>he STILL hasn't hacked his switch
>b-b-but I might get banned!
Yeah, you'll be missing out on all those great online multiplayer Nintendo games! Lmao.
>he STILL hasn't hacked his switch
>b-b-but I might get banned!
Yeah, you'll be missing out on all those great online multiplayer Nintendo games! Lmao.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm waiting for the New Switch. I don't want to fall for the early adopter meme like with the O3DS
Mine's in the possibly-patched range, not worth the risk.
New Switches aren't hackable post July 2018.
We get it, you can't make Elite
I just plain don’t want to.
Still shilling OP?
this was said about eighty fucking times for both the wii and 3DS
nintendo is retarded and exploits always find a way
I don't give a shit about getting banned, I don't want to turn my tablet into a $299 +tip paperweight.
If I get banned how am I supposed to play Animal Crossing online with friends and random jap girls?
projecting much?
im not hacking my switch no matter how hard you beg me to.
so just go away, creep.
I hate my switch. I couldn't find an old one without the stupid patch, sure I'll hack it but tell me how.
Just use emunand and keep that offline, and you won't get banned. So cfw for Homebrew and any pirated games, ofw for any online games.
I'm not poor
>no cfw
imagine being so poor that you have to hack your console just to play games
Ive been hacked 8 months now and durning those Ive beeen playing GU and Splatoon 2 Online.
This is all on Sys-nand with pirated games etc.
Have yet to be banned.
The "you might get banned" is a fucking scaremongering tactic. The only people that got banned were retards who set their pfp to a porn image.
>Yeah, you'll be missing out on all those great online multiplayer Nintendo games!
Literally why I'm not hacking mine
I would get one specifically for games, only cucks care about switch online.
But finding old switch in my area is maybe impossible
emulation is piracy if you don't own an original copy
why are piracyfags such annoying underaged children? yes, we get it, you read some guide on /vg/ but you have no friends to brag about your hackerman skills to so you do it here every fucking day. nobody fucking cares, now kindly fuck off
Remember: """"/hbg/""""shop is a cert stealer and more than likely has brick code.
It was made by an angry third worlder that got laughed out of /hbg/ and tried to make "the real /hbg/" reddits and discords.
They know it will get replies, and the flamewar rule is as unenforced as ever
>This is all on Sys-nand with pirated games etc.
t. bullshit artist
Taking a pirated game online is an instant ban, XCI or NSP.
I own literally every emulatable game but it's more convenient this way.
>early adopter
>3 years in
Based retard
>you'll be missing out on all those great online multiplayer Nintendo games!
Well yeah, i need my Splatoon fix faggot
the reason behind this is that it is typically the underage who don't have the cash to afford buying games
>thinking elite is a measure of talent
hack your switch Goy
waiting for games to actually warrant me into buying a switch, particularily animal crossing and the new monster hunter and metroid. also would like t be able to somehow stream from a switch lite
Use it for overclocking, it's great for astral chain and it's been great for the DxM demo. Fuck shitty frames, and if you care even less about graphics and more about stable frames then you can install reversenx to flag your console to handheld even while docked and still get the OC performance.
Who the fuck wants to play laggy ass online against tryhards and children? Play with your friends or go to locals, faggot.
I have a launch switch that is easily hackable. Could i sell it for MSRP??
How much of a boost does the overclocking give? I havent played around with it yet because I fear my general incompetence will cause something to go wrong
The New 3DS came out 4 years after launch, you fucking dementia patient.
No its not.
Call me a BS artist all you like.
Its the truth.
You can't go online with pirated NSP's anyways.
You can only access multiplayer games with legally owned games.
Turns most slide show areas into a decent frame rate. I also mention the handheld thing because handheld modes does things like reduce resolution and disable AA and more based on the game, you combine that with overclock and you're pretty much not going to have a dropped frame. It's the only way I'm playing DxM.
The old switch was only hackable through a hardware exploit. The newer models fixed the bypass and the small switch models won't even be given the opportunity.
Both carts and e-shop downloads have unique signatures, if more than one person is online with the same cart at the same time its an instant ban for everyone, even if someone legitimately owns a cart that got brought, dumped and then returned/sold.
Yeah. I actually have friends I play online with so I'm not hacking.
I aint sacrificing my MHGU and DxM multiplayer
non-chink emunand has been out for months now dude
What exactly are the pros to hacking your switch? I remember everyone said to hack the 3DS and there were pretty much no pros to that either
You can play online with a hacked model user. You can literally play with your original sysNAND and use all your legally-owned games with zero issue online and then restart, boot up in cfw, and play your pirated games with absolutely no repercussions before restarting again and returning back to your original sysNAND. To make things even better, emuNAND exists just in case you're paranoid as fuck about losing online access.
There is literally no reason not to hack your Switch.
What do I get for hacking switch? Besides free games and ban
Is the emunand thing out of beta yet?
you could sell it for 500$
>I remember everyone said to hack the 3DS and there were pretty much no pros to that either
Despite being to download every single game for free and play them online without any chance of a ban until the very end of the consoles life?
There were objective pros to hacking the 3DS, not so much for the Switch but im not paying for Nintendo Online so im not missing out of anything.
The big ones
>Free games
>Homebrewed ports like Half Life and Morrowind
minor shit
>able to post images/video directly from the switch without removing the SD card or using Twitter
>custom themes
>can backup saves without online
Bs and I can prove it.
The entirety of the Switch hacking scene would love if you can prove it
the process is reaaaally easy, being banned is the only good reason to avoid hacking.
As long as you avoid software that was written by retards and isnt open source, theres no brick risk
Shit my switch needs updating to 9.0.0 and atmosphere hasnt been updated yet.
But Ive been playing pirated Rune Factory 4 with the ENG patch from GBA Temp online for the past few weeks.
Still Im able to connect to the eShop to buy games. Sub to Nintendo Online and play my MHGU and Splatoon 2 online.
Dont be a fucking retard and cheat in online games and don't be a fucking tard and use a custom pfp.
is the smash switch hackable yet
nice extremely old screenshot, elite hasn't been sub 5.5 for a year
and everyone who was in elite 6 months ago is still in elite
it's hackable if you stayed on firmware 4.1.0, otherwise no
who gives a shit about switch the only good handhelds out there were the gameboy the psp and the iphone 4s
>he still makes these threads
Why do you care if I hacked my Switch or not? Well, that was a stupid question, you can't answer.
why is everyone picking up smash like wildfire lately
>iphone 4s
>tfw emunand
>tfw still not banned
>tfw free online through twitch prime for a year
I just want a cfw where you can turn your switch properly off and still have the cfw without having to inject or whatever. Like what the 3ds had. That was easy.
The benefits would be nice if we knew how the online bans work.
I prefer not to pirate games, but I know that a lot of people see that as the main reason to hack.
Why can’t they just hack and play games like normal people?
Up until about 2015 I pirated almost every game in existence and not once I bragged about pirating.
You just do it it’s not hard not an accomplishment
You just downloaded some torrents
So should I get a used switch to hack it and never pay for any games other than mario maker 2?
Same I play far too much MH to risk being banned
Hell I love monster hunter so much I literally brought a complete stranger named Russell a copy just because
I do use the homebrew to edit my MH save to get some totally legit charms and to transmog gunner armor onto blademaster armor
Thats pretty much a never ever at this point. I dont get the big deal about just leaving it on unless you constantly going out for multiple days without access to a dock
>paying for something you can get for free
It may not be your bank account that's lacking, the issue is somewhere else
So every time I buy a used game, I risk the chance of being banned?
The chance of buying a dumped cart is so slim but it's still hilarious that it's possible.
>if you don't own an original copy
It's still piracy. It doesn't matter how many copys you own.
I am really broke and all my money from my job goes towards school which I am already in debt. I really don't want to hack my switch and don't even think it can be hacked, but I want to pay for my games. My PC backlog is at about 85-90 where I don't own any of those games and literally have no games on my PC on Steam or emulated that I haven't beaten and just need more money to buy the ones on my backlog. On PS4 and Switch I have a total of about 30-35 games on my backlog and again have beaten all the games I own and need more money to play anything new. May try begging my parents for some money for games or pick up a second job if I can juggle that with school.
>Smash Ultimate
>Mario Maker 2
>Splatoon 2
There’s plenty of reasons not to hack it. Mainly I’m not a poorfag and don’t need another portable emulation machine.
i'm a retard and bought after launch. No way mine is patchable.
I wish I could, not even for pirating but because the Switch lacks so many basic functions it's not even funny.
It really bugs me that there's no internet browser when even the 3ds had one.
Will the newer models with the latest firmware ever be hackable?
You can play online with paid games with hacking.
You have to play then in sysnand and hacked shin in emunand.
Not for years since a tranny gave info away about an exploit to nvidvia and now there is no way to hack it unless nintendo fucks up again like 7.0.1
>want to pay for games
>lives with parents
Yeah ok, I can see why retard. Opinion completely invalidated.
it doesn't have to be right at launch, check if your serial's exploitable
I don't live with my parents most of the year I live in my dorm which the loan for the dorm is in my name.
You took out a fucking loan for a dorm? Jesus where the fuck do you live.
America. My parents could only pay for part of it and the tuition and my scholarships put a small dent into it. But I will end up with about 20-24k in debt by the time I graduate undergrad which is why I have a job to put about a few thousand dent into it every year but I still get interest as time goes on for the loans.
I have a sd card ready I have the payload the atmosphere I am just not sure if I want to inject since I want to play Animal Crossing in Multiplayer. Call me wrong if it's bs but doesn't nintendo logg IP-adresses do I need a VPN holy shit that is so much effort
Im really stupid, I wish I knew how to do it
I'm waiting for my switch lite
happy 18th meme tower aniversary mutt
i play more with friends local coop than i do online. it does suck that i CAN change back and forth, but i don't want to.
besides, im sure hackman will find a way
they always do.
Dude what did you go to college for?
We might be entering a recession soon.
I will never understand why people take out loans for college unless its something like med school
>he STILL hasn't hacked his switch
No because I'm an adult with a job and have no reason to
You’d have to be one really insanely unlucky bastard to get a banned game
>not wanting to play Morrowind on the go
>hack current system
>put the same nes, snes, genesis, gameboy, etc. games you've played a million times through emulation
>but use the system's emulators that are buggy and or lacking features
>but once the system gen dies the development of the emulator also dies
>repeat the process for the next system you hack
What is the fucking point? Just play it on superior PC emulators. It really isn't a valid reason for hacking.
>goes to college
>makes and/or will make a shitton of money
>squanders said money on games
Can't feel sorry for ya, crybaby
One reason to fuck nintendo over is because they always treat release buyers like their fucking beta testers while demanding the full price maybe more. Whole year no good games and they do a hardware and model upgrade. Then threy circumcise your internet and multiplayr with extra fees
>adult with a job
>Owning a switch
A normal adult with a job would not own a switch. Are you sure you're not a jobless neckbeard?
What can a hacked Switch do that a hacked Vita cannot besides the obvious ability to play Switch games?
how can there be so many trannies in the hacking community I thought they are too busy dilating to do stuff like that
Went to study comp sci, but had to live somewhere in a dorm since my parents didn't want me to stay home otherwise if I went to a different school I was accepted into and lived at home I would probably be only in
Some people, as hard as it is to believe, have morals.
Yeah, I don't steal games off store shelves.
>falling for entry-tier kike shit
lmao faglord
I would hope those morality chained normalfags arent the ones posting on Yea Forums
I already played it when it came out. I'll play it on PC if I feel like playing it again, but I doubt it.
No I just bought it when I was a jobless neckbeard and then got a job. A large amount of people in my office have a switch, including women and normies
What is Yea Forums? This is 4channel my friend.
What is entry tier?
It's just reddit spilling over. Notice how nobody here bitched about piracy before 2016?
Things like paying the (((banker))) loans so they can jew more money out of you.
Let me know when it gets to PSP level.
What else should I have done?
It's already PSP level. Still no coldboot but it's hacked wide open.
All of them or only early models?
So you will make more money there than you would in any other country in the world, and you are still hung up on your debt. Honestly, if you don't waste your money like most Americans do, you can actually pay it off in a reasonable time frame. And at any rate, if it was a CHOICE from your parents' part to send you to another town even though you could have saved tons of money by living at their place, things really can't be THAT bad for you financially. I had to live with my parents and go to uni here, and I literally can't get a job that'd enable me to move out and have any significant disposable income to save up.
It is that bad, they only did it because they wanted me to get a college experience and during the conversations didn't mention my debt once when I brought it up and focused on me staying on a college campus to live on my own. If I do end up getting a job in my desired field and do make decent money enough to pay it off then this BS+MS degree will be worth it. Then I will waste it on games after the fact.
Early models.
True, instead of a pandora battery you need a paperclip.
Hey retards, when the fuck did I say anything about emulation? Sounds like you both need to learn how to read, all I said was that pirating isn't the only thing you can do with a hacked system
>Still no coldboot
Even if we did have one no one will release it.
The whole switch scene is a mess, we only have anything because someone posted someone else progress that they weren't even really even planning to release anyway.
The whole scene is about getting credit and trying to get jobs at actual companies.
>I can prove it
>okay, user, prove it
>oh, sorry can't right now lmfao
But I have a job and own not just a Switch, but every console
Once atmosphere is updated I will.
>Yeah, you'll be missing out on all those great online multiplayer Nintendo games! Lmao.
And even if you wanted to be a massive faggot and support p2p paywalls, you can if you keep all your cfw shit on emunand.
>not wanting the best portable emulation machine
I specifically want the switch for that very reason. At the moment, I'm waiting to see if the nu switch is of just as shitty quality as the old one, and I'm waiting for it to become hackable.
it has a lot more power, which doesn't amount to much in the present, but it at least approaches playable speed N64 and gamecube emulation
not hacking a switch is a pants on head retarded move. you can buy a second console for just multiplayer and still end up saving money over the lifetime of the switch.
I would rather wait for hacks to become safer. I have no problem with paying for games, and I'm not dying to be able to play emulators on the switch
Well then go ahead and list the reasons if you're gonna be begging people to do it, OP.
My first Switch got banned, so instead of buying the refresh model, I bought a low serial model to hack in the future or set up emuNAND for. I hope I don't kick myself in the foot and/or get banned later on
androidOS dualboot for whatever purpose and PC remote streaming
Why would you do that instead of just having a clean switch and still using the banned one for hax
Right now I'm planning on using the clean Switch for legit and the banned one for hax. I forget what use I'd get out of hacking the legit one
Going to hack my switch tomorrow. It's unpatched. Anyone here can answer some questions I have going in?
i got a 5.0 switch, patched tho.
anything coming up soon, or is it just up in the air.
If I turn my switch off, then turn it back on, I'll be on the stock NAND and won't get bad for going online because all the hacked shit is on the EmuNAND so I can play my legal copy of Daemon X Machina online, right?
If I wanted to play old games on my switch I'd actually play NES online or whatever it's called.
I can't because mine is patched.
I really should have looked it up before I bought one last year.
Yea Forums had weekly threads about how the exploit existed and wasn't patched yet for like half a year before it finally got patched
Because I already own most of the games I would want to emulate and im not exactly eager to replay all these games I already played several times just because I can do it outside my home. Besides, nintendo is already releasing their own emulation solution on it as well thats cheap as fuck
Yes. As long as stock NAND never sees hacks you're perfectly fine.
Cheers user
well I'm not gonna lie, I ignored all threads about the Switch.
I had no interest in getting it, so I'm pretty dumb for not just looking up if it was hacked or not.
This post is a test to see if the mods have actually done something useful for once.
user I'm playing on the lite!
I got my Vita just like two years ago, and still really haven't gone deep on the games.
I think it's just better to wait until a console is dead to get it.
>homebrew scene at it's peak
>all the library for your choosing, you can objectively see what's worth playing instead of just going blind because "it's new"
>you can backup all your saves, overclock, mods, patches, emulation, etc.
It's just better for me, as I don't give a single fuck about multiplayer or supporting "muh hobby industry"
Anyone else feels the same?
spoken like a true ESL student
I got a switch that was 'possibly patched' and then spent money on a jig just to be told I'm fucked.
Yeah I guess I'll have to wait. How long till those faggots make my shit hackable?
> I'm playing on the lite!
Your brain's on the lite.
mines in orange region not risking it
>new switch
>handheld only
>locked to 20 fps 480p
dont do it man
>As long as you avoid software that was written by retards
How many people on Yea Forums do you think have the knowledge to credibly determine this?
>The old switch was only hackable through a hardware exploit
I doubt its ONLY hackable through a hardware exploit. People just haven't really been bothering to look for a software exploit because the hardware one was so easy to do.
does anyone else notice that most switch games are digital day one and physical like 1 week or 2 weeks later?
think its a pirate deterring tactic so they don't get it 1 or 2 weeks before it comes out?
How's that hacked Wii Mini?
How convenient
Better luck at
Is there an emuNAND that isn't locked behind a chink paywall? If I can keep my sysNAND partition clean and online-friendly I'm doing it in a heartbeat (assuming it isn't as fucking jank as early-era 3DS emuNAND was)
even then pirate chads usually only have to wait at most like 6 hours post release before someone uploads it
The only reason the Wii mini didn't get hacked is because no one bought a fucking Wii mini. It came out at the ass-end of the Wii's life and cost just as much as a proper model, if not more
>he OWNS a switch
So my ppsspp folder in my "switch" folder is bugged. I can't delete it or add anything into it. What do? I cant add ppsspp until i get this thing gone.
I don't have one that's hackable
I did hack my New 3DS though, and that's been fun
Wii Mini was $100 in fucking Canada, that's like $70 in America. It's considered unhackable because there's no networking features in it to exploit at all
Shit argument. Yes, there is a lot of great online games, I'm sorry you live in a third world country with no money or good online
what do people mean by keeping emunand separated from sysnand to avoid bans and all that? I don't understand at all.
>Yes, there is a lot of great online games
b-but OP said....
lol, a bluetooth exploit was found recently.
I semi understand but i think you need like 20gb's to have it on your sd card so I'll hold off for now and do more research.
Wow i sure can't wait to play doom before it comes out on the eshop and use a shitty cydia tier mobile theme
SysNAND is the core of the system where all the shit lives and operates. EmuNAND is what it sounds like, an emulated NAND which you keep separately on an SD card. By doing all of your questionable shit on EmuNAND and keeping SysNAND legit, no matter what kind of countermeasures Nintendo tries to employ, it will only ever affect your EmuNAND which can easily be wiped/replaced/etc. since it's just on an SD card.
The Emunand takes up like 32gigs on the SD card by default but its not like you cant still use that space for games
I'll get around to it, I have a launch model so there's no rush. I want to avoid the mistake I made with my 3DS which was hacking it early on, then not paying attention to it for a couple of years and trying to get back into it - holy fuck what a nightmare of fishing through tons of outdated guides to figure out not only what the current shit was but how to actually get from what I had to the current shit without fucking things up.
So I am browsing the online guide and it looks like I am going to have to use the hardware method. I don't know if I like this. I'm on 9.0 or whatever one has the Three Houses update
I don't think Atmosphere if compatable with the lasted update yet
I got the improved battery one so I can't.
>all caps passive aggressive autistic outburst
You mad?
But when it is I'll need the foil/jig trick?
You need it to even start
Is there a way to identify if the console is HW hack compatible? I really want one, but the software seems a little more secure this time arround
Am I reading this right? I will need to short the pins and inject the payload anytime I hard reset or switch to OFW? Sleep mode is fine as long as I use a custom DNS or just don't access online at all?
waiting for post july 2018 exploit
Once you hack it once you can set it to Auto RCM so that you dont need to put the jig/foil in every time
Okay, another simpleton question. Does AutoRCM let me easily choose whether I want my clean sysNAND or hacked emuNAND? Wii had various boot methods (either booting normally with hacks or hijacking the boot menu by holding reset) and early 3DS softmodding autobooted to emuNAND unless you held a button?
with auto RCM you will still need to inject Hectate from which you can decide to boot into either the Sysnand or the Emunand
Never noticed Brad Jones on the right before. lol.
Okay. So I would still need to dump the payload each time I hard reset or switched between emuNAND and sysNAND but it prevents me from needing to wrap my joycon like a turkey? (YouTube suggestion for using foil and right Joy-Con as a jig)
Also in the guide FAQ it says installing NSPs will ban you. So is thid just inherent? Also I assume it wouldn't matter with an emuNAND with a null serial and no Wi-Fi setup (can I assume sysNAND and emuNAND do not share Settings?)
>overclocking for better fps and higher resolution
>underclocking for longer battery usage
>file manipulation for graphics fine tuning (e.g. get rid of the blur filter in XC2)
>60fps mods
>emulate any 2D console and PS1\PS2 (soon)
>emulate any android game
>modding and possible decensoring
>cheats and save file manipulation
>watch films and listen to music
>use any controller you want
>last, but not least - free fucking games
Imagine spending moneyonly to get an inferior product lol
>60fps mods
which games?
I've thought about it for shit I don't want to put money towards like pokemon, but the majority of games I feel like playing are ones I'd want to purchase anyway. I'm also scared I'd forget about it with how infrequently I play my switch and I'd mess something up.
FE Three Houses
Mines fucking patched. Is it worth buying an older one or should I just wait until they can hack this firmware too?
Just get an older one, my cousin got a hackable one for like $120 for just the tablet
8.0 and beyond is NEVER EVER tier for the foreseeable future
Can a launch switch that's been kept up to date be hacked?
Call me when there's a mod like that for Astral Chain
I'm already perma-banned.
Maybe for those ballsy enough to OC their Switch for extended periods of time
>not using emuNand for CFW and piracy, and having a clean Nand backup for OFW and online play
I literally only have a switch for Mario kart, smash, Splatoon, and Mario maker online.
Unless there is a 100% xullproof way of not getting banned I won't risk it. Fuck single player games.
After I'm done with Daemon x Machina.
Emunand you dumb zoomer
I'm leaning to it more and more thanks to nintendo's bonkers idea of how pricing works. There's a bunch of shit I wanna try but I'm not gonna drop full price for and nintendo's
>SALE, $5 OFF!!
can fuck off.
Has anyone tried playing SA2 on the retroarch or linux emulator? Does it and the gamecube emulator run at full speed now?
Being able to play old 5th-6th gen games would make me take the plunge and finally hack my switch
You have to install an android emulator to emulate GCN and I have not been able to get a straight answer out of ANYONE about how well GCN games are actually running on the damn thing
Why would I hack my switch when I'm still doing shit with my recently homebrewed Wii U. Pain in the ass that some of these wii games don't have any icon or banner pics to use for injecting.
There is
I’m sorry that you don’t have friends to play with online user.
I have one that can never be patched and I'm not really in any hurry to hack it right now. Maybe later.
That means it runs shit but they don’t want to admit it
I just realized I'm going to have to buy a second SD card. Lame.
one of those is regarding software exploits, the other hardware
But I did and now I'm playing Octopath traveler. I started with best girl Tressa, got Cyrus and I'm on my way for Ophilia.
You'er lucky I don't know you in real life because iw ould beat you within a ninch of your fuckign life
Oh. That's right, I just read that in the guide. So I'm still just waiting for Atmosphere to support 9.0 then, I guess, since I have a jiggable Switch
I started with Alfyn. Imagine my surprise when better healing became available like 6 characters later.
Wait, can I keep my legit games and emuNAND on the same card?
It’s kind of amazing how human psychology works, like yes I could hack the switch but I know that would just get pirate fatigue.
I’ve done it in the past and I’ve been deeply disappointed by it every time, games are unlike music and movies in a lot of ways.
Yes I could have all of the games available for the switch at all times but games don’t work like that, It will just lead me to be overwhelmed and I’d probably not touch any of it and never actually play through them, same goes for spending on a lot of different games at the same time.
I’m also a proud functioning member of society and would rather pay and have that money go directly to Nintendo and their new projects.
>Every consumer starts pirating
>Devs stop making games
>Pirates get upset at Devs for not making games
Did Nintendo finally win or are these generation's hackers are just idiots?
I don't remember the Wii and 3DS hacking scene to be this hopeless.
>mfw pirated Octopath Traveler on my Switch despite having bought the physical on release and never opening it and then dropping it for the PC port when it got CRACKED
Nintendo are disney-tier in terms of being copyright megakikes so it's not surprising this late in the game.
Imagine thinking this and then posting it
I don’t want to to risk bricking my switch
I just hacked my switch and set up emunand. How do I download switch games without getting banned? If I just have NDS files on my sd card and only ever have it plugged in while i'm on a CFW partition will I still get banned?
Also, how do I open retroarchs settings menu without closing out of it?
my switch was hacked, but then when i got back from a trip overseas and took it out of my luggage, it wouldn't start up.
Turns out the sd card that ive been using for almost 8 years got fucked up during transportation.
Dont have any other on hand, will wait for black friday sales before copping a cheap high storage one and play the games ive missed in the past 3 months.
The ability to properly back up your save data just like with any other current system (cloud backup is bullshit that only works for whitelisted games)
you can stream to Vita using moonlight.
If you use a pre-made jig your chances of brick are about as low as it gets
This. I've pirated a lot of shit over the years but bragging about it is pretty pointless, and screaming like a chimp at people who actually buy their games is even more retarded. The worst though is the faggots that have to justify it as if they're somehow morally in the right and companies protecting their software are in the wrong. It's okay to be in the wrong. You can call yourself a thief. Just play your fucking games and shut up.
Is it on the SD card? Try running chkdsk on it to fix the filesystem.
I can do whatever I want with hardware I payed money for. No?
Funny you said that right today... Wrong, user.
The basic reason would be the lack of SD card slot which is the main entrypoint for your usual Wii hacks.
The mini has no internet features, but it still has some sort of networking - the bluetooth for the wiimote connection. And it just got hacked through that. twitter.com
(still not worth getting one though, just grab a Wii with GCN ports)
Oh, this is really tempting price point. If I get an old firmware switch tablet, do I still need to jig a joycon?
Atmosphere 9.0 when?
Also what said. Do I need another SD card for my legit games and files on OFW or can I use the same card and not get banned as long as I don't go online in emuNAND without protection or boot CFW in sysNAND (which by the way brings up the point in why the fuck CFW sysNAND is the default option in the bootloader)
No need to resend payload if you -reboot- instead of fully shutting down.
There's a homebrew app that allows you to reboot into the payload (Kosmos Toolbox). Before rebooting you can choose where it will take you:
>Hekate menu (can choose which nand to boot from here, or do a full shutdown)
>sysNAND stock
>sysNAND cfw
>no SD card slot
>no USB ports
>no online functionality
There's nothing to even do with it if you do softmod it.
Thanks. Any issues with putting a game to sleep in CFW emuNAND?
Also is there a way to disable the CFW sysNAND option here or in the bootloader? If all my hax are on emuNAND this option is just a jar of nitro in a forest fire
If you're on sysnand stock how do you expect to go to either cfw or emunand? Also would booting into sysnand stock burn fuses?
You will, unless it's already autoRCM'd. However, it's not the firmware you need to worry about, but the serial number. A system can be fully updated to latest fw but if it can be hacked through RCM you can always CFW it.
It has one USB port, user. And it's actually the entrypoint (+bluetooth) for the just discovered hack. Took a while, but hax do find a way.
Oh, I didn't know that. Interesting.
I guess the problem would be getting any sort of homebrew onto the thing. The USB port could be useful for USB Loader and Nintendont, bringing Gamecube games to the Wii Mini, but how would you even install those? Flash them to the NAND?
Booting into sysnand stock doesn't burn fuses if it has been launched from a loader like hekate (it will 'patch out' the fuse logic)
The only way to 'fuck up' would be to boot sysnand directly (without autoRCM running), in that case no bootloader will be able to patch out the fuse commands, so fuses will burn.
If you are on stock and want to change, that will require reinjecting for now, but apparently work is being done to make the bootloader change the behavior of the standard shutdown command so that it'll take you back to the loader.
Sleep shouldn't be affected, as far as I know. Hekate bootloader has a cfg file that lets you customize the boot entries you want.
According to preliminary info, usb lan adapter support could be reintegrated, this could open the way for FTP. And the system supports hubs, so more USB ports are possible.
Hardware wise, the board has solder points for the second usb port and even the GC parts.
(adding a bit)
as for the homebrew itself, I wonder... Usual homebrew app channels are just forwarders that redirect to the SD card, so work will be required to make a more complete, integrated channel for homebrew applications, one for each app.
Chances are I'll buy a new switch when it comes out. Then I can hack my old switch.
All useful information. Thanks, user.
Only question I can't seem to get answered in these threads is whether I need a separate SD card for my legit files. Like if I boot into OFW on sysNAND will shit that shouldn't be there show up, or does legit content show up in sysOFW and hax show up only in emuCFW?
They are even the new models are dumbass
My reason is I'm too worried about bricking it. I don't have a ton of income that I can just throw around otherwise I would hack it in a heartbeat.
>lol, a bluetooth exploit was found recently
>7 years after it's release
Oh ya you sure showed him.
>not a pro since you ruin the ip
>not a pro simce those trash arent games
>not a pro since you can damage your tablet
>not a pro since theres nothing good on old shit
>irrelevant since already own a phone
>irrelevant since nobody cars what your theme is
>irrelevant since nintendo provices a native service
>switch its 2017 gramps
Try to keep up
Cheaper than buying a couple of brand new switch games poorfag
Was that goalpost heavy? Don't hurt your back, faggot
have sex
So butthurt lol no one is going to wait 7 years for an exploit when there are ones available now.
Same goes for the Switch, hack it now or wait until eventually, someone finds another exploit, maybe.
I'm just too lazy, even if I hacked it I would still buy the games
Made you reply ;^)
As long as you're having fun, OP.
Technically the system can at least see the filenames and structure of whatever is on the fat32/exfat partition. This means it could see your 'switch' folder filled with homebrew. I don't know if Ninty has a check for this (what if some poor sap just happens to have a folder named 'switch' on a perfectly clean SD card?)
The titles themselves shouldn't show up since the sysnand and emunand will have different IDs inside the 'Nintendo' folder. I suppose that the system might think you're using an SD card taken from another Switch, and swapping them back and forth.
I'd use two cards for extra safety.
>last point
>Native service... that requires subscription
Yeah, but no. Only select games allow you to do this.
And I'm well aware PS+ has this too, but without a sub you can easily use any USB stick for free - something Ninty does not let you since they fear exploits.
If I want to play online, does OFW need to be on latest? Like 3DS, I shouldn't play online with a pirated game right in emunand?
Why is the Nintendo fanbase the only one which seethes so hard at piracy and emulation?
>Why is the Nintendo fanbase the only one which seethes so hard
Look I'm all for it. But I would have to buy another switch to actually get usage out of my real switch
Literally only because of the online, hoping for an exploit similar to the emunand for the 3ds
Literally out already
how can one fag be so cucked?