How come there are no 9/11 video games?
How come there are no 9/11 video games?
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Because 911 didn‘t involve any shootings, and American only knows how to make shooting gamrs.
Because its illegal to paint jews in a negative light
Because they're fucking scared they got owned by the superior Arabs
Ironically, I feel that it's because:
A. The subject matter is really controversial to basically everyone.
B. Probably because there aren't a lot of things you could do with a 9/11 video game.
The twin towers are trans
Microsoft Flight Simulator you stupid zoomer.
Came here to post this. But to be fair the game came out before 911
>no multiplayer videogame where you play as firefighters on 9/11 trying to rescue as many npcs as you can
it'd be kino
They are phallic symbols yet appear feminine
There were a couple cs custom maps of the towers. They were kind of lame from what I remember but worth it for a quick laugh.
They eventually fell by their own hand.
Where were you on 9/11 Yea Forums
What gameplay would you like in it and how would it work for 8+ hours?
because americans can't do anything good
playing diablo 2
That's it I'm blocking you
At school just watching the news all day and my teacher being on the phone in a panic. Supposedly rumors had spread they were coming to my city so they did a half day
either at elementary or asleep don't know what time it was exactly
how about you edgy retards stop making fun of the 3000 heroes that died that day? there's a lot of things we joke about on Yea Forums but this isn't one of them.
they were tall phallic symbols, now they're holes.
Because it's way more fun to play games where you get to kill jews than playing as them.
>came out before 9/11
>still has it on it
the devs really thought about everything!
>Supposedly rumors had spread they were coming to my city so they did a half day
>airplanes are going to destroy your city but the school district cant even give kids a full day off
that's pretty fucked mate. we got rushed home asap at my LI middle school.
Halo 2 kinda is
I don't fucking know
I was only 11 months old when the good days happened
remember all the "terrorists win" memes before they were memes?
it was a good laff back then and you knew it wasnt forced viral marketing bullshit.
Brevity is the soul of wit. Next time remember that.
Well I think word was spreading slow so it wasn't till like 11 or 12 they started telling people to go home
Happy 9/11
Because by the time 9/11 happened the industry had already made a 9/11 game.
Jews did 9/11
>Le epic Twitter post
Go back
They weren't true heroes because they didn't survive lol
America is just now realizing that we're no longer the country that we were. Our freedom is gone, taken by a rapacious government, in secret, while our citizens were more than happy to submit to fear in hope that it would make them secure.
We're like a schoolyard bully that got a black eye and now we're all fucked up emotionally because of it.
Plz no. My uncle died during that day.
Please op I beg of you
Plz stop it.
I was visiting my grandma. Probably messing around with a Game Boy Color or Advance, I can't remember.
Fifth grade. Also my childhood friend gave birth today. Odd considering her grandfather and mother were born on this day too. Her youngest sister was five days earlier, so skipped a generation.
Grade school. We were in the path of the plane headed to the Pentagon so my Mom panicked and took me home.
Yea Forums is getting peaceful
It's a shame what Yea Forums has become now that pedoera trannies run the board. Mocking the biggest tragedy in human history it's what sjw and libcucks would do.
I was probably sucking mom's titties at maternity ward :)
>zoomers don't know about terrifying 9/11
fuck outta here
How did they get away with that?
>no owtc
shit game, shit devs
There is literally a 9/11 game out there, where you have to escape the tower. I can't be bothered to look it up, tho.
I liked the scene better in the movie
>America is just now realizing that we're no longer the country that we were
Just now? We've known this since 2006.
Jesus christ Rami
Because all Americans despite acting like big tough guys are all sensitive pussies
How the fuck did raimi get away with that? it was too soon.
at home playing that jurassic park fighting game on ps1 with a friend