*decks you out*

*decks you out*

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What's the proper way to throw a punch, Yea Forums? Pic related doesn't look right

Who's this?

Seriously fuck this fight, took like 10-15 minutes

In the olden days, sailors usually got into fights. They found having a weight in their closed fist helped with the impact, so they usually put a roll of coins in their pocket that they could easily grab in case a bar fight broke out. Today, few people carry coins, but you can always put your thumb in your closed fist to achieve the same result.

Sounds like a really smart way to break your thumb, dumbass

It's close but not quite right. The position of his thumb is correct and he has the angle of his fist right but in the wrong direction. Rotate it counter clockwise about 20 degrees and it would be correct.

>but you can always put your thumb in your closed fist to achieve the same result.

Don't do this, you'll hurt yourself more than you hurt the other person. Thumb should always stay outside your first.

>getting a jab in (even if it hits) freezes you in place just long enough for him to recover and grab you to kick your head in, causing concussion damage

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Is shoulder width really that much of a deciding factor in fistfights?

*snuffs you out later*

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>pirate this
>cant win

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Is [insert physical difference] really that important in being stronger?
Yes, retard.

It's proven that people with wider shoulders punch harder but I don't think that would have much impact on a typical fist fight between amateurs. Skill and overall fitness level would be much more important.

It is true though that most of the kings of KO's in boxing had wide shoulders.

Honestly the village being raided was the best thing that could have happened to Kunesh. Martin would have fucked him up the ass for not paying his debts and then beating up his son.

This reply isn't as smart as you thought it was

*decks you out*

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*refuses you coverage based on politics*

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leave TrannyBomb alone, they r good people.

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>the illusion of skill based combat
>literally every fight is just a stat check
Whats the point of this? I would get the same enjoyment out of something like morrowind or neverwinter nights where I just win because of my stats without the frustration of "but I timed it perfectly, why did X happen instead of Y"

>is having more reach really a deciding factor in fist fights????

>makes winning fights way easier

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*nets you thousands of groschen in armour sales*

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>that one retarded guy challenges you to a duel
>kill him
>easy set of armour 10 minutes into the game
>stash his dead body in a hedge just off the road

arm length =/= shoulder width, the reach broad shoulders would give you is negligible seeming, it's just putting a little more distance between the two spheres of space each of your arms can cover

I can see why broad shoulders would help, but I know very little about combat and don't trust my inexperienced intuitions about it.

*grinds your playthrough and performance to a halt*

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Anyone know what settings I can turn down to fix the god-awful stuttering? I think it's a CPU limiting issue, but my processor isn't even that bad. Unfortunately I'm playing the UWP version (gamepass) so modding isn't an option

I'm also not an expert but wouldn't broader shoulders mean more distance traveled per swing and thus more momentum, meaning more force per punch?

Kind of like if the base of a triangle becomes broader while the point stays in the same spot, the sides of it become longer, the punch would travel further by default before it hits its mark, giving more time for acceleration.

this game just has shit optimization

Shame. It's a fantastic fucking game regardless, that's the only reason I'll tolerate the stutter

Body-angling might tend to render that difference null though

>Get decked by him
>Sucker punch his ass as soon as he is done talking shit
>Knock the fucker out
>Steal his clothes and all of his possessions
>Kill all of his chickens
>Periodically come back during the tutorial to punch him in the face while he is sleeping

Honestly, this is the most fun I've had with a video game in ages.

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Yeah I guess, but if you're throwing from your rear hand you'll be turning your shoulders so I think it'd still add a little something

The combat is at its best when you're juuuuuussttt below the "required" level.
Unfortunately that happens so rarely, it never gets to shine.

Did the idea ever cross your mind that playing a RPG might conflict with your interests then? Play an action adventure game then.

Not to mention the combat system is utter shit for group fights, and then like 90% of the fights are group fights.

Nah I like RPGs my guy I just don't understand why they put in skill elements at all if they're going to override them anyway.

Jokes on you i play a 60 card deck.

Because it's an RPG. Stop playing them. You people already permanently ruined MMORPGs by forcing every game to add level and gear scaling because it's not skillfull to have better stats than somebody else.

You seem upset, I don't even play mmos big man

it was hard on the first playthrough, but on my second one I fucked him up without getting hit.
The combat system is highly exploitable.

They've updated it so its not so easy to exploit anymore, used to be if you started a clinch and just spammed your kick button from the first moment you'd win no matter what, but no longer works.

You use your legs and hips to move your weight and momentum behind your fists

I've played with the latest version though.
Only thing I noitced is that you can't drag free aimed stabs and swings as easy anymore.

brass knuckles
If you know you're going to an area with black people, bring a gun
But if you're going to a more civilized area like the club, bring brass knuckles in case a bar fight happens and punch them in the nose rather than the chin so they don't die.

>but you can always put your thumb in your closed fist to achieve the same result.

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>glitches through his house, anvil, and any other object he touches
>grabs you forever
>jumps 20ft in 1 second to punch you in the face
still to this day my most regretted video game purchase of all time. and I bought it on sale.

Haha asshole you want some idiot to break his thumb don't you?

Don't do this it makes mustard gas

why is this guys head uneven?
its like its tilting to one side

Get good.

Holy shit guys it's Henry!

Hiya Henry