>last game you played for longer than 5 hours
>what you though about it
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Is this how asians get flat faced
Totalwar Warhammer 1
Vampires are not fun to play as. Orcs on the other hand...
>censoring an asian face
What's the point?
Absolutely amazing game, it's insane that hardly anyone plays it or has even heard about it. I can understand why no one on Yea Forums has played it, what with it requiring teamwork.
I loved it
that's a pretty lazy attempt at censorship.
>move arm
>bump table leg
>flatten face
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
It is... FUN
Hitman Blood Money. It was alright, it felt too easy, though I did miss SA on most maps.
that's not a video game.
Has anyone tried a setup like this?
I would think your sense of balance would make this feel awkward since you can tell the bottom of the screen isn't 'down'.
My Time at Portia
Fastest I've ever discovered and item duplication bug. Cute game I guess. The art is inconsistent though, some characters looks fine but I've been noticing some character portraits fall apart if you look at them in detail. Now I'm noticing weird art flaws constantly, which sorta sucks.
Goes well with this indica strain shit I've been doing dabs of though.
Hollow knight. The game is good but at times there enemies and challenges feel like a damage sponge. This just annoys me and i get bored of the game. Still aiming to 100% it though.
I've always figured you'd get used to anything with enough practice. Even weird shit like that.
Mafia 2, whats there is great but its painful how much of a ghost ship the overworld turned out to be with all the features left on the cutting room floor.
Dying Light.
Story is garbage and dialogue is cringy, but who gives a damn when it’s just so smooth and fun to move around and do stuff? It’s like they finally realized what they wanted to do in Dead Island but failed to do it back then.
Disgaea 5, currently approaching 400 hours.
It's autistic as fuck and I love it.
>and dialogue is cringy
Lmao everything is "cringy" to you insecure teenagers
On my days off I usually play titanfall 2 with some friends on pc. Only like 1200 people on but fuck me the grapple is fun.
>it was fun but tedious as fuck, despite its merits, this game aged horribly
5 hours straight? Closest would be BoTW during the Launch week. A 4 and a half hour session that didn't feel like it.
It's a 35lb monitor. There's at least a 10% chance you would die if that fell on your face from 3' above you. 100% chance at SOMETHING getting broken (nose/jaw/etc), most likely with a bonus concussion on the side.
>Remnants From the Ashes
Honestly a huge surprise. Didn't think much of it when i saw it but decided to give it a try anyway. I had way more fun than i should have had. It's not perfect, far from it, but still a solid game. I hope it gets some kind of expansion besides the adventure mode, another planet would be great.
>left shoulder to zoom
>Silent Hill
>Enjoyed it
The game kinda peaked for me early with the Elementary school but I still liked it the whole way through. I have a thing for low poly and creepy settings although the alternate world sections were probably my least favorite parts of the game. It wasn't anywhere near as scary or difficult as I was expecting be. Puzzles were also easier than I thought they would be but I heard somewhere before that they change depending on the difficulty you choose (I played on normal). The only thing I really disliked about my experience was having to play tank controls with an analog stick because my dpad doesn't work anymore. Gonna try Silent Hill 2 next.
>lightly bumping a long table with enough force to move it a solid 2 inches (not just tilting it, full-on sliding the table)
You can literally test that with a handheld game
i still can't find that shop someone did over a decade ago of the tv falling on that guy's face
>Star Sector
>Fuck Starlight Cabal. Also gets boring after you've explored the majority of the sector and no ones a challenge after you get some colonies up.
Best part is how you get to that point I guess. Burnt out now and need something new that isnt a 20gig+ download.
>Warhammer: Vermintide 2
Soundtrack is killer. Game is okay. It's literally Left 4 Dead with classes and loot.
breath of the wild
it's no masterpiece
I haven't played a game for more than two hours in a year or two
Metal Slug 3. Replayed it to get all the different routes. That game is fucking phenomenal. Not sure if it took me a full 5 hours though, so just in case I'll say Tekken 7. I like Marduk & Negan and I'm fine with their S3 changes.
>Batman Arkham Asylum
I love this game series but playing Asylum over any of the sequels feels odd since I've been so used to the newer games which have vastly superior mechanics
Sea of thieves
It's fun with friends but a pretty shallow game. I'm glad I just paid $2 for it because I wouldn't pay full price for it
WoW retail
Returned after a break to see about unlocking the flight requirements in BFA. I had the first pathfinder achievement, but I needed the second. Sure enough, more rep bullshit.
Repeating the same 10 missions every day for two weeks is hardly earning anything. It's fucking dumb. I'm totally down with locking that ability behind an achievement, but after you finish the story questlines, that should be it. You've explored everything worth exploring. Everything after that is just padding to milk your time.
>Metal Slug 3
Been playing that too. I want to 1cc it after 1 and X but it's fucking hard, and the bullet sponges enemies are making this rather tedious to train, especially the fucking zombies who take a million shots to die.
>last game you played for longer than 5 hours
WoW Classic
>what you though about it
Fucking great senpai
No, they're born like that. That's how they get death.
Project Reality
Even though it was against bots it was still fun. Practicing my CAS made the hours fly by as fast as the A-10 I was in.
Bought it yesterday on GoG, It was fun as fuck and I was enjoying it, then I went into ch2 expecting for it to keep getting better and until this point it has been a total snore fest of Sharon and George.
Just closed it, might try Higurashi since I also bought that game.
Umineko is 120 fucking hours of text. You're going to hit some dull moments, but the Shannon George stuff is very important.
aight also the purple hair witch looks like rika
Insurgency Sandstorm
I have hope since the devs keep putting out updates. But the game is far from perfect as Insurgency was.
Dicey Dungeons
It's got a real nice easy to like style and it's very morish.
Drop Umineko right now or you will fuck up Higurashi for yourself.
I like the combat because it feels like a single player mmo, music is great, story is a bit star wars like in a good way and characters are not as bad as I was expecting. Really enjoyed picking out 2 jobs for my party and the faster battle speed option is nice.
>how to get carpal tunnel syndrome the pic
It's alright. The visuals are absolutely wonderful.
Borderlands 2
Cool but becomes a chore after a few hours
>Star Wars The Old Republic
>played for around 11 hours yesterday
>all I did was run around from planet to planet trying to complete achievements I missed
>PC died last year, and I'm broke so I can't buy/make a replacement
>stuck playing on a shitty 2014 Asus laptop
>runs at less than 30fps with graphics optimized to sub-medium, so I can hardly do anything
>not even subscribed because I'm broke, so I can't even do Raids or PvP (which doesn't matter because my fps crashes to 15~ in pvp)
I hate this game, but I can't stop coming back to it.
I wish I could get into TW. I like fast paced tgames too much.
Tibia and
I love tibia, been playing it since forever. And Hunt, loved it too. I've only played with a friend, so it's always been great.
The top looks like fucking lego.
Planescape Torment
>the entire Fortress of Regrets
absolute kino, what a fantastic game
Yakuza 0. My first thoughts were that the graphics were really good for 2005. Then I realized the game was seven-tiers-of-shit when you tried to play it with KB&M. Overall the story was fine. Wish modern games had so much fun side content. Want to fuck Emiri in the back of the bowling alley. But the PC port lacked basic features (like being able to use the mouse to aim during the car-chase, which they remedied in the sequel). You basically HAD to use a controller and the amount of button-mashing left my hand sore the day after.
wtf is that ontop the desks?
'honey don't sit too close to the monitor you could damage your eyes'
>'I'll show her'
Poor attempt, user.
Why would you just get 1 when you could have omega campaign with 2
If you think it's good now...
Hitman Silent Assassin
Pretty good but the AI is irritating
it's fucking based
I'm the opposite, I want a battle to at least somewhat play out in front of me. I get a little annoyed when an entire army just vanishes because I looked at a building icon for half a second.
Outer Wilds
My personal goty
>that pic
does anyone have *that* version of the pic in the op? the one that shifts?
ehh, at least most open-city games end up being pretty empty anyway. It's just a matter of how much. So yeah it's nice to appreciate what's there.
>Orcs must die 2
Pretty fun, fills my dynasty warriors needs. Good and nice enemy variety. Lot's of traps etc.
Only problem is the final sets of raids on endless are filled with OP tough enemies. Too much clicking to be done to kill them.
>Kingdom Come: Deliverance
16h this week
I usually don't like playing open world games but this one makes it enjoyable and the story is pretty good.
>Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle
It's budget as fuck, but I really enjoy it. If you like the show and/or you like swinging mechanics and musous, it's pretty decent. The new modes and weapons are fun, I particularly like taking the new gun weapons and going through the bonus mission where you fight like 80 small titans, they die fast and hard.
To be fair, I had played 1 and 2 before the expansion (even before getting into the show), so I already knew I'd like it. So I don't know if it counts for the purpose of the thread.
Before that it was:
>Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
Strange game, I can't say I had fun with it, but it got me hooked for a few days. It's really interesting to see the way they apply scientific knowledge about hominid evolution into the gameplay. Since it's kind of open-world-ish and roguelike-ish, I tried to do as much as I could with each iteration of my monkey, but what the game wants you to do is get a few skills per generation, make a bunch of babies, lock the skills up, then jump generations, and eventually jump millions of years into a new evolution. It was really counterintuitive, for me at least.
I'd recommend it, but I insist I didn't have fun with it, strictly speaking.
I played path of exile for 12 hours straight; didn't enjoy it
I was tricked into buying this on ps4, it runs at around 15 fps when shit starts going down
I don't like this where it's basically a screen directly above but I've used a lazy boy and mounted a TV on a swing arm so that it's at a 45-ish degree angle while i recline, pretty comfy.
Why do Asians live such ghetto life styles
Okay, I'm going to start a new campaign and actually finish it this time.
TW2 Mortal Empires
High Elves
>Fat old god
Dark Elves
Tomb Kings
Fuck the Dwarves.
Wood Elves
I've not got the rest of the DLC unfortunately x
Koikatsu, and my pp is still sore
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Pretty good, but I've burnt out after 2 and a half routes.
Oh, some of them are free DLC.
Dark Elves
And how's Skarsnik? I'd love to play as the Gloomspite Gitz.
And how come Wood Elves have an initial challenge as Hard?
>Blazing Chrome
Yakuza: Kiwami. I feel like the combat is a bit worse than Zero at first but overtime Kyriu gets stronger than in Zero. While playing Zero I just wanted to go back to Majima because I felt his fighting styles were more dynamic, even if Brawler sucked for me. The side quests are an improvement too. I got lost doing side quests so i'm not too far into the story itself but I'm already starting to get the feels.
>last game you played for longer than 5 hours
I can't really remember any example of this other than Madagascar on the OG Xbox when i was a kid, which i somehow completed in one sitting from evening to nighttime also thanks to the fact that my parents were out
Good enough tie-in for a kid with no taste i guess. Some good variety at least
>Metroid Prime 3
I'm mostly trying to catch up for Metroid Prime 4 which better fucking be at E3 2020, and I kinda dreaded it because of how many mixed opinions there were, but overall, it's pretty fun. Pales in comparison to Metroid Prime 1, but still kept me engaged.
>Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
>I like the Spirit Mode. Each match does seem as if encountering different characters and having the spirits level up and look pretty in a personal folder makes me happy. I mostly play as K. Rool and have created Mii fighters of the Deltarune crew. I am happier because of this.
>you don't like grinding because you just like getting everything instantly with no work
told to me by my friends who love games like wow and monhon
Control, was great. GOTY so far unless Death Stranding or Modern Warfare can dethrone it, which I doubt.
very repetitive, bosses too random, Katherine is shit, hit too close to home
comfy thou
>AoE 2 HD
>It's fun, but I suck at it so I just play against bots
Pokemon Eternal X, pretty good, my major complain is how slow it is and the forced friendshit scenes are cringe.
i am using it to learn frogspeak and it is working very well so far
I liked it, it´s just more of SoTN and AoS and there isn´t enough of it in the world.
Mighty no 9
I didn't hate but I didn't love it either, though I wish it was a better game
Ar Tonelico.
Much better than I expected. Cosmosphere sections are interesting. The item drop gimmick and song burst charging is fun to play around with. I like the setting as well. I just wish the game wasn't so easy. There's no real strategy needed for any encounters or bosses so far.
Recently got to hear this soundtrack in battle which was awesome.