Code Vein my anons.
Code Vein my anons
Oh no
I will fruitlessly pray that these threads stay comfy after release instead of Yea Forums completely turning on it because it sells and reviews well.
Who am I kidding, they're already getting worse.
First a little Io posting to get things going
>orange juice
>not blood
That's not very chuuni.
She shares the orange juice with you!
>have a big network test for pretty much anyone
>delay the game a full year to make improvements based on feedback from said test
>STILL put out a free-for-all demo before launch
>updating the demo to include the network test stuff
>add cute sleeping animations and a working jukebox
Is this the most SOULful game of 2019?
That just means it needs to migrate to /vg/. Yea Forums shits on everything. It's set to do at least decently, it's a souls clone that actively tries to do Souls justice and it's anime. That's already three reasons for Yea Forums to hate it.
They had a year delay to fix the shitty hitstop and they couldn't do that, so I won't be buying this game.
Thank you, Io always gets me going.
>shitty hitstop
I'll give you that; the combat still lacks "meat."
But honestly I can forgive it. Interesting world (at least for me, a sucker for chuuni shit that reminds me of when I was in middle school), fantastic CaC, lot of original ideas in how you gear your character, and the combat to me is still really fun.
We love Mia here
I love Mia's design but she's the worst partner[/spoiler
No, we don't.
If the pros outweigh the cons, I figure it's still worth it.
Don't ever fucking reply to me ever again
But user, Io still loves you!
I "like" her, but I love Io.
Io a cute. I'd let her lay her head on my chest.
A whores love is shared between many.
Mia's love is shared with her beloved.
>not a whore
Fuck that used good bitch
You just said WE love Mia here
>Tfw no cute vampire cow gf
We share a love for Mia but she would only fall for one (me).
Io would "love" anyone and everyone who goes within 50 ft.
Io only loves her husband (me), and she is very loyal and loving.
Rate my girl.
>getting bit gets you hard and her fed
>her cold, undead breasts cool off your molten level dong during a boobjob
>Most likely won't get pregnant so fuck off with condoms
It hurts tbqh
Shirt and face too bland to fit the skirt and hair style/10
looks like another miku
Anchor post for character posting
I see you are a man of culture as well.
Fuck off tranny.
I want to share my cutie, is there a way to do it without a USB?
>All 19 million discord users are trannies
Upload to a social media site and then download it then upload it here.
>discord tranny AND phoneposter
not all of them, just the 19 million
Fuck off tranny
just use steam you fucking faggot, literally the same thing
Don't forget Coomer
>Demo isn't even on PC
No thanks
But the best version of the game is.
Ignore the Discord poster. Let's talk about the game
Not even close but nice cope
PS4 has the best version of Code Vein's demo, you got me there user.
Imagine getting excited for demo cause your console hasn't had a game since last year
these threads are supposed to be comfy shut up and post you characters
Full game will just be a PS4 port
>PC didn't get a Network Test or Demo
Not looking good
Little to talk about. I wanna know what Codes you can use and how inheriting skills works, but all the Lets Players I've watched so far were either just swinging their big weapon utterly cluelessly or were too obsessed with the character creator to actually play the game.
Imagine thinking PS4 hasn't had any games
Cry more
>gets his opinion from let's players
I hope this is bait.
I love her. She looks like Mikasa going through a gothic phase.
There isn't much to talk about except for lo's huge tits.
I don't get my opinions from them. I'm watching their shit because I can't get the stupid demo. Except none of them seem to give a shit about the things I want to find out.
And I sure as shit won't ask here, because any answer I get will be just as faggy as yours.
It's unfortunate that none of the streamers experiment with the Codes or try out different Gifts. They think it's like Dark Souls, where you work towards one build and stay with it
I mean what did it really had? A few ports and two movie games, even Switch had more action this year only.
Also, what do you want to know about Codes? At the moment, we have Fighter, Ranger, Caster, Berserker, Prometheus, Thoth, and Aset.
Oh sorry days gone was a thing
>Game bad because it has a budget
I'm sure you'll be saying the same thing when Death Stranding and Final Fantasy 7 remake come out
And these threads are ruined. Fuck you Yea Forums you anti-fun contrarian manchildren.
Someone start one on /vg/ and get me over there for the first time in my life.
/vg/ is trash
You know where you gotta go
Why sony friends always get mad so easily.
Awesome. So the way I understand it, you unlock new gifts with Haze. Once you've mastered them you get to inherit them. Does that mean you can equip them on any code or do you have to place them on a specific one? And do you master them by using them or by just upgrading them to maximum? And finally, is there a code that has horrendous stats but amazing gifts so that you have to gimp yourself for a while trying to master them all?
No, stop trying to shill your Discord. We were having discussions just find without you shitting up the place and getting so mad about jokes about Sony. Fuck off.
It takes like an hour to get out of midgar which ff7 disc one will end so they're sure as hell to pat it out with cutscenes and death stranding literally has a movie mode lol
Am I edgy enough?
Fuck off. I want to be able to discuss the game earnestly and not walk on eggshells talking about flaws.
>defending "generic zombie game #57 but this time it has a plot that is fractionally less predictable than normal"
Not a Yikes big enough for this one, to the point that I must surmise this to be a falseflag.
>Im the mad one
You can place them in any Blood Code that has the required stats. You can master them by fulfilling certain requirements or using this Awake stuff that they really need to change the name of. We don't have all the Codes at the moment, so I don't know about the last question.
>You know where you gotta go
Clicking the button right above "Hide Post"?
The only time this will be fun to discuss again will be during the small window after its release, when people will be still figuring shit out and asking for help with the bosses.
Oh, so that's what that stuff is for. Thank you, user. Now I'm a good bit more excited for the game.
Post vampire music.
>a longer game is a bad thing
>movie mode
It has any easy mode like any other game
Zach, I think he's retarded
>he uses tranny slang
>cutscenes equal gameplay
Yep hes a sonyfag alright
I played Bloodborne two years late and I still found fun places to discuss it. Even Yea Forums was pretty good sometimes. I just wanna enjoy talking about this game without consolewarfags and discord shills everywhere.
Comfy Souls threads are usually about weapons, armor, or the lore. General Souls threads are cancer
2 >3>1
Reminder that Io is a good girl, and YOUR girl.
I am going to play as a girl and enjoy the lesbian romance and there's nothing that will stop me.
Sadly I think the nature of its artstyle will attract both the turboautismos (and not the fun, knowledgeable kind) and the anti-animu force that will increase shitposting tenfold.
You're right about Bloodborne, while it isn't safe from this cancer but at least the fans and general lorefags are dedicated enough to make up for it, but I don't think CV will have as much discussion material even though it has been fun as fuck so far
Demon's still has the best threads when it comes up once in a blue moon, thank Umbasa for that
Have a little faith user, i'm sure we will find lots of things to talk about.
I'm sure that at least the early post-release threads are going to be a blast, I just hope the game delivers some grandiose bullshit with the late-game bosses and goes crazy with the plot
user, I...
Don't worry, I'm used to all lesbian romances ending in tragedy.
There's the hotsprings and a suspicious double size bed, at the very least I demand somewhat lewd implications from these anime vampires
Io gives you lap pillows, holds your hand, says she will always be with you, and literally has a spell called Protection of Love
The only romance is the one between Io and the MC.
Just gals being pals
>he only romance is the one between Mia and the MC.
The canon MC is male
please read the rest of the comment chain before dispensing your retardation
Game is floaty as shit, and projectiles are extremely abusable, but I guess good gameplay doesn't mean shit to you guys, since all you ever do in these threads is post waifu shit and gush over your custom waifus.
this is a high quality edge-fu
That fucking neck
Jesus christ gooks cant rig for shit.
The user was saying that romance isn't canon, which does not depend on the other user wanting yuri.
We've been talking about the game play for over a week, user. It's a demo that takes a lot from the Network test, so it's not like there is too much to talk about
Guys, what if Io is secretly evil? She’s only pretending to care about us...
Oh she cares about the piece of Cruz we have inside.
Would you rather have that, or have her love you and die?
I thought this game was castlevania 2 where you collect dracula's body parts so you can kill him again and undo his curse but looking at some of these trailers it turns out that dracula gives you the blue powers so that you can do something else?
anyone have any clue what that's all about?
Who fucking knows, user? We only know that you kill the Queen, get shot by Jack, and wake up on Io's lap
I don't see Mia doing anything special for him, retard.
I want to make a very chuuni design for my FeMC. Post your chuunis so I get ideas.
I want to die on Io’s lap as the world crumbles around us
Character creation was fun but gameplay wasn't.
What didn't you like about it, other than the hitstop being too wimpy?
I want to play it sooner
All it is is waifu posting every thread because the actual gameplay is dogshit
A fine balance of cute and edge.
Thanks Namco for giving us Xchads a generous serving of anime and anime tiddies.
It's fun. There's just not much to talk about until the update comes. There are people who ask, but the game play isn't too complicated.
It's waifuposting and nothing else because there's nothing to discuss since the network test that came before this demo.
Made my day, made me kek, made me wake up everyone in the house.
If wish there was a way to benchmark my PS4 controller. Sometimes it feels like the game isn't registering all my inputs. If I connect the controller with cable all the inputs are transmitted through it, right? My PS4 is currently under my bed so there's no direct line of sight.
Happy cake day!
So is it Io or lo?
it's |o
Io, bro.
It's not rocket science.
The first one
Just connect it to any PC via USB.
Connect with USB, use DS4Windows.
Cute nurse!
Look, its so easy to spot one
so are there no humans left in vampire city?
sucked dry
Can vampires have sex?
There are, but they’re kept under heavy guard and basically just blood cattle
There’s also not nearly enough of them to keep everyone fed
Your junk doesn't fall off or get sealed shut when you become a vampire user.
Hell yeah they can!
Not very many
Not gonna lie the guys in charge are pretty based
network test was in may man what fucking delaying it for a year based on feedback from said test?
The game was supposed to be released September 28, 2018
It was?
Fuck. Slow year. Definitely felt longer ago than that.
Still, significantly delayed release just to make improvements is still pretty based.
>Noel seen here drinking after realizing Terumi got Ragna's dead spike before she ever could.
What so we play as vampires who eat human cattle? Fuck that I'd rather be human killing vampires.
can you eat her?
Good job user, you got a chuckle out of me
Just shows a latency of 4ms. So far so good. How do I check the the other buttons besides triggers and analog sticks with DS4Windows?
You are trying to find things called Blood Beads, which allow you to not have to rely on humans.
Revenants are much, much more powerful than regular humans, too
So you can't be an evil vampire who eats humans left and right, well shit
There's a big emphasis on trying to find an alternative. The male companion you meet up with in the Demo/beginning of the game is researching a viable alternative that has recently begun to dwindle. The Government lead by Bane and his vile taxes are the true vampires.
Still, I commend the writers for coming up with a somewhat unique take on vampires. It's... It's just A Bug's Life with vampires but still.
I don't know, user, it's only a demo. The Blood Bead thing is more out of practicality than any morality.
I want nurse Io to lovingly tend to my wounds!
ai partner that can heal you how can other partners even compete?
>"There is a spring that will cure that thirst. One that weeps tears of blood."
>"Flik what the fuck."
Wouldn't it be a bad idea to let a vampire be a nurse?
The other companions can heal, but their heals pale in comparison to Io's. The ability putting her at extremely low health would be a draw back, but she is very good at dodging
Seems like they do an okay job
>be a nurse
>becomes a tree
Nah, I'm thinking they're pretty bad
Friendly reminder that Karen is Louis' sister, Mido's daughter, Io, and a tree.
God dammit Todd.
Does that mean I can't have Karen and Io at the same time
No, it means you always do.
Will Louis become hyperedge when she dies
Pretty sure she "died" before the events of the game.
I'm betting she dies in the prologue
do you think revenants lay eggs haha
The Stinger blood veil is an ovipositor.
h a h a
I find it interesting that the Cruz that you meet in the tutorial dimension has orange eyes and normal sclera.
It's probably Mido's doing
It's Zurc, the good guy Cruz. She has a massive futa cock too.
game looks interesting, as a fan of DaS2 would I enjoy this?
She's also darker skinned like her dad
She didn't become the queen of her own will and probably needs your help fixing shit
>Mido is trying to turn our tan waifus into aryans.
Of the souls games it's probably the closest to either 2 or bloodborne
Ah yes, the four Blood Veils.
Devil May Cry, Yakuza, Ovipositor, and Unlimited Blade Works.
Mido is trying to turn or waifus into dogs
>Mia was a successful experiment of Mido's.
He's already made cat girls. What can we do to stop the mad man?
why did it have to have denuvo?
Just let it happen.
We don't
the hitstop is still the same, what actual changes have they made to combat?
Certain animations in combat are shorter, enemies stagger based on weapon weight instead of damage, you can cancel some animations, and some other things I can't remember
>stop miso soup from making cat girls
Lads, why is he considered the bad guy again?
We've been deceived by Silva and his taxes.
Shut the fuck up, Oliver
I never played the network test but I can tell you the hitstop in the demo isn't "absent" like people said it was for the network test, but it is underwhelming. Strangly enough, two-handed swords have the meatiest hitstop.
I don't have one, I'm a pcfag.
Clearly the big weapons are the way to go
Absolutely and I fucking love it. This game is peak chuuni. I'm gonna start listening to pre-2007 Linkin Park and Crush 40 again just to hype up.
Don't fall to the depredations of tyrants.
>you can make a catgirl
>tail is totally limp instead of animating with your character
You killed a kid
It's not a real tail you fucko.
Freedom is built upon sacrifices. He'd be happy to know his death led to a tax-free society
>there's no real tail
>this fucko continues to make a :( face
It was worth it to oppose the tyranny of the provisional "Government."
Oh boo hoo like we can't make more
Based and Iopilled
>io smells like vanilla
>mia smells like gunpowder and strawberries
>coco smells like hot cocoa
>rin smells like sweat and metal
>karen smells like a wet dog
mia smells like a wet dog, get your facts right
Is this actually fun or just more weeb fapbait?
Yes and yes.
Gameplay is pretty good, CaC is fucking sweet.
My CaC is a YGO character.
How is this game STILL not out?
Ace Combat 7
this is my personal goty2019 and i've only played the demo
Karen probably smells like blood and plants
and oliver smells like he's fucking DEAD
Karen smells like Louis
i knew they were degenerates
I think we all know what each and every single characte smells like.
Io smells like me and my semen
He probably smells like a dirty sweatshop
His outfit is actually more vibrant than it looks, he's just that filthy
More like h's fuckin' FILTHY because this game is chuuni and reminds me of 2007 when everyone at my school used "filthy" as a synonym for cool
they're gonna do a character creation contest, it's announced on the dengeki/famitsu stream just now
>Io tells you she's not a very capable fighter
>her companion chatter often has her express how frightening she finds everything
>she's also the most aggressive companion so far, does a fuck load of damage with her spells, consistently gets hits in, dodges almost everything, staggers everything, and so on
What did she mean by this?
Her love for (You) makes her strong
She also got injured from fighting while trying to find you. I thought that was really cute.
She can regenerate, user.
She's lying to you.
So can Godzilla. That doesn't stop him from getting hurt.
This gonna have denuvo? I'm feeling a pirate after playing the demo.
But what could she have been fighting to injure her that badly?
She wouldn't need to wrap herself in bandages user.
She told Oliver to pay his fucking taxes. That's why he turned on her and almost killed her before his boss fight. He wasn't lost, he was just raging against the machine.
but what if the wound gets infected user!
>Io, as part of the queen, is a monarchist
>tells Oliver to pay his fucking taxes
Deepest lore
She's made of ash, user.
A younger brother belongs to his big sister after all
They really focus on the network shit.
Too bad because i don't play online for Soul games
but what if the infection gets to her BOR parasite!
Her coat is too cool. We should give it to Cruz.
Into the filter you go.
Coming soon usually means 1 year for it to actually release.
Fuck off.
Guess I'll wait for the chinks and slavs to get a crack up
Fuck you and your flatty
hot glue
PS4 or PC?
mia fucks kids
Has any nippon game supported 21:9 on pc ever? Could this game make a difference?
>Louis is an all rounder, not really the best at anything but can get a good DPS if he doesn't get hit
>Yakumo is a good tank with decent damage, but for some reason he doesn't take the aggro a lot
>Mia is severely limited by relying so much on the Bayonet's long range fire and doesn't seem to have the longevity of the other companions
>Io is extremely aggressive, has high DPS, will heal every time, and dodges almost everything
>Jack focuses on buffing you and dodging stuff, but does surprisingly little damage
I wonder what Eva is like
She's a bayonet with an ivy veil, so probably somewhere between Io and Mia
She seems to focus more on big spells, so I guess her effectiveness depends on how well you protect her
>protecting Eva
I'd rather beat the shit out of her to be quite honest
Okay, Jack
It doesn't matter how many Olivers die, another will always arise to oppose tyranny wherever it may rear its ugly head. As long as man struggles under the heel of oppression a spark of valiant deviance will emerge in the hearts of the people. Death to tyrants.
Where did this freedom fighting Oliver meme come from
Silva did nothing wrong
Which one?
I want Io to poop on the floor while I watch
Are there gonna be more clothes to choose from in the full game? What if we can unlock the clothes of different characters? I hope we can wear Io's clothes
Taxation without representation is tyranny.
god I wish
When's the TGS presentation and where can I watch it streaming?
Already happened. They showed off Io and Jack as companions
Whoops. Well sounds like it was a bunch of nothin' then. No loss.
user I...
Whoops. Well sounds like it was a bunch of nothin' then. No loss.
We haven't really seen Jack as a companion. Surprising to see the Revenant Hunter is primarily a buffer. Cool attacks, though
there's another one on the 15th by Bamco themselves, probably will get more stuff there
Thank you based user. Do you know the time or should I get googlin'
>buying a Mia figure
where the fuck do you think you are?
You want the shota figure aren't you you sick fuck
Very nice!
You bet your ass I do
thanks user
And another one
>watching the TGS game play
>player gets parried
>Io immediately knocks the enemy off of a cliff before it could harm the player
She's so good, anons
Transfer to full game has not been patched yet?
> detail.php?sn=185313
was this really youre source?
wait tgs didint happen yet? are we getting some info from it? what were you watching?
No. It was Yea Forums
My expectations of life aren't even that high and I'm still disappointed.
Stop being disappointed in life and do something with it, user
I don't mind dying repeatedly just to hear Mia greet me with "Morning, Sunshine!"
I wonder what Io says when you die
Something along the lines of
>Finally, you woke up again
Io won't let you die
It's too late at this point I can only work for survival. I didn't realize the importance of working with like minded people. Fucking normalfags. Never get a job in the trades.
You sometimes die out of your own incompetence
I'm gonna bully Io by repeatedly killing myself!
mia wouldn't let you die, user
Are you calling me incompetent, user?
>didn't even need to heal you because beating the boss heals you to full anyway
All she did was waste her own health
Of course not! I only die when Mia dies and I try to revive her while forgetting that I'm standing 2 feet away from the boss.
What a dumb slut
Too bad this game plays like shit, I really like the customization and overall design
git gud
Whens the network test.
Three months ago
May 30
right now
can't believe you're not playing, user
Murasame's trade in rates are shit. I hope this midget never grows taller.
Doesn't she give you stuff to make paralyzing weapons?
May 2019
delet this
Any one else have game play webms?
>"Zweihander" filename implies a weapon is stupidly OP
>player is actually disgustingly overleveled and fighting two bosses that have low health pools
>tfw i find this style sexy as hell
>tfw girls who dress like this are always terrible people
>tfw realize every girl I've run into with a similar style has been too far up their own ass or a psychological wet bag of salt to those around her
By the Law of Large Numbers you should be wrong, but the Large Number here must be Very Large.
I just like big numbers, user
yes, but only at 400% playback speed.
Made some gems.
Imagine making a character creator where you can't make your character's tits as big as the NPC's, fucking shameful.
Other than that game looks interesting enough, might try it out.
Io and Coco are just too busty, user
It's not the first time in a Souls-like where a level up lady is bustier than possible
Wait, isn't Phos a girl?
>Steven SJWniverse
>expecting anyone's gender to be clear
user I...
Different rock people show
I want to be Coco's toilet
Please share them
Io nude mod
There can only be one Miafag user
I want to pet Mia telling her its ok she's a late bloomer.
She's a vampire, user
I want to pet Mia with a hammer
Its the thought that counts.
I would have used a female body if there was a boob slider that made me let Phos be flat. Either way works.
So did that finn user win the lottery or die did he die?
He's homeless now
rip I guess he didn't belive in winning enough
I made a cute sheriff girl.
wtf it's blade
>That just means it needs to migrate to /vg/. Yea Forums shits on everything.
The issue is not Yea Forums shitting on everything. It's just whining about stupid shit and injecting politics, controversy for bait and useless posts. I am slowly leaving this board anyways. Too much low IQ retards.
>injecting politics
games do that, not Yea Forums posters
not japanese games, 99% of the time
ye but I never saw anyone complaining about politics in jap games, unless you count lolis are politics
So peaceful.
More like
>Delay the game for a year
>Game looks exactly the same as it did last year with no improvements
They did the network test after the delay and made those improvements now. I honestly wonder what the fuck they were doing for the whole year. They were hyping it up for last year's september release with new trailers every week just like they're doing now until the delay.
Adding jiggle physics
Play the demo user. Stop "looking" at gameplay. This isn't Death Stranding.
I love Mia. I want to marry her, but damn if the particle effects of her rifle end up blinding me while causing some slowdown sometimes.
I fucked up and skipped the memory area
so what did this guy do, did he kill those dude that wanted to tax his blood butt plugs?
whats the deal with him killing kids for blood butt plugs?
America has good taste.
Any news from TGS?
He's just a man desperate to survive. Joined up with the wrong kinds of people
But the update...
Mia looks like that?!
Who is the best partner so far?
But is the game fun outside the creator?
Io by a landslide
Surprisingly so
I want to hug lo and tell her that everything is going to be daijobu
Hi I'm entering this thread with no knowledge of this game other than it being an edgy weeb dark souls clone with a lot of anime tits.
My question is can I make a cute anime boy
Thank you in advance.
That is not a compelling image, user.
What do you mean
Facial hair is not cute.
It looks cute on Hitler-chan
Just played the trial one hour and liked it so far, the combat feels good. Still not buying the game until it gets confirmed nothing bad happens to Io at the end.
She dies halfway through, don't worry
Did they already do their TGS stuff? If so, where can I watch a vod of it?
You really think those cowtits don't exist to get violently ravaged by big dick rape mutants?
Not on my watch
>Coco smelling like cocoa
>not coconuts
Get a load of this retard
Do you get to fuck any of the girls/boys?
I want to nut on Coco
You fuck Io every night
The code vein stuff is gonna be on sunday
for reference, I'll post the link
>tfw you will never see coco's cocko slowly swell into a full erection in your face
Oh shit, Tales of Arise is getting some stage time.
Do we know what time the game is releasing?
No one's helping out but I imagine if you're into cute anime boys you can figure it out. I couldn't make one if I tried because I don't know what makes an anime boy cute. Unless it's a trap.
Fuck I didn't see the boy bit, sorry! Let me try for you.
He's still waiting user.
Apologies, I don't have much experience making cute boys. Here's a first shot.
I can't believe Code Vein threads are fucking dead
I can
Another one.
They're probably just quiet since the demo hasn't been updated with co-op yet and the game's not out. Aside from waifuposting what else is there to discuss?
Update when?
it's out right now