>A World Reborn™ The next expansion will introduce a **world revamp** to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor as opposed to an entirely new continent. As *World of Warcraft* enters a new age after its 15th year, the world itself will not only be reimagined but in many ways reset. While it is not an entirely new product, the game is rebranded as *World of Warcraft 2* to reflect its overhaul. The level cap, formerly 120, will be reduced to **60**. Future expansions going forward will involve a level squish of some sorts to keep players within a reasonable number of level brackets capable of running content together. All players at or above the level of 20 will be reduced to **level 10**, while everyone under level 20 will be reduced back to level 5. This will allow all players to brave this new world for the first time together while still skipping their respective starting areas. Other worlds and continents will receive updates in future expansions, though until then their content will no longer yield gold or experience. Players can however still visit these continents and earn their respective armor and weapon appearances as well as toys, mounts and pets.
With this level squish will come both a **profession skill and economy squish**. Everyone with a profession will enter the game with 20 skill points in both professions. All players with more than 10 gold will be reduced back down to 10 gold and therefore are highly encouraged to spend their gold before the launch of World of Warcraft 2, or ‘9.0’. This will serve to completely kill the multiple-expansions-long economic bloating and allow gold to have true value again. All old profession recipes and ingredients will no longer be useable with the profession overall. All old herbs, minerals, cloth and other ingredients will be replaced by new nodes and resources throughout the world. Never again will an alchemist brew with Earthroot.
Players will not lose the items, toys, pets, mounts or appearances they have earned over the years as they will too be reduced in level (and in the cases of gear, their attributes as well). This means that players, even though reduced to level 10, will be able to begin their new adventures in Azeroth equipped in their raiding gear they earned in Battle for Azeroth. Some items, primarily those that originated from the now revamped Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor, will be unable to be collected in the future and therefore will become legacy items.
>Leveling With players new and old returning to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, the world will be updated to offer a variety of difficulties in every zone. While it will always be possible to easily level a character to max level alone, players will once again be able to pick up orange and even red quests that will require a group to complete at lower-than-recommended levels. **Outdoor dungeons** will also make a return to give players variety in their gameplay. Most group quests will require more commitment (in some cases 20 minutes, as opposed to most group quests being simply grouping up to kill an elite before quietly disbanding the group. Group content will always offer more experience and better rewards than solo content, though greater challenge.
Jaxson Rivera
Upon reaching level 20, players can pick one of five leveling **Order Halls** that offer different leveling experiences up to max level. While it is possible to play the game without ever picking an alignment, players who served their organizations well on their way to level 60 are rewarded by their Order Hall upon reaching level cap. Each Order Hall has a different global storylines, quests and objectives. No Order Hall is class or race specific.
While players will still passively gain new abilities as they level, some quests will require returning to your trainer to pick up and complete **class specific quests** to earn more important abilities from level 10 onwards. Some of these will be longer questlines that friends can join in for rewards of their own. If players do not wish to complete class quests, they will automatically gain these abilities five levels later.
Players will be able to select between three abilities exclusive to each other every ten levels. Every level, players will also earn talent points that they can spend on passive traits inspired primarily by the **talent trees** seen on artifact weapons in Legion. **Glyphs** will once again be expanded to include primary and major glyphs that have actually impact on gameplay. With every class receiving an overhaul, players will find that specializations are once again just that. No longer do two specializations of the same class feel like entirely different classes all together.
Jace Turner
>Endgame While players do not stick with the Order Hall that they joined while leveling, upon reaching level 60 they have the choice between five new Order Halls to work for. While these Order Halls offer different rewards themed off of their faction, the primary difference is their hub and the quests and storylines that are offered by the leaders of these Order Halls.
At max level, players can forge and customization their very own **artifacts**. These artifacts fit into a unique slot so that players still earn either weapons or necklaces throughout the expansion. Your artifact will be available while leveling throughout the next expansion before being replaced at max level by a new system. Artifacts are powered through artifact power as per usual, however artifact power can be achieved through multiple means. They can either be grinded through world quests and other endgame activities as before or through set tasks given to you by your Order Hall. Depending on the level you are working towards, leveling your artifact this way can either be through a task asking you to complete “Mythic +10” Deadmines, to win five battlegrounds or to defeat heroic-mode Isiden Perenolde in the Ruins of Alterac raid, among other objectives for each level sought. Players can choose a combination of these two routes depending on their mood and preference.
Players will be able to further customize their character through class-neutral glyphs that take inspiration from the scrapped **Path of the Titans** feature as well as traits found in the Heart of Azeroth. The revamped Archeology profession will be important in supplying players with new options for these max-level glyphs.
Player customization features, such as new customization options or weapon appearances, can be earned through a return of the **Mage Tower** system. The new Mage Tower will be expanded to offer both solo, pair and group content that all reward different things.
Jonathan Ortiz
kill yourself tripfag
Asher Myers
>Dungeons Along with the rest of the old world, many dungeons will be updated for the new leveling experience in addition to entirely new instances. Dungeon difficulty will be increased through both harder hitting monsters and improved boss mechanics similar to those seen in the Brawlpub. Trash mobs will also be situated so that proper use of crowd control is required. Every class will have a chance to use their specialty abilities such as lockpick and polymorph. Despite the increase in difficulty, dungeons are crafted in size with the purpose of not drastically increasing the amount of time required to complete one in mind.
Before signing up for a dungeon with dungeon finder, a player must first discover that dungeon’s summoning stone found outside of its instance portal. All leveling dungeons (15-60) have level 60 equivalents as well as heroic and mythic difficulties. These dungeons have new quests that can be found upon entering the dungeon. At level 60, random dungeon quests that differ from the leveling quests can appear at different times upon entering the instance. These can be repeated the next time they are available. Players can expect improved rewards for completing dungeons without the use of dungeon finder and even better personal rewards for completing dungeons as a guild group (3+ guild members).
Mythic keystone dungeons now come in two varieties; timed and nightmare. **Timed mythic keystone dungeons** increase the difficulty with each level and forces a group to clear the dungeon within a set amount of time. **Nightmare mythic keystone dungeons** are more difficult than timed ones per level, however they do not have a timer attached so that groups can run through the content at their own pace with as many player deaths as they need. Both difficulties offer similar rewards so that groups can decide which style works best for them.
Easton Lewis
>Raids While the number of ‘wings’ per expansion will remain consistent (around 17), those wings will be split between **more raids**. Players can expect a couple of normal sized raids with three or four wings with small one to two wing raids interspersed in between to offer much more thematic variety. The longest raid, Uldaz, will be the last raid of the expansion and will consist of the ordinary 4 wings.
‘Looking for Raid’ will be removed as a difficulty from here on out, leaving normal, heroic and mythic raids the only difficulties. LFR as a feature will remain in-game, however raids accessed through this feature will be of normal difficulty and will offer normal rewards.
Dylan Miller
>The World
The world revamp will turn many things known about the old world on its head. Some traditionally low level areas will only be braveable by experienced adventurers while some formerly high level regions will be for players just starting out. For example, after the destruction of Stormwind, the Forsaken have established a new kingdom in the ruins and in the new **Elwynn Plaguelands** while the evicted humans of Stormwind have conquered and rebuilt the city of Stratholme and have reclaimed **Lordaeron** from the undead. Dire Maul has been rebuilt as the elven city of **Eldre’Thalas** and with the fall of Orgrimmar, **Bilgewater Harbor** has evolved into a bustling center of Steamwheedle and Horde cultures. Every city in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor will be equally viable as player hubs. Most revamped zones serve to renew the world and show modern struggles, evergreen stories and rebuilding unlike the destruction wrought by Cataclysm.
In order to keep the world consistent, level scaling will not be used during the leveling experience. Instead, each zone bracket will have six zones to choose from. Level scaling will come into play at level-cap when the entire revamped world, from max-level zones to starting areas, becomes ripe with **world quests** scaled up to 60. Three out of the six 55-60 level zones have ongoing, constant **PvP objectives** built-in similar to those seen in Nazjatar for those who are questing with war mode enabled.
Daniel Morales
Riding is available at level 5. As players level, they can train their riding skill at the riding trainer to increase their mounted run speed. At level 5, mounts increase movement speed by the default 30%. At 20, this can be increased to 60%. At 30, 90%, 40, 120%, 50, 150% and at 60 it can be increased to 180%. **Flying** can be purchased at level 60 within the first patch after they have completed ten distinct heroic dungeons or won twenty 60 level battlegrounds. Max level players can either pay mass amounts of gold or perform daily quests to gradually increase the speed of their ground and flying mounts by another 20% and decrease the odds they will be dismounted by enemies.
>Factions While factions remain important for the purposes of instanced and world PvP, **players are no longer restricted by their faction** in where they quest or who they befriend. When warmode is active, players are put into a phase with other warmode players where hostilities remain between players and enemies cities remain hostile. However, when warmode is deactivated, players are able to communicate with, whisper, group up with, raid with and even join guilds with members of the opposite faction. In neutrality mode, with a few restrictions in cases of a small number of Kaldorei and Forsaken hubs, players are welcome in cities of either faction and can pick up and complete factions offered by the other faction. Players cannot make progress on opposite factions quests while warmode is enabled. Members of the same guild are not hostile to each other even when warmode is enabled.
Owen Moore
>hit the delete key on all servers and remove from the store There. I fixed it.
Brody Hall
>Player Customization As player customization becomes more important to the modern game, players can expect more rewards in the form of armor and weapon appearances, new character customization options and even alternative voices for characters. **Transmogrification** restrictions are lifted so that players are only limited by their level. A warrior, if they so choose, can wear a cloth hood with their leather belt. A mage can dress in mail armor and wield a sword and spellbook off-hand.
All *Legion* and *Battle for Azeroth* allied races are now considered base races attached to the ones they are derived from, available without needing to be unlocked. In its place, players can unlock **alternative classes** that play the same as their base class though with new art and animations. For example, warlocks will be able to unlock **necromancers** whose curses become plagues and demons become undead thralls. Like allied races, these classes too will become available to all players by the time the next expansion launches.
Starting with this expansion, the goal will be to ultimately open up all **race/class combinations** as players are free to explain how their character came to become their chosen class as they wish. Rogues, priests, mages, warlocks and monks will join warriors and hunters as ‘universal’ classes. As paladins have racially unique mounts, shamans have racially unique totems, druids have racially unique beast forms and the hero classes have unique character customization options, these classes may take a few patches or even expansions to be finished for each and every race. However, they will ultimately be available to every race including the former allied races.
Landon Hernandez
>The Future In order to keep all content relevant, outdated raids and other expansion-specific features in future expansions will become a part of the leveling process for players. A minor level squish will be introduced with each expansion, though players will never be reduced to a level where there is no new content to experience. In the first expansion after this revamp, max level players will be reduced to level 50 to level through new and revamped lands up to level 70, for example. Economy squishes may occur every five years as needed. Future expansions will see players return to an updated Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, the islands of the great seas until the world is fully rebuilt in addition to new unexplored continents, worlds and planes.
And just to show I can't "tripfag" as this tripcode, the tripcode is PickleRick.
Asher Ramirez
this is retarded. do you honestly think the playbase would enjoy having their progress seemingly rolled back to suit your autistic whims?
I sure as fuck would, but im only a basic level 120 person. I dont have a ton of petsmountscheevos.
Justin Carter
TL;DR U mad op ?
Jonathan Parker
By this logic, there should be no level cap increases since it invalidates the last expansion.
Jonathan King
Fuck off your shit game is dead thanks to classic, just move on
Hudson Cruz
just make wow 2 and carry nothing over, shit's already bloated as it is, it doesn't need a full game's worth of collectibles on the client as "unavailable"
Ian Gray
>Bro just make an entirely new MMO its easy
Colton Sullivan
does anyone actually give a shit?
so autistic
Matthew Myers
Didnt they remake XIV in like a year?
Logan Cruz
>How to fix World of Warcraft Just play Classic or FFXIV
If only you put this much effort into something productive rather than a dead 15 year old MMO.
Jaxson Thompson
Imagine thinking life should be entirely work and never leisure.
Gabriel Myers
I didn't say it should, I'm fairly laid back myself, but writing a master's thesis on "fixing" a game is a bit much user.
Nolan Martinez
>2450 words takes a lot of time Wait until you hit high school, kiddo.
Evan Lewis
Its a lot of time to write a short essay on something thats not going to ever happen.
Gavin Jackson
>A master's thesis is generally 40-80 pages, not including the bibliography. However, the length will vary according to the topic and the method of analysis, so the appropriate length will be determined by you and your committee. Students who write a master's thesis generally do so over two semesters. I can't wait for summerfags to go back to middle school.