Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Is this the most cringey and edgy game out there?
Stop getting so triggered, snowflake
this is the dev shilling the game by the way
how many times are you gonna post this thread
It's Catholicism, 9/11 nigger.
reminder that SJWs only attack Christians because they're not afraid of them at all
if Christians were as violent as Muslims, SJWs would be whining about how awful "Christophobia" is.
Religion is for suckers. Quit being afraid of the boogieman. Faith is just not thinking.
Imagine unironically thinking some kike on a stick, the KING OF THE JEWS, is your saviour, just imagine that.
>GOP calling for more violence
every time
Christians are pussies, though. Jesus even let a dude bitch slap him and didn't retaliate.
Didn't the devs literally say the games didn't have an anti-religious message?
It's idiotic but your racism is just as tarded.
Anti-SJWs are really sensitive.
Nice strawman
Being gay =/= being trans, most gay people are well adjusted adults that just happen to like the oppositr, it's an unironic minority who are pride obsessed fags
I think they were just inspired by old school southern spanish catholicism.
This rags on Christianity as much as 40k does, which is to say, not at all. They just wanted the gothic cathedral aesthetic and made a dark fantasy setting out of it.
You're a legitimate child brained moron if that's what you glean from Blasphemous' setting.
But you probably don't think that. You probably think that game's fine, or haven't even played it. You just wanted to post an inciteful statement and get social interaction.
Let's chat, OP. What's wrong?
Except most gays have far more sexual partners than straight people. Strangers too.
>a game from a country with the horrors that Goya saw in his lifetime
OP, shut the fuck up.
>X is only afraid of Y because Y are violent psychopaths
you could say that about literally any group.
>Being a backwards SJW
Cringe my dude
I'm only two bosses in, but this game seems pro-christian to me.
He also fashioned a whip and whipped the Jews and flipped tables. The duality of man some might say
Religion is for idiots and now that we know how it was used to control the masses it's hard to just swallow down that massive bluepull
Sounds like a poorly written character.
>"Women, all non-whites, all non-christains, all non-straights, they're all conspiring against us, the straight white christian males!!"
Do you guys really believe that literally everyone in the entire world who is not exactly like you is out to get you?
One day you'll realize that you need faith.
You'd be happier on resetera, you know. It's where you belong
all jewish religions are evil and twisted
I believe that a lot of people hate whites and don't have any reason other than they've been told to.
Actually this is a game that showcases how based modern Christianity is compared to earlier versions. If this game was made about mudslimes the developers would be getting death threads already. I mean mudslimes are still living in the middle ages.
Thats why they killed him.
Nobody said that. Stop projecting.
this, and when armed men came to take him away for execution he berated his followers for attacking them. he healed the armed man who later led him to the cross.
>he flipped over a table once, and chased some merchants out of a jewish temple
oy vey what a hero, if only those jews accepted his love then they would be based. they wouldn't be jewish anymore haha
>duality of man
jesus isn't man he's god
wait he is a man
but he's also god :^) makes sense
>Christcuck religions are always the ultimate evil bad guy
>not the religion that is irl
I dont hate whites
christianity comes from judaism. You might as well say "stalinists are based and epic, not like those darn marxists!" because that's literally your position.
how are you enjoying that high risk of aids faggot?
Posting in a boomer thread
I'm a straight white male tho
I'm just not paranoid of people who are different
Sorry but Jesus can't be a kike because the term kike refers to people who hate him
>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.".[5]
You know that game is CATHOLIC, right?
Well obviously theres a vocal minority of retarded hicks who hate everyone just as there's a vocal minority of flaming pride faggots
Except one group has been kicking the shit out of the other for a long time
If your people played a negligible (or zero) role in producing a society, and you get uppity, don't be surprised when the ancestors of those who did remove you.
Actual Christians don't mind and really like the game's setting.
>Thread is about Christianity
Aren't most Blacks super Christian? Even the most ghetto ones always go to church
>Except one group has been kicking the shit out of the other for a long time
So you're saying that straight white men have a debt to pay?
Who said anything about blacks? They worked the fields and the railroads. I'm talking about faggots.
>actually getting memed into being a christcuck
>posts images of crusaders and warhammer
>comic drastically overblows the situation and depicts the real-life event it is using as a basis in an extreme manner of which it didn't happen
If you need to resort to excessive hyperbole to make an argument, then you don't have an argument.
>t. degenerate tranny
I'm saying people shouldn't act surprised when a once disenfranchised people don't lose all resentment the moment they get proper rights
I like more christians more than most gays
No, this game is way edgier.
He didn't, though, you illiterate fool.
You forgot your warhammer macro
rentfree, the devs are Spanish Catholics, they are celebrating the weirdness of their unique brand of religion
Imagine being an atheist in 2019.
The picture you posted screams Black more than gay
Also wasn't Francis Bacon gay?
>game inspired by some country's folklore
>not dubbed to their language
as a dub autist it triggers me
to be fair, trinitarianism is catholic bullshit. there’s sects of christianity called unitarians that don’t believe Jesus was God; the original christians were unitarians, and also they didn’t believe in eternal torment, another catholic addition to scare people into belief. before the catholics ruined everything, the two most popular beliefs were annihilationism, which said that sinners are destroyed forever, not tormented, and universalism, which states that the lake of fire is a purifying fire that “fixes” sinners. all the verses supporting eternal suffering are actually deliberate latin mistranslations
I like the imagery
sorry id rather not be a disgusting hylic
Those are natives
>"e-everyone I don't like is a gay tranny!"
Because gays don't adhere to archaic social stigmas originating from religious beliefs about sex like straight people do. Besides, what does any of that matter when most of them are still keeping their sex in private quarters like the rest of the world? Pride Week is literally the only time the sex aspect leaks out into public view for the vast majority of them.
Natives weren't gays tho
>Spanish Catholics
What is this OC catholic shit.
Do you mean Roman?
Bibleman was kino. The bibleman actor would get almost blackout drunk when he acted his parts.
Judaism is a perversion of Christianity.
Christianity has existed since God created the universe - It's the first religion, but it's also the only true religion.
That's because it's exactly true. Christianity IS evil. That's because any Abrahamic religion is evil. Why? Because it's all Jewish. Jewish religion is evil. Doesn't matter if it's ancient jews or modern jews, jews are jews, and thus evil.
Any religion that worships kikes should be outlawed. Wake up and realize that Christfaggotry exists only to degenerate the white man and make him abandon his ancestral ways through communist teachings about being beta and meek and letting Tyrone rape your wife because "everyone's equal under Jesus" and you should "turn the other cheek" and "give up everything you own."
This game is based and redpilled for exposing kike worship for what it is. Degenerate and filthy.
Are you mr. A Lot of People?
the only true religion is mormonism, i.e. white paganism
People target Christianity because they are low-hanging fruit, and there are generally little to no repercussions for doing so. The other big two religions are also low-hanging fruit, but you'll either get bombed or litigated to death for making fun of them.
Most of Christfaggotry is Torah Judaism with Paganism pumped into it so it appeals more to Europeans. Enjoy your jewish brainwashing.
I feel like the only argument that it's anti-religion is the audience's distaste for how zealously religious the presentation is. It's basically the Bad-End version of the Rapture.
Antagonizing people for actions they did not take part in, perpetrated by members of their group identity in the past, is a great way to make people actually hate you.
Remember when the anti religion movement became cringe so they pivoted to being anti sjw?
Whats funny is that some of them did a complete 180 and now they are unironically supporting christianism.
That was literally his point. Leftists don't go after muslims because they know they'd be beaten or killed. They only attack Christians because they're cowards that don't fight back.
Lets not be racist user.
>The other big two religions are also low-hanging fruit, but you'll either get bombed or litigated to death for making fun of them.
Or in some cases like texas, its illegal to make fun of them.
not even a descartes quote lmao
>we’re smarter than those old stupid archaic christians!
>*dies from AIDs*
Daily reminder the first Jesuit was a racial Jew.
Daily reminder John Calvin's actual name was Cohen and he was a racial Jew.
Daily reminder the first Pope was Jewish.
Daily reminder Jesus was racially Jewish and lived his entire life as a Jew.
Daily reminder Paul of Tarsus was a Jew.
Daily reminder Jews are reptillians who are trying to conquer the world and Jewish religion is mass brainwashing.
Catholicism pretty much is evil since it comes with a systematic problem which creates pedophiles within its ranks.
Christianity only becomes a force of good when focus is put on Christ's personality and example alone, while ignoring all the other Abrahamic Jewshittery and the dogshit of the Apostles' interpretations half of which are submersed in corruption and dumbshittery.
Point being, Christianity is damn good so long as you focus on the example of Christ alone, and focusing on Christ alone is in essence the purest and most authentic way to be Christian (ergo the fucking name of the branch).
The problems only arise from the Apostles and after Rome started massacring Christians and nu-Christians decided they need to blow loopholes into their own religion for survival (which fucked them up more long-term).
The downstream descendants of Haplogroup IJK include the major haplogroups I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T. in other words, the 12 Tribes of Israel. who did they descend from? who is the protojew?
I'm Catholic and Blasphemous is pretty cool since not many people are familiar with Spain's Catholic traditions.
So this is the new blasphemous thread now?
I'm enjoying my time with it still. What I think is one of the coolest parts of the lore is you have all these splinter groups running around (The Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage, Tirso's group, the guys you donate the bones to, the Blacksmith who made the Jondo bell).
Everyone has their own way they're reacting to The Miracle (possibly through the way they've been acted upon by The Miracle as well.
It's much more interesting than just having it all be DA CHURCH (tm).
I mean DA CHURCH is in the game, it's the Mothers of Mothers (I think I'm only at 75% completion). But you get the idea.