was that the end result is the same so there's no options. Now you're backpedaling saying "it's not the same as my favorite game." Ok autist. You can rocket punch, and electrocute in MGSV, use trans, and there's tons of guns, and gadgets to use, not my fault you're shit and not creative. The game is very dynamic.
I love how you ignored the other user that ripped MGSV's "deep" combat apart.
>Your argument was that the end result is the same so there's no options
if you werent an illiterate mouthbreather youd have realized that the argument addresses your lie about there being some epic "depth" in the game when in reality all the options are nothing but fluff and even the older MGS games had more unique interactions that werent just "different gun or item does blue damage". Thats on top of them taking place in actually unique scenarios instead of "run there to extract this soldier"
4 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 1 > R1 > 2 > 7 > S > 8
>werent just "different gun or item does blue damage"
Have you actually played MGS5? What the fuck? You can put a flamethrower on your walker and ride into a camp setting everything on fire. That's not blue damage whatever the fuck that means
>hehe i did red damage but with this epic reddit weapon instead of the rifle the game is so fucking deep
thanks for confirming how illiterate you genuinely are
Okay, so you don't enjoy action games. Why do you play Metal Gear then? Do you expect it to be a fighting game? Maybe an RPG? Or perhaps a cooking sim?
Of course you do fucking DAMAGE with a gun. Do you want your gun to start doing special different effect like maybe it makes the enemy turn into a wolf or something?
I don't get what the fuck you're trying to say. Holy shit. What is reddit about a videogame?
Okay, you can attach a C4 to your car, drive it into a camp and detonate it. You can sneak into a camp, tell Quiet to open fire and sneak during a firefight even though there's no alarm and nobody's looking for you, like in MGS4. If you think this game doesn't have options that means you're braindead and you went through it tranquing people in their feet.
>F A K E F U N
to what end mouthbreather, to what end
zoomer redditors think being able to put a C4 into a car and drive a car somewhere and then blow it up is depth. Its a joke. You just fucking said you can blow up explosives. Why the fuck was the car necessary and for what autist? Being spotted when you drive it in? Perfect example of the special ED "depth" TPP has. Its the metal gear game thats the most focused on enemy interaction since 99.99% of your objectives are about capturing or somehow dealing with the one NPC soldier the game has and its the metal gear game with the least depth in terms of interaction post MGS1. Genuinely fucking embarrassing. Your entire game is built around interacting with no complex objectives around your epic "fucking around" but your ways to interact with the soldiers are the most nonexistent in the series. No complex body damage, no status effects on either side, the AI is completely braindead too. Braindead NPC.s walk around waiting for you to put a tranq in their head and hold down X to capture them. If the enemies were meant to be even remotely challenging to deal with they wouldnt be designed with the intent of being nonlethally captured out of the field en masse with a noisy balloon machine and if the crux of your games gameplay isnt remotely challenging or engaging youre dealing with a pile of shit. Nobody who has played a wide variety of actually good games from the relevant genres does anything except point and laugh at TPP. Its reddit bait, its zoomer bait, its a cerebral palsy pacifier. Go suck your dads dick while you pull a le epic totally unique maneuver once again by telling Quiet to solo the base as you sit behind a rock smoking the skip gameplay cigar
>to what end
For fun you fucking sperg. Go kill yourself if you can't have fun at your tender age, it's only going downhill from here
yikes, I guess this really is the "depth" of the "argument" of the TPPalsy downie. Yeah, stick to bing bing YAAAA-hoo
Shut the fuck up, sperg. You lost the argument and sperged out, now go away.
>you can shoot everyone or ummm turn them against each other
Is that considered deep? You can do that in Batman. Can you stand up in a full body sized box with an anime girl drawn on it to attract the enemy? Otherwise I'm afraid you're game isn't deep enough for me.
Yes, I definitely lost because someone said "b-but its fun hehe". Youre a literally illiterate mouthbreather retard who hasnt refuted a single one of the gigantic posts full of nothing but truth. Youre an actual redditor and it shows. Play more videogames toddler. YOU have lost the "argument" and then you were humiliated on top. Saying that TPP has more depth than the past games is not only a lie but shows you for the game design illiterate retard you are. You just keep digging your hole deeper with each post since not only was your original argument curbstomped, the entire core gameplay loop and systems of your epic game were verbally laid on an operating table and then shat on. The only defence for your autistic pacifier youve managed to muster up is "f-fun". The only retort necessary is that you are
retarded. go back to special ED
holy fuck
and there the TPP redditor crumbles and shows its true pajeet colors. the 9gag frog wont save you now
If you were near me I would vomit on you in disgust and anger.
That's funny cause the one that went "fuck off retard" was the guy you quoted, not the sperg rambling about vague complaints he doesn't even understand
Nah man, MGS's controls were always weird and movement was always very arcadey feeling until 4.
I can actually hear your mouthbreathing through the monitor. Explain to everyone in detail what was ""vague"" here
then make a similarly detailed explanation for how MGSV has more "depth" than the past games without revealing that you never played MGS2, 3 or 4
If you honestly didn't find this absurdly fun because of how serious he's taking a video game then you need to have sex
Propose a different color for damage if you're so triggered over red and blue.
You're both retarded, but you're retarded and have surface level tastes in video games. Most games suck because they pander to shits like you who suck ass at games.
how fucking braindead are you autist? the red/blue explanation exists so your childs brain could comprehend two modes of damage, lethal and nonlethal as easily as possible but it seems like it was still a bit too abstract for you. its a choice youve had since MGS2 but in that game there was an actual game around the choice as well. get the fuck back to memeddit you fucking autistic piece of shit. literally nobody is going to think youre epic in here because the second your toddler tier retard opinions got humbled you stuttered "h-have s-se-sex h-haha w-well I WIN IN REAL LIFE GAMES ARE STUPID ANYWAY". youre fucking retarded and your spineless and brainless "character" tells me youre probably the failure in real life too out of the posters in this thread. Slaving away at mcdonalds I take it?
you're a goldmine dude
based taste, just swap 1 and PW
3 > GZ > 2 > 5 > 1 = 4 > PW
I'm gonna break off of this for a sec to say
I know you're gonna have to continue the bait because that's the job but you're pretty good at baiting. You go a little to hard with it but at the same time you pace it enough and write it detailed enough that it actually feels believable that some Yea Forums autist embodiment of pure Yea Forums hatred and idiocy is a single person posting their honest opinion.
Take my (You) and get outta here
and heres ""it"" if anyone actually needed it crystallized. This is the type of "person" who puts TPP at the top at froths at the mouth over how FUCKING deep it is. How its VERY COOL. Posting 9gag and facebook reaction images with youtube comments/ whatsapp message tier replies to being humiliated. You certainly won, everyone now knows that TPP was the deepest of them all because of the case you made
MGS1 > MG2 = MGS4 = MGS3 >= MGS2 > MG > Peacewalker > GZ > MGSV
Portable Ops ending directly into Outer Heaven should be canon over Peacewalker and MGSV.
Actually I think V is the weakest MGS game
Newer fan
Older fan, correct opinion
>Actually I think V is the weakest MGS game
Anyone that has taste and/or isn't eternally anally pained about Kojima knows this to be the truth.